Toilet      04/04/2019

How to care for a large fuchsia. Description and photo of fuchsia flowers. Rooting using soil

The ancestors of fuchsia are exotic trees and bushes that grew exclusively in New Zealand and Central America. There are many varieties, but the encyclopedia gives only one Fuchsia hybrid or, in Russian, hybrid fuchsia.

Homemade fuchsia flowers have the shape of small bells or, as flower growers say, Chinese lanterns. This variety of varieties can be divided into double and semi-double hybrids, the difference being the number of petals on the corolla.

Fuchsias are rich in many color range their colors: white, purple, ruby, red. There is still the possibility of observing a carpal hybrid - this is when the inflorescences of fuchsia flowers are collected in loose form.

Plant watering mode

Fuchsias, being at home, are completely unpretentious plant. It is very easy to care for.

Watering seasonally:

  1. Autumn-spring - abundant watering.
  2. Winter - moderate watering. It is recommended to use settled water, as it is softer and healthier.
  3. October-November - stop watering. At low air temperatures - no more than 2 times a month.

Lighting requirements

Any fuchsia requires bright diffused light. Location - East or West. Does not tolerate hot daylight, but is content with the morning rays of the sun. When the plant is flowering, it is better not to touch the plant, because the lovely flowers may fall off.

Temperature requirement

During the growing season, 18-25 degrees is enough. In the summer, especially in August, open ground will work well, but it will not be able to withstand more than 30 degrees (leaves and flowers may fall off or begin to dry out). Perfect solution- this is a balcony, terrace, loggia or something like that. To protect the roots from overheating, it is advisable to use large ceramic pots.

Fertilizer and top dressing for fuchsia

Spraying will have a very beneficial effect, especially during growth. This procedure should be done in the evening or in the morning. They also use a vessel filled with pebbles and water, which is placed next to the plants, thereby creating additional moisture.

Biofertilizers are very effective if the plant is in open ground. If the plant is indoors, then any additives or fertilizers for feeding will do. There is no need to feed the plants, more than once a week, this will be quite enough. In winter, the plant should not be fertilized; generally, the first fertilizing occurs around the end of March.

Fuchsia transplant

A houseplant needs to be replanted once a year and this is done in the spring. Any fertile soil is suitable for fuchsia, which, if you don’t have it at home, can be purchased at the store.

At best, it should include:

  1. Drainage. Prevents the plant from gaining too much moisture.
  2. Humus or sand. Used as an additional, useful additive.
  3. Loam. Used if fuchsia is ground outdoors. Retains moisture.

When transplanting, shoots are cut off - 1/3 of the total length. Be sure to replant the fuchsia into a larger pot.

What is it for? This will give the plant an additional supply of oxygen and is also used as a method of propagation.


  1. Propagation using leaves;
  2. Reproduction by seeds;
  3. Propagation using cuttings.

Propagation of fuchsia by cuttings

The main suitable period for such breeding is February-March, sometimes August-September. Length - 5-7 cm. For rooting, use a loose medium: water or sand. After approximately 20-25 days, the first, small roots appear, which means the time for transplanting into pots is 7-9 cm.

Compound: leaf and turf soil, humus and sand. Everything is combined 1:1. In order to get a lush bush, several cuttings are planted in one pot at once, so it is possible to get the first flowers already in the same year.

Propagation of fuchsia by seeds

For seed propagation, artificial pollination is used. By mixing several varieties at the same time, you can get many hybrids.

Propagation of fuchsia by leaves

This propagation occurs as follows: You need to carefully tear off the most developed leaves and place them in loose soil no more than 1 cm, then cover with a glass or plastic lid. With all this, in order to achieve good growth, it is necessary to spray them every day; for this procedure, use a spray bottle with boiled and warm water. Transplanting into pots begins as soon as the first rosettes appear.

The purpose of reproduction is to increase the number of plants.

Fuchsia - diseases and pests

Diseases, in the case of fuchsia, are very rare. At high humidity, dewdrops form on the leaves. If the leaves are covered with powdery spots, it is worth spraying the plant with a prepared composition: mix the foundation with water in equal parts.

Healthy leaves are always green leaves without any damage.

Yellow leaves are chlorosis, it occurs from an excess of water saturation or from a lack of magnesium and nitrogen.

Yellowness between the veins of the leaves - manganese is needed.

If the plant has suffered from the appearance of dry, brown spots, then molybdenum is needed.

Like a person - internal organs, so the roots of plants can say a lot about any diseases.

Healthy plants should have short and white roots. If I intertwine the roots with an earthen ball, it means that it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot than the previous one. If the roots are brown or any other dark color, almost black, then the whole point is that the fuchsia is suffering from root rot. Root rot appears if the plant constantly received a huge amount of water, most likely such a plant will not recover.

It’s strange to say, but fuchsia has a chance of getting so-called rust. You can recognize it by the brown circles on the leaf at the very bottom. Such leaves should be removed immediately to prevent further dissemination infections. Such a disease is infectious and can easily spread to healthy plants.

After removing infected leaves, it is imperative to disinfect the equipment that was used, as well as your hands. Be sure to spray 2-3 times every 10 days. For spraying the following are used: cuproxate, Bordeaux mixture, Vectra, Topaz, Strobi.

No less great harm can be caused by small, white flies, about 2 mm. Such flies are nothing more than moths. These flies lay eggs on the lower leaves, where larvae then form and suck out all the juices from the plants, leaving a sugary secretion.

Very badly damaged leaves turn yellow and fall off.

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Fuchsias are incredibly beautiful flowering plants, whose various varieties and types are actively gaining popularity among gardeners in Russia. Fuchsia, the cultivation of which is a most interesting task, does not require that caring for it turns into a feat.

A little effort to grow a flower and the desire to carefully care for it will give you the opportunity to admire luxurious flowers all summer long, whose bright “skirts” can decorate any garden.

You can grow fuchsia both in open ground and in greenhouse and home conditions. It will depend on the type of flower and its living conditions. appearance and purpose: from hedge elements to an elegant indoor flower.


First appearing in the tropical forests of America, over the past three hundred years fuchsia has triumphantly conquered Europe and Russia thanks to the hybrids developed, whose planting by cuttings made it possible to do without seeds. It is not surprising that fuchsia varieties are multiplying and now there are more than twenty thousand of them, differing in shape and color.

Most modern fuchsias are hybrids, capable of propagation by seeds and are divided into three types:

  • aspiring upward bush varieties, growing well in pots and hedges;
  • hanging ampelous varieties, whose habitat is hanging baskets;
  • semi-ampile varieties - growing up or down depending on the whim of the gardener.

The bush fuchsias include the classic types of fuchsias, but the ampelous one is a recent achievement of breeders, nevertheless ready to boast a variety of petal shapes (for example, double) and colors from white to purple.


You can grow fuchsia on any fertile soil, as the plant is not capricious. The only thing worth noting is the desirability of having peat, sand and humus in the soil to maintain the plant in ideal shape. A layer of expanded clay drainage must be placed on the bottom of the pots to avoid excess moisture. The soil should be constantly barely moist, but without stagnant water.

Close attention should be paid to the color of the pot or flowerpot: light shades are preferable, as they do not heat up in the sun. If the cultivation takes place in a greenhouse, you should carefully care for the plant and take care of constant ventilation, since if there is too much heat, fuchsia will not reach full flowering.


There are two main ways to propagate fuchsia: growing from seeds and cuttings.

  • Seeds.

Dried seeds are sown on top of slightly moist soil, covered with film and placed in a well-lit, warm place. The sprouts that appear within a couple of weeks, when they reach two months, are divided and planted at a short distance from each other. Transplantation into the main containers occurs after another one and a half to two months.

Caring for the plant at this point consists of: good watering and accustoming to normal air temperature and humidity. After some time, the fuchsia can be taken outside.

  • Cuttings.

For planting fuchsia, only young cuttings should be used, since they have the highest chance of growing healthy roots. The length of the plucked cutting can vary from 7 to 20 centimeters, depending on the plant variety. Some of the upper leaves should be removed from the cuttings (to reduce evaporation), all the lower ones to prevent rotting and placed in a vessel with plain water. Special care behind the cutting and the use of hormones for root growth is not required - young cuttings readily produce roots. After just two weeks, when strong but not particularly long roots appear, the cuttings can be transplanted into the soil.


Since the plant is quite unpretentious, caring for it does not require any special skills and consists of a few simple things:

  1. Transfer. A prerequisite for the full development of fuchsia is timely spring replanting. The new soil will give the plant the strength it needs to bloom profusely.
  2. Location. Fuchsia should be planted in sunny areas. IN as a last resort Semi-shaded places are suitable.
  3. Watering. It is impossible to imagine caring for a plant without watering. Fuchsia prefers constant and abundant watering. But you should be careful, since excess moisture together with lack of drainage can cause rotting of the roots - and for fuchsia this is fatal.
  4. Spraying. Caring for fuchsia at home involves periodically spraying the flowers with warm water, but open areas In sunny weather, moisture on the leaves is contraindicated, as it can cause burns.
  5. Trimming. Constant removal (without moving the pot) of fading flowers provokes the plant to form new buds, and annual pruning in February it allows you to form a beautiful bushy crown.
  6. Fertilizers. Caring for the plant will not be complete without fertilizers, which should be applied in the form of a solution once every two weeks throughout the growing season.

For the full growth of fuchsia, any universal fertilizer is suitable, with the only condition - applying the solution with fertilizing to previously watered (not earlier than two hours before) soil. This will prevent you from burning the roots.

It is worth using as a one-time measure.

It is advisable to choose a ceramic pot. In a plastic pot, the plant will be hot in the summer, and it is better to take care of this in advance, protecting the roots from excess heat reaching them.

The size of the pot should directly depend on the size of the root crop. It is better to replant the plant several times than to replant it too large. This is due to the fact that the soil, not developed by the roots, may begin to turn sour, which often leads to rotting of the roots.

The presence of drainage holes is one of the main criteria for choosing a pot. Fuchsias do not tolerate stagnant water.

Some lovers of this flower use pieces of charcoal as drainage.

Required soil composition

To feed fuchsia, light soil with good drainage and neutral reaction is required.. It is best to mix the soil yourself in the required proportions, thereby protecting the plant from harmful elements that can get into the universal soil.

  1. The best option is peat, compost and leaf humus, mixed in the same volume with the addition of a double volume of sand.
  2. You can also mix turf, leaf humus and ash in a ratio of 5:2:2. In this option, humus can be replaced with granulated peat.

Both of these options are suitable as a homemade soil mixture and will serve as a nutritious and moisturizing soil when growing fuchsia.

How to properly set the humidity level?

The plant needs to form and maintain a humidity level that is about 60-70%. The exception is the dormant period that occurs in winter. For spraying, it is advisable to use a bottle of settled water and a spray bottle. There are several rules for proper hydration:

  • the water should be warm;
  • it is necessary to spray twice a day;
  • if there are several fuchsias growing in a flower garden, it is not necessary to use a spray bottle - it is better to take a small bowl, fill it with pebbles and fill it with water.


It is necessary to provide the plant good lighting, placing it near the windows not on the sunny side, for example, on a balcony whose windows face west or east.

Fuchsia blooms may deteriorate in dark rooms, however, the green mass develops quite well. Therefore, in order for the flower to grow well, on sunny days it is better to expose it to the light, but at noon to remove it to a darker place. It is acceptable to use blinds on the windows or other thick curtains that will provide good shade.


Before growing the plant, you must remember that fuchsia roots love cool temperatures, so it is better that the flower is not placed in a room where the air temperature is 30°C, as this can lead to death.

  1. In summer, the temperature should be from +18 to +24 °C.

    For cooling it is better to use protection from sun rays and a good flow of fresh air. This is another reason why a balcony can become a place for a flower to “live”.

  2. The temperature in winter should not exceed +5…+12°С.


A dry earthen ball will indicate the need for watering.

  1. In summer, the flower needs to be watered at least 2 times a week, in autumn and spring - once every 1-2 weeks.
  2. In winter, the frequency of watering should be reduced to once a month (read more about how to properly prepare fuchsia for wintering and how to store it in the basement and cellar).

You need to water the flower with settled water., the temperature of which is neither higher nor lower than room temperature.


The correct selection of elements in fertilizing will protect the flower from diseases and contribute to good growth and improved flowering.

It is necessary to choose fertilizing based on the growth phase of the plant.

  1. Young specimens need fertilizer containing a large amount of nitrogen - this element will ensure the growth of shoots.
  2. Grown-up fuchsia loves fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

The frequency of fertilization should depend on the concentration of the fertilizer. The usual concentration is usually used when fertilizing once every 7-10 days, but if fertilizing is carried out with each watering, the solution must be made weaker, at least 3-4 times. Mineral fertilizers It is better to alternate with organic ones.

Elements that will be useful for fuchsia:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium.

Attention! Plants affected by the disease should not be fed. It is also not recommended to water dry soil with the solution; it is necessary to fertilize after watering.

Watch a video about caring for fuchsia:

How to grow a flower: step-by-step instructions

  1. You need to choose a pot, soil and fertilizer. First, stop at the potty. small size, made of ceramic, approximately 10x10 in size.
  2. Select the soil - you can buy a universal mixture, adding a little sand to it, or mix turf, peat and sand yourself in a ratio of 3:2:1.
  3. The first feeding also needs to be simple - soil with added nitrogen is perfect for starting to care for the flower.

Read more about the rules for growing indoor and garden fuchsia.

Preparing and germinating seeds

Fuchsia seeds can be purchased at any gardening store. The best time to sow seeds is in February..

Before sowing, the soil must be moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate from a spray bottle.

When planting, seeds do not need to be buried deep in the soil - just lightly press the seed: The plant needs light for good germination..

  1. cover the pot with transparent cellophane or film;
  2. put on the windowsill;
  3. monitor temperature and humidity.

If all actions are performed correctly, already in 3-4 weeks you can expect the first small shoots to appear. During this period, it is very important to lift the cellophane to remove the concentrate. After germination, it is recommended to remove the cellophane for a longer time to adapt the plant to indoor conditions.


When the soil dries out, you need to moisten it with a spray bottle, spraying the soil around the sprout. Water for irrigation must be settled, room temperature.

Temperature environment for proper growth it should be around 18-22°C.

Constant lighting should provide the sprouts with good light, while it is better to protect them from direct sunlight. The best thing is to place the pot on the windowsill.

Sprouted sprouts need to be sprayed periodically after the first leaves appear. a small amount of water, the same as that used for irrigation. Spraying 1-2 times a week will ensure the required level of humidity.

Reproduction and transplantation

If you plan to propagate the plant by seeds, you should first protect it. unopened bud from self-pollination and pollination by insects.

  1. Specks of dust from the bud must be removed in advance, and the bud itself must be covered with a cover of paper or fabric.
  2. When the flower is ripe, the seeds must be carefully collected and sown in accordance with the procedure indicated in the previous paragraph.

The vegetative propagation method can be used at any time of the year, but experienced breeders recommend doing it in the spring. Observe the following rules:

  1. for propagation you need to choose a young cutting from 10 to 20 cm long;
  2. remove the leaves at the bottom of the cuttings, cut the rest by half;
  3. place the cuttings in filtered water;
  4. Cover the top of the cutting with film or a bag, you can use a bottle.

You can expect the first roots to appear in 4-5 days, however, in some cases you have to wait about 2 weeks. When they appear, you need to immediately plant the cuttings in the substrate.

Read more about how to propagate fuchsia from a leaf in, and from

  1. Root rot. Appears due to large quantity moisture. To get rid of the problem, you need to remove the plant from the pot, wash the roots with warm water, cut off the rotten roots, put the plant in a container with clean water. When new, young roots appear, it is allowed to plant the flower again in new soil.
  2. Gray rot. It affects leaves due to high indoor humidity. In this case, the damaged leaves need to be cut off and the room regularly ventilated.
  3. Growth slowdown. Most often it happens due to lack of space in the pot, so the fuchsia should be replanted.
  4. Lack of microelements. If the leaves wither and lighten, there is not enough nitrogen; when they turn yellow, there is not enough manganese; when they dry out, acquiring a brown tint, there is not enough molybdenum.
  5. Whitefly infestation. This insect lays eggs on back side leaves. As a result, white droplets can be seen on the leaves, after which the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

    To fight, you need to wash the flower with soapy water, Special attention concentrating on the inside of the leaf and stem, but protecting the roots from water.

  6. Defeat by Red spider mite . The main signs are a gray coating and black dots on the sheets. Use for fighting special means against insects.

Compliance with basic rules of care and timely detection of diseases will allow you to grow a large flower, which will delight all residents with its blooming, and will become a real decoration of both the room and the garden. Considering all the features, we can call fuchsia a picky plant, but this does not mean that it does not need proper care.

Fuchsia is a “dancing flower” - that’s what flower growers called it - perennial, evergreen. In its homeland (Central and South America, New Zealand) it grows as a shrub and reaches a height of 2 meters. There are more than 100 species of this in nature. the most beautiful plant. There is brilliant fuchsia, hybrid, recumbent, thin, Bolivian, Magellan, graceful, sparkling. In our home environment, fuchsia grows mainly as a shrub with flexible branches or as a small tree. It all depends on the type of fuchsia and the approach to its formation. Caring for fuchsia is not very difficult, you just need to know the peculiarities of its cultivation, its requirements for soil, light, humidity and temperature. Today I will tell you how to ensure long-lasting flowering of fuchsia.

The peculiarity of fuchsia is that it blooms for a long time from July to October. Beautiful hats of flowers will be an excellent decoration for your home. The main thing is to ensure proper care for fuchsia.

Plant (transfer) fuchsia, like any other, better in spring when everything comes to life and there is active growth.

You can take any pot: thin plastic or ceramic - it doesn’t matter. However, for planting fuchsia, I prefer a light ceramic pot, since it is in it that fuchsia is not in danger of summer overheating, while dark plastic gets very hot. In addition, a ceramic pot is also a decoration for your home interior.

However, remember that the pot should not be “grown”, otherwise the fuchsia roots will not be able to immediately occupy the entire space of the pot, the soil will turn sour, and the plant will die. Choose a pot that is neither small nor large, so the plant will be comfortable. To begin with, you can plant it in a container with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 10 cm.

Fuchsia must be replanted every year, by transshipment, renewing the nutrient soil. Fuchsia loves light, loose, nutritious soil. Dense garden soil is not suitable; it will suffocate the roots and kill the plant. Ideally, for growing fuchsia you need soil consisting of turf, peat and sand (in a ratio of 3:2:1), but ready-made potting soil for indoor plants based on vermicompost is also suitable.

When planting fuchsia at the bottom of the pot, be sure to put 2 layers of expanded clay, then even with abundant watering there will be no stagnation of water.

After replanting the plant, do not forget to prune it to stimulate the growth of side shoots on which new flowers will appear. Fuchsia blooms only on young, non-woody shoots.

Watering and moistening fuchsia

Fuchsia is a moisture-loving plant. It should be watered abundantly, but do not overwater the plant. In summer - daily, and in winter moderately (this will save the roots from rotting). In spring and summer, it is useful to spray fuchsias 2 times a day (morning and evening) with water at room temperature, and once a week it is good to add them to the water for spraying (zircon, epin, ethin-extra). Growth stimulants will provide fuchsia with additional energy for further growth. During active growth leaves high humidity is simply necessary, but in autumn and winter – on the contrary, it is contraindicated.

Illumination and temperature for fuchsia

Fuchsia is a light-loving plant, but does not tolerate direct sunlight; it burns the leaves of the plant. Therefore, it is better to place fuchsia on the eastern or western windows of the apartment or on a well-lit part of the room, but not under the scorching rays of the sun.

Fuchsia does not tolerate heat well and can shed its leaves and flowers. The optimal temperature for it is 20 degrees in summer, and 10 degrees in winter, when the plant is at rest. In a city apartment it is difficult to provide such a temperature in winter, so the plant does not get proper rest, which affects its further flowering. This is where feeding fuchsia comes to the rescue.

Feeding fuchsia

Fuchsia is responsive to feeding liquid fertilizer for flowering indoor plants. In winter, one feeding per month is enough, in autumn - one feeding every three weeks, in summer - feeding every two weeks. During the flowering period, fuchsia requires active nutrition.

Fuchsia propagation

For me, the most acceptable way to propagate fuchsia is through cuttings. I take cuttings after transplanting and pruning the main plant in the spring (this usually happens in February or March). I place the prepared cuttings (shoots 5-10 centimeters long without lower leaves) in a vessel with water, sometimes adding growth stimulants (hethegoauxin, rootin).

After the formation of full-fledged roots, I replant them in suitable fertile soil (turf soil, peat and sand) in 10-centimeter pots. To form a lush bush, you can plant several petioles in one pot.

How to ensure active flowering of fuchsia

Fuchsia blooms on new, young shoots, so it must be formed correctly. To ensure full flowering of fuchsia from July to October, do not forget to regularly pinch the plant.

The first pruning is February (we leave only 3 buds on last year’s growths).

The second - after the third pair of leaves grows (we pinch all the shoots to get a fluffy bush).

The third - 2 weeks after the second (pinch again after three pairs of leaves). This pinching must be done no later than April so that the plant can form full-fledged flower stalks. Usually the plant blooms 6-8 weeks after the last pinching.

In the fall, after flowering has ended, you need to pinch the plant again, cut out diseased, weakened branches, if the winter is warm, and if the winter is cold (no more than 10 degrees), then the plant will need to be shortened by one third.

  • Do not turn the fuchsia while it is blooming, otherwise it may drop its flowers.
  • If fuchsia does not grow and set buds, then it does not have enough nutrition. It is necessary to replant the plant into a larger container from time to time.
  • If you want your fuchsia to bloom late autumn or in winter, you can slightly delay its flowering. To do this, keep the fuchsias in a dark place until June, and then take them out onto the balcony or loggia. Prune the plant several times throughout the summer.
  • Ensure that the plant overwinters at a temperature of no more than 10 degrees, and it will thank you with lush flowering.

Today you learned all the intricacies of caring for fuchsia. I hope that by following them, you will provide your plants with decent maintenance, and they will delight you with their lush flowering.

Homemade fuchsia is favorite among flower growers plant. It has excellent consumer qualities, tolerates indoor growing conditions well and gives its owners magnificent bright inflorescences. We bring to your attention a description of the plant homemade fuchsia, photos of flowers and rules of agrotechnical care at home. From the material you will learn how to care for fuchsia, propagate and speed up the flowering process.

Description and photo of fuchsia flowers

Description of the plant. Fuchsias are beautiful flowering plants that can captivate people seriously and for a long time literally at first sight. In terms of variety and number of varieties, they can compete with the recognized favorites of collectors - Saintpaulias, and the begonias described above, and in the summer, in the open ground, they can displace even roses on the “beauty pedestal”.

Look at the photo of fuchsia flowers:

Fuchsia varieties

The genus includes about 100 species of trees and shrubs, distributed in Central and South America, as well as on the island of Tahiti and New Zealand. Fuchsia varieties are presented in a wide variety.

Most fuchsias found in indoor culture are of hybrid origin.

The genus is named after Leonard Fuchs, a German scientist, botanist and physician, one of the founders of modern botany.

Indoor flower fuchsia hybrid

Fuchsia hybrid (Fuchsia hybrida)- small evergreen trees or shrubs with flexible reddish shoots, small green or reddish lanceolate leaves and numerous flowers of various shapes and colors. This is the most common indoor flower fuchsia.

Fuchsias have a unique flower structure - it consists of two parts: a corolla-shaped calyx and a tubular corolla, from under which long bright stamens are visible. The whole flower looks like a small dancer doll in a fluffy or simple tutu skirt. The flowering period of fuchsias lasts all summer (even from the beginning of May to the end of September) or can be shifted to the autumn-winter period.

indoor fuchsia plant

Indoor fuchsia is widespread. In the three centuries that have passed since indoor plant Flower growers became interested in fuchsia, and more than 1,000 varieties of this beautiful plant have been bred, differing not only in the shape and color of the flowers, but also in the size of the bush itself and the shape of its growth. Along with upright fuchsias, there are many hanging ones. Fuchsias are very beautiful, in which the flowers are not arranged in pairs in the axils of the leaves, but are collected in inflorescences-tassels.

What different varieties of fuchsia look like

We invite you to look at the photo to see what different varieties of fuchsia look like.

Here is just a small part of the variety of shapes and colors that currently exist:

'Alfred de Groot' - an erect variety with simple pale pink sepals and a pink-purple “skirt”;

'Annabel' - this variety has a bush and ampel form, the flowers are large, double with white, sometimes slightly pinkish sepals and a white “skirt”;

'Ballerina' - an erect variety, dense round buds open into flowers with bright scarlet sepals and a lush white-pink “skirt”;

'Cecile' - an erect variety, a dense bush, densely double flowers, with soft red sepals and a bluish-lilac “skirt” with wavy edges;

‘Marinka’ - an ampelous variety, the flowers, although simple, one-color (red-crimson), are very bright and numerous;

‘Niedersachsen’ - ampelous variety, large, double flowers, with red-pink sepals and a snow-white “skirt”;

'Prince of Peace' - an ampelous variety with simple medium-sized flowers, white sepals, red “skirt”;

‘Rohees New Millennium’ - an erect variety, round buds, opening into large, double flowers with purplish-red leaves and a dark purple, almost black “skirt”;

'Santa Clara' - ampelous variety, large, double flowers, with white sepals and a cherry “skirt” in white strokes;

'Voodoo' - an erect variety with very large, densely double flowers, the sepals are bright red, the “skirt” is dark blue-violet.

In addition to hybrid fuchsia, specific fuchsias are also used in indoor floriculture, such as:

fuchsia graceful (Fuchsia gracilis)- a bush up to 1 m high, with thin reddish shoots, smooth green leaves with jagged edges with reddish veins and petioles, and bright red flowers with a purple “skirt” collected in gracefully drooping racemose inflorescences;

minifloral fuchsia (Fuchsia miniflora)- this species has smaller flowers than hybrid varieties, but there are usually a lot of them;

Fuchsia Bolivian (Fuchsia boliviana)- with large (up to 15 cm long and about 5 cm wide) velvety dark green leaves and long tubular flowers.

In the main type they are dark red, there is the ‘Alba’ form - with a white “skirt”. The flowers are collected in lush terminal inflorescences-tassels. Blooms in March-April.

Caring for fuchsia at home: photo

Such beauty cannot help but be capricious. Therefore, caring for fuchsia at home requires the application of certain knowledge and effort. But just look at the function at home in the photo, and you will understand that such beauty is worth any sacrifice.

Growing fuchsia at home

Growing fuchsia at home requires special watering. Indeed, fuchsia has a very sensitive root system that is afraid of both stagnation of water and even slight drought. Watering should be regular - as soon as it dries out. upper layer soil, but excess water must be drained from the pan. To prevent the roots from overheating, it is better to use light ceramic containers for fuchsias, and mulch the soil surface with light gravel. In winter, when placing a plant on a windowsill, be sure to place some thermal insulating material under the pot.

How to care for fuchsia?

Fuchsias do not like bright light; eastern or north-eastern windows are best suited for them, and in the summer, if you place them outside open air, choose a moderately shaded place. Flowering plant It's better not to move anywhere. The temperature also needs to be moderate, about +20 +24 °C during the day and a little cooler at night. More high temperatures, as well as lower ones, lead to slower plant growth and poor flowering. Fuchsia loves loose, nutritious soil; adding vermiculite to the soil makes caring for it very easy. Feeding is carried out from the end of March to the beginning of September. Young plants are replanted annually, adults once every 2-3 years. Fuchsias are propagated mainly by young apical cuttings throughout the entire period of active growth. Now you know how to care for fuchsia.

Fuchsia is a very flexible crop. It can be grown in group compositions, as a tapeworm, in the form standard tree, bush or using bonsai technique.