Shower      03.03.2020

Can MDF doors be painted? Do-it-yourself painting of mdf doors. drastic color change

Most often, when repairing budget housing, MDF doors are used. They are durable, inexpensive, and attractive. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range colors, variety of textures and patterns. All these characteristics make it possible to install them in any room. Except finished doors, you can also buy plain white ones, and paint them in any color or apply any pattern.

Let's try to break down some of the tricks of painting MDF doors.

The color and style of the painted door must match general style interior. For example, if your house or apartment is decorated in a modern or high-tech style, paint the doors in smooth, solid colors that are in harmony with the overall color.

Painting MDF doors is no different from painting any other surface. If the door has no texture and panel inserts, it has absolutely smooth surface, it is better to paint it with a roller or from a sprayer. If you are not a professional, but a simple amateur, we recommend using a roller. When painting embossed doors, brushes are used. It is better to choose brushes designed for varnish, they are denser, they have less pile. Before painting, it is better to filter the paint and primer in order to extract even the smallest grains. On a glossy finish, even in low light, they will be highly visible.

Start painting from the surface of the end sides. Then paint the top quarter from the left corner to the right, then the next quarter in the same direction, and so on down.

The most common doors are painted in universal, combined with all colors - White color. This is the simplest solution.

Paneled doors begin to paint the panels from the sidewalls, then proceed to painting the panels themselves, then paint the vertical sidewalls, while making vertical movements with a brush. To emphasize the originality of the panels, they can be painted in different colors.

If the surface has a wooden structure, it can be given the effect of solid wood. To achieve this visual sensation, varnish is mixed with paint and applied twice to the surface.

A very interesting effect can be achieved by mastering the technique of two-step craquelure This is a very effective way to decorate any antique items.

The same effect is achieved on a smooth structure. To do this, they acquire two types of paint of similar shades, reminiscent of the color of wood. First, a lighter tone is applied, and until it dries, vertical movements are made from top to bottom with a special brush, bending the lines so that the resulting stripes resemble a cut of a tree. After the first layer has dried, apply the second - darker paint.

About painting MDF doors.

From MDF allows you to save money and get a door that is fully consistent with the interior design.

How to paint MDF doors

It is very convenient and practical to paint interior doors with acrylic varnishes and paints. They dry quickly, almost do not smell, non-toxic. Random drops are easily cleaned from hands, with floor covering. The painted surface is resistant to damage, all dirt is easily washed off with ordinary soapy water.

When determining required amount LKM should take into account that it will be painted not only door leaf, but also a box, platbands. On average, 1 kg may be needed acrylic lacquer or paint and the same amount of primer for painting one set.

The standard formula for calculating the amount of coatings needed to paint interior doors is the approximate paint consumption (indicated on the can) plus 10%. The purchase of a small can of putty will help you avoid unnecessary trips to the store if you find small defects in the painted surface.

To avoid conflict between paint layers, it is recommended to purchase products from the same manufacturer's product line for wood products.

From a huge variety of colors and shades acrylic paints You can always choose your preferred color, which is suitable for painting the MDF door and will be in harmony with the decor of the room.

To give paintwork materials the desired shade, you can additionally buy a special color scheme or use the services of professionals. Typically, building markets offer tinting paints, which allows you to get any of the 10,000 shades. In this case, it is more convenient to have your own color sample with you. It should be taken into account that:

  • on a large surface bright hues appear darker;
  • color perception depends on lighting - for a maximum color assessment, you can go outside with a sample;
  • the finished paint always appears lighter than the sample.

Usually the program professional equipment remembers specific tinting schemes, but it is better to prepare the coloring composition immediately in the required volume. Small differences in the shade of paintwork materials from different batches will not allow you to achieve an ideal resemblance to the previous version of the color scheme.

Tools, equipment

When planning work on painting the door kit, you need to prepare in advance necessary tools, Consumables. At the same time, care should be taken to organize the storage of working equipment. This approach will help reduce the time of work, avoid unplanned costs.

A set of working tools:

  • brushes - narrow for staining small parts and medium for painting the door leaf, roller or spray gun;
  • container for mixing paintwork materials hand tinted- it should fit all the paint or varnish required for the work;
  • a drill with a nozzle or a mixer - you can rent;
  • working container for paint - a small can or a special tray, if planned with a roller;
  • adhesive tape, stencils, sponge - if desired, decorate the door leaf with drawings, ornaments;
  • sandpaper-zero;
  • gloves;
  • clean rags;
  • solvent.

You should also take care of the work site - cover the floor with paper, prepare wooden bars on which it will be possible to put an interior door, door frame, platbands. It is necessary to provide normal conditions with the possibility of safe and convenient movement both during work and during the drying of the layers of paintwork materials.

How to paint MDF doors

Before applying paint, it is necessary to putty all cracks and cover the door with a primer layer.

Before painting an interior door made of MDF, the elements of the box, platbands, it is necessary to prime them. The primer performs several functions at once:

  • finally removes dust from the surface;
  • prevents unnecessary consumption of more expensive coatings;
  • improves adhesive properties;
  • ensures color uniformity.

At the same time, the priming process helps to detect minor surface defects - chips, scratches, cracks.

You can tint paintwork materials on your own only in one container; most likely, it will not be possible to accurately repeat the desired shade in different buckets. Before opening cans of paint, you must once again carefully study the manufacturer's instructions that came with the color scheme. First, you can prepare a sample of paint in a small jar. In order to correctly evaluate the resulting shade, it is better to wait for the complete drying of the colored sample.

  1. A primer layer is applied to a dry interior door.
  2. Small cracks, scratches, chips are smeared with putty.
  3. The surface is finely sanded sandpaper.
  4. A second coat of primer is applied.
  5. All inconvenient places are painted over with a brush - the ends, the lines of the panel pattern.
  6. The wooden product is painted completely - with a brush, roller or spray gun.
  7. If necessary, a second layer of paintwork is applied.

When painting with acrylic kit interior door each stage of work is carried out only after the complete drying of the previous layer.

It is not recommended to speed up drying with the help of heaters, fans, heat guns.

LMB on water based slightly raise the pile of wood. Therefore, before applying each next layer of acrylic varnish or paint, the previous one is carefully sanded with zero sandpaper.

If you decide to do budget repair, while you need to replace interior doors, the best option interior doors will be MDF. The popularity of this material (translated from English - medium-density fibreboard) has won due to its strength, low cost, as well as a wide range of surface structures: they can be with a “wood-like” texture, smooth, with flints, not textured, etc. .d. Thanks to such a wide range, they will perfectly fit into any interior, you just need to choose the right one and paint them. In today's article, we will tell , How to paint an MDF door yourself.

For interior design styles such as minimalism, hi-tech, modern, smooth, plain MDF doors are perfect, which should also be painted in plain colors. In this case, the color can be almost anything: from snow-white to dark brown. It all depends solely on the tone of the apartment, as well as the wishes of the owners.

How to paint MDF interior doors

Painting MDF interior doors is practically the same as painting wooden doors, however, has some peculiarities. If on interior MDF the door you need to paint is missing the panels and texture (i.e. it is completely smooth), it is best to paint it with a roller or spray. Embossed surfaces are painted exclusively with brushes. If you have no experience with spraying, painting MDF doors in this way is strongly discouraged.

Before starting painting, the brushes must be prepared: combed out and soaked in water. You can also use a special brush for varnish - it differs from ordinary brushes in a more durable fastening of the pile. Note that it is recommended to pass any paint, primer intended for coloring through filters with a diameter of 50-100 microns. If you are going to paint glossy MDF doors, such filtering is a must.

How to paint an MDF door

First, you should paint the ends, then proceed to painting the upper left corner - from it the doors are painted a quarter. After that, they start painting the same rectangular sections from left to right, gradually going down.

Painting MDF interior doors white is considered universal: this color blends harmoniously with almost any color scheme indoors.

If the MDF doors are fan-shaped, painting starts from the sidewalls of the felenki, after which they move on to painting the protruding parts, horizontal transverse racks. The most recent paint the vertical parts of the canvas. The paint must be applied with vertical movements. Often, the coloring is done in several colors, emphasizing the originality of the felt.

If the MDF door has a wooden structure, it can be painted in such a way that it is almost indistinguishable from an expensive solid wood interior door. To do this, the varnish must be mixed with paint, the resulting mixture should cover the surface twice. The result is a water-repellent surface, with the desired "wooden" tint.

The same effect, however, in a different way, can be obtained, if the MDF doors are smooth. First you need to choose a paint color close to wood, while the paint should be 2 similar shades. A brighter tone is applied first, and until it dries, it is necessary to make stains on it with a special brush that will resemble the patterns of a cut of a tree. This is not as difficult as it might seem: to get the hang of it, just practice a little on an unnecessary piece of MDF. After the first layer has dried, you can apply a darker paint.

Painting MDF doors , like any other, it should be done in warm weather - so that the room can be well ventilated. The temperature inside the room should be in the range of 19-25 0 С.

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Paint for mdf doors available in retail. The name itself says what it is for.

Today we will tell you how to paint MDF doors. All work is done entirely by hand and therefore the price will not be high.

But having completed the work with high quality, you will make the doors attractive and they will simply decorate the room. In the video in this article, you can learn about the varieties this material and you can choose the right one.

How to paint MDF doors is not an easy task, but before you start work, you need to purchase necessary materials and tools, so that in the process of doing the work not to be distracted by their search.


  • First of all, you need to choose a paint color, choosing the right shade is not difficult, you can do this through the manufacturer's catalog. But if this option does not suit you, you can create a unique, exclusive paint color, for this several paints are mixed at once, not forgetting to use paint from one manufacturer.
  • Paint for MDF doors can be quite different and you need to be aware that it must necessarily have both moisture-proof and heat-resistant characteristics. Moreover, it must be strong, durable, and, of course, not be subjected to one or another mechanical influence.

Note: It is important to note that alkyd paints, car enamels are the most popular and in demand today. As soon as the paint is purchased, you need to purchase other materials, tools that are necessary for the work.

  • Before buying, the instructions for the dye should be studied.. After all, the manufacturer can provide technology for coating and you need to know this.

Required Tools

Before deciding how to repaint MDF doors, you need to prepare right tool, during work there will not be just time to be distracted:

  • roller;
  • Primer;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Masking tape, gloves and brushes.

These are the most important tools that must be purchased without fail.

We do our own painting

Now let's get into the details, mdf. Speaking in general about the process of painting the surface, I would like to note that at the very beginning, preparatory work, after which the finishing material is applied.

Preparatory work

If furniture is painted, then you need to properly disassemble it, it is not at all necessary to unwind the furniture completely, because you can separate the necessary parts that you are going to paint.


  • If the furniture is equipped with glass inserts (see), handles, then it is best to remove them, this also applies to other fittings.

Attention: In the event that we are talking about surfaces that are located near gas burners, for example, then only fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil should be used.

  • First of all, the facade must be freed from the old paintwork, and the facade must also be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • Using sandpaper, you need to carefully clean the surface.
  • Now you can apply a primer to the surface, but before that, do not forget to shake the composition thoroughly.

  • To prepare the MDF surface, you need to use a wood primer, if the facade has plastic elements, then they are treated with a special primer, which is designed for plastic.
  • After applying the primer, you need to let it dry, allowing it to soak in properly.

As soon as the preparatory activities are completed, you can start working with paint:

Repair work in the house in many cases involves the replacement and restoration doorways. This procedure is relatively simple, but requires certain skills.

give doors beautiful view can be done by coloring it in specific color. You can also pick up and buy doors New style, which is the best option.

Painting materials

MDF doors are products that are desirable to be installed only inside buildings, as they are quickly exposed to external aggressive substances.

As paints for these types of products, it is recommended to use several types of substances:

  • acrylic varnishes;
  • acrylic paints.

These materials are absolutely safe and do not emit toxic substances. A variety of colors of these types of paints allows you to choose them for any type of interior. At the same time, it is very easy and simple to take care of these materials.

As additional protection, a special primer is used before the paint layer. The amount of materials for painting depends on the size of the door leaf.

To obtain a certain color of the coating, you must first prepare the paint. To do this, use special colors that allow you to get different kinds shades.

We paint the door

The process of painting MDF doors is a specific procedure consisting of several successive stages:

  1. At the very beginning, the entire surface is primed. This will remove dust from the surface and significantly improve the adhesive properties of the coating.
  2. If the surface has some dents, then they are smeared with putty. After that, everything is ground and again covered with a primer.
  3. The next step is to tint the paint. This must be done in one container, since it is almost impossible to get the same shade in two "buckets" by eye.
  4. At the very end, coloring is done. The number of layers is selected individually and depends on the desired appearance doors.

In the same way, doorways are varnished. If you use a transparent varnish, then you need to putty the door with substances that are suitable for your product in structure.

Get more quality coating You can use special sprayers that apply paint in an even layer. This not only reduces the consumption of materials, but allows you to get a very high-quality appearance.

How to paint an MDF door - in this video: