In a private house      04/04/2019

House with a flat roof. Projects of houses with a flat roof: their features and varieties, pros and cons, nuances of choice

House projects with flat roof allow to build country houses By modern technologies. Their development has led to the use of a variety of materials for roof installation. Before arranging it, you should familiarize yourself with all the stages of designing such exclusive buildings.

Projects of houses with a flat roof allow the construction of country houses using modern technologies

When designing a house with a flat roof, it is important to identify all its main advantages. Among the positive aspects of the construction of a modern building are:

  • unique creative design, for example, a high-tech house with a flat roof or others;
  • savings on heating the building inside;
  • availability of additional square meters.

Arranging Vacation home or a cottage with a flat roof, you should pay attention to the design trends in Western countries. Minimalism or hi-tech style: here you can always feel the material benefit. A house with a usable roof will be very comfortable. At the same time, this roof design allows you to improve a house with a flat roof by arranging a special area for sports games.

The expenses incurred in the process of designing houses or cottages with a flat roof are not a very expensive option. If a layer of snow remains on a flat roof in winter, it will act as a good insulator. Heating such a house will cost less.

Although it is acceptable for many to implement flat roof house designs, these options do have their drawbacks. A flat roof should be installed taking into account the requirements for laying waterproofing. Among the main reasons why home owners can criticize such a structure with any design is its leakage. This is usually due to minor deviations in technology or negligence of builders. Water may accumulate on the roof surface.

To completely eliminate the leak, reconstruction must be carried out, which can be very expensive. Roof cleaning is usually done independently without the use of equipment. Indeed, as the snow begins to melt, the waterproofing layer of the structure will begin to be subjected to heavy loads. As a result, the surface will be destroyed.

Gallery: houses with a flat roof (25 photos)

Modern house with a flat roof (video)

How to install a flat roof

Developing projects one-story houses with a flat roof, it is important to consider the following key points:

  • the roof should not be completely flat, so you should take into account its angle of inclination equal to 5-15°, otherwise this type of structure will be built only to collect rainfall;
  • An ideally flat roof should be sloped, since the required slope is required for drainage.

A terrace or gazebo with a flat roof is equipped using bulk building materials. You will also need concrete bracing or polymers having a fixed angle. This sheet material is called polystyrene plates.

A roof square, requiring an even roof angle, requires the presence of a load-bearing plane. The de-sloping stage must be included in the implementation plan for the house project. There are 2 types of projects country houses with a flat roof, which depends on the features of the roof structure:

  • lightweight;
  • exploited.

Each of these types has its own characteristics that should be taken into account during the roof construction process.

When arranging a country house or cottage with a flat roof, you should pay attention to the design trends in Western countries

Lightweight flat roofing

The lightweight version is a flat roof that does not involve maintenance. It can be made in any style, for example, high-tech. This structure should be erected in stages:

  • laying the main beams ( lumber material) is carried out on load-bearing walls or on a mauerlat mounted on them;
  • fixation of beams laid in increments of 0.5-1.0 m is carried out to the base using anchor pins;
  • solid material is laid on the beams wooden sheathing, consisting of edged boards inch thickness;
  • A membrane is laid on the sheathing for waterproofing.

The main beams can be wooden beams with a cross-section of 100x100 or 150x200 mm, which is determined by the calculated weight of the roof. The lathing is installed without any holes. The installation of the waterproofing layer must be multi-layered. All joints are glued using glue or tape.

Creating a flat roof “pie”

Experts do not recommend saving cash when purchasing and installing a waterproofing membrane. This material cannot be replaced with roofing felt, which will not provide the required effect, and the house cannot be left without a roof. When arranging roof insulation, extruded or extruded polystyrene foam boards are often used. mineral wool. The heat insulator must be mounted on the waterproofing layer carefully so that cracks do not form. Even with the slightest inaccuracy, the insulating material may begin to let cold air through over time.

When laying insulation on a timber sheathing, vents for ventilation are immediately installed, which will prevent the accumulation of condensation. This will keep the insulation dry. Good insulation is expanded clay, which is popular when creating projects of one-story houses with a flat roof. This layer should be about 100 mm. At the final stage of roof installation, it is necessary to provide waterproofing protection to the structure. The modern building materials market offers a membrane. A lightweight flat roof is not able to withstand heavy loads, so it cannot be used in such conditions.

Flat solid roof

A private house with a flat, solid roof should not sag, so you can take advantage of all the free space. In this case, no cracks should appear on the roof of the house. To create a flat roof, you will need to master special technologies. This requires some effort. There are several ways to equip a hard roof:

  1. Using concrete slabs as floors, taking into account that the supporting structures are strong enough to withstand the load.
  2. Using metal support beams to make a roof covering, you will need T-beams or I-beams, as well as channels No. 14-16.
  3. Using ceramic blocks placed on support beams to create a hard surface.

The first method requires the use of heavy equipment. This type of roof must be insulated from the inside of the building. A plank flooring consisting of boards with a minimum thickness of 22 mm is laid on metal support beams. Then a layer of expanded clay is poured with a thickness of at least 150 mm. On last stage arranging a hard surface, you can proceed to laying a concrete screed.

Most in demand in modern construction 3 way. For the installation of a solid roof, ceramic roofing materials. They can be immediately laid on support beams, which should ensure the strength of the roof. This material is able to retain heat well. It has excellent soundproofing characteristics.

Ceramic roofing blocks have the main advantage, that is, moisture resistance. Filling of a coupler is made without preliminary falling asleep of expanded clay. A significant drawback of the material is its high cost. Additionally, a roofing membrane is installed on a flat-type solid roof, which improves operational properties material and strengthen the waterproofing layer.

When choosing a project, it is important to remember that a flat roof is quite sensitive to the waterproofing layer. The pitched roof hides various operational defects. Having decided on the project for building a house with a flat roof, you should develop a further action plan, purchase quality materials. It is necessary to discuss in detail all conditions and requirements with the builders. As a result, a non-standard building will be erected, for example, in high-tech style, meeting European standards.

Flat roof (video)

Projects of houses with a flat roof

If the search for a cottage project is unsuccessful, then you can design it with the help of a team of specialists. This exciting process allows you to see each design stage, the beginning of which is taken to be the general concept. This process ends with the creation of a complete image, thought out to the smallest detail. Here it is necessary to take into account not only your own wishes, but also the landscape features of the suburban area.

Any project catalog provides the use of various architectural techniques. This entails the use of certain methods or technologies. Development of projects allowing the construction of two-story or one-story houses with a flat roof, requires taking into account several points:

  1. Conditions of the climatic zone where the object is located, which should affect the size of the thickness of the heat insulator used or its absence.
  2. The roof being installed may or may not have a drain, which determines the method of water drainage used.
  3. Determined functional purpose terraces with a roof, which can be a place for people to relax, a parking lot for a car, or a small garden for planting crops.

The nature of the use of the building influences the choice of the type of roofing structure, which can be:

  • traditional: the waterproofing layer is located above the thermal insulation;
  • inverse: the layers are arranged in reverse order.

If the operation of the roof involves the use of hydro- and heat insulators, then they must take the load. It can come from people or vehicles.

The roof of a house with an exploitable flat roof can be made of PVC membrane. She has long term service and does not require special care. Heating elements are used to remove snow from its surface.

Direct way to select projects two-story houses or one-story buildings - a specialized site. They are easy and convenient in construction, especially if the material used is gas silicate (aerated concrete) or a large-format type sample that belongs to warm ceramics. When choosing a house project, one should take into account the needs, the number of rooms for a specific purpose, the presence of a garage room,.

Attention, TODAY only!

Here you will find houses of various sizes, number of storeys, basic construction material and exterior finishing, which will undoubtedly decorate your site. We can proudly say that we offer best projects flat roof houses!

Individual projects of cottages with a flat roof

If you did not find in the catalog a project of a cottage with a flat roof that satisfies your needs, we will be happy to design it for you from scratch. This is a very interesting, exciting and painstaking process in which you will plunge headlong. With your own eyes you will see all stages of design, from the general concept to the finished image, thought out to the details. Here we will take into account all your dreams, wishes and landscape features.

Features of projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof

Various architectural techniques entail the use of certain technical solutions. When creating projects for houses and cottages with a flat roof, the following important points must be taken into account:

1. In what climatic zone is the designed facility located? This will affect the determination of the thickness of the insulation, or perhaps its complete absence. The rain intensity values ​​will determine the height of the parapet and the number of sinkholes.

2. The roof can be with or without a roof. Depending on this, the method of drainage is determined. It can be external or internal, adjustable or unregulated.

3. It is necessary to determine the functional purpose of the terraces: will they be intended for the movement of people or cars, or will an additional soil layer be needed here for planting plants. The nature of the use of the terrace will directly affect the choice of the type of roof. There are traditional roofs, where the waterproofing is above the thermal insulation, and inversion roofs with the reverse arrangement of layers. If the roof is in use, then hydro- and thermal insulation materials there are still additional requirements for the perception of the load from people, cars or other vehicles.

Flat roof cottages are a way to stand out!

Unfortunately, the average resident of Russia does not yet associate his a private house with new modern architecture. Moreover, many believe that a flat roof is not suitable for our climate, or it is very difficult and expensive to maintain it in the future. All these, of course, are myths! A cottage with a flat roof in our country is real. For some reason everyone forgets that most apartment buildings built with a flat roof. If you follow all the technology for its construction, then there will never be any problems during operation.

Everyone has a natural desire to stand out, to be different from the gray mass. This applies to the choice of clothes, car and, of course, your own home. A well-designed cottage with a flat roof will certainly show your impeccable taste, especially since this is still a rarity in domestic private development. The architectural bureau of Ilya Eliseev is happy to help you realize, perhaps, the most important project of your life!

The domestic consumer has long been familiar with the features of a flat roof, and believes that it is used for multi-storey government buildings. But modern manufacturers decided to expand their market, and found a new application for it.

It's amazing, but they appeared with a flat roof, differing in the same set functional features. It is suitable primarily for the area in the territory in which snowy winters and strong winds occur at the time accompanying their manifestation.

Their power will quickly blow away large layers of snow, and the roof will always be clean. And powerful hurricanes will not be afraid of such a roof covering. The thing is, it doesn't actually exist.

But this is only part of its capabilities. It will be possible to place many useful buildings for different times of the year. It could be a greenhouse or small garden, or maybe a dance floor. Other options are available based on the power of the owner's imagination.

But for everything to work out well, it is necessary to study the nuances of creating such structures. Now we will consider many issues related to this topic. To begin with, we advise you to familiarize yourself with photos of houses with a flat roof, which have already proven their suitability for various purposes.

What is the benefit of this roof structure?

If we talk only about a private house, then they lie in the following points:

This roofing option will take up a smaller area compared to the most gently sloping modifications. This will help save on the amount of materials.

The process of its construction is noticeably faster than the installation of a gable or hip version. Through this feature, create modern houses with a flat roof is much more profitable.

Ensures comfort and safety in performing the necessary rafter work processes. It is quite spacious and difficult to fall off.

It differs from the gable structure in that there is no need to carry out dismantling work from the outdated covering. It can be used as additional waterproofing or protection. This will help save energy and time.

Its surface is suitable for use as an additional area for organizing a flower garden, a cozy terrace, or a greenhouse.

Various transparent elements can be mounted to help organize beautiful view on the open starry sky at night or clouds with the sun in the daytime. And a charming view opens up to admire the rain or a strong storm - there are fans of this state of nature.

Helps to adjust the house to the basics of the minimalist style. It has now gained notable popularity.

What are the disadvantages? - Unfortunately, they exist...

If there is no strong wind, this option generously collects a lot of snow on its surface. You will need to clean it often in order to use the territory for your own purposes. Sometimes it can lead to noticeable leaks.

You will often have to clear snow using mechanical means. They can damage the roof.

The structure of the roof is particularly complex in comparison with other types of forms. For it you will have to organize a lot of drains. They, in turn, often become clogged.

From the pitched version of the roof covering, water drains on its own and this happens very quickly. She does not have time to cause noticeable damage.

On the flat version, water usually stands still and accumulates as rainfall continues. You will have to control the moisture content of the insulation and apply the coating at a small angle so that the water gradually finds the drains.

It will require less materials than a pitched one. But the creation itself is much more complicated. There are many subtleties that not everyone knows about and therefore often this roof option does not turn out the way it was intended.

Because of this, many people believe that a flat roof in a private house is not the best option. But now domestic manufacturers have learned about positive Western experience and learned to create the right materials.

And the specialists installation work adopted methods of high-quality work in this direction, and the situation began to change in better side. This approach has already been able to take root in Russia.

Is it suitable for frame versions of houses?

Yes, today you can see a frame house with a flat roof, more and more often, and it is perceived as commonplace. This roof can be in two directions. For use and without it.

If the roof is to be used, then it is adapted to allow people to move comfortably across its surface. To do this, use a rigid version of the screed or another version of the rigid base. Due to pressure from the movement of people, the roof may leak. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the creation reliable insulation from water.

But there is a version without human exploitation. Usually no one walks on it or rarely appears to clean its surface. The load on its area is distributed over the entire surface. But she has one significant problem. Its service life is too short. Although this version is often used due to possible features that satisfy the situation.

There is also a classic version of a flat roof. It is often called a soft roof option. It is formed by a load-bearing slab. Thermal insulation it is laid on top of the vapor barrier coating. And then the bitumen version of the waterproofing in the form of rolls is rolled out over the thermal insulation.

Due to its advantageous features, this option is used to form such a roof modification on frame house more often than any other.

But experts also highlight an inversion version for forming a flat roof. Sometimes this modification can help create a flat roof house style with a creative touch. experienced designer. What makes it stand out is that the waterproofing will have to be applied to a waterproofing carpet.

This will help protect against changes in temperature and ultraviolet rays from the sun, which is important if it is located in an open area and under direct access. And this version also allows you to increase the service life - the force of influence on waterproofing from the processes of thawing or freezing of snow precipitation is noticeably reduced. It is quite suitable for installing furniture, mounting a greenhouse.

Important points

To ensure high-quality installation of a flat version of the roof, installation will be required in any case. correct option carpet It will help soften the base in case of temperature or mechanical stress. This will help ensure the durability of the coating.

Now, based on the influence of Western culture, Russians have increasingly begun to pay attention to this roof option. The domestic user realized that a cup of coffee at any time on such a roof is a wonderful option. Here the sky is open at all times. And there is constant access to clean air. This great option, but a pitched roof cannot offer this.

Of course, not everyone can afford such a roof. Usually the maximum for a Russian is going out to the balcony. But over time it will become a reality for every resident of our country.

If you have the opportunity to create it today, there is no doubt that this is the best option. Today, houses in the Hi-Tech style are gaining great popularity and are mainly based on a flat roof. She has already become their full-fledged companion.

Photos of houses with a flat roof

Flat Roof House Projects

In our country, a flat roof is a rather atypical solution. Therefore, such a house will stand out among other buildings. A flat roof serves in its own way as an indicator of the status of the owner, the breadth of his views and the absence of conventions.

But a house with a flat roof is not just a tribute to fashion and a desire to stand out. If previously only elite apartment buildings, then today it is increasingly becoming an attribute of country houses. The flat roof allows you to realize the fantasies that owners pitched roofs and never dreamed of it. This is a luxurious flower garden and a pond with a beach area. Material benefits also play an important role when choosing such a roof. After all, it eliminates the need to design and build rafter system. True, a flat roof also has significant disadvantages. For example, the lack of under-roof space, and therefore the thermal insulation that it provides.

A house with a flat roof needs an attic with high-quality hydro- and thermal insulation. To do this you will need expensive materials. Whichever flat roof no matter what, a minimum slope is still necessary there. Usually it is 5-15 degrees. This angle of inclination is enough to prevent the roof from collecting rain and melt water. Moreover, on a perfectly flat roof you will have to make a slope, that is, give it some slope. For this purpose, special materials are used - plates with a certain angle. It is possible to use bulk materials. If you are worried about clearing snow in winter, calm down, you don’t have to pick up a shovel. A warm cable will help solve the problem, thanks to which the snow will constantly melt and flow off the roof on its own. However, even what is essentially a disadvantage can also be an advantage. It is not necessary to remove all the snow from the roof. By leaving it there in an amount safe for the roof, you get natural thermal insulation, which means you can save on heating.

If you decide to order a house project with a flat roof, you should remember that such construction may be associated with certain difficulties. For example, during the installation of a roof, all requirements for waterproofing must be met. Otherwise, you will end up with leaks and water pooling on your roof in the future. You can order individual project or buy standard project houses with a flat roof. In any case, you will be asked to choose one of two types of roofing. This can be a lightweight or exploitable flat roof. Lightweight roofing does not require operation. In this case, the beams are laid on top bearing walls and are fixed in place. The next step is to install the sheathing, then lay the waterproofing in several layers.

The next stage is laying thermal insulation and installing ventilation vents so that condensation does not accumulate in the insulation. Finally, you need to waterproof the roof using roofing membranes. If you choose finished project flat roof houses and would like to arrange a recreation area at the top, then you need to choose a structure with a solid roof designed for significant loads. There are several ways to arrange such a roof. Floors can serve as concrete plates. It will not be possible to lay such a roof without the use of heavy equipment; in addition, it needs to be insulated. Also the basis roofing You can put metal support beams. Most modern way– ceramic roofing blocks. This material will give the roof strength, keep heat inside and keep out sounds from outside. Such blocks are resistant to moisture.