In a private house      04/16/2019

How to make swans from tires. How to make a swan from a car tire

Although tire swan seems to be a fairly monotonous decor, but the examples of its use, which we will see in today's article, show how interesting it can be to play with landscape design this traditional figure. And, of course, it is imperative to touch on all aspects of manufacturing, so that you are as prepared as possible for the workflow and it goes simply and quickly.

How to make a swan out of a tire

It will be most logical if we first study how to make a swan out of a tire, and only then we will look at how similar ones can be used in various combinations. For any such craft, you will definitely need one tire, cutting tool, a piece of flexible wire or metal strip, as well as auxiliary materials such as paint, chalk for marking, etc., which can make your work easier.

Choice suitable material- this is a good bid for success, because not all ordinary tires can be used for cutting garden figures. First of all, the degree of wear of the tires plays a role, as well as the tread pattern on it. It is clear that the more “bald” the rubber is, the smaller the tread depth, the easier it will be for you to work with it, it is easier to cut, turn out, and make holes in the surface. Yes, and in principle, when we are faced with the task of doing, then we choose such raw materials that are no longer good for anything but a trash can. Therefore, if your tires that you want to use to decorate the site are still thick enough or have a large radius, it is better to use them to frame a flower bed or a children's sandbox without cutting, just covering them with multi-colored paint.

The second important aspect is the presence of a reinforcing mesh inside the rubber, which is called a cord. For its intended use, the cord is not only useful, but indispensable, as it gives the rubber better strength, but if you cut the surface, then along with the rubber edge you will get sharp spikes from the cord, which are very difficult to clean to a state of safety. Therefore, if you have children, especially when you make a decoration for a playground, then it is better to refuse such products. To find out if there is metal inside the tires you are going to work with, read the markings on the ramp itself. After making sure that no unpleasant surprises await you, you can proceed to the first stages of these.

You can see the layout with markups above, some one for all options. tire swan instructions does not exist and you, from the photo in the second part of our article, can see how different, simple and complex, there are options for it. In the first master class, we will analyze exactly the simplest option, so all you need to do is mark the neck with the head on one side of the tire using the axis of symmetry and cut the tire along these lines almost 3/4 of the circumference. Moreover, it is not necessary to cut off the part from which the head was cut out, it will turn out to be an excellent tail.

You can cut manually or with two electric tools, it all depends on the equipment you have and on the thickness and quality of the rubber itself. The grinder will handle the dense material best, but it will heat the rubber, which is why bad smell during work you are provided. Therefore, it is better to combine - to break through the beginning and end with the help of a grinder circle, and cut the rest using a shoe knife or an electric jigsaw. To make it easier to cut, draw the lines in parallel, cutting one or the other 20-30 centimeters each. When all the lines are finished, you need to turn the rubber inside out so that the wings and body take the shape we need.

Since the head and neck itself will not take the desired curved position, they need a simple frame, for which we need the wire prepared in advance. Therefore, in order to make tire swan step by step instructions necessarily includes drilling holes in the rubber of the head and neck, after which staples are inserted there and a wire is fixed between them. Now you can give the correct curve to the neck and head, and after staining this detail will be almost invisible.

So, last step will be coloring the figure with spray paint and secure it with a stand. You can also deepen the base into the ground or sand, but the stand will look better, especially if it is painted blue.

Do-it-yourself tire swan

It is not for nothing that in any ratings and selections you will surely find do-it-yourself swan from a tire. Although this craft cannot be called elementary, it still looks like such an ornament is much more complex and skillful than it actually is.

Compositions in which several figures are combined at once look beautiful. In addition, rubber is an excellent material for outdoor decor, as it is not afraid of precipitation. So you can decorate with products from it not only a flower garden or a playground, but also the surface of a pond, place it near the pool, and so on.

The decor of a summer cottage is not always carried out only by drawings of flowers, as well as green fences and columns. Small parts in visual perception overall design are also important. Many of them can be made by hand. For example, a swan from an unnecessary tire.

Do-it-yourself tire swan: choice of material

The primary task is the selection of tools for work. Not only the complexity of the process, which will take far more than one minute, but also the final result depends on it.

It is recommended to adapt a used tire with a worn tread for such a sculpture. In addition to the fact that an extra relief is not needed here, it will be much easier to cut on a similar surface. The original pattern on the tire does not really matter. Although it is easier to draw a diagram along a longitudinal pattern and, subsequently, cut it. In addition, the paint will fall on it with the least problems.

General softness is also not the last condition. In the case when the material can be picked up, and not only the one that is now at hand, it is worth looking for an option without the “Steel” marking. It means that a metal cord is mounted inside the rubber to stiffen the tire. For the wheel itself, this is fine, but for further processing of the tire, not so much. Not only is cutting on such a source no joy, but also the risk of injury through contact with metal wire increases. The ideal cord is nylon.

In addition to the tire, you should think about other devices. In particular, the marking will be carried out using chalk and tape measure. It is more convenient to cut the material with any shoe knife, the blade of which is carefully sharpened beforehand. In addition, the “Bulgarian” will be used, as well as electric jigsaw. Cutting disc required.

Additionally, it is worth preparing a drill. It will require 2 drills. The diameter of the first will be 3 mm, and the second - 10 mm. A coil of steel wire is also connected here, which will go to the brackets, any metal rod 1.5 m long, pliers. For coloring, you need white, red paint and a brush.

Tire swan: diagram and description of actions

The preparatory stage for creating garden decorations is to wait for the right weather. It is worth working with a tire on the street because of the smell exhaled by it during the cutting process. Before this, the tire is washed as much as possible. Cleaning the surface will facilitate both marking and cutting.

The first stage is the division of the whole circle into 2 parts. One of them will have the body of a swan, the other - the neck and head with a beak. A longitudinal line of the axis is immediately drawn, which will help maintain the symmetry of the sides. They will be mirrored to each other.

From the border of one of the semicircles, a beak begins to emerge, passing into the head, which will end in a long neck. The proportions of these parts look like 4:6:25. In particular, on a semicircle 70 cm long. the beak will take about 8 cm, the head - 12, and the neck is already all 50 cm.

At the beak, the end is supposed to be pointed, so the maximum thickness will be in the area of ​​articulation with the head and will be half of its length.

With the neck itself, everything is somewhat more complicated. Firstly, its length will exceed the length of the semicircle, which means that the indicated 50 cm is not the limit. For another 5-10 cm, it will need to be extended in the second zone. But as for the thickness, then at the place of the border it will be equal to 10 cm. The tail of the bird forms independently when the beak is cut. The resulting letter "V" will create it.

How to cut a swan out of a tire?

Cutting is one of the most agonizing steps. Here, even the choice of tools depends on own forces, and from the selected material. More worn rubber can be cut with a cobbler's knife. But the place of its insertion will still have to be drilled.

If the tire is still hard enough, option 2 is an electric jigsaw or grinder. The latter, of course, seems preferable. We must not forget that when its blade comes into contact with rubber, burning and emitting a pungent odor are observed. In addition, the tire is not the kind of material with which it is worth working with a "grinder" because of its mobility. In addition to breaking the pattern, there is a chance of injury.

An electric jigsaw for this kind of action is most successful. The tool is selected with a high frequency of teeth, the direction of which is oriented upwards during operation. To make it easier to handle the jigsaw, holes must be drilled at all corner points. The cutting direction will not be from the beak down, but from the base of the neck to the beak. Moreover, it is a mistake to deal with one side first, and then move on to the other. Important point- uniformity.

Another tip regarding cutting is the need to find a quality support. The fact is that an electric jigsaw will definitely make the tire vibrate, which will complicate the process. Therefore, it is worth placing a vertical wooden block inside, along which the tire will gradually move.

Do-it-yourself tire swan: final stage

Once the part from the beak to the base of the neck is cut out, you will need to do some edging. If, nevertheless, the tire contained a metal cord, the edges are polished with a grinder. In other cases, a shoe knife is used, after which sandpaper is cleaned.

Before the swan proudly throws up its head, there are still a few steps left. The first is turning the tire inside out. The final view is the outward wings of a bird. To create a neck, a pre-prepared metal rod is used in tandem with wire and pliers. The last two are involved in the creation of brackets, and the first will become the main structure holding the neck and head. To do this, holes are applied to the rubber with the thinnest drill. They should be located along the axis from the center point of the head to the tip of the tail. Their distance from the line of symmetry is 5-7 mm.

The rod laid inside is fixed with brackets. Their ends are bent with pliers, the excess is cut off with wire cutters. The final gesture is the formation of the bend of the neck. After that, it remains only to paint the swan. Eyes can also be made from short bolts with wide caps.

Of course, there are many ways to make a swan out of a tire. Such a composition is also made from plastic bottles, and garden hoses or even pipes from a vacuum cleaner. Algorithms are sometimes simpler, and somewhere, on the contrary, somewhat more complicated. A appearance in most cases it varies greatly.

According to the scheme discussed above, you can make 2 versions of the bird without changing the course of action too much. At one of the final stages, the side zones are simply cut along the circumference. As a result, the wings will lie on the ground, and the central circles of the tire will stand vertically. The shaping of the neck and head is done through the use of a metal rod.

This version, unlike the classical one, will not allow you to apply garden decor as a flower bed due to lack of space under the ground and seedlings. This swan is more "slender" and less "closed".

Now you know how to make a swan out of a tire, what tricks will make the difficult process easier, and what you need to achieve an excellent result. Having familiarized yourself with the basic algorithm, you will master more complex versions, and your garden will get its bright zest!

Beautiful noble swans have long chosen not only lakes and ponds, but also summer cottages. Graceful birds made from old car tires settled on green lawns, near artificial reservoirs and in gardens. Let us consider in detail several technologies for creating swans from tires and give recommendations for placement homemade product in the backyard area.

Tire swan - an outstanding garden decoration

Using old things to create new and original crafts designers call trash art. The idea of ​​creating beauty from old rubbish is eagerly brought to life by creative summer residents and gardeners. To implement their plans, the owners of suburban areas often use old car tires.

The swan is the most popular product for home craftsmen from used tires. They are created different ways, decorate in the most unusual colors and decorate each to your taste.

Swans - universal decoration garden and adjoining territory. They look appropriate near an artificial reservoir, a well, on a playground, at the entrance to a house or a gazebo. In addition, some models also have a practical purpose - for example, they are used to grow flowers. An unusual flower bed can play a leading role in the flower ensemble of the garden.

Despite the fact that the creation of swans from tires has become extremely popular among summer residents, the products do not have repetitions. Each gardener tries to add a “zest” to his masterpiece and decorate his site with an original, exclusive exhibit.

How to choose the right tire for creating a swan

Quality finished product and the ease of doing the job depends largely on the tire used. When choosing a material, preference should be given to an old tire with the following characteristics:

  • high degree of wear - the tire should have a minimum of spikes, be practically "bald";
  • the presence of a nylon cord on the tire (it is difficult to cut a tire with a metal cord);
  • the longitudinal pattern will greatly facilitate the workflow; it is better to refuse to make a swan from a tire with a transverse pattern;

Advice! The tire marking should not contain the inscription "Steel", which indicates the presence of metal amplifiers in the tire

Do-it-yourself tire swan

Selection of tools and materials

Prepare for work the following materials and tools:

Before starting work, the tire must be cleaned, rinsed and dried. To implement your idea, it is better to choose a cloudless day so that cutting the tire and assembling the swan can be done on the street.

Drawing development and product marking

The layout scheme determines the appearance of the finished product. Let's give an example of developing a drawing of a homemade swan for tires with the following characteristics:

  • marking R13;
  • width - 165 mm;
  • circumference - 180 cm.

Tire swan: scheme

The sequence of marking the tire:

Tire cutting is the most time-consuming process in the manufacture of a swan, requiring the performer to have certain skills in working with tools, patience and increased caution.

Important! Hands must be protected - wear durable work gloves. It will not be superfluous to use special glasses

Consider how to cut a swan out of a tire according to the markings. When working, adhere to the following rules:

After finishing cutting, it is necessary to process the edges of the product. If the swan is made from a tire with a metal cord, then a grinder will be required for grinding. Nylon threads can be cut with a sharp knife.

Assembling a swan from a tire

All work on assembling a swan can be divided into the following stages:

The self-made exhibit is almost ready, it remains to give it an aesthetic appearance and install it on the site.

Painting and decoration of the finished product

Before painting, you need to check again that the figure does not have sharp edges and protruding wires. Especially if the swan will serve as a decoration for the playground.

Pick up for painting paint material weather resistant. Color - at the request of the manufacturer. You can choose classic colors - black / white or create an original installation by painting the swan in a bright color.

It is better to paint the swan's beak with red paint, and build eyes from wide caps of bolts or pieces rubber tire. On a bird, you can create an imitation of plumage and make small incisions on the wings. A crown made of a plastic bottle will give a royal and noble look to a swan.

Making a swan from a tire: video

Alternative ways to create a swan

Swan without tire eversion

Let's give a simpler example of how to make a swan from a tire. Before work, the tire must be prepared: washed and dried.

Algorithm for creating a swan without turning the tire:

  1. On the sides of the tire, apply two parallel lines (indents from the edges - about 3 cm). The length of the lines is ½ of the circumference of the tire.
  2. Using a knife or jigsaw, make cuts along the marked lines.
  3. Bend the parts of the tire in different directions. You should get swan wings.
  4. Cut a strip in the middle of the tire - this will be the neck, head and beak of the bird.
  5. To shape the body and neck of the swan - install a solid frame (metal rod or steel plate). The frame is fixed with wire or invisible screws.
  6. Make swan eyes out of tire scraps.
  7. Paint the swan with white paint, the beak with orange or red.

Flowerbed in the shape of a swan

Tires can be made beautiful flower bed giving it the shape of a swan. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Mark the prepared tire. On one side of the tire, draw two lines in the form of half rings.
  2. Cut the tire along the lines to the middle.
  3. Cut the cut out middle into two parts (later it will be the head and neck).
  4. The second side of the tire can be completely cut off.
  5. Step on the outside of the tire and turn it inside out.
  6. Connect the two cut sides of the tire together and shape the head and neck. Attach the structure with wire.
  7. Cut off the excess part of the side, leaving a strip 5-8 cm wide.
  8. Cut out the decorative edge and fold to the outside.
  9. Color the swan.

After the product has dried, the flower bed can be transferred to permanent place, pour land and plant flowers.

Important! Fruit and vegetable crops cannot be grown in flowerbeds from tires, as rubber is toxic and emits harmful substances

Swan made of tires and plastic bottles

You can make an original swan from a tire, plastic bottles and a corrugated hose. To implement the idea, you need to prepare:

  • old tire;
  • white plastic bottles with a capacity of 1 liter (for one swan you will need 35-40 bottles);
  • white metal mesh;
  • corrugated hose (you can use an old hose from a vacuum cleaner);
  • wire for fixation;
  • Styrofoam.

Manufacturing instructions:

Options for placing a swan on a personal plot: photo ideas

Swans look very organically near their natural habitat - reservoirs. The swan can be installed near an artificial pond or fountain.

An interesting option is to place a swan on a stand in a pond. The illusion is created that the birds have just flown to the pond in search of food.

If there is no reservoir on the site, you can create an imitation of a pond and “settle” a couple of swans there.

Garden and lawn decoration. For the stability of the composition, you can use an additional tire.

Against the background of a white swan-bed, bright red flowers will look spectacular.

A white tire swan can be used to decorate a playground and garden.

From homemade swans, an interesting fence for the site is obtained. Rubber birds are installed one after another, creating the appearance of a partition.

After reviewing the presented ways to create products from tires, you can choose for yourself best option how to make a swan out of tires with your own hands.

Swans from tires: photo

D This master class will allow you not only to breathe a second life into old tires, but also to decorate your garden plot. Today we will make flower pots from old tires with our own hands.

So, for work we need:

  • An old tire with a small radial tread, without steel cord;
  • For a collar - a strip of iron;
  • Large sharp knife;
  • Two M8 washers, nut and bolt;
  • Brush and paints;
  • Spanners;
  • Drill diameter 10 and drill.

The process of creating flower pots from old tires with your own hands:

1. We take a large sharp knife and, constantly wetting it with water, make symmetrical cutouts on the tire 2/3 (240 degrees) along the bead ring, as shown in the figure. We cut the protector and side part at a distance of 1/3. In the larger side, using a triangular cutout, we separate the side part.

2. In we get such a cut piece of tire.

3. We turn it out.

4. Cut out the beak from the trim side.

5. Cut the smaller side of the tire lengthwise. The incision should be slightly over size beak.

6. We insert the beak and with the help of a clamp we compress the halves.

7. We drill a hole with a drill and with the help of two washers, a nut and a bolt we tighten the halves of the head.

8. To make the head narrower, cut off part of the tire on both sides. It should turn out like this:

9. On the larger side of the tire, mark with chalk and cut out the tail.

10. This is how our workpiece looks like. It remains to paint it.

11. We make a clamp from a strip of iron, with which we tighten the side parts of the pots. If there is no iron strip at hand, you can use a strong rope.

12. Now let's start painting the parrot. We use blue, yellow, black and white paints.

13. We color the parrot inside and out. We paint the side rings with black paint. If there is no black paint, you can leave them unpainted.

14. We carefully paint the head, trying to achieve maximum similarity with the original. We make black stripes and eyes with a black outline.

15. Do-it-yourself ready-made planters from a tire must be hung with a strong rope or wire to a horizontal structure. And inside you can place a flowerpot with a beautiful plant.

Thanks to Oleg Vashchenko for the master class!

How to make a swan

To do this, take an old tire - the older it is, the better, since it is easier to cover the worn tread with an even layer of paint and give our craft a more natural look.

You will also need paint and a sharp knife, some also use a jigsaw and a grinder to cut rubber - but certain skills are required when using them, and you should also take into account that when heated, the tire may begin to melt.

Before you start cutting out the swan of their tire, you need to draw contours on it, along which you will cut out the details. You can think over your own pattern of a swan, the main flying of which is a neck with a head and wings. We offer you the following scheme, which is relatively simple, but can be further supplemented with decorative details or additional cutouts, slots, jagged edges.

Having made the necessary cuts on the tire, it must be washed well and preferably degreased, and then proceed to painting - then it will last longer and withstand any weather.

After that, you need to bend the wings of the swan, giving them the final shape, you can also cut out the jagged edges of the wings and tail to make your swan very believable.

Also, before painting, it is necessary to fix the neck of the swan and give it the desired bend with the help of a thick wire, which you will mask with paint.

AND final stage in the manufacture of the swan, it remains to color its head and beak, you can also use other materials, for example, using the attached foam cut out in the shape of a swan's head, you can get a pretty pretty swan, more like a real one.

Well, now your garden, flower garden will be decorated with a wonderful swan. If you have a pond, then undoubtedly the swan will be an excellent addition to the design and decoration of your pond and recreation area near it. And also, of course, a swan from a tire can become an excellent flower bed - for this it is enough to place a flower pot in its center.

The garden plot is the pride of every owner country house. Therefore, it is worth carefully approaching the issue of decorating it. And you can do it with the help of improvised means with your own hands. Old car tires often gather dust in gardeners' garages. So why not give them a second life? Designers call this direction "trash art". This is a whole art in which various recyclable materials act as a material for work. How to cut a swan out of a tire? Step-by-step instruction will help to join the creativity described above.

Before starting work, you must choose the right tire.

For swans, the most suitable are the old, most worn out tires, popularly called "bald". Rubber should be worn to the limit. This material is much easier to work with. Don't use studded tires imported manufacturer. If you do not have old tires available, as an option, you can contact a tire service. One swan needs one tire. If you want to experiment with the shape of the bird, take a few.

The selected tire must be cleaned of dirt and dust. It is recommended to work outdoors.

Getting Started

Of the tools you will need:

  • chalk (for marking);
  • roulette;
  • electric drill + drills;
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • pliers;
  • sharp knife;
  • wire for staples;
  • thick wire (~1.5 m long);
  • dye.

After choosing the right tire and preparing all necessary tools you can start marking the product.

Scheme (drawing) of a swan from a wheel:

In the master class, work is carried out with an R13 tire, 16.5 cm wide. The circumference is 180 cm.

The markings begin with two parallel lines, dividing the circumference of the tire approximately in half. In the future, this will turn out to be the neck of a bird.

From the first risk, symmetrically to the center line, a beak is drawn (8-9 cm long, 3-4 cm wide). It passes into the head, 10-12 cm long and 7-8 cm wide. The head smoothly passes into the neck, and the latter, in turn, into the body. Therefore, at first it has a width of 4-5 cm, but by the end it reaches 8-10 cm. The marking ends on the line drawn by us earlier, which divided the tire in two.

After marking, the most time-consuming process begins - cutting. It requires a certain skill, strength, patience and increased caution. Therefore, this stage of work should be carried out without fail with gloves.

Cutting starts from the neck. The choice of tool for this task depends on the quality of the tire. If it is completely worn out, then a shoe knife may also come up. A thicker tread will have to be cut with a grinder or a jigsaw.

When finished cutting, carefully finish the edges. If there was a cord inside the tread, it will be necessary to grind it off.

In order to get wings after cutting, you need to unscrew the tire, as shown in the photo.

As a result, the swan has already taken its recognizable shape, it remains only to strengthen its parts. It is for this purpose that a thick wire prepared earlier will be needed.

To begin with, along the center line, it is necessary to drill paired holes symmetrically, with a diameter of 3 mm. The distance between pairs is 15 cm.

We fix the wire along the neck with staples.