Shower      06/14/2019

Autumn worries of insects. Entertaining zoology. Plan of the seminar: Introduction to the topic. Techniques for activating the mental abilities of preschoolers The text of the story is a logical task for children

Logic tasks for preschoolers teach children to compare, compare the facts known to them about the world around them, develop independent thinking, teach kids to prove their point of view, reason, draw conclusions. find causes and effects, separate essential features from minor ones. It is not for nothing that the proverb says: “Happiness happens to those who, in labor and learning, gain their mind.” Not in every teaching you can pick up the mind. How to develop children and teach them in exciting tasks and games, read on.

Logical tasks for preschoolers on the topic "How the inhabitants of the forest prepare for wintering"

What are speech logical tasks for children?

A speech logical task is a story - a riddle. The kid can find an answer to it only if he has ideas about nature and can compare, classify, and find relationships. Solving speech logical problems helps develop thinking and speech, teaches the child to highlight the main and secondary, draw conclusions, explain his point of view.

Speech logical tasks are given to children when you have already introduced them to the life of forest dwellers in the fall- stories and fairy tales in pictures about the autumn life of the forest, poems and riddles, dramatizations and finger theater, tasks for kids can be found in the articles,

This article is a continuation, the third part of a series of articles about autumn - stories, riddles, tasks for children about autumn nature.

Many interesting speech logical tasks for children preschool age You will find in the book of N.F. Vinogradova "Stories - riddles about nature" (publishing house "Ventana - Graf").

Logic tasks about autumn for children with answers

Speech logical task 1. What did the hedgehog say? (designed by Natalya Fedorovna Vinogradova)

“Everyone prepares for winter in their own way. Jumping squirrel - fidget. He collects nuts, acorns, stuffs them into hollows, along wood slits, hangs them on bushes. The squirrel works all day long and keeps looking at its neighbor - the hedgehog, which by the autumn has become completely lazy: it runs a little through the forest, does not catch mice, climbs into dry leaves and takes a nap.
- Why are you, a hedgehog, completely lazy? the squirrel asks. - Why don't you prepare for the winter, don't you store food? There will be nothing to eat in winter.
The hedgehog laughed and said something quietly to the squirrel.

Task for children: Did you guess what the hedgehog said? Why doesn't he stock up for the winter? Why doesn't he need mushrooms and acorns?
Listen to the child's answer, ask why he decided so. If the kid did not guess this logical task, then remind him that the hedgehog sleeps all winter. And that means ... and nothing to eat. Therefore, in the fall, he does not wear mushrooms on his needles, as shown in cartoons. After all, a cartoon is a fairy tale, and a lot has been invented in it.

Answer to the task: What does a hedgehog really do in the fall? Remember with baby

Speech logical task 2. Mushrooms on a branch.
Yuri Dmitriev "Why did mushrooms grow on a bush?"

The text of the story is a logical task for children:

“Everyone knows that mushrooms grow on the ground. Well, they can still grow on a stump, such as honey mushrooms. But the fact that they grow on bushes, Dimka and I have not heard anything.
“And this can’t be,” Dimka said, when the neighbor’s boy began to talk about the mushrooms that he saw on the bushes. - Can't be! You probably saw these berries, but thought they were mushrooms.
The neighbor boy was offended.
-I'm blind, right? I saw with my own eyes - the most real mushrooms: boletus, white, boletus ...
To resolve the dispute, we went to the forest. We approach the bush and see that it really is all covered with mushrooms, Dimka even opened his mouth in surprise. And the neighbor boy was delighted:
-Yeah! What did I say? Here they are - mushrooms!
“Mushrooms are mushrooms,” I say, “but they don’t grow.
The guys took a closer look and saw that the mushrooms really do not grow, but are carefully tucked between the branches.

Task for children: Who do you think put the mushrooms between the branches? Why does he need it?

Logic answer:

Why mushrooms on the tree
Are they hanging on knots?
Not in a basket, not on a shelf,
Not in the moss, not under the leaf -
At the trunk and among the branches
They are wearing bitches!
Who arranged them so cleverly?
Who cleared the rubbish from the mushrooms?
This is a squirrel pantry,
It's squirrel's summer gathering!

Speech logical task 3. For children 6-7 years old. What did the Dunno mix up?

Task text and answers:

Tell me what's wrong here? Fix Dunno:

  • Winter has come because the hare has turned white. (On the contrary, the bunny turned white because winter came)
  • It became cold in autumn because people dressed in warm clothes, and the animals changed their summer coats to winter coats (on the contrary, people dressed in warm clothes because it got cold)
  • The tree is in a hollow.
  • In winter, there are no insects, because the birds fly to hot countries.
  • In winter, hares eat cabbage and carrots. (no, they gnaw on the bark of trees and branches).
  • In winter, there is no food, so predators starve and eat the bark of trees.

Speech logical task 4. What is the bear looking for? Text by I. A. Panichev

The text of the logical speech task for children:

Look at the clubfoot! Barely tossing and turning. He ate on fish and berries in the summer, and now he wanders through the forest, scares the little animals and is looking for something, looking for ... What is the bear looking for?

Logic answer:It's time for the bear to fall asleep in the den, so he wanders through the forest, confusing his tracks before climbing into the den and falling asleep.

Speech logical task 5. Who is this? About the bunny. Text by I. A. Panichev

Logical task text:

Something white rolled out into the clearing: long ears, slanted eyes, looking to the sides. Jump-jump and out of sight under the bush. Look how startled! Don't be afraid - it's a branch cracked from the frost. No, he runs away ... and even confuses the tracks! Who it?

Speech logical task 6. Hare and his friends. Author - N. F. Vinogradova

The text of the story is a logical task for children:

In autumn, a hare appeared in the forest with a hare. He grew up cheerful, smart. Once a hare met a butterfly, a caterpillar and a teddy bear. They all became friends, played and had fun until the very cold. Winter came. Came fun party New Year. The hare decided to invite his friends to this holiday. But he did not find anyone in the forest. Why?

Logic answer: If the kid cannot guess, read the story of V. Strokov to him. It contains the answer to a logical riddle.

V. Strokov "Insects in autumn"

At the end of September, most insects disappear. Some laid their testicles and died, others climbed into some crack, crack, under the bark, or buried themselves in the ground and fell asleep. On damp paths you will not meet agile ground beetles. In the last days of September, diurnal butterflies disappear. They either die, or climb into secluded corners for the winter.

Logic tasks for children on the content of cartoons about autumn

Your baby already knows a lot about the life of forest dwellers in autumn and their preparation for winter. Now, watching autumn cartoons with your child, you can discuss what is a fairy tale, and what is true. What actually happens in the autumn forest, and what is invented? This is a real logical task for the kid, which requires you to compare the content of the cartoon and the phenomena that really exist in nature and draw your own conclusion. Such logical tasks are very important for the formation of accurate ideas about the world around older preschoolers and for the development of the child's ability to use knowledge in a new problem situation. Similar logical tasks are available for children 6-7 years old.

To distinguish the invented from the real, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how our nature lives. Therefore, speech logical tasks and tasks based on cartoons are used when you have already studied our materials with your baby, played dramatization games, got acquainted with environmental fairy tales given in the first and second parts of the material about how the inhabitants of the forest prepare for winter.

Task for children: I suggest that you watch cartoons with your child about events in the autumn forest and guess what really happened and what was invented in them.

  • You can take turns guessing. First you say that this is a fairy tale (an adult always names the most difficult thing, so that it would be easier for the child to cope with the task), and then the child. And so on in turn - who was the most attentive.
  • First, we call everything that relates to the fabulous, which can be called "fiction". And then everything that can actually be. For example. in fact, the wolf does not sleep in winter, the hare changes its fur coat - this is true. But the fact that the bunny just dresses like people is a fairy tale, in fact it sheds. Is it true. that squirrels store acorns, cones and mushrooms for the winter, and mice store grain, but it is thought that the hedgehog carries mushrooms and that the hare grows carrots in the garden.
  • You can watch the cartoon again to notice details that you didn’t notice before!
  • These cartoons also lend themselves very well to the finger theater performances discussed in the previous article.

Cartoon "How the hedgehog changed his coat"

Bear cartoon "Uncle Misha"

More about autumn Entertaining material for games and activities with children can be found in the articles of the site:

About, how animals and birds hibernate You can read.

Logic tasks for preschoolersteach children to compare, compare the facts known to them about the world around them, develop independent thinking, teach kids to prove their point of view, reason, draw conclusions. find causes and effects. separate essential features from non-essential ones. It is not for nothing that the proverb says: “Happiness happens to those who, in labor and learning, gain their mind.”Not in every teaching you can pick up the mind. How to develop children and teach them in exciting tasks and games, read on.

Logical tasks for preschoolers on the topic "How the inhabitants of the forest prepare for wintering"

Speech logic tasks.

A speech logical task is a story - a riddle. The kid can find an answer to it only if he has ideas about nature and can compare, classify, and find relationships. Solving speech logical problems helps develop thinking and speech, teaches the child to highlight the main and secondary, draw conclusions, explain his point of view.

Speech logical tasks are given to children when you have already introduced them to the life of forest dwellers in the fall - stories and fairy tales in pictures, poems and riddles, dramatizations and finger theater, you will find tasks for kids in the articles “How animals prepare for winter. Part 1″, “How animals prepare for winter. Part 2".

You will find many interesting speech logical tasks for preschool children in the book by N.F. Vinogradova "Stories - riddles about nature" (publishing house "Ventana - Graf"). Here is one of the logical tasks of this book.

Speech logical task 1. What did the hedgehog say? (designed by Natalya Fedorovna Vinogradova)

“Everyone prepares for winter in their own way. Jumping squirrel - fidget. He collects nuts, acorns, stuffs them into hollows, along wood slits, hangs them on bushes. The squirrel works all day long and keeps looking at its neighbor - the hedgehog, which by the autumn has become completely lazy: it runs a little through the forest, does not catch mice, climbs into dry leaves and takes a nap.
- Why are you, a hedgehog, completely lazy? the squirrel asks. - Why don't you prepare for the winter, don't you store food? There will be nothing to eat in winter.
The hedgehog laughed and said something quietly to the squirrel.

Did you guess what the hedgehog said? Why doesn't he stock up for the winter? Why doesn't he need mushrooms and acorns?
Listen to the child's answer, ask why he decided so. If the kid did not guess this logical task, then remind him that the hedgehog sleeps all winter. And that means ... and nothing to eat. Therefore, in the fall, he does not wear mushrooms on his needles, as shown in cartoons. After all, a cartoon is a fairy tale, and a lot has been invented in it. What does a hedgehog really do in the fall? Recall with the baby the story about the hedgehog.

Speech logical task 2. Mushrooms on a branch.
Yuri Dmitriev "Why did mushrooms grow on a bush?"

“Everyone knows that mushrooms grow on the ground. Well, they can still grow on a stump, such as honey mushrooms. But the fact that they grow on bushes, Dimka and I have not heard anything.
“And this can’t be,” Dimka said, when the neighbor’s boy began to talk about the mushrooms that he saw on the bushes. - Can't be! You probably saw these berries, but thought they were mushrooms.
The neighbor boy was offended.
-I'm blind, right? I saw with my own eyes - the most real mushrooms: boletus, white, boletus ...
To resolve the dispute, we went to the forest. We approach the bush and see that it really is all covered with mushrooms, Dimka even opened his mouth in surprise. And the neighbor boy was delighted:
-Yeah! What did I say? Here they are - mushrooms!
“Mushrooms are mushrooms,” I say, “but they don’t grow.
The guys took a closer look and saw that the mushrooms really do not grow, but are carefully tucked between the branches.

Who do you think put the mushrooms between the branches? Why does he need it?

Speech logical task 3. For children 6-7 years old. What did the Dunno mix up?

Tell me what's wrong here? Fix Dunno:
Winter has come because the hare has turned white. (On the contrary, the bunny turned white because winter came)
-It became cold in autumn because people dressed in warm clothes, and the animals changed their summer coats to winter coats (on the contrary, people dressed in warm clothes because it got cold)

The tree is in a hollow.

In winter, there are no insects, because the birds fly to hot countries.
- In winter, hares eat cabbage and carrots. (no, they gnaw on tree bark and branches)
-There is no food in winter, so predators starve and eat tree bark.

Speech logical task 4. What is the bear looking for? The author of the text is I. A. Panichev.

Look at the clubfoot! Barely tossing and turning. He ate on fish and berries in the summer, and now he wanders through the forest, scares the little animals and is looking for something, looking for ... What is the bear looking for?

It's time for the bear to fall asleep in the den, so he wanders through the forest, confusing his tracks before climbing into the den and falling asleep.

Speech logical task 5. Who is this? About the bunny. Text by I. A. Panichev

Something white rolled out into the clearing: long ears, slanted eyes, looking to the side. Jump-jump and out of sight under the bush. Look how startled! Don't be afraid - it's a branch cracked from the frost. No, he runs away ... and even confuses the tracks! Who it?

Speech logical task 6. Hare and his friends. Author - N. F. Vinogradova

In autumn, a hare appeared in the forest with a hare. He grew up cheerful, smart. Once a hare met a butterfly, a caterpillar and a teddy bear. They all became friends, played and had fun until the very cold. Winter came. Happy New Year's Eve has arrived. The hare decided to invite his friends to this holiday. But he did not find anyone in the forest. Why? If the kid cannot guess, read the story of V. Strokov to him. It contains the answer to a logical riddle.

V. Strokov "Insects in autumn".

At the end of September, most insects disappear. Some laid their testicles and died, others climbed into some crack, crack, under the bark, or buried themselves in the ground and fell asleep. On damp paths you will not meet agile ground beetles. In the last days of September, diurnal butterflies disappear. They either die, or climb into secluded corners for the winter.

Cartoons about autumn - we solve logical problems with children 6-7 years old!

Your baby already knows a lot about the life of forest dwellers in autumn and their preparation for winter. Now, watching autumn cartoons with your child, you can discuss what is a fairy tale, and what is true. What actually happens in the autumn forest, and what is invented? This is a real logical task for the kid, which requires you to compare the content of the cartoon and the phenomena that really exist in nature and draw your own conclusion. Such logical tasks are very important for the formation of accurate ideas about the world around older preschoolers and for the development of the child's ability to use knowledge in a new problem situation. Similar logical tasks are available for children 6-7 years old.

To distinguish the invented from the real, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how our nature lives. Therefore, speech logical tasks and tasks based on cartoons are used when you have already studied our materials with your baby, played dramatization games, got acquainted with environmental fairy tales given in the first and second parts of the material about how the inhabitants of the forest prepare for winter.

I suggest that you watch cartoons with your child about events in the autumn forest and guess what really happened and what was invented in them. You can take turns guessing. First you say that this is a fairy tale (an adult always names the most difficult thing, so that it would be easier for the child to cope with the task), and then the child. And so on in turn - who was the most attentive.

First, we call everything that relates to the fabulous, which can be called "fiction". And then everything that can actually be. For example. in fact, the wolf does not sleep in winter, the hare changes its fur coat - this is true. But the fact that the bunny just dresses like people is a fairy tale, in fact it sheds. Is it true. that squirrels store acorns, cones and mushrooms for the winter, and mice store grain, but it is thought that the hedgehog carries mushrooms and that the hare grows carrots in the garden. You can watch the cartoon again to notice details that you didn’t notice before! These cartoons also lend themselves very well to the finger theater performances discussed in the previous article.

Cartoon "How the hedgehog changed his coat"

Bear cartoon "Uncle Misha"

A story about autumn. A story about forest dwellers. A story about the world of wildlife in autumn, a story about forest life. Story for younger students. Story for extracurricular reading. A story to read in elementary school.

Nikolay Sladkov. Autumn on the doorstep

- Inhabitants of the forest! cried the wise Raven one morning. - Autumn at the forest threshold, is everyone ready for its arrival?

Ready, ready, ready...

"Now we'll check it out!" Raven croaked. - First of all, autumn will let the cold into the forest - what will you do?

Animals responded:

- We, squirrels, hares, foxes, will change into winter coats!

- We, badgers, raccoons, will hide in warm holes!

- We, hedgehogs, the bats, sleep soundly sleep!

Birds responded:

- We, migratory, will fly away to warm lands!

- We, settled down, put on padded jackets!

“Secondly,” Raven shouts, “autumn will begin to rip off the leaves from the trees!”

- Let it rip off! the birds responded. - The berries will be more visible!

- Let it rip off! the animals responded. - It will be quieter in the forest!

“Third thing,” the Raven does not let up, “the autumn of the last insects will snap with frost!”

Birds responded:

- And we, thrushes, will fall on the mountain ash!

- And we, woodpeckers, will begin to peel the cones!

- And we, goldfinches, will take on the weeds!

Animals responded:

- And we will sleep more peacefully without mosquitoes!

- The fourth thing, - Raven buzzes, - autumn will pester with boredom! It will overtake gloomy clouds, let in tedious rains, nauseka dreary winds. The day will shorten, the sun will hide in your bosom!

- Let him pester himself! birds and animals responded in unison. - We will not get bored! What do we need rains and winds when we

in fur coats and down jackets! We will be full - we will not get bored!

The wise Raven wanted to ask something else, but waved his wing and took off.

It flies, and under it is a forest, multi-colored, motley - autumn.

Autumn has already crossed the threshold. But it didn't scare anyone.

  • Red wings, black peas. Who is walking on my palm? Ladybug.
  • Wings, Round eyes, Smoothly circling ... Dragonfly
  • I feed on nectar, flying on wings. So you guessed who I am? Butterfly
  • Jump and jump - not a little man, jumping in the grass ... Grasshopper
  • The next miracle insect is the biggest worker of all, sometimes bites and ant called.
  • In the early morning she can not sleep - she really wants to work. So the hard-working woman brought me honey ... bee.
  • How I buzz on a summer day, Your ear knows. I fly into every house, they call me ... front sight.
  • He lives in a dark corner, weaves a silk thread, he secretly climbed here to build new house gathered. Same spider. It is often mistakenly considered an insect, but it belongs to a number arthropods animals from the arachnid class.

How insects prepare for winter

As soon as summer begins to wane, insects, like many other animals that live in our area, begin to prepare for wintering. It happens in different ways. It turns out that in Russia, most adult insects do not survive until winter. Their life expectancy is usually small - from several months to one or two days. Some insects, having left the shell of the pupa and laying eggs, immediately die. For the survival of the species, it turns out that it is much more convenient to survive difficult times at other stages of development: eggs, pupae or larvae. Some dozens of tiny testicles lie somewhere behind a peeled off piece of bark, and they don’t care about the winter cold. Under the thinnest shell, they reliably store the life of future six-legged generations. Well, those insects that need to live until spring, intensively fatten up and get rid of water. Of course, it is impossible to get rid of all the water, otherwise the body will die. Therefore, they produce antifreeze - a substance that prevents freezing. The most common is glycerin. Without it, even small negative temperatures lead to the formation of ice crystals that destroy delicate living tissues. With the onset of cold weather, the life processes of a wintering insect slow down, although they do not stop completely. The resistance to cold in this state in insects is simply amazing. Wintering pupae withstand temperatures up to -90 degrees and then normal insects develop from them.
How does a ladybug prepare for winter?

Everyone likes this little beauty because it has a bright glossy color and is considered a symbol of happiness. However, the bugs are not very friendly with each other - they, apparently, are dreamers who enjoy life alone. But when the leaves begin to fall outside and the air becomes cool, ladybugs unite in groups and look for warm places for wintering, such as tree bark, moss, stones. Smart red and black beads hide in apartments. The main task of the sun in autumn is to search for dry and cozy place for relax. These insects, unfortunately, do not see the snowy winter, because they hibernate even before it arrives.

How does a dragonfly prepare for winter?

By winter, most dragonflies (excluding migratory species) die, having previously laid their eggs in the water. True, the dim dragonfly does not die, but hibernates and lays eggs only in spring. The eggs hatch into larvae that live in water for 2-3 years and gradually grow. IN Last year development, the larva turns into an adult dragonfly, the flight of which occurs in some in the spring, in others in the summer.

How does a butterfly prepare for winter?

Butterflies (not counting migratory species) in their majority die before the onset of winter. But females leave behind clutches of eggs from which caterpillars develop. Some of them have time to turn into pupae in the summer, others remain to winter in different shelters: some hide in the ground, and some - in cobweb nests on tree branches. However, among adult butterflies there are wintering ones that do not die, but fall into a stupor. These include: urticaria, lemongrass, mourning, multicolor, daytime peacock eye. These butterflies late autumn they climb under fallen leaves, into cracks in the roots of old stumps, under the bark of trees and into other secluded places. After wintering, they leave their "shelters" and fly for some time, feeding on plant nectar. Then the females lay their eggs and die, and a new generation of butterflies developing from eggs (through the caterpillar stage) appears in the second half of summer and flies until autumn. For the winter, butterflies of this generation fall into a stupor, and in the spring they behave like butterflies of the previous generation.

How do grasshoppers prepare for winter?

Grasshoppers themselves die in winter, and only eggs that have been laid in the ground hibernate. Female grasshoppers, using a curved ovipositor, lay eggs in plant tissue or in the ground where they hibernate. In the spring, larvae emerge from them, which are similar to adults, but smaller in size and with no wings. Over time, they transform into winged, sexually mature insects.

How does an ant meet winter?

In two species of our forest ants that live next to each other, wintering proceeds differently. With the onset of cold weather in large red ants, the anthill is empty. The surviving inhabitants form a dense ball at a depth of about one and a half meters, in a special wintering chamber. At such a depth, the earth does not freeze through, and the ants sleep safely until spring. Surprisingly, ants are much better than forecasters at learning to make long-term forecasts. If severe frosts are expected in the coming winter, the depth of the wintering chamber is increased in advance. The nest of their black counterparts, located in a rotten stump, is filled with numb inhabitants. And these ants will live safely until spring. Ogni did not build special rooms for wintering. Restructuring took place in each of them. In the cells of the body of these ants, with the onset of cold weather, accumulates a large number of glycerin, which protects them from death. It is thanks to this magical liquid that ants do not freeze in winter.

Worker bees do not hibernate for the winter. With the onset of cold weather, the uterus stops laying eggs, and the bees spend more and more time in the nest. All of them accumulate around the larvae and pupae to maintain the temperature necessary for their life. The bees do not perform any work in winter, they sit almost motionless. A ball of bees consists of 30-35 thousand individuals. Inside the ball, the temperature is always higher than outside. Therefore, the bees that are frozen squeeze inward, and bees that have been warm take their place. The main enemies of bees in winter are strong winds, humidity and hunger, so beekeepers should try to provide the bees with a calm and comfortable wintering.

In autumn, spiders hide to avoid the cold winter. The water spider wraps itself in a cocoon and plunges under water, where it falls asleep until spring. Spiders that live in the forest or outdoors hide in wooden bark. And those who scare us at home fall asleep somewhere in the cracks.

What do mosquitoes and flies do in winter?

Interestingly, mosquitoes and flies hide in winter window frames and crevices of houses. A fly that has fallen into hibernation can survive for six months or more. With the onset of heat, the flies come to life and walk as if sleepy. After recovering, the insects return to their usual life, which usually lasts about a month. And mosquitoes often don't survive the winter. Adults spend their entire lives, namely summer and autumn, on land. Then all the male mosquitoes die, and the females (and even then not all) go to the reservoirs to wait out the winter, and in the spring to lay their eggs for the birth of a new life.

Now we know where insects hide in winter: they find themselves convenient places in which they sleep soundly. And at this time we play snowballs, make a snowman, celebrate Christmas and New Year and very rarely meet sleepy insects.

  • Red wings, black peas. Who is walking on my palm? Ladybug.
  • The next miracle insect is the biggest worker of all, sometimes bites and ant called.
  • In the early morning she can not sleep - she really wants to work. So the hard-working woman brought me honey ... bee.
  • How I buzz on a summer day, Your ear knows. I fly into every house, they call me ... front sight.
  • He lives in a dark corner, weaves a silk thread, he secretly climbed here, he was going to build a new house. Same spider. It is often mistakenly considered an insect, but it belongs to a number arthropods animals from the arachnid class.

How insects prepare for winter

Remembering the types of insects, we learned that they all have their own characteristics, and, consequently, they prepare for winter in different ways. Let's find out how though.
How does a ladybug prepare for winter?
Everyone likes this little beauty because it has a bright glossy color and is considered a symbol of happiness. However, the bugs are not very friendly with each other - they are apparently dreamers who enjoy life alone. But when the leaves begin to fall outside and the air becomes cool, ladybugs unite in groups and look for warm places for wintering, such as tree bark, moss, stones. Smart red and black beads hide in apartments. The main task of the sun in autumn is to find a dry and cozy place to relax. These insects, unfortunately, do not see the snowy winter, because they hibernate even before it arrives.

How does an ant meet winter? Ants constantly stay in groups and build houses called anthills all their lives. These hardworking insects are not at all afraid of the cold, because they do not freeze even when we put on fur coats and gloves. They do not need to look for a place to spend the night in the winter, because they can always relax in the labyrinths of an anthill. However, they are still preparing for winter. So, in the fall, a special fluid is released in the ant's body, which warms it from the inside. It's called glycerin. It is thanks to this magical liquid that ants do not freeze in winter.

How do bees winter? Worker bees do not hibernate for the winter. With the onset of cold weather, the uterus stops laying eggs, and the bees spend more and more time in the nest. All of them accumulate around the larvae and pupae to maintain the temperature necessary for their life. The bees do not perform any work in winter, they sit almost motionless. A ball of bees consists of 30-35 thousand individuals. Inside the ball, the temperature is always higher than outside. Therefore, the bees that are frozen squeeze inward, and bees that have been warm take their place. The main enemies of bees in winter are strong winds, humidity and hunger, so beekeepers should try to provide the bees with a calm and comfortable wintering.

And the spider is a coward. In autumn, spiders hide to avoid the cold winter. The water spider wraps itself in a cocoon and plunges under water, where it falls asleep until spring. Spiders that live in the forest or outdoors hide in wooden bark. And those who scare us at home fall asleep somewhere in the cracks.

What do mosquitoes and flies do in winter? Interestingly, mosquitoes and flies hide in the window frames and crevices of houses for the winter. A fly that has fallen into hibernation can survive for six months or more. With the onset of heat, the flies come to life and walk as if sleepy. After recovering, the insects return to their usual life, which usually lasts about a month. And mosquitoes often don't survive the winter. Adults spend their entire lives, namely summer and autumn, on land. Then all the male mosquitoes die, and the females (and even then not all) go to the reservoirs to wait out the winter, and in the spring to lay their eggs for the birth of a new life.

Now we know where insects hide in winter: they find comfortable places for themselves in which they sleep soundly. And at this time we play snowballs, make a snowman, celebrate Christmas and New Year and very rarely meet sleepy insects.