Shower      03/08/2020

How to attach legs to a steel bathtub. Installation of support legs for a steel bathtub. Installation rules. Features of installing a steel bath

It's hard to imagine life without taking a hot bath. Water procedures invigorate and at the same time relax the human body. If the bathtub installed in your house/apartment has already served its purpose, then, of course, it will have to be replaced. Bathtubs made of steel are in greatest demand today. From this article you will learn that installation steel bath Anyone can do it with their own hands.

Due to its massiveness, a cast iron bathtub will stand securely no matter how you install it. The same cannot be said about steel bath. When installing it, it is important to ensure that it is adjacent to the walls on three sides. In this case, it will stand securely, and exercise in it water procedures it will be safe.

Adjustable feet

When purchasing a bathtub, adjustable feet are included. There are several types of supports, the safest are those with a self-adhesive pad. This is especially true in cases where the manufacturer has provided fasteners with coupling bolts. If tightened or stressed at the attachment points, the enamel may peel off. A self-adhesive overlay is intended for this very purpose, which levels the load. In their shape, the supports resemble a channel. They have adjusting screws with plastic tips.

The best fasteners are those with short supports and long bolts.

Installation of a bathtub on bricks

Due to its low weight, a steel bathtub is unstable. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of making additional support. Ideal option there will be a brick frame. In the future, this support will be tiled, so it will not spoil appearance the bathroom in general. When laying out bricks, you need to leave a window through which you can clean or replace the siphon. A decorative door will need to be installed in this window.

You can install a steel bathtub without much effort. The process itself is quite simple and does not require special knowledge in construction. To ensure that everything works out for you, follow the guidelines outlined in this article closely.

The first step is to prepare the installation site. At this stage, the outlets of the water supply and sewerage pipes must be present. should be done close to the wall.

Next, fasten the supports. To do this, turn the bathtub upside down. It is necessary to place soft material or packaging cardboard under it. The first support is fixed as close as possible to the outlet. The other support is located as close as possible to the opposite end of the bath. However, it should not be displaced from flat surface bottom. To prevent displacement from occurring, it is necessary to straighten the supporting channel. But do this not in the bathtub, but on the side.

If the supports of the bathtub you purchased have a self-adhesive surface, then it is recommended to treat the gluing area with alcohol or acetone. The mounting strip must be pressed tightly against the bottom surface. As a result, the support will hold very securely.

If you want to eliminate protective film from the surface of the bath, use a hairdryer for this. Having slightly warmed up the film, it can be easily removed and no residue will remain on the surface of the product.

Threaded adjusting pins should be driven into the plastic tip until they stop. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the thread. Next, take the nuts that come with the supports and screw them onto the stud. After this, lower the nuts to the tip and screw in the studs so that they fall into place in the supports.

If your bathroom is narrow, then the supports should be assembled directly in it. When carrying the bathtub, hold on to its edges, but in no case to the legs.

Having installed the bathtub on the supports, all that remains is to level it in height and level. To do this, you can use a building level, which you place on the side of the bathtub. Do not place a level on the bottom, as it is initially filled so that there is sufficient flow of water into the drain. After installation is complete, a small gap may form between the wall and the bathtub. It should be sealed with sealant or foam. If you installed the bathtub on a pre-laid brick frame, then all you have to do is lay the tiles. If you have not resorted to such technology, then you can mount protective screen. Taking this into account, you can use another technology for installing a bathtub. Screw metal hooks into the wall. Take all measurements first. In the end, all you have to do is put the bathtub on the hooks. With this technology, make sure that the legs are firmly on the floor.

It is also necessary to install drain siphon. Its assembly diagram is offered by the manufacturer. All you have to do is assemble the siphon structure using union nuts. If desired, the bathtub can be soundproofed and insulated. For this purpose the usual polyurethane foam. Apply it to the bottom and outer side walls. Based on the size of the bathtub, you will need 4-5 cans of foam.

To all of the above, it is worth adding a few nuances that must be taken into account during installation. The first nuance concerns the installation height. There are no special standards here. However, the height you choose will depend on the installation method you choose. If you are using factory supports and want to install a screen, then there are two standards: the height from the floor to the edge of the bathtub is 55 cm or 65 cm. Remember that the steel bathtub is covered with an enamel layer of paint. And if you handle it carelessly, it can be damaged. So take your time with the installation.

So, you have learned how to install a steel bathtub with your own hands. As you can see, the work process is quite simple. You are required to have a desire, and as you work, you will deal with all the questions that arise. If you have experience installing steel bathtubs, then write comments at the end of this article.


Learn more about installing a steel bathtub from the video provided:


From the photographs provided, you can clearly see the intricacies of installing a steel bathtub with your own hands:

The bathroom is the face of every home, the appearance of which speaks of the wealth, thriftiness and style of the homeowners. The central place in the bathroom is occupied by the bathtub, which is used for hygiene procedures or washing. Selecting and installing a washing container is the most important stage of renovation in this room. To save money on calling a professional technician, you can install the tank yourself. In this article we will tell you how to secure a bathtub so that it does not wobble, but stands steadily.

Choosing a bath

A bathtub is a large-volume sanitary container that is used for washing, laundry and other household needs. Some time ago, they tried to displace shower stalls with this device, however, they were defeated due to their lower functionality. Bathtubs are made from materials that can withstand the weight of water and the person using it, so that it retains heat for a long time, and maintains its appearance and seal when in contact with water.

They produce 3 types of sanitary containers:

    Cast iron. Cast iron bath classic version, perfectly retains heat and has high strength. The disadvantage of cast iron models is their heavy weight; a bathtub made of this metal weighs 80-150 kg. The high weight complicates transportation and installation. In addition, cast iron containers are expensive and have a limited range of standard shapes and sizes.

Note! To ensure that the bathtub stands level after installation and does not wobble, you need to choose the right container size. The length of the bathtub should correspond to the distance between the walls minus 3-5 cm. When deciding which bathtub to choose, give preference to models that best match the calculated dimensions, so that after installation is completed there are no gaps between it and the walls through which water can penetrate. Right choice The size of the container will make it much easier to attach the bath to the wall and floor of the room.

Installation features

The question of how to fix the bathtub so that it does not play or wobble worries most homeowners if they are renovating the bathroom with their own hands. The process of installing a sanitary container for washing has its own nuances and tricks, but you can cope with this task on your own, taking into account the mounting features various types baths:

    The most difficult part of installing a cast iron bathtub is bringing this container, weighing more than 100 kg, into the room and installing it on the floor. For installation you will need 4 supports, which are supplied with the selected model. Cast iron bath installed on the bathroom floor using legs secured to the bottom of the container with special wedges or bolts. To distribute the load from the weight of the bathroom, a metal sheet is laid on the floor.

Important! When renovating a bathroom, the bathtub is installed in place only after the floor has been finished. ceramic tiles. To provide access to the floor under the bathtub, the container is raised and then placed on bricks or wooden blocks.

Installation Rules

When purchasing a bathtub, be sure to pay attention to the mounting system it comes with. After purchasing a sanitary container, carefully read the instructions and become familiar with the installation method recommended by the manufacturer for this model.

In most cases, the bathroom installation process looks like this:

  • Before fixing the steel bathtub, it is necessary to prepare the installation site. If ceramic tiles are used as finishing, then you need to lay tiles on the floor and walls where the container is located.
  • The bathtub is turned over on its side and then carefully placed on the floor, since in this position it is much more convenient to connect the drain and overflow pipe.
  • Without changing the position of the sanitary container, the floor siphon is connected to plastic pipes using a sealant or sealant.
  • The legs are screwed or glued to the bottom of the bathroom, adjusting the supports in height.
  • The bathtub is placed in such a way that the siphon can be connected to the sewer system.
  • If necessary, a podium made of bricks or other moisture-resistant materials is built under the bottom of the bathroom. They make a frame to hide the pipes behind decorative screen.
  • Lastly, you need to hermetically seal the joints between the walls and the sanitary container using sealant, moisture-resistant solution or plastic corner.

After completing the installation, experienced craftsmen check the quality and reliability of the fastening. To do this, the sanitary container is completely filled with water to check whether the drain is working correctly, whether it is swinging or leaking.

Video instruction

Old style cast iron bathtubs are quite difficult to move. But modern steel and acrylic models, due to their low weight, are quite unstable. If installed incorrectly, they will wobble during use or move out of place with the slightest push, ruining the finish of the walls and floor. Let's talk about how to fix a bathtub - steel or acrylic - to avoid such troubles.

Choose the right plumbing fixtures

The stability of the bathtub depends not only on the procedure for its installation, but also on the dimensions of the bowl of this plumbing fixture. In order for the bathtub to stand securely, its dimensions must correspond to the distance between the walls at the installation site, minus 2.5–3 centimeters on each side. Under such conditions, it will be easier to secure the bowl to the walls and floor. In addition, in this case there will be no gap between the bathtub and the walls, into which water will inevitably get in during use.

Features of steel bathtubs

Among all types of bathtubs, steel models are the most difficult to install. This is due to two features of their design:

  • low weight of the bowl;
  • lack of fastenings for legs.

On cast iron and acrylic models, special fasteners are usually located on the outside of the bowl, to which the legs can be securely screwed. Manufacturers of steel bathtubs have abandoned these parts. Since steel is quite soft material, there is a high risk that when used, the bathtub may bend under the weight of the water collected in it, plus the body immersed in it. In this case, the fasteners will inevitably damage the enamel coating of the bowl.

Read: what wallpaper can be glued in the bathroom.

Legs for steel plumbing fixtures are usually a kind of trestles or supports. The bathtub is supposed to simply rest on them. Some leg models can be supplemented with an adhesive layer for more reliable fixation to the bottom of the bowl. But this doesn't improve the situation much. Therefore, it is recommended to use more reliable structural elements in addition to the legs.

How to fix a steel bathtub so it doesn't wobble

There are several ways to install a steel bathtub in a stable position. Most often it is recommended to make a brick stand under the plumbing bowl. But this option is not suitable for everyone. First, execution brickwork requires certain skills and abilities. Not every homeowner can build a reliable stand with their own hands. And in this case, quite high demands are placed on the quality of the masonry, since it will be constantly exposed to moisture and serious weight.

Secondly, in many houses, especially those related to the old foundation, interfloor ceilings may simply not withstand the weight of the brick substrate. As a result, installing a bathtub can result in a utility accident for you and your neighbors below. Plus, not everyone wants to wait several days for the masonry mortar to dry and acquire the strength necessary for installing plumbing. Therefore it is better to use more simple options fixing the bathtub.

Advice: if you still want to install a steel bathtub on a stand, make it not from brick, but from gas block. This material weighs much less and is more convenient to install.

The simplest and most reliable methods of installing a steel bathtub include:

  • fastening to walls using metal corners;
  • installation on a metal profile frame;
  • use of special fasteners.

Where does the installation of a bathtub begin?

Whatever installation method you choose, remember the main thing - installing a bathtub begins with fitting. First, the bowl is placed in the right place on its legs, its position is leveled and connected to the water supply and sewerage system. After this, you should check the performance of the product and especially the quality of water drainage. As you know, the bathtub should be at a slight angle: only in this case will the drain work correctly.

Having found out the optimal angle of inclination of the bowl by adjusting its height, mark the position of the sides on the wall. Using these marks, you will later install fasteners for the bathtub: steel or acrylic. After marking, disconnect the plumbing fixture from the communications and remove it from the premises.

Important! The final installation of a steel bathtub, regardless of the methods of its fastening, should be carried out after the floor of the room is completely finished with tiles or other material.

Installation of steel bowl on corners

A fairly reliable option for attaching a bathtub is to support the sides of the bathtub on wide metal corners, screwed to the walls, in addition to the legs. This method will suit you if the walls of the room are made of sufficiently durable material and were leveled with plaster or tile adhesive. TO plasterboard structures It is better not to fasten the bathtub: they will not withstand such weight.

Important! Installation of corners should be done after finishing the walls of the room is completed.

You can hang the corners only on two walls, against which the short edges of the bowl will then rest, or on all three vertical surfaces with which it will come into contact. To avoid damaging the finish, first use a special drill to make holes for fasteners in the tile. After that, you can drill through them directly into the wall, using, depending on its material, a drill bit with a pobedit tip or a hammer drill.

The location for attaching the corners should be determined by pre-made marks. At the same time, keep in mind that the bathtub will rest on them with its sides, but part of its weight should also fall on the legs. Don't forget to adjust for the thickness of the corner.

We advise you to learn about the features of toilets with a vertical outlet to the floor.

Installing a bathtub on a frame

If you plan to cover the space under the bowl with a decorative screen, The best way How to strengthen a steel bathtub so that it does not wobble is to place it on a metal frame. The structure is made from UD and CD wall profiles. The first is fixed to the floor using dowels as a base for the frame. The upper frame and supports for it are assembled from the second. It is also possible to make a welded support structure from:

  • metal corner;
  • steel pipes of suitable diameter.

Important! The size of the frame is selected in such a way that the profile of the upper frame fits snugly against the walls of the bowl, while the bathtub itself stands firmly on its legs.

Corner posts made of profiles are fastened to the upper and lower frames, and also, for greater reliability, attached to the walls of the room. The construction of the frame should be done after finishing the walls or, at least, after tiling that part of them that will be located above the bowl. Upon completion of installation, the frame can be sheathed plastic panels or plasterboard, which is then covered with tiles.

Important! When covering, do not forget to leave an inspection hatch for access to communications located under the bathroom.

Using special fasteners

If the bathtub bowl rests firmly enough on the legs, you can limit yourself to attaching it to the wall using special fasteners. They are sold in a wide variety in construction and plumbing supermarkets. This operation should be carried out before finishing walls In the future, the fasteners are hidden under tiles, which helps not only to improve the aesthetics of the room, but also to increase the reliability of fastening.

Reliable ways to attach a bathtub to the wall

When selling a bathtub, it includes legs or a more or less complex frame designed for its secure installation on the base. The design of any manufacturer is designed so that stability is not lost under the most unfavorable combination of loads - in the form of a full volume of water and a person sitting, standing on the bottom or climbing over the side.

With the advent of steel, and later acrylic bathtubs, many users of such sanitary equipment began to have doubts about the sufficient stability of the lightweight structure. People reacted simply - instead of standard legs or frame supporting structure They began to build a brick bed or several supports, on which the body of a bathtub of any shape was installed. There was a need to fix a light bathtub to the wall.

Bath stability

The stability of the bathtub in the vertical direction is beyond doubt with any design of standard legs - they will all withstand the weight of water and this is felt by users. The only understandable concern is the stability of the body in the horizontal direction - in fact, light steel and acrylic bathtubs can be thrown out of balance in this direction.

One of the typical products is a bracket designed for attaching a bathtub to the wall. You can see how reliably the engagement of the curved edge of the side is ensured acrylic bathtub for this bracket

Users' concerns are not unfounded. Even the smallest degree of freedom of movement in any direction is dangerous by violating the integrity of the sewer drain connection. In some cases - a violation of the tightness of the seal connecting the housing to the wall.

That is why, to ensure complete stability, you need to ensure that the bathtub is secured to the wall. In this case, the possibility of horizontal vibrations disappears. The bathtub becomes completely stable regardless of the force applied to it.

Attaching the bathtub body to the walls

In a bathroom, the bathtub can be located in four layout positions:

  1. Island position - in the middle of the room.
  2. Near one wall.
  3. In a corner, in contact with two walls.
  4. In a niche, close to the walls on three sides.

It is important to mount it to the wall when placing the bathtub with only one side to the wall, sometimes in a corner position. The body, pinched on three sides, is completely unshakable.

The only technical possibility of attaching a bathtub to a wall is based on the fact that its sides of any design are bent downwards. This bend is what needs to be kept from moving the bathtub. The complexity of this operation lies in the fact that the natural place where you need to secure the side to the wall is inaccessible - it is covered by the housing.

Any way to secure the bathtub to vertical plane is to pre-install on this plane such fastening elements that will securely engage with the side bent downwards - when this side is lowered into place.

For such fasteners, you can use branded factory-made brackets, with the possibility of adjustment and rubber gaskets. Home master can install a homemade profile from a steel angle - such a fastening can be much more reliable than a branded one. You can even use L-shaped dowel fastenings. You can make rubber gaskets yourself - the fastening will be more reliable.

The height of the bathtub from the floor, there is also a standard for this parameter - read about it in our material.

How to select and install hot tub, you can read in this article.

Wall mounting technology

Any fastener must provide several important conditions for reliable and durable operation:

  • strong retention in the wall;
  • The main retaining element of the fastener, bent upward, should have a slight downward approach to the wall. This is necessary so that the side of the bathtub, put on such fasteners, goes down during installation, and is pressed close to the wall;
  • high accuracy of marking and installation of all components of such a system must be ensured.

After determining the level of the lower edge of the bathtub, mark it on the wall with a line. Fasteners - staples, dowels or corners must be secured so that the side of the bathtub engages with them and the canvas is pressed against the wall. It is necessary to attach the side so that it cannot be moved by hand under the strongest impact.

Here is an approximate sequence of actions for installing a bathtub and attaching it to the wall:

  1. You must first completely assemble the entire structure of the bathtub including the legs and support frame. The adjusting screws of the legs should be positioned in the middle position.
  2. Using the assembled bathtub, the level of the side on the wall is marked and the selected fasteners are installed. Before making such markings, you need to put the bathtub in place and find out the features of its horizontal adjustment.
  3. The bathtub complex with the support part is carefully lowered from top to bottom so that the side engages with the fasteners.
  4. The adjusting screws are used to finally level the bathtub body.

When the bath has taken its position, you can connect utility networks, and after that - lay out brick supports that will ensure the complete inviolability of this structure.

The difficulty of installing brick supports when installed bathtub is compensated by the fact that the master will not be able to place these supports where it would interfere with connecting the bathtub - all connections have already been made and are in plain sight. The brick supports do not extend up to the bathtub body by 10-20 m and this gap is filled with polyurethane foam, having first filled the bathtub with water.

However, you can secure the bathtub using another sequence of actions. The main thing is to make sure that the invisible downward-curved edge of the bathtub side is securely engaged with the fasteners.

Bathtub installation practice has shown that homemade devices fasteners and supports made of brick, concrete, and designer steel structures most often surpass in reliability the standard structures of the most famous manufacturers. Thoughtful rationalization of this type allows you to consider the bathtub absolutely reliable, without worrying about its stability and even operate it in any mode.

How to strengthen a bathtub so it doesn't wobble

  • 1 Methods of fixing bathtubs
  • 2 Polyurethane foam
  • 3 Application of a brick frame
  • 4 Installation on a metal frame
  • 5 Inserting a bathtub into a niche
  • 6 Videos

When carrying out renovations in an apartment with a complete replacement of plumbing, its owners quite often have to deal with the problem of securely fastening the equipment installed in the bathroom. This is especially true for the work procedures for installing a new bathroom, the specific installation of which is determined by many factors, including the material of the product and its texture. Thus, a traditional cast-iron bathtub, which is distinguished by its considerable weight, is best installed according to a long-proven method, which involves its reliable support on the height-adjustable legs included in the kit.

For lighter acrylic bathtubs, for example, additional fastening will be required to ensure its reliable fixation and uniform distribution of loads throughout the body. In our article we will consider in detail the installation features of each of the samples of this plumbing product.

Methods of fixing bathtubs

Legs for steel bathtub

For anyone who wants to figure out how to strengthen a bathtub so that it doesn’t wobble, we advise you, first of all, to decide on the material from which it is made, since this largely determines the method of its installation.

When choosing a product, you most often encounter the following options:

For each of the samples of these products, a special one must be used, only for it suitable way fastenings, taking into account the peculiarities of the relief of the walls of the bathroom itself.

Legs for acrylic bathtub

Cast iron bathtubs are sufficiently stable due to their significant mass, so their installation is permissible anywhere in the room. Typically, such bathtubs are installed on standard legs that are included in the delivery of the product and are securely fixed to its body using special steel wedges or bolts. As an additional fastening, a pre-laid brick base or corners fixed to the wall can be used (in the case of a brick base, its body may not be located close to the walls).

It is best to place a steel bathtub on several support points, so it should be located directly against the wall. Since the legs included in its kit do not provide the required reliability of fixation, a special brick podium is often used to increase the stability of the product.

The following techniques can be used to secure a steel bath:

  • the use of polyurethane foam, which seals the junction with the wall and at the same time strengthens the contact area;
  • installation on special walls metal profiles, providing additional support;
  • and finally, a regular wall insert.

To securely fasten and ensure uniform distribution of loads, it is best to install an acrylic bathtub on the same brick podium or use a special metal frame for these purposes.

Let's consider each of the methods of attaching bathtubs discussed in this chapter in more detail.

Polyurethane foam

Using polyurethane foam

Using polyurethane foam to fix a bathtub is the simplest and most affordable method of simultaneously fixing it to the floor and walls. When implementing this method, the bathtub is first adjusted in place and height using adjustable legs so that there is a gap of about 0.75–1.5 cm at the walls, and then it is filled to the brim with water.

After this, you can begin to seal the gaps between the bathtub body and the adjacent walls of the room, as well as between its legs and the floor using polyurethane foam.

Sealing foam tends to expand when it dries, so its use must be strictly dosed. Otherwise, unwanted deformations of the structure are possible, reducing the reliability of its fixation. Despite the fact that the “setting” time of the polyurethane foam is about 12–35 hours, work on finishing the walls can begin in about 6 hours.

Application of brick frame

Using a brick frame

A brick frame is most often used in cases where you decide to fix the bathtub without the help of legs and ensure even distribution of loads along the entire perimeter of the support. With this installation method, it is possible to lay out the frame both along the bathroom and across it.

In the case of a transverse arrangement, the bathtub must rest directly on the brick, which will require additional fastening of the frame to the walls using metal corners (steel or aluminum). In this case, the pre-prepared corners are fixed with dowels on the wall so that the free edges of the bathtub have additional support and it does not wobble when pressed.

Installing a bathtub on bricks

When laid longitudinally, something like a trough is formed, into which the installed bathtub product is placed. The gap or cavity formed between the walls of such a base and the bathtub itself must be sealed with polyurethane foam, which also helps to increase the reliability of its fastening. If the front wall is laid out to the very top, it is possible to completely hide the body of the bathtub, thus preparing the base for subsequent tiling with ceramic tiles.

Brick screen

When performing this work, it is imperative to provide a small inspection hole necessary to provide access to the siphon. When finishing, this hole can be closed with a piece of drywall or by installing a small plastic door. In the case when you plan to decorate the walls with ceramic tiles, a ready-made screen can be used as the front panel of such a base.

Installation on a metal frame

This method of fixing bathtubs is mainly used during installation acrylic products, which, as a rule, already includes a ready-made steel frame (if it is not available, this accessory can always be purchased separately or made independently). During the installation of such a bathtub, the installation or guide strips of the frame are first attached to its bottom using self-tapping screws (note that they are fastened in places specially designated for this purpose, which have thickenings). And then the included legs are installed on the guides secured in this way using a bolted connection.

Additional support

After securing the legs, the bathtub will need to be put in place and the points where its body will touch the walls of the room must be marked, after which special strips will be installed at these points to provide additional support.

It is necessary to leave a small gap between the bar and the side (no more than 2–4 mm), taking into account the expansion of the bath after filling it with water.

Inserting a bathtub into a niche

Insert into a niche

In small-sized apartments, a situation very often arises when a bathtub is placed with great difficulty in the space allocated for it, which, on the one hand, significantly complicates its installation, and on the other hand, provides the possibility of rigid and reliable fixation in a bathroom niche.

To insert and rigidly fasten the bathtub, you will need to prepare grooves in the wall on each of its sides according to the thickness of the edge of the product (for these purposes, you can use a hammer drill or grinder). The edges or flaps of the bathtub should be inserted into the grooves prepared with their help with a slight “tightness”, which guarantees maximum rigidity of the fastening due to the complete absence of play.

If the legs supplied in the kit are not sufficiently rigid, you can further strengthen the fastening of the bathtub by using special transverse profiles that serve as supports for its flaps.


How to install a bathtub in a groove, see below:

steel bathtubs are still popular among consumers.

First of all, due to its durability. But in order for the font to serve you faithfully for many years, it must be installed correctly.

That's why we created the most detailed instructions for installing a steel bathtub. Where we collected all the expert advice. It will save you from installation errors. It will also show how it can be converted into advantages.

Have you already chosen a bath? If yes, you can begin preparing the room for its installation.

If you haven’t purchased a font yet, be sure to check out ours. This will help you avoid further problems with operation and installation, and will also allow you to purchase a truly high-quality model.

There are three types of installation of hot tubs:

  1. tiled bathroom;
  2. to bare walls and then laying them out with tiles;
  3. to walls lined to the planned level of bathtub installation.

Let's figure out which one is best to use and when.

First way convenient if you bought a high-quality massive steel bathtub that does not require additional fastening to the walls. Everything is simple and quick here - the font is placed on legs and moved towards the wall. It’s just important not to forget about sealing the joint.

Second way will allow you to make high-quality stops on the walls without compromising the integrity of the tiles. Plus, sealing the joint will be much easier, since the tiles will be laid out from the side. Therefore, water will definitely not get behind it. The disadvantages of this option include the fact that laying tiles will not be very convenient and quite dangerous for covering the bathtub.

If you decide to cladding the walls after installing the font, under no circumstances remove the factory film from the bowl. Better yet, line the bottom and sides of the bathtub with cardboard. This will keep the enamel coating intact.

And finally, third way- the most, in our opinion, optimal, but also the most difficult. After all, it is very important to measure everything accurately so that the font clearly fits in height into the space that is not tiled. With this option, you will not damage either the tiles or the coating of the bowl.

We've decided on the options. Now you need to clean the room well and prepare the tools. More on this below.


First you need to prepare your tools. For comfortable work you will need:

  • level- to set the horizon line;
  • roulette;
  • construction marker— to perform markings;
  • set of wrenches- for adjusting the legs;
  • corner— for inspection of right angles;
  • hammer drill- for drilling holes in the wall;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a metal font

Thermal and sound insulation

Despite everything, they have their drawbacks: high thermal conductivity (water cools down very quickly) and poor sound insulation (the sound of a filling bathtub can be heard even by neighbors). But both of these problems are quite easy to deal with. , which can be used to cover the walls and bottom of a steel bowl to improve its characteristics.

Especially for you, we have written detailed instructions about and.

How to assemble and install legs with your own hands?

After completing the insulation work, you can begin installing the legs. They are:

  • universal— as a rule, such legs come with the cheapest models and are simply attached to an adhesive base;
  • with bolted connection- such models are more solid, connected to the bottom using special bolts. Exist different variants their execution, but the installation principle is the same for all.

STEP 1. A bolt is inserted into a special mounting location at the bottom of the bowl.

STEP 2. Then the support frame is placed on it. The structure is secured with a nut. To reduce the load on the bowl, it is important to remember to place rubber gaskets between the bottom and legs.

STEP 3. After this, you need to screw the legs themselves to the frame. There is no need to tighten them too much. Since the bathtub will still need to be adjusted to its level.

STEP 4. All that remains is to put on the plastic pads to reduce the pressure of the legs on the floor.

Drain and overflow

It is better to assemble the drain and overflow at the stage when the bathtub is still on the floor - it will be more convenient. This can be done according to standard instructions:

  1. gaskets are inserted into elements (10), (7 - siphon), (4), and then they are connected to each other with plastic nuts (8);
  2. gaskets (18), (15) are inserted into the corresponding overflow elements (17), (14), which are fastened with nuts;
  3. The assembled drain and overflow are applied to the holes in the bathtub and bolted to the grates.

Level regulation

After installing all the elements, you can turn the font over on its legs and place it in its future location. Next, you need to set it evenly using building level. Place the level on each side of the bathtub, twisting the corresponding legs. After all the sides have been exposed, you can move on to the next stage.

If the length of the legs is not enough to achieve the required height and the question arises of how to lengthen them, everything is simple. You can put bricks under them, after securing them to the floor with mortar.

Many craftsmen try to create an additional slope by adjusting the legs. Allegedly, so that it would merge better water. This is mistake! For all models, this slope is provided technologically; the bathtub must be set strictly according to the level!

Additional supports, what to attach to the wall so that it doesn’t swing?

As mentioned above, a high-quality steel bathtub with walls at least 3 mm thick does not require additional supports, and it is not at all necessary to attach it to the wall. But if the font is not the most expensive or you want to insure against the fact that it will wobble -. Or screw additional supports for the sides to the wall. Let's figure out how best to do this.

STEP 1. First you need to measure the distance from the floor to the bottom edge of the bathtub side (distance “A”). Then you need to move the bathtub and set this distance from the floor using a tape measure, drawing a side line along the entire perimeter.

STEP 2. As additional support, you can use a high-quality galvanized profile, steel corners or wooden beam, treated with special moisture-resistant impregnation. Using dowel nails, it is necessary to attach them to the wall along the line that we drew at the previous stage. They will take some of the load off the legs. The sides of the bathtub will rest on them.

Grounding an iron bowl

Next important stage is the grounding of the bowl. Metal baths must be grounded, since steel is an excellent conductor. And if a phase hits, for example, metal pipe- the result can be disastrous.

Bathtubs usually have a special grounding bolt with a special designation. It must be connected to the nearest point of the ground loop using a copper wire. As a rule, in the dignity. The socket always has a grounding conductor, so you can connect the grounding wire to it.


The final step is to seal the joint between the wall and the tile.

You can seal the seam between the iron bathtub and the tiles using silicone sealant. It must be applied along the entire perimeter of contact between the side and the wall.

Then moisten it with a spray bottle and remove the excess with your finger or a special spatula.

If they are additionally moistened, the work will be done even more accurately.


In order to rank. the unit looked more aesthetically pleasing; it was better to cover the space under the bathroom with a screen. You can make a blank screen from tiles. But in order to effectively use the space under the bathroom, a screen with sliding doors is best suited.

Useful videos

Assembling the legs



As you understand from the article. It is quite possible to install a metal bathtub yourself. All you need is tools and a little perseverance. We hope our article was useful to you. On our website you can find other interesting materials.

For many people, comfort in the bathroom is associated with a quality bath. A metal product is considered to be one of the best in terms of quality. We will consider additionally how to install a metal bathtub yourself, placement options, and principles of work.

Features of steel baths

Installation of a metal bathtub is largely related to the peculiarities of its characteristics. You can find these plumbing fixtures on legs, in boxes, and other mounting methods.

Modern models of their metal have a number of features:

  • Glass-forming raw materials are now included;
  • The surface does not crack;
  • Deformations are not scary;
  • Not afraid of alkali, acids;
  • Retains color;
  • Wide selection of shapes;
  • Budget price.

Steel models have an elegant design, and their service life will be much longer than acrylic ones. Of course, the water in such a product will lose temperature much faster; when it gains temperature, the sound is quite loud and requires grounding. Applying a layer of polyurethane foam will help to cope with this problem.

Any type of product must be reliably and safely installed in accordance with all the rules.

Installation options for a steel bath

Unlike cast iron bathtubs, the model requires reliable fastening. Features of installing a steel bathtub are related to the specifics of the material. The disadvantages of steel bathtubs can also be eliminated at the installation stage.

The first distinguishing feature of this type is the need for installation before finishing the bathroom. In this case, it becomes possible to give the surface of the support a rather interesting look.

Most often, it is customary to install baths between three walls. This method will allow you to securely fasten the product. The distance required for installation should be equal to the dimensions of the product, plus a few centimeters from above.

There are several ways to install a bathtub correctly:

  • On legs;
  • In the middle of the room;
  • In the corner;
  • On the podium.

The height of the bath and installation will depend on the drain, the convenience of connecting the siphon to the sewer, and a number of other features. Installation is carried out on pre-prepared, bare walls. Prepare polyurethane foam, which will definitely come in handy during the process.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages that remain to be studied.

On standard legs

When choosing a device, pay attention to the quality of the legs that are necessary for installation. Very often they are completely unsuitable. The installation process must be carried out in stages:

  • Place the product near the installation site with the bottom up;
  • Install the siphon;
  • Prepare the legs;
  • Put it in place and connect it to the drain.

Legs modern baths They are extremely rarely reliable and most often serve a purely decorative function. In addition, due to the lightness of the material, this model has an increased risk of overturning. Therefore, it is advisable to provide additional fasteners.

To the corner of the room

If it is customary to install the device in the corner of the room, the support will only be on two sides. With this method, you will need to resort to additional support.

The process consists of the following stages:

  • You'll need a corner. Make five half-centimeter holes;
  • Attach the corner to the wall;
  • Fill all irregularities with sealant;
  • Place the bathtub between the walls and the corner with precise support.

The steel bathtub is quite light. Its stability can only be ensured with reliable fasteners.

Between the walls

With this arrangement, it is advisable to install corners on both sides of the product. This ensures maximum fastening reliability. As a rule, the dimensions of the distances between the walls coincide with the standard dimensions of bathtubs. In this case, three walls provide an additional point of support, which is very important for lightweight models. Moreover, it turns out that even some extra comfort. The third wall can even be made of plasterboard, a niche.

In the middle of the room

With this option, it is necessary to manufacture a special case, which will be responsible for reliability. In this option, the use of legs is completely unnecessary, since the load will be taken by a frame made of brick or other dense material.

This is one of the most popular methods due to its high reliability. In addition, in this case, access to communications is not always convenient, which is also important to take into account.

Manufacturing for a steel podium bathtub

Very effective reliable method installation involves making a podium. This design may differ in the production method and the material from which it will be made.

According to the method, a distinction is made between monolithic and frame type. The step that supports the product, the first type. The second type is hollow inside; all communications are hidden in it and necessary things are stored.

The podium can be made of plasterboard, brick, or blocks. Each material has a number of features.

Making a metal frame

It is quite easy to make a high-quality metal frame yourself. To do this, you will need a metal profile that is connected with bolts. Can be fastened by welding. The edges need to be processed so that they are not sharp. It is better to additionally make a brick platform below. The frame is attached to the walls, the joints are treated with sealant to avoid leakage.

The method is suitable for this lightweight and durable material. Such fasteners may not save a cast iron bathtub, and may even damage acrylic.

Foam blocks are a good material to work with. They are quite light and durable. It is important to pay attention to the joints, since the material absorbs moisture and can become a place for fungus to form.

Making a podium from wooden beams
Wood is often used to make podiums. It is customary to install a sheet of plywood on the joists. To prevent noise from forming, install strips of cork under the joists. It is advisable to use the free space as a place to store things.

Methods for attaching a steel bathtub

After the bathtub has been prepared, the legs have been installed, and turned towards the drain, we proceed to fastening.

One of simple methods– use of polyurethane foam. The product is displayed, adjusted in height, and partially filled with water. Foam is poured into the gap from the wall to the device. It is advisable to let it harden for 24 hours.

The brick frame makes the installation more reliable and safe. It can be combined with legs. Can be completely covered with brick. Combination of legs with metal frame gives good results.

The method of inserting into a niche is very reliable. In this case, the device will have to be placed in special grooves.

When installing, maintain a slight level of inclination to facilitate the passage of water.

Brick base for a steel bath

There should be no gaps between the wall and the base of the bath. If this is not done, mold and mildew will soon form.

For steel bathrooms, a brick base is most often installed. The rear pillar should have a height of nineteen centimeters, the front one seventeen. This move will increase reliability.

Installing a steel bathtub on brick supports

Before installing on the brick, you need to put spacers. You need to adjust the correct installation using a level. This should be done without haste, at least together. It is important to check for stability. If the indicators are not reliable enough, it is worth making additional fastening to the wall.

Fastening a steel bathtub to metal corners

This method is quite reliable. Corners can be included in the kit or purchased separately. The planks must be attached using self-tapping screws in special places. You can install corners along the walls, and place the sides on it. Treat all joints with sealant.

Securing the bathtub to the wall

You can attach it to the wall using a bracket. Another option is to provide adhesion to the wall before installation. When exposing the bathtub, it must connect to the side. These could be corners or staples. You can use brick supports and sealant for this.

Covering the perimeter of the bathtub with brick

The most reliable installation method is brick cladding. At this point, you first need to install the product, then carry out the laying. After drying, decoration is done based on wishes. It is important to leave a window, opening, and access to communications under the bathroom. For cladding, the brick is halved in thickness. It is necessary to leave space for laying tiles and access to the siphon.

Installation on an additional wall profile frame

The most common frame used for bathrooms is plasterboard. It has a number of advantages, such as water resistance, strength and lightness. A base of metal profiles is pre-assembled, which are connected to the bathtub. A screen for the product is often made from such material.

Whatever type of installation is chosen, its important feature should be reliability. It is important to carry out all measurements and tests several times before completing installation.

In Russian homes, the bathtub is a more popular plumbing fixture. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that apartment meters are still not such a common phenomenon, and Russians are not yet accustomed to saving water.

On the other hand, a bathtub is really more convenient for washing, washing things and other household needs. The most popular are steel models, which are distinguished by reasonable prices, high quality and long service life. Due to their light weight, these products are quite easy to transport and install. In this article we will tell you how to install a steel bathtub yourself.

Features of steel baths

They replaced the too bulky, heavy Soviet-style cast iron models. Steel is a ductile and easily processed metal, thanks to which manufacturers have the opportunity to diversify the model and size range of plumbing products.

The advantages of such washing containers are:

  1. A light weight. A steel bathtub weighs 4-5 times lighter than a cast iron bathtub, so it is easier to transport, carry onto the floor and install.
  2. Durability of the coating. Enamel is applied to the surface of the bowl when exposed to high temperatures, as a result of which it is baked, acquiring resistance to chipping and increased wear resistance.
  3. Affordable price. With high performance and long term service price steel models significantly lower than acrylic and cast iron.

Note! Light weight when installing a steel bathtub is considered more of a disadvantage than an advantage. A poorly secured, low-weight bowl wobbles, slips, and wobbles, making hygiene procedures unsafe.

Installation methods

The quality of installation has a great influence on the comfort of use and long service life of steel washing containers. The fact is that this material is easily deformed if the load is distributed incorrectly. When purchasing a steel font, pay attention to models with walls whose thickness is 3 mm or more. Installation of a steel bathtub is carried out in one of 3 ways:

Important! The disadvantages of steel baths are the high thermal conductivity and resonating ability of products of this type. When using the bowl, homeowners notice that it cools faster and also makes more noise when drawing water than a cast iron one. These defects can be reduced if, during installation, foam or thermal insulation material is applied to the bottom surface of the bathtub.

Installation technology

Do-it-yourself installation of a steel bathtub is done when the floor in the room has already been leveled and tiled, but before tiling the walls begins. This sequence of work allows you to move the bowl to the wall with minimal gap. For self-installation the craftsman will need supports for the bowl, sealant, polyurethane foam, wrench, level. Installation is performed in the following sequence:

Professional craftsmen recommend installing steel models on 3 walls to increase the rigidity and reliability of the structure. To do this, wooden blocks or a metal corner are attached to the walls using screws so that the edges of the bowl rest on them.

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