In a private house      06/16/2019

What to plant next to coniferous plants. Coniferous compositions in landscape design with photos. Rules for planting coniferous trees

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With the help of evergreen coniferous plants, you can decorate and improve your garden plot or flower bed near a residential building. This advantage of coniferous plants has been known for a long time, and therefore evergreen decorations various kinds so relevant. The beauty and originality of such green spaces is preserved throughout the year. This applies to both compositions of conifers and a single tree.

Most varieties of conifers tolerate lack of sunlight well and have a well-developed root system, which allows plants long time do without watering. Some varieties of coniferous plants take root well and develop in dry and rocky soils.

The majority of coniferous trees and shrubs tolerate pruning well. Some coniferous tree species naturally have a regular geometric shape and do not require pruning or complex care.

The role of conifers in the landscape of a summer cottage

Coniferous plants can perform a wide variety of functions in landscape design. It can be:

The design of a garden with coniferous plants can be either purely decorative or have a functional purpose. In particular, with the help of juniper or thuja, you can create an excellent living fence that will hide the recreation area in the yard from prying eyes. For example, if you plant these shrubs very closely next to each other, you will get a magnificent hedge.

Using dwarf juniper you can create low fence for playgrounds or large flower beds. Such a fence will not block the view and will create a visual boundary. In addition, it will create a purely aesthetic frame effect.

Conifers with unusual shape crowns or colors can be used as single decorations for the site. Such a “soloist” is able to decorate a yard or garden throughout the year. The background for such a tree can be a gravel covering or a grass lawn.

Composition from ornamental plants for landscape design, framing a path or fence, has another name: mixborder. This element is very popular among gardeners. To create a mixborder you can combine conifers with ground cover plants, flowers, lawn grass. If a mixborder is created near a garden path, it is best to create it from dwarf forms of plants, then it is possible to take in the entire composition at once.

Such compositions are a ready-made original and at the same time very attractive solution for creating a landscape for a courtyard or summer cottage. You can combine conifers in your dacha with suitable deciduous plants.

Gives a good effect play on contrasts of color and shape plants. You can combine columnar and spherical thujas and complete this composition with creeping juniper. The bright green color will harmonize with golden and deep dark green. This composition looks very attractive.

If you model the landscape composition correctly, the territory of your site will look very cozy and harmonious. A complete picture of a coniferous garden can be created if you adhere to the following rules:

It is best to orient the plantings to the east or west,

Not recommended overload landscapes with an abundance of shapes and colors– this will create a feeling of anxiety. It is best to limit yourself to two or three contrasting colors. Even on a fairly large area, it is better to limit yourself to alternating two shades and avoid chaos of all kinds of colors.

Gallery: conifers in landscape design (25 photos)

Creating flower beds from conifers

With the help of conifers various shapes and size, you can arrange flower beds in your garden or summer cottage. The design of such a landscape will depend on the size of the plot, the shape of the flower bed and, of course, the skill of the gardener.

Exists several varieties of conifer flower beds:

Alpine slide with conifers

With the help of decorative coniferous plants of different colors and sizes, you can perfectly decorate and small ponds on the site. Ideal option landscape design could be a pond or stream lined with conifers.

  1. Spruce or pine has a spherical shape, western thuja, balsam fir or ephedra.
  2. The conical shape can be maintained in gray spruce, Lawson cypress, Serbian spruce or mountain pine.
  3. The cylindrical shape is inherent in the eastern thuja, berry yew, Virginia juniper.

Plants of various shapes can be combined at the dacha with creeping juniper species.

Coniferous bonsai

Bonsai is a unique opportunity to take your garden home during the winter cold. Such trees are grown in special containers and require a lot of time, effort and attention. Only experienced and patient gardeners can do this task.

The root system of such microconifers can be severely damaged in the harsh Russian winter. In the summer, bonsai can decorate the garden and personal plot, but for the winter it must be moved to a room with a temperature of 1 to 12 degrees. Be sure to follow the rules for winter watering of plants. Such painstaking work will be more than rewarded with the delightful and very aesthetic landscape of your dacha.

Advantages and disadvantages

All ornamental coniferous crops are different a number of undoubted advantages.

A large group of plants that are highly decorative are united in the genus Tui. They are successfully used in landscaping park areas, alleys, private and public gardens. Thuja plays almost the first role in landscape design. There are few well-kept gardens that do not contain evergreens. Of these plants, the unpretentious beauty thuja is most often chosen.

What types and varieties of thuja are used in landscape design

The Thuja genus of the Cypress family is represented predominantly evergreen shrubs. But it also includes several species of tall trees, growing up to 70 m tall with a trunk girth of up to 6 m. In gardening design, there has long been a tradition of using a small group of thujas. It consists of plants with the most spectacular crown, hardy and not requiring complex care.


Many people associate thuja with a tree with a pyramidal crown. And this is no coincidence, since these are the specimens that are most widely used in the design of gardens and parks.


The Western thuja genus includes several varieties, among which Belokonchikovaya (Alba) has the highest decorative properties. This is a tall tree (up to 6 m), the crown of which reaches a diameter of 2.5 m. Slow-growing with an annual growth of no more than 15 cm, it is most impressive precisely in the first years of life. At this time, the color of the needles is brighter and more saturated.

On average, a tree lives about 200 years. Alba is highly resistant to severe frosts and droughts and is recommended for cultivation in regions with harsh climates. In landscape design it is mainly used as a solo plant.

Thuja brings positive energy to any landscape

Pyramidalis compacta

The artificially bred dwarf thuja is a low tree or shrub. As it grows, the pyramidal crown becomes more dense and can change its shape to ovoid. The needles are thick and dense, rich Green colour, young plants have a pronounced bluish tint. It has a small annual growth rate and is suitable for making hedges.

Thuja pyramidalis compacta prefers well-drained soils

Yellow Ribbon

Another representative of the thuja occidentalis genus. It is distinguished by a cone-shaped, clearly defined crown with yellow-golden needles. At a young age, it is sensitive to cold snaps and frosts and requires insulation for the winter. After 5–7 years, it gains endurance and frost resistance. The current year's shoots are distinguished by the brightness of their needles with a yellow-orange tint.

It is one of the slow-growing trees; by the age of 15 it reaches a height of no more than 2 m. In this regard, it is of particular value for garden decoration: for many years it retains its beautiful shape, without growing into a tree with a bare lower part of the trunk.

Once a year in the spring, Thuja Yellow Ribbon requires pruning of shoots


The crown of this beautiful thuja is more columnar than pyramidal. The branches of the tree are short, close to each other, extending horizontally from the trunk. Like all other representatives of the genus, it grows slowly. Reaches 10 m in height.

Over the course of a year, it grows in width by no more than 5 cm. It is undemanding to soil quality and is characterized by high winter hardiness. In landscape design it is most effective as a tapeworm. It is also good in a group consisting of 2–3 evergreens.

Thuja Columna is quite resistant to urban smog


A beautiful tree that grows up to 3 m. One of the most popular in design and landscaping. The color of the needles is constant throughout the life of the plant. Thuja is undemanding to soil quality, but grows best in breathable, nutrient-rich soils.

It is important that surface layer did not dry out, which requires regular watering. The tree is spectacular in single plantings and group compositions. When choosing a location for a plant, it is necessary to take into account the wind protection it requires.

Thuja Smaragd can be grown in a container


Tall tree up to 8 m tall. Grows well in the shade, winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Prefers loams. It has a spectacular cone-shaped crown with dense needles. When grown on soils with insufficient nutrients, it does not lose its decorative effect, but the needles acquire a yellowish tint.

It is an excellent choice for forming hedges. When properly trimmed, it forms an impenetrable thorny wall.

Thuja Columniform can be used for any garden composition


A beautiful tree 3–3.5 m high. In the lower part, the diameter of the crown reaches 100 cm. The branches are curved at the ends, often intertwined, which gives the plant a certain curly appearance. Dense pyramidal crown. The juicy green needles do not change their color. The tree has shown high winter hardiness and tolerates well long absence glaze.

Landscape designers recommend it to those gardeners who do not want or do not have time to regular care behind the plant. Holmstrup is unpretentious and will grow in any conditions. Thuja is great for creating hedges. The following technique is often used in the design of a site: three trees are planted in a triangle, at a distance of 60–80 cm from each other. In such a composition, each specimen is clearly visible.

In the shade, the crown of Tui Holmstrup thins due to lack of photosynthesis

Globular (round)

In the group of thujas with a spherical crown, there are mainly low- and medium-sized plants. Such shrubs are not used to create hedges. Trees with a round crown look most advantageous in single and group plantings.


One of the dwarf species with a maximum trunk height of up to 60 cm. A distinctive feature is the thick, dense scaly needles of a beautiful bright green color. Due to its high decorative value, it is very popular among landscape designers. Used in the design of alpine slides, adjacent areas, for creating evergreen flower beds. The advantages of this tree include shade tolerance, unpretentiousness and good winter hardiness.

In the first winter after planting, Thuja Danica needs shelter


Another representative of the dwarf evergreen group. It has a wide rounded crown. Its diameter at a tree height of 1.5 m can reach 3.5 m.

Very beautiful in single plantings, surrounded by tall trees and medium-sized deciduous shrubs. The crown is formed by straight and flat branches growing perpendicular to the trunk. The color of the needles is dark green and does not lose its richness throughout the year.

Thuja Woodwardi endures winter frosts throughout almost the entire territory of Russia


A low tree with a crown close in shape to a regular spherical shape. The maximum diameter is 50–60 cm. It grows very slowly, so it does not require annual molding. Thuja is frost-resistant and prefers moist soils. It grows equally well in places exposed to sunlight and in the shade.

Ideal for growing in containers. Widely used for decorating patios, verandas, rockeries and gazebos. In single plantings it looks most impressive against the background of rocky embankments.

dwarf thuja Teddy is popular on the alpine hill

Teeny Tim

One of the most beautiful dwarf thujas with a spherical crown. The maximum height is 1 m, but under normal conditions it does not grow above 50 cm. It is distinguished by the density of branches and reddish flaking bark. The needles are dark green.

Thuja grows extremely slowly. By the age of 10 it reaches a height of 30 cm. The diameter of the crown is at least 40 cm. Recommended for growing in containers. Traditionally planted on alpine roller coaster, along garden paths, in the flower beds.

Thuja Tiny Tim was developed relatively recently - in 1955

Aurea nana

A tree up to 60 cm high with an oval crown extended upward. The needles are yellow-green, becoming brown in the cold season. The plant is winter-hardy and grows best in fertile soils.

Requires protection from wind and scorching rays of the sun. It is advisable to plant in partial shade, not far from solid fences or dense thickets.

Thuja Aurea nana looks good in mixborders


A medium-sized tree with a height of 1–1.2 m does not require the formation of a crown: a few years after planting, it will itself take on the correct round shape. The width of the crown is usually equal to the height of the tree.

The annual growth is no more than 5 cm. The branches are dense, stretching upward and intertwining with each other. The needles are bright green until autumn. With the onset of cold weather it takes on a brown tint. When grown in the shade, the crown may lose density - it becomes looser and sparse.

Thuja Globoza can be formed as a standard tree


Thujas with golden needles are highly decorative. They add a special flavor to evergreen plantings and are spectacular in compositions with deciduous plants.


Popular in landscape design due to its high decorative value. The wide, dense, egg-shaped crown has a golden-yellow color. At the age of 10, the height of the tree is only 1 m. The annual growth is no more than 10 cm.

At a young age, the needles are needle-shaped, later becoming scaly. Thuja of this variety is demanding on soil fertility. This fact must be taken into account when choosing a place for planting, regularly feeding the plant and watering it. The tree does not tolerate drought well and shows high winter hardiness.

Thuja Reingold can give a joyful mood even to a dull landscape


A medium-sized shrub with a wide cone-shaped crown of golden-yellow needles. When grown in the shade it darkens and turns green. The branches are slightly twisted and intertwined, supporting the shape of the crown well.

To preserve the decorative effect, it is necessary to comply with the growing conditions: the soil must be fertile, and it must not be allowed to dry out. Sunkist is good in single plantings, used to create low hedges, and is also grown in containers.

Thuja Sunkist tolerates pruning well to shape the crown

Golden Taffet

One of the varieties western thuja, which has full needle-like needles like evergreens. The crown is round, flattened, and looks like a mushroom cap. The maximum height is 60 cm. In northern latitudes it grows up to 30 cm. At the same time, the crown remains wide: at least 1 m in diameter.

The name of the tree in translation means “golden mound”, which is quite consistent with its appearance. The color of the needles is warm golden, acquiring a bronze tint in winter.

In the shade, the exquisite color of Thuja Golden Taffet fades

Advantages and disadvantages of use

The use of thujas in the design of personal plots and parks has a number of advantages:

  • enliven and decorate any area;
  • saturate the air with beneficial phytoncides;
  • thujas are unpretentious and do not require close attention when growing;
  • all types of thujas are distinguished by fairly slow growth, which eliminates the need for annual crown formation;
  • Evergreens make dense hedges that are difficult for humans and animals to pass through.

No deficiencies found.

Combination with other plants

Coniferous compositions are one of the most advantageous in terms of visual appeal. Plants of different heights create spectacular evergreen flower beds. Designers have developed principles for forming compositions:

  • preference is given to short and medium height;
  • the main emphasis is on the contrast of the color of the needles and the shape of the crown;
  • surrounded by ground cover plants;
  • Stone mounds add a special color.

Thuja grows well next to spruce. This is taken into account when choosing a landing site.

Bird cherry, birch, and flowering deciduous shrubs are considered unlucky neighbors. Dwarf varieties look good next to cereals and perennial flowers.

Pine is a bright representative of the forests of the northern hemisphere! Close representatives of the coniferous brotherhood and sisterhood: fir trees, junipers, larches, yews, cypresses, sequoias and many others, approximately 560 species. If we take into account flowering plants, these are few, very few, there are significantly more of them, and at the same time the presence of coniferous plants plays a big role both in nature as a whole and in human life.

Benefits of conifers

During the period of mass industrialization, attention was not paid to natural resources as much as now; modern people strive to touch healing properties nature, decorating your available space with conifers different breeds. Designers who decorate the landscape, amateur gardeners, and simply owners of personal plots, you can also take house managers to them, well, these are those strange people who are man’s friends, they are not appreciated for beautiful view and healing aroma. But also for others beneficial features and benefits:

  • A huge number of conifers grow well in shade and partial shade.
  • The roots feel great on different soils, both on stones and in sand.
  • Perfectly amenable to modeling, trimming and cutting.
  • They emit beneficial phytoncides with their aroma.
  • Protects from strong winds and strengthens the soil.
  • They inhibit the reproduction of some viruses, bacteria, and sometimes destroy harmful insects.

Coniferous plants are very popular among landscape designers

However, when choosing a plant, you need to rely not only on personal preferences, but adhere to certain rules. So:

Three groups of conifers

Tall growing

An example would be:

  • - has proven itself remarkably well as a hedge, growing up to 5 m.
  • Juniper Skyrocket grows up to three meters, and even itself has a conical shape.
  • Hoopsie is a prickly spruce. One of the tallest representatives of tall-growing species, reaches 15 meters in height.

Medium growing

There is a wide variety of conifers in this group. Most often used:

  • Thuja is medium-sized - a kind of ball, the branches of which grow vertically.
  • Golden yew grows well in the shade of other branched and coniferous plants.
  • Yew berry is a fruiting shrub with beautiful needles.

Diversity of conifers

Low-growing shrubs and creeping varieties

Cute plants, at the same time the most affordable, and do not require constant care.

  • Lombres is a spruce with emerald needles that spread along the ground.
  • The pug is a miniature species of conifer that is distinguished by its soft and fluffy “pillow.”

Neighborhood of conifers

  1. Thuja should not be planted near spruce. It will not allow the thuja to develop.
  2. Cedars and pines do not get along with firs and spruces.
  3. It is better not to grow larch with conifers of other species. Her relatives do not like her.
  4. Birch and bird cherry should not be planted next to coniferous plants. Deciduous trees will not tolerate such a neighborhood.

Arm yourself with knowledge in growing conifers. Take into account its mature height and the appearance of its flowering crown.

Color variations from plants with coniferous cover also need to be taken into account. For a pleasant and beautiful appearance of conifers on the site, carefully study what the colors of your plants will be.

Are you going to use three plants (elements)? The color scheme can and should combine two colors: a bright spot is shaded by more neutral ones. Composition of several plants? Range of three colors. It is worth noting that conifers, which change the color of their needles depending on the season, are best planted separately.

What to do if there are 25 or more elements planned on the site? There is a wonderful option: distribute the plants into groups of two, three or five and plant conifers of the same shade in each group.

Creation of compositional solutions

When planning the composition of the garden for personal plot, the landscape designer strives for harmony and, one might say, completeness. You can do it yourself in arranging the garden, following certain rules:

  1. Planting of trees and shrubs is oriented to the east or west, but not to the north or south. This arrangement is desirable for conifers.
  2. Symmetry and asymmetry are one of the compositional components. When the shapes of the crowns and the distances between plants are equal or close, there is symmetry. Natural naturalness, chaotic lines - asymmetry.
  3. Shrubs and trees look majestic against the backdrop of neat paths made of decorative crushed stone in the middle of the lawn, on slopes, near ponds, among flowers and huge stones.

Combination of conifers with other vegetation

Rendering effects

When comparing tall and short plants that grow nearby, the tall ones will seem much taller than they are and vice versa; short plants will be shorter in comparison to trees. So that the compositional solution does not introduce a feeling of disorder, comparison color solutions and forms is achieved by using combinations of one type or even species of plants.


Planting designed in contrast looks organic. For example, short ones fit well with tall ones, or tall ones; pyramidal shapes can go well with spherical ones.

Ball-shaped cutting of conifers

Conifers are used in the design of mixborders, rockeries, living fences and hedges, etc. Let's look at a few.


What are mixborders? Translated from English as “mixed border” or “mixed borders”. Mixborder is a flower garden of plants that are planted in multi-rows and multi-tiered. So, to design a mixborder, first of all prepare a place for the largest plants. This will be your starting point.

Keep in mind that seedlings are planted in descending order of their mature height, so the shortest plants are planted at the foot of the border.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes in geometry. curved lines will only enhance the slenderness of the trees and the beauty of the mixborder.


With conifers, you can not only divide the area into completely different zones, but also to create impassable jungle along the boundaries of the site. To do this, plants are planted in two or more rows in a dense checkerboard pattern. It is necessary to choose varieties for hedges that are easy and convenient to cut, give the required form crown Choose one plant variety for each hedge.

Thuja as a hedge


What is this? This is a kind of garden on a gentle slope, in which stones, shrubs or plants are used dwarf breeds, flowers with tiny inflorescences. The most common styles in rock garden design are English, European, and Japanese. Rockery in english style What distinguishes it from the other is its restraint in compositional solutions. They are based on cereal plants, shrubs, wormwood plants, and small conifers. IN European style plant native plants middle lane, such as balsam fir, juniper, dwarf spruce, cypress, barberry and boxwood. Japanese rock gardens are distinguished by an abundance of stone piles and minimal plant mass. Famous Japanese garden stones this is a rockery.

A gentle slope is the main criterion for choosing a place for a rock garden. A feature of any gently sloping garden is the ability for plants to grow in partial shade. Such a garden will be in harmony with nature, and most importantly, it will look beautiful near a gazebo or a small pond. If your site with pronounced differences is on a slope, and you really want a rock garden, then levels are created that even out the differences.

Correct location and planting of conifers

  • Plan everything on paper, the dimensions of the paths, the heights of the plants, taking into account all the sizes of the stones and plants in adult form.
  • Select coniferous tree species
  • The most convenient period for planting plants is mid-spring, or even mid-April and early May. During this period, the seedling does not yet begin to actively grow and develop.
  • Mark the boundaries of the area of ​​conifers. Anything will do for this: pegs, wood, stones. In the middle of the flowerbed, use marking ropes and pegs to indicate the boundaries of each plant and prepare depressions for them, or large holes, at least half a meter deep.
  • Prepare the soil. It is advisable to mix the top layers of soil with peat and sand. The proportions are approximately a bucket of soil, a bucket of sand and half a bucket of peat. If soil from under non-coniferous trees is available, then add a bucket of such soil to the resulting mixture. This fertilizer is the best for a newly planted tree.
  • Plant plants. Pebbles or sand mixture about 15 centimeters, fertilizer or compost (preferably compost), half a bucket will be enough. If you add fertilizers, monitor the nitrogen content in it, since nitrogen fertilizers are contraindicated for conifers. The root of the seedling must be with a lump of earth in which it began to grow. Do not knock down or throw away the soil from the root, otherwise you will kill the plant ahead of time. After loading the root into the hole, add our prepared soil to the surface level and level it well. There is no need to compact it too much, the earth will settle on its own as much as it needs, and while it subsides, the roots will have time to get used to the new position and will be saturated with moisture and air.
  • Cover the landing site with mulch. Mulching the soil is generally a beneficial process. You can use anything as mulch: plant bark, small pebbles, pine cones, sawdust and wood chips, whatever your heart desires and that will look beautiful in your composition. They even fit ground cover plants, such as creeping perennials and flowers.
  • Watering. Important role plays on initial stages growth, abundant watering. During drought it is doubly useful.
  • Regularly feed the seedlings until the plants grow.

Conifers differ from other plants in their resistance. They tolerate cold and heat calmly, drought is also not as bad for them as other plants, and prolonged downpours only saturate the tree with moisture longer. Unlike other plants, conifers can protect themselves from various diseases. And the microclimate that conifers create near themselves can significantly reduce the number of insects. The air in the area becomes soft and filled with oxygen.

Caring for conifers (video)

In general, creating your own garden using conifers gives an overall completeness to the entire composition. You yourself have created something big, lasting and beautiful. In addition, next to you you have planted a large source of fresh air, and if there is a gazebo in such a garden, a relaxation area that can be compared to a trip out of town. Creating coniferous gardens, you have touched the secrets of nature, subject to the strict order of the Creator.

Almost all owners of personal plots are keen on creating. With a little effort, they transform their homes, ennoble them and create an almost fabulous atmosphere.

At the same time, it is not so important whether you are the owner of a luxurious mansion or a modest country house. After all, you can create a masterpiece on any site, even if it does not have a large area.

In addition, we should not forget that nowadays lawns, flower beds and various color compositions, and not standard gardens and vegetable gardens. Gradually they fade into the background, and you can’t see them very often.

Just a few years ago, landscape designers used flower beds And ornamental shrubs as a decoration for the garden area. At the same time, coniferous compositions were practically not used.

However, their popularity is increasing every year, so landscape design with coniferous compositions can be seen on almost every site.

Rules for planting coniferous trees

Due to the high cost of services of professional landscape designers, many home owners have to arrange their own garden area. Having studied enough material on correct design site design, you can be sure of success.

But at the same time, it is worth taking into account the nuance that you will be working with coniferous species.

There are some rules for planting coniferous plants that are not recommended to be violated if you want to end up with a truly beautifully landscaped garden. Let's look at these rules in more detail.

The distance from the point from which the tree and shrub species will be viewed to the composition should be 2 times its height. This way your composition will look more holistic.

If you are going to use coniferous plants for design, then it would be wiser to give preference to the lawn. It will become a wonderful background that complements the composition.

If there is a pond on your site, you should plant coniferous shrubs nearby. In combination with weeping foliage plants they will look quite original, beautiful and elegant.

According to experts, compositions of coniferous plants should be placed oriented to the east and west. This composition will look more natural and harmonious.

You should not plant flowers such as roses in close proximity to coniferous plants. And although the designers confirm that such a combination looks very impressive, it is worth remembering that any conifers acidify the soil. And roses, as you know, do not take root well in oxidized soils.

As you can see, these simple rules quite simple to follow. Therefore, you should not neglect them.

Do not forget that only plants and trees planted according to all the rules will be able to please you for many years and decorate your garden.

Coniferous color combinations

Did you naively believe that all coniferous plants and trees look the same? You were wrong. In fact, there are many plants that belong to this breed and differ in color.

That is why various compositions are often used, in which there are more than two specimens of plants that differ in color.

Combining different colors gives a stunning effect that cannot leave anyone indifferent.

However, do not rush to use the first colorful plants you come across. After all, you need to achieve the creation of a unique range, and this can only be done if you follow a few tips from designers:

  • if you are going to include 3 components in the composition, you should not use more than two colors;
  • if the composition includes 5 elements, it is necessary to increase the number of colors to three;
  • more bulky compositions, which consist of 25 or more components, should be divided into small groups (approximately 3 copies each). Each group must correspond to a single color attribute.

The composition assembled in this way will look like a single ensemble. Each of the selected colors will help create a holistic and harmonious picture.

Photos of coniferous compositions

Today, coniferous trees are increasingly used by owners of summer cottages and country houses For . This happens because this type of plant tolerates different climatic conditions well, and is also unpretentious to different types soil. Conifers can decorate any area; they look great either as a single specimen or as part of groups of trees or bushes. In addition, this species is resistant to most diseases that often affect garden trees.

The role of coniferous crops and their scope of application in landscape design

Conifers have a number of positive qualities, thanks to which they play a significant role in the improvement of the site. Here are just some of the advantages of this type:

  • They are able to fill the surrounding space oxygen and phytoncides.
  • Defend territory from the wind.
  • Capable of effectively absorb noise, become barrier to dust.
  • Create special microclimate around the cottage.
  • Fill the air aroma of pine needles and moisturize it.

Conifers have a wide variety of species and forms. This versatility makes it possible to use them to create landscape compositions the most different styles. Moreover, the size of the personal territory in this case will not become a problem. After all, there is decorative varieties coniferous trees that are no more than 4 meters in height. This distinguishes them from their wild relatives, which in nature can reach an impressive height of several tens of meters.

When planting coniferous plants in the garden area, you need to follow the recommendations of experts; this will allow the trees to fit harmoniously into the garden landscape. Now many site owners hire gardeners for such work. However, you can do this yourself and save money. Here some tips for planting coniferous trees from landscape design professionals.

What should you keep in mind before boarding?

Planting conifers on a site, like many other things, begins with the preparatory process. This is very important point, which should be taken seriously. After all, it will depend on preparation health and appearance plants.

If you notice that there is stagnation of water in some place of the site, there is no need to plant a tree there. Remember, each conifer variety presents special soil requirements. This is why you need to get as much information as possible before purchasing. about a specific breed.

It is best to plant plants on the site between the end of April and the beginning of May(from approximately April 20 to May 10). The fact is that during this period the young seedling has not yet had time to enter the active growth phase. Therefore, a young plant will be able to tolerate replanting much easier and will quickly get used to the new soil.

It is known that conifers are rather picky trees and shrubs, but this does not mean that they do not require care. In the hot season, young seedlings coniferous species must be hidden from the bright sun. In winter, non-frost-resistant varieties need to be covered to prevent them from freezing.

Seedlings for planting can be purchased as with open and closed root system. If planting begins in spring, you need to pay attention to the presence of fresh (white) shoots. If they are this tree completely ready for landing.

Coniferous mixborders

Today, to create a beautiful landscape in a personal garden, so-called ones are often used. This is a special version of a flower garden that uses various plants. The main idea of ​​such a composition is to create a design that is compact and at the same time combines different shapes.

That is why in mixborders do not use tall coniferous trees (arborvita, pine, tall spruce). Most often, when creating such a composition, they plant: dwarf and spherical spruce trees, creeping spruce trees, yew trees, and mountain pines.

Here, for variety, you can plant:

  • short,
  • dwarf spirea, etc.

Bulbous plants are used for flowers in mixborders. The combination of such species allows you to create not only an aesthetically beautiful sight, it also makes it possible to strengthen the territory in agrotechnical terms.

To create a mixborder you need to do whole line required actions:

  1. So, first of all, you need to decide where the composition will be planted.
  2. Another mandatory requirement, project development and creation of a drawing of the future mixborder. This will allow the site owners to calculate future costs and purchase the necessary seedlings.
  3. When the above activities have been completed, you can begin to work. It is better to start planting in late April. Typically this work takes from several days to a week.

Concerning mixborder cost, then a lot depends on what the owners want to get in the end. Here is the approximate cost of an average coniferous mixborder:

  • Fir - 1 pc. (3000-5000 rubles).
  • Medium juniper - 2 pieces (1000-3000 rubles).
  • Winged beresket - 3 pieces (850-1000 rubles).
  • Mountain mugus pine - 1 piece (5000-25000).
  • White dogwood - 2 pieces (from 210 rubles).

A complex multi-level composition, difficult to implement without the participation of a professional landscape designer.

What is better to combine conifers with?

When creating a landscape design for a personal garden, a large number of coniferous species can be used. For example:

  • Juniper.
  • Cypress.
  • Pine.
  • Cedar.

As mentioned above, these species themselves are quite unpretentious. However, during the planting process, you need to carefully look at what plants are in the neighborhood. The thing is that there are certain types of trees and bushes that do not make the best impression next to conifers. For example, such plants include birch and bird cherry. Here are some rules that will make plants in your garden feel much more comfortable:

  1. When planting it is necessary to take into account climate of the area(cypress will not grow if it is too cold).
  2. Most coniferous species cannot grow if they are nearby larch.
  3. Thuja will not look good near the spruce.
  4. If there are a lot of conifers in a given area, there is no need to plant them nearby. In other words You should not plant pine near cedar or fir.

Coniferous species in the garden can go well with, some deciduous and also with flowers. For example, a conifer decorated and located on the shore will look just great.

Examples (schemes) of planting

In this article we will present several popular schemes for planting coniferous trees in personal gardens. These are the simplest, but win-win compositions, following them it is impossible to make serious mistakes.

Scheme 1.