Well      06/07/2019

Joining tiles with your own hands. Jointing floor tiles - how to do the job correctly. Choosing a grout mixture

The final stage in laying tiles is jointing (grouting the joints. This ensures a beautiful appearance laid tiles, and also gives it waterproofing properties. Most modern grouts also have antifungal properties, which is important for wet rooms.

You will need.
Grout (cement, silicone or epoxy);
Container for diluting grout;
Masking tape (for working with silicone or epoxy fugue);
Rubber spatula for jointing;.
Foam sponge and water container;.
Protective gloves.

1. First, the surface must be prepared for jointing. To do this, you need to wait until the tile adhesive has completely dried, then clean the seams from any dust and debris that may have gotten into them (this is especially true for floor tiles. It is best to vacuum the seams to clean them, and wipe the tile itself with a damp cloth or sponge to remove dust. 2. if you use cement grout, then first you need to dilute it with water. To do this, pour the dry grout into a container, then add the required amount of water (the ratio of the mixture to water is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Dry cement grout has a very fine fraction, almost like powder, so you need to stir it for a long time and thoroughly. At first, the powder will float on the surface of the water and not mix with it, then gradually a “dough” will begin to form. Make sure that there are no lumps left, otherwise the seam will be untidy and the grout will not be able to fully provide waterproofing 3. Unlike cement grout, silicone and epoxy mixtures are sold ready-to-use, so you just need to open the package and get to work. 4. The easiest way to fill joints is with cement grout. To do this, take a rubber jointing spatula and put the mixture into the seam so that all the voids are filled. Some of the mixture will be smeared on the tile, and there will be excess on the seam. It's okay, that's how it should be, because it's First stage. Next you need to remove the excess with a rubber spatula. To do this, place the spatula across the seam, slightly tilting it in the direction of movement, and apply pressure along the seam. After this, the grout in the seam will be level with the tile or slightly lower, due to the rounded edges of the tile and the softness of the rubber spatula. Now you can either leave it like that, or make the seam a little more prominent, if this suits your idea. To deepen the seam, simply insert a putty knife into the seam to the desired depth and run along the seam, removing excess. 5. When working with silicone and epoxy grout The problem arises of subsequent cleaning of the tiles from smeared excess mixture. These types of jointing are very difficult to remove from the surface, especially if the tiles are unglazed or have a relief surface structure. Therefore, you must work with these types of grout carefully, and the tiles along the edges of the seams must be sealed with masking tape. The principle of operation is the same as with cement fugue: put the mixture into the seam, remove the excess, and if desired, deepen the seam. 6. When the grout is completely dry, the tiles must be cleaned of excess. In the case of cement grout, you need to scrub all the tiles with a damp sponge, and when working with silicone or epoxy grout, remove the stained masking tape glued near the seams. Real estate construction renovation.

How to joint joints on floor tiles. Sequence of grout application

Knowing how to properly grout seams on tiles, you can try to avoid the most common mistakes. If you need to perform this operation yourself, it is useful to first prepare all the necessary tools for this. You will need a container in which to dilute the solution, a small rubber spatula, an ordinary foam sponge, and a molar brush. For beginners, a regular piping bag will help you grout quality joints. The algorithm for performing the work is as follows:

  1. First, the seam area is carefully cleared of dust and dirt.
  2. Then they are pre-treated with antifungal compounds. If tiling is done in the bathroom, the use of such compounds becomes mandatory.
  3. To ensure better adhesion of the fugue to the material, it is necessary to moisten the seams with water with a brush.
  4. Next, according to the instructions, a small portion of the grout fugue is diluted. If the space between the joints is large, you can place the finished mastic in a pastry bag and use it to try to fill the space between the tiles evenly and very carefully. If the space between adjacent tiles is only a few millimeters, it is better to grout the tile joints using a small rubber spatula. It is important to try to compact the mastic tightly, to ensure that the grout completely fills the space between the tiles.
  5. Excess grout is immediately removed with a rubber spatula.
  6. When the applied composition dries slightly, it is important to wet it well with a damp sponge. Otherwise, it will quickly dry out and become cracked.

How to joint tiles on the floor correctly. How to joint tiles correctly

Preparation of seams

The grouting process is allowed only after at least 24 hours have passed after laying the ceramic tiles, because... Joining involves a certain physical impact on the seam. It is also necessary to moisten the seams by running a foam sponge soaked in water over them. If there is mortar in the seams, then using a thin metal object (for example, a nail), it is removed, just like tile crosses.

Tip: the surface of the tile along the seams is sealed with masking tape - this is especially necessary for tiles with a relief pattern, into which excess grout can accumulate. And it will be very difficult to remove it from there.

Grout preparation

If a ready-made mixture is used to joint tiles on the wall and floor, then this step is skipped. The dry solution is mixed with water in proportions according to the instructions.

Advice: if you have little or no experience working with fugue, you should not stir a large volume. Since the mixture hardens quickly, you need to work with it at the appropriate speed.

The composition is thoroughly mixed and then left for a few minutes so that the mixture can infuse. Then you should stir again and then start grouting.

Jointing procedure

The prepared solution is placed in a container that is convenient to hold in one hand, and a spatula is taken in the other hand and used to scoop out the fugue. Movements with a spatula should be made perpendicular to the seam, holding the tool at a slight angle. In this position, pressure is applied to the solution, due to which it is literally pressed into the seam, which enhances adhesion and gives the grout the desired thickness.

Tip: If you decide not to use masking tape, keep a damp foam sponge on hand to immediately remove excess fugue. But without touching the seam!

You can also make circular movements with a spatula, for example, to joint large areas. However, this technique is only allowed for ceramic tiles that do not have a relief pattern.

Removing grout

Excess fugue along the seams is removed at the same time as it is applied. Experts advise, especially if silicone grout is used, to follow the “one square meter” rule: having grouted such an area, immediately clean it. The seams themselves are processed the next day.

How to joint tiles on the floor. Joining floor tiles

We're done with the sampler and now we'll look at how to joint real floor tiles.

At the beginning, you need to carefully clean the seams from any remaining glue, but it may happen that in some places the glue has time to set. It is mechanically dangerous to clean it. To do this, you can look in the store for a special alkaline cleaner to remove dirt from tiles. Now I will demonstrate with a small example how it works. Apply the product onto the stain using a cotton swab.

This product also works well for cleaning grout lines.

After using chemicals, be sure to rinse it off and then moisten the seams.

You can apply the fugue into the seams of the floor tiles using the same rubber spatula.

Special graters with handles are also available for sale. They allow you to cover a large jointing area at a time.

And now I'm showing how to seal a deep seam on the floor. With this movement I push the fugue as deep as possible.

Please note: in order to work the seam to its full depth, the fugue should not be too thick.

As with the sampler, at the end of the fugue we use diagonal movements.

For various holes on the floor that need to be jointed, the same technique is used.

The reveal must be carried to the entire depth of the cleaned cavities.

This technique will make the seams more durable and they will not fray.

I advise you not to disturb the worn seams of floor tiles for several days. I will add that cement-based grouts gain their initial strength in no less than two weeks.

Often home craftsmen are interested in why they need to grout the joints between the tiles on the floor and on the wall. The fact is that according to the laying technology, when arranging the cladding of the floor surface between in separate fragments space must be left at the junction. On average, this parameter, according to standards and norms, should be 2-5 millimeters.

The size of the seam largely depends on the size of the tile - the larger it is, the wider the distance between adjacent elements can be.

Grouting of the joints of fragments is done for a number of reasons:

  1. Walls often shrink, as a result of which the tile begins to shift, albeit slightly, which means that it will need space to move.
  2. Thanks to the presence of cracks, the wall can breathe through them.
  3. Grout for floor tiles protects walls and floors in the kitchen and bathroom from the penetration of excess moisture into them. If this is not done, pathogenic fungi will begin to multiply in the seams between the fragments and mold will appear, and dirt will accumulate in the joints, which will not be easy to remove.
  4. Grout also helps improve adhesion between tiles and performs a decorative function. Evenly and neatly designed joints look aesthetically pleasing, while masking small defects (notches, chips) present along the edges of the tile.
  5. The duration of operation of the coating without repairs depends on how the floor tiles are grouted with their own hands.

The most common method is using a rubber spatula. Since you will not have to work on the entire territory at once, but process the tiles literally one by one square meter, experts recommend immediately before the process itself, once again moisten a couple of “squares” with water. In general, professionals process 2-3 square meters. m in about twenty minutes. A novice master will not be able to achieve such speed, but this is not so important. The main thing here is accuracy and careful adherence to technology. Well, the fact that you finish work an hour or two later doesn’t really matter.

So, how to grout tiles correctly? Apply the fugue onto a rubber spatula and begin filling the seams with diagonal movements. And you don’t just coat it on top, but try to kind of press the compound so that it fills the seam completely. Remove the excess with the same spatula. At the same time, make sure that the filled joint is level with the level of the tile. That is, if there are any depressions or voids, be sure to immediately add the fugu there. Since you need to grout the tiles on the floor in stages, work in this way for about half an hour. After this, begin cleaning the jointed area.

To do this, arm yourself with a bucket of water and a sponge. Constantly wetting it and squeezing it well, go over the entire surface with foam rubber, making movements in a circle. Your goal is to remove excess from the tile itself and the seams. If stains remain on the tiles, it’s not a big deal. They will be removed during the final cleaning process. Now the main thing is not to leave pieces of dried fugue on the ceramics. Removing it later will not be so easy. After you have treated one area, move on to the next. And so on until all the seams are erased.

Grout for joints is a homogeneous dry or already diluted to a paste mixture, made on the basis of polymers or white and gray cement. Some of the grout compounds are produced only in white or gray color, and tint dyes are added only before the start of work, others are produced already completed color options. A correctly selected grout color can help unite the tiles into one plane or, conversely, highlight the elements, emphasizing their shape, or frame them with a color similar in tone, darker or, conversely, lightened. Therefore, the choice of tint option will depend on what effect needs to be achieved upon completion of the work.

The color of the grout is important, but the criteria for assessing the quality of the material and its protective properties should always come first.

The direct purpose of the grout mixture is to prevent it from getting into the seams, and from there, under decorative coating moisture (direct or from increased content in the air), debris, dust, from the penetration of various insects, sometimes ready to choose voids for their nests, as well as from the development of microflora colonies in this space. Without the use of this material, the tiles will not stay long on the wall or floor surfaces and will begin to separate from them. And this, in turn, means that the repair will have to be repeated very soon, spending a decent amount on it.

The quality of the material should always come first, ahead even decorative features grout. Negligence in this matter can lead to disastrous results. For example, you should know that if mold or mildew managed to penetrate into the gaps between the tiles and take root there, then it will be extremely difficult to get rid of them, since this “disease” quickly takes over the space and can even penetrate into the pores of the walls.

Choose material only from trusted brands and avoid cheap fakes!

Therefore, when choosing a grout mixture, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer’s brand and purchase only that material that has gained a strong reputation for quality among consumers.

You have made a beautiful renovation, laid tiles or porcelain tiles on the floor, and now the final touch remains - buy the appropriate grout and finish the job you started. A few tips from professional tilers will help you create beautiful and neat seams so that the floor looks like new even after 5-7 years.

Types of grout for floor tiles

Since rooms can be used in different ways, the requirements for grouting (fugue) different requirements. For example, for swimming pools, bathrooms, and laundry rooms, it is important that the floor is resistant to dampness and water, so that mold and mildew cannot catch on and ruin the beautiful tiled carpet. IN living rooms housewives want to prevent dust from rising from the floor. And for hallways it is important that dirt does not clog into the pores of the grout.

  • Cement. The basis of the mixture is white cement and sand. The solution is not plastic. Sets quickly. Sold in the form of a dry powder, which must be diluted with water before use. The proportions are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. When working, you need to use “petals” to protect your respiratory organs from fine cement dust. To prevent the fugue from absorbing moisture and becoming covered with fungus, after the solution has dried, the seams are treated with water-repellent impregnation.
  • Polymer. Produced on the basis of a silicone mixture. Elastic, not afraid of water. Good for natural stone, porcelain stoneware, as well as for floors under which the heating system is installed. The joints tolerate thermal expansion and contraction of the tiles well. Also used for finishing so-called seamless tiles. Apply through a gun directly into the seam. The edges of the tiles are protected with masking tape, because... Fugue has high adhesion.
  • Epoxy. One of the most durable. Can be used for cladding industrial premises. Weather resistant. Good for loggias and balconies. Mold and mildew do not live on it. She is not afraid of water. It sticks firmly. Abrasion resistant. Sold as two ingredients that need to be mixed immediately before use. Grabs quickly.
  • Polyurethane. The ready-to-use polymer mixture provides reliable protection from moisture. Elastic. Can be used for tiles laid on “warm floors”.

Correct grouting of tile joints. The process of grouting tiles

The correct process for grouting tiles

After you have prepared the mixture for use, you can apply it between the tiles, pushing it into the joint.

To do this efficiently, use the end of a spatula to scoop up the mixture and apply it across the seam - this way you can achieve the deepest penetration.

If you apply it only along the joint, then over time it will crack, and in some places it will simply fall off - it is for this reason that I do not recommend the use of hard spatulas, floats and half-trowels in such work.

Having applied the mixture to the area between two tiles, use a spatula to pass along the joint, removing excess, as the master does in the top photo. But that is not all. To make the seam look beautiful, it should be finished with your finger (without gloves).

That is, when approximately a square of finishing is ready, pass a finger along the seam with light pressure, and it turns out to be slightly deepened, clearly aligned in width.

If you are afraid for your skin, then use hand creams every working day, although professionals, as a rule, do not do this, but simply wash their hands often.

Considering that this step by step process, after you have completed one batch, do not rush to wipe the tiles, but immediately do another batch and move on to finishing the next section. You can begin final wiping of the tiles only after 1-1.5 hours (this is optimal time).

If you leave wiping until the next day, you will face serious problems. Such substances, especially Ceresit CS 33, dry quickly, have excellent adhesion to ceramics (including glaze) and excellent hardness.

Therefore, by removing the completely dried mixture, you not only make your life more difficult, but also risk damaging the tiles.

Grouting in the bathroom is done starting from the walls even before the first (bottom) row and floor have been laid. Everything here is simple and logical: the first row is laid after the floor is laid out - this is correct and convenient from a technical point of view, and the floor is laid after the walls have been grouted, in order to get it dirty less.

Of course, the first row has to be grouted after the tiles have been laid on the floor.
The floor is grouted according to the same principle as the walls, that is, the same amount of mixture is prepared and applied first across the seam, and then pulled along the longitudinal line. Depth and evenness are leveled with a finger in the same way.

Mistakes when grouting tiles. How to replace grout on tiles

Decide what type of grout you will use. This depends on the size of the joints between the tiles. There are 2 types of tile grout: with sand and without sand. If the joints between the tiles are more than 3 mm, use grout with sand to fill them; if the joints are less than 3 mm, use grout without sand, as it is more compact.

Remove old grout. If necessary, remove existing grout before applying new grout. This will keep the surface looking clean and prevent the spread of mold.

Apply tile sealant. Apply a sealant to the surface of your tile if it is porous to prevent the grout from soaking in as you apply it. Do this with a sponge, roller, or simply rub the sealant onto the tiles and let dry for 24 hours.

Prepare a grout solution from the dry mixture. Mix the grout in a 20-gallon bucket using a spatula.

  • The spatula is small hand tool, used for laying paste-like materials on walls, countertops and floors.

Apply grout. Apply a large number of mortar into the seams along the tiles of your tile floor using a float. Make sure the grout completely fills the seams. Rub the entire surface of the floor, except for the connecting seams; These are the areas between the floor tiles and the tub, wall, door, cabinet or sink.

  • A trowel is a rectangular, flat tool with a steel handle and a rubber surface that is used to apply grout. Hold the float at a 30-degree angle and apply grout to the entire surface of the tile floor.

Remove excess grout. Remove excess grout from the tiles after all joints have been filled. To do this, go over the surface of the tile with a trowel, only this time hold it under acute angle and move diagonally to remove excess grout.

  • Moving diagonally avoids damage to the grout in the seams.

Leave the grout and prepare a bucket. Leave the grout for approximately 10 minutes. While the grout is drying, fill a second bucket with water and use a sponge to scrub the grout off the tile.

The final stage of tiling work is jointing. The seams need to be sealed with special mixtures and this must be done using technology.

We will reveal how to joint tiles in the article.

Why are seams rubbed?

  • The seams are protected from moisture and dirt; the grout prevents the appearance of mold and mildew in the space between the seams.
  • Seams help mask cladding defects. Within one batch, tiles can have a difference in size of up to 3-5 mm. Sufficiently thick joints mask the difference in tile size.
  • A monolithic cladding is created. The grout mixture glues adjacent tiles together.
  • Decorative function. Seams of the same thickness look beautiful and neat, and the wide range of colors of grout mixtures helps to achieve interesting results. Often the grout is matched to the color of the tile, but contrasting options always look interesting.

What tools are needed?

To joint joints in tiles, you will need an auxiliary tool.

  • Container for stirring grout.
  • Drill with stirring attachment. The mixture should be homogeneous and without lumps.
  • Rubber spatula. A rubber spatula is used for jointing. It is flexible and will not scratch the glaze on the tile.
  • Rubber grater: for large volumes, it is better to use a grater to distribute the grout mixture over a large area at once.
  • Sponge, clean rag.

And you will need the grout itself.

Choosing a grout mixture

There are two types of tile reveal:

  1. cement-based;
  2. epoxy based.

Fugues containing Portland cement

A popular and frequently used option is cement-based grout. They are sold as dry powders in small packages. Afterwards they need to be diluted with water to an elastic and thick consistency.

The advantages of cement grouts are as follows:

  • strength and abrasion resistance, such a tile fugue will be durable;
  • wide range of colors: the fugue can have all sorts of colors and shades, which allows you to bring to life the most interesting and original ideas;
  • The plasticity of the grout makes it easy to apply it into the space between the tiles; such grout is easy to work with and easy to dilute with plain water.

This type of grout is suitable for joints up to 5 mm thick. If you are planning joints thicker than 5 mm, buy joints containing quartz sand.

But you need to consider the following:

  1. quartz sand makes the fugue grainy and less plastic;
  2. the color range is narrowed, the grout will be white or gray;
  3. quartz sand in the composition can scratch the glaze of the tile.

Ready-made grouts

You can buy ready-made mixtures for grouting tile joints in small buckets. The cost of such products will be high, but the mixture will be of high quality, homogeneous and without lumps.

The consumption of such materials will be low.

Fugues based on epoxy resins

Fugue consists of epoxy resin and hardener. The mixture is suitable for grouting tile joints from 6 mm and thicker. It is recommended to use epoxy fugue for rooms with heavy traffic, for swimming pools and saunas.

Blend in finished form has a viscous consistency and a short working life. The grout sets and hardens quickly, so you need to work with it quickly.

Work in a respirator, because such products contain harmful components with a specific odor.

Knead the fugu in portions so that you don’t have to throw out the leftovers that you haven’t had time to use.

These products are pleasing with their durability of 50 years, but also at a high price.

Deciding on the color

The rich range of colors of grouting materials allows you to experiment.

  • Floor tiles are subject to constant impact, friction, dust and dirt. The fugue must withstand all this impact. For floor coverings use gray grout.
  • White seams - classic version, which will suit any cladding and fit into the interior of any style.
  • The color of the tiles. Traditionally, for wall tiles, a fugue is used that is several tones lighter than the ceramic.
  • Contrasting options can be made the right accent and enrich the cladding. Please note: dark seams on light-colored ceramics will reveal any defect or error made during installation.
  • Classic color combinations. There is a place for restrained experiments, but everything should be tasteful. A combination of white and yellow, red and blue are some of the options.
  • Small rooms are not suitable for experiments, would be better suited seasoned classics - white seams or joints in the color of the ceramics.

Joining technology

  1. preparation of the workplace and surface;
  2. applying the solution;
  3. smoothing seams, removing excess grout.


Make sure you have everything you need: grout, tools, accessories. You have already decided on the color and type of mixture.

Before jointing, remove the tile crosses. The crosses are removed with pliers or a screwdriver.

If the cross cannot be removed, use a painting knife to cut it off as much as possible. You should also open the seams and remove any remaining dried tile adhesive. If this is not done, there will be black spots in the seams, which will affect the attractiveness of the cladding.

To avoid problems with the seams, when laying the tiles, make sure that glue does not get into the seams. Do not apply a lot of mortar to the back of the tile; remove excess immediately.

TO preparatory work refers to mixing the solution. If the volumes are small, use a small container. Gradually add fugu to the water, stir slowly until the mixture has a thick consistency.

If the volume of work is large, you can knead the fugu in a bucket using a mixer or a drill with an attachment.

Keep in mind that the grout has a short working period and sets quickly. So stir in portions for the entire package at once.

Fugue application

How to joint tiles correctly? Use a rubber spatula to apply the fugue into the seams. By moving across the seam you fill the space between the tiles. You need to press down a little to fill the seams well.

Excess fugue must be immediately removed from the tiles with a wet cloth or sponge. Once the grout dries, it is difficult to remove.

For larger volumes, a rubber spatula is used to spread the grout along the seams.

Smoothing seams

While the grout has not yet completely dried, you need to remove excess from the tile joints and give the joints the same appearance.

Wet the fiber sponge and use the damp sponge to gently rinse the seams. This will remove excess grout and smooth out any unevenness. Periodically wet the sponge in water.

Bottom line

Jointing tile joints is not an easy task. By applying the tips from the article, you can achieve good results. Before you start grouting all the seams, you can practice in an inconspicuous place to “get your hand.”

In order for the tile cladding to acquire a finishing gloss, it is necessary to properly design the space between the joints. That's why a story about how to grout tiles may be of interest to many. Wanting to do it yourself final stage renovation, it is important to know how to implement it correctly, and why it is generally necessary to fill the seams between the tiles.

Experts, talking about how to grout seams on tiles, draw attention to the need to study the functions of such an operation. What is a tile joint? This is the space that is formed between two adjacent cladding fragments.
Why can't you do without seams between tiles? There are many explanations.

  • Firstly, it is difficult today to find tiles with perfectly even dimensions. Even the products of European manufacturers are not highly accurate. That's why refusing seams can cause the cladding to simply lead, and the corners of the tile will stick out in different directions. The presence of a space between the seams allows you to adjust the accuracy of laying and hide, if necessary, inaccuracies in the size of the tiled modules. The wider the seam, the more beauty can be created.
  • Secondly, even if you do not leave seams and lay the tiles tightly, a gap between the modules will still remain. If the tiling is done in the bathroom, water will certainly penetrate into the cracks and then slowly flow down the wall, forming puddles on the floor.
  • Thirdly, over time, even microscopic cracks become clogged with dust. This is why the docking point quickly turns into a gray line. On light-colored tiles it becomes very noticeable, noticeable and unsightly.

Why do you need to grout tiles? Forming a joint space allows the tile to move slightly. Over time, the glue, as it dries, shrinks and pulls the tile along with it, so you must leave space for such maneuvers.

The gaps left in the cladding allow the walls to breathe. They, filled with grout, form a sealed space, a reliable barrier that does not allow water to get behind the cladding fragments.
The absence of excess moisture does not allow fungi and mold to settle in “weak” places, covering the tiles with black spots. Properly designed seams enhance adhesion between adjacent cladding elements. In addition, using tile grout it is easy to well disguise unevenly distributed adhesive residues, chips, nicks, and other defects on the sides of the tile. Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that if the seams are on ceramic tiles Grout correctly, you can extend the service life of the cladding.

When deciding how to grout the seams on the tile, it is important to choose the right mixture to fill the inter-seam space.

Features of choosing a mixture

On sale you can find a variety of compositions intended for the described purposes. You need to choose the right one based on the following criteria:

  1. Grout color. It plays a fundamental role in shaping the design effect. If you want to make the cladding look like a monolith, you need to apply grout, the color of which matches the color of the tile. It's easy to do. Many manufacturers produce formulations that can be tinted with colored pigments. If you play in contrast, the cladding will become bright accent in any interior.
  2. Component composition. The range of mixtures is varied. The composition of the products determines the properties of the grout. Where the humidity threshold is high, experts recommend choosing compositions that contain water-repellent elements and components that can provide resistance to high loads and wear. The optimal product for bathrooms is epoxy grout; cement grouts are good for tiling the floor in the hallway; and in the kitchen, cement-based mixtures are ideal.
  3. Scope of use. As a rule, any manufacturer on the packaging of the proposed product indicates the features of its application. The inscription “bathroom grout” can indicate the purpose of the grout composition.

As a rule, the described material has a powdery consistency. Therefore, it must be properly prepared before use.

Fugu recipe

Of course, if you wish, it is not difficult to independently prepare the composition to perform the work described, but in order to properly joint the tiles, it is better to use the options offered by the manufacturers. They are inexpensive, the consumption of materials is small, so there is no need to save on purchasing ready-made mixtures.

There are two types of grout on sale: in the form of powder and ready-mixes. Only experienced tilers can work with ready-made mixtures; for those who do not have much experience in tiling, it is better to choose powders. They allow you to prepare small batches of grout. They harden quite quickly, so small portions allow you to use up the material before it hardens. In addition, the service life of ready-made mixtures is quite short. They are sold in buckets and jars. Once you open them, you need to immediately use up all the material. The remaining powder can be stored for months, and, as necessary, re-diluted and repaired between the joints.

Note! Preparing powder grout is easy. Cooking instructions are printed on the package. You should not deviate from the proportions indicated in them. Experiments in this direction lead to disastrous results.

Sequence of grout application

Knowing how to properly grout seams on tiles, you can try to avoid the most common mistakes. If you need to perform this operation yourself, it is useful to first prepare all the necessary tools for this. You will need a container in which to dilute the solution, a small rubber spatula, an ordinary foam sponge, and a molar brush. For beginners, a regular piping bag will help you grout quality joints. The algorithm for performing the work is as follows:

  1. First, the seam area is carefully cleared of dust and dirt.
  2. Then they are pre-treated with antifungal compounds. If tiling is done in the bathroom, the use of such compounds becomes mandatory.
  3. To ensure better adhesion of the fugue to the material, it is necessary to moisten the seams with water with a brush.
  4. Next, according to the instructions, a small portion of the grout fugue is diluted. If the space between the joints is large, you can place the finished mastic in a pastry bag and use it to try to fill the space between the tiles evenly and very carefully. If the space between adjacent tiles is only a few millimeters, it is better to grout the tile joints using a small rubber spatula. It is important to try to compact the mastic tightly, to ensure that the grout completely fills the space between the tiles.
  5. Excess grout is immediately removed with a rubber spatula.
  6. When the applied composition dries slightly, it is important to wet it well with a damp sponge. Otherwise, it will quickly dry out and become cracked.

Experts, talking about how to grout seams on tiles, pay attention not to the need to use silicone sealants for processing corner joints, joints between walls and floors, and areas adjacent to skirting boards.

It is important to be able to seal the seams on both the walls and the floor. If the plane is vertical, the described work is carried out from top to bottom, seams on

Ceramic tiles at the junctions of walls and floors are done last. We joint the floors in the direction from the far corner to the exit from the room.

Final processing

When performing facing work, the final stage is grouting the tile joints. Even when doing this work quite carefully, it is difficult to grout so that the characteristic chalky marks do not remain on the tiles. In order for the cladding to take on an impeccable appearance, all contaminants must be removed. A story about how to clean grout from tiles and what products are best to use for this is the subject of this article.

Removing the fresh composition

When deciding how to remove grout from a tile, it is important to take into account the condition of the grout used. The easiest way to remove grout residue is while it is still wet. It is impossible to perform such an operation immediately after filling the inter-seam space with mastic.

You need to give her time to grasp and accept the required form. This may take several hours, or even a day. Much depends on what compounds were used. A simple test helps check the durability of the grout. With a sponge soaked in water, the craftsmen draw along the seam and observe a possible reaction. If the sponge did not damage the integrity of the grout, but only formed characteristic chalk marks, then you can start washing ceramic tiles.
How to clean grout from tiles in this case?

In several steps, the surface of the lining is wiped with a damp sponge dipped in water. Thus, all contaminants are eliminated. It is important to use a well-wrung sponge to clean the tile, otherwise there is a risk of violating the integrity of the grout.

Note! It is important to start scrubbing the tiles from the bottom up and immediately polish the lining dry with a dry rag.

How to remove hardened compound?

What should I do to clean the fugu from the tiles if it has already dried? It is necessary to act in this situation taking into account the quality and structure of the facing surface.

  • If it is smooth and glossy, you can wipe off the dried mastic mark using blades or any other similar sharp object. You must act very carefully. After removing the dried drops, the usual cleaning of the tile is performed with a damp sponge.
  • If the surface of the tile is corrugated and rough, we proceed a little differently. The contaminated surface is treated special means. The best way to clean grout from tiles is with an acidic cleaner. Its composition easily dissolves glue, cement, and grout joints. Instructions for use are usually indicated on the product packaging. The required amount of concentrate is simply applied to the surface to be treated, then the tile is washed generously with water, after which it is wiped dry with a cotton rag. In the case when dried mastic on the tiles is present in the form of small drops, acid cleaners are easiest to apply to them using a small brush.


It is not enough to lay tiles, level the surface with them and grout the seams; it is important to learn how to properly care for the cladding and know how to use grout. Over time, it will begin to fade and become covered with black spots. Therefore, periodically the tile grout needs to be washed, it will need to be cleaned and the tile joints will need to be re-grouted. In this case, the tiles will look beautiful for a long time.

You are renovating your apartment and laying tiles in the bathroom. You have already laid the tiles with your own hands in the bathroom and now it’s time to grout the joints. What you need to know first in order to learn how to grout tile joints yourself, you can learn from the training video lesson. We invite you to watch the next video lesson in the series on working with tiles; you will learn the features of jointing tile joints.

If you follow some subtleties, you can achieve good results that will definitely please you. Before applying the fugue to the laid tiles, you should practice on a small fugue tester. To do this, glue several pieces of tile onto a small piece of drywall or gypsum fiber. If the bathroom uses a combination of tiles of different colors, then you will need to duplicate this combination on the sampler. In this case, selecting a fugue by color will be much easier and this is the main purpose of this sampler. As you understand, the same gaps should be installed on the probes as on the main walls. In the training video lesson on jointing tiles, you can see how training takes place on a budget fugue.

Fugue probe

Which we selected solely because of the color of the fugue, and a special liquid is used to dilute it. It makes this grout more stable when used in the bathroom. For the sample, we will not dilute the entire package; we will put 100 grams of fugue. It is very important to maintain proportions when mixing the grout with water or a special compound, otherwise even the shade of the fugue may change.

After thoroughly mixing the grout with the liquid, we moisten the seams on our sampler. Now, using a small rubber spatula, apply the diluted fugue to the seams. It is important to try to fill the seam to its full depth; this determines the durability of the seam. When applying the fugue, the tile will get dirty, but we should pay attention to this now. The prepared fugu must be completely used, and then proceed to the next stage. The fugue should now take some time to dry. This usually takes 10 - 15 minutes.

During this time, you can determine the appearance of a slight dullness on the surface of the seam. This is a signal that it is time to clean the tile surfaces with a wet sponge. The movement must be careful; you cannot remove the fugue from the seams, but it is best to do the final movements with the sponge diagonally. For beauty, you can carefully go along the seams with a rounded object or finger. We're done with the sample and now let's move on to the actual floor tiles.

Joining floor tiles

First you need to clean the seams from any remaining glue. But it may happen that in some places the glue has time to set. Cleaning them mechanically is dangerous; for this, you can look in the store for a special alkaline product to remove dirt from the tiles. The method of using the cleaning agent is as follows. This product is applied to a cotton napkin and applied to the dirt. This product also does a very good job of cleaning grout lines. After using chemicals, be sure to rinse it off and then moisten the seams.

You can apply the fugue to the seams with the same rubber spatula. There are also special graters with handles on sale; they allow you to cover a larger jointing area. When rubbing the seams, we will need to push the fugue deeper with a rubber spatula. Please note that in order to work the seam to its full depth, the fugue should not be too thick. As with the sampler application at the end of the fugue application, we use diagonal movements.

For various holes on the floor that require jointing, the same technique is used. The fugue must be applied to the entire depth of the cleaned cavities. This technique will make the seams more durable and they will not fray.

Features of jointing wall tiles

As usual during preparation, the seams should be thoroughly cleaned and moistened. The seams are rubbed down sequentially and to the full depth. Before rubbing the seam, you need to carefully select the fugue. It gives different visual effects from different manufacturers and different price categories.

Using grout of different colors

Although such a need may be rare, you may be able to learn a few tips. Different grouts are applied sequentially, one after the other has dried. In this video tutorial, the author first applied brown grout, and at the intersections with other grout, there is a special plastic insert at the top and bottom. It prevents the fugue from getting into someone else's seam. When the brown fugue dries, you can fill the seams with another.

Seam protection

There is additional sealing of the seams of the bathroom tiles. It consists of strengthening the outer layer of the seam with a special compound. The seam becomes more waterproof and resistant to fungus. The composition is applied with a brush exclusively to the seam. For the best effect, it is recommended to cover the seams in two layers. This joint protection is good for tiles in shower tray. The seams will get dirty and absorb moisture less, and ask for a seam protection agent at hardware stores.

Jointing is very important stage and half the success of tiling will depend on this. If you liked this material, then you can recommend it to your friends and acquaintances. Watch other educational video lessons on the topic of laying tiles on our website.

You will need

  • Grout (cement, silicone or epoxy);
  • Container for diluting grout;
  • Masking tape (for working with silicone or epoxy fugue);
  • Rubber spatula for jointing;
  • Foam sponge and water container;
  • Protective gloves.


First, the surface must be prepared for jointing. To do this, you must wait until the tile adhesive is completely dry, then clean the seams from dust and debris that could get into them (this is especially true for floor tiles). It is best to vacuum the joints to clean them, and wipe the tile itself with a damp cloth or sponge from dust.

If you use cement grout, then first you need to dilute it with water. To do this, pour the dry grout into a container, then add the required amount of water (the ratio of the mixture to water is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). Dry cement grout has a very fine fraction, almost like powder, so it needs to be stirred for a long time and thoroughly. At first, the powder will float on the surface of the water and not mix with it, then gradually a “dough” will begin to form. Make sure that there are no lumps left, otherwise the seam will be untidy and the grout will not be able to fully provide waterproofing.

Unlike cement grout, silicone and epoxy mixtures are sold ready-to-use, so you just need to open the package and get to work.

The easiest way to fill the seams is with cement grout. To do this, take a rubber jointing spatula and put the mixture into the seam so that all the voids are filled. Some of the mixture will be smeared on the tile, and there will be excess on the seam. It's okay, that's how it should be, since this is the initial stage. Next you need to remove the excess with a rubber spatula. To do this, place the spatula across the seam, slightly tilting it in the direction of movement, and apply pressure along the seam. After this, the grout in the seam will be level with the tile or slightly lower, due to the rounded edges of the tile and the softness of the rubber spatula. Now you can either leave it like that, or make the seam a little more prominent, if this suits your idea. To deepen the seam, simply insert a putty knife into the seam to the desired depth and run along the seam, removing excess.

When working with silicone and epoxy grout, the problem arises of subsequently cleaning the tiles from smeared excess mixture. These types of jointing are very difficult to remove from the surface, especially if the tiles are unglazed or have a relief surface structure. Therefore, you must work with these types of grout carefully, and the tiles along the edges of the seams must be sealed with masking tape. The principle of operation is the same as with cement fugue: put the mixture into the seam, remove the excess, and if desired, deepen the seam.

When the grout is completely dry, the tiles must be cleaned of excess. In the case of cement grout, you need to scrub all the tiles with a damp sponge, and when working with silicone or epoxy grout, remove the stained masking tape glued near the seams.