Mixer      06/17/2019

How to join sheets of plywood. How to join plywood together. Adhesives used

Plywood is used for decoration and construction. If you know how to work with plywood correctly, it will help to avoid chips, cracks and the cost of buying additional materials.

When buying plywood in a supermarket, you can order a cut of the board on the spot. The cost of the service depends on the complexity of the parts and the sawing footage. If you decide to cut plywood yourself, use our recommendations.

Features of cutting plywood

Cutting plywood sheet is of three types:

  • Rectilinear - sawing vertically and horizontally at right angles.
  • Curvilinear - cutting according to patterns - along a curve.
  • Combined - the two previous types are used.

When using these methods, consider the grain direction of the veneer.

For cutting plywood at home, it is best to use a tape or circular saw. A smooth edge at the site of the cut is obtained if you follow these rules:

  1. First of all, they cut across the fibers, and then along. In this case, the corners do not split.
  2. If the cut is from the front side, use a tape or hand saw. WITH inside use a circular or contour saw.
  3. When sawing with a circular saw, keep the blade speed high and the plywood sheet feed slow.
  4. For any sawing, use a saw with short teeth - the penetration should be small.
  5. Guide the saw with light pressure until it kicks back slightly - this way you will reduce the possibility of creases.
  6. To avoid chips and creases when cutting, you can stick construction tape along the line of the future cut.


In order to get holes with smooth edges, choose a sharp drill with a front cutter. Start drilling from the front side. Fix the plywood part before drilling.

To avoid chipping and splitting reverse side, put another sheet of plywood under the part.

Joining plywood sheets

Screws and nails are used to connect plywood parts.

Before screwing, the screw holes must be drilled. To prevent the screw head from damaging upper layer veneer, for it you need to cut a recess. To avoid damage to the sheet, do not overtighten the screws. The surface of the plywood can expand when exposed to moisture and crack near a screw that is too tight. For screws with a rounded (dome) cap, nuts are used for fastening from the inside.

Finishing and assembly plywood to metal structure fasten from the side of the structural beam so that on front side no attachment point was visible.

To mount the panels, special screws and threaded nails are used. The length of the nail is equal to two to three thicknesses of the plywood sheet. The frequency of hammering depends on the surface: for the floor, nails are hammered every 20 cm - 30 cm along the edge of the slab, and in the middle - every 40 cm. For wall and ceiling panels clogging frequency at the edges 10 cm - 20 cm, in the middle - 20 cm - 30 cm.

Connection types

The strength of the future structure depends on the strength of the connection and fastening of the plywood sheets to each other. There are many ways of joining (tongue, butt, tongue, etc.) plywood.

For mounting internal partitions(walls, roof) use butt joint, seam, open and strips. For outdoor installation, it is better to use aluminum profiles- they will protect the sheet from deformation. If plywood is mounted on the street open way. Then you need to process the edges of the sheets.

The most solid construction it turns out if you fix plywood on a stepped profile - it, in addition to reliability, will provide additional protection from sheet deformation.

Always leave a gap between plywood sheets for expansion: 3mm - 6mm in butt joints and 2mm in other types of joints.

plywood finish

The finishing of plywood includes preparatory sanding, priming, edging and directly finishing.

Grind the sheet with coarse-grained sandpaper against the direction of the fibers. If you plan to paint or varnish plywood, then you should also sand it with fine-grained sandpaper in the direction of the fibers.

The edges of the plywood sheet (parts) should also be sanded. Grinding starts from the corners and moves towards the middle. If the edges are uneven after cutting, sharpen them and then grind. The ends are covered in several layers acrylic paint with special additives.

Plywood tends to expand under the influence external factors and high-quality primer will protect the veneer from cracking. For finishing plywood, it is better to combine materials from one company with each other.

Before painting and varnishing, plywood is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, and the sheet is thoroughly cleaned of dust.

For coatings, materials for wood are used: stains, paints, varnishes. You can mount plywood after complete drying.

If you need to cut a large number of sheets of plywood, it is better to contact companies that specialize in cutting and sawing wood - there the sheets will quickly be cut with laser marking and cut into professional equipment. The cost of sawing is calculated per linear meter.

Plywood is a type of tree building material. Consists of several (three or more) sheets of sawn, sliced ​​or peeled veneer of various tree species with a special, mutually perpendicular orientation of structural fibers in adjacent layers. Such a structure causes shape stability and increased strength, which is undoubtedly an advantage. The layers of veneer are glued together various types adhesives, which are also capable of imparting water resistance properties to the sheets.

Features of mounting plywood sheets

The multilayer structure of plywood determines some specifics of the fastening process. In order to carry out reliable installation, in each case it is necessary to apply a certain method of fixation - there is no unified solution. Sheets have many options for use and the specific choice of material depends on them. Plywood can be used as:

  • draft material before creation finish coat for the floor;
  • facing layer for finishing the surface of the ceiling or walls;
  • component of a furniture body or frame.

Fastening floor plywood it is better to carry out with the help of glue or nails, since the draft layer should not be collapsible and as strong as possible.

When assembling furniture, it is better to connect plywood elements with screw fasteners. In addition to reliable fixation of parts, it makes it possible, if necessary, to make a quick, reversible dismantling.

When plywood is used in finishing works, the choice of mounting options seems to be wider. Nails, self-tapping screws, glue and screws are suitable here.

Attention! It should be remembered that the optimal fixation method depends on the characteristics (structural and decorative) of the material. For example, laminated plywood is very poorly attached with adhesive mixtures, since the laminated layer prevents the special composition from deep penetration into the wood base!

Nail fastening

This mounting option is perfect not only for creating a rough floor covering. It is also good for mounting plywood sheets on the ceiling and walls. But don't let your guard down when using this seemingly unbelievable simple method, since it has some important nuances. Eg:

  • reliable fixation is possible only with nails having a length of at least three times the thickness of the plywood sheet;
  • when, upon completion of installation, it is not planned to cover the surface of the product with varnish or paint, it is advisable to use acid-resistant nails for fastening - they are reliably protected from corrosion damage.

In addition, it is important to observe the optimal gap between the nails. For plywood on the floor or walls, it is 9.0–14.5 cm at the edges and 19.0–28.5 cm in the central area of ​​the sheet. The margin from the edge should not be more than 13.0–15.0 mm.

Construction experts recommend using nails with applied horizontal risks or threads to create a secure fixation. However, before installation, it is better to practice a little, since their use requires care and some skill.

screw fastening

Considering screw fasteners, let's start with the elements most often used in the assembly of cases of various furniture. Such installation always begins with drilling holes in plywood sheets.

Recommendation! To prevent the formation of chips on surface layer plywood, you need to put it under the place where the drill enters the material wooden block, and manipulation should begin from the front surface of the sheet!

Before drilling the channel, it is necessary to make sure that the threaded diameter of the screw and the drill correspond exactly. If the drill is thicker, then the fixation will be fragile, and when it is thinner, there is a possibility of cracking the plywood when the screw is tightened.

You also need to remember that excessive effort on fastener may cause damage to the surface of the sheet (dent) by its head. This leads to a decrease in the reliability of fastening and aesthetic defects. You can avoid such troubles by using screws with a wide head. Alternative option is the use of conventional washers, but such a solution is acceptable when there are no increased requirements for the visual characteristics of the assembled product.

In certain situations, it is convenient to use self-tapping screws that do not need to be drilled on the preparatory stage. This mounting technique is ideal in the absence of large load effects on the fixation site.

When it becomes necessary to connect thick plywood sheets (10.0 mm or more), special (hidden) screws are used on the back side. They are also used for cladding, because they are completely invisible on the front surface.

Glue fixing plywood

This type of attachment is more specific than other options. This is due to the fact that the adhesive used can act as both a primary and secondary mounting tool. For example, furniture components can be fastened together with nails or self-tapping screws, and then additional fixation can be created with glue at the joints. An important point at the same time, there is a competent choice of adhesive composition.

If we consider adhesives from the point of view of safety, then water varieties are considered the most environmentally friendly. They do not contain toxic volatile carbons released during gradual drying into the surrounding space. But, any water-based adhesive fully fastens the parts only 4-6 days after installation, and until this moment, it is necessary to ensure that the plywood sheets are fixed with dowels or nails. Sometimes, this causes significant inconvenience that complicates the use of the product.

Warning! Glue fastening cannot be used for laminated plywood!

More versatile is a one-component adhesive that gives a secure, quick-drying fixation. However, when dried, such material evaporates toxic substances therefore, it is possible to work with it only in special protective clothing.

When using one-component adhesive indoors, it is necessary to restrict access to it for at least 4–5 days until the primary setting process is completed. But the use of such glue on outdoors completely safe.

Another option is a two-component adhesive that has moisture resistance, instant setting (quick drying) and tolerance to temperature fluctuations. But, before applying the composition to the fastened surfaces, you need to remember that it provides a very strong, high-quality fixation and subsequent dismantling will definitely damage the plywood.

Using a two-component adhesive, you can fasten elements from different materials, for example, wood with glass or metal.


Plywood is used in almost all construction areas and many industries. This is a very economical, durable and practical material, which, with a well-made mount, will reliably perform its functions!

You will need

  • - roller or brush;
  • - clamps or clamps;
  • - drying oil or vegetable oil;
  • - skim cheese;
  • - ammonia;
  • - sandpaper


Choose glue

Adhesives used for gluing plywood can be divided into two groups. Protein adhesives are based on animal products. Casein variant of protein glue is obtained from fat-free cottage cheese. Albumin - from the blood of animals. There is also a combined albumin-casein variant. In all cases, the raw material for the manufacture of adhesives of this group is the protein contained in the blood or milk of animals.

Synthetic adhesives are made from artificial phenol-formaldehyde and urea-formaldehyde resins.

It should be remembered that the choice of adhesive brand depends on the humidity in the room where the finished structure will be used, as well as on the required degree of strength. finished product.

Evenly and carefully apply a layer of adhesive to the surfaces to be bonded using a brush or roller. Press them firmly against each other using clamps or clamps. Remove excess glue.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to purchase ready-made glue, it is quite possible to make casein glue at. To do this, you need to take fat-free cottage cheese and mix it with ammonia in a ratio of 4:1. Spread the parts with the resulting mass and press firmly against each other.

For gluing surfaces exposed to moisture, an adhesive of a different composition is made. Take wood glue and heat it up. Add drying oil or vegetable oil in a ratio of 4:1.

You need to know what to glue laminated plywood not recommended - its film layer, according to its physical characteristics, is not suitable for such an operation. If it is necessary to glue laminated plywood, it is necessary to remove the layer of laminate to the wood using sandpaper. Dry thoroughly and clean the surface. Use epoxy glue.

Today, no industry can do without the use of plywood. This multilayer veneer material, which has a strong and stable structure, has found wide application in the construction and furniture industry, when carrying out repair work and even in the automotive industry. To connect plywood sheets to each other or attach to a concrete floor screed, you can use various fastening materials, but plywood glue remains the most convenient of them.

Features of using glue for plywood

Composition for gluing plywood, which is being improved by many foreign and domestic companies, can be bought at any economic or hardware store. Using glue, you can attach plywood to glass, concrete, wood, metal and other materials, and the connection will be stronger and more durable than using nails or screws.

To work with glue, special training or special professional skills are not required. The main thing is to act according to the instructions, properly dilute the composition and apply it to the surface, and this is within the power of any novice master.

In addition to ease of use and strength of the resulting design, another advantage adhesive bond is water resistance and high wear resistance.

In rooms with warm floors when under the concrete screed are pre-laid heating pipes or special electrical panels, gluing plywood to a concrete floor is the only right decision, as screws and bolts can damage the wiring.

How to glue plywood

Professionals use glue for plywood of the following types:

  • two-component polyurethane;
  • alcohol based;
  • water based.

The speed of repair and the quality of the finish coating depend on the choice of the most suitable adhesive composition.

A two-component adhesive contains two or more active components, which react with each other during operation and form a binder. Such products are much more expensive than single-component formulations, but the strength of the resulting joint is incomparably higher.

The polyurethane adhesive forms an elastic and rigid joint at the same time and provides good adhesion to almost all existing materials.

Advantages of a two-component adhesive composition:

  • no additional fixing of plywood on concrete screed bolts or screws;
  • the viscous mixture does not spread, it is convenient to apply it with a comb spatula;
  • before work, you do not need to take care of the special cleanliness of the base, since the composition well impregnates the surface to be treated;
  • 30 minutes is enough for gluing materials.

One of the significant disadvantages of the polyurethane compound is the release of substances hazardous to human health, which occurs when working with any polymers. After complete polymerization, which takes 48 hours, the material becomes completely safe.

Polyurethane adhesive hardens within 30-40 minutes, so you should prepare such a portion of the adhesive that can be used up during this period of time.

The resulting connecting layer is stronger than concrete and can withstand temperatures up to +55°C.

This type of adhesive differs from others in the content of artificial resins, rubber and solvents and is used for gluing plywood to a wooden or cement-sand surface. The advantages of alcohol formulations are ease of use, high speed drying, resistance to moisture penetration.

Rubber glue hardens relatively quickly - in a day you can already walk on the glued plywood surface. However, it is better to postpone further work on finishing the floor for 5-6 days. Before gluing wood sheets, it is advisable to fix them to the base with screws.

Alcohol-based adhesives have a significant drawback - during operation they emit harmful volatile oils and esters and can quickly catch fire. Therefore, when carrying out repairs using alcohol glue, it is necessary to take care of personal protective equipment and follow fire safety rules.

Water based adhesive

A prominent representative of such adhesive compositions is PVA, consisting of polymers suspended in an aqueous medium. In addition to the fact that such adhesives are capable of providing strong elastic connections between plywood sheets and with concrete slabs They are completely harmless and do not emit odorous substances. PVA glue can be used in hospitals, kindergartens and other institutions where people can stay during repairs.

PVA is recommended to be used only for moisture-resistant plywood, and the drying time of the composition is 7 days, which greatly complicates the work. In addition, when choosing this means for gluing plywood, it is necessary to fix the sheets to the screed in advance using bolts and expansion dowels.

Overview of adhesives from well-known manufacturers

Many foreign and domestic manufacturers produce glue for plywood. Each of the compositions fully fulfills its functions, and they differ from each other only in the environmental friendliness of raw materials, the combination of strength and elasticity, and the duration of polymerization.

Here are some of the most requested two-component adhesives for plywood by the buyer.

  1. Sipol 9. Producer — Italian company Lechner. Epoxy-polyurethane glue is used for laying plywood on a concrete floor without additional fasteners. Freezing time is 2 hours.
  2. Parketolit 1549. This adhesive was developed and manufactured by Mitol from Slovenia. Polyurethane adhesive is suitable for laying solid wood of any size. Working time - 1.5 hours.
  3. Ibola R 200. The German company Ibola produces a two-component universal hard-elastic adhesive, the working time of which is 1 hour.
  4. Stauf PUK. This adhesive from the German company Stauf is an elastic polyurethane adhesive. Due to its low cost and long (1 hour) working time, it has become a well-known brand in this country.
  5. Sika Bond-PU. The Swiss company Sika manufactures a two-component adhesive, characterized by long term operation and resistance to low temperatures. This adhesive is very popular in Russia, as it has been of high quality and stability for many years.

When starting to repair the floor in your apartment, first of all, you need to analyze whether you can manage by simply gluing plywood to a concrete screed or whether you will have to arrange additional fasteners. Depending on the solution, a suitable adhesive composition should be selected. If, due to communications under concrete, it is not possible to use dowels and screws to fasten plywood and the base, then only two-component polyurethane adhesive is suitable for work. In other cases, you can use a water-based or alcohol-based adhesive.

I always use "epoxy", that is, epoxy glue, or as it is also called, epoxy resin. The adhesive is quickly ready to use, consisting of resin and hardener, and is easy to apply. The result is a beautiful, translucent, amber-like seam. The packaging is convenient, compact, and the price is not expensive.

True, at the present time, the market is filled with all kinds of glue for gluing plywood, although in my opinion, if you follow the instructions on the package, you can always glue plywood using the ordinary and popular Moment glue. Decisive factors in the application of these types of adhesives are the compressive strength of the surfaces to be bonded, as well as the duration of the bonding. The moment is quite elastic, in contrast to the solid epoxy resin, and is well suited where there is vibration or deformation.

As for modern species, then these include synthetic glue based on PVA emulsion, resins and other components. Here is his photo:

The following specialized rubber glue, which is called "For plywood" is also well suited:

It is noteworthy that all these types of glue go for both parquet and plywood. Therefore, by and large, any adhesive for parquet or flooring will suit you.