In a private house      03/07/2020

Metal turning staircases with winder steps: features and advantages. Calculation of a wooden staircase with a turn through winder steps Drawings of a staircase with a turn through 90 winder steps

Please indicate required dimensions

X- width of the staircase opening
Y- opening height
Z- width of the stairs
F- step projection
W- thickness of steps
C- number of all stages
C1- number of steps on the lower flight
C2- number of rotary steps


Calculation of stairs with 90° turning steps.

A wooden staircase with turning steps can significantly save space in the house without losing convenience and functionality.

When calculating, pay attention to the optimal number of rotary steps. In my experience, 3 steps are optimal for a staircase width of 80 cm. More - the steps will be too narrow and therefore inconvenient.

If the opening is located only above the top of the stairs, then the height at the turning point to the ceiling is important to avoid head injuries. It must be at least 2 meters.

With this design, the width of the stairs plays a role important role. Because it directly affects the convenience of turning steps. The wider the staircase, the greater the number of steps that can be used without loss of convenience.

Due to the variety of projects and designs, railings for stairs are not calculated or shown in any way in the program.

Important! Pay attention to the dimensions of the turning steps. To get the dimensions of the step, do not forget to add the size of the protrusion to these dimensions.

Calculating a stone staircase is no different from calculating a wooden or metal staircase. The main thing is to correctly calculate the size of the steps. Their height must be the same for all its parts.

Calculation of stair comfort is calculated using a formula based on step length.
A person's stride length ranges from 60 to 66 cm, with an average of 63 cm.
A comfortable staircase corresponds to the formula: 2 step heights + step depth = 63±3 cm.

The most convenient inclination of the stairs is from 30° to 40°.
The depth of the steps of the stairs must correspond to shoe size 45 - no less than 28-30 cm.
The lack of depth can be compensated by the protrusion of the step.
The height of the step should be up to 20-25 cm.

The program will draw drawings of a staircase with turning steps with the main angles and dimensions.
The drawings show the general dimensions of the stairs, the markings of the top of the steps on the strings, the corners of the steps and the main dimensions of the steps themselves.

I hope the program will help you design and make a staircase for your garden or home with your own hands.

Rice. 1 General drawing stairs

"Show risers: H" function

Fig.3 Execution of stairs with risers

You can build your staircase with or without risers. The staircase drawing allows you to see what the structure will look like with both options.

Function “Upper step below the floor of the 2nd floor: SP”

Rice. 4 Execution of the staircase, with the top step below the floor of the 2nd floor

Depending on the relative placement of the structure and the floor of the upper floor:

  1. The upper plane of the top step is flush with the plane of the floor of the upper floor;
  2. The upper plane of the top step is lower than the plane of the floor of the upper floor by the height of the step.

The choice of one or another mutual placement may depend on: the thickness of the interfloor ceilings, the desired relationship between the number of steps and their height, the length of blanks for stringers and the length of the opening, the desired angle of inclination of the stairs, or simply the tastes and preferences of the owner of the house. Please note: in the picture in which the top step is below the floor of the 2nd floor, the thickness interfloor covering more than in the figure, in which the upper step is at the floor level of the 2nd floor. If the thickness of the ceiling is less than the height of the step, the stringer simply will not rest against the ceiling (therefore, when demonstrating the second option, this thickness had to be increased).

Function "Black and white drawing:"

Rice. 5 Black and white drawing of a staircase

It is advisable to use this function in two cases:

  1. If you are used to working with standard GOST drawings, and, accordingly, you better perceive graphics without color content.
  2. If you are going to print the results of the calculator. Then you will spend less paint/toner and the visual perception of the drawings on paper will be better. And, of course, this function is used when printing on a black and white printer

Function "Change lifting direction: LR"

Rice. 6 Type of stairs with in different directions rise

A specific staircase, which is placed in a certain way in the house, can be approached from the side from two sides or only from one side - when the staircase is in contact with the wall. In the latter case, there are two options for placing the structure relative to the observer:

  1. Rise from left to right;
  2. Ascent from right to left.

This function allows you to visualize both of these options.

Calculation of a winder staircase with a 90° turn

The main result of this calculator:

  1. Information needed to make bowstrings
  2. Information required for making steps

According to this information, the parts from which the structure is assembled are manufactured.

All other drawings show the final appearance of the structure: after joining the strings and steps to each other.

A special feature of this calculator for calculating stairs with 90° turning steps is the implementation of two functions:

  1. Assessing the convenience of the stairs;
  2. Adjustment of staircase design.

Assessing the convenience of a staircase is carried out according to three criteria:

  1. Compliance of the design with the average stride length. According to this criterion, the sum of the step depth and the two heights should equal the average step length. The average human step length is 63 cm.
  2. Step depth. Comfortable step depth is from 28 cm. For a given opening length, the step depth can be adjusted by changing the protrusion.
  3. The angle of inclination of the stairs. The optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is from 30° to 40°. At tilt angles from 20° to 30° and from 40° to 45°, the comfort level of movement between floors is significantly reduced. Angles of inclination beyond the above limits can significantly affect the speed of movement between floors and the safety level of the stairs.

Based on the results of assessing a specific design, an indicator of the level of convenience is given for each of the criteria, and the staircase is assigned an overall level of convenience. The calculator evaluates whether the staircase meets the generally known criteria of convenience, but you must always remember that your staircase in your home should serve your purposes as efficiently as possible. And if, in accordance with these goals, you need to build the most non-standard staircase in the world - go for it.

If there is a need to improve the design of the stairs, the calculator gives advice on how to do this:

  1. Reduce/increase the number of steps;
  2. Increase the protrusion of the steps (if the depth of the steps is insufficient for comfortable walking);
  3. Reduce/increase the length of the opening.

After adjusting the design, as well as accurately calculating the winder steps of the staircase at 90 degrees, the normalized parameters will become closer to ideal, but such adjustments may have to be made several more times.

Instructions for the calculator of stairs with winder steps with a 90-degree turn

In order to calculate the stairs with winder steps 90° online, using this calculator, you need to know the height of the floor, the size of the space that you can allocate for the staircase, the materials with which you are going to build it, and, of course, the purpose of its use. Before you start work, you need to carefully consider all the nuances: whether the staircase is adjacent to the wall, or in contact with elements of the interior of the house, and how this should affect the structure itself and the process of its construction. Perhaps, to choose the right option in terms of size and design, you will have to use a calculator to calculate and compare several. Before you start processing the material, make sure that the detail drawings correspond to the ladder that is suitable for you and your purposes. When building, attach the parts to each other, and the staircase itself to the house so that you can guarantee the reliability and strength of the structure for decades.

The stairs presented on our website can be divided into categories according to three mutually dependent criteria:

1. Length dimensions

A. Maximum length - all steps are placed on one pair of bowstrings/stringers;

b. Medium length - steps are placed on two pairs of strings;

V. Minimum length - the steps are placed on three pairs of strings, the length dimension is regulated by changing the number of steps on the corresponding pairs of strings.

2. Width dimensions

A. Maximum width - steps are placed on two or three pairs of strings, the width dimension is regulated by changing the number of steps on the corresponding pair of strings;

b. Average width - the steps are placed on two parallel pairs of strings, the width dimension is equal to two widths of the stairs;

V. Minimum width— all steps are placed on one pair of bowstrings/stringers, the width dimension is equal to the width of the staircase;

3. Difficulty in manufacturing

A. Easy to manufacture - made from bowstrings/stringers and rectangular steps;

b. Medium complexity of manufacturing - made of bowstrings, rectangular steps and platforms;

V. Difficult to manufacture - made from bowstrings/stringers, rectangular steps, platforms and turning steps.

Stairs presented on our website:

  • - 1.a.-2.v.-3.a.
  • - 1.b.-2.a.-3.b.
  • - 1.b.-2.b.-3.b.
  • - 1.b.-2.b.-3.c.
  • - 1.c.-2.a.-3.b.
  • — 1.v.-2.a.-3.v.
  • - out of classification
  • - 1.a.-2.v.-3.a.

In each specific situation, the floor height is already specified. Based on your own preferences, you can choose the level of convenience: either the convenience criteria are met, or the staircase is flatter, or steeper, etc. Having this information, we can talk about the number of ascents (steps and platforms) in a particular situation.

Let's imagine that we have, for example, 12 ascents - steps and platforms. The design of a staircase is the shape of these risers (steps, flights, turning steps, landings) and how these 12 rises are placed relative to each other.

You can place all these 12 rises in one row along the length of the opening - “ “, “ “. In this case, your staircase will have maximum size in length, minimal dimensions in width and will not be difficult to manufacture.

These 12 lifts can be placed in 2 rows, rotated 90° relative to each other (when viewed from above). With a platform on the turn - “°” - an option that is easier to manufacture (for example, 5 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, a platform and 6 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). With rotary steps on the turn - “°” - a more difficult option to manufacture (for example, 3 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, 3 rotary steps and 6 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). In these cases, your staircase will have an average dimension in length and an adjustable dimension in width.

You can place these 12 lifts in 2 parallel (when viewed from above) rows placed next to each other. With a platform on the turn - "" - a simpler option to manufacture (for example, 5 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, a platform and 6 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). With rotary steps on the turn - "" - a more difficult option to manufacture (for example, 3 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, 3 rotary steps and 6 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). In these cases, your staircase will have an average dimension in length and an average dimension in width.

You can place these 12 lifts on 3 rows perpendicular to each other (when viewed from above). With platforms on turns - "" - a simpler option to manufacture (for example, 2 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, a platform, 3 steps on the middle pair of bowstrings, a platform and 5 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). With rotary steps on the turn - “” - a more difficult option to manufacture (for example, 2 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, 3 rotary steps, 2 steps on the middle pair of bowstrings, 3 rotary steps, 2 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). In these cases, your staircase will have a minimum length dimension and an adjustable width dimension.

Or you can choose ““, which is not similar to any of the above and will give the interior of your home a truly sophisticated look, just like a spectacular wooden or stylish metal screw.

This design is relevant in a situation where you want a staircase of two flights with a beautiful transition between them in the form of turning steps, and the amount of space in the place where it needs to be placed is limited. The turning steps are not attached directly to the strings, so you will need to provide additional parts through which the load from the turning steps would be transferred to the rest of the stairs.

Many private houses, apartments, and offices have an unusual layout or limited space to accommodate the staircase, which makes it difficult and narrows the choice of its type - standard straight staircases or rotating ones with landings may simply not fit.

For comfort, a staircase with winder steps was invented, which can be easily adjusted to any layout features and building sizes. It saves usable space, looks very elegant, and if all construction requirements for the width of the steps are met, then such a staircase with turning steps is also not dangerous.

Features of the winder staircase

A well-made staircase can serve as both a practical solution and unique element interior An L-shaped staircase with winder steps is made of natural wood or high-strength aluminum material. In addition, it has a unique shape and compactness, which makes it indispensable in private homes and other facilities.

A properly designed ladder can withstand significant loads and has a long service life. Our service website invites you to carry out a high-quality calculation of stairs with winder steps, taking into account specific characteristics your house, apartment, or other property.

What are the features of the calculator?

From the site you will make a full calculation of a staircase with winder steps at 90 degrees. In addition, it is automatically generated 3D model using the obtained calculations. The three-dimensional model reflects the convenience/inconvenience of passage, allowing you to assess possible risks. As a result, you receive ready-made engineering drawings for your own production.

With us you save money. The calculator for calculating stairs with winder steps will make accurate calculations of the volume, number of steps, dimensions and construction materials. You don’t have to call a specialist and pay extra for his services, or contact furniture company and order the manufacture of stairs.

Save time. Why would you waste time on complicated calculations when you have our staircase calculator? You will be required to enter the dimensions and click the “Calculate” button. You no longer need to waste energy on doing everything yourself, or use other programs and suffer trying to save calculations - with us you can send or save all the necessary files in one click.

How to make calculations?

First of all, measure the height of the opening for the stairs on the stringers - between the floor of the 1st and 2nd floors. Everything is extremely simple. Enter the units of measurement - cm, m. Then select the color in which the drawing will be generated (color is convenient for viewing, black and white for printing).

After which you need to enter the coordinate points of the flight: height, length, width of the stairs, number of steps, indicate their parameters (thickness, protrusion). Then click on the “Calculate” button.

As a result, you will receive calculated data on the necessary materials, on the elements of the staircase: stringers, steps, risers, a drawing of a staircase with winder steps. By clicking on the “View in 3D” button, you can view a three-dimensional 3D model of the winder staircase design.

Thanks to the calculator, you will receive both the exact overall values ​​of the stringers and each one individually. Namely, the width was recorded both horizontally and vertically, and the angle of inclination. In addition, you are provided with data on the optimal volume and parameters of materials: width, length, thickness, quantity and volume, so that the rotary staircase with winder steps will best meet your and construction requirements.

What will you get? Detailed drawings, 3D model, calculation of the design of a staircase with turning steps

You get a practical solution for making accurate calculations for stairs with turning steps. In addition, with the help of our calculators you can independently design and calculate other types of stairs, Various types roofs In the near future it will be possible to calculate other necessary structural elements houses - foundation, walls, and more. Subscribe to news in our groups in in social networks to be aware of the release of a new functional calculator.

Using the site is very simple - you do not need any special knowledge, you just need to enter a couple of values, and you can get a professional design for a staircase with winder steps, as well as a calculation for another type of staircase or roof completely free of charge!

The most accurate, convenient and reliable calculation stairs with a 90 degree turn in RuNet. Based on the calculation results, you will receive all the necessary data for the manufacture of a two-flight staircase with a 90-degree rotation with detailed detailed drawings of each element and an adaptive 3D model.

90 degree turn staircase calculator with landing

Staircase with 90° turn(L-shaped staircase) is a structure of two flights, located relative to each other at right angles and connected to each other by a turning platform. It is the most popular type of construction, as it has small dimensions and allows installation in openings with small area, while maintaining comfortable height steps.

The staircase calculator with a 90-degree turn with a platform from KALK.PRO allows you to get detailed data, necessary for the manufacture of stringers, steps, risers, platforms, railings, balusters and much more. In addition, you receive a full set of staircase drawings (assembled or individual elements) in different projections, and the elements of the virtual scene (3D model) allow you to evaluate the structure in a given opening in real proportions and make a final decision about the need to use this particular structure.


In order to get a calculation on our calculator, you need to select or enter:

  • Units. Available in mm, cm, m, inches, feet, default cm.
  • Staircase option. Right-hand or left-hand design.
  • Opening dimensions. Height, length, width of the opening.
  • steps. Number (upper, lower), thickness, protrusion. It is also necessary to note whether the top step will be located at the level of the 2nd floor or not.
  • Risers. Optional.
  • Stringers. Thickness and width.
  • Overlap. The thickness of the ceiling, the protrusion above the opening, the distance from the wall.
  • Fencing. Height, width and thickness of handrails, baluster section.
  • Wall. Thickness.

After this, press the button “ Calculate».

If you do not know the initial data that is necessary to calculate a 90° turning staircase, you should read the following paragraph, which presents the optimal dimensions of structural elements in private houses. Recommended reading.

We warn you that for the construction of stairs there are certain construction standards and regulations that regulate methods for calculating loads and strength, dimensions, quality of materials, etc. It is necessary to design a staircase only in accordance with these rules, which include various SNIPs and GOSTs, in order to avoid the collapse of the structure or its increased risk of injury.

Calculating stairs online with a 90° turn with a platform on our website allows you to avoid most difficulties. Possible mistakes will be highlighted in red in the “Calculation Results” block.

To calculate wooden stairs, entire “convenience formulas” have been developed. In construction practice, generally accepted, most commonly used parameters for comfortable, durable and safe stairs have been formed. For example, most craftsmen use the well-known formula of the “ideal safe staircase”, which was developed several centuries ago by the architect Francois Blondel:

Formula for a comfortable staircase: 2 × h + s = 60/65 cm

  • h - height of steps;
  • s - length of steps.
  • Stair angle. Convenient tilt angle wooden stairs between 30-45 degrees.
  • Stair width. Behind optimal size The width of the flight of one flight in a private house is 90-110 cm; if there is insufficient space in a private house, the staircase can be made narrower, but not less than 80 cm.
  • Height and width of steps. According to practice, the ideal step height is in the range of 15-17 cm, the optimal step width is 27-30 cm.
  • Thickness of steps, risers and stringers. The elements are made from wooden planks, for a riser about 3 cm thick, for steps - 4 cm, stringers - 5-7 cm.
  • Minimal overhang. The minimum protrusion of a step above the riser is 30 mm, the maximum for a wooden staircase is 40 mm.
  • Number of steps. Maximum amount for one flight of stairs - 18 pieces. On average, it is recommended to use 10-12 pieces.
  • Fencing. For safety reasons, the height of the railing should be higher than 90 cm.

Calculation result

As a result of using our program for calculating a staircase to the second floor with a 90° turn with a landing, you will receive the following information:

  1. Quantity required material, i.e. full estimate for making stairs.
  2. The angle of inclination of the stairs, as well as recommendations for optimal height and step width.
  3. Parameters of stringers for two flights of stairs separately.
  4. Length, width and height of steps.
  5. Riser options, if you decide to use them,
  6. Dimensions of the platform connecting both flights of stairs.

Drawing of a staircase with a 90° turn

Also, the online calculator will prepare for you 4 drawings of a staircase with a platform: different kinds on the structure (side, top), drawing of stringers (top, bottom) - all with detailed markings.

3D model of a staircase

A 3D model of an L-shaped staircase with a platform on stringers allows you to preliminary evaluate the resulting structure in real proportions. Pay attention to the tab buttons " 3D view" With their help, you can enable or disable various elements of the virtual scene in order to design with maximum convenience.

  • To zoom in/out of the structure, you must use mouse wheel.
  • To rotate the structure, use left mouse button(LMB).
  • To change the starting point of view, hold down right mouse button(RMB).

If the room has high ceilings, then you should also pay attention to buildings consisting of a series of steps with a 90-degree turn. To make the ascent safer, it is preferable to use an intermediate platform during the construction of structures.

Let's highlight some features:

  • the space under the steps can be used for your own needs;
  • can, if necessary, have an approach from any side: ninety-degree stairs, right-handed and left-handed;
  • winder steps during the construction of a structure are smaller in height, unlike other types of stairs;
  • the marches are at right angles, the intermediate platform is made in the shape of a square.

The most commonly used material in manufacturing is wood. In the production of wooden staircases rotating 90 degrees, we use hard rocks wood: oak, ash, beech. Or semi-solid: spruce, larch, pine. Wooden structures have always been famous for their grace. Besides wooden crafts will have a beneficial effect on health.

The presented building, right- or left-entry, can be equipped with winder steps. Climbing a winder staircase with a 90-degree turn cannot be called very comfortable, because inner side its steps are fewer than the outer one. However, the design has an elegant appearance, and when correct location will significantly save space and will serve for many years.

Calculation of a ninety degree turning staircase

Calculating the dimensions of the finished structure is not an easy task. You can use special mathematical formulas, but it is easier to do this using an online calculation calculator, which can be found on the Internet. You will need the following measurements:

  • the distance between two floors (from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second);
  • opening length;
  • width of the structure.

This is the minimum set of parameters that you will need.
Having certain knowledge and skills, you can carry out the calculation yourself. If not, we recommend using the services of our professional measurer.