In a private house      07/02/2020

Fresh currant jam through a meat grinder. Currant jam. Recipe for blackcurrant and raspberry jam for the winter

This is perhaps the simplest recipe and is used by most housewives. Blackcurrant jam, beloved by many, always turns out thick and jelly-like through a meat grinder without the addition of pectin. In winter, such a preparation will save you during a cold, and will also become indispensable for regular tea drinking, for example, with toast or pancakes.

If you decide to process the currants using a blender, you need to do this at maximum speed so that the peels are as well blended as possible. It turns out great in a meat grinder if you use a fine mesh. Therefore, if you choose between two kitchen units, the most suitable one is still a meat grinder.

As for the proportions of sugar and berries, it is recommended to take 1:1 for the recipe. It is in this case that a thick jelly-like consistency is obtained. Yes, and currant jam is stored better. Read more about how to prepare blackcurrant jam through a meat grinder for the winter in our step by step recipe. We make jam and store it in the pantry; we also previously talked about how to cook.


  • Black currant – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg


Sort, rinse the currants and drain off excess water. Then grind in a meat grinder.

Pour the currant mass into the pan in which you will cook the jam.

Pour in sugar using a 1:1 ratio. Stir and place on low heat.

Bring the currants to a boil. Then remove the resulting foam with a spoon.

Cook the mixture for 5 minutes, stirring it occasionally. Use it for this wooden spoon with a long handle.

Prepare half-liter or smaller jars in advance. They need to be held over steam or in the oven. Boil the lids as well. Fill the container with boiling jam and screw on the lids.

Leave the sweet preparations to cool completely. After which it will be possible to move the jars of currant jam to a place where there is not enough sunlight, for storage.

The finished treat can also be stored under a nylon lid in the refrigerator for several months.

On a note

  • This jam can be used to make pies and used instead of jam for various desserts.
  • During a cold or to prevent it, instead of tea, prepare a currant drink by dissolving 1-2 teaspoons in a cup warm water. It turns out to be a great tasting medicine.
  • If you want to make currant jam in a slow cooker, select the “Stew” program for 15 minutes. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, set aside 5 minutes and begin pouring into jars. Perhaps the recipe will take exactly 15 minutes, but it may happen that the boiling point will come earlier. It is difficult to understand at what minute the jam begins to bubble.

  • In addition, this delicacy can be cooked not only on the stove or in a slow cooker, but also in a bread maker that has a “Jam” function. In this case, you need to grind the berries and pour the mass into the bucket of the unit. Then add sugar and close the lid. The bread maker is used to mixing itself. For cooking times, see the instructions for your model.
  • If you grind the mass through a sieve and cook in three batches, you will get a magnificent currant jelly, but this is a completely different recipe.
  • I would like to say that the simple option of boiling crushed currants with sugar for five minutes is the most successful and convenient for many housewives. That's why we recommend it to you.

Black currant is valuable for the body and very healthy berry. They like to eat it fresh and also cook it. blackcurrant jam for the winter according to different recipes.

Simple thick jam for the winter

This recipe for blackcurrant jam is the simplest and most delicious, therefore it is often used by many housewives. The jam turns out thick and rich. When the berry harvest is plentiful, this recipe will help preserve them for the winter.

What you will need:

  • 1 kg black currants;
  • 1 kg sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the berries. To do this, they are sorted, washed, and poured into a colander.
  2. Pour boiling water over it. You can immerse a colander with currants directly in boiling water for a couple of seconds.
  3. After the berries have drained, they are poured into an enamel bowl and covered with sugar. Leave the mixture for a while so that the berries release their juice.
  4. Stir the mixture periodically with a wooden spatula to speed up the release of juice. It is necessary that the sugar is completely dissolved. It is better to put the berries overnight and return to the process the next day.
  5. Place the basin on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat.
  6. Stirring constantly, boil for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Pour into clean jars, close and leave to cool.

Jelly-like jam

This recipe allows you to make jam tasty and tender. Moreover, it is quite simple.

What you will need:

  • 4 cups of already washed, sorted and dried black currants;
  • 6 glasses of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water into the prepared enamel bowl and add 3 cups of sugar;
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly;
  3. pour the berries into the syrup and bring to a boil again;
  4. cook for 7 minutes;
  5. add the rest of the sugar, stir and cook for another 5 minutes;
  6. Pour hot jam into pre-sterilized jars and roll up.

Preparing blackcurrant jam is quick and provides pleasure for the whole winter!

Advice! To prevent the jam from becoming moldy, you can use one trick: cut a circle from tracing paper to the size of the jar and moisten it in alcohol or vodka. Place a circle on top of the jam, and then roll it up with iron lids; mold will never appear.

Watch the video! Blackcurrant jam

Five-minute recipe

Such recipe It lives up to its name and is prepared very quickly indeed. In addition, during cooking, all the beneficial substances are preserved, so sweetness is of great benefit to the body, especially in winter.


  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • 1 kg black currants;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar (1.3 kg is possible).


  1. Prepare the berries. They are sorted out, placed in a colander, washed, and allowed to drain.
  2. Next, pour boiling water over it so that the berries do not burst during cooking;
  3. Prepare syrup. Boil water, add sugar, let it boil until it completely dissolves.
  4. Pour the berries into the syrup, stir and let it boil.
  5. Cook for exactly 5 minutes.
  6. The jam is poured into jars while still hot and sealed with iron lids.

Watch the video! Five-minute jam from black currant

Jam without cooking

One of the popular ways of making blackcurrant jam is grinding it with sugar. This method will preserve beneficial vitamins in the berries, since they are not subject to heat treatment.

There is no need to cover jam prepared according to this recipe with an iron lid. Thanks to the large amount of sugar and the right technology preparation, the jam will be stored even in apartment conditions.


  1. it is necessary to choose only ripe berries, because unripe ones may begin to ferment;
  2. carefully sort the berries, remove any debris, and rinse several times;
  3. Dry the berries completely; you can lay them out on a towel. There is no need to rush; the currants must be completely dry;
  4. sterilize the jars and pour boiling water over the lids and dry;
  5. Inventory will include a meat grinder or blender, a deep mixing bowl, a wooden spatula or a large spoon.


  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg black currants.

Cooking process:

  1. grind the berries through a meat grinder or puree them in a blender;
  2. transfer the resulting mass into a bowl, sprinkle evenly with sugar and mix thoroughly;
  3. The jam is ready. It must be placed in sterilized jars, covered with a lid, and stored.

The process is not complicated, and the result is a healthy and tasty treat that everyone will enjoy.

Watch the video! Blackcurrant jam without cooking

Recipe for black currants and raspberries without cooking

It's not just jam. This is an amazing delicacy containing a huge amount of vitamins. Raspberries will add zest and make the taste slightly sour.

There is no exact proportion of raspberries and currants. The main thing is that there are less raspberries than currants. It is optimal if the proportions are 1 to 1. But even if there is only a handful of raspberries, it is worth adding it. The taste will be so unusual that this recipe will become one of your favorites.


  • 0.5 l can of black currants;
  • 0.5 l can of raspberries;
  • 2 liters of sugar (about 2 kg).

Please note that there should be 2 times more sugar than the total number of berries.

Cooking process:

  1. All berries are sorted, washed, and left to dry.
  2. The prepared berries are twisted through a meat grinder or crushed with a blender, and the resulting mass is placed in a convenient bowl.
  3. Add sugar and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, place in sterilized jars, and cover with a nylon lid.

Advice! It is better to store such jam in the refrigerator, because it is not possible to completely remove water from raspberries after washing, and due to its presence, if there is a lack of cold, the jam can spoil.

When stored in the refrigerator, the treat will last a long time. There is an opinion that you can use unwashed raspberries, but this is up to each housewife.

Watch the video! Jam without cooking. Currants and raspberries

Currant jam with orange

This recipe is very unusual and gives interesting taste currants Orange is added to the jam, and it is not subjected to heat treatment.


  • 1 kg currants;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 orange.


  1. lids and jars for currant jam must be sterilized in advance;
  2. the orange is thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water to wash off the wax;
  3. Grind the orange along with the skins in a blender or meat grinder;
  4. make currant puree using a blender or meat grinder;
  5. mix berry and orange puree, add sugar and stir;
  6. leave for several hours, stirring occasionally until the sugar is completely dissolved and turns into syrup;
  7. after that, put it in jars and roll it up;
  8. leave to store in the refrigerator. It can stand for a long time, maintaining its taste and benefits.

Watch the video! Currants with oranges for the winter

Recipe without cooking with dried apricots

Dried apricots will be an excellent addition to currants and will help change the taste almost beyond recognition. It will also be an excellent vitamin supplement to healthy blackcurrant jam. Plus it's incredibly tasty.


  • 800 g black currants;
  • 200 g dried apricots;
  • 2 kg sugar.


  1. We sort the berries, wash and dry them;
  2. pour boiling water over the dried apricots so that they soften;
  3. after the dried apricots have become soft, drain the water, rinse the dried fruits under running water, drain in a colander. Then you can even squeeze out the excess water;
  4. twist the currants and then the dried apricots;
  5. transfer the mixture to a bowl, add sugar and stir;
  6. leave for 30 minutes, stir;
  7. put in sterilized jars, close with a nylon lid, and store in the basement or refrigerator.

This dessert is universal. It can be used both as a treat for tea and as an addition to baked goods.

« Five-Mutka» with currants and ginger

The jam turns out to be aromatic and delicious; the combination of ginger and currants will please everyone. Moreover, it cooks quickly.


  • 0.5 kg black currants;
  • 0.75 kg sugar;
  • 250 ml water;
  • ginger root.

Cooking process:

  1. prepare the berries, sort them, trim the stems, rinse;
  2. pour into a colander, put it in boiling water or simply pour boiling water over it so that they do not become sour during cooking;
  3. let the water drain;
  4. grate the ginger root so that half a tbsp comes out. spoons;
  5. Pour water into an enamel pan, add sugar, stir;
  6. bring to a boil over low heat;
  7. add berries and ginger to the syrup; the heat can be increased;
  8. after boiling, cook for 5-7 minutes;
  9. Pour hot, still liquid jam into sterilized jars. When it sits and cools, it will become like jelly.

Such interesting and unusual recipes will help you prepare very delicious jam from currants with new flavor notes.

Watch the video! Blackcurrant jam. Simple and quick recipe

And twigs, as well as spoiled and unripe berries. Wash the currants and dry in a colander or on a clean towel.


This delicacy is made simply and quickly. The syrup turns out runny, but after cooling it becomes thicker.


  • 1–1.3 kg sugar;
  • 200–250 ml water;
  • 1 kg black, red or white currants.


Pour sugar into a saucepan and fill with water. Place over medium heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup boils.

Then place the berries in the pan. Stirring occasionally, bring the jam to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes.

Unlike the first one, this jam is prepared without adding water. It turns out thicker and more uniform.


  • 1 kg of black, red or white currants;
  • 1–1.3 kg of sugar.


Place the berries in a saucepan, add sugar and stir. Place over low heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. Then cook over medium heat, continuing to stir, for another 5 minutes. Skim off any foam from the jam during cooking.

A dessert made from these berries has a bright, rich aroma and amazing taste.


  • 500 g black or red currants;
  • 500–800 g sugar;
  • 500 g raspberries.


Place the currants in a saucepan, lightly crush them with a masher and add sugar. Stir and leave for 1-2 hours to allow the berries to release their juice.

Place the pan over low heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. Increase the heat slightly and cook for 10 minutes. Then add raspberries, stir and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

You can boil the jam longer if you want it to be thicker.

A delicacy with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. If desired, you can add a little more sugar to the jam.


  • 300 g gooseberries;
  • 700 g black or red currants;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 1 kg sugar.


Remove the stems from the gooseberries. Place all the berries in a saucepan and cover with water. Cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, for about 20–30 minutes. Add sugar and stir until it dissolves.

Bring the jam to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes. You can increase the cooking time to half an hour, then the jam will be thicker.

This aromatic jam combines currant puree and almost whole cherries.


  • 500 g cherries;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 500 g black, red or white currants;



Citrus notes perfectly complement the taste of currants.


  • 2 oranges;
  • 1 kg black or red currants;
  • 1 kg sugar.


Peel the oranges and remove the white layer. Cut the fruit slices into small pieces. Grind the currants in a blender or grind through a meat grinder.

Transfer the puree into a saucepan and add sugar. Stir and leave for half an hour. Then bring the jam to a boil over low heat and, stirring, cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Black currant is very useful. It is simply a storehouse of vitamins, and the most delicious jam is made from currants. And, of course, since my mother makes the jam, no one makes it. Almost all the berries remain intact, the syrup comes out a rich burgundy color.

I expected that this is how everyone makes blackcurrant jam, and I was very surprised when they poured currant jam on my ice cream in a cafe. ... It was a boiled mass, very sweet and incomprehensible. I suggest you make blackcurrant jam according to my mother’s recipe - moderately sweet, very beautiful and aromatic.

The recipe for the preparation is very simple; in addition, you can use it to make jam from red or white currants.

In addition, all the vitamins of this wonderful berry can be preserved by preparing it from pureed currants with honey. First things first...


  • for 1 kg of currant berries is taken
  • 1 kg granulated sugar,
  • 1 glass of water.

Cooking process:

Making currant jam, like any other berry, begins with sorting it. Carefully inspect all the currants so that the berries are fresh and not rotten (if you did not pick them yourself, but bought them at the market).

Rinse the currants 2-3 times. Usually all the leaves and sticks float on top. Place the berries on a sieve to drain.

The essence of the recipe is that the berries need to be loaded into syrup, and not covered with sugar. Water is needed precisely so that the sugar melts and does not turn into caramel. During the preparation of syrup, almost all of the water evaporates. You need to cook the jam in an aluminum basin or stainless steel container. In an enamel container it will simply burn.

Place water and sugar on low heat. You need to bring it to a boil and cook for a few minutes. Be sure to stir so that the sugar does not burn. A thick syrup comes out.

My mother makes jam from 3-5 kg ​​of berries, the ratio of sugar and currants is the same, so the volume of cooking utensils must be selected based on the jam yield.

Pour currants into boiling syrup. Cook after boiling for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.

The currant jam needs to be completely cooled for five minutes. It is advisable to leave it overnight so that the berries are properly saturated with syrup.

In the morning, boil the berries again for 5 minutes. Cool the jam again.

While the jam is cooling, prepare the jars and lids.

All containers for currant jam must be sterile. You can sterilize jars for currant preparations for the winter in any way convenient for you: over a kettle, in a double boiler, in a slow cooker, oven or microwave.

Let the jam boil for the last time and boil for 5 minutes.

Pour hot blackcurrant jam into jars and close with screw caps or turnkey lids.

Leave to cool upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

Of course, this was a traditional recipe for making jam.

You can add currant jam to it – the results, I can assure you, are very tasty.

Can be added to compotes from dried apples in winter – they enhance the taste of compote and make its taste more interesting.

I also pour this jam over pancakes and just ice cream; you are guaranteed a beautiful presentation and incredible aroma of the dish.

There are several more options for currant jam, for example, the jam according to the above recipe, only with nuts, is very tasty.

Blackcurrant jam with nuts

  • We take the same amount of berries, water for syrup and sugar as in the recipe above.
  • You need ½ cup of nuts per 1 kg of currants.

For nuts, ideally you need to take almonds and fry them in a frying pan. Chop the nut with a knife and add to final stage cooking

Expensive almonds can be replaced with roasted ones walnut. I tried this jam with pine nuts- just manna from heaven, but the price of this nut is simply cosmic.

This preparation option is suitable specifically for dessert; it is convenient to pour it over strudel and ice cream when serving.

Currant jam with honey "Paseka"

healthy recipe without cooking

This currant jam is not boiled, but sealed in jars with a nylon lid and stored in the refrigerator.


  • berries,

I deliberately did not write in the ingredients that you need to use only black currants, since a mix of berries would be very appropriate here.

My favorite ratio is half raspberries to half blackcurrants.

Grind the berries with a blender, pass through a meat grinder or crush with a wooden mortar.

The volume of berries should be equal to the volume of honey.

Mix berry puree and honey. You need to stir for a long time, and it is better to choose liquid honey, not sugared, preferably without a strong taste - acacia or linden. You can then add whole raspberries or currants to the pureed “jam”.

Jars for pureed berries need to be sterilized in a way convenient for you.

After the mass has become homogeneous, place the honey and currants in small jars. Pour a little honey or add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar on top of each jar. This way the jam will last longer.

Give this healthy jam to children in the autumn-winter period, and the vitamin supply of fragile organisms will be replenished.

Ekaterina Apatonova added her photo to the recipe for fresh pureed currant jam without sugar.

Good luck with your currant preparations this season!

You might like the recipe for plum jam with chocolate:

Best regards, Anyuta.

Blackcurrant is designed to make jam for the winter in 5 minutes. The five-minute dish cooks quickly and the dessert turns out quite thick. If necessary, you can make jelly according to the recipe, without the usual passing of currants through a meat grinder, since the berry contains a large number of natural thickener - pectin. Jam is made from fresh and frozen berries - all the proposed recipes are suitable for this.

I especially recommend making several jars of thick, jelly-like jam. In winter, thank yourself for your foresight by spreading it on your tea bun. You can use this thick dessert in baked goods, add it to ice cream, or make a delicious cocktail.

Blackcurrant - five-minute jam in glasses

Cooking for five minutes, counting the number of berries in glasses is much more convenient - you don’t have to use scales, which not everyone has on the farm. Recipes for 7 and 11 glasses are popular, and I will offer them. First, I give the seven-cup glass known to many housewives.

You will need:

  • Berries – 7 cups (about a kilogram).
  • Water – 250 ml.
  • Sugar – 6 cups (1.2 kg).

Yield: 4 cans per 0.5 liter.

How to cook five-minute for the winter:

First of all, wash the berries, remove them from the branches, and remove the leaves.

Add 3 cups (600 grams of sand) from the total amount of sugar.

Place in a cooking container, I have a saucepan. Boil the syrup by adding water and bringing to a boil. Stir until the sugar dissolves completely.

Discard the berries. At low power, wait until it boils. Stir gently, without crushing the currants - it is advisable to leave the berries whole.

Cook for no more than five minutes.

Remove from the burner and add the rest of the sugar.

Stir thoroughly until the sweetener is completely dissolved.

Take sterile jars (a must to ensure long-term storage preparations for the winter), lay out the dessert and roll up with sterilized iron lids.

Five-minute thick jam – 11 glasses

By cooking according to this recipe, you will get amazing gelled jam. The jelly-like consistency will allow you to use the dessert in baking pies and filled buns, for breakfast sandwiches.


  • Blackcurrant – 11 cups.
  • Sugar – 11 glasses.
  • Water – 2.5 glasses.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place the currant berries prepared for cooking into a bowl. Slowly bring to a boil over low heat.
  2. Cook for exactly three minutes. Add granulated sugar.
  3. Stir well so that the sugar has time to dissolve.
  4. Let the blackcurrant mixture boil vigorously.
  5. Turn off the heat, immediately pour and roll under an iron lid, then the jam will be stored all winter without any problems.

Add to the collection of currant recipes:

Five-minute blackcurrant recipe without water

A quick recipe that doesn't require much effort.

  • Currants – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 500 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Sort and wash the black berries. Be sure to dry to remove excess moisture.
  2. Cover with sand and leave for a couple of hours. This moment You can skip it, but then start cooking on the lowest heat, slowly warming the berries so that they release their juice. Let the berries brew - you can cook faster.
  3. Cook the boiled jam for 5 minutes. Place hot into jars and seal.

Five-minute blackcurrant jelly

The berry is famous for its high content of natural thickener - pectin. You can prepare jelly-like jam in the same 5 minutes without losing useful substances, excellent taste and quality, for long-term storage.

You will need:

  • Currants – 1 kg.
  • Water – 1.5 cups.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Dry clean, freed from twigs berries, spreading them on a napkin.
  2. Place in a saucepan, pour in water and add sugar.
  3. Start heating the mass. Soon the currants will begin to burst and release juice.
  4. Remove from the burner, let cool slightly and use a blender to chop the mass. If you have to pass it through a meat grinder, cool the workpiece completely. Or chop the currants immediately before cooking.
  5. Return the jam to the stove, let it simmer slowly and cook for five minutes. Distribute into jars and seal.

Video recipe for making five-minute blackcurrant. Enjoy your winter evenings with a cup of tea and aromatic dessert.