Toilet      06/17/2019

5 types of coniferous trees. Coniferous plants - their classes and types. Characteristics of coniferous species

In the article we talked about the structure and properties of wood and its areas of application. This publication describes wood in detail coniferous species, from larch to yew.

Coniferous wood

In construction, coniferous wood is most often used due to its larger size compared to deciduous trees strength, biostability and lower production costs.

In addition, coniferous tree trunks have more correct form with fewer defects. The most popular among conifers in construction pine, spruce, larch, fir And cedar.

Juniper And yew are not used for the manufacture of building elements. These breeds are valued as good finishing material and are used mainly for the production of carpentry and furniture.

  • Larch

Larch (Larix) - coniferous tree from genus Larix of the pine family (Pinaceae). It is durable, lives up to 900 years or more and reaches a height of 45 m with a trunk diameter of 80–180 cm. It is found in nature in the east and northeast of the European part of Russia, in the Urals, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Altai and Sayan Mountains.

This is the most common breed in Russia. It makes up 2/5 of the forested area. The breed is sound with resin passages. Has a beautiful texture. The annual layers are clearly visible in all sections. The sapwood is narrow, white with a slight brownish tint. The kernel is reddish-brown, sharply different from the sapwood. The medullary rays are not visible, the resin ducts are small and few in number.

The wood contains essential oils (pinene), has a fairly strong pleasant odor and includes bioflavonoids and phytoncides - microscopic volatile substances that evaporate during the entire period of use and have a positive effect on health, preventing colds and viral diseases.

– an excellent building material because it has high density and strength, there are few knots in it, it belongs to the group of biostable (does not rot or be affected by fungi). Larch is strong, elastic, hard, durable, and resists rot and insects well. Long-term exposure to water leads to an increase in the hardness of larch, which is why it was used for the construction of bridges and piers. All Venetian buildings stand on larch stilts.

Larch wood easily cracks during the drying process and splits. More difficult to process on a machine than other rocks (due to high density and resin content). Resinous substances make planing, polishing and varnishing somewhat difficult, but in general the wood can be painted and polished successfully after proper filling.

The best wooden buildings are built from this type of wood. It is used for making carpentry, window frames and for floor coverings.

Volumetric weight at standard humidity (12%) – 650–800 kg/m3.

  • Pine

Pine (Pinus) . Eurasian tree coniferous species, grows in the territory from Scotland to Eastern Siberia. It occupies about 1/6 of the area of ​​all forests in Russia. Lives 400–600 years and in adulthood (120–150 years) reaches a height of about 30 m. The most common Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris).

The breed is the most popular building material, because it has the most straight, even trunk. Pine is well saturated with antiseptics.

The rock is sound, with resin passages, soft, moderately light, mechanically strong, non-plastic. It is well processed and finished.

It has a slightly pinkish core, which over time becomes brownish-red, wide sapwood from yellowish to pink, clearly visible annual layers with a clear boundary between early and late wood, rather large and numerous resin ducts.

The wood is of medium density, medium hardness, fairly high strength and resistance to decay, can be processed well, and glues relatively well. Widely used in construction, mechanical engineering, furniture and packaging production, railway transport, for securing mine workings, etc.

It is used as a raw material for chemical processing to obtain cellulose and feed yeast; Pine timber is exported in large quantities.

Volumetric weight at standard humidity (12%) – from 460 to 620 kg/m3.

  • Norway spruce

Norway spruce (Picea abies) – evergreen coniferous tree pine family (Pinaceae), 20–50 m high, with a cone-shaped crown and flaky brownish-gray bark. Lives up to 300 years. The trunk is round and straight.

It grows in damp places, on rich loamy soils, rising into the mountains to a height of up to 1800 m above sea level (forms pure spruce forests). Widely distributed in Central, Northern and Northeastern Europe above 69°N latitude, north of the Pyrenees to Russia and Scandinavia.

Other types: Ayan spruce (Picea ajanensis), Korean spruce (Picea koraiensis), Siberian spruce (Picea obovata).

Spruce is a coreless mature wood species. The wood is white with a yellowish tint, low resinous. Resistant to cracking. The annual layers are clearly visible. In terms of strength, density and resistance to rotting, spruce is in no way inferior to pine. However, it is more difficult to process compared to pine due to the large number of knots in it and their increased hardness.

Spruce is very susceptible to insect damage.

Spruce wood characterized by the largest value of the acoustic constant, which characterizes the emission of sound. Tannins are obtained from spruce bark. The wood is soft, easy to process, polish, and varnish. It is used in the same areas as pine, but especially in the pulp and paper industry and in the production of musical instruments.

  • Cedar

Cedar (Cedrus) - a genus of coniferous evergreen trees of the pine family. Reaches a height of 36 m or slightly more and a diameter of 1.5 m. It grows in the mountains at an altitude of 1300–3600 m, forming cedar forests. Distributed in the Atlas Mountains, in northwestern Africa (Atlas cedar), in Lebanon, Syria and the Cilician Taurus in Asia Minor (Lebanese cedar), on the island of Cyprus (short-coniferous cedar) and in the western Himalayas (Himalayan cedar).In Europe, cedar is often grown in gardens and parks.

All types of cedar have similar wood colors. Light brown or yellow-brown kernel, which becomes homogeneous when exposed to atmospheric influences Brown color, differs from the narrow sapwood with a whitish color.

Resinous (oily), with a pungent cedar odor. The annual layers are clearly distinguished by the contrast between the early and late wood zones. Medium texture. The grain is usually straight, although straight grain is more common in Himalayan cedar. Longitudinal sections of this cedar show uneven brown lines formed by frequent tangential rows of traumatic resin ducts. Resistant to damage by fungi and insects.

Cedar wood is soft and easy to process in all directions. Cedar dries quickly and without big problems. Before finishing work, the resin must be removed.

In the Urals and Siberia, cedar was used as a finishing material for homes. In Tobolsk, Tyumen and Turinsk, buildings decorated carved platbands from its wood. Cedar was also used for carpentry.

Today it is used only for exclusive interior work, when finishing yachts and decorating interiors and for making wooden houses from logs (most often hand-cut).

Volumetric weight at standard humidity (12%) is about 580 kg/m3.

  • White fir and Caucasian fir

White fir (Abies alba) . Coniferous evergreen pine family, 30–50 m high, with a narrow pyramidal crown. The trunk is up to 150 cm in diameter, with white-gray smooth bark. Places of growth - mountains of southern, central and western Europe, prefers very fertile soils.

Fir is very similar to spruce, but unlike it, fir does not have resin accumulations. The color of the wood varies from yellowish-white to reddish-white with a gray tint. Fir trunks often suffer from atmospheric pollution, insects, and animals that eat young shoots.

It is easy to process and covers well with most varnishes and paints. The tree is soft, moderately resistant to weather influences and not resistant to fungi and pests.

Volumetric weight in air-dry condition is about 450 kg/m3.

Caucasian fir (Abies nordmanniana) in its physical and mechanical properties it is in no way inferior to spruce, unlike Siberian fir, which has less density and strength. It is used for the manufacture of wooden structures, musical instruments, and is often used together with spruce in the production of furniture.

Very common in house construction (especially Caucasian fir). Previously, shingles were made from fir (along with spruce) to cover the roof. Now these are mainly door and window blocks, floors, baseboards, friezes and many other products.

Volumetric weight at standard humidity (12%) is about 450 kg/m3.

  • Juniper

Juniper (Juniperus) . Most junipers are shrubs, but in southern Karelia there are also tree-like forms up to 12 m high and 16 cm in diameter. The only representative cypress family (Cupressaceae) in the northern forests. It is found both in dry pine forests on sandy soil and in spruce forests that are excessively moist and even swampy.

It grows slowly, is frost-resistant, and light-loving. Does not tolerate smoke and soot well. Distributed in the northern and middle parts of the European territory of Russia, in Western Siberia, and enters Eastern Siberia.

Juniper is a sound species. Near the bark there is a narrow light yellow strip of sapwood, forming a wavy ring irregular shape. Inside the ring is red-brown core wood. Over time, the sapwood turns dark yellow with a greenish tint, and the heartwood acquires beautiful olive-blue hues. On the end section of a juniper, the annual layers are clearly distinguished. The texture is beautiful, with a reddish tint, sometimes striped or wavy. Particularly impressive in cross section.

Juniper, unlike other conifers, does not have resin passages, so it easily accepts various dyes and is easily polished. Strong, heavy and dense juniper wood well processed by various cutting tools. The cuts are clean and glossy.

Juniper wood has slight shrinkage and practically does not swell when wet. It can be successfully used for very thin flat-relief and volumetric carvings; small decorative items, canes, sculptures, small crafts and toys are made from it. End cuts are used in inlay.

Volumetric weight at standard humidity (12%) is about 920 kg/m3.

  • Tiss

Tiss (Taxus) - a very ancient breed. An evergreen coniferous tree from the yew family (Taxaceae), about 20 m high (the highest known height is 27 m), trunk thickness is 1 m. The crown is wide-spreading, very dense. The needles are soft, flat, dark green, located on the branches in two rows.

Yew berry and yew pointed

Yew berry (Taxus baccata) grows in the mountains of the Caucasus and Crimea. It is often called European because it is found in almost all of Western Europe. The habitat of yew berry also covers areas of Western Belarus (Belovezhskaya Pushcha), Western Ukraine (Bukovina), Southern Crimea, the Caucasus, as well as the Azores Islands, the mountains of Algeria, Asia Minor and Syria.

Second type - pointed yew, or Far Eastern (Taxus cuspidata) , distributed in the Primorsky Territory and Sakhalin. The wood is hard and heavy, almost impossible to rot. Sometimes on the yew there are nodules, densely covered with very short shoots with pale needles.

The lifespan of yew berry is up to 1500 years, and sometimes up to 3–4 thousand years. Sapwood and heartwood yew wood are very different from each other. The color of the core ranges from red-brown to orange-brown.

A characteristic feature of yew wood is tiny black dots, ideally grouped on the surface. The annual layers are sinuous and look like wide, dark rings.

Yew is easy to dry and process. Its wood is toxic and must therefore be processed with extreme care. It has a beautiful texture and is used for making furniture and as a finishing material, it is very durable and is used for various carpentry projects.

Volumetric weight at standard humidity (12%) is about 620 kg/m3.


Sometimes, looking at evergreen coniferous trees, people wonder: why does a person have such a short life on earth? Intelligent creatures that can think, feel and create live on average 70-80 years, and ordinary trees live more than a thousand. Perhaps someday the dream of eternal life will come true, and then people will be able to enjoy environment fully. Until that time comes, it’s worth getting to know each other better different types coniferous trees to decorate your summer cottage with them.

It is these evergreens that fit harmoniously into any landscape design. Their strict and sophisticated forms stand out clearly on the green lawn in summer. And in cold weather, they refresh Vacation home rich greenery and pleasant resinous aroma. Many gardeners grow evergreen beauties on their plots, because their diversity is truly impressive. They are tall and dwarf. They are found in the form of a pyramid or cone. Therefore, the unforgettable landscape of coniferous trees remains in the hearts of grateful people forever. Let's take a closer look at the most popular types.

Among the huge number of long-lived conifers, unique specimens are especially impressive: the “Old Tikko” spruce in Sweden (over 9 thousand years old), the “Methuselah” pine in the USA (about 5 thousand years old). In total, there are up to 20 such trees on the planet.

The people's favorite - spruce

There is probably not a person on earth who has not heard about this tree. Many poems and songs have been written about him, paintings and fairy tales have been written. The plant is associated with various holidays, customs, and sometimes with bad omens. Because of this, the plant suffers from excessive cutting, which brings a lot of grief to nature lovers.

Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree that belongs to the Pine family and can grow to a height of 35 meters. It has a pyramidal or triangular crown shape, ending with a sharp tip. The branches are located along the entire trunk, so it is practically invisible from the side. They grow dark green needles with a glossy shiny coating, which are much shorter than those of pine.

The tree is found almost everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the main component of the Russian taiga, where it grows next to oak, pine, hazel and. There are about 50 species of spruce in nature. Some of them successfully take root on the lawns of country houses. The following types are especially widely used.

The spruce roots are close to the soil surface, so a strong hurricane wind can knock it down. Therefore, the tree should not be planted near residential premises.


This type of spruce is characterized by a wide conical crown with hanging branches. Considered to be slow growing. In 30 years it grows up to 4 meters in height. The diameter of the plant is about 3 m. It prefers shaded places. Spruce tolerates cold temperatures well. IN summer heat needs watering.


The tree has a columnar crown and cascading weeping branches that, like a train, touch the ground. Grows up to a maximum of 8 meters. The diameter of an adult plant is about 2.5 m.

European Maxwelly

Dwarf shrub in the form of a wide cone. It tolerates winter frosts and shaded areas without problems. Grows up to a meter in height. The diameter of an adult bush is 2 m.

Glauka Globoza

The famous spruce stands out with its needles blue color. Grows in height up to 2 meters. Used in many countries to decorate landscapes of urban and suburban areas. Due to the fact that the tree can be trimmed, original blue balls are made from it, which delight their fans all year round.

Fir - a tree with purple cones

An evergreen representative of the Pine genus. It differs from its close relatives in the characteristics of its needles:

  • softness;
  • shine;
  • flat shape.

White stripes are visible on the underside of each needle, which gives the plant festive look. The fir tree is decorated with purple cones, which is its main highlight. It grows slowly for 10 years, after which growth accelerates. Lives about 400 years. Breeders bred decorative varieties, which are used to decorate urban and suburban areas.

Since the needles of the tree have healing properties, growing fir in your summer cottage is great idea. It helps in the fight against colds, radiculitis and wound healing.


The tree has a straight trunk and a narrow crown, reminiscent of a column. Grows up to 10 meters. The dense branches point upward, giving the tree a majestic character.


This fir is famous for its long branches spread above the ground, which can reach 2.5 meters in length.


The variety is characterized by original silver needles, the tips of which are painted whitish. Every spring, shoots of a luminescent yellow color emerge from its buds. This unusual combination creates a stunning view on the site of a country house. And it lasts almost a whole month.


A dwarf tree that grows only up to 50 cm. The diameter of an adult plant is 1 m. The crown is rounded, slightly flattened. It takes root wonderfully in small areas.

Majestic cedar

Since time immemorial, these trees have been considered a symbol of greatness. In their natural environment, they grow at an altitude of 3 km above sea level and resemble real giants. They grow up to 50 meters. They live for more than two centuries.

Despite its greatness, it is unique tree, because it can decorate any garden landscape. If you plant it at the front entrance, an atmosphere of some kind of celebration is created. The spacious lawns provide the comfort of home.

Some dwarf varieties are used for growing bonsai plants. To create original landscapes, species that vary are widely used:

  • needle color;
  • length of needles;
  • the size of the tree.

When choosing a suitable species, it is advisable to first become acquainted with the plant. For home grown The following varieties are used:

Mysterious larch

Many people think that if a tree is called larch, then it does not belong to coniferous species. Actually this is not true. The plant is a representative of the Pine family, but unlike its relatives, it loses its needles in the fall.

Larch grows up to 50 m in height. In this case, the trunk reaches 1 m in diameter. The branches grow in a chaotic manner, with a barely noticeable slope. As a result, a cone-shaped crown is formed. The needles are noticeably flattened, soft to the touch, and bright green in color. In the natural environment there are 14 different varieties. The following types are used for garden design:

This diversity allows you to create magnificent landscapes on the territory of summer cottages.

Majestic pine

Biologists count more than a hundred different varieties of this evergreen plant. Moreover hallmark– the number of needles on one bunch. The pine tree often grows to a height of 50 meters. The straight trunk is covered with reddish-brown, cracking bark. Long needles are located on the spreading branches of the tree and have a rich aroma. Pine lives for about 600 years and tolerates cold and summer heat well.

Planting a pine tree should be done quickly, since its roots can dry out in a quarter of an hour. Such a plant does not take root in a new territory.

For garden decoration breeders created original miniature species:

Without a doubt, such evergreen living decorations are suitable for creating landscape rock gardens or mixborders. In any case, pine can become a business card summer cottage.

Her Majesty - Thuja

An evergreen tree of this type is almost always used to decorate city parks and green areas. Recently, this plant has been widely used to decorate home gardens. It is valued by gardeners for its ability to withstand severe winter frosts, drought and high humidity.

The thuja tree is distinguished by lush branches on which scaly leaves of a dark green color are located. Every year the plant is covered with miniature cones that resemble scattered beads on green fabric. In addition to traditional forms, thujas come in:

  • dwarf;
  • weeping;
  • creeping.

Most often, seedlings called “Occidentalis” are used for garden plot design. The tree can grow up to 7 m in height, and create a crown of about 2 m. Another species - “Cloth of Gold” - has a golden hue of needles. It takes root well in shady areas of the garden.

A medium-sized variety - “Columna” amazes with its needles of dark green coloring with a glossy tint. It does not disappear even in winter, for which it is highly valued by lovers of green spaces. "Columna"

The compact appearance of the thuja tree - "Holmstrup" has a conical shape, despite its height - 3 m. It tolerates cold winters wonderfully, can be pruned and is used as hedge. Another giant – “Smaragd” – grows up to approximately 4 m. The diameter of an adult tree is up to 1.5 m. The needles are juicy, dark green in color with a shiny tint. Such a beauty will surely decorate the garden landscape of greenery lovers.

Having become more familiar with the majestic coniferous trees, it is easy to choose the appropriate option. Let it go suburban area will turn into a green oasis of joy, where persistent coniferous trees grow.

Conifers in landscape design - video

Dear guys, hello! And greetings to you, dear parents! Together with ShkolaLa we can already tell our classmates about . Today we will prepare a speech about coniferous trees in Russia. As last time, let’s briefly recall their features, consider some types and names, and also look for Interesting Facts, with which you can surprise your listeners.

Lesson plan:

What do we know about conifers?

Probably no country is as rich in forests as our beloved Russia. Coniferous representatives are rightfully considered the most common “lungs” of our planet.

These plants differ in that instead of leaves they have needles. In principle, these are their leaves, only slightly modified. They can be in the form of needles or scales. There are about 600 species of evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs.

These are the most ancient inhabitants of the plant kingdom. Scientists find remains of coniferous representatives in layers Carboniferous period. At that time they lived even beyond the Arctic Circle. Today they can be found in the north and south, as well as in middle lane. Even in hot Africa you can find a tree with needles, but they are still more comfortable in a cold environment with little humidity.

Evergreens do not have beautiful flowers, but instead they have wonderful cones that grow at the ends of the branches, at first they are soft and green, and then harden. In some, such as cedar, they may initially be purple.

Coniferous trees are a storehouse of beneficial substances for health. Needles, cones and even bark are used. In addition, their wood is an excellent building material.

Did you remember a little about coniferous representatives? Now let's take a closer look at some of them.

Do you know that?! All coniferous trees secrete a special substance - resin. Under the influence of time, it turns into a beautiful stone - amber. Have you probably heard about this one? Sometimes inside the amber resin you can see frozen insects that once upon a time got there and remained inside forever.

In the 18th century, a unique Amber Room was created from amber. Its owner, the Prussian king, gave the masterpiece to Russian Peter I. Only during the Second World War, this room strangely disappeared, leaving behind many myths. No one knows where she is now.


Who doesn't know the evergreen symbol of the New Year? This is probably the most popular tree, known to everyone - from young to old.

It is distributed almost throughout the entire territory of our country. Spruce grows up to 35 meters, but there are also specimens 50 meters tall. The Christmas tree lives on average about 300 years.

An infusion of spruce needles is used as an antimicrobial agent, and essential oils help cure colds and improve immunity. Healing ointments and balms are made from the green cones and buds of spruce, and those who like to steam in a bathhouse cannot live without a medicinal spruce broom.

Spruce wood serves as a material for the production of boards and plywood, which are then used to make roofs, stairs, doors, floors and ceilings in houses. The highest quality alpine spruce species are used to make the body of stringed musical instruments. They also make paper from it.

This is interesting! The common spruce called Old Tiko lives in Sweden. And she would be no different from others if she had not already turned...9550 years old!


It is no less popular than spruce, and many of these coniferous trees cannot be distinguished. In fact, it’s easy to distinguish pine: its needles are bluish-green and longer, growing in pairs or bunches. The tree grows up to 40 meters and lives for about 350 years. In good harvest years, up to 1.5 thousand cones can be counted on a pine tree.

A young pine tree has a cone-shaped crown, but over time its appearance changes - the older the pine tree, the rounder and wider its crown. But in a very old tree, the top becomes flat, like an umbrella.

Pine buds that remain unopened in the spring are widely used in medicine. They contain resin, starch and vitamins. Pine oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Pine wood enters the construction market in the form of lumber and is then used to build houses. Like spruce, it is used for roofs and floors, doors and building siding.

In addition, it is suitable for making furniture. Children's toys are made from it, and it is a material for construction piles and pillars. When burning pine wood Soot is obtained from which paints and inks are produced. Pine is also used to make railroad ties and paper is also made from it.

Data. Three types of pine - Pitsunda (grows in the Caucasus), chalk (found in the Voronezh and Belgorod regions), densely flowered (lives in the Primorsky Territory) are listed in the Red Book.


This tree is considered the most widespread in Russia, especially in the middle zone and Siberia.

Although larch is classified as a coniferous tree, it is called so for a reason. Unlike all other evergreens, this is the only coniferous representative that sheds its needles for the winter.

The tree grows up to 50 meters and lives on average about 400 years. But there are also long-livers who are over 800 years old. The cone-shaped openwork crown of the larch is formed from flattened bright green needles, which grow in spirals or bunches.

Larch needles are used for medicinal purposes, since among all conifers it is the leader in vitamin C content.

But most of all larch is used in industrial purposes. In terms of its properties, its wood is second only to oak, so it is often used as a shipbuilding material. Sometimes larch is used in paint and varnish and soap production.

Data. It has long been known that Venice was built on pillars made of larch wood. But not everyone knows that this tree formed the basis of piles during the construction of St. Petersburg. And all because strong larch can survive in water for a long time.

Olga larch is a rare specimen listed in the Red Book.


This coniferous representative is a resident of the European part; it can be found in Siberia and the Caucasus. The tree is about 50 meters high, some species can live up to 700 years. Unlike other conifers, fir cones grow upward like candles.

The tree's needles are flat and soft, dark green on top and have a white stripe underneath. In appearance, fir is very similar to spruce, so these trees are often confused. From a distance it resembles a green pyramid.

The healing properties of fir buds, bark and needles are known to medicine. Fir oil is widely used in cosmetology. In Siberia, everyone is familiar with health-improving fir brooms.

Soft fir wood is used to make furniture. Sometimes in shipbuilding it is used as a material for the construction of ship masts.

This is interesting! Today there are about 50 species of fir, among which is the tallest tree in Russia - Caucasian fir. This tree grows as tall as a 30-story building.


This is another famous coniferous tree that can be found in the south and east of our country. The tree reaches a length of 50 meters and can live up to 500 years. This is the second coniferous representative whose cones grow upward. Cedar needles are distinguished by their blue-green color, they are quite long, about 10-14 centimeters, and grow 30-40 needles in a bunch.

Many species of these trees are called cedar pines, whose nuts are valued. In Siberia, vegetable cream is prepared from cedar kernels, because they contain almost 80% fat.

Valuable cedar wood is used to build ships and make furniture. The red wood of the Mediterranean cedar serves as a material for wood carving.

Cedar is a source of substances used in medicine and perfumery. Its specific smell calms and relieves anxiety.

This is interesting! Cedar wood has been used since ancient times. It is mentioned as the material from which the Jerusalem Temple was built. And the Egyptians made sarcophagi for their kings from cedar.

Many poems and songs have been written about coniferous trees. Invite your classmates to remember them. And then sing the most famous one! In chorus!

Like last time, I only talked about the five most famous coniferous representatives. If you wish, you can expand this list, because, let me remind you, there are about 600 evergreens! So go for it! See you again on the pages of the ShkolaLa blog.

Good luck in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich

Gardening is a beautiful art. Along with fine arts, architecture and music, it brings a sense of beauty, gives happiness and harmony in the soul. And, it would seem, everything has already been said about gardens: which plants should be planted in the shade, which in the sun, which can be combined with each other, and which cannot. But there is always something surprising that I haven’t tried to work with before - for example, pine cones! Try using coniferous plants with cones of different colors in your garden design - and you will be surprised at the result!

Inspiration for the gardener
Did you know that conifer cones come in absolutely stunning colors and shades? They will become a real source of inspiration and creativity for the gardener! The leaves will fall, the flowers will fade, the lawn will wither, but the pine needles and cones will decorate your garden all year round, even from under the snow.

We are, of course, talking only about those trees that have a life form no more than 2–4 m high (why do we need cones that we will not see or will see in the litter)?

I’ll tell you about the most beautiful pine cones - year-round garden decorations.

Prickly spruce
Cones appear on spruce at different ages, with much later in forests and dense plantings, and earlier in open spaces. The color of the cone changes during the ripening process. Spruce cones always hang down and fall off entirely.

The most decorative varieties of prickly spruce are presented below.

The Push spruce variety has the most charming cones soft pink color, which changes to a crimson-purple over time, and the mature buds turn red-violet-brown. Cones appear at the ends of young shoots at 6–9 years of age.
Photo: El Push

The height of the plant at the age of 10 years is only 0.5 m, the maximum height is 1 m. Prickly spruce of the Push variety is often grafted onto a standard. In this case, the height depends on the height of the trunk, and such a tree no longer grows.

The Akrona variety has exceptionally beautiful large cones, which are located in groups or individually at the ends of the shoots. The shape is cylindrical. The color of the cones is red and bright purple; ripe cones are light brown.

The height of this conical asymmetrical spruce is 2.5–3 m and it grows slowly. Often the branches lie on the ground.

What is especially good about the Akrona variety is that cones appear even on young plants.

Lucky Strike
The prickly spruce variety Lucky Strike amazes with the beauty and size of its cones: at first lilac-red, over time they become light brown, 10–15 cm long.

The height of an adult plant does not exceed 1–2 m. At 10 years of age, its height does not exceed 1.2 m, and its diameter does not exceed 1.5 m.

The cones of the Belobok spruce variety are very attractive: male cones are brownish-brown, and female cones are red. When ripe they turn green and then turn brown. The length of the cone is 5–10 cm.

The height of an adult blue spruce is 1–2 m.

Korean fir
Fir cones are very different from spruce. While still sitting on the branch, they lose their scales, and, in the end, all that remains of them is a charming rod. In addition, very young plant specimens are covered with cones. Fir cones always stick vertically upward.

The most decorative varieties of Korean fir are presented below.

Blauer Pfiff
Small charming buds of the Blauer Pfief variety will not leave anyone indifferent. They have a blue-violet color and a “barrel” shape. The plant reaches a height of 1–2 m.

Bonsai Blue
The Bonsai Blue variety, already at a young age, is abundantly sprinkled with expressive blue-violet cones. Plant height 0.5 m.

Charming purple candle cones of the Molly variety sticking up will become a real decoration of your garden. Their length is 5 cm. The height of the plant in adulthood is 3–4 m.

Blue Magic
Korean fir variety Blue Magic from the very early age strewn with elliptical shaped cones. The cones, which shoot vertically upward, are blue-violet and purple-violet in color before ripening, but then become brown with a slight purple tint.

Plant height is 0.8–1 m, maximum in adulthood is 2.5 m.

Win-win partners for coniferous plants, capable of highlighting the beauty of their cones and not causing trouble with care, are barberry, Japanese spirea, hosta and sedum.

Features of care
Conifer cones do not require special care or care.

The plants themselves should be fed (in the spring with melted snow), watered in extreme heat, pinched for splendor and “silhouette,” and protected from the scorching rays of the sun in the spring.

Decorative and coniferous shrubs are widely used in the formation of landscape design. They are distinguished by their endurance and beautiful appearance.

We invite you to learn about the most common coniferous trees and shrubs that can be grown in different climatic conditions.

Titles with photos and brief characteristics different cultures. Be sure to look at the photos of coniferous trees and shrubs, which are shown at various stages of their development.

Coniferous trees: names and photos

Next you see the names of coniferous trees that can grow in many regions of our country. There are many photos of coniferous trees from different angles. We hope that the names and photos of coniferous trees will help you make the right choice of seedlings for your garden.


Flat needles are usually white or gray from the bottom side. Most species grow too tall for the average garden. The exceptions are the blue-gray Arizona Fir (A. arizonica) ‘Compacta’ - 2 m and the dwarf variety Balsam Fir (A. balsamea) ‘Hudsonia’ - 30 cm


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Cedar of Lebanon (C. libani) is too large for the average garden, but there are dwarf and weeping varieties such as ‘Nana’ and ‘Sargentii’. Atlas cedar (C. atlantica) ‘Glauca’, 3 m high, has blue-green needles, and Himalayan cedar (C. deodara), also 3 m high, has hanging shoots of the lower variety ‘Golden Horizon’.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

A very popular genus. There are dwarf varieties for rockeries and tall trees for a large garden. Lawson's cypress (C. lawsoniana) is the most popular species; has many varieties - ‘Elwoodii’ (turns blue in winter time), ‘Minima Aurea’ (golden, dwarf variety) and ‘Lane’ (golden, columnar).


  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Cupressociparis has replaced Lawson's cypress in a coniferous hedge. It can withstand heavy pruning. C. leylandii reaches a height of 10 m if pruned and a height of 20 m if left unpruned. Trim the hedge 3 times from late spring to early autumn.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Stake young trees to stakes and do not prune. There are columnar K. evergreen (C. sempervirens) 3 m high, and K. large-fruited (C. macrocarpa), also 3 m high, with a conical crown shape. Its popular yellow variety is 'Goldcrest'.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

This tree can grow in country estate, but not in the average garden. This is one of the few deciduous coniferous trees. In winter it stands with bare branches, and in spring bunches of needle-like leaves appear on them. European larch (L. decidua) in adulthood reaches a height of 25 m or more.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Norway spruce (P. abies) is a traditional tree. Serbian spruce (P. omorika) has a narrow conical crown; the Norway spruce variety ‘Nidiformis’ is a dwarf 30 cm high with a flat top. There are also other colors - Prickly Spruce (P. pungens) is blue, and Eastern Spruce (P. orientalis) ‘Aurea’ is 3.5 m high with yellow needles.


  • Location: must be sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Most pines are too tall, but there are slow-growing and dwarf varieties. Scots pine (P. sylvestris) has a number of cultivars, and black pine (P. nigra) is good tree for single landing. Dwarf varieties include Mountain Pine (P mugo) 60cm tall and Weymouth Pine (P. strobus) ‘Nana’.

Coniferous shrubs: names and photos

Now get acquainted with such a magnificent group of plants as coniferous shrubs. On this page you see the names and photos of coniferous shrubs for landscape design. The photo of coniferous shrubs shows various types of plot design. The names of coniferous shrubs are given in generally accepted usage.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Cryptomeria japonica (C. japonica). The green leaves turn reddish-brown in winter. K. japonica has a height of 6 m, but at maturity can reach 25 m. ‘Elegans’, 3 m tall, has feathery foliage; ‘Vilmoriniana’ is a popular dwarf variety for rock gardens.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

There are many types - creeping, such as Juniperus horizontalis (J.horizontalis); medium-sized shrubs like M. media (J. media) ‘Pfitzerana’; and tall trees such as J. virginiana ‘Skyrocket’. You can find junipers with green, gray, blue or yellow leaves.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Slow growing coniferous plants. Yew berry (T. baccata), 2 m tall, is a popular species for hedges. The ‘Fastigiata’ variety has a narrow columnar crown shape; ‘Repandens’ is a dwarf with a height of 60cm. Medium yew (T. media) ‘Hicksii’ forms rounded bushes.


> Trees and shrubs >

The strict forms of coniferous trees will always be appropriate in almost any landscape design.

In summer, coniferous trees are ideally combined with a green lawn in the yard and other flowering plants, and in winter, conifers are able to save a summer cottage with their bright green and branching from gray days and lifelessness. In addition, coniferous shrubs and trees can provide pure and enriched with healing properties. essential oils air.

  • Spruce: description with photo
  • Fir: description with photo
  • Juniper: description with photo
  • Cedar: description with photo
  • Cypress tree: description and photo
  • Cypress: description with photo
  • Larch: description with photo
  • Thuja: description with photo

Modern gardeners can no longer imagine their garden without evergreen trees and shrubs. And there are plenty of conifers to choose from. Below you can see some coniferous trees that will be an excellent decoration for the garden and fit perfectly into the landscape design.

Spruce: description with photo

Spruce trees are tall, slender coniferous trees that will look very effective both individually and in compositions. Professionals are able to build whole plants from these plants. coniferous hedges. Nowadays, spruce is for everyone not only a tall, large crop that has delighted us since childhood.

In winter, a spruce planted in the yard, can be dressed up New Year's toys . Such a living beauty will certainly delight not only a child, but even any adult. Periodically, the assortment of these coniferous trees is renewed with new decorative species.

Most often for planting in a country house or personal plot The following varieties are used:

  • Akrokona - the height of an adult tree can reach 3 meters, and the width - 4 meters;
  • Inverse - the height of this type reaches 7 meters, and the width is 2 meters;
  • Maxwelli is such a compact tree that reaches 2 meters in height and width;
  • Nidiformis - this type of spruce reaches a height of no more than 1 meter, and the width of the tree can grow up to 1.5 meters;
  • Ohlendorfi - the trunk of this type of spruce grows up to 6 meters, and the diameter of the crown reaches 3 meters;
  • Glauka - this type of spruce is characterized by a bluish tint of needles, so it is often used to decorate the garden in compositions with other deciduous trees.

Fir: description with photo

Fir is a magnificent plant belonging to the pine family. In Latin it is called Pinaceae. If we compare fir with other conifers, it has some differences - purple cones growing upward and flat needles. The plant's needles are soft and shiny. The needles are dark green on top, and each needle is marked with a white stripe on the bottom.

It is immediately worth noting that young seedlings grow over a very long time. Growth begins to accelerate only after 10 years and continues until the root system dies. Despite the fact that fir is a very common tree, many still cannot answer the question of whether it is a coniferous or deciduous plant.

The names of the most popular types of fir among gardeners:

  • Columnaris is a columnar species;
  • Prostrate - tree branches grow horizontally, the length of which can reach 2.5 meters;
  • Nana - conifer grows up to 50 meters in height and up to 1 meter in width. The crown of the tree has a rounded-flattened shape;
  • Argenta is a silver-colored needle. The plant's needles have white tips;
  • Glauka - blue needles with a slight waxy coating;
  • Varigata - the plant is distinguished by the presence of yellow spots on the needles.

Juniper: description with photo

Juniper ranks high on the list coniferous trees with bactericidal properties. The plant is very ancient. Juniper first appeared on the planet about 50 million years ago.

Currently, it is usually classified as a member of the cypress family. Juniper has about 70 species, among which you can find 30-meter trees and 15-centimeter dwarfs.

Each type has its own characteristics regarding not only appearance, but also regarding care and maintenance requirements.

Most often in summer cottages or in the garden you can find the following types of juniper:

  • Gold Con - the height of the conifer reaches 4 meters and the width is 1 meter. The shape of the branches is dense, narrow-conical;
  • Hibernica - an adult tree grows up to 3.5 meters in height, the crown is narrow, columnar in shape, the diameter of which is about 1 meter;
  • Green Carpet is a dwarf species. It grows only up to 0.5 meters in height and up to 1.5 in width.

Before planting juniper in your garden, it is important to remember that the plant should not be planted close to fruit trees, since it is a conductor of diseases such as rust.

Cedar: description with photo

Cedar is a coniferous tree that can most often be found in aristocratic gardens in England. These conifers can uniquely decorate a garden landscape. Often, varieties of cedar are used to decorate front entrances. Dwarf cedar trees can be used for bonsai.

Pine nuts, which many people love, have nothing to do with the cones that grow on cedar. The grains from real cedar cones are not edible. Edible nuts can be found in the cones of pine pine trees, which grow in Siberian forests.

Main decorative cedar species:

  • Glauka is a tree with blue needles;
  • Strict - the plant has a columnar crown with thick and short branches that are slightly raised upward;
  • Pendula - cedar branches fall down;
  • Nana - belongs to the dwarf variety.

Cypress tree: description and photo

In the wild, these evergreens can grow up to 70 meters in height. Externally, cypress is very similar to cypress. In landscape design, low-growing coniferous shrubs are often used to create a hedge. Among gardeners, dwarf cypress species, which do not exceed 3.5 meters in height, are in great demand.

Names of the most popular types of cypress:

  • Elwoody - the crown of the tree has a clonal crown, which transforms into a pyramidal crown with age. At the age of 10 years, the height of the tree can be about 1.5 meters;
  • Nana Gracilis - at the age of 10 years, the height of the tree can be about half a meter. The crown is round or conical;
  • Compacta - this type of cypress is distinguished by the presence of dense branches and a neat crown shape. The height of the tree can be up to 1 meter.

Before planting conifers, you should pay attention to the fact that dwarf cypress species do not tolerate winter well. Under a layer of snow they will not freeze, but they may freeze out. That is why it is very important to monitor the density of the snow.

Cypress: description with photo

In their natural habitat, these evergreens are trees or shrubs that have a cone-shaped or pyramid-shaped crown. The entire trunk of the plant is slender and covered with thick bark. The foliage is tightly pressed to the branches. Already in the second year there may be cones on the cypress. Each type of cypress has your requirements for care and cultivation.

Names of the most common types of cypress:

  • Bentami is a tree with an elegant crown and bluish-green needles;
  • Lindley - the main difference is the presence of bright green needles and large cones;
  • Tristis is a type of cypress with a columnar crown. The branches of the tree grow downward;
  • Compacta - the plant grows in the form of a shrub and has a rounded crown and rough needles;
  • Konika - this species is characterized by a pin-shaped crown and blue needles with a smoky tint. It is worth considering that this species does not tolerate frost;
  • Glauca - the shape of the crown is more inclined to columnar. The needles are silvery. This variety can easily tolerate frost.

Larch: description with photo

Based on the name, we can assume that this plant should not be a conifer. However, this is a completely erroneous opinion. Larch belongs to the pine family and belongs to the most common conifers. Externally, the plant is a slender tall tree that looks a bit like a spruce. Larch sheds all its needles every autumn.

IN favorable conditions habitat, the diameter of a tree trunk can reach 1 meter, and the height of a larch can reach up to 50 meters.

Currently, there are about 50 species of plants. The most popular of them are the following:

  • Vinimalis - weeping;
  • Corley – cushion-shaped;
  • Repens - a tree with creeping branches;
  • Kornik is a tree with a spherical crown;
  • Diana has a spherical crown, green needles with a smoky tint.

Thuja: description with photo

These columnar evergreen shrubs can now be found in almost all botanical gardens. Thuja belongs to the cypress family. Shrubs very resistant to rotting, severe frost and drought.

At the thuja powerful superficial root system, upward growing branches that form a column or pyramid shape. The bush also has small cones that ripen in the first year of life.

All the most popular types of thuja shrubs:

  • Clos of Gold - distinguished by needles of a rich orange hue. In winter, the branches take on a copper tint;
  • Columna is a shrub with dark green needles, there is a brilliant tint that does not disappear either in winter or in summer;
  • Holmstrap - this species is suitable for a small garden, since the height of the plant does not exceed 3 meters. The crown of the bush has a conical shape and is bright green.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that when choosing an evergreen tree or shrub for your summer cottage, you need to know not only the popular species and varieties, but also understand all the growth characteristics, development rates, and also know the rules for the care and maintenance of conifers.

Coniferous trees and shrubs: photos


Coniferous plants for the garden: photo review, types, names and care tips

Today, the use of ornamental coniferous plants for the garden in landscape design has become popular. They are pleasing to the eye at any time of the year.

Plants coniferous varieties evergreen, frost-resistant, unpretentious, do not require special care and have a number of advantages:

  • good adaptability to lack of sunlight;
  • attractive plant shape that does not require adjustment;
  • powerful root system allowing long time do without watering;
  • beneficial effects on a person’s mental and physical health;
  • the versatility of using many types of conifers in creating a variety of landscape compositions.

Criteria for optimal plant selection

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing the most suitable conifer plant species:

  • specifics of the site (level of illumination, soil composition);
  • compatibility of plants on the site;
  • climate features of the region;
  • features of composition construction.

Types of conifers

Knowledge will help you make the right choice of conifers characteristic features plants and the basic principles of constructing design compositions. Short description characteristics and photos of coniferous plants for the garden will help you choose suitable varieties.

Juniper: Cypress family. Completely unpretentious. Possesses healing properties. Often planted in natural type compositions. The best types: Cossack and common juniper.

Thuja: Cypress family. evergreen shrub, hardy in urban environments. The most common are: thuja Danika and Smaragd. Planted singly and in groups.

Larch: pine family. Very common on the planet, tolerates frost well. In autumn it sheds its needles. The species used are fine-scaled and European larch. Durable, can grow in any soil.

Fir: pine family. A tall tree with horizontal branches, flat needles and cones growing upward. The most famous are Korean and balsam fir. Has healing properties.

Pine: The pine family. Often used in garden design with coniferous plants. It is frost-resistant and light-loving. The best choice- dwarf pine Compacta Glauka.

Spruce: pine family. Unpretentious plant. Blue spruce looks especially beautiful.

Good in any composition.

Plant height

The determining factor when choosing conifer species is the height of the plants. Tall - play the main role in the overall composition of the garden, then the rest of the plants are selected. It is very important to correctly determine the planting site, taking into account the growth of the root system. Tall conifers for the garden: Skyrocket juniper, Hoopsii spruce.

To curb the growth of tall plants, trees should be regularly pruned or young shoots grafted. Special attention should be given to the top. You cannot skip pruning conifers, otherwise you may end up with strange crown shapes.

Plants of medium height are very appropriate in the garden. Usually they are planted at the entrance or along paths.

Most suitable: Konica spruce, berry yew and golden yew.

Dwarf coniferous plants for the garden look good against the background ornamental grasses. Good fit:

Hampi pine and Lombers spruce.

Giants and dwarfs can be combined in one area. A properly composed composition will visually balance the differences.

Landing rules

Planting, caring for and growing plants must be carried out according to certain rules:

1. The most suitable area for planting conifers is an area protected from the wind and scorching sun.

2. Purchase better plants in the nursery of their region, they are already adapted to the local climate and will easily take root on the site.

3. When planting, leave the root collar above the soil level.

4. Seedlings should be planted in the spring.

5. Eliminate excess moisture by drainage.

6. Maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters between plants.

7. Ensure regular watering of seedlings (at least once a week).

8. In winter, cover the roots of the ephedra.

In the first year mineral fertilizers are not needed, then you can use them in moderation.

So that the plants have a well-groomed and beautiful view, you must adhere to these recommendations.

Coniferous plants for the garden will transform your site and become a source of aesthetic pleasure!

Photos of the most beautiful coniferous plants for the garden


Coniferous plants will help make even the smallest garden spectacular and very beautiful. They look great both individually and in a composition. With the help of a coniferous tree or shrub, you can highlight a specific place on the site.

Even a person who has never done landscape design before will be able to place accents.

In addition, coniferous plants have an undeniable advantage - they look great all year round.

This means that the garden will look attractive not only in summer, during the flowering period of deciduous trees, but also in winter, when the ground is covered with a layer of snow.

To create beautiful composition, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the properties of different coniferous plants, their differences and characteristics.

Coniferous plants for the garden: names of varieties and descriptions of species

Not all types of coniferous plants are suitable for landscaping. Landscape designers have long identified specimens that not only take root well, but also create excellent combinations with other trees and shrubs. Each group has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. It is worth noting that you can combine plants of different types.


The main representative of this species is the yew. This is an evergreen plant may be monoecious, and dioecious. The leaves of all representatives of the species are needle-shaped. They are arranged asymmetrically or double-row.

This is a family in total has about twenty representatives. Since plants are demanding on air humidity and soil composition, they usually grow in the Northern Hemisphere. A large root system allows them to receive the right amount of essential substances, and well-drained soil allows for active growth.

Yew trees will not grow in wetlands or on soil with high level acidity. The best thing place them in a dark area, where other plants will not be able to function normally due to lack of light. We recommend that you plant yew trees in places that are well protected from the wind. This arrangement will have a beneficial effect on the color of the plant.


The difficulty of working with this group is that everyone 12 types require special treatment and conditions. Among the cypress meet as thermophilic, and frost-resistant plants. Most members of the family are trees, but there are also shrubs.

All evergreen cypress easy to grow from seeds. They do not require additional care. The spectacular appearance of trees has made them a favorite of landscape designers.

It is best to plant plants with dark green needles in shaded areas where the sun will not burn the crowns. But the yellow color indicates planting in a sunny area.


Plants of this family are common in Asia and Europe, they are very common in the wild, but are not always suitable for garden decoration. The reason is that such trees are usually reach a height of 50 meters.

Therefore, when choosing a plant, you must first clarify its expected size. On small area pine in most cases will look ridiculous.

And yet you can choose a copy that fits well into the composition.

It is also worth considering the fact that representatives of this family powerful root system, which is actively growing. This means that you need to allocate a large space on the site in advance for it, without forcing different plants to compete for access to vital resources.

The big plus of pine trees is that they are equally tolerates frost and heat well, do not require special care and delight with their rich needle color all year round.

Tall coniferous plants for the garden

Such giants will look great in large areas, where you can appreciate their beauty without raising your head. Conifers are considered tall, whose size exceeds 2 meters. They can become either a central part of the composition or a background for other plants.

The following are in particular demand:

  • western thuja Brabant,
  • single-color fir,
  • European cedar pine,
  • spiny spruce Hoopsii and others.

A small plot is not a reason to refuse a forest beauty. Thick needles at the bottom will become the basis of the composition. For example, the Scots pine Watereri, which reaches a height of 3 meters by the age of thirty, will look great in the garden small size.

Conifers of medium height

It is impossible to imagine a beautiful composition without medium-sized coniferous plants. They perfectly complement small flower beds, maintaining an attractive appearance flower beds in winter. They are usually the ones planted along the path and around front door , creating a symmetrical design of the site.

Among coniferous plants of medium height, the following are popular:

  • globular thuja Globosa,
  • golden yew,
  • El Konika and others.

Dwarf coniferous plants for the garden

First of all, it is worth clarifying that dwarf coniferous plants are not always small in size. Everything in this world is relative, so a dwarf spruce can reach two meters in height. What are the miracles of selection? The size of the original plant exceeds 50 meters.

But still, in most cases, dwarf plants do not move more than a meter from the ground. They look great in combination with stones and ornamental grasses.

It is worth highlighting:

  • El Lombers,
  • Hampi mountain pine,
  • Korean Piccolo fir.

Rules for the composition of coniferous plants in the garden

First of all, you need to remember that coniferous plants can greatly increase in size. Growth takes a lot of time. But in order not to discover after 5-7 years that the composition has merged into a continuous canvas, you need to take into account the expected dimensions before planting.

You also need to understand which plants will grow a lot and which will remain small. Only in this case can you avoid the unpleasant situation when noticeably grown specimens cover the entire composition.

The ideal background for coniferous plants is a lawn. But he must be well-groomed. A combination of trees and bushes will go well with the bright green color of young grass.

Coniferous plants can be freely arranged into a whole composition, including both dwarf trees and tall plants. They will not “blend together” and will look impressive thanks to different sizes needle-like leaves, as well as different shades pine needles


A complex composition that pleases the eye both in winter and summer is a mixborder. Such a specific flower garden combines several types of plants at once that bloom in different time. Conifers are included in the mixborder so that in winter it continues to attract attention and looks fresh and interesting.

Afterwards, plants of medium height are planted, and the last level is followed by creeping shrubs and dwarf conifers.


Another common way of distributing coniferous plants on a site is planting along paths or around the perimeter of the garden. Moreover, such a fence can consist of several “layers”. Trees are planted in a staggered pattern to leave room for a strong root system. But shrubs can form a continuous line.

Features of caring for coniferous plants for the garden

The unpretentiousness of coniferous plants is their undeniable advantage, but even they still need care. It is especially important to monitor young seedlings; their future fate depends on the care they take in the first year of “life” on the site.

It is worth remembering that each plant has its own special needs. For example, some trees need watering once every two weeks, while others need watering once a month. At the same time, everything seedlings must be watered at least once a week. After they take root, they can be switched to the standard regime for this species.

Additional feeding desirable, but not critical. Since coniferous plants do not need to spend energy every year on forming foliage, useful material are consumed more slowly. Best used for feeding complex mineral fertilizers.

Not all conifers are frost-resistant, so some plants need to be covered for the winter. Also, in hot weather, you should monitor the condition of the needles; you may need protection from sunlight.

Regular pruning of branches, giving the desired shape and getting rid of weeds and diseased plants is the key to a beautiful and prosperous garden.