Well      06/12/2019

Soundproofing a steel bathtub with your own hands - how to make a bathtub silent. Do-it-yourself insulation and soundproofing of a steel bathtub - step-by-step guide (photo)

A bathroom is present in every home today; it is now difficult to imagine the times when, in order to bathe, we had to heat buckets of water to fill an old but reliable metal basin.

The idea to insulate the bathtub arose for a reason; on the eve of the winter cold, we all love to lie in warm bath and relax, but unfortunately it happens that our pleasure does not last long, for the simple reason that the water in the bathroom quickly cools down, and we constantly add new hot water in order to maintain comfortable temperature water is a very expensive business due to high water tariffs. Let's try to solve this problem and insulate the bathtub; today we will insulate a metal bathtub.

Rapid heat loss for a metal bath is one of the biggest disadvantages. A metal bathtub is the most common bathtub model, which is now used in most homes, and this is quite justified since a steel bathtub has such advantages as:
- low cost;
- durable enamel coating;
- ease of transportation and installation;
- stability of the entire structure.
But still, it also has some disadvantages, such as:
- quick loss heat;
- low level soundproofing.
We can eliminate the listed shortcomings with our own hands, spending a minimum of effort and money on everything.

To insulate the bath we will need:
- Vibroizol
- Polyurethane foam,
- foam gun,
- scotch.

Vybroizol is a special material that was developed for use in the automotive industry. Thanks to its composition, which includes components such as bitumen and a rubberized base, it perfectly performs the function of a sound insulator.

On the one hand, it has a dense adhesive structure, which allows it to adhere to any smooth surface.

You decide for yourself which areas of the bathtub to treat with this material.

I'm offering two options:
1. completely treat the entire surface of the bathtub to provide you with complete sound insulation;
2. treat only those areas of the bath where the water flowing from the tap comes into contact with the surface of the bath and the place of the bottom of the bath where your body comes into contact with it.

At this stage, the soundproofing of the bathtub is completed, we can proceed directly to its insulation.
We will insulate the bath using polyurethane foam.

To do this we need a foam bottle and a foam gun. When choosing a foam, pay attention to its storage lines; do not buy foam with a shelf life stamp, as after their expiration it loses its properties.

The foam must be applied in even layers to the previously prepared surface. If you decide to insulate your newly purchased bathtub before installing it, then for convenience, turn your bathtub upside down and before you start applying foam, do not forget to degrease the surface.

It is important to apply the polyurethane foam evenly, forming a single layer without gaps.
Before applying foam, I advise you to warm up the container under running water. warm water, then the foam yield will be the largest and most economical. Please note that the place for the siphon should not be covered with foam.

After all the insulation operations have been completed, our bathtub does not look very presentable, but this issue can be solved with the help of decoration. To do this we need to make a frame with metal profile around the tub and then seal it with your choice of plastic or drywall.

U To overcome the main disadvantage of a metal (steel) bath, high thermal conductivity, you can “dress” it in a heat-insulating “shirt”. Making such a shirt is not difficult. Let's consider, how to insulate a bathtub with your own hands, and what you will need for this.

Materials and tools for bath insulation

As insulation we use polyurethane foam and sheet foam 2-3 cm thick. We calculate the approximate consumption of materials as follows. Find the surface area of ​​the bathtub by treating it as a rectangular box. To do this, we measure the dimensions according to internal parties. A regular steel bathtub 1.5 m long has inner dimensions 1.4x0.55x0.4 m. Find the perimeter (1.4+0.55) x 2 = 3.9 m. Multiplying the perimeter by the height 3.9x0.4 = 1.56 m 2, we get the surface area. Of course, due to the curvature, the area will be smaller, but in practice this is not so important, since the foam is sold in meter-long pieces.

We calculate the approximate foam consumption from the thickness of a conventional layer of 2 cm, that is, we will need about 30 liters of foam (1.56 x 0.02/1000 = 31 dm 3). A 500 ml bottle should be sufficient.

Since we will apply the foam twice, it can be purchased in addition if necessary.

It is better to apply foam using a gun. It is not expensive, about 300 rubles, in addition, if you consider that such a gun saves foam up to 20%, its actual cost will be even lower.

Some pistols are equipped with interchangeable nozzles of various sections and shapes. If you purchased a device without attachments, you can make a homemade tip from a polyethylene or PVC tube of suitable diameter. We heat the end of the tube and flatten it, leaving a narrow gap so that the foam comes out not in a stream, but in a strip.

If insulating an iron bathtub with your own hands is not part of the overall home renovation, you can do without a gun by using ordinary (“household”) cylinders.

Preparing to insulate the bath

We take the bathtub out of the bathroom and place it “upside down” on small wooden pads, placing it so that you can work from all sides. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the enamel. Before installation, cover the floor plastic film or thick paper so as not to get it dirty. It is better not to remove the legs of the bathtub.

Armed with masking tape and scissors, we seal off places where foam can get in, but where it is of no use, in particular, the edges of the bathtub and the edges of the drain and overflow holes. It’s better to do this right away so you don’t have to scrape off the foam later.

Steel bathtubs immediately won the hearts of consumers who were fed up with Soviet cast-iron models. But even despite this, they have 2 very unpleasant drawbacks:

  1. High thermal conductivity. That is, the bowl gives off heat very quickly environment, so you have to constantly add hot water. This is very expensive, considering that tariffs for public utilities are constantly increasing.
  2. Acoustic resonance. If you draw water into an iron bathtub without sound insulation, neighbors at a distance of 2 floors will be able to hear this ringing.

The above problems are not critical; they can be easily dealt with at the stage of installing the font.

In our article today we will look in detail at how to insulate steel bath and reduce thermal conductivity. Read our special article on how to make sound insulation.

How to make thermal insulation?

There are many materials that will help you insulate your bathtub; let’s focus on the more practical and effective ones.

1.Polyurethane foam. Perhaps this is the most popular option among home craftsmen. The main advantages of foam are:

  • low price and consumption (for one hot tub you will need 1, maximum 2 cylinders);
  • resistance to high humidity;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease of application

2. Foil polyurethane foam (penofol). A special insulating material that consists of two main layers.

The first is foam rubber with a large number of air microbubbles (as you know, air is one of the best heat insulators).

Second layer - aluminium foil, which reflects heat back to the surface of the bath walls. Polyurethane foam is more effective material for thermal insulation than polyurethane foam. But in terms of price, this method is somewhat more expensive.

For ease of installation, buy polyurethane foam with an adhesive layer, this will greatly simplify your work.

How to insulate a metal font with your own hands?

Below is the detailed step-by-step instruction on insulating an iron bathtub using foil polyurethane foam (penofol).

For detailed instructions on thermal and sound insulation of a bathtub using polyurethane foam, see our special article.

Step 1. Place the bathtub against the wall or lay it upside down on the floor, first covering it with cardboard or cloth. This is necessary to avoid damage to the enamel.

Step 2. The next step is to degrease the surface. Great for this universal will do degreaser. But if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter, you can use alcohol or regular dishwashing detergent. Wipe the entire surface thoroughly and let it dry for 10-15 minutes.

Step 3. If your insulation comes in rolls, cut a piece required length so that the bowl is covered crosswise from side to side, as shown in the photo. Don't forget to peel off the film from the adhesive layer. After you have glued the sheet to the bathtub, you need to trim off the excess and once again iron the insulation tightly with your hand so that there are no bubbles.

Step 4. Measure the width of the most even areas and cut strips of 15-25 cm. Then glue them to the bowl in the same way, cutting off the excess.

Don't forget to cut a hole for the drain.

Step 6. Seal the joints of the insulation with reinforced tape.

Step 7 Remove the insulation from the mounting points of the legs.

Useful video

We have prepared a video instruction for you on insulation steel bath:


In the article, we discussed in detail the options for thermal insulation of the bathtub. And they brought full instructions for insulating the bowl using foil polyurethane. If you're more comfortable using foam, be sure to read article about heat and noise insulation using polyurethane foam.

Jun 30/12

Do-it-yourself insulation and soundproofing of a steel bathtub - step by step guide(photo)

The lion's share of products in the sanitary fixtures market is occupied by steel bathtubs. They can be called budget option of its product class. They are relatively cheap, and if handled properly, they have a fairly decent service life. But with all this, they have several significant drawbacks. Firstly, the water in a steel bathtub cools down very quickly, and secondly, the stream of water entering it makes a very loud sound, audible even in neighboring apartments. Agree, these negative qualities of steel bathtubs completely negate their main advantage - low cost.

But that’s not a problem either, right? how to insulate a steel bathtub It’s quite possible even on your own. Modern construction and insulation systems provide an excellent opportunity to make a metal bath warm and practically silent for a fairly small investment. And all you need to do for this is to purchase, depending on the size, three or four large cylinders polyurethane sealant, popularly called polyurethane foam, to produce insulation and soundproofing of a steel bathtub with your own hands.

Insulation and soundproofing of a steel bathtub with polyurethane foam

How to insulate a steel bathtub with polyurethane foam - what to pay attention to

It is better to do the entire insulation process right away, before the primary one. Subsequently, it will be quite difficult to dismantle the already installed and tiled “vessel” for bathing. That is why the insulated bathtub must be completely assembled and ready for installation - you need to install a drain siphon, secure the legs on which the bathtub rests, and if subsequently it is planned to sew up and then cover front side, it is necessary to install the ud guide profile. Believe me, if you provide for all these details in advance, the installation of almost any bath will go smoothly, as they say, without a hitch. But we will do all this later, and now let’s move on to the actual insulation and soundproofing of a steel bath.

Insulation and soundproofing of a steel bathtub - stages

Surely you know that before applying any adhesive and sealing compounds, the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt, and if it comes to polyurethane sealant, that is, polyurethane foam, the surface must be well moistened. The foam sets better and stronger at high humidity. Therefore, take a rag generously moistened with water and wash off all the dust and dirt from the bathtub. And let the water flow in streams from the bathtub - this will not harm our insulation process one bit.

Insulation and soundproofing of a steel bath - surface preparation

Without waiting for the water to dry, we begin to prepare the foam for insulating the bathtub. The container with sealant should be thoroughly shaken and, if possible, heated under running water. hot water– this step will help make the foam output from the container as large as possible and save your money.

Then everything is simple - we direct the balloon tube to the bottom of the inverted bathtub. Lightly, so that not a lot of foam comes out at once, press the feed lever and snake the emerging polyurethane foam over the entire surface of the bottom of the bathtub. Do not forget that the siphon, the main part of which is located under the bathtub, may sometimes require replacement - which is why it is better to leave a little space free from foam around it. The same empty space must subsequently be left around the installation site of the overflow.

Now a little about insulating the side walls of a steel bathtub. Here it may be difficult to apply the foam - it can flow and fall down in large chunks. In principle, if you do not apply foam with a strong jet and carry out the entire process carefully and slowly, then everything will be fine. But if you are not confident in yourself and your abilities, then you need to wait a little until the foam at the bottom dries (half an hour will be enough) and simply turn the bathtub on its side. The same should be done with the remaining sidewalls.

How to insulate a steel bathtub with your own hands photo

That's basically it, now you know how to insulate a steel bathtub the most in an accessible way and with your own hands, without extra investments. Now you should leave the bath alone until the polyurethane sealant has completely dried - this will take about eight hours, maybe a little more. After this time, the insulated and noise-free bathtub can be installed in its rightful place, and then it can be covered with tiles.

Do-it-yourself insulation and soundproofing of a bathtub photo

This is how you can inexpensively and quickly produce high-quality insulation and sound insulation for your steel bathtub. You will definitely like the result.

Proper bathroom equipment is very important for the owner of any home, because this is the room you need for comfortable well-being and good mood. Proper repair will not only create a pleasant and comfortable environment, but will even improve your health. The entire positive effect is achieved by the warmth and absence of excessive moisture that is necessary for the given territory. The bath itself should not cool down too quickly; the walls and floor should maintain a comfortable temperature regime, it is also desirable that there is no unnecessary noise heard from the operation of the sewerage system, neighboring apartments, boiler, or water supply.

IN this material You'll learn how to install insulation throughout the bathtub itself, the walls, and the floor of the restroom. The proposed methods will not require large financial outlays from you, and you can do most of the work yourself without the need to hire professional builders.

Bath insulation

Many people prefer to purchase a steel bathtub because it is durable, reliable, lasts a very long time, is convenient and is very inexpensive. The only drawback of such plumbing is that it does not retain heat well, the water in it cools down quickly, and the running stream of water makes a lot of noise. However, these negative qualities can be easily compensated for by insulating the device, and you won’t even need the help of a specialist and won’t have to spend an additional large amount of money. You can insulate a bathtub yourself using only regular polyurethane foam. With its help, the bottom will retain heat better and the level of outgoing noise will significantly decrease. You need to purchase at any hardware store large bottles of polyurethane sealant, three to four units will be needed.

You need to start working before installing the plumbing and connecting it to the water supply, because it will not be possible to apply an insulating substance from the floor neatly and evenly, but to dismantle it new design Of course, it's not worth it. Therefore, we completely assemble all the parts and install plumbing equipment, which involves installing drain siphon, and also attach the support legs, a guide profile for subsequent cladding. That is, at the stage of complete readiness for installation, the bathtub is insulated with its own hands.

Do-it-yourself bath insulation

To work you will need very few building materials and tools:

  1. Polyurethane foam with a gun.
  2. Styrofoam.
  3. Putty.
  4. Two-component adhesive.
  5. Fiberglass.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the surface for applying polyurethane foam. Keep in mind that absolutely any adhesive and sealing compounds are applied only to clean areas, therefore, first place the bathtub bottom up and thoroughly wipe the entire area from construction debris, dust, lint, dirt, and packaging residues.

The next step is to wet a rag with plain water and generously wet the bottom for better adhesion to the insulating compound. Polyurethane sets well and hardens under humid conditions. Next, take one bottle, shake well, you can also warm it up a little under a stream of warm tap water. This technique allows for a volumetric output of the mounting material, which is necessary for maximum application. Point the tube to the bottom from the outside, gently press the lever and begin laying the composition like a snake over the entire surface of the inverted bath. Leave some space around the siphon because it is sometimes replaced. Also, do not fill the area where the overflow will be recorded. When the base is completely processed, wait ten to fifteen minutes and start decorating the side parts. It's better to start from the top, slower than you were before. Be sure to first check to see if the insulation you are using is leaking, and apply the sealant onto the steel in neat strips.

When working with polyurethane foam, be careful and careful; it should not get on other surfaces, especially on the skin. The thing is that this solution is washed off with great difficulty and only when using special chemical liquids, so put on overalls, gloves, cover your hair, lay cellophane or paper on the floor, cover all adjacent appliances, walls, and any surfaces with a protective layer. It is rare, but it happens that cylinders explode, the contents instantly scatter throughout the room and freeze tightly.

Foam construction

There is another option for designing a heat-saving layer; it repeats the technology described above, but involves additional details that will improve and strengthen the entire system - a combination of polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam. You will need sheets 20-30 mm thick. To calculate the required amount of thermal material, calculate the perimeter of the structure (standard length is 1400 and width 550 mm) and multiply by 2. It turns out 3,900 mm - multiply this number by the height. You will have an area that you will cover. You need these calculations because polystyrene foam is sold in the form of meter-long panels. As for the sealant, you should have enough supply of two large packages for each of the two upcoming processing stages.

It is best to apply foam with a special gun; it is sold at any hardware store. It lays the composition evenly and does not allow overspending, which provides you with obvious savings. It is convenient when the liquid comes out not in a stream, but in a neat strip. To make this happen for you, use a professional trick: take a tip from a plastic or polyethylene tube of the diameter that suits you. Heat the very edge of the hole a little, it will flatten, now form a slot - place the resulting tip on a container with foam (video).

The bathtub also turns upside down, but make sure you have easy access from all sides. Be very careful not to deform or damage the enamel. Cover all surfaces of the room with plastic so that any remaining liquid can be easily removed upon completion. Don’t forget to cover the holes for the drain and overflow with tape, and seal the edges.

Continued installation

It was already mentioned above that the best adhesion is achieved when the base is sufficiently moistened. Wet the entire area with ordinary tap water. The nozzle is pressed against the metal at an angle, and the insulation is applied in even stripes. Place sheets of foam plastic on top one by one, distributing them so that they evenly cover the entire bottom. To cover curves, cut the panel into small pieces. The most large detail should not exceed 15-20 cm.

Once all the elements are in place, wait 30-40 minutes and then begin filling the cracks and empty spaces between the panels. Wait the same amount of time again and use a knife to cut off the excess frozen mass. Now you have to final stage, on which it is formed additional protection and provides an increase in the thermal protective layer. You need to put fiberglass.

To do this, use putty or two-component glue. The most important thing is that the adhesive composition must be fully compatible with the foam plates, and it must also be waterproof. To do this, choose from acrylic, epoxy or polyester solutions. The fiberglass fabric is applied in fragments with overlaps to the putty and glue.

Finally, when all the applied layers have dried and hardened well, remove the tape, check for good accessibility to the siphon and overflow necks, trim off excess material if it is inconvenient to install connections to these holes.

Wall treatment

Walls can also retain hot air longer; to do this, they are covered with coatings made of mineral wool, as well as fiberglass. These foundations have long gained popularity because they are effective and reliable, providing high level thermal insulation and waterproofing, easy to process and install and completely inexpensive. To attach them, it is necessary to use a vapor barrier, which is formed from a superdiffuse membrane and a construction film.

Along with them, the installation of extruded polystyrene foam is common, because it is best to lay out ceramic tiles. Tile is considered the best and most functional decorative facing covering.

Many builders use another interesting technique: they apply special thermal plaster on a woven mesh with a layer of 3 cm. In addition to the above-mentioned insulation materials, porous cement-sand mortars, perlite concrete sheets, and expanded clay concrete plates can be fixed. An important heating device in the restroom is a reflective screen installed behind the heated towel rail or behind the heating radiator. Thanks to it, hot air is reflected and distributed throughout the room. It can be made from a sheet of aluminum foil.

When choosing insulation, it is important to remember that a soft cotton base is laid under the drywall. You can choose tile materials, or you can choose roll materials, but their density should not exceed 50 kilograms per cubic meter. A vapor barrier film is always placed on top. The use of extruded polystyrene foam is important under the next layer of plaster. Choose products whose flammability group does not exceed G1. You can also choose a basalt slab as a thermal protective base for plaster and ceramic tiles.

Separately, it is worth noting the cladding, which should not be used as a thermal insulation base for walls - the use of granular foamed polystyrene is not recommended, it increases humidity and can provoke rotting, the formation of fungus and the spread of mold.

Warm floor

The heated floor provides the optimal temperature ratio in the bathroom - around +25-29 degrees below and +20-22 degrees above. Thus, a comfortable atmosphere is created that is beneficial to health; mold and mildew do not arise or spread. The floor can be installed from pipes supplying boiling water or from an electric heating cable (video).

Therefore, the entire system can be configured from:

  1. Electrical cables.
  2. Pipe
  3. Electric film with infrared heating.

If you choose electric floors, then keep in mind that they are based on a heating cable, and it operates from the network. The use of such a system is absolutely safe because it is laid under several layers of insulation. To mount, you first need to draw up an installation diagram, then determine where the thermostat, sensors and connection point will be located. Then the reflector and conductors are laid, thermoregulation is installed and the entire structure is filled with a dense layer of cement screed.

Infrared floors are another functional new product on the market. They are also popular because their installation is much simpler than other systems, and you can do all the work yourself. You will be working with a heated film that can be placed under carpet, tile, parquet or laminate. You need to lay out the canvas on a flat, cleaned base and connect the sensors, check how everything functions, and cover the coating with a protective layer of film or cement mixture.

Also some install horizontal system polymer pipes through which water flows from common system heating. A durable material is also poured on top cement strainer, but such technology can only be performed by a repair and construction team.

As you have seen, even in old panel or brick houses you can equip a warm restroom; you can perform almost all of the above methods yourself, and Construction Materials and repair equipment is now sold in any specialized store. The main thing is that a dry, heated bathroom is the key to your health and the well-being of your loved ones.