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Maple. Species and varieties. Photo and description. Maple, summary of the lesson-observation of native nature for middle-senior preschool age

In city parks and gardens, you can often find Norway maple - a powerful tree with openwork leaves and a spreading crown. Maple trees look extraordinarily beautiful in autumn, when the leaves are painted in bright colors yellow, orange and purple colors. Maple care is not difficult; the tree is successfully used not only in landscape design, but also in traditional medicine.

Tree Description

The description of the holly maple in botanical reference books begins with the Latin name. Norway maple in Latin sounds like Acer platanoides. According to the translation scientific name it is called sycamore or sycamore, another synonym is common maple.

The tree belongs to the Sapindaceae family, the maple distribution area is Europe and Southwest Asia. Maples grow in steppes, deciduous forests, singly or forming thickets. In Russia it is cultivated with decorative purpose- used to decorate city parks and squares, planted along roads. Maple life expectancy is 200-300 years.

Maple is a deciduous tree, which can reach a height of 28-30 m. The leaves form a dense spherical crown. The main characteristics of the maple leaf include:

  • The form is simple, palm-shaped.
  • The location on the branches is opposite.
  • The edge is large-toothed, with lobes, the edge is pointed at the ends of the vanes.
  • Size - up to 18 cm long and 20-22 cm wide.
  • Coloring - dark green, in autumn - orange-yellow, red of various shades.
  • Petioles - long, up to 15 cm, when broken, secrete milky juice.

Depending on the climate, maple blossoms from March to May, the flowers of the tree are small, yellow-green in color, with a pleasant smell. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, flowering occurs before the leaves bloom or simultaneously with it. Women's and male flowers maples bloom on different trees pollination occurs with the help of insects.

The fruits ripen in September or October. The structure of maple fruits is unique, they cannot be confused with other fruits. These are double lionfish, in each wing of which there are flattened seeds. On the forums, you can find a question from gardeners about what maple seeds are called. They are called so - lionfish. Thanks to flat wings up to 7 cm long, ripened seeds fly away at the slightest breath of wind over long distances. Maple begins to bear fruit at the age of over 17 years, annually forming a large number of easily germinating seeds, so in nature the tree can reproduce in unlimited quantities.

The bark of a tree changes with age.: in young maples it is smooth, gray-brown in color, over time the trunk becomes covered longitudinal cracks, acquires a rough texture, darkens almost to black. The root system is located shallow, so the maple takes all the nutrients from surface layers soil, does not allow other trees and shrubs to feed and germinate.

Planting maple trees

Maples can be propagated in several ways: with the help of seeds, seedlings and layering. Well-lit areas are allocated for planting, as maple trees form a denser crown in the light. With a lack of light, the leaves become small, lose color saturation.

Features of tree propagation in various ways:

When planting between trees, a distance of 2-4 m must be observed so that adult trees do not interfere with each other.

Features of care

Caring for maples does not require special skills and knowledge, so even beginners can properly care for trees. Trees can bear minus temperature up to 40 degrees, easily withstand drought. Care for young trees consists in frequent and abundant watering, loosening the soil. In summer, they are watered at intervals of once a week, at least two buckets of water should fall on one tree. In autumn and spring, when stored natural humidity soil, it is enough to water maple seedlings once a month.

The first years after planting, young trees are covered with spruce branches or dry leaves for the winter; for protection, you need to cover the root neck of the trees. When the maples grow up and get stronger, winter shelter do not carry out.

Every spring, sanitary pruning of trees is done, removing dried branches, and during pruning they form the crown of trees. After pruning, the branches begin to grow and branch more intensively, the tree becomes much more beautiful.

Maple trees can be transplanted up to 15 years of age, later the trees are not able to tolerate replanting. In addition, in adulthood, it is physically difficult to move a tree to another place due to the growth of the root system and crown.

Pest control

Maple trees are rarely affected by pests and diseases, but when high humidity coral spotting appears on the bark. A sign of the disease is pink or reddish spots on the branches. To combat the disease, pruning of diseased branches is carried out 15 cm below the infected areas. Cut branches are destroyed garden tools disinfected, the places of cuts are treated with garden pitch.

To prevent fungal diseases, trees are recommended to be treated with fungicide solutions before bud break.

Maples can be attacked by harmful insects: weevils, maple whitefly, mealybug. For pest control, spraying with Nitrafen is carried out.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Maple has not found application in official medicine, but folk healers use various parts of the plant to prepare medicinal formulations. Leaves, bark, buds, flowers, maple sap are used as medicinal raw materials.

For each type of raw material, there are certain procurement rules:

You can speed up the drying of raw materials with the help of electric dryers, in which the temperature is set at 50-60 degrees. The dried parts of the maple are poured into paper bags, stored in dry, ventilated rooms for no more than two years.

Application in traditional medicine

Maple has medicinal properties due to the content of alkaloids, tannins, carbohydrates, sugars, flavonoids and vitamins in it. Medicines, prepared from maple, have choleretic and diuretic effects, reduce pain and inflammation, and accelerate wound healing. Infusions and decoctions of the bark and leaves are used to fight various infections, to increase immunity, improve the condition of the skin and hair. A large number of antioxidants in clen help fight poisoning and aging of the body, speed up recovery from colds.

The antibacterial properties of the plant are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, bronchitis, inflammatory processes in the bladder and kidneys.

Rules for the preparation of funds from maple raw materials:

The uniqueness of the common maple lies in the fact that this tree is widespread in Russia and is not considered unusual plant, but him medicinal properties make you think about the benefits and importance of maple plantations.

Maple can be called one of the most beautiful trees that adorn our cities literally at any time of the year. These trees are especially magnificent in autumn. Maple has large lobed leaves that are yellow or orange color. Bright, they slowly circle in the air, descending, forming a thick rustling carpet of golden color under their feet. It is this tree that many associate with autumn.

Many songs and poems have been composed about this plant, but there are also many different folk beliefs. Many years ago Slavs protected and valued maple, furniture was also made from it, and its branches were used to fire stoves. Maple branches, along with birch branches, are still used to decorate the Trinity.

In most species, the leaves have five lobes, which is a symbol of an open palm, as well as a symbol of the five senses that are inherent in man. It is for this reason that the leaves given tree are a symbol of peace, love and harmony.

maple types

There are many various kinds of this tree, to be more precise, then 160. All these species can be found in the northern hemisphere:

  • in North America;
  • in Asia;
  • in Europe.

Where does maple grow? Most often maple trees grow in temperate climates. There is also a single species - laurel, which grows in the tropics of the southern hemisphere.

Maple is a huge genus of plants belonging to the Sapindaceae family. Most often, this family includes trees whose height is from 10 to 40 meters, but you can also find not tall shrubs whose height does not exceed 10 m. Such shrubs, as a rule, have many shoots that grow from the base. Most of the maple tree species are deciduous, but evergreen species can also be found in the subtropics.

But how are maples different from other trees? Of course, with their simple large palmate or lobed leaves that sit on long petioles. It is the leaves that are the main decoration of the tree, while forming a uniform beautiful rounded crown. It is also worth noting that not all species have similar leaf plates. In some species, the leaves are complex-fingered or trifoliate:

  • in gray;
  • in Manchu;
  • at Maksimovich.

Also, any species can be recognized by the lionfish fruits, which are popularly called helicopters. The seeds have such special devices that whirl in the wind and do not fall for a long time and can fly a long distance from the mother tree. This is how the distribution and expansion of the maple range occurs.

It is also worth noting that maple is a kind of hermit that often grows alone or in a small company.

Large thickets and forests, these trees are almost do not form. All species that grow in the southern areas prefer highlands. Often maples can be found in the mountains at an altitude of up to 3000 m above sea level. It is at this height that maples grow in the Himalayas.

Maple in Russia

On the territory of our country, you can find about 20 species of maples, four of which grow in the European part of Russia. These types include the following:

  • holly;
  • Tatar;
  • white;
  • field.

More more species can be found in the Far East:

On the territory of the Caucasus there are all European species, but there is also a maple alpine, Colchian, Montpellier, Sosnovsky. Japanese maple is even listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Description of species

Of course, gardeners could not ignore maple. This tree is often used in landscaping, and breeders display a bunch of ornamental varieties . Let's take a closer look at some types and varieties of this tree, more decorative, which are used in gardening.

American, or ash-leaved

The American maple has compound pinnate leaves, which consist of 3, 5, 7 and even 9 small leaves. The crown of the tree is rather shaggy and shapeless. Surely this species is familiar to everyone, since it is he who grows almost everywhere, sometimes even some problems arise with this tree in cities. The fact is that this maple reproduces by self-sowing and has a rapid growth, it is able to fill the space of streets, squares, parks, so it is considered practically a weed.

The American maple is native to North America. On the territory of Eurasia, this species formed a secondary range.

It is also worth noting that the American is the most frost-resistant species of all the others, so he was able to take root in harsh Siberian conditions. This species is characterized by rapid growth, as mentioned earlier, in one season a tree can grow by one and a half meters.

By itself, the American maple is an undecorative tree, but it has garden molds, And his leaves are painted in golden or silver shade. Some varieties at a young age have white-pink leaves, so the trees look very unusual and elegant. There are also golden varieties of this variety.

Although this species grows exorbitantly, it is ideal if you need to create a green array in the shortest possible time. It will also perform well as a hedge. This is due to the fact that with heavy pruning, trees quickly renew themselves and give many shoots, thus forming an impenetrable wall.

Holly, or platanophyllous

One of the most common types of maple in the European part of Russia is Norway maple. The shape of its leaves is very similar to the leaves of the plane tree, hence the name. The tree itself is very beautiful. Him straight and straight stem, dense lush crown. On its basis, breeders have created many different beautiful varieties. Basically, these varieties differ from each other in terms of color. The most beautiful are varieties with golden and purple leaves. There are also varieties with green leaves and a white border.

It was possible to develop varieties with a spherical crown. This is an undoubted advantage, since the plant does not require the formation of a crown, it retains its shape constantly. The flowers of this species have a pleasant smell and unusual appearance.

Pretty handsome is a false maple. The tree grows up to 20 meters in height, has a neat rounded crown. The lower part of the leaves is much lighter than the outer.

You can also find varieties whose young leaves are distinguished by a pale pink or peach color. Over time, they become bronze in color.


The Manchurian maple is a very attractive tree, which is why many gardeners love it. This species is distinguished by a beautiful lace crown, leaves compound, trifoliate, with the advent of autumn, they acquire orange and purple hues. The petioles become bright red. Plants prefer to grow in open areas.


This species is a beautiful tree or large shrub that reaches a height of 15 m. The tree is valued for its beauty of the trunk. The bark is quite smooth Green colour with longitudinal stripes. In young trees they white color like marble, with age they become gray. Its beautiful and spherical crown with cherry branches and large pinkish buds looks quite attractive.

The leaves of the tree are large, wide, three-lobed. Their length reaches 16 cm. The leaf plates are quite thin, turn dark green in summer and turn golden yellow in autumn. Maple becomes especially beautiful in spring during flowering. Yellow-green flowers begin to bloom on the tree, which are collected in brushes up to 8 cm long. In autumn, the flowers ripen and produce pink-brown fruits. This species is winter-hardy, fast-growing and quite unpretentious in care.


This type of maple can tolerate excessive moisture and even stagnant water, as it naturally grows in marshy areas in the east. North America, which is why it is often called swamp maple. The red maple gets its name from amazing coloring autumn leaves . Their outer side becomes orange or red, and the lower one acquires a silvery-pinkish tint. Among the species are decorative forms: columnar and spherical.


This species is a low tree, the height of which does not exceed 6 m. That is why plants can be formed in the form of a bush. The leaves are three-lobed, slightly elongated, the flowers are very fragrant, yellowish in color, collected in panicles. The fruits are bright red, which gives the plant a special decorative effect in the fall. This species is quite good both in single planting and in groups. Plants can also be used to form hedges. This species is characterized by rapid growth, unpretentiousness in care, winter hardiness, photophilous.


This species got its name due to the dark color of the skin, which makes the tree especially beautiful with the advent of winter, when it black silhouette stands out strongly against the background white snowdrifts. Seeds become saturated during ripening Pink colour are collected in bundles. Outwardly, the fruits resemble pink flowers against a background of green foliage.


Plants are able to grow only in the southern regions of Russia. Externally, the Japanese maple is a small tree or shrub. Its attractiveness lies in the autumn decoration of the foliage. At this time, the leaves become an unusual bright color. You can even find varieties with purple and pink hues. In addition, this species can be grown in container culture.

Maples in Japan

In Japan, maples are considered special plants, they are also much loved, like sakura and chrysanthemum. There are many different species that grow in this country. attract attention with their splendor.

In the spring, Japanese people often gather in parks to admire the cherry blossoms, and in the fall, the Japanese adhere to the tradition of admiring autumn maples.

There is even the so-called maple season, or momiji, which is the main autumn event in Japan. These trees are painted in bright colors for about 50 days. You can admire this beauty from late October to mid-November.

Reproduction features

Like most other trees, maple can be easily propagated from seeds. To do this, in the fall it is necessary to collect fallen seeds from the ground, and sow them at the end of September. In the spring, as a rule, the first shoots appear. If you are going to sow maple seeds, then it is imperative to stratify. To do this, sow the seeds in a container and put them in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

Maple syrup

When talking about maple, it is impossible not to mention maple syrup or sugar. Maple syrup is obtained from the sap of the sugar maple. This syrup is considered especially popular in the New World. Leaves of this type of tree became the national symbol of Canada. The leaf can even be found on the flag of this state. The sugar maple grows in the southeastern part of the country. With the advent of spring, sap flow begins in the trees, it is at this time that surprisingly sweet maple sap must be extracted.

These are the various maple trees. If you have a small area, be sure to plant at least one maple tree on it. It will decorate your suburban area in any season.

General information, places of growth

Maple (Acer)- one of the most widespread trees of our deciduous forests. But its role in the forests is small - it is only an admixture to the dominant tree species.

The maple family (Aceraceae), consisting of trees and shrubs, includes two genera. One genus is dipteronia (Dipteronia), which grows only in China. Maple itself (Acer) is the name of the second genus, represented by more than 100 species and a huge number of varieties and forms growing in North and Central America, North Africa, in the southern half of Asia, throughout Europe.

These are dioecious plants with small yellow-green flowers. There are 4-5 petals and sepals, sometimes the first ones are absent. Maple fruits develop from flowers, they have a special structure. The immature fruit consists of two small winged fruits, pointing in different directions and fused to each other. But, having matured, they are separated and fall separately. It begins to bloom after the leaves bloom or at the same time with them. Blooming maple is always noticeable even from afar, because. in the crown of the tree on the bare branches one can see yellow-green inflorescences resembling loose lumps. Maple is characterized by the ability to fairly early germination of seeds. On sunny days, seeds can germinate even at zero temperatures. Right on the snow, they appear and a little later roots begin to grow. There is no other tree like this.

Early shoots are distinguished by the color and shades of the bark. Maple leaves are large, rounded-angular in shape, with pointed protrusions along the edge. Such leaves are called palmately lobed. Leaf blades always have radiate veins. In autumn, maple leaves turn purple, yellow, pinkish, brown instead of green, which immediately refers the trees to a decorative look. It is impossible to ever see any damage caused by beetles or caterpillars on maple leaves; for unknown reasons, they do not touch the foliage of this tree.

The root system is predominantly superficial. Maple reproduces by seeds and shoots. He is light-requiring, for maximum collection of light he uses a jewelry folded leaf mosaic of the crown. Heat-loving, drought-resistant, suffers from frost in harsh winters. Its sap flow opens much earlier than that of a birch. In the Moscow region, it usually begins in the last days of March, and sometimes (with prolonged thaws) - in February. Maple has the ability to "cry": even with a slight increase in air humidity, droplets ("tears") fall from the petioles of the leaves. As a rule, this happens a few hours before the rain. Maple lives 150-200 years. But there are also centenarians who live up to 600.

Maple varieties

Maples never occupy a leading position among other tree species, they are predominantly associated species in coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests. In the European part of Russia, the most common Norway maple (Acer platanoides)- tree height 20-30 m, approximately 100 cm in diameter. Its large broad leaves have a distinctive shape, they are not deeply incised into five pointed lobes, diverging in different directions, like the fingers of a hand. By the way, there are maples in the world, whose leaves are even more like a human hand with spread fingers, this is the far-sighted maple, for example, it is found in Korea and China. Leaf blades are dark green above and slightly lighter below. The crown of the Norway maple is very rich. The stem bark is dark grey, almost black. By old age, the maple trunk becomes covered with numerous shallow cracks. A very shade-tolerant breed, in this regard, only linden is its competitor.

Tatar maple, or black maple (Acer tataricum)- is a shrub or small tree 9-12 m tall. The bark is smooth, grey. Type of leaves: three-lobed, oblong-ovate, less often ovate, serrated along the edge, glabrous above, green in color, light green below, slightly pubescent. Demanding to mineral composition soils, giving preference to fertile chernozems.

Field maple (Acer campestre), or paklen - tree up to 15m, diameter up to 60 cm. The trunk is brown-gray, curved. The lowest branches spread near the surface of the earth. The upper side of the leaves is smooth, the lower side is slightly fluffy. Can adapt to different conditions soil moisture, more thermophilic than Norway maple, but also more drought-resistant.

False maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), or white sycamore in its homeland (Western Caucasus) reaches a height of 30-40m. Slender tree up to 12m in diameter. Trunk gray color with an ashy hue. Yavor is a representative of mountain forests, rarely descending into the plain. It is used to strengthen the banks of canals and rivers, as well as for landscaping streets.

The North Caucasus and Far East, are distinguished here:

Light maple (Acer laetum)- a tree up to 20-25m tall. Trunk diameter up to 40 cm. It grows slowly, does not bloom. Also found in the Middle East.

Manchurian maple (Acer mandshuricum)- a tree native to Primorye, northeast China, Korea. It can reach 25 m. With an openwork crown, red-brown shoots.

Ginnala Maple (Acer ginnala)- grows a large shrub, reaches 6 m, 10 cm in diameter. The bark is predominantly smooth, gray, with small cracks. The edges of the leaves are unequally toothed. It begins to bloom 10-15 days after the leaves bloom.

Ash-leaved maple (Acer negundo)- a tree up to 20m tall. In youth, it grows by 40-45 cm per year. Crohn with brittle branches, disordered, grows up to 10-14m in diameter. The olive green bark thickens, turns brown and cracks every year. Leaves up to 15 cm long. The wood of this species is the least quality. It is used, as a rule, as hedges, has a decorative value.

Sugar maple (Acer saccharum)- trees of this type of maple reach the greatest height - up to 40 m and up to 50 cm in diameter. It grows well in the southern part of Russia, freezes in the taiga zones. It has a very high quality and valuable wood used for manufacturing cutting boards. Sugar maple wood is heavy, hard, strong, dense, fine-grained, well polished. Heartwood reddish brown. The texture of the core has a characteristic sheen.

Semenov's maple (Acer Semenovii)- a small tree (5-6 m), shoots are dark brown, leaves are three-lobed, the upper lobe is the most serrated and large, the type of inflorescence is a corymbose panicle.

Maple marble (Acer tegmentosum)- shrub 12-15 m, with smooth gray-green bark. The leaves are very large, rounded, green, with tufts of reddish hairs below.

They also recognize: Trautfetter maple, or alpine maple, Georgian maple, Hyrcanian maple, yellow maple, Komarov maple, false-sibold maple, bearded maple, diverging maple, Turkestan maple, Turkmen maple, Regel maple, pubescent maple, red maple, curled maple, or round-leaved , palm-shaped maple, or fan-shaped, Pennsylvanian maple.

Properties and uses of maple

Among hardwoods, maple wood is one of the most valuable. The wood is white or pale yellow, in terms of physical and mathematical parameters it approaches oak wood. The density of wood is 0.57-0.67 g/cm3. Available whole line features that distinguish it from other trees. The late wood of the annual layers is darker in color than the early wood. Heart-shaped beams give exclusivity and recognition to maple products. Maple wood has a good ability to bend (almost like beech wood), but when steamed, it changes color to yellowish-brown. During the drying process, wood can crack and warp, so you need to carefully select the drying mode. Maple is used to make furniture. Well-dried wood exhibits shape and size stability indoors. Hardness and wear resistance are the main qualities of maple parquet. Small-leaved maple wood is preferred to be used for higher grades of plywood, for interior decoration premises; caps are very valuable. In the past, shoe nails, rims, and ax handles were made from maple. Nobody makes spinning wheels in the modern world, but the best wood than maple, for thin, jewelry carving cannot be found. Sculptors carve miniature figurines out of it. Artists engrave maple boards, cover with paint and make prints on paper. It turns out - woodcut, i.e. "wood painting" (in Greek xylon - tree, wood).

Maple is one of the few trees that have white milky sap. The release of this juice can be observed after the leaves bloom - the end of spring or the beginning of summer. The spring sap of some maples (especially sugar and sugar from North America) contains a significant amount of sucrose (in other species, fructose predominates) and serves as a raw material for the production of maple sugar (in particular, in Canada). The sugar maple leaf is the national symbol of Canada. Maples are decorative. All types of maples are good honey plants.

By the way, the Japanese believe that the beauty of autumn maple leaves like the beauty of flowers. In Japan, even special guidebooks are created, which indicate the places from which a beautiful panorama of the groves and mountain slopes overgrown with these trees opens. As if trying to prolong the charm of autumn, the Japanese have developed varieties of maples that retain the red color of the foliage all year round.

Distributed throughout the world, it is often used in landscaping cities and suburbs. There are more than 150 types of wood, simple and decorative forms that grow not only in the natural environment, but also in private gardens and parks.


Bearded maple is a low tree from 5 to 10 meters, with a spreading crown and smooth dark gray bark. Light green foliage turns yellow in autumn with varying color variations. Leaf plates are divided into several parts, have pronounced veins.
This maple, more often, does not lose its decorative effect throughout the year, it begins to bloom and bear fruit from the age of six. Flowers of both sexes bloom with leaves in racemose yellow inflorescences. The species has many advantages: unpretentiousness to the ground, resistance to winds and cold, fast growth. Reproduction of the species is by seed, also by root shoots. The two most common subspecies are Chonoski and Komarova.

Ginnala (Riverside)

Ginnal maple is increasingly found in urban plantings, as the plant calmly tolerates the conditions of a gassed and dusty environment and does not need reverent care. It is frost-resistant, not afraid of the wind, in winter the tips of the branches freeze slightly, but in the spring it quickly recovers after sanitary pruning.

The tree grows up to 10 meters, it has a smooth and thin bark in youth, tubercles and cracks appear with age, the color of the bark is light, brown. The foliage is green, glossy, with greenish-yellow flowers blooming along with the leaves. Leaves change color to bright orange and red in autumn. The tree bears fruit, the fruits are lionfish. How this maple breeds - and root shoots,. The plant is photophilous, grows well on the banks of reservoirs, is a subspecies of the Tatar maple.


One of the types of maple is naked, so named because of the small amount of foliage on the branches, they seem to be naked. The bark of the trunk and branches is reddish in color, a few heart-shaped leaves are divided into three, sometimes five parts, with a jagged edge. The leaf plate is glossy, bright green above, matte below, bluish in tone, in autumn the leaves lose their luster and become yellow-orange-red.
The flowers of both sexes are yellow-green in color, collected in thyroid inflorescences, the seeds are lionfish. The species reproduces by seeds, which remain viable for up to two years when stored. Known varieties: smiley,Keller, "Kearney Peebles", Dippel.

Important! Maple in winter should be protected from severe frosts, this applies primarily to young plants. The trunk, together with the root neck, is covered with spruce branches and fallen leaves; as it grows, resistance to low temperatures will increase.

Flap-shaped (fan-shaped)

Maple species fan has many varieties and varieties. Its distribution area is China, Korea and Japan. small tree or shrub does not grow above ten meters, its crown can be round or in the form of an umbrella, it lends itself perfectly to formative pruning. Shoots are thin, green with a red tint. The foliage is green only in summer, scarlet or purple in spring and autumn. The tree is flowering, but the inflorescences are rare, the petals are red. The view is capricious: to, moisture, does not tolerate drought, grows slowly.
The following varieties of maple are common:

  • crimson;
  • pink bordered;
  • curly;
  • sessile;
  • Friedrich Gwillelm.


This species is also called maple-birch, as its inflorescences resemble birch catkins. The plant can grow as a tree and as a shrub, its height is up to 15 meters. The bark of the trunk is soft, scaly, gray-yellow. The leaves are divided into five parts, the underside is hairy, the top is lintless. The leaf plate is large up to 12 cm in length, the color of the leaves is green with yellow tint. Inflorescences in the form of brushes-earrings of a yellowish tint. Maple in the description grows on almost any soil, frost-resistant, loves moisture.


The green maple is valued for decorative look bark - green, with stripes in young plants, unfortunately, with age, the bark becomes gray. Habitat - Korea, China and Primorsky Krai. The tree has a wide crown, spreading in the shape of a dome. Branches of dark cherry color are covered with delicate pink buds in spring. The leaves are large, divided into several parts. During the flowering period, the tree is strewn with pale green inflorescences. Maple fruits are seeds.
This species for rapid growth needs sunlight, loves moist nutrient soils. The tree is included in the group of serpentines, which, in addition to it, includes the Pennsylvania, David and Reddish-veined maples.


Growing up in Japan. The tree is not whimsical to the choice of soil, it can develop even in swampy areas. Feels great in cold climates. The height of the tree is not higher than 15 meters, the bark is gray, the crown is domed or cone-shaped. Not all varieties of maple have red leaves, usually the foliage takes on this shade in the fall, like many trees. Variety with purple foliage - Red Sunset.
The brightest varieties:

  • Armstrong- crown in the form of a column with small foliage;
  • Bowhall- Bright orange foliage
  • brandy wine- dark, almost purple color of leaves in autumn;
  • Northwood- red and orange leaves.

False platanum

False sycamore maple, also known as sycamore, is an interesting decorative species, but urban conditions are not for it. He needs fresh air, neutral soil and moisture. Sycamore does not like frost and freezes, especially young branches, but in the sun it can grow up to 25 meters.
Interesting subspecies of sycamore:

  • "Brilliantissimum"- only hatched leaves of tender peach color, then acquire a shade of bronze;
  • variegated maple varieties "Leopoldii" And "Simon Louis Freres", unlike the main species, feel great in city parks and gardens.


In its natural environment it grows up to 30 meters. The plant tolerates frost and dry periods well, propagated by seeds and cuttings.
The crown of the dome-shaped tree is dense and lush. The bark is gray-brown in color on mature trees with cracks and tubercles, on young maple shoots of a red tint, smooth. The leaves are large, dense, dark green, with sharp edges. Blooming, the plant is covered with thyroid inflorescences of yellow-green flowers. The fruits are winged seeds. Popular: "Autumn Blaze", "Deborah" and "Drummondii".


Field maple is often used for landscaping city parks and alleys, due to its tolerance to gas pollution, dust and a low height of about 15 meters. Under such a tree it is pleasant to relax on a hot day, it is sprawling with a wide conical crown. It has large light green leaves divided into 5-7 parts. Immediately after the leaves bloom, the tree is covered with small, almost imperceptible flowers. Like the green-bark species, the bark of the field species has white stripes against a brown background of the bark.
The species reproduces by seeds and root shoots. It is better to plant it in a place protected from drafts, during periods of prolonged frost, cover the trunk and trunk circle. Known Forms:

  • "Pulverulentum"- creamy-cream leaves with white chaotic patches;
  • Carnival- maple has leaves with a wide white border, young foliage blooms, having a pink tint;
  • Postelense- differs in the color change of the leaves: it blooms in a golden color, then turns green and turns yellow again in autumn;
  • "Schwerinii"- young leaves are bright red, turn green as they grow.

Did you know?According to Slavic pagan beliefs, after death, any person could be turned into a maple, so the tree was treated with exaggerated respect. Its wood was not used as firewood, it was not made kitchen utensils and furniture, were not used in construction and agriculture.

Sugar (Silver)

Silver maple (lat. Ácer sacchárinum) is one of the tallest representatives of its family: it reaches a height of 40 meters. The plant has a wide, dense crown, gray, rough gray bark. The foliage is a bright gray-silver tone, the shade is dimmer on the underside. Blooming, the tree is covered with red-green inflorescences.
Beautiful decorative plant forms:

  • "Vieri". A tree with patterned silver-green leaves, a spreading crown. Landing is desirable in places protected from the wind, as the branches are fragile.
  • "Borns Graciosa". Low plant up to 15 meters. The lush, narrow crown is covered with strongly dissected leaves.


This maple is decorative in any season: in spring it is covered with white leaves with yellow stipules, in summer - with bright green egg-shaped foliage, in autumn the tree is decorated with pink color of lionfish seeds, and in winter its decoration is the black color of the trunk. Plant height - 12 meters. Interesting feature species: it dissolves foliage before all varieties, and blooms later.

Maple is a very popular decorative deciduous tree. Today, the maple craze is only growing. There are many types for sale. Which ones are worth buying and planting is the purpose of this article.

The variety of species of decorative maple is great, some of them are thermophilic and middle lane do not winter. But there are also frost-resistant species maple, which proper care grow well for many years.

Popular types of maple

Norway maple

Norway maple is the most popular species, growing 15 - 20 m tall. Frost resistant. Its trunk is straight, and the crown is broadly rounded. The leaves of the Norway maple are five-lobed, green. The yellow-green flowers of this maple are collected in corymbs. Blooms at the beginning of the dissolution of foliage.

Norway maple has various varieties: with red foliage - varieties Rubrum, Crimson King, Crimson Center, Faasens Black, "Deborah".

With yellow foliage - varieties "Golden Globe"(when it blooms it is pinkish, and turns yellow at the end of summer), "Priceton Globe".

With variegated white-green foliage - Norway maple variety "Drummond" with forms: white-edged - Albo Marginata and colorful - Albo Variegata. Norway maple with a variety of crown shapes: there are varieties with and spherical "Globozoom" and conical "Columna" crown shape. All of the above varieties of Norway maple are frost-resistant.

Ash-leaved maple

Maple is very popular and common in urban landscaping. It reaches a height of 20 m. The leaves of the ash-leaved maple are complex pinnate, resembling ash leaves. simple form with green foliage is not decorative, but is so stable that it is used in urban landscaping.

As ornamental shrub a beautiful variegatedly colored form is used - ash-leaved maple "Flamingo" with whitish-green foliage and pink spots, also species with yellow foliage in several forms "Aureum-Variegatum"- golden mottled and "Aureum-Marginatum" golden bordered. Also decorative varieties "Auratum", "Elegance" and other, variegated-colored forms.

Ash-leaved maple varieties are very winter-hardy. There are varieties of this maple that do not bloom. The ash-leaved maple is propagated by cuttings and grafting. There are other forms with purple foliage, with silvery-variegated leaves and with downy twigs or with curly foliage.

Tatar maple

Tree or shrub 10 m high, rounded crown. The foliage of the Tatar maple is serrated, ovate. Red or yellow in autumn. Tatar maple is very decorative during the flowering period - inflorescences with cream or white flowers.

It has a beautiful shape with red leaves by autumn. Winter-hardy. The Tatar maple is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Shade-tolerant.

False sibold maple

The false-sibold maple is one of the most decorative maples, 8 m tall, the foliage is delicately cut, palmate, green, in autumn it is yellow, then it turns pink and red.

Perfectly replaces non-wintering Japanese maple species. The large creamy flowers of the pseudosybold maple are collected in a racemose inflorescence. Shade-tolerant, winter-hardy. Unpretentious. The maple of false sibolds is propagated by cuttings.

Ginnala Maple

Tall maple up to 6 m tall. The crown of the ginnal maple is wide. The foliage is leathery, elongated, green, reddens in autumn. Yellow fragrant flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Lionfish red or green are very decorative. Ginnal maple is winter-hardy. Propagated well by cuttings and shoots. Can be sheared and forms dense hedges.

field maple

Low tree 10 m tall, with very decorative narrow and small leaves. Not very cold hardy. In the early years, it is necessary to cover and mulch.

There are many beautiful forms with purple or variegated leaves. Rarely appears on sale.

Maple mono

The tree is 15 m in height, the crown is wide. The foliage of the maple is mono green, small.

Frost-resistant species, but it is better to cover young seedlings with spruce branches. Maple mono shade-tolerant. Rarely found for sale.

Silver Maple

An ornamental tree 30 m high with drooping branches and five-lobed leaves, covered with a silvery coating underneath, it looks beautiful when the leaves sway in the wind.

Silver maple is frost-resistant, but after planting for the first time it is better to mulch and cover with spruce branches. It has beautiful forms with rugged foliage - "Viera", as well as with a pyramidal and weeping crown shape. Does not tolerate calcareous soils and groundwater.

sugar maple

Distributed in Canada, but winters well in the middle lane. 20 m high, green-yellow leaves. Requires high content potassium, prefers calcareous soils. We do not bloom, it grows slowly. Shade-tolerant. The sugar maple is propagated by cuttings.

It is necessary to mention those types of maple that adorn magazines on landscape design, but, as a rule, they are not suitable for us because of their non-frost resistance - red maple, palm-shaped maple, false plane maple. And the winter hardiness of some species and varieties with unusual foliage, we still need to find out.