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How to plant a blackcurrant bush correctly. Secrets of a rich blackcurrant harvest. When is the harvest, or how many years does currant live?

Currants remain one of the most beloved, popular and traditional crops in our gardening. Its unpretentiousness and self-fertility of most varieties allows you to plant only a few bushes of these plants even in small areas. You can plant only the variety you like, and if you want to improve pollination and increase productivity, then you need to plant several different varieties.

Currants will grow well both in a bright place and in a shady garden, and even the berries will be larger. Currants prefer light, fertile and moist soils.


Active growth of black currant begins in early spring. Therefore, it is best to plant currant bushes in the fall (end of August - September). But if you need to do this in the spring, then try to plant the seedlings before the buds open. The best period for planting blackcurrant seedlings in the spring will be mid to late April. Keep the distance between bushes at 1.5-2 meters.

Correct fit There will be seedlings if you plant the seedling obliquely, deepening the root collar 8-10 cm below the soil level. Then, as a result, you will probably get a strong fruit-bearing bush with a good root system and powerful basal shoots.

Andrey Zharkikh / Flickr.com

Seedlings can be purchased as one-year-olds or two-year-olds. When purchasing, pay attention to ensure that the seedlings are not damaged or overdried. It is better to purchase powerful, highly branched plants with a strong root system.

If you are going to plant a large number of seedlings, then the place for planting must begin to be prepared in advance, about a month in advance. The area allocated for planting is fertilized with organic fertilizers (humus or compost) at the rate of 5 kg per 1 sq. m. Also on this square meter you need to add 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate. When you prepare a site for planting currant seedlings, remove the weed rhizomes. Next, planting holes measuring 40 cm by 40 cm are prepared for each seedling.

chipmunk_1 / Flickr.com

If you do not have the opportunity to prepare the area for planting in advance, then you can use the following planting option. Prepare a hole with a diameter and depth of about half a meter. The top fertile layer from the pit will be useful to you, but you will not need the lower downed layer. In the finished hole, mix the top fertile layer with peat or humus or compost (depending on what is available). If the soil on the site is heavy and clayey, add a few kilograms of coarse sand, as well as 4 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate and 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate. If the soil is acidic, you need to add 2 cups to the hole. dolomite flour. After adding organic matter to the pit, mix thoroughly, then only add mineral fertilizers and mix them with the main mass no deeper than the bayonet of a shovel. Next, add a layer of fertile soil without fertilizers. It will be very useful to spill this whole “porridge” with a solution of “Potassium Humate” for fruit and berry plants at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water.

It is advisable to plant seedlings in prepared holes after a few days.

When planting, straighten the root system of the seedlings well. Fill them well and compact them, spilling water in the process (at least 1-2 buckets of water). It is very useful to mulch the plantings with peat, humus or freshly cut grass (sawdust or pine bark are also suitable). This will help retain moisture in the soil and prevent active growth weeds. If the weather does not promise rain, then the plantings must be watered regularly twice a week.

Magnificent blackcurrant harvest thanks to proper planting and care

Currants - planting and care in the country

Currants are planted in early spring or mid-autumn. Planting currants in the fall is preferable, since in the spring it is necessary to have time before sap flow begins and the buds open; in this case, the soil may not have time to warm up sufficiently and the plant will die.

For currants, choose a sunny place, protected from the wind with well-drained, non-acidic soil (pH value 6-6.5). Fertile, light loamy soil is ideal. To reduce the acidity of the soil, add up to 1 kg of lime, chalk or dolomite flour per 1 square meter. m.

Currants are propagated using cuttings or by dividing the bush, by separating large shoots with roots from the main trunk. Growing black currants will be successful if you choose two-year-old seedlings up to 40 cm high, with 3-5 skeletal branches at least 20 cm long; they take root best. Let's look at how to plant currants step by step.

Soil preparation

The selected area is leveled 14 days before planting the seedlings, weed rhizomes are removed and the soil is left to shrink. After 2 weeks, the area is divided into circles with a diameter of 50-60 cm, which are dug to a depth of 40 cm. The distance between them is maintained at 1.5-2 m, when planted in rows - up to 3 m.

Three-quarters of the hole is filled with a bucket of compost or other organic matter. Add 200 g of superphosphate, 60 g of potassium sulfate or 40 g of wood ash. A little black soil is poured on top of the fertilizers so that their concentration does not burn the roots, and then planting is carried out.

Planting black currants

The seedling is planted at an angle of 45 degrees, placing the root collar at a depth of 5 cm. This promotes the growth of root buds and the further development of a powerful root system. If you plant a seedling directly, the bush will form as a single-stem bush.

Planting currants is completed by watering 5 liters of water per hole and another 5 liters per circular hole around it. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil: up to 8 cm deep - directly under the plant, at a distance of 20 cm from it - up to 12 cm. Then the soil is sprinkled with fine peat or humus.

Having completed the planting procedure, the seedling is cut at a height of 15 cm from the ground, leaving up to 5 buds on it. Cut branches can be stuck next to the main shoot, watered with water with the addition of Kornevin and covered with film or a plastic container for rooting and engraftment. Pruning stimulates intensive plant growth.

Planting currants in summer video

If the seedlings were not prepared in advance, it is possible to plant black currants in the summer. Most often this is necessary when propagating currants by layering in your garden. This planting is also called planting or simply breeding. It is performed after fruiting is completed: for early varieties- in July, and for later ones - in the middle and end of August.

Blackcurrant: cultivation and care

To berry bushes developed well and bear fruit, it is necessary to ensure proper care of black currants throughout the growing season.

Spring care for black currants

Before the buds appear, all old, withered or diseased branches are cut back to a healthy stem, and the wounds are covered with garden varnish. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied (up to 80 g of ammonium nitrate or 50 g of urea per plant) for two-year-old bushes. After fertilizing, the soil is dug up and watered.

At the time of formation of the ovary, until the beginning of June, watering is carried out at the rate of up to 30 liters of water per bush, every 5 days. Do this in the evening, using warm water (10-15 degrees Celsius), at the root. For watering, it is recommended to make circular grooves 15 cm deep at a distance of 30 cm from the seedling. Water getting on the leaves can lead to the development powdery mildew.

To improve soil moisture resistance, mulching is desirable. You can use peat, straw or newspaper. It is important to do this during the green cone and bud formation phase to prevent moisture loss.

Caring for currants in summer

In the first half of June, organic fertilizing should be carried out: up to 15 kg of humus per 1 bush, or liquid fertilizer (bird droppings, diluted with water 1:10).

When there is no rain for a long time, timely watering is especially necessary. Usually a bucket of water per week is enough. Watering currants in summer becomes more frequent from late June to mid-July during the ripening of the berries, and is done once every 5 days.

Caring for currants in June also includes pinching the tops of young stems into 2 buds to increase the number of side shoots. This procedure promotes the development of new shoots. The timing of pinching is also postponed to a later date in order to delay the fruiting of the bush.

During fruit ripening, foliar feeding is applied: mixing 5 g of potassium permanganate, 40 g iron sulfate and 3 g boric acid. Dissolve them separately and then mix together in a 10 liter bucket of water. Spraying is carried out in the evening or on a cloudy, windless day.

The berries must be harvested individually and not picked in bunches. This way there is less chance of damaging the plant. Watering and fertilizing are completely stopped two to three weeks before harvest.

Caring for currant bushes in autumn

Having completed the harvest, starting from mid-August and throughout September, watering is done once a week, loosening the soil to a depth of 5 cm. In dry autumn, preparation for winter includes increased soil moisture - half a meter deep.

At the end of September, it is necessary to add organic matter (4-6 kg of bird droppings), or feed with minerals: 20 g of potassium sulfate and 50 g of superphosphate. In any case, when applying fertilizer, add 200 g of wood ash. Afterwards, the soil is dug up and mulched to increase fruiting next year.

Before the onset of the first frost, it is necessary to prune underdeveloped and weak shoots, as well as those that grow in the middle of the bush and thicken it. Poorly developed young branches are also subject to removal, of which only 3-4 of the strongest are left. An adult bush usually consists of 15 shoots different years life.

Diseases and pests: prevention and treatment

To protect the plant from diseases, use preventive measures. In the spring, before the buds awaken, the bushes are watered hot water temperature plus 80 degrees. Celsius, at the rate of 3 liters per 1 plant for treatment against pests and diseases. They also carry out timely sanitary pruning of bushes to prevent thickening and regularly dig up the soil to destroy pests.

During flowering and the appearance of the first leaves, additional treatment with fungicides is necessary: ​​Alirin-B, Gamair, Forecast, Topaz, Glycoladine - against rust and anthracnose.

You can read about how to get rid of bud mites on currants in our article.

Preparing currants for winter

Proper care for blackcurrants includes preparation for winter. The soil under the bushes is weeded and fallen leaves are removed.

After the first frost, the bush is pulled upward in a spiral with a rope, clamping it at the top with a clothespin. The ground is covered with mulch. After a large amount of precipitation falls, a snow cushion 10 cm high is made at the base of the bush, and then the bush is completely covered with snow.

Bottom line

Growing currants on the plot will only bring pleasure, since the crop is not demanding and bears excellent fruit. Carefully monitor the behavior of the plant to always know what it needs, do not forget about timely watering, fertilizing and preventive treatments. Then black currants, which are cared for according to all the rules, will reward you with a magnificent harvest and large berries.

When planting bushes black currant it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that directly affect their future productivity. Preliminary preparation selected area, compliance with the rules of planting and caring for plants - this is the key to obtaining an excellent harvest of black berries, which are among the leaders in vitamin C content.

Planting black currants is an important process, the correctness of which determines the further development of the plant and the size of the future harvest. Many difficulties encountered when growing fruit bush, can be avoided if you follow the rules for choosing the place and time of landing.

Choosing a time and place to land

In areas with a temperate climate, the most suitable time of year for planting shrubs is autumn, in September - October. In this case, the seedlings will take root better, and the first harvest of ripe berries can be harvested in the summer. Seedlings should be purchased immediately before autumn planting.

Burying seedlings in a trench - The best way storage of seedlings that are planned to be planted on the site in the spring

If planting is planned in the spring, then they need to be put away for storage, buried in a trench dug in a sunny and elevated area (so as not to flood in the spring) with a depth of 50 cm, a width of 35 cm and a length exceeding the length of the seedling by 20 cm. The trench must first be laid a layer of sawdust, moss or coniferous branches, 10–15 cm thick. Before removing the seedlings into the trench, they should be placed in a container with warm water, then rinse and dry the roots. After planting the seedlings in the trench, they need to be covered with soil, watered, and covered again with soil to form a mound 20–25 cm high. The last step is to throw spruce branches on top. In the spring, before sap flow begins and the buds open, you need to take the seedlings out of storage and start planting.

Spring planting of currants is carried out in areas with harsh winters.

At autumn planting seedlings will be stronger and healthier

When planting currants, it is important right choice site: it should be moist and located in a non-swampy lowland or on a small hill, and groundwater should not lie too close to the soil surface, but not lower than 1–1.5 m from its surface. This need is explained by the fact that the shrub constantly needs water, which its root system can receive from the soil. Too close groundwater A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the holes, otherwise the root system may rot or die altogether.

It is recommended to plant currant bushes on the south or southwest side so that there is good lighting. If the plant is in the shade, the berries will not ripen. The area should be windless, so you should choose a place near the house or along the fence, at a distance of at least 1 m from it.

Preparing the soil and pit

Currant - unpretentious culture, which takes root well on any soil, except rocky, sandy, swampy and heavy acidic soils. However, for growing black currants, loose and fertile soils with moderate or neutral acidity, for example, loamy soils, are preferred. The acidity level can be easily checked using litmus paper: place 1 part of the soil sample and 4 parts of water in a container, mix the contents and lower the litmus paper into it. After 1 minute it will turn a color indicating the acidity level. The optimal acidity level for currants is 5.1–5.5.

For black currants, soil with an acidity level of 5.1 to 5.5 is suitable

In acidic soil you need to add 100–200 g of ash per 1 square meter. m of plot, and this process will have to be repeated annually, since the calcium contained in the ash is washed out during irrigation or heavy rains. Instead of ash, you can use 300–400 g of dolomite flour, 200–300 g of crushed chalk, gypsum or eggshells. If the soil has an insufficient level of acidity, it can be acidified by adding rotted sawdust, fresh manure, and leaf compost. As you can see, any soil can be adapted for planting black currants; you just need to correctly determine its acidity level.

4 weeks before planting, you need to prepare the area for currants:

  • clear away weeds;
  • level the surface by filling in existing holes;
  • dig on the bayonet of a shovel;
  • contribute for each sq. m. soil 5 kg organic fertilizers, for example, peat, humus or compost.

If currants are planted in the spring, then preparation of the site should begin in the fall so that within six months the soil is saturated with useful components.

The size of the planting hole must be at least 40x40 cm, and the optimal depth is 50 cm

On the day of planting, you need to dig planting holes measuring 40x40 cm and 0.5 m deep. The distance between planting holes depends on the selected variety:

  • if the bushes are spreading, then the distance should be 1.5 - 2 m;
  • if the bushes are erect and slightly spreading, then planting holes can be dug 1 meter from each other.

If seedlings are planted too close together, the yield may decrease, and the life cycle of the shrubs will also be shortened in the future.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Choosing seedlings for planting is a responsible matter, which determines whether the plant will take root or not. Viable bushes have a powerful and developed root system, consisting of two or three semi-lignified branches 15–25 cm long and many fibrous roots. The roots should not be dry and diseased. Damage to the root system is also not allowed. One or the other is better suited for planting two-year-old seedlings, and the latter take root faster and begin to bear fruit earlier.

An important indicator of high-quality seedlings is the condition of the bark: it should be smooth, and the trunk under it, if the bark is plucked off, is colored green. A dead plant has a darkened, brown trunk under the bark.

Before transportation, the roots of purchased seedlings should be moistened with water, first wrapped in burlap, and then plastic bag- this way they won’t dry out and get injured.

The optimal height of a seedling for planting is 30–35 cm

A seedling ready for planting should have 1–2 smooth and flexible branches 30–35 cm long with buds of normal size and not swollen from damage by bud mites. The buds swell due to the fact that eggs are laid inside them, from which mite larvae subsequently hatch and infect the entire bush and neighboring plants. As a result of their activity, the number of healthy shoots is reduced, which negatively affects currant yields.

If you purchase planting material of different varieties and plant bushes nearby, the yield of the plantings will increase, and the size of the berries will also increase due to cross-pollination.

Currant seedling with buds affected by bud mite

Planting methods

The choice of planting method depends only on the size personal plot and personal preferences of its owner. There are 3 ways to plant currants:

  • Tape - used for planting annual seedlings, which are planted in one line with a distance of 1 meter between them. In the second year after planting, a dense wall of strong chokeberry shoots is formed. The advantage of this method is the ease of care on both sides of the currant row.
  • Bush - more often used for planting spreading varieties of currants, so planting holes are dug at a distance of 2–2.5 m from each other in a linear or checkerboard pattern. This method is relevant if you have a large garden plot.
  • Single planting - used in a small free and well-lit area, the size of which does not exceed 3x3 m, which ensures better illumination and care. As a result, there is a higher yield of large fruits.

With the strip planting method, planting holes are dug in one row

The procedure for planting seedlings:

  1. Mix the soil from the pit with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, for example, superphosphate.
  2. Pour a bucket of water over the prepared hole with soil.
  3. Insert the seedling into the prepared hole at an angle of 45˚, no matter in which direction, straighten the roots, shake the seedling periodically so that air is not trapped between the roots. At vertical landing the bush will grow single-stemmed, and if inclined, branched.
  4. Fall asleep landing hole compact the soil, deepening the root collar by 6–8 cm.
  5. Water the seedling with half a bucket of water.
  6. Mulch trunk circle sawdust, peat or rotted manure, and the thickness of the mulch should be at least 5 cm.
  7. Carry out the initial pruning of the seedling, leaving 2–4 buds on the branches.

The seedling needs to be placed in the planting hole at an angle of 45˚, so it will take root faster, grow the root system and later turn into a lush bush

Caring for seedlings during the first time after planting

Immediately after planting, you need to dig a groove around the perimeter of the tree trunk circle and pour water into it to moisten the soil. After water has been absorbed, the groove must be filled with peat or turf soil, but do not use fresh manure and mineral fertilizers, otherwise the roots will get burned.

In the first time after planting, you need to intensively care for the plant: loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm 2–3 times a week, weed the tree trunk, water it abundantly and feed it. When watering and fertilizing, it is important to observe the timing, frequency and quantity of these activities.

Watering and fertilizing currants

Currant is a moisture-loving shrub, so at least 3 waterings are required per season:

  • the first - in early June, during the formation of ovaries;
  • the second - in the last ten days of June - the first ten days of July, when the berries begin to ripen;
  • the third - at the end of August - beginning of September, after the end of fruiting.

In the absence of autumn rains at the end of October, additional watering for the winter is necessary.

When watering, the soil should be moistened to a depth of 35–40 cm so that the entire root system has access to moisture. Water consumption for irrigation should be at least 20–30 liters per 1 square meter. m. Another condition is to water with warm water in the evening.

When watering, the soil should be moistened to a depth of 40 cm

In the summer months, it is necessary to add organic fertilizers to the soil, for example, 40 g of urea for each plant, or spray the leaves with foliar fertilizer.

Foliar feeding can be prepared at home: dilute 3 g of boric acid, 5 g of potassium permanganate and 40 g of potassium permanganate in water separately. copper sulfate, and then add the resulting solutions to a bucket of water.

At the end of September - beginning of October, you need to once again feed the bushes with organic or mineral fertilizers, immediately water and dig up the soil.

Bush pruning

To form bushes, it is necessary to prune the plant. The appropriate time of year for this event is early spring, before the buds appear, or late autumn.

Currant pruning is carried out in several stages:

  • first - immediately on the day of planting you need to trim the branches, leaving 2-4 buds on each;
  • the second - after a year, when weak and small branches are cut off;
  • in the third year, all weak and diseased shoots should be removed, and healthy shoots should be pruned by 30%;
  • the fourth stage is carried out 6–7 years after planting - five- and six-year-old branches that will no longer bear fruit are removed.

Scheme of formation of black currant bushes

Compatibility of currants with other plants

Onions are a wonderful neighbor for currants. If late autumn plant next to currants onion, an important task will be completed - spring protection kidneys from kidney mites. The proximity to honeysuckle and apple trees is considered good for currants.

The situation is completely different with planting black currants next to red currants. If these 2 species are planted side by side, the yield of each will decrease sharply. This phenomenon does not apply to golden currants, which perfectly coexist with chokeberries.

Compatibility table of black currant with other plants

The same consequences are observed when adjacent to raspberries, which need a spacious area. Due to the rapidly growing root system of raspberries, which oppresses other plants, currant bushes begin to experience discomfort, moisture deficiency and lose vitality, which negatively affects its productivity. For the same reason, cherries, plums and sweet cherries are another undesirable neighbors for currants.

Planting bushes next to buckthorn has an unfavorable effect, from which currants can become infected with goblet rust. Dangerous consequences for currants it is adjacent to bird cherry, which attracts the attention of the glassberry - a pest of all fruit and berry crops, and with gooseberries - due to the moth.

Black currants, for their part, benefit crops such as tomatoes and potatoes, repelling their pests with phytoncides.

Currant grafting

Blackcurrant grafting can be done in spring, summer and autumn. Summer grafting on a tall stump is most preferable. When grafted onto a stump, black currant serves as a rootstock. This method allows you to get a currant tree with berries of white, red, pink or black.

Procedure for grafting onto a tall stump:

Mandatory replanting of shrubs is required when the soil is depleted, the initial choice of planting site is incorrect, and when redeveloping a personal plot. Other reasons for transplanting currants are:

  • variety propagation;
  • excessive density of plantings;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • contamination of the soil in the old place by pathogenic fungi;
  • frequent flooding by melt water and rain;
  • the need to renew shrubs;
  • repeated freezing of plants.

Over time, the soil becomes depleted, so the currants receive less nutrients and need to be moved to a new location

To save high yield It is recommended to replant currants every 5 years. In order for the plant to undergo this procedure painlessly and not die, you need to know the specifics of the transplant.

When should the transplant be carried out?

Transplantation time depends on the region of growth: in the northern regions due to harsh winter spring transplantation is indicated, and in the northern zone of Russia and the southern regions, autumn transplantation is recommended, which should be carried out no later than 3 weeks before the onset of frost. The preferred dates for autumn transplantation are from September 10 to 15. Term spring transplant is also determined by weather conditions - the air temperature must rise to + 1 ˚C, and the soil must completely thaw, and is limited to the beginning of the growing season, that is, carried out in April, before the sap begins to flow and until the buds open.

Choosing a transfer site

The northern and north-eastern slopes of a personal plot are suitable for transplanting black currants; slight shading is allowed. Currants will grow well in the place where buckwheat, potatoes, corn, beets, and beans previously grew. Areas with high humidity and stagnation of cold air, since in such conditions they develop fungal diseases and may appear root rot. If possible, you need to choose a sunny place, not flooded by rain and melted snow, with loose soil rich in humus.

Preparing the soil and pit

Before replanting, you need to prepare the soil in the selected area: dig up the soil to a depth of 40 cm and add 1 square meter. m. of soil, a mixture of fertilizers from 10 kg of compost, 10 g double superphosphate and 7 g of potassium chloride.

In August, before autumn transplant, you should dig up the area again. The same digging of soil for spring replanting should be done in the fall.

Before transplanting, you need to dig up the soil and add fertilizer to it.

Immediately before transplanting, you need to dig a planting hole: for young bushes - 40x40 cm in size, for adult bushes - 60 cm in diameter and 40 cm deep, and for tall and remontant currant varieties, the depth should be 60–70 cm. The final size of the planting hole depends on the size of the shrub's root system. The next planting hole must be dug 1.5 m from the previous one.

Each planting hole must be filled 1/3 with the prepared substrate: mix the soil from the hole with 10 kg of rotted manure, add 300 g of superphosphate and 400 g of wood ash, which can be replaced with 30 g of potassium sulfate. After filling the hole with soil, you need to water it with 10–20 liters of water.

Proper replanting of shrubs

If the currant bushes have thinned out foliage and begun to turn yellow, the size of the leaves has decreased, the berries have been crushed and the yield has decreased, it’s time to get down to business and transplant the plant from the depleted soil to a new location.

At correct transplantation the shrub will quickly take root in a new place and begin to bear fruit earlier

Transplanting currants in spring

Spring transplantation of currants should be carried out after warming the top layer of soil to + 5 °C, until the buds on the shoots begin to bloom. The bush needs to be moved to a new place along with a lump of earth, so the plant will more easily survive stress and begin growth faster. During the first time after spring transplantation, currant bushes need to be watered generously with warm water. After spring replanting, the branches of the bush grow faster, and already next year sweet and sour currants will ripen on them.

Autumn transplantation of currants

Autumn, just like when planting currant seedlings, is the ideal time of year for transplanting adult bushes. Recommended transplant dates are from late September to early October. Moving to a new location should begin after the end of the growing season. Relatively old bushes are replanted entirely, but it is necessary to prune old shoots. Trimmed shoots are not thrown away, but are used as planting material. Mature currant bushes are transplanted together with a large earthen ball, so they will better take root in the new place.

The currant bush needs to be replanted together with a lump of earth, so the plant will avoid stress and adapt to the new place

Replanting by dividing a bush

This method of transplantation is not the most popular method of propagating currants. It is used when there is a shortage of planting material, as well as when there is a need to transplant the shrub to a new place. The advantage of replanting by dividing the bush is the rapid rooting and survival rate of the transplanted currants, as well as the possibility of carrying it out in early spring or autumn.

Before transplanting, prepare several planting holes 60–80 cm deep, mix the soil from the holes with manure.

Transplantation algorithm by dividing the bush:

  1. Carefully dig the bush out of the ground so as not to damage the root system.
  2. Remove dry branches from the bush and shorten young shoots to 30 cm.
  3. Using an ax, divide the bush into several parts so that each part has a branched root and shoots with buds.
  4. Dividing a currant bush is one of the ways to propagate a bush

    Care after transplant

    Immediately after transplanting, the currants need to be cut off; if this is not done, the plant will take a long time to get used to the new place. Also, at first, abundant watering is important: the soil should always be moist, a young bush will need up to 20 liters of water, and an adult - up to 40–50 liters per week. If the bushes were replanted in the fall, then it is recommended to hill them up, since in this case the plants will better survive the winter. But at the beginning of spring, the earthen embankment needs to be leveled, otherwise the currants will put down lateral roots there, which will freeze in winter.

    After transplantation, the plant does not need fertilizing, since fertilizers were previously applied to the planting hole. Otherwise, the roots of the plant will get burned.

    If you do not trim the shoots after replanting the currants, the process of taking root in the new place will be delayed.

Currants can be found on almost every garden plot, as it is a very popular berry. It is the black currant that is the most popular among all the others (red and golden). Black currants are rich in vitamins and exceed strawberries in their concentration by 5 times, citrus fruits by 8 times, apples and pears by 10 times, and grapes by almost 100 times.

Thus, black currant has become one of the most sought-after berries and is popular. But in order to properly plant currant bushes on your site and wait for the berries, to increase the yield of black currants from the bush, you should know the rules for planting and caring for them.

Did you know? In our country, black currants began to be grown in the 11th century as ornamental plant. At the end of the 17th century, attention was paid to the medicinal properties of the berries, and currant branches began to be used for tea.

The best varieties of black currant

To choose best variety black currant, the following features should be taken into account:

  • berry ripening time;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • How does it tolerate frost and drought?

It is best to choose currants based on the region in which you live. The most popular currant varieties:

There are more than 15 varieties of blackcurrant in total. Each has its own characteristics.

Important! When choosing, you need to take into account ripening time, taste, skin thickness, resistance and susceptibility to climate change, diseases and pests.

Planting black currants

Blackcurrant produces a harvest of 12-15 years. Her richest harvests are in the 6th or 7th year.

It is best to plant several varieties of currants for mutual pollination. This way you will get large fruits and high yields.

Optimal timing and choice of place for planting seedlings

Black currants can be planted from spring to autumn. But it is best to plant at the end of September-October. In this way, the seedlings will strengthen better and begin to grow in the spring. In spring, it is better to plant before the sap begins to awaken and move.

How to choose the right seedling

When choosing a seedling, pay attention to the horse system: it should have skeletal and fibrous roots. The roots should be moist and treated. The shoots are light gray and flexible. A healthy shoot has buds of normal size. If they are swollen, this is a sign of a kidney mite.

It is best to buy seedlings in the fall. They will better adapt to new conditions and settle down normally. After purchasing seedlings, wrap their roots with a damp cloth so that they do not get injured or dry out during transportation.

How to prepare the soil before planting

The soil should be slightly acidic, neutral (pH 5.0-5.5), fertile. Blackcurrant bushes really like loam. It should be planted on the southwest or south side. The area should be well lit and protected from the wind.

If you plant currants in the spring, prepare the soil in the fall. Add humus wood ash(1 l), superforce (100 g) per square meter. Planting black currants occurs as follows:

  • prepare the site in autumn/spring;
  • dig up the soil and fertilize 7-10 kg of humus per 1 sq.m;
  • prepare the holes for planting 2-3 weeks in advance. Add soil, superphosphate (2 tablespoons), a handful of ash, 5 kg of compost, filling the hole 2/3;
  • wait for the soil to settle and compact;
  • pour 1/2 bucket of water into the hole;
  • place the seedling in the hole at an angle of 45°, 5 cm deeper than it grew before;
  • Gently straighten the roots and sprinkle with earth, compact;
  • pour another 1/2 bucket of water under the seedling;
  • After planting, trim the shoots of the seedlings, leaving 2-3 buds on each.

Many gardeners wonder what year after planting currants bear fruit.

I would like it to start bearing berries in 2-3 years, but this will happen only in 5-6 years.

The bush should gain strength and take root normally.

Growing and caring for black currants

Growing and caring for black currants is not a difficult task. You just need to remember to water, prune and fertilize on time.

How to care for the soil

The soil around the bush needs to be dug up and mulched with humus or manure. Mulch thickness is 5-10 cm. If weeds begin to appear around the currants, remove them immediately so that they do not infect the bush with diseases or pests.

Don't forget about fertilizing and fertilizing. It is best to choose special fertilizers for currants with the addition of potassium. The soil should be loose, moist, but without stagnant water, so that the currant roots do not begin to rot. Water the bush 1-2 times a week, and on especially dry days every day.

Proper pruning and bush formation

The bush should be pruned in early spring before buds appear; be sure to remove broken and damaged branches (for example, by diseases or mites).

By pruning the bush, you allow young shoots to grow and prevent the proliferation of pests.

To form a bush after planting, shoots should be pruned annually, leaving only 3-4 developed and correctly positioned.

Important! If the bush is not developing well, you need to cut off 2-3 skeletal branches - this will help the basal shoots to develop.

The formation of the bush is completed at the 5th year. If you did everything correctly, then it will have 10-15 skeletal branches with side branches.


Blackcurrant berries are harvested by hand, picking each berry. They should be collected carefully, without injuring or breaking branches.

Blackcurrant berries are placed in trays, boxes or boxes - then they will not wrinkle and will not release juice. After picking the berries, the bushes need to be watered abundantly and the soil in the area should be loosened.

Important! Don't forget to feed the currant bushes. Fertilizers with microelements will help you get good harvest. It is best to do this from the beginning of spring. You can use bird droppings, urea or mullein solution. Use complex fertilizers. Feed currants once a week. After harvesting, feed the bushes with superphosphate (100 g around the bush), ash (200 g around the bush) or organic fertilizer.

Protecting blackcurrants from frost

Frosts are very dangerous for black currants. They can deprive you of a large part or even all of your harvest.

To protect the bushes from early frosts, you need to pour water on the bushes in the evening or place water in containers near them. You can also cover the currant bushes with large bags of paper, fabric or special film.

Methods for propagating currants

Many gardeners who have black currants growing on their property decide to propagate them themselves. This is not difficult to do, but you should be aware of the possible infestation of pests and diseases when doing this.

Be sure to choose the healthiest and most fruitful bushes for propagation of black currants.


If you decide to propagate currants by cuttings, you should remember that they can be planted from late April to early May, from September to October.

Cuttings from annual shoots about 7 mm thick are cut. The cut is made at an angle of 45°. The cuttings are 20 cm long. The cuttings should be placed in water overnight and planted in prepared soil in the morning. They are planted like ordinary seedlings, while watering them abundantly.

By layering

Currants are propagated by layering in the spring. Healthy lateral growths are bent, placed in prepared grooves (depth 5-7 cm) and pinned with special staples.

After this, the layering is covered with soil. With the appearance of shoots 6-8 cm in length, they are hilled up to half their height. They should be cared for like ordinary seedlings.

Dividing the bush

When dividing a bush, it should be buried high in the spring with soil containing humus and its moisture monitored throughout the entire period until autumn.. In the fall, you need to dig up the bush, separate the resulting rosettes with roots and plant them separately. Don't forget about watering and fertilizing new bushes.

Did you know? You cannot plant black currants next to bird cherry, hawthorn, buckthorn, fennel or hyssop. This can lead to pest infestation of the bushes. Blackcurrant and its neighbor should have a root system of the same depth so as not to interfere with each other. It is best to plant currants separately.

Beneficial properties of black currant

Currants are used as medicinal plant for a very long time now. The berries contain vitamins C, B, P, A, E, pectin, phosphoric acid, iron, essential oils.

Black currant- one of the most famous and favorite berries of most people. Possessing wonderful taste qualities, it is also extremely beneficial for the body. The level of vitamin C in berries is one of the highest of any known food containing this vitamin.

These berries are used during colds, intestinal diseases, and for general prevention of the body. In addition, jams, compotes, jellies and currant jams are the favorite dishes of many people. Everyone knows about her beneficial properties, but not everyone knows when and how to plant it.

Planting black currants

The optimal conditions for planting all types of currants are spring and autumn. Shrubs are planted in the fall, usually at the end of October. The main thing is to plant the bush before frost sets in.

If you plant a bush in the fall, then before the onset of spring the soil around the bush is compacted, and the seedling takes root well, and with the onset of the first warmth it begins to grow intensively. The choice of landing site should also be approached responsibly. This plant is moisture-loving, so damp areas are suitable for it, but at the same time well protected from drafts.

Planting currants in the fall is not allowed in wetlands. The most the best option is medium and heavy loamy soil. Currants are afraid of stagnant water, so good soil drainage should be established.

How to plant black currants in the fall

Many people, having planted a blackcurrant bush, immediately forget about it, and remember only during the harvest. And in vain.

To get a good full harvest, you need to adhere to simple rules. The area allocated for planting currants is leveled, all depressions are filled up. Next, a spacious hole is dug - 40 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter.

The bottom of the hole is covered with a bucket of humus and potassium fertilizers are added in the amount of at least 100 g in the form of charcoal. For planting, take two-year-old seedlings with roots 15-20 centimeters. The shoots should be at least 30-40 centimeters.

You can also use one-year-old seedlings, but their roots must be sufficiently developed. There is one trick that gardeners use and which is the main rule when planting black currants.

Plant the bush at an angle of 45 degrees to ground level so that the stems are fan-shaped and the lower buds on them are covered with soil. At least 2 buds should remain on the surface. This should be done to form a powerful, healthy blackcurrant bush. Next, you should make depressions around the planted bush, water them with a bucket of water, compact them well and lay mulch around the bush in the form of peat, compost, straw, leaves in a layer of up to 10 cm. Depending on the size and variety of currants, the distance between the bushes is maintained from a meter to one and a half meters . Currants love illuminated, open spaces, but partial shading will not harm it, although this will affect the harvest in the future. Currants are highly frost-resistant, but they should still be protected from late spring frosts, since the fruit buds that have begun to grow may freeze, which will affect the yield reduction.

Black currant provides the human body different types vitamins (A, vitamins E, B, C, H), microelements (fluorine, iron, iodine, copper, cobalt, zinc, manganese), macroelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium). It is the most beneficial for health, gives strength and vigor. Also, black currant is valued due to its content of dietary fiber, organic acid, pectin, sugar, essential oils. Currant leaves are also endowed with generally beneficial properties. After all, it contains a large amount of phytoncides - these are volatile substances that fight microbes. The berry, black currant, is used for brewing various teas. Tea with it is tastier and healthier.

Proper care is the key to a good harvest!Don't forget to water!

Currants are watered infrequently, usually two or three times a season. The first watering is the beginning of shoot growth and the formation of ovaries, the second is when the berries begin to ripen, and the third watering is after the end of the harvest.

Sometimes they water in the fall, but this is only when there is no rain. Water the currants in the amount per 1 square meter. m. 4-5 buckets of water, in pre-constructed holes, about 15 cm deep. summer heat It is necessary to check the soil moisture, this is done in an easy way.

You need to dig up the ground with one bayonet of a shovel; if the ground is wet, then additional watering not necessary. If there is a lack of moisture, the plants exhibit slow growth of shoots, and during the ripening of the berries, the fruits may crumble. During drought in the fall, the bushes may freeze.

Fertilizer for black currants

Sometimes in the ground, there are not enough black currants the most useful substances. She needs to be fed. This is done throughout the entire period of growth of the currant bush.

Immediately after planting the plant in the ground, and in the first two years, currants receive the required amount of potassium and phosphorus from the soil, which was used to fertilize the ground before planting. At the beginning of spring, it needs nitrogen, it is applied under the currants, it is buried and watered. After three years, in addition to fertilizing with nitrogen in the spring, autumn period About 5 kg of organic fertilizers, superphosphate (50 grams) and potassium sulfate (20 grams) are added to the soil. If currants grow on swamp-peat soils, then they need feeding once every three years.

Lime must be added to the soil 4 times throughout the year. Also superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Currants, which grow on sandy soils, need annual feeding. This is done in the spring.

Is bush pruning necessary?

Blackcurrants need to be pruned annually. Each currant branch should be renewed once every three years, as old branches produce a poor harvest. Pruning currants has a beneficial effect on the formation of the bush, constant renewal and normalization of the crop load on the bush. Currants can be cut in spring and autumn.

The main purpose of cutting in the spring is to remove frozen branches; you need to thin out the thick currant branches. It should be pruned in early spring, before the sap flows. Sections of branches are smeared with varnish. But this needs to be done as early as possible, before the buds open.

In the fall, unnecessary one-year-old stems are removed: these are branches that lie on the ground, are infected with pests that grow on the plant for more than two years and have a darker color.

Dear friends, we wish you successful landings!!!