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Pellet pyrolysis boiler. Which European pellet boilers are best to choose? Recommendations for the use of PELLET boiler systems in heating systems

Various new products are offered on the solid fuel boiler market; not so long ago, varieties appeared - pellet and pyrolysis. They differ from each other technically, but have one thing in common - an increased price. What is this money for, what additional benefits can you get by paying a higher price for these boilers?

What is a pellet boiler?

Pellet boiler is an automated solid fuel boiler. It can work without maintenance for a week or even more in automatic mode. The frequency of maintenance depends mainly on the capacity of the fuel tank, which can be selected. Usually it is chosen so that the pellet boiler needs to be loaded no more than once a week. This is comfortable compared to conventional solid fuel.

Pellet boilers, although technically complex, are now considered reliable, with no widespread breakdowns observed. But complexity and automation entail disadvantages - you can’t service it yourself, you also need to pay a service department for periodic inspection and repairs, sometimes they break down, and repairs cost a pretty penny, and winter downtime occurs...

The same organizations that sell these boilers sell pellets. They accompany their products with fuel.

Is it profitable to use

The cost of a kilogram of pellets is 8 rubles. The energy obtained per kilogram of pellets is 5 kW. But taking into account the boiler efficiency of 80% - 5x0.8 = 4 kW. Consequently, 1 kilowatt of energy will cost 2 rubles. And this is at least 1.5 times more expensive than firewood, 1.7 times more expensive than coal (for most regions, but not all), and moreover, more expensive than the nightly electricity tariff - 1. 7 rubles/kWh.

That is, heating with pellets is simply not profitable. But comfortable. It is more convenient than heating a conventional solid fuel boiler, which needs to be serviced at least once a day, and often, if the boiler is not powerful and is not equipped with an accompanying electric boiler and (or) a heat accumulator, then several times a day.

Why do we pay a high price - first we buy an expensive automated pellet boiler, then expensive fuel constantly. Naturally, we pay for comfort.

A pellet boiler should be used if residents, firstly, are willing to overpay for comfort, but, of course, there is no main gas. And secondly, when the house is large (300 square meters or more) and heating it with wood and coal is simply tiresome, but with the daily electricity tariff it turns out a big difference in favor of pellets.

In general, when you need more power for big houses, then pellets acquire, although not economic, but practical meaning.

What are the features of pyrolysis boilers

Pyrolysis boilers can also be called gas-generating boilers, since they generate gas from wood using high temperature, which is then burned.

Manufacturers praise pyrolysis units and advertise them in every possible way, while stating the following:

  • You can (and sometimes they say you should!) burn with wet wood with a humidity of 50%.
  • The fuel burns completely, leaving no ash.
  • The efficiency reaches 89 percent, which is 10 percent more than a conventional boiler.
  • Duration of operation on one load – a day or more – lengthens the burning time.

Firewood must be dry

Pyrolysis begins on dry wood with a moisture content of no more than 20 percent. Those. put wet firewood in this boiler, the same as in a regular one, as in a fire - up to 50% of the combustion energy is spent on drying the moisture.

Water does not burn, does not decompose into hydrogen and oxygen, it evaporates and takes the lion's share of the power.

Firewood should be placed in the firebox as dry as possible. And they should dry for a long time under a canopy, then, perhaps, in the boiler room near the boiler, over the radiators, if possible, for a week or two. Then the power will be spent not on evaporating water, but on heating the coolant.


Firewood cannot burn completely; ash content is its physical property; it will be present in any method of burning it. And there is no ash left in the boiler because the fan is running, and light wood ash is carried away in a stream into the sky, and then settles on the heads of users. The area next to such a boiler is simply sprinkled with ash.


High efficiency? Perhaps the heat exchanger of this boiler allows you to get the most out of what firewood can provide, but it works under the influence of a fan. There is constant purging of the chambers where the wood is heated and where the released gas is burned. And ventilation consumes electricity 50 - 100 W per hour.

You must pay for it at a daily rate. And this directly affects the profitability of this boiler. In addition, the heat of the exhaust gases given in the characteristics of 150 -200 degrees directly indicates that the boiler does not develop an efficiency of 90 percent.


The operating time of any boiler is determined simply by the amount of firewood loaded at the same time.
In the same way, you can make a conventional solid fuel boiler work for a long time, but it is powerful, with a large combustion chamber. There you can arrange the same pyrolysis, only using natural draft on a high chimney, stuffing more firewood into the firebox, and closing the air supply so that the wood smolders.

But at the same time, a regular boiler can be started at full power at any time when required, and instantly heat water for bathing or raise the temperature in the house.

Other problems of pyrolysis boilers

But manufacturers are silent about the main problem associated with pyrolysis boilers, so much so that the buyer finds out about it after purchase.

Heat pyrolysis boilers coniferous species not recommended - sticky deposits may form on the firewood chamber. Birch too - not best view firewood, as there is a lot of tar in it, and it begins to flow wherever it is not needed. Those. You also need to select firewood, but this is not easy, it can make their purchase more expensive.

also in pyrolysis boilers heat exchangers are sensitive to cold return flow and temperature changes in the system; some manufacturers directly require the installation of a heat storage tank in conjunction with the boiler in their instructions.

And this significantly increases the cost of the purchase itself. And it negates the whole idea of ​​this unit - long-term combustion. With a heat accumulator, any ordinary boiler will become “long lasting”.

So the result is that it is difficult to find the advantages of a pyrolysis boiler compared to a traditional one, while an average pyrolysis boiler in quality will be 3 times more expensive than an average one of a conventional design of similar power.

And if we add the complexity of the device and the possibility of breakdowns, noise and selectivity of firewood, then it is not possible to recommend a pyrolysis boiler for any conditions.

For many owners country houses one of the main tasks is to reduce the costs of their maintenance. This is especially true for those buildings where sewerage, heating and water supply systems operate autonomously. In the heating system, installing a solid fuel pellet boiler helps reduce the cost of providing the home with the necessary amount of heat.

Such boilers appeared relatively recently, but have already managed to occupy their niche in the boiler equipment market. Consumers are attracted by the relatively low cost of pellet boilers, availability fuel material and ease of maintenance due to automation of the heating process. The fuel used is pellets, which are granules consisting of wood waste: pressed wood fragments, chips, shavings.

Design and operating principle

A pellet boiler consists of a fuel hopper, automation and burner. The pellets are delivered via an external auger to the pre-firebox, and from there they are fed via an internal auger to the burner nozzle. After granules hit the nozzle, automatic ignition and the supplied pellets are burned completely.

In terms of calorific value, burning 1 kg of pellets is comparable to half a liter of diesel fuel and amounts to 5 kW/hour. Compared to firewood, due to the high density of the granules, their combustion occurs much more more efficient and productive, excluding the possibility of spontaneous combustion. In addition, ash cleaning can be done much less frequently, reducing this process to once a week. When using pellets as fuel, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere are reduced, which leads to a reduction in the greenhouse effect.

Installation of a pellet boiler requires compliance some rules thanks to which it will be possible to avoid possible alterations during its operation:

  • it is more expedient to install the boiler in a separate room, for example, a basement or an extension;
  • the flooring in the boiler room should be made of ceramic tiles or concrete;
  • the room that will be used as a boiler room must have enough free space to allow repairs and maintenance of the boiler;
  • The room should be dry, well ventilated, with a constant temperature within +10 0 C.

An important indicator for any type of boiler equipment is its Efficiency. In order to understand the coefficient more clearly useful action pellet boiler, let's compare it with other equipment used for heating a house. Thus, the efficiency of wood is within 35%, of natural gas - 87.1%, electrical energy is 97%, and burned pellets range from 86% to 93%, depending on the model of the pellet boiler.

This material will help you make a solid fuel boiler:

Automatic control mode

Pellet granules are stored in free-standing bunker, which is connected to the combustion chamber. Automation allows you to set a weekly program for feeding pellets into the boiler. In addition, the automation will turn the burner on or off according to the established program, which allows you to save fuel consumption and maintain the set temperature regime depending on the time of day. Control can be done either using the remote control or using the buttons on the display.

A hopper with a volume of 200 to 300 liters provides continuous operation of the boiler for three days. For uninterrupted operation of an average-power boiler within 25 kW, the daily norm is 5 kg. You can install an external bunker, which will greatly increase the volume of pellet loading, thereby increasing the operating time of the boiler without your intervention. Responsible for the operation of the burner control system, granules are fed into the combustion chamber in small batches, which eliminates the possibility of overheating. If you need to turn off the boiler, then after pressing the function button, its operation will automatically stop after 5-10 minutes, which is required for complete combustion of the loaded batch of pellets.

Environmental Safety

Thanks to special design of pellet boilers, nothing threatens the ecology of your premises. In them, the circuit through which air is supplied for complete combustion of the fuel is located separately from the circuit through which the room is heated. Due to this design, there is no “ burnout» oxygen and therefore you will always feel comfortable. Some users additionally take air from the boiler room, thereby drying and ventilating it. In addition, to benefits pellet boiler include the following factors:

  • energy-saving and low-noise fan, is able to ensure uniform effective circulation of warm air;
  • low level electricity consumption, within 60 Watts, for operation of automation and fan;
  • small amount of ash and soot, compared to solid fuel wood boilers;
  • The boiler body does not heat up, therefore it is absolutely safe for animals and small children;
  • implementation automatic fuel loading from the bunker;
  • intelligent control system, timer and thermostat control and ensure continuous operation of the boiler depending on the set program.

Disadvantages of pellet boilers

Speaking about the advantages of this type of solid fuel boilers, it is worth mentioning their disadvantages.

  • despite the fact that pellets are made from wood waste, the unit of heat generated is will cost more when compared with boiler equipment that runs on wood;
  • storage of pellets is required in a dry room, since under the influence of humidity they begin to swell and fall apart, causing the augers to become clogged
  • for working offline on remote suburban areas you will need to purchase a generator and additional equipment, what can make purchasing a pellet boiler expensive;
  • granule consumption per month can be about 1 ton. Knowing the price of pellets in your region, it is not difficult to calculate how much heating will cost you country house in winter. As practice shows, your costs will be comparable to using electric boilers and will exceed costs if you use natural gas as fuel.

Today, the X-TEPLO portal presents its readers with an expert review of the updated line of pellet boilers popular in Russia, produced under the brand. The brand of these boilers has long won the trust of consumers in the market, so we don’t pass by and share our impressions of the updated PELLET series.

It is impossible to achieve revolutionary changes in pellet boiler technologies today, so all of them, which is logical, are concentrated around operating comfort, as well as aesthetic advantages. Pyrolysis Master went both ways.

The first thing the consumer notices is appearance, which has been dramatically improved thanks to the new design. According to our information, the manufacturer involved European experts in the field of industrial design in developing the design.

The second and more significant change was the new boiler automation. The updated controller in the new line of pellet burners “Pyrolysis Masters”, produced at a German plant in Poland, can now not only control the operation of the boiler, but also supports remote control through all modern communication channels, including room thermostat. Now the consumer can “command” the boiler via SMS messages, using a computer via the Internet, as well as directly from the bedroom by setting comfortable temperature air on the room thermostat.

Improvements have also been made to the burner device, which in boilers of this brand is one of the most unpretentious pellet burners on the market in relation to the quality of the fuel used. On the manufacturer’s website you can find a video of the burners in operation, after studying which you can be convinced of the omnivorous nature of this design. However, changes in boilers affected not only from the point of view of unpretentiousness. It's about durability.

We requested photos of the new burner, which show that all the “dry zones” of the steel surfaces of the burner have become 2 times thicker. For the consumer, this means one thing - the service life of the burner without replacing consumables will be the same as that of the boiler itself. This improvement, in our opinion, is key.

Burner operation example

For those who want to get more information about these boilers, we suggest moving down the article, where we will tell you more about model range and designs. It will be interesting, join us!

Model range of the PELLET series

A series of hot water boilers with burners for burning pellets of any quality, developed in 2015, includes 15 models, different in thermal power, but similar in design. The power range of all boilers presented in this series ranges from 15 to 500 kW, which allows them to be used for heating domestic, public and industrial buildings with a total area of ​​up to 5000 square meters. meters, and when installed in cascades, the heated area is not limited.

The design consists of the following main elements:

  • a steel boiler with a 5-pass heat exchanger - it should be noted that it is the only one on the market;
  • fuel bunker;
  • conveyor with two augers for feeding pellets into the firebox;
  • cast iron burner;
  • fan for air supply;
  • automatic and emergency safety devices.

As additional equipment, a chimney is required, the internal cross-section of which depends on the power of the equipment and the maximum possible amount of combustion products.

Purpose of the equipment

Steel heating boilers PELLET series are designed for heating coolant in heating systems with design operating temperature up to 90°C and pressure up to 2.0 kg/cm 2, as well as for cooking hot water through an indirect heating heat exchanger. The required boiler power is selected depending on the calculated heat losses of the building and the level of hot water consumption.

Types of fuel used

To obtain thermal energy, granulated pellets of any quality are used as the main type. Additional types may be small wood waste, sunflower husks, etc. The PELLET DUO series provides the ability to burn wood on the grates included in the delivery set.

Design Features

Specially developed for the PELLET series special design heat exchanger, which forms a 5-pass movement of hot flue gases inside the firebox. In this case, the cooled coolant from the return line enters from the rear at the bottom of the heat exchanger and passes upward along it, all the time moving towards the flue gases with a higher temperature.

Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve a significant reduction in the temperature of the flue gases and increase the efficiency to 92%. This indicator can be considered objective, because The heat transfer area is truly impressive.

According to the consumer, such a high efficiency means high savings in pellet consumption, and therefore your money on heating.

The body is made of high-quality boiler steel with a thickness of 6-8 mm and is characterized by high strength and durability. Thermal insulation it reliably retains heat inside the structure and eliminates unacceptable losses into the surrounding space. For convenient maintenance of the firebox and cleaning it from soot, service hatches and sufficient distances between the heat exchanger elements are provided.

Steel fuel hopper and pellet feeding device into the firebox

In the basic configuration, the volume of the bunker is selected in such a way as to ensure continuous operation of any model during the day at maximum load without adding pellets. However, it is possible to order a bunker with an increased volume, up to 10 thousand liters. Loading of granules is done through the upper hinged hatch.

Feeding into the firebox occurs using a mechanical device with two augers, which are located on axes of different heights. An air gap in the pellet supply channel to the burner brings the level fire safety up to 100%, excluding the possibility of flame penetration through the transport channel into the bunker with pellets.

The first upper auger takes the pellets from the fuel hopper and transfers them to the second auger below. The lower mechanism feeds the pellets directly to combustion. The operation of the augers is controlled separately and performed automatically.

The fuel tank can be installed on the right or left side of the boiler. This will provide more convenient access to the loading hatch in small boiler rooms.

Pyrolysis Master pellets use a retort burner horizontal type, made of heat-resistant cast iron. Its design and operational advantages include:

  1. automatic ignition using a heating element;
  2. mechanical removal of ash residue after fuel combustion;
  3. forced combustion air supply, which ensures complete combustion;
  4. long service life due to the use of heat-resistant materials of great thickness;
  5. possibility of efficient combustion various types granular and other crushed dry fuel.

The automated operation of the combustion air fan increases the pressure of the flue gases inside the firebox and improves the draft in the chimney.

Summarizing the above about the burner, it must be said that it is not unique in design and corresponds to many analogues used in popular brands of boilers in Europe. It is worth noting that similar device tray type for burning pellets and biomass is very practical among all the solutions offered on the market.

Automation and Security

Boilers of the PELLET series are equipped with automatic equipment produced by the Polish-German microelectronics plant, which produces almost all automatic equipment for boilers manufactured in Europe. Basic kit automatic control provides:

  • timely rotation of the augers to supply granules;
  • coolant temperature control;
  • regulation of the amount of combustion air supplied;
  • control of air temperature and required power level;
  • control of the heating system circulation pump;
  • regulation of hot water temperature in an indirect heating boiler or other indirect heat exchangers.

Additionally, each boiler in this series can be equipped with a control device via the Internet or sending SMS messages. If necessary, a room thermostat can be installed with the ability to regulate the temperature in the room. Safe operation is ensured by the installation safety valve reset and emergency thermostat.

Recommendations for the use of PELLET boiler systems in heating systems

Pellet boilers can be considered as alternative sources thermal energy, capable of providing cost-effective heat supply to replace the installed gas equipment. They are operated in completely autonomous mode or with parallel connection with already installed gas equipment. To use solid fuel devices, it is necessary to provide a separate fireproof and well-ventilated room.

Boilers Pyrolysis Master PELLET 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50

This group of boilers is designed to provide heat in heating systems of individual residential buildings with a total area of ​​up to 500 m2. The presence of a basic fuel bunker will ensure efficient combustion of pellets throughout the day without additional loading. At the customer's request, it is possible to equip it with a larger volume bunker, which will increase the time between periodic loadings.

To ensure normal operating conditions, two premises are required:

  • furnace or boiler room in which the boiler, fuel bunker, circulation pump and other necessary equipment;
  • fireproof ventilated warehouse for storing fuel reserves.

The chimney can be free-standing or built-in (attached) to building construction building.

The level of equipment automation allows you to operate the boiler with minimal human intervention. You just fall asleep in the fuel bunker required amount pellets, set the desired coolant temperature on the automatic controller and that’s it - the automation independently ignites the pellets, puts the boiler into operating mode and maintains the temperature you set. If you add pellets to the bunker in a timely manner, the process of autonomous operation of the boiler will last until the end of the heating season.

Boilers PELLET 60, 80, 100, 120 and 160

A group of boilers with a thermal power of 60-160 kW is intended for heating public, office, industrial, commercial and other buildings with a total area of ​​600-1600 m2.

Perhaps this is the most economical group of boilers, which for the commercial sector is a strong argument when choosing a boiler model. At high power, Pyrolysis Master boilers with high efficiency (92%) provide noticeable fuel savings, and in monetary terms this is 10-20% less than the cost of purchasing pellets. Not to mention the opportunity to purchase the cheapest ones - any will burn. It should be noted that fuel costs are approximate and taken in comparison with boilers that have a less developed heat exchanger.

Boilers PELLET 200, 250, 320, 400 and 500

This group of the most powerful boiler equipment with a capacity of 200-500 kW is intended for operation as part of heating systems for buildings with a total area of ​​2000 m2 and the ability to operate in cascades, which will allow heating any given area. Installation can only be carried out on the basis of agreed design solutions and by specialized installation organizations with the appropriate SRO approvals.

To store the necessary fuel reserves, a separate well-ventilated room should be provided. A solid fuel boiler installation can be placed in the same combustion chamber together with gas or other types of boilers. In this case, the use of a single group of circulation pumps is allowed.

Unlike gas equipment, pellet solid fuel boilers are allowed to be installed in rooms whose floor level is below ground level.

The operation of pellet plants of this capacity group involves organizing the transportation of pellets to an operational bunker through automated transport systems. The manufacturer is ready to offer large bunkers for main storage with screw conveyors into the operational bunker of the boiler.

Loading pellets into a complete fuel bunker can provide stable heating throughout the day at maximum load. At the request of the customer, the installation can be equipped with a hopper of increased volume up to 5000 or 10000 liters, which will significantly increase the pause time between periodic loadings.


A pellet boiler is a steel or cast iron unit that is used to heat rooms. Wood pellets (pellets) are used as a heating raw material for such equipment. Such stoves are an alternative to heating appliances operating on gas. From the article you will learn the main characteristics that they have pellet boilers: prices, power, etc.

In essence, such a device is a solid fuel stove that heats the room by processing pellets. What is a pellet? These are granules cylindrical made from wood waste (shavings, sawdust, bark). In some cases, such fuel is made from peat or straw. It has high environmental performance and does not cause an allergic reaction in people.

How much does pellet fuel cost? The price of these granules is determined depending on the quality and environmental indicators. Today, 1 kg of pellets can be purchased at prices ranging from 6.6 to 9.7 rubles. Accordingly, it is not difficult to make calculations and determine how much 1 ton of such raw materials will cost.

The main difference between pellet boilers and conventional solid fuel devices is the ability to fully automate the work process. Thus, pellet structures are able to function with minimal human intervention.

Helpful information! Fuel pellets can easily deteriorate in a room with high humidity levels, so they must be stored exclusively in a dry place.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pellet stove

Today, pellet units are the main competitors of gas heating equipment. Let's consider the advantages of using boilers operating on solid fuel pellets:

  • high efficiency (up to 97%);

  • the operation of such furnaces is completely safe due to their high environmental performance;
  • solid fuel water heaters of other types do not have such a burning duration;
  • they are unpretentious in maintenance and have a high level of automation;
  • have the ability to be equipped with remote sensors that determine temperature;
  • The pellet unit can be controlled remotely, via a GSM module or a mobile application.

Like any other device, the pellet machine also has some disadvantages. Let's look at them:

  • the cost per unit of heat released during the processing of compressed wood pellets is quite high;
  • For autonomous operation of the boiler in a remote area outside the city, it is necessary to purchase a generator and additional technical equipment.

The monthly cost of pellet raw materials is about 1 ton, which makes it easy to calculate the total cost of heating with such a solid fuel boiler. Forums on the Internet contain a lot of additional information about the features of use, as well as the pros and cons of such equipment.

Types of pellet boilers

First of all, today you can find two types of pellet boilers, depending on the fuel used:

  • actually pellet;
  • combined.

For the operation of the first units, exclusively granular raw materials are used. And combined models can operate both on pellets and on other fuels. For example, a very common option is a boiler that processes sawdust.

Another important point– gas burner design. Depending on the type of this element, the following types of furnaces are distinguished:

  • flare;
  • retort.

Helpful information! Retort burners are used in units that operate by processing only pellets, and flare burners are used in combined designs.

It is also worth noting that the supply of fuel raw materials to the bunker may be different. Depending on this, the following types of boilers are distinguished:

  • automatic;
  • partially automatic or semi-automatic;
  • mechanical.

Operation of pellet boilers with automatic feeding regulated by programming the boilers by specialists. In the second case, the oven requires manual adjustment. Mechanical feeding involves manual delivery of pellets into the hopper of the heating unit.

Features of the pellet stove device

The unit, operating on fuel pellets, includes three main sections:

  • furnace;
  • convective;
  • ash pit.

Furnace department. It is represented by a chamber in which solid fuel pellets are burned. Equipped with a torch or retor gas burner and has two doors (inspection and cleaning).

Convective department. Has a built-in heat exchanger. Depending on the location, there are three types of heat exchangers: vertical, horizontal, and combined. In this department, the coolant (water) is heated with hot air, which is released during the processing of fuel pellets. The design of the heat exchanger can be either tubular or plate.

Pellet boilers are in most cases used only for heating purposes and have one circuit. However, there are units on the market with two circuits: heating and water heating.

Ash pit. This section of the furnace is necessary to collect waste that is generated during the processing of pellets. After this, they are removed through the cleaning door.

The above structural elements pellet solid fuel boiler

represent its main part. But for the stove to operate, another important component is needed, namely: the APT attachment (automatic fuel supply).

Let's look at what devices are included in the APT set-top box:

  • bunker;
  • screw;
  • fan.

A bunker is a metal container into which fuel is poured for processing. From this container, fuel flows in parts into the combustion section. Depending on the location, there are two types of bunkers: internal (built-in) and external. The auger is an important element of the APT and is necessary for portion feeding of pellets. It is driven by special device– gearbox.

Note! The fan is needed so that in the absence of natural draft the fuel does not stop burning.

The pellet stove also includes a control panel. It is necessary in order to set the parameters of the solid fuel processing process and maintain the required temperature.

Pellet boilers Kiturami: specifications

The Kiturami company produces stoves that operate on solid granules in South Korea. To date, the most popular model of this campaign is the Kiturami KRP 20-A Premium.

Among positive qualities Premium brand pellet boilers, first of all, it is worth noting the high level of efficiency, which reaches 94%. The burner in such devices is controlled electronically. They also have a modified version of the bunker.

Kiturami Premium 20-A is characterized by high fire resistance and has special protection against overheating. Such a boiler is controlled remotely (using a remote control).

Let's look at the main technical features of this unit:

  • device power is 24 kW;
  • weight – 310 kg;
  • the bunker has a capacity of 160 kg;
  • the area that such a boiler can heat is 300 m²;
  • pellet consumption rate – 5.5 kg/h.

The KRP 20-A Premium model has a dual-circuit design and is used for heating and water heating. The South Korean manufacturer provides a 2-year warranty on its products. The approximate price of a pellet boiler of this type is 210,000 rubles.

Features of pellet stoves OPOP BIOPEL

Units of this brand are manufactured in the Czech Republic and are of high quality. Such boilers are made of steel, which has good heat resistance. The power of devices from OPOP BIOPEL ranges from 10 to 200 kW (depending on the oven model). This range allows you to choose a device for both domestic needs and for heating small industrial premises.

Products from OPOP BIOPEL are equipped with large built-in containers for pellets. Heat exchangers in such devices are located in vertical plane, which allows you to increase the efficiency of a pellet boiler with automatic feed up to 92%.

Helpful information! Separately, it is worth mentioning that OPOP BIOPEL products are equipped with a turbulization system. It allows you to stabilize the draft and the process of converting solid raw materials into heat.

If necessary, such a furnace can be controlled via the Internet. Let's consider additional functions heating equipment OPOP BIOPEL:

  • self-cleaning system of the heat exchanger or burner;
  • ash removal system.

Related article:

Advantages and disadvantages of water heating from a wood-burning stove. Features of solid fuel, gas, electric units: description and prices.

Boilers that have additional self-cleaning capabilities do not need to be cleaned once a month, like conventional units. Manual cleaning of a device equipped with a self-cleaning system is required no more than once during the entire heating season.

Boilers from the companyWirbel– versatility and ease of installation

The Wirbel company is located in Austria and produces automatic pellet boilers. The products of this manufacturer are of high quality and easy to install. Wirbel EKO-CK PELLET-SET stoves are universal and include an integrated pellet burner.

The body of such a unit is made of heat-resistant steel, the thickness of which is 5 mm. The container for fuel pellets can be installed on either side of the boiler. The standard equipment of the stove includes the following functions: automatic ignition, supply of pellets to the combustion chamber. However, if necessary, the unit can also operate in manual mode.

Monitoring the operation of solid fuel heating device carried out through a special remote control. Cleaning of Wirbel EKO-CK PELLET-SET models is a necessary measure and is carried out at least once a week.

Boilers from the companyGrandegwith increased fire safety

The Latvian company Grandeg produces convenient and reliable stoves operating on solid granules. The main advantage of a pellet heating boiler from Grandeg is its high fire resistance.

The device body is made of durable, heat-resistant steel. The firebox of such a unit has a sluice valve, the function of which is to protect the bunker from flames. The bunker itself can be mounted on either one or the other side of the boiler body.

Not only pellets, but also firewood and briquettes are used as fuel for such devices. The operational life of the Grandeg stove can reach 20 years (with normal use). The cost of devices depends on their power and additional technical equipment.

Pellet boilers "Zota" (Zota)

The domestic company Zota offers wide choose pellet boilers of different power. One of the most popular units of this company is the Zota Pellet-15A pellet boilers. This model has many advantages that are worth paying attention to.

The ignition of pellets in the fuel compartment of such a unit is fully automated. The technical equipment of the boiler includes special temperature sensors that can be installed indoors or outdoors. The pellet heating boiler of this model is controlled remotely.

Helpful information! Zota Pellet-15A is a combined model and can operate not only on pellets, but also on other types of fuel.

Let's look at the main specifications stoves Zota Pellet-15A:

  • power indicator is 15 kW;
  • weight – 318 kg;

  • the fuel tank has a fairly high capacity (293 l);
  • heating area is 150 m²;
  • pellet consumption: 3–4 kg/h.

Zota Pellet models operate on granular fuel and are highly environmentally friendly. The operation of such equipment can be monitored remotely (via GSM).

Pellet boilers from the company "Teplodar"

The Teplodar company is located in Russia and produces boiler equipment of various configurations. Pellet boilers "Kupper" have the lowest cost among all domestic models. Despite the fact that the price of these units is the lowest, they are all equipped with equipment for automatic delivery of granular fuel. In addition, these ovens have automatic ignition.

The main difference between Teplodar-Kupper pellet boilers and units produced by other manufacturers is that they have an integrated tubular electric heater (TEN). It can function separately from the burner or simultaneously with it. High level automation makes these products attractive to domestic consumers.

The most popular model today is the Teplodar-Kupper OK-15 device. The fuel used for this model is pellets made from wood and household waste. Such units are considered optimal boilers on pellets. Reviews of devices of this brand can be found on specialized forums on the Internet.

Features of pellet stoves from the Svetlobor company

The Svetlobor company is a domestic manufacturer and produces units whose power ranges from 16 to 170 kW. The level of automation of this product is in no way inferior to foreign analogues. Let's look at the main functions of boilers from the Svetlobor company:

  • automatic delivery of granulated raw materials to the fuel compartment;
  • auto ignition;
  • self-cleaning.

The unit from the Svetlobor company is controlled using a special controller, which is equipped with a touch screen. And also in the basic configuration, this product has a weather-compensating control system. Loading of pellets into the fuel compartment is carried out using pneumatic feed.

"Obschemash" pellet boilers: prices and characteristics

The manufacturer of boiler equipment, Obshchemash, is located in Russia and today produces two main lines of pellet stoves: Valdai and Peresvet. Both of these lines are distinguished by a high level of automation and reasonable cost.

Helpful information! Valdai ovens are produced with different powers (from 15 to 200 kW). Such units are used to organize heating in residential buildings or small industries.

Let's look at the main functions that are built into this equipment:

  • auto ignition;
  • automatic delivery of granulated fuel;
  • self-cleaning;
  • controller.

If necessary, the operation of the Valdai kiln can be monitored via GSM. Peresvet boiler equipment has several differences from Valdai, including:

  • possibility of control via the Internet;

  • larger hopper;
  • work not only on pellets, but also on other types of fuel (for example, firewood).

Prices for pellet stoves from the Obshchemash company start from 150,000 rubles. At the same time, as a rule, Valdai devices cost about 10,000 rubles more than Peresvet.

Stoves that operate on pellets can be purchased at a specialized store or ordered online. The modern boiler market offers a huge selection of different models, both domestic and foreign. Before purchasing this unit, experts recommend paying attention to the following parameters:

  • power;
  • heat exchanger type;
  • number of circuits;
  • bunker volume;
  • fuel supply;
  • additional functions.

Depending on the power of the pellet unit, they are divided into household and industrial. Models used for heating residential buildings may have different power(starting from 15 kW). The power is calculated as follows: heating 1 m² requires at least 1 kW of electricity. The efficiency of various models of pellet boilers ranges from 85 to 97%. There is a direct dependence of this indicator on the quality of granulated fuel.

The heat exchangers that pellet stoves are equipped with can be of two types:

  • cast iron;
  • steel.

Cast iron is different long term shelf life, as well as resistance to overheating. One of the disadvantages of a cast iron device is that it has a fairly large mass and weak resistance to impacts. In its turn, steel models more durable, however, have a shorter service life.

Today, only a small number of models from the entire range of boilers are equipped with hot water supply (DHW) circuits. To heat water that will be used for domestic needs, some structures are modernized with their own hands. Pellet boilers, after improvement, include additional storage tanks.

The volume of the bunker is an individual indicator, which depends on the characteristics of the use of the boiler and the needs of the consumer. Delivery of pellets to the fuel compartment can be done in two ways:

  • using a screw;
  • vacuum supply.

Vacuum feeding is more efficient and has a low noise level.

Additional functions are needed to increase the efficiency of using the boiler, as well as for convenience. These include:

  • GSM module;
  • automatic ignition;
  • self-cleaning;
  • temperature sensors.

The self-cleaning system is very popular, as it requires minimal human intervention. A boiler with such a system must be checked no more than once a month.

Note! The average cost of pellets is 8,000 rubles per 1 ton. Biofuel costs are determined taking into account the individual operational characteristics of the equipment and the needs of the owners.

Before purchasing this unit, experts recommend studying reviews on the Internet. Pellet boilers of the same model can be produced in different configurations, which also needs to be remembered before purchasing.

Review of prices for pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply

Foreign manufacturers of pellet stoves produce high-quality products. The cost of the most budget models from the Austrian company Wirbel is 110,000 rubles. South Korean, Czech and Latvian boiler models are more expensive.

Prices for foreign brands of pellet boilers:

Brand name Manufacturer country Price in rubles
Kiturami South Korea 210 000–265 000
OPOP BIOPEL Czech 240 000–1 500 000
Wirbel Austria 110 000–400 000
Grandeg Latvia 200 000–1 400 000

Products from domestic manufacturers are usually 2 times cheaper. The most expensive foreign models will cost buyers 1,500,000 rubles, while stoves from Russian companies rarely exceed the price of 750,000 rubles. The cheapest models are produced by the Teplodar brand. The price of Cooper automatic pellet boilers in the basic configuration is approximately 80,000 rubles.

Prices for domestic brands of pellet boilers:

For people who live in areas without centralized system gas supply, solid fuel pellet boilers are a good alternative. They are able to satisfy all the household needs of residents of a private house. A high level of automation, high power and productivity make such furnaces very popular and in demand among consumers.

Based on the type of fuel used, solid fuel boilers can be divided into wood burning(mainly intended for working with wood, wood waste, wood briquettes), pellet(using pressed wood waste pellets) and universal, for which the main fuel is coal, but you can also load firewood, wood briquettes and peat briquettes.

In addition, separate models of solid fuel top combustion devices, in which any of the listed types can be burned solid fuel. Such boilers are equipped with three types of air distribution nozzles on a telescopic pipe for supplying air to the combustion zone for three groups of fuel (coal, firewood/briquettes, pellets), as well as a spark deflector to maintain more efficient combustion. Modern models equipped with a programmer that facilitates control of the combustion process. Naturally, similar models are more expensive than traditional devices.

Read also: Principles for selecting and installing a gas boiler

When using a solid fuel boiler, it is important strictly adhere to fuel requirements For specific model. For example, if the device is intended for burning wood, then it is necessary to use hard non-coniferous logs with a moisture content of up to 20%. Application of wood with high humidity leads to underheating of the coolant during operation, to a reduction in the service life of the boiler as a whole, as well as to an increase in the amount of soot and condensate in the smoke, which causes faster clogging of the chimney. If we are talking about pellets, then their moisture content should not exceed 10%.

Average fuel consumption when using a solid fuel boiler in a cottage with an area of ​​100-200 m² it will be about 3-5 kg/h. If you use a storage container, you will need approximately 12-15 kg per day (in the coldest time - up to 20 kg).

Combustion chamber type

IN standard solid fuel boiler a fuel combustion process occurs, which is similar in principle to the operation of a conventional stove, where combustion is ensured by the natural flow of air. In this case, the resulting energy is spent on heating the coolant, distributed through the pipes leading to the radiators. In some cases, the boiler may be equipped with a fan to create additional draft, which increases combustion efficiency. The maximum operating time on one load of fuel in standard solid fuel boilers is 6-8 hours, so you will have to add fuel to the combustion chamber several times a day.

Unlike traditional pyrolysis solid fuel devices The chamber is divided into two parts. In one of them, called the gasification or loading chamber, fuel slowly burns at high temperature and lack of oxygen. As a result, wood gas is released, which burns out in the second chamber (combustion chamber) located below. With such combustion, almost no soot is formed and minimal amount ash. Wood gas burns with a very clean flame of yellow or almost white. These devices have greater efficiency (up to 85%) and allow automatic power control. The maximum combustion time of one load here is 8-12 hours, which, combined with a heat accumulator, allows you to reduce the frequency of fuel loading to 1-2 times a day. The disadvantages include not only the higher price compared to traditional solid fuel boilers, but also the need to use only dry firewood.

Read also: Boiler from an outlet. Electric heating is an effective alternative to gas

Boilers that allow minimizing the number of loads imply top combustion. This occurs due to the fact that air is supplied to the high vertical combustion chamber using a telescopic pipe at the top of the chamber. At the end of the pipe there is a distributor, which can have different shapes for different types fuel. Under the influence of gravity during fuel combustion, the distributor moves down, providing constant influx air. In this case, the flame source gradually moves from top to bottom, thereby reducing the metal fatigue factor and extending the service life of the device. When using top-burning boilers, fuel is loaded every 12-70 hours. The duration of combustion here increases both due to the large capacity of the loading firebox, and due to the fact that not the entire volume of fuel burns, but only the upper 15-20 cm - the rest dries out and waits its turn.

Pellet solid fuel boilers usually represent a system of three components: the boiler itself with a burner, a screw feeder and a separate hopper with pellets. A burner for burning pellets is installed on the boiler body, which is located in the combustion chamber and to which fuel is supplied by an external screw. The operation of the auger is controlled by a photosensor built into the burner, which monitors the filling of the hopper with granules. After filling, the external auger turns off, and the internal one transports the fuel to the combustion grate, where it is ignited using an electric spiral. A fan is installed under the burner to supply air to the combustion zone. The operation process of the unit is automated and controlled using a control panel, on which the necessary settings are set, including the required temperature, the daily cycle of the boiler, its switching on and off. For safe work there is an automatic valve that breaks electrical circuit when the equipment overheats. Pellet boilers are easy to use; loading frequency depends on the size of the bunker and in most cases is done once every few days.