Water pipes      03/03/2020

What are the best radiators for an apartment? How to choose heating radiators depending on the heating system and basic parameters. Advantages of steel models

When you are going to buy heating radiators, you need to prepare in advance. The desire to purchase devices is not enough. Need to study specifications and radiator parameters to find out which heating radiators are best - specifically for your heating system.

You can compare completely identical battery models in appearance, but in terms of heat transfer and power, they can differ noticeably. Here everything will depend on the material of the radiator and its design features, internal battery capacity, method of connecting them. That is why, when you choose which heating batteries are best, you need to prepare and have some knowledge.

What are the requirements for installing radiators?

If you believe standard calculations, the consumption is 90-125 W per 1 sq.m of room that is heated. In this case, the presence in the room of a window, a door, a ceiling height of no more than 3 meters, and a coolant temperature of 70 degrees Celsius are also taken into account.

If such standards are violated, for example, the ceiling height is higher, then the power of the radiators should be increased by the same amount. And if you have double-glazed windows, then they have low heat transfer; accordingly, as reviews show, the power can be reduced by 10 percent.

If the coolant temperature drops, this will require increasing the power of the batteries, or the number of sections can be increased. Every time the temperature drops by 10 degrees, this is compensated by increasing power by 15-18%.

When calculations are carried out, no matter what best radiators heating system, it is imperative to take into account the design features of your heating system. And if the coolant is supplied through the lower hole, and the return flow is through the upper, then in this case each radiator will not provide up to 10 percent of its power. If the coolant is supplied only from one side, then installing more than 10 sections will be pointless - after all, the last sections will heat rather weakly.

Comparison of heating batteries

First of all, we note that answering the question of which heating batteries are better is quite difficult without having special knowledge. Note the panel steel radiators. Such heating devices are highly efficient - their operating pressure is 9 atmospheres, they can withstand 13 atmospheres of pressure testing. As the rating of heating radiators shows, they are in great demand when an individual heating system is installed and when multi-storey buildings have their own heating point.

Such quality radiators heating systems are made of steel sheets with special recesses for the passage of coolant, and to increase the heat transfer of devices - by reverse side protruding ribs are welded, which will further increase the convection air flow. Radiators are made of low-carbon steel, which has increased corrosion resistance. They are coated with powder enamel.

The next type we will look at is cast iron radiators. Of course, this option will not answer the question of what are the best heating radiators.

Cast iron batteries are a classic that Soviet consumers previously used for lack of anything else.

These are really high-quality products, the main advantage of which is cast iron. This material has excellent thermal conductivity and is resistant to any coolant. The proportion of radiation flux includes 70% heat and 30% convective - this will warm the lower and upper zones of the room. It is worth noting that the service life of a cast iron radiator can be up to 50 years. Today, such radiators can be purchased relatively cheaply; they are available on the market different models, as seen in the photo.

Cast iron radiators

In a superficial comparison aluminum radiators will seem lighter and more elegant to you. But then you will find out that these best heating batteries also have improved heat dissipation. Such radiators are produced by casting or extrusion. Each section has collectors, as well as a connecting vertical channel, ribs to accelerate air flow and remove heat from the plane, which is why the heat in the room will be optimally distributed.

Such radiators are assembled with steel nipples, and special gaskets made of waterproof material are placed between the sections. There are fins on the front surface, this forms a continuous surface, as well as air outlet windows on top. The thermal power of such radiators must be selected by selecting the required number of sections, as well as their height. You can simply assemble a radiator with the required height and length to fit well into architectural features your premises.

As for the disadvantages of this type of battery, these are high requirements for the chemical parameters of water. In addition, it contains heat exchangers, brass and copper fittings, connecting pipes made of steel - all this increases the corrosion process. And the more copper there is, the stronger this process will be. To mitigate this drawback, manufacturers use alloys that will protect the batteries from the inside.

As experts note, bimetallic radiators are the most efficient heating batteries.

Steel channels that conduct coolant will ensure the strength of the entire structure. They are also covered with aluminum fins, so water only comes into contact with the metal. There are several different options performance of such batteries. They can be made by covering a steel frame with aluminum - this way, water will only come into contact with the steel. Vertical channels can also be reinforced with steel so that their thickness can withstand high pressure.

The best bimetallic heating batteries can transfer high pressure and long-term load, they are resistant to hydraulic shocks and have high level heat transfer. The working pressure is 35 atmospheres, and the pressure test is almost 52. And due to the fact that the container bimetallic sections will be less than aluminum, this has a positive effect on thermal inertia. As the test shows, heating radiators are the most efficient and reliable in multi-storey buildings. After assembly, these best heating radiators are painted with powder enamel, and to cure they are heated and kept at 180 degrees Celsius. With a maximum coolant temperature of 110 degrees, this will be enough.

We suggest studying the comparison of heating radiators; the table (Table 1) will show all the strongest and weak sides various types radiators.

After all, the question is what better radiators heating, can be relevant for quite a long time, and only a specialist who is familiar with your heating system can answer it fully correctly.

More details about the choice of bimetallic heating radiators in the material -

Not only the efficiency of the heating system, but also its durability depends on the choice of suitable batteries. Therefore, this step is very important and special attention is given to it. You also need to take into account that heating in apartment buildings most often centralized, which means that the batteries will be subject to various hazards, such as water hammer. Which heating radiators are best for an apartment? Our detailed review, in which we will look at the radiators available on the market and find out which ones are suitable for residential installation.

Features of centralized heating systems

Scheme of central heating in apartment buildings.

Heating a multi-storey building requires the construction of a large boiler room, where a powerful gas boiler is installed. From here, thick pipes are sent to the house, through which the coolant moves. And the higher the multi-story building, the higher the pressure of the coolant, since it needs to rise to a greater height and pass through hundreds of radiators, overcoming high hydraulic resistance.

As for multi-storey buildings with individual apartment heating, then they are much less common. This is how houses with a height of 3-5 floors are built, where it is more profitable to create several autonomous heating systems than to build and maintain a common boiler room - this requires additional funds and additional human resources to maintain boiler equipment. But the pressure in autonomous systems is much lower - the batteries will be relatively safe.

As you may already understand, the main enemy of heating batteries in apartment buildings with a centralized heating system is high coolant pressure. Due to this, batteries often begin to leak, or even burst, when exposed to pressure from water. Subsequent repairs result not only in replacing the batteries themselves, but also in a complete renovation of the apartment (sometimes not your own, but the neighbor’s).

It must be remembered that the higher the building, the higher the pressure in the pipes. The highest figure is in modern houses up to 20-26 floors (and higher).

Centralized heating systems also pose other dangers:

Water hammer instantly increases the pressure in the heating system and not all radiators can withstand it.

  • Water hammer - they occur as a result of pressure changes. If boiler room employees open the coolant supply too abruptly, or shut it off just as abruptly, then the pipes and heating radiators in the houses will suffer a powerful blow. And many radiators, for example, aluminum ones, may not withstand such an impact and burst, flooding hot water rooms and household items;
  • Low quality coolant is another factor that negatively affects not only pipes, but also radiators. It often contains quite active chemical components that spoil the metal. Corrosion is also affected by fine mechanical impurities of different nature origin - they have no less negative impact on radiators and pipes;
  • Temperature changes - it cannot be said that they have a direct effect on heating equipment, but as the temperature rises, the pressure also increases. Therefore, some batteries simply cannot stand it and burst, since they are not designed for such temperature loads.

Which batteries are best to install in an apartment?

We already know what threatens radiators in centralized heating systems. This is high pressure and water hammer - the rest can be neglected (to some extent). How do you still choose heating radiators for an apartment and what are the requirements for them? Everything here is easy and simple, as will be described below.

Resistant to high pressure and water hammer

The best heating batteries for an apartment are those that can withstand high pressure. The higher the house, the higher the maximum possible pressure in the battery should be. You also need to remember about possible water hammer, so this figure is doubled. If we consider that the pressure in the heating systems of high-rise buildings reaches 15-16 atmospheres, then the batteries must withstand a maximum pressure of up to 32 atmospheres.

Corrosion resistance

Many radiator models are susceptible to corrosion. Electrical corrosion, which can occur at the junction of different metals, is especially dangerous.

The flow in the pipes of heating systems is far from pure water. There are also quite aggressive components used to clean pipes and radiators from traces of corrosion. Along with rust and scale, aggressive components also eat through metal. And if the same cast iron can still boast of durability, then aluminum is subject to destruction under such influence. Mechanical impurities require the use of thick-walled metal that is resistant to mechanical stress.

Design and brand

Which heating batteries are better for an apartment, and which ones are better for a home? In private homes, we are free to use any heating radiators, since there we are independently responsible for the absence of water hammer and for the quality of the coolant. Therefore, there we often use fairly cheap radiators, which do not require great endurance (especially if an open-type heating system is installed in the house).

Concerning apartment buildings, then you need to pay attention to the most durable batteries from leading brands. For example, these could be heating radiators from Kermi, Global or Fondital. Products from German manufacturers have the best quality, but here you need to be prepared for high costs. But such radiators can be used in heating batteries of any type - they are as reliable and durable as possible.

As for Chinese batteries, there is always a chance of running into trouble. For example, some manufacturers openly “cheat” by reducing the thickness of the metal. As a result, the batteries are thin and flimsy. Therefore, it is best to rely on European brands.

Modern models of cast iron radiators, made in an antique style.

Battery design plays a huge role. IN Lately Thin panel and sectional radiators have become the most popular. They have an attractive appearance and good efficiency - manufacturers do everything possible to combine high build quality, great design and high heat transfer. An interesting fact is that cast iron batteries have begun to appear on the market again, but now they have a rather interesting retro design.

It is cast iron batteries that can withstand almost any trouble that they can create. heating systems. But this comes at the cost of their bulkiness and low efficiency.

High heat dissipation

Since we are talking about efficiency, then When choosing radiators, you need to pay attention to heat transfer. The higher this parameter, the warmer it will be in your apartment at the same coolant temperature. Some models of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators have heat output of up to 200 W or more per section. For old cast iron batteries, this figure is approximately one and a half times higher, but they are more reliable and durable.

Which radiators to choose for heating an apartment

Which heating radiators are best to choose for your apartment? Consumers can choose from cast iron, steel, aluminum and bimetallic radiators. Let's try to figure out how they differ from each other and which of them are best suited for apartment installation.

Cast iron radiators

These are the oldest radiators on the heating equipment market. They are distinguished by their solid dimensions, as they are made of thick cast iron. Such radiators can withstand pressure changes, resist water hammer and high temperatures. They are also capable of working with aggressive coolant. Everything would be fine, but they are characterized by low heat transfer, which makes them somewhat unsuitable for use in cold regions.

Their disadvantages also include:

  • Inconvenient to install due to high weight;
  • Not very attractive external data;
  • Not suitable for use in high-rise buildings (above 5-9 floors).

Otherwise, these are good radiators, durable and strong. Recently, quite modern models have appeared on the market, with acceptable dimensions and decent appearance. And they can be installed in low-rise buildings, where they will serve for many years.

Steel radiators

Looking at modern steel panel radiators, you immediately begin to understand that high pressure They obviously won't last. And this is true, because thin metal is used here, which is not particularly durable. Steel radiators can be useful for heating small private houses or country estates, but they are not suitable for use in high-rise buildings.

The only exceptions are some models of steel radiators through which relatively thick pipes pass - their endurance is somewhat higher. They are often called tubular radiators. Today they are found in some buildings with a height of 9-16 floors.

Steel radiators have high heat transfer and heat rooms well. They are also very light and do not pose any difficulties during installation. An undoubted advantage is the small internal volume. But all these advantages become useless if you need to install these radiators in an apartment - in low-rise buildings they will still serve (the use of tubular models is required), but in high-rise buildings they will not withstand high pressure.

Aluminum radiators

Modern aluminum radiators are lightweight and have high heat output. And aluminum itself is a fairly strong metal. Radiators made from it are ready to withstand high coolant pressure, but there is no resistance to water hammer. An equally disadvantage is the lack of resistance to the effects of coolant - aggressive impurities literally corrode such radiators, leading to ruptures and leaks.

The appearance of aluminum radiators captivates with their magnificence - they are compact and neat, they are easy and pleasant to install, but the lack of resistance to water hammer and corrosion spoils everything. But they can become great solution for private households.

Sometimes it is allowed to use aluminum radiators in low-rise construction, where the coolant pressure is not as high as in high-rise buildings. They are also successfully used in apartments with individual heating.

Bimetallic radiators

If you don’t know which heating radiators are best to install in an apartment, then we recommend that you turn your attention to bimetallic models. Inside them we will find:

  • Steel base - it can withstand pressure up to 50 atmospheres and resists corrosion well;
  • The aluminum body, which is not in contact with the coolant, provides simply excellent heat transfer.

Bimetallic radiators are not afraid of water hammer and high pressure; they are easy to install and dismantle. They are also resistant to high temperatures and are lightweight, and thanks to the presence of effective corrosion protection, they can boast a long service life. Exactly bimetallic radiators are the best for installation in apartments, be it a small three-story building or a solid 26-story building.

Despite many advantages, bimetallic batteries have one disadvantage - their high cost. Therefore, the costs of purchasing them will be quite significant.

To make your living space cozy and warm, manufacturers household appliances offer modern radiators that transfer heat flow from the medium to environment. The return rate can reach 90%, it all depends on whether it is cast iron, steel, aluminum or bimetallic models. Experts have collected the best heating radiators of 2019 in each category and presented their technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for consideration. The most reliable and world-famous manufacturers of such devices and the primary criteria were also named the right choice models.

Buying a heating radiator (HR) for a home is a non-trivial task due to the huge variety of brands, manufacturers, product lines and new products constantly added to the market. In order not to get confused in all this, to begin with, experts analyzed the presented manufacturers from all over the world, assessed their products, reputation, stated guarantees and offers.

The following brands made the list of leaders:

  • Royal Thermo- a domestic manufacturer whose products are distinguished by Italian design. For several decades now, radiators of this brand have been supplied to the Russian and Eastern European markets, these are mainly bimetallic and aluminum models. Along with increased heat transfer, most products have low prices.
  • Rifarbest manufacturer RO Russia, according to buyers and experts, has been operating since 2002. Each model has good performance characteristics, and most importantly, is inexpensive. Many products come with a 10-year warranty, and bimetallic and aluminum models are in high demand.
  • Rommer– another leading manufacturer from Russia offering durable sectional radiators different types. All products comply with European quality standards, have high heat transfer, durability, resistance to clogging, and small dimensions.
  • Heating device is a domestic company developing modern, durable RO devices with an emphasis on impeccable design and quality, innovation and their implementation. Each unit of goods complies with GOST 31311, the main part of the products are aluminum and bimetallic devices. The brand has several of its own patented technologies.
  • Sira is an Italian brand with extensive experience in producing RO. Its products have been supplied to the Russian market since 1961. The main slogan of the company is the creation of long-term values, ideas, concepts and innovations. Assembly takes place in China, and each new unit offers improved performance.
  • Könner- a domestic manufacturer with a German name and Chinese production. All products have a service guarantee of 15 years and above. Könner is a modern design, high power, compact dimensions and weight.
  • RetrostyleRussian company, founded in 2011. Most of products are cast iron RO, distinguished by an antique design. Since the unesthetic appearance of cast iron appliances drove them out of the market, the company decided to focus on this parameter.
  • Exemet is a company from Russia, whose products began appearing on the market in 2013. These are mainly cast-iron retro models, stoves and fireplaces. The design department and several leading designers are responsible for the design. Before being released for sale, each unit undergoes hydraulic tests.
  • Global– the No. 1 brand worldwide in sales of bimetallic and aluminum heating systems. The activity has been carried out since 1971, all modern products are adapted to the harsh Russian winters and low temperatures. All products are protected by a 10-year warranty.
  • Lammin– Finnish manufacturer of aluminum and bimetallic heating devices of European quality. The batteries are available in 2 types - Eco and Premium, differing in technical parameters and prices. Differences from many other brands - anti-corrosion properties, high-tech painting, unique alloy, increased heat transfer.
  • Valfex is a Turkish brand with a dealer in Russia, creating heating devices only on the basis of modern technologies and innovations. During production, the high pressure casting method is used. The assortment is universal in its method of operation; before going on sale, each unit undergoes testing and certification.
  • Ogint- despite the fact that it is Russian brand, production is carried out in China. Most of the products belong to the budget series with low prices; the technical characteristics, properties and capabilities of each heating device are moderate.
  • Arbonia– a German company with a Russian representative office. The advantageous differences in comparison with competitors are the high quality of each device, design solution which will transform any interior, modern technologies and declared durability.
  • Kermi is a popular German brand with over 50 years of experience. Received the best ratings steel devices, profile and smooth panels for heating. The high price is justified by the brand’s impeccable reputation and guarantees of long service.
  • Buderus– one of the oldest brands produced by RO, the German brand was founded back in 1731. Here you can see the inherent German pedantry to the smallest details and quality. In the assortment today you can see classic and reinforced models; the latter have serious technical characteristics that hardly anyone can compare with.
  • Axis is a Russian company known on domestic market and in the countries of the former CIS with the production of heating boilers. The main activity today is aimed at the development and sale of steel radiators at low prices, in a light, unobtrusive design, with a long service life. Italian equipment of the latest generation is responsible for quality.
  • Lidea- an iron foundry in Belarus, which today supplies heating devices for export to the countries of the former CIS and Europe. Most modern goods are presented in the form panel radiators for residential and industrial premises, except those with an aggressive, humid environment. Their advantages are affordable prices, easy installation, good thermal conductivity, aesthetics.

Heating radiator rating

How were the best heating radiators of 2019 selected? In compiling the TOP list, experts assessed and compared those brands and models that are in greatest demand in the market and trusted by customers. In total, several dozen nominees were considered, after which the leaders were determined based on important technical criteria:

  • Execution– sectional, tubular, panel;
  • Housing material– cast iron, steel, aluminum, bimetal, copper;
  • Coolant– water, antifreeze;
  • Installation– floor-mounted, stationary method;
  • Operating pressure– up to 10 atmospheres, up to 20 and above;
  • Thermal power– heat transfer in relation to the area of ​​the room;
  • Dimensions– height, width, depth, weight.

The ratio of quality, appearance, and price of each nominee was taken into account. Reviews from those who have personally used this or that unit are also important when compiling the rating. They mention the ease of installation and maintenance of ROs, their resistance to corrosion and pollution, and the harmonious combination of design and interior.

The best bimetallic heating radiators

Bimetallic heating radiators for apartments are in great demand today, primarily due to their modern, laconic appearance. After analyzing several dozen popular products, bimetallic heating radiators made it to the TOP, which are better than competitors in that they have high strength and durability, since the production materials are a mixture of several metals. But due to this, some models will be much more expensive than their competitors.

You can see security markings on each device. The main difference from many competitors is the type of fins; it not only creates a special aesthetics, but also increases heat transfer by 5% by directing the flow warm air not towards the window, but into the room. Serves up to 18 sq. m. with a maximum power of 1750 W. One unit of product has 10 sections; before going on sale, the product is tested according to GOST.


  • Rust protection – 7 layers of paint;
  • Complete protection against water leakage;
  • Build quality;
  • Attractive design;
  • Long-term heat retention after shutdown.


  • High price compared to competitors;
  • Specific smell at the beginning of work.

If we consider the device in terms of weight and dimensions, it is the best representative in its class. With modest parameters, its efficiency is quite high. In addition, some craftsmen and specialists emphasize good resistance to water hammer up to 100 atmospheres.

Bimetallic side-mounted RO, ideal in all respects, as the manufacturer assures. The first thing it is good at is its ability to withstand high pressure. The second feature is the rapid increase in temperature after switching on, high heat transfer. The third point is devoted unique design and designs without sharp corners, streamlined shape will protect children from impacts and injuries. And a significant advantage is that the device is undemanding to the quality of the coolant, it can be oil, water, antifreeze. With a power of 2020 W, it will serve 20 sq. m. Optimal pressure– 100 atmospheres, at break – 250.


  • 25 years warranty from the manufacturer;
  • Structural strength;
  • Unique streamlined shape;
  • High power;
  • Practicality in care;
  • Many color options.


  • Bright colors fade slightly over time;
  • Heavy weight.

Despite the popularity of this company, it is not so easy to find new RO models like this model on the market.

Experts consider Rifar SUPReMO 500 a worthy alternative imported version from the Italian brand Global, but with affordable prices.

If a potential buyer is looking not only for the best heating radiators, but also for affordable budget options, it is worth considering the leading Russian brand Rommer. At a low price, the Optima Bm 500 model boasts a high pressure resistance of 16 bar. During installation, the unit is mounted on the wall using the side mount. A special method of painting and a mixture of metals in the structure guarantees resistance to corrosion. A three-stage testing system for each new unit is responsible for reliability and quality. Power 774 W, this is enough for a room of 10 square meters. m.


  • Low price;
  • Compactness;
  • Insurance from the manufacturer;
  • The pressure is suitable for apartments on high floors;
  • 3 step body grinding process.


  • Short service life of about 5 years;
  • Leaks in the housing are possible.

This is a budget and compact option for beginners in the selection of radiators. The device has low power and technical characteristics, which means it does not promise decades of service. Suitable for a cottage or a small apartment.

Such a device is suitable for installation in residential premises, public or administrative buildings with central, autonomous water heating systems. The operating pressure indicator for BR1-500 is 20 atmospheres, the maximum tolerable pressure will be 30 atmospheres. To evaluate its effectiveness, installation is carried out on a wall with a side connection.


  • Availability;
  • Domestic production;
  • Compactness;
  • Good pressure resistance;
  • Versatility.


  • Little information about the model;
  • The heat output of many competitors is higher.

Users note that in tandem with a thermostat, such a device copes with its tasks perfectly for several years. Flat design and compact shape with 10 sections is suitable for rooms with small windows, under which one such unit will be placed. Compared to the previous nominee, the service life, quality and functionality are higher.

The model with the Italian name already a priori inspires confidence, hence the huge demand for Sira Ali Metal 500. This compact unit meets all the requirements of heating systems - a steel structure base, a large vertical outlet, and withstand high water pressure up to 35 atmospheres. One section delivers up to 185 W of power, serving 1.85 sq. m. premises. On sale you can see Sira Ali Metal 500 models of different numbers of sections. The joints between them are reinforced with steel nipples and heat-resistant silicone rings. We are talking about the patented O-ring technology.


  • European production;
  • Increased reliability and stability;
  • Stylish design and safety decor;
  • Different number of sections to choose from;
  • Increased thermal convection.


  • Price;
  • Not always available.

The price of such a device will be slightly higher than that of the previously considered domestic brands. But it is fully justified by its high reliability, protection and performance. It can be difficult to buy plumbing supplies in a real store, so you can use the company’s official website on the Internet.

The best cast iron heating radiators

The very first model of radiators was made of cast iron, but modern modifications have greatly changed for the better. At first they were replaced by newfangled aluminum devices, and after some time, cast iron batteries became almost luxury items for a lot of money. On sale today you can see retro models with an accordion shape, panel, design options. You can find out which cast iron heating radiators are better by analyzing the appearance, functionality and efficiency of the 3 models that are dissimilar to each other.

Model with a famous name on Russian market, characterized by good energy efficiency indicators. One section holds up to 900 ml of water, which is higher than most similar devices. Accordingly, 12 sections of the Konner Modern 500 will be able to serve about 27-30 square meters. m. In the presented selection, this is so far the most “not greedy” device for heat transfer. As for resistance to water hammer, 12 atmospheres is acceptable.


  • European design;
  • Good heating area;
  • Reliability;
  • Durability of cast iron;
  • Price.


  • Chinese production;
  • Enamel does not tolerate high indoor humidity.

Compared to Soviet cast iron batteries This heating system is somewhat weaker, yet China will not be able to adapt such equipment 100% to living conditions in Russia. Many users experienced enamel peeling, but this did not affect performance in any way.

The most striking and atypical leader in the presented review of experts is considered to be a retro-style floor model with an atypical decor - Retrostyle Windsor 500. Uniqueness in the luxurious pattern in the style of the 18-19th century and artistic casting production technology. The manufacturer guarantees long term service, strength and stability of the hull. The maximum water temperature is 110 degrees, its pressure is 10 atmospheres. The brand offers imitation of many models with such markings for brass, copper, and various precious metals.


  • Elegant appearance;
  • Imitation for luxury goods;
  • Durable, durable cast iron;
  • Completely sealed;
  • High quality;
  • Different number of sections upon request.


  • Large dimensions;
  • External massiveness.

Such a device can only be placed in a residential area with a corresponding retro, rococo, baroque, etc. interior. Dark color and massiveness require more free space in the room, otherwise the battery may look bulky. The performance characteristics are good, there are simply no negative reviews about the battery.

Another cast iron model with a modern design for those who value long service and reliability. Due to the low height of the battery, it is possible to install it in rooms with panoramic glazing. You can see many tubes in the depth, this is necessary to improve the quality of heating. The Neo 4-660/500 series has several options, each section of the heating radiator is presented in different quantities (maximum 34 pieces). The operating water pressure inside should not exceed 10 atmospheres. There are several options for treating the surface of the case to choose from, for example, polishing with varnish, sandblasting, patination with silver, copper, bronze, etc.


  • Floor installation;
  • Reliability;
  • 5 year warranty from the manufacturer;
  • Low price compared to quality;
  • Tubular shape with high heat dissipation;
  • Custom design and coating.


  • Will not fit into every interior style;
  • High thermal inertia.

The more elegant the design of such a battery, the higher its price will be. But even under this condition, the amount will be much lower than that of imported European analogues. Due to the cast iron body, it will not be easy to change quickly temperature regime. But these are not so much significant disadvantages along with a long service life.

The best aluminum heating radiators

High heat transfer rates are demonstrated by modern aluminum radiators for home heating. At the same time, they are also compact in size and weight, and have a nice appearance, which is suitable for modern apartments and large country cottages. The only weak point is that their resistance to corrosion is somewhat lower than that of previous nominees. Before naming the leaders, experts analyzed several dozen aluminum devices from leading manufacturers, reviews of each, and technical characteristics.

The Italian famous brand produces high-quality and reliable aluminum radiators heating Global, and the ISEO 500 model is the best offer for Russian climatic conditions. Along with high heat dissipation, the manufacturer guarantees reliability, this is confirmed by two-stage painting of the case, pressure resistance up to 16 atmospheres, several sections 8 cm wide, heat dissipation of 180 W. The factory assembly offers 10 sections, but it is possible to reduce or increase this parameter.


  • Resistance to poor coolant;
  • Fluorine-zirconium coating;
  • High heating parameter;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Possibility to select the number of sections;
  • Reliability of components.


  • The corners of the sections may have poor quality painting;
  • The price is higher than Russian analogues.

European assembly is the first confirmation of good quality and reliability. Due to its low weight, delivery and installation of the battery is simplified. Thanks to the special coating of the housing and its stability, such units can be placed in the bathroom.

Finnish origin for many buyers is an indicator of good quality, the Lammin Eco AL-500-80 model confirms this. It was created specifically for cold climates, and is also certified according to Russian GOST. One section can produce up to 185 W of heat, this is due to injection molding technology. Painting is carried out in 2 stages, there is a different number of sections to choose from. Water pressure on average can reach 16 atmospheres.


  • Good heat generation performance;
  • Italian design;
  • Vertical collector of increased width;
  • Temperature and humidity resistant painting;
  • Heating from 1.8 to 36 sq. m.


  • The risks of leakage are higher than with other types of PO;
  • Difficulty removing contaminants between sections.

For 15-20 sq. m. in the room such an aluminum radiator with 6-8 sections will be quite sufficient. Unlike older versions of batteries, here you can install required level battery heating.

High-quality painting even allows you to dry things from above, the fabrics will not burn or stick to the paint. Such a device will be in harmony with a modern heating boiler and polypropylene pipes.

All heating devices from this manufacturer are highly durable; they can be used for autonomous heating in a private home, as well as in conjunction with central heating of apartments. They will also be effective in heating systems with low operating temperatures. Thermal regulation is due to low inertia. The coolant can be anti-freeze with a pH level of 7-8. The permissible pressure is 16 atmospheres, the body is protected by a double layer of paint with a high level of anti-corrosion protection.


  • 5 years warranty;
  • Painting by electrophoresis;
  • Modern design;
  • Versatility;
  • Adaptation to Russian heating systems;
  • Certification according to GOST;
  • Minimal risks of pipe channels becoming overgrown.


  • Few reviews about the model;
  • Not suitable for installation on high floors.

This is an excellent budget model that justifies the cost several times over. In aluminum alloy minimal amount zinc, which guarantees increased service life. The manufacturer recommends installing such devices in private houses or in apartments on the lower floors.

In order not to seek a compromise between good quality and low price, you can consider the PO Ogint Delta Plus 500. The Italian design will harmoniously fit into any room, and the technical characteristics are not inferior to their European counterparts. One section produces 185 W of power with fairly compact dimensions. The pressure rating is standard - 16 working atmospheres, 24 pressure testing.


  • Different sections to choose from;
  • High power of each section;
  • Italian design;
  • Small dimensions;
  • Easy installation.


  • Collects a lot of dust;
  • Difficult to find in plumbing stores.

Despite the fact that the company has inexpensive, and some even downright cheap, devices, finding them on sale is not always easy. And there are still few reviews on the Internet about the specific model under consideration. But on technical parameters, assembly and service life, experts considered the nominee worthy of being in the ranking.

The best steel heating radiators

The widest range of models is offered by different brands made of steel. These are always devices in the form of panels; the size, number of heating compartments, power and protection system may differ. Compared to previous categories, steel devices have average power and corrosion resistance and can withstand pressure up to 13 atmospheres. Their advantages are fast heating, maximum heat transfer, minimal inertia and cheap prices. Experts have found those nominees who have the stated advantages along with minimal disadvantages.

A vertical heating radiator made of steel with a side connection is used both in a residential building and in various institutions and administrative buildings. The appearance is radically different from the previous nominees - it is a columnar, narrow structure of great height (180 cm). The width of each section is only 45 mm. The battery looks very solid and atypical, so the interior of the room should be similar. The special smooth coating practically does not collect dust, which is important for people with respiratory diseases.


  • Swiss quality;
  • Space saving;
  • Original appearance;
  • Does not dry out the air;
  • Safety;
  • Painting in any color.


  • In a damp, unventilated area, condensation is possible;
  • Not all models are in stock.

If you want to buy steel heating radiators, you should definitely take into account the installation method. In the case of this model, you can see non-standard sizes, which means it is important to find an experienced craftsman. This unit will withstand no more than 10 atmospheres; if there are frequent changes in water pressure in the house, you should think twice about its feasibility.

The difference between this model is its dimensions - height 200 mm, width 1200 mm. That is, it is a low but long device that is suitable for a room with low windows. Here you can see two heating panels, inside of which a heat source (water or glycol mixture) circulates. There are special fasteners for mounting on the back of the panel. U-shaped fins inside the panels are convectors to increase heat transfer. The side areas are protected by bars. The volume of water inside is minimal, which saves energy when turned on. The maximum heat transfer rate is 1332 W, pressure endurance is 13 atmospheres.


  • Special form of construction;
  • Saving electricity consumption up to 6%;
  • Modern design;
  • Fast heating;
  • Reliable design;
  • Low thermal inertia.


  • Fasteners are purchased separately;
  • Large width.

German production already speaks for itself; craftsmen note high levels of protection and reliability of the design. Having served for many years, such a battery will not leak. It is compatible with standalone, centralized systems heating. Difficulties may arise in cleaning, so experts recommend carrying out procedures more often, without waiting for a large accumulation of dust.

A flat valve battery model in a laconic modern design, it can replace old radiators or be installed in new heating systems. When ordering, you can independently choose the width and number of conventional sections based on the serviced area. For ease of cleaning, there are removable grilles and no convection plates. The maximum temperature level here is slightly higher than that of many previously designated devices, the permissible pressure is 10 atmospheres.


  • BMSplus quick fastening system;
  • Large selection - 5 heights, 15 lengths;
  • Energy savings up to 5%;
  • Manufacturer's warranty 5 years;
  • Eco-friendly coating;
  • Easy to clean.


  • Price;
  • Fragile mounting brackets.

Despite the German name and belonging to a pedantic country, the production of modern models takes place in Russia, but under German control. Unlike many batteries, there is no rear and front. For cleaning, it is enough to disassemble the removable parts to easily reach areas that may seem difficult to reach at first glance. The smallest version produces a power of 136 W, the largest – 1580 W.

This is another good steel radiator; it can be used in closed water heating systems. The thickness of the case steel is 1.2 mm, the side connections do not conflict with installation on the left or right side. The maximum heat output is 1102 W with a large panel width. Working temperature also slightly elevated (120 degrees) compared to standard models (100-110 degrees). The battery can handle pressure up to 13 atmospheres. The kit includes a mounting kit and two folding panels.


  • Versatility;
  • Safety;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Adaptation to harsh Russian winters;
  • Connection from any side;
  • It is permissible to use antifreeze;
  • 10 years warranty.


  • Heavy weight;
  • Not a well-promoted brand, lack of information.

The increased thickness of the steel guarantees high resistance of the housing to water pressure, leaks, and other faults. All necessary components are included in the kit. Such models appeared on the market relatively recently, so there are too few reviews on the Internet. But the parameters declared by the manufacturer guarantee long, uninterrupted service.

Panel single-row wall-mounted unit serving approximately 15-16 sq. m. depending on the size. There is no convector, air outlet grille or side walls. Heat output can also vary from 210 to 1575 W. The permissible water pressure level is 10 atmospheres. A special feature is considered to be advanced cold-rolled steel with a thickness of 1.2 mm. With a minimum volume, the battery heats up quickly, which means it saves energy costs. There may be water or antifreeze inside as a heat source.


  • Durable housing;
  • Good heat dissipation and low inertia;
  • One row of panels;
  • A light weight;
  • Easy installation and maintenance;
  • Economical;
  • 5 years warranty.


  • No fins or warm air grille;
  • Fast cooling.

Such a device will easily fit into a system working with different types fuel. During use, it is noted that one row of the steel body heats up quickly in comparison with those models that have two rows. But their cooling process is also accelerated, especially when compared with cast iron batteries.

Which heating radiator is better to buy?

As has already become clear from the presented review, the radiator can be vertical, horizontal, sectional or panel, made of steel, aluminum, bimetal (steel + aluminum), cast iron.

Which of the nominees is better to choose will be determined by the following rating results:

  • The best Russian radiator with maximum operating water pressure is Rifar SUPReMO 500;
  • The best imported radiator, maximum service guarantee - Global ISEO 500;
  • The most reliable productive model is Buderus Logatrend K-Profil 11 300;
  • Optimal quality/price ratio, high heat transfer - Konner Modern 500;
  • Attractive design and long service life - Retrostyle Windsor 500.

The rating is aimed at getting acquainted with the leaders of 2019, while you need to rely on the characteristics of the room where the heating device will be installed, the necessary parameters of power, pressure, temperature, protection, and most importantly, the available budget for the purchase.

In the current market, which is saturated with varieties of heating devices from many manufacturers, it is sometimes very difficult for the average homeowner who has decided to replace batteries to choose suitable products for their home. Our goal is to help solve this problem and figure out which batteries are best installed in an apartment or in a private house.

Overview of heating radiators

Walking into a large heating equipment store, you get the feeling that there are countless types of heating batteries. In fact, there are only five of them:

  • cast iron products;
  • steel heaters;
  • aluminum radiators;
  • bimetallic batteries;
  • electric heating devices.

All these types of heating radiators have different technical characteristics, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, which determine their scope of application. Let's take a closer look at each of them, and clearly determine which type of device is best placed where.

Cast iron radiators

This type of water heater, familiar to us from childhood, is still used to this day, despite the emergence of many modern competitors whose technical characteristics are much better. This is due to several reasons, for example, the high corrosion resistance of cast iron and the ability to work in systems with high coolant pressure. In addition, for many people, tribute to tradition is important and, despite any explanations, they are still convinced that cast iron batteries are the best.

This opinion has a basis, since these devices are very reliable and durable; according to these criteria, they have no equal, since they last from 30 to 50 years. In addition, cast iron heaters retain heat for a long time, having great massiveness and inertia. This advantage is also a disadvantage: cast iron batteries take a long time to heat up and take just as long to cool down, so it is very difficult to organize automatic climate control in the room where such devices are installed.

If previously the appearance of cast iron batteries left much to be desired, now many companies offer cast iron heating radiators with various powder coatings or decorative casting.

True, this improvement took traditionally cheap heaters out of the budget category, since similar products are much more expensive. Their other disadvantages are well known: large weight and water capacity, although recently these have been reduced to a minimum.

What’s good about cast iron batteries is that they can be installed everywhere: in an apartment, house, or cottage. But it is best to use them for heating a private house where a gravity system is organized. It itself is inertial and has a large volume of coolant flowing at a low speed. This is exactly what a massive cast iron appliance needs.

Steel batteries

This type of heaters is divided into two types

  • panel;
  • tubular.

Panel radiators are good radiators for a private home, where the operating pressure of the coolant does not exceed 3 Bar. The fact is that their design and manufacturing technology provide for operation in a system with a maximum pressure of up to 15 Bar. This is often not enough in conditions of centralized heating, especially in high-rise buildings.

The panels have good heat transfer, relatively light weight and size, and are also distinguished by their aesthetic appearance. There are also steel radiators with bottom connections, which makes it possible to install them in apartments with individual heating and piping hidden in the floor.

In addition, among all heating devices, steel panels have the lowest cost, so they often remain the only acceptable option. Disadvantages include sensitivity to corrosion and a relatively short service life (up to 15 years).

When you need to install a steel radiator in a central heating system, it is better to choose a tubular type device that has thick, massive walls that can withstand high pressure and water hammer. Therefore, such batteries can be installed anywhere, they are reliable and durable.

Another thing is that the cost of tubular devices is quite high, and there are disadvantages similar to cast iron batteries: inertia, large capacity and considerable weight. Because of this, they are rarely placed in country houses and other buildings with individual heating systems, preferring the same heaters made of cast iron or aluminum.

Aluminum radiators

One of the most popular heating devices - sectional aluminum batteries - are distinguished by the best degree of heat transfer, fast heating and cooling, low weight and remarkable appearance.

All these advantages are realized thanks to the device body made of aluminum alloy. It contains vertical channels with a cross-section close to circular, and on the outside these ducts are equipped with many ribs that intensively transfer the energy of the coolant to the air in the room. In its turn, flat surfaces aluminum batteries produce a uniform flow of radiant heat. The physical properties of aluminum make it possible to organize automatic control of heating power, since inertia in this case is practically absent. A small capacity (up to 0.25 liters of water in each section) also contributes to rapid heating.

Aluminum radiators for the home are easy to assemble and install due to their simple design and low weight of the products. They can be attached to any building structures, even plasterboard partitions. You just need to correctly calculate the required number of sections for heating the room; sales representatives or online consultants of online stores will always help you with this.

As for the shortcomings, there are only two. The first is similar to steel panels: a low threshold for maximum operating pressure (up to 16 Bar), which makes the installation of aluminum batteries in centralized heating systems risky. The second is ordinary and electrochemical corrosion of the alloy due to exposure to low-quality coolant from central heating networks. Therefore, aluminum ones are the best radiators for any individual heating systems, where the quality of the coolant is controlled by the homeowner himself, and the pressure in the system is controlled by the boiler automation. But in apartments with central heating it is better to install bimetal.

Bimetallic radiators

In fact, bimetallic batteries are the same products made of aluminum, inside of which there is a welded frame made of steel pipes with thick walls. As a result of this modernization, the shortcomings associated with the quality of the coolant and its pressure were successfully eliminated.

At the same time, the heaters have slightly less heat output than purely aluminum ones, but much more than those of steel or cast iron appliances. Therefore, in the case of centralized heat supply systems for heating, it is better to install bimetal radiators; they will serve for a long time and reliably, while releasing heat much more intensely than other types of devices. But it should be said that the cost of bimetallic batteries is significantly higher than aluminum ones.


Before we draw the line, it’s worth saying a few words about products such as electric heating radiators. They are very effective and easy to install, all they need is a 220 V outlet. Another thing is that the cost of electric heating is quite high, so heaters are often used as additional heat sources.

From the above we can conclude that the choice of batteries largely depends on the type of heating system. If you have the financial opportunity, it is better to install aluminum appliances in a private home as they are the most economical. When this is not possible, then steel panels will do, and with a gravity system - cast iron appliances heating The same applies to apartments with an individual heat source. But in centralized networks Cast iron or bimetallic batteries, as well as tubular steel ones, would be appropriate. The choice largely depends on the homeowner's budget.