In a private house      06/13/2019

Citrus diseases. The most dangerous lemon diseases at home

Indoor lemon, like all citrus fruits, often suffers from diseases of a viral, infectious and even fungal nature. Lemon diseases are most often the result improper care: flaw useful substances and moisture, care errors. The plant is slowly dying.

Scale insects are a common pest of lemons.

If a lemon at home shows signs of some kind of disease, then you should act. Advice from experienced plant growing specialists can help with this.

Why does indoor lemon get sick?

Diseases of homemade lemons occur for several reasons. The most common of them is weakening the plant’s immunity. The person himself is partly to blame for this. Causes of weakened immunity:

  • errors in care;
  • improper watering and fertilization;
  • unfavorable microclimatic conditions (air temperature, humidity, etc.);
  • errors in pruning.

All these errors lead to the plant becoming weak. The impact of an old disease cannot be ruled out.

Another reason is viruses and bacteria. They can get into a pot with a plant different ways. Some bacteria spread through the air. Others do not get into the pot themselves, but through their main carriers - insects. U indoor lemon due to lack of oxygen. Like all living things, it needs fresh air. And if a pot of citrus fruit is placed in an unventilated area, the risk of signs of illness increases several times.

The most common reasons are those that a person commits during his first attempts to care for a lemon. Poor-quality grafting material, as well as soil, can affect not only the growth and fertility of the lemon, but also cause its death.

Improper care can lead to scab and other infections.

What pests can threaten lemons?

They attack the lemon root system, branches and leaves, but each of these insects has its own characteristics.


The fight against aphids is not without success. The main thing is to notice pests in a timely manner. All you need to do is trim off the affected leaves and branches.

Aphids first appear with characteristic curled leaves

Getting rid of scale insects is easy. The methods of combating it are similar to those used against aphids: insecticides and special solutions prepared at home are suitable. One of these is a soap solution:

  1. Prepare one liter of clean water.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of liquid soap into a bottle of water.
  3. The substance is thoroughly shaken.

The prepared solution should be applied to infected leaves. It will be difficult to resist the disease with such a remedy in one go. The greatest effect is achieved in 3-4 daily procedures of 60 minutes. After finishing each, the leaves should be thoroughly washed under running water.

Spider mites are an equally common pest. It also attacks leaves. The affected area is always covered with a thin web, which is characteristic of the life activity of this insect. It’s easy to fight it: you should prepare a 1% solution boric acid. They should be sprayed on the affected citrus fruit. After the first procedure, improvements will be noticeable. For maximum efficiency the course of treatment should be 3-4 days.

Spider mites often attack lemons

Bacteria and viruses

  • sooty fungus;
  • scab;
  • wartiness;
  • root rot.

The latter attacks the root system, affecting the nutritional center of the entire citrus fruit. A diseased plant dies very quickly. Therefore, at the first signs of rot noticed (drying of the leaves and stem), the lemon should be transplanted to a new location. But this procedure has its own characteristics.

You can save citrus fruit from rot only by replacing the soil with a new one. The affected roots must be shaken off the ground, dead areas removed and the plant placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1 hour. This procedure destroys pathogenic microorganisms. After 60 minutes in the medicinal solution, the plant is dried and planted in a new place. To restore your lemon to its healthy appearance, you should fertilize it regularly.

Some diseases can be treated quick treatment. Fungus is one of them. Due to the attack of harmful microorganisms, the plant slows down its growth and dries slowly. It is difficult to confuse such a disease with another, because it is characterized by an ashen coating that forms on the leaves. Don't be afraid of such symptoms.

It is not difficult to cure the plant. You need to thoroughly rinse the affected areas under running water or wipe them with a sponge. And as a preventative measure, you should regularly ventilate the room in which the pot of citrus fruit is located.

Scab often attacks domestic vegetation. This disease is characterized by the formation of spots on the leaves and stem. They quickly darken and make the leaf brittle. Affected areas may become soft, and their spread causes part of the plant to simply fall off. It is difficult to cope quickly with such a disease. The affected leaves should be removed and the healthy part of the plant should be treated with copper sulfate. And so that the disease does not bother citrus fruit later, it is important to carry out seasonal spraying. The same treatment methods correspond to warts, the main development of which is associated with the destruction of crops.

The most common and very dangerous for citrus fruits is a pathogenic fungus that causes anthracnose disease - it affects branches, leaves, and fruits. Anthracnose causes plant buds to drop; the leaves turn yellow and also fall off; reddish spots appear on the fruits; branches die.
Measures to combat anthracnose: it is necessary to cut off dead shoots and carry out the treatment described above; In the future, follow the rules for caring for citrus plants.

Citrus warts - this disease is also caused by a pathogenic fungus that affects young shoots, leaves, and fruits of citrus fruits. Small transparent spots first appear on young leaves yellow color, and then these spots turn into pinkish-gray warts. Warts that appear on young shoots gradually grow, forming a large growth, and can cause the death of the shoot. Orange spots appear on citrus fruits, which increase in size and turn red-brown; the ovaries fall off. The development of this disease is facilitated by heat There is high air humidity in the room.
Measures to combat warts: pruning and burning the affected parts of the plant. The crown of citrus fruits is sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. The first spraying is carried out in March, the second - after flowering (in June), the third spraying - in July.

Citrus gum disease, or gum disease, appears as longitudinal brown-red spots on the trunk and branches of citrus plants. The bark in these places gradually dies, and from the cracks a sticky yellowish-golden liquid, gum, hardens in the air, flows out.
There may be several causes for this disease:
- planting too deep (citrus seedlings cannot be buried when transplanting); the soil is disinfected with a 1% formaldehyde solution before planting);
- lack of drainage (if a disease appears, it is necessary to stop watering for 2-3 days, and in the future water citrus fruits with great restriction);
- excess nitrogen with a lack of phosphorus and potassium (do not water the plant with slurry and reduce the dose of nitrogen);
- mechanical damage.
Measures to combat gommosis: first eliminate the cause of the disease.
Carefully clean the wound, disinfect it with a 3% solution of copper sulfate (30 g dissolved in 1 liter of water copper sulfate and 100 g of quicklime or 200 g of slaked lime) and cover the wound with garden varnish.
Treatment of the wound is repeated several times until complete healing. If the plant cannot be cured, it is burned.

Citrus canker - Bacterial disease. Appears on fruits and leaves in the form of dark brown, bright spots. It is impossible to cure.

Late blight - Trees grafted onto orange trees suffer greatly. More often, in young seedlings, an oily, brown spot appears in a ring on the trunk. The causative agent is a fungus. Outwardly, it again looks like Gommoz.
It is difficult to cure - clean the damaged area and lubricate it with Copper Sulfate, or better yet, with something stronger. For prevention, dig up the plant and inspect the roots.

Root rot - From the name it is clear what it is. Several varieties are found in pot culture. As a rule, the gardener has no idea about anything until the massive leaf fall begins.
Dig up the plant for inspection and, if necessary, trim off the affected roots with a sharp knife. Treat them with a rooting stimulator. Replace the soil. Place the tree in a greenhouse or at least wipe the leaves with a wet cloth more often. Provide adequate lighting. And under no circumstances should you overfill it.

Tristeza - Death of the trunk bark. In varieties resistant to tristeza, the virus is in a latent state.
In resistant varieties... This is exactly what I don’t like most. You cut a cutting from an apparently healthy plant, graft it onto a seedling, and after a few years the rootstock of the tree suddenly and for unknown reasons begins to hurt. For example, this often happens with Dioscurius lemon.
Therefore, it is recommended to propagate lemons by cuttings.

Xylopsorosis (Psorosis A) - The virus can remain latent for up to 10 years. When activated, the cortex is damaged. Professionals in the plantations check for infestation with a sour lime graft. In indoor mini-gardening, amateurs do not know how to identify this disease and think that it is Gommosis. It is impossible to cure.

Malseco - Infectious drying of shoots. The disease appears sharply in spring on plantations in Georgia, and in indoor plants from autumn to spring. Causes leaf drop. The disease begins at the ends of the branches. Affected wood, when cut, acquires a reddish-orange color. You can immediately distinguish - the petioles from the leaves remain on the branches.
I remind novice gardeners - if several leaves have fallen off from the lower tier (or even almost along the edges of the branches) and cuttings remain on the branches, this may well be caused poor lighting in winter. Therefore, you should not panic prematurely.
I certainly don’t know how to treat the affected tree. They say that for amateurs there is only one tool - an ax.

Diseases of homemade lemons can cause a lot of trouble, and sometimes even lead to the death of the plant if the problem is not treated in a timely manner.

Need to know possible diseases indoor lemon to prevent its death


Lemon diseases can be caused by a number of reasons:

  1. Weakened immunity, which is caused by improper care.
  2. Poor quality, unsuitable soil can become fertile ground for the appearance of pests.
  3. Infection indoor plant from the street - if you take flowerpots outside in the summer.
  4. Insects that spread various infections.
  5. Diseases already suffered by the plant can cause new ailments.

Symptoms of diseases

Some of the common diseases of homemade lemons are aphids and scale insects.

The first affects the leaves of the plant or penetrates the soil. Aphids can be transmitted by other plants near the lemon. You can bring it into the house yourself with a bouquet of wildflowers. The scale insects end up on lemon leaves as larvae. The adult is already motionless. It sticks to the stem of the plant or the veins on the leaves.

A common pest among citrus fruits is the spider mite. It can destroy all the green leaves and cause the lemon to die. Such diseases affect the leaves if the tree is young, weakened, or if there are special lemon pests that affect only it.

The fight against them can be lengthy, but quite successful if the correct chemical or homemade preparation is selected for the indoor lemon. They can also be used for preventive purposes.

In most cases, lemon diseases are associated with a violation of recommended care. This plant requires increased attention. To avoid leaf disease, you need to ensure a stable temperature, sufficient lighting and rational watering.

By maintaining a balance between these three factors, you can prevent a large number of cosmetic defects of the plant that are not a serious disease, but spoil appearance.

  1. Yellowed and fallen leaves.
  2. Lack of fruiting.
  3. Discarding the formed ovary.
  4. Drying of branches in winter.

Bacterial diseases are much more difficult to treat. It is recommended to entrust the work to specialists who will help your plant quickly cope with the disease.

Illnesses not related to care

Experts distinguish between diseases that are inherent citrus varieties plants. Among them you can find those that are very difficult to eliminate on your own.

It is advisable to have a direct consultation with a specialist who can clearly look at the affected lemon and recommend a suitable drug, which may be Bordeaux mixture, phytosporin, hydrogen peroxide (substances containing alcohol are prohibited), copper sulfate as a fungicide and other drugs.

Lemon diseases:

  1. The leaves are unevenly pigmented in spots - a leaf mosaic. Not to be confused with chlorosis, in which the edges of the light spots are fuzzy.
  2. Brown or yellow spots, with hardened plaques inside, quickly affecting the entire plant - bacterial canker of citrus fruits.
  3. Two species of aphids are known pests of lemons. The basal aphid differs from the ordinary green aphid, which is difficult to confuse with other insects, in its white color and habitat - in the ground.
  4. Gradual death of the tree, the leaves are the first to be affected, first they dry, then the entire branch, and the fruits become covered with red-brown generalized spots - “Anthracosis”.

You can prevent lemon diseases at home such as tristeza, root rot and melseco if you provide the tree with a stable place and diffused, bright sunlight from the very beginning.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow, first of all you need to remember when the last watering was, measure the temperature in the room, remove drafts (many tropical and sub tropical plants they cannot be tolerated) and consult a specialist if you do not have sufficient experience in recognizing the problem.

Lemon care

The best temperature for wintering lemon is +15 - 18 °C with moderate air humidity (Appendix A, Table 3). In such conditions, plants grow well, leaves are preserved, and fruits ripen. Lemons do not tolerate very dry air at humid temperatures, especially seedlings grown in the ground.

Spring is a very important period in caring for lemons. At this time, lemons, like all plants, begin to grow and enter the budding stage. The buds develop better and produce a useful ovary at a temperature of +14 - 17 °C.

A tree that has begun to vegetate must be placed in the spring in the most illuminated place, otherwise the shoots will stretch out.

In the spring, the rate of fertilization and watering is increased.

Caring for trees in summer consists of proper fertilization, watering and pruning, which ensures the necessary conditions for crown formation and harvesting.

Best temperature for fruit growth and ripening + 19 - 25 °C. Higher temperatures inhibit plants.

Pests and diseases of citrus fruits

Pests and diseases of citrus fruits cause great damage to the quality and quantity of the crop. In closed ground, ideal conditions are formed for their existence and reproduction. Therefore, in greenhouse conditions, the control of pests and diseases of lemon is given paramount importance in order to avoid crop loss.

To prevent the appearance of pests and diseases in the greenhouse, preventive measures are constantly carried out. From May to August the greenhouse is ventilated natural ventilation. Throughout the year, plants are inspected for timely detection of pests and disease infestation. All side walls and concrete pillars are covered lime mortar, glass coverings in the summer are washed with a solution of washing powder or soda ash. We cannot talk about disinfecting the soil by steaming or replacing the soil mixture, since lemons are perennial plantings. Since lemons bear fruit throughout the year, periodic analysis of the fruits is carried out by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision laboratory. In this regard, generally accepted measures to combat pests and diseases are not possible in full. Once every six months, the soil is spilled with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect the soil. When replanting plants - with a 1% solution.

In the household block there is a special unit for preparing fertilizer solutions and chemicals. Spraying is carried out using motorized, backpack sprayers, depending on the scope of work.

The following pests are found in the greenhouse-limonaria: spider mites and red mites, soft scale insects, citrus whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs.

The following control methods were used that are safe for human life:

1. Fumigation with tobacco dust. Tobacco factory waste in powder form Brown laid out evenly throughout the greenhouse in cans. Then the tobacco dust is set on fire and a smoke screen is created. Treatment duration is 4 - 5 hours.

The first information on treating citrus fruits against citrus whiteflies dates back to 1890, when tobacco infusion was used against eggs and larvae. This method is also used in this greenhouse.

2. Washing with soap and soda emulsion. A pre-prepared solution of soap and soda is supplied through the sprinkler system at the rate of 30 g per 1 liter. water. Sprinkling in each section is carried out for 3 - 5 minutes.

3. Washing the tree crowns in the early morning with a stream of cold water.

4. Watering the soil with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate.

An important measure to ensure healthy growth, normal development and good fruiting of lemons is disease and pest control.

Citrus diseases can be divided into three groups:

Fungal diseases;

Infectious diseases;

Viral diseases.

Black. The disease is caused by black sooty fungi, which most often develop on sticky sweet secretions of insects (aphids, whiteflies, thrips, scale insects, scale insects). The disease is not dangerous for the plant, but spoils its appearance: a coating in the form of dark brown or black spots, similar to powder, appears on the affected plant organs. called "soot". Sooty plaque clogs the stomata on the surface of the leaf blade and thereby impedes the plant's photosynthesis. The plant weakens and its growth slows down.

Control measures: “soot” is washed off with a wet swab from all leaves, and then the whole plant is washed under strong warm shower, this not only removes the remains of sooty deposits, but also insects and their secretions, which caused the disease. Therefore, first of all, you need to start fighting insects.

Control measures: the affected leaves are removed, the plant is treated with a systemic fungicide, the lemon is not sprayed for several weeks, the volume and frequency of watering is sharply reduced.

Anthracnose. It affects leaves, shoots, branches, and sometimes fruits. Already at the beginning of the first spring growth, light brown round spots appear on the leaves. Subsequently, black dots - fruit fungi - form on the spots on the upper side. The disease leads to leaf fall and shoots drying out. Its development is facilitated by various unfavorable conditions: cold winter, excess moisture, lack of nutrition.

Control measures: pruning affected shoots, collecting and destroying fallen diseased leaves, digging tree trunk circles and row spacing. Spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Powdery mildew . Fungal disease, which appears as a white powdery coating on the leaves. As a result, the leaves curl, turn yellow, and plant growth slows down. This disease, like anthracnose, rarely affects indoor lemons.

Control measures: the affected leaves should be removed, and the rest should be sprayed on the plant with a solution of copper sulfate (5 g of copper sulfate per 1 liter of water).

Gommoz- infection. The disease is characterized by the formation of small cracks in the bark and the leakage of gum from them, especially at the root collar. These cracks gradually expand to the size of wounds, and the bark in the affected areas gradually dies.

As the bark dries, it falls off, exposing the wood. Often the disease spreads higher up the trunk and can spread to the root, causing gum formation and death of the bark. This disease can cause the tree to die. Sick trees have yellowish foliage and this differs from healthy ones.

The main causes of gommosis are mechanical damage, frost damage, heavy, highly moist soils, and deep planting.

Control measures: eliminating the causes of gommosis. When gommosis appears, the affected areas are thoroughly cleaned down to healthy wood, followed by disinfection.

Scab (wartiness). Affects fruits, leaves, branches. At the beginning of the development of the disease, very small warts appear on the leaves on the underside, flat at the top and somewhat depressed in the center, pinkish-yellow, brown or brown in color. Affected leaves fall off. In the center of the fruiting growth, mushrooms appear in the form of a plaque.

Control measures: prevention by spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture and destruction of affected tissue.

Non-infectious chlorosis. The disease manifests itself as yellowing of the leaves. Plants with chlorosis weaken, grow stunted and may die. Chlorosis can be caused by a lack of zinc iron in the soil, abnormal water regime, or severe prolonged drought.

Control measures: elimination of causes, causing disease, and applying full mineral fertilizer in combination with microfertilizers. When standing high groundwater it is necessary to drain the soil.

Control measures: effective way there is no treatment. To prevent the disease from spreading to other plants, the diseased lemon will have to be destroyed.

From the above brief overview of diseases, it follows that one of the ways to treat most diseases is to spray the affected plants with systemic fungicides.

Fungicides are a group of pesticides that inhibit the development of plant pathogens and are used to control them. Based on the type of action on the pathogen, fungicides are divided into protective (preventing infection) and therapeutic, causing the death of the pathogen after infection of the plant, and according to the nature of distribution throughout the plant, into contact and systemic. Contact fungicides, after being sprayed, remain on the surface of the plant and cause the death of the pathogen when it comes into contact with them. Systemic ones penetrate inside the plant and suppress the development of the pathogen due to direct impact on it, protecting new growth. The spectrum of action of fungicides is different: from drugs that act on the causative agents of many diseases, to poisons with an exclusively selective effect. For humans, most fungicides are mildly toxic; however, treatment of plants with fungicides should be carried out with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment.

In addition to diseases, citrus fruits are attacked by pests:

Red citrus mite. An adult tick is red in color, body size is 0.3 - 0.4 mm. Damages all citrus fruits. Settling en masse on the leaves, the pests suck out the juices, first causing the leaves to become whitish, and then yellowing and falling off, which leads to a decrease in yield and general depression of the plant. The mite also damages fruits.

Control measures: sulfur preparations.

Brown scale insect. The adult female has a rounded carapace with a convex middle, light or reddish brown. The diameter of the shield is 1.5 - 2 mm. Larvae and adult insects settle on the upper side of leaves, on fruits, and sometimes on young shoots. In places of damage, whitish and yellowish spots are observed, merging together during a massive scale infestation. Infected fruits and leaves fall off. Shoots and branches die if they are severely infected.

Control measures: spraying during the dormant period of plants with a 2% solution of mineral-oil emulsion prepared in soft oil (transformer).

Soft scale insect. It is a polyphagous plant that infects citrus fruits and other subtropical and tropical plants in greenhouses. The female's body is asymmetrical, broadly oval, flat, 3 - 4 mm long, yellowish-brown in color. The males and the scutes of their nymphs are little known. Larvae and females settle on leaves, most often on veins, as well as on stems. They cause deformation of leaves and shoots, and sometimes their falling off. The female can lay up to 1000 eggs and in greenhouse conditions is capable of developing in 6-7 generations.

When growing lemons, agrotechnical measures aimed at preventing the penetration of pests into closed ground. Among biological protection agents, the cryptolemus ladybug (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Muls.), which is bred at the Lazarevskaya Experimental Plant Protection Station, is especially effective. It is being introduced in the Ufa lemonaria. Chemical preparations used include actellik, sometimes karbofos and mineral oils with laundry soap.

Citrus mealybug. Polyphage. One of the most serious pests of citrus fruits. It colonizes young shoots, causes leaves to curl, spreads to fruits, causes them to fall off, and forms cracks on fruits.

The female is light crimson, covered with white powdery wax, up to 4.5 mm long and 2.5 mm wide. Lives on trunks, branches, leaves and fruits, develops in three generations, fertility is over 600 eggs.

Control measures: the same as for soft false scale insects.

Citrus whitefly. Causes great harm citrus. The harm caused by whiteflies is in sucking the juices from the leaves, which causes them to become depressed and fall off. Leaves covered with black coating are deprived of the normal physiological process, which worsens general state plants .

Pest and disease control activities are aimed at limited use of chemical methods.

A biological method that is safe for human life and environmentally friendly is the use of insects that eat pests.

Citrus aphid. Sedentary sucking insects, winged and wingless, ranging in size from 1 to 5 mm. The body of the aphid has a very delicate outer covering of a wide variety of colors. It feeds on the sap of the soft tissues of the plant and usually attacks tender leaves, young shoots with succulent tissue, buds and flowers. Insects reproduce quickly.

Control measures: use of conventional pesticides: thiophol, anabasine sulfate and others in normal concentrations.

Thrips. Tiny insects with an elongated body (no more than 1 mm). They have two pairs of membranous wings fringed with long black or brown hairs. The pests lay eggs in the leaf tissue; the larvae emerge in 8-10 days. Crawling from leaf to leaf, thrips leave behind characteristic silvery streaks. Warm and dry air promote their reproduction.

Symptoms of infection: flowers become stained and deformed. Numerous light dots first appear on the leaves, then the leaves become discolored and fall off. The growth of the entire plant slows down.

Control measures: the same as for infection with aphids, mites and scale insects.

Growing citrus fruits at home is not an easy task. Unfortunately, lemon Tree, like other types of citrus fruits grown in pots on windowsills, is subject to various diseases. What are the most common diseases of homemade lemon? How can you tell if a tree is sick? What measures should be taken to treat the plant?

Like any other plant from the citrus family, homemade lemon susceptible to various diseases. These can be viral, bacterial and fungal infections, as well as diseases resulting from exposure to pests.


According to flower growers, the most common infectious diseases, characteristic of indoor citrus fruits are:


It appears as red-brown longitudinal spots on the branches and trunk of the lemon. The bark gradually dies off. A sticky substance of a golden hue is released from the cracks, which hardens upon contact with fresh air. Treatment: it is necessary to cut off all the affected areas (the branches are completely removed), treat the resulting wounds with a 3% solution of copper sulfate and cover them with garden varnish. The causes of the disease may be high humidity, excess nitrogen, lack of phosphorus and potassium, as well as mechanical damage.

Root rot

The lemon suddenly began to shed its leaves, but there are no leaves. external signs illness? Dig up the plant and carefully examine its root, it could be root rot. It is necessary to remove all damaged areas and place them on a sunny windowsill, temporarily limiting watering.


Indoor lemon suffers most from fungal infections, among which are:

  • sooty fungus (leaves and branches are covered with a coating in the form of ash);
  • scab (putrefactive spots on leaves, fruits and branches);
  • wartiness (indurations similar to warts);
  • anthracnose (and falling leaves, dying branches, the appearance of red spots on the fruits).


Unfortunately, a homemade lemon affected by a viral infection cannot be cured. At proper care You can only extend the life of the plant. The main viral diseases include:

  • tristeza (the disease affects the leaves, then the bark, branches and completely covers the entire tree);
  • sheet mosaic (appears in the form of stripes or streaks of dark and light color on the foliage, subsequently leading to deformation of the leaves and stopping the development of the tree);
  • citrus cancer (the first signs are brown spots of different shapes and sizes on the leaves and fruits of the tree).


The danger of insects is that they not only damage the plant, but are also active carriers of various infections.

Common aphid

Affects the root system indoor tree. Enters an apartment with already contaminated soil. The tree will need to be transplanted into a new one and subsequently treated with a contact insecticide solution.

Spider mite

Have you noticed that the leaves have begun to curl and a cobweb is forming around them? A spider mite has settled on your plant. Starts in rooms with insufficient humidity. A solution of 1% boric acid will help get rid of this pest. It will take 1 to 5 generous sprays.


Preventive measures and treatment

Often the cause of the disease is the lack of proper care. To prevent any disease, you should familiarize yourself with the contents of indoor lemon in advance. And remember: it is easier to prevent any illness than to eliminate it later.

The treatment regimen for indoor trees directly depends on the type of lemon disease. Viral, bacterial and fungal infections manifest themselves in different ways and have varying degrees of danger.

Fitosporin-M is considered an excellent microbiological preparation belonging to the new generation of products. The product is used for preventive purposes and is also highly effective in combating pathogens of various bacterial and fungal infections. Non-addictive, has no unpleasant odor, non-toxic, can be used at home. Used for spraying and watering (the drug must be diluted according to the instructions).

To the main preventive measures care for indoor lemon include:

  1. daily inspection;
  2. organization of competent care and maintenance of the citrus tree;
  3. a new plant or tree that has recently been ill should be isolated from other indoor flowers for a while;
  4. “bathe” the lemon weekly (the soil is pre-coated plastic film, after which the tree is watered abundantly from the shower);
  5. treat the crown with soap foam monthly.

Video “Diseases and pests of lemon”

From this video you will learn about what diseases and pests are dangerous for lemon and how to treat it.