Well      06/23/2020

Relay regulator and temperature sensor for boilers. Thermostat for heating boiler. Mechanical thermostats for heating boilers

Some models of heating boilers are equipped with electronic circuits necessary to expand functionality and more convenient control of the microclimate in the house. The equipment turns out to be complex, but with a pleasing abundance of service capabilities - from automatic adjustment temperatures in the circuits before controlling external auxiliary units. An undeniable advantage is the ability to connect additional control modules. For example, a thermostat for a heating boiler will maintain the set temperature and provide convenient heating control.

What are room thermostats for?

Owners of simple heating boilers do not have to think about the convenience of climate control in the house. Most often, all adjustments on such boilers come down to one simple knob for selecting the degree of heating of the coolant - a simple scale with numbers from 0 to 9 is used here. In the autumn cold, the equipment operates on one or two, and in severe frosts, users set the knob to higher numbers.

Thus, the simplest thermostat is used here, focusing on the temperature of the coolant in the system. The required heating level is set manually, and then a simple thermoelement based on a bimetallic plate begins to work in the boiler - it turns on the ignition and supplies gas to the burner. This scheme is used in many simple models.

More advanced boilers regulate the temperature and degree of heating of the premises as follows:

Models with a remote sensor will regulate the temperature of exactly the place where the sensor itself is installed.

  • By electronic sensor for monitoring the temperature of the coolant in the heating system;
  • By remote air temperature sensor;
  • By air temperature outside the premises;
  • According to the sensor located in the remote room thermostat.

Weather-dependent sensors are used extremely rarely by consumers - people are accustomed to relying on their own feelings. Therefore, they choose to control the coolant temperature or control the internal air temperature.

A remote thermostat for a boiler is an external control module installed at any point in a household or apartment. It includes a room temperature sensor and controls. The main function of this miniature device is to monitor the set temperature based on the readings of the thermocouple. As the temperature drops, the regulator sends the command to turn on the heating to the boiler, and after reaching the set value, turns off the burner.

Thermostats for heating boilers also have additional functionality:

  • Adjusting the temperature in the circuit hot water- not the best the right regulator, but some models have it;
  • Setting day and night temperature conditions - the equipment itself will lower the night temperature to the set point;
  • Heating control according to a given program - the thermostat will turn the boiler burner on and off, based on pre-entered data. For example, we can program equipment a week in advance;
  • Control of external equipment - these are indirect heating boilers, solar collectors and much more.

Thanks to their remote design, thermostats provide convenient control of the operation of a heating boiler, which can be located in any remote location– this is the kitchen, bathroom or basement.

The functionality of thermostats varies widely. The simplest modifications consist of a single adjustment knob with a mechanical scale. More complex devices are equipped with several regulators and electronic displays that display various data. Accordingly, the prices for such devices are higher - they are more advanced, giving users many service functions.

How thermostats for heating boilers work

The thermostat for a gas boiler is a full-fledged remote control panel. Judge for yourself - if the boiler is hanging in the kitchen, then in order to reduce the heating temperature, you will have to get up from the couch and visit the kitchen area. If the room had a thermostat installed, all you had to do was turn the knob or press the temperature decrease button. The worst thing is if the heating equipment is installed in hard to reach place– in this case, you simply cannot do without a remote control panel.

Programmable thermostats can set different temperature settings for day and night.

The basis of any thermostat for a heating boiler is a temperature sensor. It analyzes the air temperature in heated rooms, controlling the operation of the burner and other components. By setting the knob or buttons to +22 degrees, you can leave the equipment alone - it will ensure that the desired temperature is achieved. Whatever the outside temperature, the indoor temperature will remain at the same level.

A programmable room thermostat is more complicated - here we can set a specific heating operating program. For example, in the daytime we set it to +23 degrees, and at night we set it to +20 degrees (at a lower temperature, sleep will be stronger and healthier). We can also set the temperature in the hot water supply circuit or adjust the degree of heating of underfloor heating.

A more complex and advanced room thermostat for a gas boiler will be able to work with several heating circuits at once, providing separate temperature control.

Pros and cons of room thermostats

A thermostat for a heating boiler is just a convenient addition that provides temperature control and control of various service functions. This device is not a mandatory component of the heating system; in some cases you can do without it. A room temperature regulator is convenient in large households and multi-room apartments, when the boiler may be located too far away - in this case the temperature can be adjusted, for example, from the living room.

Let's look at all the advantages of a thermostat for a heating boiler:

Once you set up such a device, you can enjoy it for a long time. comfortable temperature in your home.

  • Ensures compliance with the specified temperature regime - you can create a comfortable environment in your apartment or house without additional effort;
  • Automation of the heating system - the programming function is responsible for this;
  • The use of a thermostat will reduce the gas consumption of the heating boiler - thereby achieving savings on utility bills.

Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks:

  • A wired room regulator for a gas boiler requires laying a cable - this is easier to do at the stage of building a house than laying it on top of the repairs made;
  • Cost of equipment – ​​advanced thermostats are quite expensive. Otherwise, you will have to do without additional functions.

The shortcomings are not the worst, so you can put up with them. After all, you have to pay for convenience.

Main types of thermostats

A room thermostat for a heating boiler is a necessary and convenient thing. But there are so many of these thermostats on sale that it’s dizzying. Let's see how these devices differ from each other and what are the features of their operation in heating systems. First, let's discuss the division into electronic and mechanical models - by the way, the latter are noticeably cheaper, but inferior in functionality.

Mechanical models are simple and reliable.

A mechanical thermostat for a heating boiler is a temperature controller with the simplest internal device. Inside we will find a simple thermocouple based on a bimetallic strip (sometimes other types of sensors are used) that controls dry electrical contacts. The corresponding regulator is responsible for setting the temperature. Thanks to its simple design, the equipment is inexpensive. But there is no automation here.

Please note that the thermostat for the heating boiler and the room mechanical thermostat for the heating boiler are two different devices - the first is an internal unit of the heating equipment.

An electronic thermostat for a heating boiler is a more advanced device. Temperature control in it is provided by a precise electronic sensor that records temperature changes with an accuracy of tenths of a degree. The simplest modifications have a minimum set of functions - monitoring the operation of the heating circuit. More advanced models will delight you with powerful functionality:

  • Control of the hot water supply circuit;
  • Work according to the program;
  • Working with heated floors;
  • Date and time display;
  • Day and night heating operating modes;
  • Night lighting and much more.

The majority of thermostats for heating boilers on sale are represented by electronic models - “mechanical” ones are much less common in stores.

Wireless thermostats are very easy to install as they do not require cables.

Thermostats for heating boilers are divided into wired and wireless. Wired models have a more affordable price. The thermostat is connected to the boiler using a two-wire cable - it is laid under the plaster or placed in baseboards or cable channels. The optimal cross-section of each conductor is 0.75 square meters. mm.

A wireless thermostat is a more interesting thing, since it does not require wiring. The range of this device is up to 100 meters in line of sight. In real conditions, it falls 1.5-2 times due to the walls. The signal is worst in apartments where the walls are made of reinforced concrete. But there is no need to lay a connecting cable, which is important for buildings where repairs have already been made.

Popular models

A typical representative of the mechanical category is the Zilon ZA-1 thermostat. This is the simplest model with a relay output, designed to work with equipment that supports “mechanical” connections. The temperature sensor response range is from +10 to +30 degrees.

This model uses a gas-filled sensor that controls dry electrical contacts. The thermostat is not recommended for installation in rooms with high humidity.

Protherm Exacontrol

A room thermostat for a gas boiler called Protherm Exacontrol is designed to work with heating equipment from the brand of the same name. But it can work with any other boilers. It regulates the temperature in the range from +5 to +35 degrees, and only in heating circuit. For ease of operation, the device is equipped with a liquid crystal display. The thermostat was created for those who do not need unnecessary functionality.

Among the wireless room thermostats for heating boilers, we can highlight the SALUS Controls VS20WRF model. This is a multifunctional device that can control servos. It provides temperature control in the range from +5 to +35 degrees, can work according to one of the programs stored in the memory, and supports the connection of remote sensors. To control the current operating mode, the device is equipped with a large liquid crystal display.

How to install a thermostat

You can buy a suitable thermostat at any store that sells heating equipment. They are represented by hundreds of modifications, both simple and more advanced. After selecting and purchasing the appropriate model, you can begin installation. Next, we will tell you how to connect the thermostat to the boiler - there is nothing complicated about it.

Correct installation of the thermostat in a living room.

In order to install a thermostat on the boiler, you need to decide on its installation location. The device should not be exposed to direct sunlight, it should not be located in a draft area. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no heating devices nearby - otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the required temperature. A two-wire cable is laid from the thermostat to the heating boiler.

In the case of wireless equipment, it is enough to screw it to the wall in any suitable place.

Next, you need to set up the thermostat - to do this, you need to remove or install a jumper located on the boiler board or in some specific place. This way, the unit will be able to understand that it will work with a remote thermostat. After this we proceed to tests, checks and programming. When using a wireless model, it is paired with the boiler according to the attached instructions.

A temperature sensor for a heating boiler, which is an internal unit of heating equipment, is installed by replacing a failed sensor.


To prevent overheating and high loads, special devices are installed on boiler equipment. These are thermostats for gas boilers. In today's article we will try to tell you in detail about this part, and also consider its design and purpose.

What is it for?

During operation, the boiler heats the water in the system, after which it moves through the radiators. And if the fluid pressure level or its temperature exceeds the norm, after some time an accident will occur in the system. So, to ensure that the system is not subject to frequent overheating, it is equipped with thermostats. Often several parts are used in a room. Thermostats for gas boilers are mounted at their outlet, as well as on each battery. This is necessary in order to control the heating temperature of the liquid.

It is worth noting that gas equipment is a highly dangerous item. If used incorrectly, burners cannot burn fuel properly, causing gas to fill the combustion chamber, increasing the risk of explosion and fire. As a result, the boiler overheats, and the water in the system is converted into steam (while the pressure on the pipes increases significantly). Of course, modern boilers are able to turn off when there is significant overheating, since their design includes special sensors. But, as practice has shown, when the temperature rises too quickly and somewhere far from the heating element, they are not able to respond to these changes in time. As a result, the system overheats. In such circumstances, only a local fuse, that is, a thermostat for a gas boiler, helps. It provides a signal in a matter of seconds, so you don’t have to worry about the risk of system overheating.

Design and operating principle

What are these elements made of? The thermostat (for a gas boiler AOGV as well) consists of several strips of metal. The latter have different linear expansion coefficients. These strips act as an electrical switch contact in the heating circuit. Due to the difference in the coefficient of the two metals, they are deformed, after which the circuit is broken. The steel strips are in contact with the valve closing mechanism. When the temperature rises above the nominal value, the contact moves down. Further, at the valve level, access to water, steam and gas is blocked. Thus, the operation of the boiler stops, and the radiators cool naturally, exchanging heat with the air in the room.

What happens next? After the steam/water temperature drops to normal levels, the thermostat will open the valves and resume operation of the boiler. Please note that frequent overheating of the system may damage the design of valves and fuses. Therefore, after each such situation, it is necessary to check the integrity of important mechanisms.

As you can see, remote thermostat for a gas boiler has the same operating principle as a car thermostat - as soon as the temperature rises, a special valve opens in the system and the liquid is pumped in a large circle. True, in the case of a car, the sensor is not able to turn off the internal combustion engine.


When purchasing this item, it is important to consider whole line parameters and characteristics of exactly the heating system that is used in your premises. Below we will look at what thermostats for gas boilers exist and how each of these types is characterized.


This type of thermostat operates exclusively with free air flow. That is, there should not be any elements near it that block air circulation. This could be a curtain, wardrobe or other furniture located next to a heat source (heating radiator). This is the most popular thermostat for gas boilers (including Beretta). These devices can also be used for heated towel rails.

A room thermostat is a device that regulates the operation of a heating boiler depending on the current air temperature in the room. That is, the sensor does not work taking into account the heating of water in the tubes. Thus:

  • The heater (in our case it is a gas boiler), in the absence of an installed thermostat, turns on and off depending on the water temperature.
  • A heater with a room thermostat operates depending on the heating of the air in the room.

That is why it is not recommended to cover thermostats for gas boilers with any decorative covers or to cover them with furniture or other things. By the way, this type of device is equipped with a convenient digital display and can be programmed by pressing one button.


This abbreviation hides a special type of element - thermostatic valves. These devices do not directly control the boiler. By their structure, they only reduce the flow of water through the battery, and only if the temperature rises above normal. Most often, expansion valves are installed in places where the water pressure level is the lowest. This type, like indoor ones, is not recommended for installation under covers and other design devices. The fact is that if the air circulation in the room is disrupted, the device will not measure the exact heating level of the system, and accordingly, will be useless in your home.

Remote controllers

Experts recommend installing zone remote controllers together with These devices will help control the air temperature in a room or in a separate area of ​​the room using IR rays. As soon as the system begins to boil, the sensors will transmit a signal to the boiler or regulator valve, after which the heater will stop operating.

Cylinder thermostat

This type of device is recommended to be installed if a 2-circuit boiler is installed in the room. At the outlet of the system, the water reaches very high temperatures (more than 80 degrees), and in order to prevent pipe deformation and leakage, such liquid regulators are installed before passing to the battery. It is worth noting that the cylinder thermostat is fully programmable. This means that the owner can independently set the temperature at which the boiler will turn off for a certain time. Most of these regulators are adjusted in the range of 60 degrees Celsius.

Smart thermostats for gas boilers

These devices are very similar in their operating principle to direct-acting water regulators. They also monitor the state of the system and, if necessary, turn off the boiler until the liquid temperature stabilizes. In addition, “smart” thermostats are able to turn off boiler equipment, also controlling the amount of hot water pumped through the pipes. If an emergency occurs, the electronics quickly react and shut off the valves in the system. This type of device can be either digital or electronic. The latter consist of several components - a display, a board and contacts.

How to install correctly?

Judging by the reviews, it is quite possible to install a gas boiler indoors with your own hands. It does not matter whether the device is installed on metal, cast iron or aluminum batteries- the whole process is similar and requires a minimum of tools.

So, how to properly turn on the regulator in the heating system? The first step is to drain the water from the pipes. This is how we discharge the system central heating. Most often, this requires opening one valve located at the water inlet to the system. Next, the pipes are purged and the adapter is unscrewed. How to do it? In order to disable the adapter, you need to perform several manipulations.

  1. Put a lot of pieces of rags. These could be rags or towels. It is important that they all consist of terry or cotton - this way more water will be absorbed into them. Alternatively, you can use a regular sheet of paper or cardboard.
  2. Press down the old valve body using an adjustable wrench. A second wrench is needed to loosen the nuts that hold the valve to the pipe and adapter. Next, we safely remove the mechanism from the radiator. In some cases it is necessary to use a battery valve that is built inside the radiator.

At the next stage, a new device is installed. It is important to thoroughly clean the internal threads before installation. A piece of clean cloth is best for this. Afterwards, the thread is wrapped with a special locking tape (white stripe) clockwise. It is recommended to smooth it out after each new turn. Next, the screw element is connected to the corner spacers.

When installing, replace the blind nut, as well as the old steel collar made of copper pipe. If the latter does not slide off, carefully and carefully cut out its parts and tear them apart using a compact screwdriver.

After the thermostat for the gas boiler is installed (photo finished item in working condition you can see below), you need to tighten the nut that is located between the adapter and the valve. The latter should be held with an adjustable wrench. It is important not to overtighten the threads, otherwise the system may depressurize.

Next, the backup protection system is installed. To do this, the pipes are filled with water again. Once the system is completely filled with fluid, check all connections for leaks. If the valve is in big room(for example, a living room), it is left completely open. In the case of a small room (kitchen or children's room), you need to close it halfway.

A room thermostat for a gas boiler is used to control and maintain the temperature, and also allows for more economical fuel consumption. Installing this device allows you to increase the efficiency of the heating boiler by 20-30% and simplify the process of servicing it. Exist different kinds thermostats, differing in installation method and characteristics.

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    Purpose and principle of operation

    The heating system includes a connection point to the central network or heating equipment, radiators and pipes for distribution. To maintain the optimal heat level, you need to monitor the operation of the boiler, open or close the taps on the radiators.

    The system is inert, which makes it impossible to maintain a stable temperature throughout the day. With a larger supply of gas to the boiler, heating of the coolant will increase, and heat transfer will also increase.

    This arrangement is convenient in the cold season, but when it warms up the room becomes too hot. After loading the fuel and heating the water, it will no longer be possible to reduce the excess heat; you will have to manually turn off the boiler and open the windows to cool the room. At the same time, fuel costs will also increase significantly.

    Room Thermostat Nuances Settings

    A room thermostat for a gas boiler allows you to solve the problem and simplify the work of heating the room, creating a comfortable climate in the house. The device regulates the heat supply and maintains the set temperature. It includes the following elements:

    • tuning block;
    • mechanical type valve or electromagnetic relay;
    • temperature sensitive element;
    • control module.

    Job simple devices regulated by mechanical elements and physical changes in the characteristics of the temperature-sensitive sensor. There is no control unit in such devices. They also do not require power supply. Mechanical thermostats are less accurate and efficient than models that require programming. But autonomy from the energy source allows them to function even during power outages.

    The room thermostat for the boiler has the following operating principle:

    • The required temperature is set by the control unit.
    • When the configured parameters are reached, the sensor is triggered, the boiler is switched off or the valve in the heating pipes is closed.
    • When the air temperature drops, the heaters or boiler room equipment turn on again.

    Using an electronic module, you can set several temperature values ​​for different times of the day. This block also allows you to install a remote sensor outside the room; the thermostat will work based on its data.

    Types of thermostats

    The simplest type of thermostat is a fitting locking type with sensor, installed near the battery on the pipe. The valve partially blocks the flow of coolant when the set temperature is reached. Its re-opening occurs when the air cools, and heat begins to flow in full.

    Wireless control units and sensors are present in more advanced and complex models. The interaction of individual elements occurs through the transmission of a radio signal. When installing the device, there are no wires, which improves the aesthetic appearance of the structure and the room as a whole.

    Different types of temperature-sensitive sensors are the main difference between thermostats. Some elements are mounted inside the pipe, others - on its surface. There are also wall-mounted models. Some devices measure the heating of the coolant, while others measure the air temperature. The choice of device is determined by a number of characteristics:

    • boiler type;
    • the necessary set of functions;
    • wiring diagram present in the heating system;
    • the amount of free space in the room.

    Sensor for gas boiler from Aliexpress. Installation of YKC B703 sensor.

    Among modern models, there are often boilers that already provide the ability to connect a thermostat. In this case, the equipment manufacturer indicates the installation features of the elements in the data sheet.

    The connection diagram, which involves adjusting the functioning of the heating element (fuel supply) by a thermostat, is the most effective for saving fuel reserves. This arrangement of the device is suitable for electric and gas boilers. For solid fuel devices, you will need to install a mechanical thermostat directly on the pipe.

    Regulators located on the battery block the water supply when the coolant overheats or is too high temperature air. The operation of the boiler stops belatedly, after the individual temperature sensor installed on it is triggered.

    Mechanical devices

    A room thermostat for a heating boiler with a mechanical structure, when heating or cooling a material, changes its characteristics. This device is affordable, simple and effective in operation, and does not depend on the availability of a power source. It is mounted on the pipes of the heating system.

    The mechanical model consists of several elements:

    • valve;
    • rod;
    • thermostatic head;
    • union nut;
    • scales for setting the temperature;
    • fixing ring;
    • bellows filled with liquid;
    • spool;
    • compensation mechanism;
    • outlet for connection to the pipe.

    Temperature changes are recorded using reagents. The liquid heats up, causing the gas to expand. Under the resulting pressure, the shut-off valve is activated. Cooling causes the substance to compress and the spring of the blocking element to relax.

    Thermostats of this type have a high adjustment error and reduced sensitivity. To activate them, a temperature change of more than 2 °C is required. The characteristics of the substance in the bellows decrease over time, which leads to a discrepancy between the values ​​​​on the regulator handle and real indicators.

    The devices are also quite large. Many models determine the temperature of the coolant, but do not measure the level of heating of the air in the room. They are difficult to customize optimal temperature without errors.

    Does a thermostat for a gas boiler save gas?

    Electromechanical devices

    The operating principle of this room temperature sensor for a gas boiler is similar to the operation of its mechanical counterpart. But here the heat-sensitive component is a metal plate. It bends when heated and completes the circuit. The cooled plate takes its original shape. The contact transmits a signal to the burner control unit.

    There is another type of electromechanical regulators containing two metal plates different types. Here the heat-sensitive component is placed in the boiler firebox. The potential difference that occurs when the temperature changes has an effect on the electromagnetic relay, which leads to the closing or opening of the contacts. At the same time, the air supply to the combustion compartment is turned on or off.

    Electronic thermostats

    This category room regulators temperatures for gas boilers depend on the power supply. Electronic devices are equipped with a remote sensor for recording room heating indicators and a fully functional control unit with a display. Such devices must be installed on electric boilers, since without them the operation of the heaters will be continuous. The thermostat contains two main elements:

    • microcontroller;
    • temperature sensor.

    The second component measures the heating rate, and the first controls their value and sends signals to reduce or increase the heat flow into the room. The controller receives a digital or analog signal from the sensor. The type of thermostat depends on this. Analogue instruments are in many ways similar to mechanical models, but are distinguished by higher accuracy of readings and settings.

    Digital thermostats are the most technologically advanced. With their help, you can set a clear algorithm for regulating the heat supply. A large number of different outdoor and indoor sensors are connected to them.

    For most electronic models, control is available via a smartphone or infrared in remote mode. This allows you to set certain settings while outdoors. For example, you can turn on the heating before leaving work, and by the time you arrive, the house will already have a comfortable, warm environment.

    The first two options do not reduce the degree of water permeability through the pipeline. The hydraulic resistance remains unchanged, and there are no valves or locks in the line. The device regulates the functioning of the boiler or pump without interacting directly with water.

    The hydraulic resistance increases when the thermostat is mounted on a central pipe or battery. The coolant slows down its movement even with the valve maximally open. Typically, such an installation is carried out at the planning stage of the entire heating system, where all the nuances of the placement and operation of the elements are taken into account.

    The third type of connection is undesirable for installation on a single-pipe heating system, since when the sensor signals, the entire coolant supply system will be shut off, and in rooms far from the boiler it will become noticeably cooler.

    The thermostat is connected to the radiator inlet pipe through a bypass, which allows water to be redirected bypassing the battery when the controller is activated. The coolant that has not cooled down will be sent back to the boiler. Thus, less fuel will be spent on heating water.

    The installation location of the temperature sensor must meet the following criteria:

    • be hidden from a direct hit sun rays;
    • not be blocked by curtains or decorative elements;
    • be at a height of 1.2−1.5 m from the floor;
    • be away from radiators, windows and doorways.

    Not correct installation may result in false readings. Because of this, there is a risk of overheating of the coolant and air in the room, which will lead to problems in the operation of the boiler.

    Installing a thermostat for a gas boiler - good way optimizing the operation of the heating system, reducing the cost of maintenance and purchasing fuel, as well as reducing the wear of heating elements. The cost of the device will pay off in one winter. A variety of models allows you to choose suitable option for a specific type of room.

When the house has a heating system using a gas boiler, the optimal room temperature has to be adjusted manually. Moreover, this heating option is very sensitive to weather changes. As soon as it gets colder outside, you have to increase the temperature of the coolant. Even expensive models that have high level automation require these actions. To save consumers from such work, manufacturers have released a thermostat for the heating boiler (temperature regulator).

Smart Device Options

Thermostat for a heating boiler (temperature regulator): how it works

The installed heating system from a gas boiler heats the room to the set temperature, regardless of the level of heat or cold inside. At the same time, a person feels well the daily weather changes if he does not change the mode manually.

Thermostat installation option

To eliminate this problem in a small house without a second floor, it is enough to install one thermostat in the passage room.

Note! It is necessary to correctly connect and install the device so that it works correctly and sends a signal to the boiler.

The design of a simple device includes a highly sensitive element (actuator) and a contact group with the regulator. In appearance, it is a closed bellows, inside of which there is usually a gas mixture, sometimes a liquid. This filler reacts to changes in temperature and moves the rod to close the contacts when the temperature rises, and when the temperature drops, the opposite occurs.

Schematic operation of the sensor

The thermostat performs the task of turning the heating system on and off when the set temperature is reached autonomously, without human intervention. Simple scheme includes two contacts, the wires of which are routed to the boiler and connected to the valve.

Equipment connection option

When the device is turned on, the last element is in the open state. When a short circuit occurs, the fuel supply to the burner is cut off and the flame stops. In the reverse process, fire occurs from the igniter.

Gas wall-mounted double-circuit boiler with a closed combustion chamber. What are its features, advantages and disadvantages, how to choose and install it correctly - read in this review.

Types of home temperature sensors for heating boilers

Thermostats for heating boilers (temperature controllers) come in several varieties:

  • Wired. The key to correct operation is the correct installation of conductors. This is necessary for uninterrupted communication of the equipment with the boiler.

  • Wireless. Using a radio signal, information about changes in temperature in the apartment is provided. The device consists of two blocks, one of which is mounted in the room, the other on the boiler itself. The controller unit has a liquid crystal display and a keyboard.

Remote type of sensor

We will analyze each option in more detail, with approximate costs and an overview of several models.

Mechanical (wired) thermostat

A mechanical thermostat for a heating boiler has its own characteristics; the price of the models varies as well as the characteristics. Such a device must be pre-set to achieve the optimal room temperature. This is a complex process, so it is better to contact a specialist.

Small mechanical model

Any model includes two parts: a thermal head and a valve. The operation of the device is influenced by:

  • frequent ventilation;
  • bright sunlight coming through the windows;
  • sudden change in weather.

Installation must be done only in a horizontal position, and you must choose a place where there are no objects blocking the device or direct sunlight. Modern models provide small dimensions that can be installed in a small niche.

Installation option near gas equipment

The installation itself will not take much time. If you turn off the heating, then you need to turn the thermostat knob. This will protect the device from sediment formation.

Here is an example of two popular mechanical thermostat models:

Thermostat for heating boiler (temperature regulator)

The thermostat for a heating boiler (temperature regulator) allows you to maintain the optimal temperature in a room heated by a gas boiler. We will look at this in more detail in the article.

Thermostat for the boiler - we trust the weather in the house to automation

The thermostat for the boiler not only saves us money by reducing the volume of gas, but also increases the service life of the equipment. Such a device is definitely worth having in service, but what should it be like?

How does the operation of a gas boiler with a thermostat change?

The variety of heating boilers today is simply amazing. They have many modifications, work from various types fuel. But it is very important to ensure proper control of such units. This will reduce energy consumption, and therefore reduce costs, extend the life of equipment and achieve an optimal microclimate in each room. All these tasks are possible with special temperature controllers.

Boiler temperature regulator

Gas boilers have a cyclic circuit and turn on after the temperature of the water or other coolant drops to a certain value. At the same time, the rate of heating and cooling of the water in the system and the air in the room is different. Often the room is still at the required temperature, but the coolant in the system has already cooled down, so the gas boiler burner turns on. This leads to undesirable changes in the microclimate, unnecessary fuel consumption and wear and tear of heating equipment. It is inconvenient to regulate this process manually. Having installed special device, you will avoid such problems.

Device for regulating the temperature of a gas boiler

These devices are equipped with a sensor that measures the temperature in the room. You ask it yourself optimal values, and as soon as the house becomes cooler, the device immediately turns on the pump and starts the gas boiler. After exceeding a preset threshold, the heating equipment is automatically switched off.

What kind of thermostat can be used for a boiler?

Today's choice similar devices quite large, you can find wired and remote models, programmable and simple, mechanical or electronic. Depending on the type and number of functions, the cost will vary. Now let's look at the main differences between existing thermostats.

Mechanical thermostat for gas boiler

The simplest and cheapest, of course, are mechanical models, and this is precisely their main advantage. Such equipment is simple to operate and relatively easy to repair. And the likelihood of failure is reduced to a minimum. The more expensive ones include electronic equipment, which is also very unpretentious.

But programmable temperature controllers are already complex devices. To install them, configure them correctly and change parameters, you will have to tinker a little. However, having done these operations 1-2 times, then you will easily cope with such tasks. They provide more precise control and have many functions. For example, in some models you can set the desired temperature in “day” and “night” modes or program the heating system depending on the days of the week. The remote control is very convenient. True, all this will affect the cost of the device.

Programmable thermostat for gas boiler

If you prefer wired thermostats, pay attention Special attention installation. It is important to ensure uninterrupted communication between the control device and heating equipment. Wireless regulators provide starting and shutting down of a gas boiler using a radio signal coming from the control point to the executive one. The first is installed in the selected room, and the second directly on the boiler.

Is it difficult to install the sensor?

Maximum efficiency of thermostats for gas boilers is possible only after correct installation. What's so complicated about this? Let's go over the instructions.

How to install a thermostat for a gas boiler - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Selecting a Thermostat

It is advisable that the thermostat be from the same company as the boiler. This will greatly simplify the installation process. If you decide to use wired sensors, then they must be installed before the repair work begins, otherwise you will have to damage the finish in order to lay the cable. Before purchasing a device, it is also necessary to calculate the heated area, this will help avoid equipment downtime.

Step 2: Select a location

If we are talking about remote devices that are installed anywhere, then it is important to choose the right room. It is advisable to choose the most visited place, for example, the living room. Sometimes it is placed in the most cold room, it all depends on the needs. The sensor must be located in an open space. It should be prevented from cluttering it with furniture, curtains and other household items. Also, placement in proximity to electrical and heating appliances is not allowed. It is also undesirable for the device to be exposed to sunlight or drafts. If valves with thermal heads are installed on the heating radiators in the room where the thermostat control sensor is installed, then they must be replaced with ordinary ones with manual adjustment. Otherwise, they may distort the readings of the device, and the system will not work correctly.

Installation of a boiler thermostat control sensor

Step 3: Connection

First, you need to carefully read the attached instructions and diagram and act only according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. You can connect the device either using the terminal on the gas equipment or by connecting a cable. It all depends on the chosen model. The control element must be located at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor and on interior wall. This is due to the fact that warm air is located at the top, the cold, on the contrary, is concentrated at the bottom, and the outer walls are colder. Before connecting, be sure to de-energize the object, and then connect zero, phase and ground.

Step 4: Setup

Now you need to set the necessary parameters. Usually there are buttons on the front panel of the device, with their help the necessary settings are made. In this case, the technical documentation of the device will again be useful, which describes the programming process in detail. The heating step and temperature are set. There is also a delay function for the thermostat. For example, when there are short-term drafts, the device detects them and does not turn on. More expensive models may have a number of other options.

Programming the boiler thermostat

It is recommended to set the temperature to 20 degrees. In homes with small children, the elderly and people with disabilities, it is increased to 22 °C. But in order to save money at night, you can set it a few degrees lower. To increase efficiency, be sure to properly insulate your home..

If you are in doubt about whether you need to purchase expensive equipment, you can always test the effect on cheaper and simpler mechanical models. Avoid device downtime and change batteries promptly.

Thermostat for a boiler - what is it, features of choice for gas equipment? Video

Thermostat for a gas boiler and its role in the family budget. Difficulties in choosing a device, installation and adjustment features. Video of thermostat installation

Thermostat for heating boiler

In order to uniformly heat the room and rationally use electricity, a special device for the heating boiler was developed and implemented - a thermostat. The operating principle of different equipment models is very similar, but there are also important differences. For example, a heat signal can come to the coolant from sensors that measure the temperature indoors or outdoors. In this article we will talk about the characteristics of popular thermostats for heating boilers, and find out what parameters to choose them by.

Operating principle and device

Typically, the operating modes of a heating boiler are regulated by sensors that measure the temperature of the coolant. In fact, this is not always convenient, since the regulator, set to a certain liquid temperature, gives the boiler a command to turn on if the coolant has cooled down. But this does not take into account the temperature inside the room, which changes in different time of the year. That is, in the spring the batteries will work exactly the same as in the winter, while the thermostat, which measures the temperature in the heated room, allows you to turn the boiler on and off depending on this data.

The thermostat is designed in such a way that it has a built-in temperature sensor, which is placed in the room where they want to measure the average temperature. This must be done in such a way that the sensor is not affected by heat directly from the battery. Receiving information about the temperature in the room, the regulator gives commands to the heating boiler.

The device measures the temperature and turns off the system heating as necessary. When the temperature drops to the set thermostat readings, the boiler turns on again.

Types of thermostats

Determining the installation location and characteristics of the temperature sensor for the heating boiler must be done at the system design stage. It is necessary to first calculate the heat supply parameters and, based on these data, make a selection of individual parts of the system.

The thermostat for a heating radiator is no exception. But in addition to technical characteristics, it is worth considering performance qualities:

  • precision control. This quality allows you to understand what changes in the temperature of the coolant will lead to the operation of the device;
  • thermostat automation. It helps you understand how often you will need to manually adjust the settings to make the system function normally;
  • additional mode. Almost every model can be configured for cyclic operation daily or for the whole week - additional settings allow you to work strictly in accordance with the specified parameters;
  • installation features. It is necessary to pay attention to whether the thermostat can be installed in any position, since some models are installed strictly in one position.

Let's talk about the most basic types of heating boiler thermostats, their operating qualities and technical data.

Mechanical device

The easiest option to control the heating of the main line and radiator section is to install a mechanical thermostat for the heating boiler. The design of this option is not particularly complicated - it consists of a shut-off valve and a mechanical control unit.

This thermostat is filled with a coolant liquid, which, when heated, expands and presses on the rod, which limits the movement of the coolant in the line. The reduced working diameter of the pipe helps make the heating less intense, which leads to the cooling of the batteries. Mechanical thermostats for heating boilers have several features, and before making a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with them:

  • first of all, you need to calculate the parameters of the heating boiler regulator specifically for your system;
  • the installation of the thermostat on the radiator must be done so that the high temperature does not affect the control element and does not make incorrect adjustments;
  • The thermostat can be installed on both the inlet and outlet pipes. If it is necessary to control the heating of the radiator, the thermostat is installed in front of it. To limit the flow of liquid from the battery, install a thermostat after the radiator.

Two-way and three-way regulator

These are multifunctional universal devices. The main difference from the mechanical version is the absence of a control component, which depends on the temperature of the coolant.

A mechanical thermometer for a heating boiler can only work in its local area. It cannot take into account the ambient temperature.

Modern automatic valves are free from this drawback thanks to their design features, servomechanism and special crane.

The servomechanism can be connected to any external control unit. This role can be played by temperature sensors or special programmers. External data regulates the shut-off valve rod, which is necessary to regulate the flow of liquid in a given section of the pipeline in accordance with the specified parameters.

Such valves, in addition to performing the function of a thermostat for a heating boiler, can also be used in other heat supply systems:

  • collector heating. Adjust the coolant to a certain area of ​​the system;
  • warm floor. Included in the design of the mixing unit.

If you need to install a thermostat in the heating pump, then the best option will become two and three way valves.

Electronic thermostat for heating

To make the heating system work autonomously, it is recommended to install an overhead electronic thermostat for the heating boiler. Most often, such thermostats are not installed directly into the main line, but are taken outside and mounted anywhere in the room.

Simplified designs of room thermostats for heating boilers are equipped with one remote temperature sensor and a control element. It is installed on a certain section of the main line, and with its readings it adjusts the operation of the control valve or boiler. But for comfortable and efficient operation, more suitable complex designs overhead thermostats for the heating system, which have the added function of a daily or weekly programmer.

Before choosing a thermostat for your heating boiler, you should familiarize yourself with the options available on the market:

  1. With timer. This additional option helps make home heating dependent on the time of day. This thermostat is suitable for a small room.
  2. With bimetallic spiral. Hot air acts on the spiral, it expands and the contact closes. As a result, the control mechanism is activated and a command is sent to the valve to open or close.
  3. Programmable. IN this option The mechanical part of the heating boiler thermostat is supplemented by an electronic control unit. This model is convenient for installing autonomous heat supply.

Thermostat prices

Making a choice in favor of cheap products does not mean making the right choice. Moreover, everyone knows that both maintenance-free operation of boiler equipment and energy savings will depend on the high-quality and correct operation of the components and elements of the heating system. Failure of the thermostat settings will lead not only to damage to the sensitive elements of the circuit, but also to disruption of the microclimate in the room.

The difference in price, as well as the range of thermostats, is very large. Professionals do not recommend buying a thermostat for less than 1,700 rubles, which is about the cost of a high-quality element equipped with electronics. Well, the cost of more functional, universal models can start from 12,000 rubles.


The best option for placing a thermostat for a heating boiler would be the living room, as it is the most visited room in the house. Think carefully when choosing a thermostat for your heating boiler; this is necessary in order to make heating at home high-quality and comfortable.

Thermostat for heating boiler

Thermostat for a heating boiler For the purpose of uniform heating of the room and rational consumption of electricity, a special device for the heating boiler was developed and implemented -

Thermostat for a heating boiler: principle of operation, types, connection diagrams

Automation in the heating system allows you to more accurately control the temperature in heated rooms and save on fuel. By installing a thermostat for the heating boiler in the house, the cottage owner increases the efficiency of the boiler equipment by 20–30% and greatly simplifies its maintenance.

There are several types of thermostats, and each of them has its own installation location. You need to choose the device wisely.

How does a heating thermostat work?

A conventional heating system with water as a coolant consists of heating equipment or a connection unit to centralized network, internal wiring pipes and radiators. To regulate the volume of heat coming from it into the rooms, you have to either constantly monitor the boiler or regularly close/open the valves on the radiators.

At the same time, the inertia of such a system does not allow maintaining the desired temperature throughout the day at the set level. If you put more firewood into the stove or supply gas to the boiler, the coolant in the pipes will heat up more, and it will also release more heat through the radiators.

This is good at low temperatures outside. But with sudden warming outside, the heat in the house becomes unbearable. The fuel is already in the firebox, and the water has already heated up, there is no way to get rid of the heat. Plus the boiler continues to work. Without a thermostat in the system, you have to turn it off manually. You can, of course, open the windows for ventilation and let out the heat, but then the fuel bills for your home boiler room will definitely ruin you.

The conclusion suggests itself: a heating thermostat simplifies living and makes it as comfortable as possible.

The thermostat for the heating system consists of:

  • temperature-sensitive sensor (element);
  • tuning unit;
  • control module;
  • electromagnetic relay or mechanical valve.

In the simplest models there is no control unit. Everything happens due to pure mechanics and change physical properties temperature sensitive element. These thermostats do not require power supply. In terms of efficiency and accuracy of system adjustment, they are inferior to electronic devices, but they are non-volatile. If there are problems with the voltage in the network, they will definitely not stop working.

The operating principle of the thermostat is as follows:

  1. Using the control unit, the desired temperature is set.
  2. When the required parameters are reached, the sensor is triggered, which leads to the boiler shutting down or shutting down shut-off valve in heating pipes.
  3. After the air temperature in the room drops, the boiler equipment or heaters turn back on.

Module electronic control allows you to set not just one temperature indicator, but several for each time of day separately. Plus, if such a unit is available, it is possible to install an additional temperature sensor outside and link the functioning of the thermostat to the data from it.

The simplest thermostat is shut-off valves with a temperature sensor, standing on the pipe near the battery. When the desired temperature is reached, the valve closes and reduces the coolant current. And when cooling room air it opens again, causing the volume of incoming heat to increase.

More complex and advanced models require the presence wireless sensors and control units. The whole connection between separate elements occurs through a radio channel. In this case, wires are not laid, which has a positive effect on the aesthetic side of placing such thermostats in the room.

Types of thermostats for boilers

The main difference between thermostats is different types of temperature-sensitive sensors. Some are installed on the heating pipe, others inside it, and others are mounted on the wall. Some are designed to measure air temperature, and the second - coolant.

The choice of thermostat model depends on:

  • boiler type;
  • heating system wiring diagrams;
  • availability of free space;
  • required functionality.

Many modern boilers are pre-designed to connect thermostats to them. Moreover, the manufacturer of boiler equipment immediately writes down all the nuances of this installation in the technical data sheet.

Ideally, the thermostat should regulate the operation of the heating device itself, that is, the supply of fuel to it. This is the most efficient connection scheme in terms of fuel economy. In this case, the energy carrier will be burned exactly as much as the heat required.

But such a thermostat can only be installed on a gas or electric heating unit. If the boiler is solid fuel, then a thermostat with a mechanical valve, which is mounted on the pipe, will help regulate the room temperature.

Regulators installed on batteries are designed to shut off the water supply if the temperature in the room or coolant is too high. In this case, the boiler stops working a little later, when its own temperature sensor inside is activated, preventing overheating of the equipment.

Group #1: mechanical

The operation of a mechanical temperature sensor is based on a change in the characteristics of a material when its temperature changes. This is an easy-to-use, budget-friendly, fairly effective and completely power-independent option. It is designed for installation on pipes of a water heating system to regulate the flow of coolant.

The following substances are used in mechanical thermostats as a substance that responds to temperature changes:

When the liquid is heated, the gases expand, which leads to their pressure on the shut-off valve stem. When the temperature drops, they compress, the constipation is returned by a spring, and the heated water again flows through the pipes into the heating radiators.

Such thermostats are characterized by poor sensitivity and large adjustment errors. They only work when the temperature rises by 2 degrees or more. Plus, over time, the bellows filler loses its characteristics, the numbers on the knob for setting the required temperature parameters and the actual degrees begin to diverge.

These thermostats are quite large in size. The vast majority of them are designed to measure the temperature of the water in the batteries, and not the air in the room. It is often difficult to precisely adjust them the way the home owner wants.

Group #2: electromechanical

These thermostats operate on principles similar to their purely mechanical counterparts. Only a metal plate is used here as a heat-sensitive element. When heated, it bends and closes the contact, and when cooled, it returns to its original position and opens the circuit. And through this circuit a signal is sent to the burner control unit.

Another option for an electromechanical thermostat is a device with a sensor in the form of two plates made of different metals. In this case, the heat-sensitive element is installed directly into the firebox of the solid fuel boiler.

At high temperatures, a potential difference occurs between the plates, affecting the electromagnetic relay. The contacts in the latter alternately open and close. As a result, air injection into the combustion chamber is turned on/off.

Group #3: electronic

This type of thermostats for hot water boilers belongs to the energy-dependent category. Such devices have a remote temperature sensor that monitors the room temperature and a full-fledged control unit with a display. For electric boilers, such thermostats are a mandatory addition. Without them, electric heaters will work without stopping, heating the air or coolant too much.

An electronic thermostat has two main elements:

The first measures the temperature, and the second controls it and issues signals to increase/decrease the supply of thermal energy to the room. The sensor can send an analog or digital signal to the controller. In the first case, the thermostat’s capabilities are similar to its mechanical counterpart, only it greatly exceeds it in the accuracy of temperature measurements.

Digital thermostats are the pinnacle of development of these devices. They allow you to regulate heat supply according to a preset algorithm. Plus, you can connect many more sensors to them, located both in rooms and outside.

Many electronic thermostats have the ability remote control via infrared or cellular communication. This allows you to regulate the room temperature not only using the remote control in the room, but also from any point outside it. For example, while still leaving work, you can send a signal to heat the room air to comfortable parameters, and when you arrive the house will delight you with comfort and warmth.

Connection diagrams

All methods of connecting a thermostat to a heating system are divided into three connection options:

  1. Directly to the boiler.
  2. TO circulation pump.
  3. On the pipe supplying coolant to the radiator.

The first two schemes eliminate the deterioration in the throughput of the heating pipeline. No additional locks are placed in it, and the hydraulic resistance of the entire system does not change. The thermostat here only controls the operation of the pump or boiler; it “does not come into contact” with water.

When installing a thermostat on a battery or a common pipe with several radiators, the hydraulic resistance, on the contrary, increases. Even when fully open, the thermostat valve slightly slows down the flow of coolant. Ideally, the boiler piping project should be carried out immediately, taking into account all thermostatic and other devices.

If the water heating system in the house is made of a single pipe, then it is better to immediately abandon the third option. When the temperature sensor is triggered, the valve will immediately shut off the entire radiator line in several rooms, and then you can immediately forget about comfort in rooms far from the boiler.

The thermostat should be connected to the radiator input via a bypass. So, when triggered, it will redirect the coolant flow bypassing the battery. In this case, the water will return uncooled back to the boiler. The latter will stop heating it, thereby reducing consumption gas fuel or electricity.

The temperature sensor must be mounted:

  • in a place where there is no direct sunlight;
  • away from cold bridges, drafts and rising heat flows from radiators;
  • so that it is not closed decorative screens or curtains;
  • at a height from the floor within 1.2–1.5 meters.

If the sensor is installed incorrectly, the thermostat will produce false signals. This can lead to overheating not only of the air in the room, but also of the coolant in the system. And in the second case, it won’t be long before there are problems with the boiler.

Connecting a room thermostat to a gas boiler in all its nuances:

Wall thermostat review:

Technology for incorporating a contact thermostat into a system with a circulation pump:

An addition to a heating boiler in the form of a thermostat is a great way to save money on heating your home, increase living comfort and reduce wear and tear on equipment that heats the coolant. The money spent on thermostats pays off in one winter season. In this case, you can choose either a simple mechanical option with manual control or a more advanced device with a programmer.

Purpose and connection diagrams of a thermostat for a heating boiler

Description of the types of thermostats for heating boilers. The principle of operation of the thermostat and the diagram of its connection to the heating system. Installation Tips