Well      03/30/2019

We create a modern interior in a minimalist style. Interior in the style of minimalism is the most iconic trend in organizing space

The modern rhythm of life does not allow you to relax even for a minute, so the daily routine should be clear, and everyday life modern man- with minimal effort. IN Lately this began to be reflected in everything: in clothing, household items, even in communication. Recently, a new style has appeared in the interior of residential premises - minimalism. This direction can transform small apartment to cozy and comfortable housing.

Bedroom interior with a minimal set of furniture and without unnecessary decor.

Despite the fact that minimalism has gained popularity recently, its prerequisites can be seen in the constructivism of the 20th century. This period is characterized as transitional: technological progress, changes in worldview, fresh views on life. A room decorated in a minimalist style will never go unnoticed. There will be many opinions: some will say it is too strict and boring, others will admire the abundance of light and functionality.

For some, the style of minimalism is austerity.

Minimalism is characterized by the following features:

  • strict geometric shapes;
  • neutral colors;

Minimalism is characterized by neutral tones.
  • using only high-quality materials;
  • maximum free space;

Maximum space is the basis of minimalism.
  • Availability large windows and partitions;
  • modern built-in furniture;

Modern built-in wardrobe in the bedroom in a minimalist style.
  • rejection of heavy curtains in favor of blinds and screens;

Heavy curtains are not appropriate for minimalism; blinds are suitable here.

Minimalism in bedroom design

In every home, the bedroom has a special meaning. This is a place where you can relax, forget all your problems for a while, and put your thoughts in order. Therefore, there should be nothing superfluous in the interior of the room.

A minimalist bedroom often resembles a Japanese sleeping area. This happens because most minimalist designers recommend installing low beds (also called platforms). If you select furniture incorrectly, this style can be confused with high-tech, classicism, or loft.

Most minimalist designers recommend installing low beds (also called platforms).

Let us list the main features of bedrooms decorated in a minimalist style.

Benefits of a minimalist bedroom

In addition to the specific unusual design, this direction has several more advantages.

Color spectrum

A bedroom in the minimalist style does not involve flashy colors and decorative items. Only neutral and natural colors. When thinking through a design project in advance, you need to give preference to the main shades natural stone or wood. They can be diluted with the color of red brick. If you strictly follow the rules, you are allowed to use no more than three colors.

Sometimes white, black and gray are used in the interior.

Most experienced minimalist designers prefer to work with two shades. The main one is White color, and paired with it can be brown, pastel, gray. Some brave specialists use olive and terracotta tones for decoration in their work.

Some brave specialists use an olive tone for decoration in their work.

In such cases, you can use a third color, but only a little, for example, in the form of decorative accents. They will advantageously attract attention.

Classic color distribution scheme

In a minimalist style bedroom, the main color should be the “brightest”. It is applied to all small areas, 1-2 pastel shades cover the remaining surfaces.

It is important to remember that the surface of the walls should be uniform. Any finishing material is allowed: paint or wallpaper. There are times when you want to make the bedroom walls brighter. To avoid losing style, it is necessary to decorate all other pieces of furniture and decor in calm, neutral colors.

A bedroom in the minimalist style in the classical sense involves the use of white and black colors, which are subtly diluted with red shades. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with bright accents. Therefore, it is worth excluding all decorative items of a classic bedroom from the interior. To prevent the room from looking “empty”, you can put a lampshade or lamp.

A bedroom in the minimalist style in the classical sense involves the use of white and black colors, which are unobtrusively diluted.

Decoration of walls, ceiling, floor

As mentioned above, the walls are made plain, that is, all patterns and ornaments are excluded. Currently, there are many finishing materials for decorating bedroom walls in a minimalist style: wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster, non-woven wallpaper.

The design of the ceiling has its own character traits. It should be as simple as possible, without volumetric stucco elements and borders. Most often, in a minimalist style bedroom, a ceiling with built-in lighting fixtures is installed. If you still want to add a bright accent, then this can be stained glass painting, but small in size.

A minimalist ceiling should be as simple as possible, without volumetric stucco elements.

Floor design also matters. Designers recommend using parquet board, carpet, laminate. It is best if the color of the walls and bottom are combined.

Finishing material plain color is used, without a pattern. The texture doesn't matter much.

Furniture Basics

The arrangement of furniture in the minimalist style has its own special features, thanks to which you can unmistakably distinguish it from other styles.

  1. The pieces of furniture do not have drawings, ornaments, or any carvings. The interior consists of very compact pieces; massive and tall furniture is not used.
  2. The main element of a minimalist bedroom is the bed. It should not be massive or too tall. Minimalist designers recommend podium beds, futon beds, and the Japanese version of the tatami bed. They usually have hidden legs or no legs at all. In most cases, beds do not have a headboard, and if there is one, it is small and narrow.
    Minimalist designers recommend podium beds, futon beds, and the Japanese version of the tatami bed.
  3. On the sides of the bedroom bed there are 2 nightstands, 2 lamps or sconces. The design is neutral and very discreet.
    On the sides of the bedroom bed there are 2 nightstands and 2 lamps.
  4. For a bedroom in a minimalist style, high wardrobes and boudoirs are excluded. They are successfully replaced by sliding wardrobes, the facades of which are made of glass or plastic.
  5. The minimalist style looks impressive if the room area is large. Here, instead of a closet, you can allocate several meters for a dressing room. It can be located in any part of the bedroom. IN sliding doors You can install mirrors, they will visually increase the area of ​​the living space.
  6. If desired, in big room You can equip a work office. But, it is necessary to take into account in advance that for the interior of this premises It would not be appropriate to have small office supplies and papers on the table. Therefore, it is better to choose a table with large, spacious drawers. If the owner works a lot on the computer, you can purchase a multifunctional portable desk for the bedroom.
    Workplace in the style of minimalism: a table with spacious drawers and shelves of strict regular shapes.
  7. The dressing table is selected according to the same interior design principle: small items must be hidden from prying eyes. It is better to take a rectangular mirror.
    Dressing table of strict shapes in minimalist style.
  8. If the room is spacious, you can put a chest of drawers, but a small one, without bright accents and carvings. Usually this classic version with three spacious drawers.
    Light-colored chest of drawers with spacious drawers.
  9. In large studio apartments, the owners, in addition to the bedroom, equip a place for relaxation. Most often, this is the far corner where a neutral-colored carpet is laid out and an armchair is installed small sizes, floor lamp and coffee table. All without unnecessary decor or strict geometric shapes.
    Place to relax: large chair and table. If desired, you can add a floor lamp and a rug in a neutral color.
  10. In the last few years, it has become popular to remove all partitions in small apartments and create zoning. In such rooms, the role of walls is played by pieces of furniture. To sleeping area it looked more comfortable, you could lay a soft carpet near the bed.
    Zoning a room into a bedroom and an office in a minimalist style. Carpets in neutral shades are used for comfort.

Decorating a bedroom in a minimalist style

In a minimalist bedroom, a lot of decorative items are not recommended. The bed should have strict geometric shapes, a headboard without inserts, textiles in neutral shades. If you want bright accents on the wall, then you can hang 1-2 paintings above the head of the bed.

To visually expand the bedroom space, some minimalist designers recommend placing one large and several small mirrors on the wall.

It is uncharacteristic for this direction to have many textile items. The minimum allowed is a blanket and bed linen. You can put 2-3 on the bed decorative pillows. Bedroom textiles in neutral tones, without ornaments, patterns, or draperies.

Minimum textiles: bedspread, 2-3 decorative pillows.


The concept of minimalism style implies a lot of space and light. Therefore, ideally the bedroom should have big window. It is better to abandon traditional heavy curtains in favor of blinds. If the owner wants to see textiles on his window, then he can decorate it with a restrained color curtain and thin lace.

It is better to abandon heavy curtains on the window in favor of blinds.

There can be several light sources. A bulky chandelier can be replaced with point light sources; they can be mounted in walls and floors. It is better to replace traditional swing doors with modern sliding doors.

Small lighting elements can be installed near the bed and in the bedroom relaxation area.

A bedroom decorated in a minimalist style is suitable for business and purposeful people who value comfort and quality of life.

Video: Small bedroom in minimalist style

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Minimalism is a style that appeared not so long ago to solve the problem of crowded spaces. modern apartments. However, in the east this style has existed for many centuries, but it was discovered only recently by European designers, coming into fashion and immediately winning the hearts of many people. Why was he able to attract people from different parts of the world all over the planet?

Minimalism, a style in which the name speaks for itself. Minimal amount furniture and decor, simplicity of design solutions and the absence of unnecessary details - these are its main differences. It would seem that everything is quite simple and it will not be difficult to create for any building structure such a style.

However, if you adhere only to the principle of asceticism, then beauty will not work. The minimalist style is also based on correct geometric proportions, precisely calibrated strict features and unique contrasting color combinations. There are also usually a lot of mirrors and light, which is even more visually expands the space.

It’s easy and pleasant to be in such an apartment, and home comfort, consisting of little things, fades into the background, giving way to an elegant solution to the harmony of colors and shapes. In this article we will tell you how to turn even the most... small room into a stylish interior design solution, making it universal and bright.

Main features of minimalism

Like any style, minimalism has their characteristics , such as:

Start of renovation: walls, floor, ceiling, lighting

Any repair should begin with finishing the main horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Rooms in minimalist style

In each individual room you can create your own original style to emphasize the functionality of the room. So, install tiles in the bathroom and kitchen and use glossy surfaces, and in the bedroom and living room good decision will be the presence of a plain carpet with long pile and materials from natural wood. The floor can be in the form of black or white parquet without relief. Let's look at each room in more detail.


A minimalist kitchen is probably the dream of any housewife. After all, how pleasant and easy it is to cook when everything is at hand, in its place and there is a lot of work space.

And after cooking, you can remove all the shelves and drawers, set the table and here is the ideal dining room and nothing superfluous.

For a minimalist kitchen, it is best to choose furniture with mirrored, glossy surfaces. A dinner table made of frosted glass will give the interior a unique chic. Choose a furniture set with many drawers and closed shelves because then you won’t have to look for somewhere to put away kitchen utensils.


There should be nothing superfluous in a minimalist style bedroom. Usually from furniture there is just a bed and a couple of nightstands.

In this case, it is best to choose a contrasting color solution. For example, pair a dark wood bed with light walls. The bed itself must be chosen without a backrest or with a backrest of a perfectly regular geometric shape without relief or decorative patterns.

Bed linen should be plain, silk or cotton. If it is not possible to remove the closet from the bedroom, use a sliding wardrobe with a glass door. This will visually enlarge the space and the room will not look cramped or overloaded.

If you are a fan of modern technology like " smart House"and minimalism, then . is more suitable for you.

For lovers of comfort and freedom, an excellent solution would be something ambiguous in its own way, incorporating the spirit of mixing different cultures.


This style will ideal solution for small bathrooms or shared bathrooms. Add color to your bath using vibrant color combinations.

It can be white and green or red and steel. Choose the perfect combination to suit your taste. For a shared bathroom, install a shower stall instead of a bathtub.

And also for small rooms it is good to use hanging cabinets with mirrored doors and glass shelves. There should be no hygiene products in the open space.

Living room

Of course, the heart of any home is the living room. After all, this is where holidays, meetings with friends, parties or family evenings are held.

This minimalist style room will be characterized by presence of strict outlines. The TV can be hung on the wall or placed on a glass coffee table.

But you will have to give up the usual wall with many open shelves. Do not use wall decorations or paintings, the walls should remain clean. But a square, monochromatic carpet in the center of the room will emphasize its correctness. For finishing, you can use wooden panels or choose a steel color to match the equipment.


For a hallway in the minimalist style, you should choose only light colors because, as a rule, there are no windows, which means dark wallpaper and limited light will make the hallway cramped and dark.

To avoid this, use the construction suspended ceiling with many lamps and large mirrors.

The cabinet should also have glass doors, and it is better if it is. It will not only allow you to hide all your clothes and shoes, but will also be a great addition to any interior, visually increasing the space.

Apartment design in minimalist style is perfect suitable for perfectionists. It provides for the strict distribution of all things in their places, the absence of many decorative elements, and the clutter of the room. Its main tasks are to expand and facilitate space. Bright hues and bright color accents, regular geometric shapes: all this will make your kitchen, living room or bedroom cozy and fresh. Create your own unique design premises, breathe new life into your home.

Renovation in minimalist style

Clarity, clarity, simplicity - this is the credo of one of the most popular interior styles. Despite the fact that minimalism appeared quite a long time ago, it is ultra-modern and very popular.

History of style

Its “parents” are relevant in the 20-30s and. The first tried to make a revolution in the fine arts, the second in architecture, and both preached the same thing: laconicism, geometry, monolithic form.

The fashion for Japanese culture, which broke out at the end of the century before last, also made a significant contribution to the spread of minimalism. Degas, Monet, and other impressionists contributed to its spread by decorating their workshops with Japanese prints and views of Mount Fuji.
From art, Japaneseism stepped into. Ascetic Japanese homes, where there are no sideboards or banquettes, for some time became an example to follow.

Life in the 21st century has become even more dynamic. It forces a person to choose from a variety of items only the most necessary and important. Therefore, minimalism not only returned, but became widespread. Having absorbed utilitarian, rational ideas, today this style is not at all soulless, not devoid of warmth and comfort. On the contrary, leaving a lot of space and light, it turns your home into an island where you can relax, get away from the hustle and bustle and gain strength on the eve of a new day.

Characteristic features of minimalism

  • A small number of items, only the necessary ones;
  • Multifunctional furniture;
  • Cabinets “recessed” into the walls;
  • Big windows;
  • Lack of ornaments, patterns and stucco moldings.

The main secret of style is not in the conceptually correct arrangement of design elements and household items, but, above all, in the modeling of space. Enlarging windows, creating additional openings, eliminating partitions - these are the techniques that minimalism resorts to.

The second important principle is strict, clear lines, symmetry and ideal proportions. Minimalism– in no case is it a declaration of poverty, but carefully considered aesthetics of simplicity and freedom.

Variety of materials and finishes

The style is “omnivorous”: wood and stone, metal and tile, glass and synthetics... You just need to remember: the impeccability of lines, for which minimalism is famous, requires exemplary processing of all planes. Absolutely smooth surfaces– one of the key conditions of style.

The ceiling is light, smooth, without figured decorations. The floor is covered with laminate, tiles, and linoleum is not prohibited. Doors and window openings are so invisible that they merge with the walls.

For finishing, paint, wallpaper, wood panels, and stone tiles are used. In the hallway, a “brick” style or decorative plaster is appropriate. The rooms are painted or have monochrome wallpaper.

Color: between white and black

Externally, a simple minimalist style in the interior requires the designer to have a limited number of items. Therefore, the space of the apartment needs to be organized so that it does not seem empty and emasculated, but is functional and comfortable. Wherein design project must take into account the physical needs of a person and his social activity, give him the opportunity to create, work, relax and think.

The presented apartment is intended for a family of energetic and active people who are not afraid of experiments. The main colors of the interior are white, beige and many shades of gray. In order to make the furnishings of the apartment cozy and warm, it was customary to use wooden elements. This includes wall cladding in the living room and study, furniture fronts in the kitchen, and flooring.

The minimalist style in the interior is notable for the fact that it presupposes strict lines and colors. Wall cladding in the living room completed wood panels with clear horizontal lines. Spotlights are located strictly along straight lines, the facades of furniture in the kitchen are “lined” into strict rectangles. The bathroom has the same “straightness” - all the plumbing has regular geometric shapes. It is also designed in a minimalist style. The rounded shapes in the apartment are characteristic only of the original coffee tables and chairs. But they do not create disharmony, but only bring diversity to the environment.

Photo of a living room and kitchen in a minimalist style

The minimalist style in the bedroom interior is primarily subject to the desire for silence. There is nothing superfluous here; white color predominates in the design. But the sterile whiteness of the walls does not seem lifeless, thanks to the complex play of light on the corrugated texture of the wall at the head. Soothingly soft simple shapes beds, fluffy carpet, large pillows, luxurious blankets are conducive to rest and relaxation. Small decorative deck tables are intended for small items, books.

Photo of a bedroom and office in a minimalist style

Lighting perfectly supports the minimalist style in the interior of an apartment. It is almost invisible everywhere, but its role is obvious - it effectively emphasizes the advantages design solution. Spotlights in the bedroom are complemented by wall sconces; in the room - a floor lamp and ceiling lamp above the sofa; in the office - table lamp and sconce.

Photo of the bathroom in the apartment

Self-sufficient, purposeful and thinking people choose the style of minimalism in the interior. This is evidenced by the saying on the wall in the office - “You know more than you think.” They know how to keep themselves busy, they are interested in many things. They limit themselves to excess furniture and decorative elements. Transparent curtains, a gray monochromatic carpet, and discreet paintings in the office harmoniously fit into the interior composition conceived by the designer. And even a huge art poster in the living room does not disturb it, but enlivens it with a provocative image of the girl.

Second apartment 63 sq. m. in minimalist style