Shower      04.02.2021

Didactic manual on the speech development of children. Visual and didactic aids. Game guide for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

,). This book has several editions. I read it in the old edition in electronic form. The book contains theory on the development of babies, including a description of the plot, finger games and much more that evokes an emotional response and activates the centers responsible for speech development.

In our library, I acquired several thin books of a practical orientation by the same author, Elena Yanushko, from the New Child series.

The series is different thick paper and glossy cover. There is also a cardboard version for the little ones. Books for different ages cover color is different. With marking 1+ - purple, 2+ - orange, 3+ - pink.

Until I understood the mechanism of speech development in children, I underestimated them. They seemed too simple to me, because a child at this age is able to understand much more. When Yana became more conscious and began to choose her own reading, it became clear that she likes simple texts with a lot of repetition. At her request, we read some books 5 times in a row. Sometimes Yana asks for even more, but in such cases I transfer the reading to another time. I think if I read these books 5 times a day from the end of the first year, then the pace of development of Yana's speech would be faster.

« Little stories about the Kitten. A book in a purple cover for babies from 1 year old. This book is no longer on sale, but there are similar stories about other animals (Labyrinth, My-shop,). Each page contains a short story with a substitute word. In addition, the book contains tasks of a different type - attentiveness, motor activity and so on. A couple of twists:

Chic collections of finger and articulation gymnastics

"Big speech therapy textbook"(Labyrinth, My-shop,). At the beginning of the rapid development of speech (at the age of 2 years 7 months), Yana developed a terrible confusion of sounds. There was a lot of speech, but it was almost all incomprehensible. Yana replaced all consonants with the letter "T". According to experts, this phenomenon can be temporary and go away on its own without intervention. But it is also possible that the violation is persistent and the sooner you start correcting it, the better. In order not to waste time, I ordered the “Big speech therapy textbook”. I have been trying to "catch" him in stock for a long time and last fall, when there was a problem with the confusion of letters, I was lucky. I am very glad that I was able to buy it. I think this is one of the best collections of finger games and articulatory gymnastics. It also has exercises for the development of speech hearing and many tongue twisters for practicing different groups of sounds.

The title of the textbook is quite specific and it may seem that it contains specialized materials for speech therapists. In fact, all the materials are simple and affordable. More than half of the tasks are suitable for kids from 2.5 years old. The last part of the textbook contains tongue twisters. Some of them contain complex combinations of words with "P". Articulation gymnastics is accompanied by photographs of the position of the lips and tongue and a fairy tale that captivates the baby.

The textbook is chic, so I can’t deny myself the pleasure of bringing more photo spreads so that you can appreciate it:

More spreads of the speech therapy textbook:


Kurochkina T.A., teacher-speech therapist of the first qualification category, Beloyarsky.

Manual: "Journey with Signs".

Target: formation in children preschool age the ability to find similarities between objects, to compare objects according to several criteria; development of the imagination; educating the ability to listen to each other, wait their turn, follow the rules of the game.

Description: The manual consists of a picture of a steam locomotive, a set of pictures and schemes of feature names.

Task: the speech therapist invites the child to choose a picture and connect it with a train using a sign wheel. The child names how two objects are similar in this feature. The game continues similarly as long as there are signs and children's interest. For example: How are a snail and a leaf similar? The back of the snail is rough in relief and the leaf is rough in relief. And how can a leaf and a boat be similar in terms of humidity? The ship is wet because it is in the water, and the leaf is wet after the rain.

Manual: "Describe the object."

Purpose: formation of the ability to describe an object according to the available features.

Description: a map that depicts an object and a set of cards - signs.

Task: children choose a card, name an object of the natural or man-made world, lay out signs and describe the object according to the available signs.

Manual: “Track of signs”.

Purpose: development of the ability to describe an object using the names of features in speech; correlate the meaning of the name of this attribute with a graphic designation; the formation in children of the ability to focus attention, to cultivate the skills of benevolence, independence.

Description: The set of the manual includes tracks on which a certain feature is depicted, pictures of objects.

Tasks: children choose cards with a sign and, on a signal, select the necessary objects according to their sign.

Children choose cards with a sign. The host shows the picture and asks: “Who has a fragrant pear?” (blue car, rubber ball, fluffy cat). The child explains his answer, and if it is correct, he receives a picture, if not, then the children correct the mistake and the card is not counted. The winner is the one who first collected the track.

Manual “Train of Sounds”

Purpose: formation of the ability to build a line of objects according to a given sound, explain your choice.

Description: the manual is made in the form of a train, each trailer has a pocket. A given sound is put into the locomotive - a letter, pictures of objects with a given sound are populated in the cars.

Task: we offer the child to select pictures of objects according to a given sound at the beginning of a word (further complication: in the middle, at the end of a word) and distribute them among the cars. At the next station, another sound is lucky - a letter and the children select other objects. And compose a story in which they will be present pictures-titles objects.

Time Train Manual.

Purpose: to form the ability to build a line of development of events in time, in a logical sequence and encourage them to compose a story.

Description: the manual is made in the form of a train, each trailer has a pocket into which pictures are inserted in a logical sequence.

Task: invite the child to choose from 3 or more pictures, arrange them in the desired sequence and make up a story.

Manual "Cryphers".

Purpose: to develop the child's speech by naming signs and their meanings. Talk about an object using icons - signs. Develop logical thinking, orientation in space, knowledge of directions clockwise, counterclockwise, left, right.

Description: This manual is designed in the form of a playing field - a rectangle, along the edges of which there are signs of signs. They are closed with cards of different colors - 6 red, 6 yellow and 5 green. “Encrypted” cards are attached to the field, on which 3 circles of red, yellow and green colors are glued with numbers from 1 to 6 and a direction arrow (clockwise or counterclockwise).

Task: the child finds the location of three signs using the selected encryption card. For example, the first red is clockwise, the second blue is counterclockwise, the third yellow is clockwise. We open the encrypted feature schemes and describe the object using them.

Manual “Tell me about your new neighbor”

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to select a meaning for a sign, talk about an object using signs, develop coherent speech.

Description: This manual is designed in the form of cards, divided into six parts. Three signs are shown through the cell. Pictures are attached to the cards.

Task: children take a card, put a picture in an empty cell between icons - signs and talk about a neighbor - an object in the picture according to nearby signs.

A Guide to Traveling the World.

Target: develop coherent speech, expand the horizons of children, consolidate knowledge about the natural and plant world.

Description: a square with 8 pockets and an arrow, pictures of the natural corners of the planet, card diagrams.

Task: with the help of an arrow, the child chooses any corner of the planet and tells the story according to the plan in the form of pictures-schemes.

Benefit "Sunshine"

Target: teach children to read by syllables, fix the sounds of speech.

Description: This manual is made in the form of the sun. In the center is a yellow circle with a pocket in which a blue, green or red letter is placed. On the rays of the sun are also letters of the corresponding color.

Task: the child reads a syllable, invents a word with a syllable, a sentence with this word, composes a story.

Manual “Smart Tablets”

Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the proposal, to exercise in making sentences from words according to a given scheme.

Description: The manual consists of 18 double-sided cards - A4 tablets. At the top front side There is a sign icon on the tablet, in the lower part there is a pocket into which a subject picture is inserted. On the reverse side of the tablet there are 2 pockets, the upper one is for the sentence scheme, the lower one is for the preposition scheme.

The manual includes a set of subject pictures, a set of cards with diagrams of sentences and prepositions.

Task: the child is asked to choose a picture, then the child inserts the picture into the bottom pocket of the first side, the adult gives the task to come up with a sentence according to the scheme, with an object and a sign on the card. IN initial stage, the sentence scheme consists of two words, a sign and an object. Then the sentence becomes more complicated, and it is made up of three words - object, sign and action.

When the child has mastered the composition of a sentence of three words, an adult suggests putting a sentence of 4 words, where the fourth word is a preposition.

Manual: “Come up with rhyming lines”

Purpose: to teach children to compose rhyming lines for a given phrase.

Description: pictures.

Assignment: the speech therapist invites the children to choose any rhyming pair (for starters - nouns) and compose a rhyme as follows: "Once upon a time - there was someone and looked like something."

Manual "Magic words".

Purpose: to develop the ability to form, change, coordinate words.

Description: cards-symbols: “living - inanimate”, “speak kindly”, “he, she”, “one-many”, “name whose?”, “say the opposite”, “big, even more, the biggest”, “say the same”, “one word, but many meanings”, “related words”, “place of sound in a word”, “sound passport”, "number of syllables". The whole set in color and black and white option.

Task: the child is offered a card with which he can complete the corresponding task. The most convenient thing is that all these tasks can be used on any speech material, when working with any group of sounds. It is possible to approach the task differently, knowing the characteristics of children. This is a universal manual that can be used in all types of work (individually, with a group of children and frontally). First, children work with a color set, then with black and white.

"Make an offer" guide.

Purpose: To promote the development of the ability to distinguish between the structural components of speech, to develop the ability to build sentences of various structure.

Description: proposal schemes.

Task: this model helps the child to understand more easily, more consciously and faster the complex hierarchical structure of human speech (text, sentence, word, syllable, letter and sound); and learn the order of words in sentences of various types.

Benefit "Mnemonic tracks"

Purpose: development of the ability to compose sequential retellings and stories, based on mnemonic tracks.

Description: cards with a real or schematic image of the text that you want to retell or make up a story.

Task: the child is invited to compose a story, the plan of which is laid out in the course of the story. Speech is accompanied by a mnemonic track

Manual "Ask questions"

Purpose: To promote the formation of skills to ask various types of questions to objects or processes, classifying them.

Description: cards with questions, stripes divided into 3 squares, in the fourth there is a question mark.

Task: the child, using a card with a certain type of questions, learns to ask Various types questions and formulate them correctly. Particular attention is paid to the place of the question word in the formulation of the question.

Rings of Lull

Purpose: to contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary of children, the formation of the correct grammatical structure of speech, the development of coherent speech of children.

Description: The manual consists of 2-3 movable circles with a common axis and divided into sectors. In each of the sectors, you can insert a card with a picture or a schematic representation of the object.

Task: the child is invited to combine the sectors on the large and small circles and complete the task (for example, “What first, what then ?, “Count the objects”, “Think up a story” .

"System operator".

Purpose: To promote the assimilation of the object systematization model.

Description: table with five or nine screens.

Task: a table with nine screens offered to children helps children understand how to organize objects. Introduces children to the system (the object in the present, past and future), the supersystem (the place of the object in the present past and future) and the subsystem (parts of the object in the present, past and future). First, the children complete the table together with the teacher. Then, as you master the skills of schematization, independently.

Manual: "Composing a story according to the scheme."

Purpose: to teach children to make descriptive stories about objects according to the scheme.

Description: an outline for a story, an object or picture for a description.

Task: the child is invited to describe the object (natural or depicted in the picture) according to the scheme.

Manual “Describe an object or phenomenon

(toys, animals, birds, clothes, vegetables and fruits, seasons, dishes)

Purpose: To promote the assimilation of the model for compiling a descriptive story.

Description: schemes for compiling descriptive stories.

Task: The child is invited to compose a story based on a diagram. This model is for the child a plan for compiling a descriptive story. Helps to fill it with content.

1. Photo of a do-it-yourself development aid.

2. Description of the algorithm for making the manual.

You must write:

- materials: watch box, toothpaste box, 2 flag sticks, self-adhesive paper of different colors, adhesive tape, scissors, a series of plot pictures, 2 pictures with the inscription with the title of the film “Once Upon a Time in Prostokvashino” and “The End”.

- execution sequence: We glue boxes from watches and toothpaste with self-adhesive paper. We glue the imitation of the buttons, as on the TV and the remote control. We glue together a series of pictures in correct sequence, at the beginning we paste the name of the film "Once in Prostokvashino", the last file is the "end". We make slots for sticks from flags. Insert the edge of the first sheet with the name of the film inside the box and fix it with adhesive tape on the left stick. We twist all the sheets (film) onto the left stick, fix the edge of the last sheet on the right stick with tape. We close the box. The developing aid for the development of speech "TV" is ready for use.

3. Tasks that this manual helps to solve.

The manual can be used to develop children's coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary, to form verbal communication skills, in the process of learning to compose a story from pictures. When using this manual, speech hearing and expressiveness of speech develop.

4. Option to use the benefit.

A fragment of a lesson on the development of speech of children of senior preschool age "Once in Prostokvashino"

Target: contribute to the formation of a coherent oral speech and skills of verbal communication with others on the basis of mastering the literary language of their people.


1. To consolidate the ability to speak coherently, build sentences correctly, compose a story based on a series of pictures.

2. Develop speech hearing, expressiveness of speech - intonation, stress; form an idea about different types text.

3. Cultivate responsiveness, compassion, the desire to help others.


The postman Pechkin enters.

Postman Pechkin: Good day! Is this kindergarten?

Pechkin: I was asked to give you an envelope from Prostokvashino.

Educator: Thank you, dear Pechkin.

Pechkin: Well, I went, otherwise they are waiting for me in Prostokvashino.

Educator: Guys, some strange letter .. there are pictures in the envelope, but something is wrong in them (the pictures are out of sequence). There is also a letter in the envelope for us. (is reading)

“Dear guys, with me, Uncle Fedor, and my dog ​​Sharik happened interesting story. I would like to make a film and tell Matroskin about it, who went to visit Phil and Stepashka. But I can't make films. Help me please."

Teacher: Can we help?

Children put the pictures in the correct order. Glue them. Inserted into TV.

Educator: We helped Uncle Fedor. We got a real movie, but it needs to be dubbed (children offer their own versions of the film's voice acting, i.e. make up stories based on a series of pictures).

Speech development, Handbook for preschoolers, Part 1, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2005.

The manual for the development of speech for preschoolers is a visual material in the form of cards. It is intended for use in classes with preschoolers 3-6 years old on the development of speech and preparation for learning to read and write. It is an appendix to the manual "On the road to the ABC" by the authors R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva, T.R. Kislova. The cards can also be used for classes with preschoolers and for other courses of the comprehensive Development and Education Program for preschoolers "Kindergarten - 2100" ("Hello, world!", "I know myself"), as well as for other educational systems.

Commentary for the teacher.
A manual for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers has been prepared in the form of visual material (cards). Cards should be cut out and divided into series, and then used as a display material, placed on the board, or as a handout.

The presented series of plot pictures differ in the degree of difficulty of working with them (from 2 to 4 pictures) and in the plot orientation: in some, natural patterns are traced (anthology of a man and a woman, seasons, flowering, flower growth, snowman melting), in others, problematic situations, positive and negative examples of behavior (a fight for a truck, a girl and an apple, a girl washes herself, “Glutton”, “Fashionista”), in the third - a story with an interesting plot is illustrated (“Saving a Kitten”), the fourth are cognitive in nature (“Magician ”, making jam, sowing a flower). Work with such pictures is built in accordance with their orientation.

Types of work with series of two pictures:
- find out what is shown in each of the two pictures;
- offer to think about what happened before, what later, and explain their position;
- for plots of a behavioral plan - invite children to express their opinion about the plot and, in case of condemnation, explain how they should act; give examples of similar behavior from personal experience children;
- mix pictures of two or three series and invite children to decompose them into story groups.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Speech Development, A Handbook for Preschoolers, Part 1, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2005 -, fast and free download.

  • Visual materials for making sentences and oral stories, Appendix to the manual for preschoolers On the way to the ABC, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2009
  • Forest stories, On the way to the ABC, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R.
  • Forest stories on the way to the alphabet, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2012
  • Speech development, Handbook for preschoolers, Part 2, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2005

The following tutorials and books.

Didactic guide for kindergarten"Teremok"

Description. I bring to your attention the didactic manual "Teremok". The manual is intended for preschool children with speech disorders. It is used in the educational field "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction". Can be used for both individual work, and for working with small subgroups. Promotes the development of speech, the consolidation of the acquired speech skills.
How to make a grant.
With the help of computer graphics we draw a teremok. We print on the printer.

We laminate the finished image with a transparent self-adhesive.
We cut out pockets from a transparent film and attach them to the place of the windows using double-sided tape.
We select the necessary pictures and laminate with adhesive tape.

Didactic game "Teremok"

Target: develop the speech activity of children.
Task options.

1 task "Remember the fairy tale"

Target: develop coherent speech of children, exercise in the use of ordinal numbers.
The teacher shows subject pictures of the heroes of the fairy tale.
- Guess from which fairy tale the characters came from?
- Tell this tale (the child tells a tale on his own or with the help of a speech therapist).
- Who was the first to find the teremok? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke the tower? Target: To develop the pitch and timbre of the voice, intonation expressiveness of speech.
The teacher portrays the characters of the fairy tale: a mouse, a frog, a bunny, a fox, a wolf, a bear. The child guesses. Then the child and teacher switch roles.

Task 3 "Who lives where?"

Target: Learn to use prepositions over, under, between.
The teacher places the animals in the pocket windows, offers to look carefully and guess who it is?

- This beast lives above the wolf. This…
- This beast lives above the fox. This …
- This animal lives under the armpit. This …
- This animal lives under a frog. This …
- This animal lives between a wolf and a hare. This…
- This one is between a mouse and a bear. This …
Then the child himself makes riddles by pronouncing the words over, under, between

5 task "Settle the tenants"

Target: Pin spatial representations left, right, top, bottom.
The teacher offers to settle the animals in apartments.
The mouse will live on the third floor on the left.
Fox is on the second floor on the right.
The bear is on the first floor on the left.
The hare is on the third floor on the right.
The frog is on the second floor on the left.
The wolf is on the first floor on the right.

Task 6 "Pick up pictures with a given sound"

Target: develop phonemic hearing, learn to highlight a given sound in a word, automate the sound [w] in words.

The teacher puts in the upper window a letter denoting the sound [w] (or another fixed sound) and invites the child to find pictures with this sound.

7 task "Divide into syllables"

Practice dividing words into syllables.
The teacher places syllabic schemes in the windows on the right side and invites the child to settle the tenants on the left side in accordance with the scheme.
- Name each tenant. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word and you will find out who lives in which apartment.

8 task "Syllabic songs"

Target: develop phonemic hearing, automate the set sounds in syllables.
In the evening, all the tenants in "Teremka" arrange a concert. Everyone sings their favorite song. Let's sing along with them! Listen carefully and repeat the songs with the mouse. And now with a fox, and now with a bear. Try not to be wrong!