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How to cut tiles with a tile cutter: tips and nuances. How to cut a ceramic tile with various tools How to cut a corner in a tile

Most people choose ceramic tiles for finishing the bathroom, kitchen, bathroom. Many of the tenants themselves lay it down. In order to avoid unevenness and achieve a perfect finish, you will need a tile cutter to cut the material.

However, before you learn how to cut tiles with a tile cutter, you should choose the right one.

Choosing a tile cutter

By choosing a suitable / high-quality model, it will be possible to quickly and accurately cut elements of the required size, while avoiding the appearance of chips and cracks during the cutting process.

For cutting ceramics, electric and mechanical tile cutters are used. Models powered by the mains are relevant for the industrial scale of construction.

More suitable for work at home manual models However, they require more skill and physical strength.

Manual tile cutters come in several types:

  1. Roller. The device is a product consisting of a handle and a cutting roller. Use this device as independent tool or complete with a saw station.
  2. Mechanical. Such options are able to cope even with a solid type of tile. Due to the presence of a rigid carriage, it is possible to carry out accurate cutting.
  3. on bearings. This option is resorted to when you need to cope with very durable tiles, the thickness of which is more than 16 mm.

If we talk about which tile cutter is better, then the frame cutter is the most popular. It is characterized by the presence of a rigid frame with fixed rails along which the cutting element with a handle moves.

Attention! Please note that even the highest quality manual tile cutter will not be able to cut a strip less than 1 cm wide from the edge. When such a need arises, they resort to wire cutters. With the help of them they also make a figured edge.

All manual models have a number of positive aspects, which makes them in demand in the market of building materials and tools for working with ceramic tiles:

  • work regardless of the presence / absence of electricity, which is very convenient;
  • compactness - you do not need a separate room for work, it will be enough small area on the table/floor;
  • light weight - the product weighs on average from 200 g to 9 kg;
  • mobility;

Before you start using a manual tile cutter, you need to carry out a number of preparatory work that have a direct impact on the final result.

Preparing the tool for work

  1. Inspect the product for any damage. Watch the video - there should be no distortion, notches. Otherwise, you will have to replace it with a new one.
  2. Pay attention to cleaning the fixture, not forgetting to wipe the guides and the surface of the bed.
  3. All nuts and bolts must be tightened.
  4. Lubricate the carriage with oil if there are problems with its movement.


To work on this stage you will need a pencil / marker with which you need to draw a fault line. In the future, the tool will need to be fixed so that the cutting element is located exactly above the drawn line.

Tile cutting technology

So, how to cut tiles with a tile cutter? To get an even cut, follow the technology:

  1. For 1-1.5 hours, cover the tile with a wet cloth or soak in water. Thus, it will be possible to make ceramics more pliable and avoid crumbling.
  2. Tile fixing. There are tile cutter models that have tacks - they will take care of the immobility of the plate. If there is no such element, you need to support the material with one hand. The cutting element must be exactly above the future fault. If the die is large, you can put something under its edges so that it does not stagger.
  3. The cutter should be at the very beginning, on the edge of the tile (where the line is drawn).
  4. In the process of cutting, make an effort to make it easier to break the die into two parts later.

Attention! If the furrow turned out to be shallow, you do not need to re-pass with a tile cutter. Otherwise, it is likely that the edges will begin to crumble and turn out to be sloppy.


After cutting, carefully, slowly press the lever. The tile should break exactly along the line.

  1. If you are choosing a tool for a one-time use, an inexpensive model, for example, from a Chinese manufacturer, will do. For reusable it is advisable to buy a manual professional tile cutter - it will last for many years.
  2. Regardless of whether you are cutting porcelain stoneware with a tile cutter or ceramics, take into account the length of the diagonal of the plate. It is desirable that the length of the working area be greater than, in no way less than the diagonal of the finishing element.
  3. Before you start cutting, you need to drop machine oil on the surface of the roller. This solution will significantly reduce the friction of the roller and the die - this will help improve the quality of the notch.
  4. In order for the fault to turn out as it should, do not rush, do not make sudden movements. The course of the crown should be smooth, unhurried. Make sure that the box does not get stuck while driving.
  5. Pay attention to the roller, it should not have any backlash.

Safety regulations

Working with a manual tile cutter is less dangerous than with an electric counterpart. After all, we do not have to deal with vibrations, noise and a rotating disk.

Safety regulations:

  1. put on protective cover, special shoes.
  2. You also need to wear glasses to avoid getting fragments from the tiles in your eyes.
  3. Cutting must be carried out in a special place (in a workshop or in a room where no one will enter during cutting).

Only an adult who has completed safety training may cut the dies. You also need to know how to provide first aid in case of injury.

Should tiles be wetted?

In which direction should the carriage move, towards you or away from you? This question arises for many. It is more convenient for someone to work by cutting the tile in the direction away from themselves. Someone gets a smoother furrow when cutting occurs towards you.

Choose the method of cutting tiles that is more convenient and efficient for you.


  • carriage;
  • lever;
  • guides;
  • cutting element;
  • foot - provides a break of the die.

A tile cutter is a tool on the basis of which there are skids (guides) - a crown with a hard alloy steel roller moves along them. On this base and lay the tile for cutting.

Models may differ in modification. For example, there are tile cutters with additional. a device that allows you to make round holes.

Before buying, you should also ask the seller which tile cutter to choose for porcelain stoneware. The fact is that some models are only suitable for thin ceramic tiles.

How to cut tiles without a tile cutter?

Avoid buying a tile cutter if you have other tools on hand that will help you make a clean cut.

Tongs - tile cutter

The cost of such a tool is in the range of 200-600 rubles. Please note that it is suitable for rare use (for example, if you started repairs in your apartment) and only if the tile is thin.


  1. Markup. Check all gaps and seams.
  2. Display the fault line.
  3. Position the tongs so that the legs are along the drawn line near the edge. The rectangular part should be at the bottom, and the lips on front side.
  4. Gently, without haste, gently press on the handle to break off a piece.


With the help of it, it will be possible to cut a strip 0.5 wide - cm. A simple tile cutter cannot cope with such a task. Draw a break line. Next, make it washed down with a grinder with a diamond roller. No need to rush and immediately make a cut across the entire tile. There is a high chance that the strip will break off.

Note that the disk must go along the line. If it follows the line, the width will decrease. Pass along the seam several times in order to cut off the strip.

glass cutter

  1. Place the plate on a flat table with the beautiful side up.
  2. Place a ruler along the cut line. Without removing the ruler (acts as a guide), attach the glass cutter to the top of the die.
  3. With effort, draw a notch line, so it will be possible to reduce the resistance in case of a break.
  4. Place a nail under the plate.
  5. Gently press on the edges of the tile, trying to evenly distribute the load. The product should burst along the incision line.

Drill bit with pobedite tip

This device is relevant if you plan to make a hole in the tile. A drill with a pobedite tip does not cut, but crumbles the material being processed.

Waterjet installation

Waterjet cutting is relevant for any material. This method involves cutting by applying a mixture (water + sand) under high pressure.


Taking into account all the features, in the process of cutting and choosing a tool, as well as watching an introductory video that tells about all the stages of cutting with a tile cutter, it will be possible to cut the plate perfectly evenly.

Video review

wall or floor tiles almost never goes without pruning. Parts need to be adjusted to size, cut to the shape of the base, etc. Traditionally, a tile cutter is used for this, but more and more home craftsmen are choosing an angle grinder. We will figure out how to cut with a grinder without chips and whether this is possible in practice.

All about cutting tiles with an angle grinder

Why is a grinder better than a tile cutter

Let's start with the fact that the tile cutter is designed for cutting tiles. For each of its varieties: thick or thin, more or less durable, you can find a suitable tool model. The main advantage of a tile cutter is that it gives an even cut without chips. There is no large amount of dust during operation, the risk of damaging the plate is minimal. Not so with an angle grinder.

You can cut it, the result can be very good. But for this you will have to try. It is desirable that there is a skill in working with a grinder, otherwise there is a great risk of spoiling the material. The tool will cut any cladding if you choose the right cutting disc. You must be prepared for the fact that during the sawing process it will be very noisy, a lot of dust will rise into the air. The cut line may be chipped.

Nevertheless, home craftsmen choose the grinder. The reason is simple: a tile cutter, especially if it is a quality and well-doing model, is expensive. Buying it for the sake of finishing one room is unprofitable. Cheaper to trim with an angle grinder. You just need to learn how to handle it correctly.

What disc to cut tiles

Equipment for the tool is selected for a specific material. Several types of discs are suitable for cutting.

Stone circles

Cutting element of considerable thickness. Due to this, the cut is wide, the amount of dust during operation increases. The main disadvantage is the rapid wear of the consumable. Moreover, if chips or other defects appear on it during operation, the circle is immediately changed. Otherwise, it may collapse, damaging the workpiece and harming the person working with it. Stone discs are the cheapest.

steel circles

Fine tooling with different processing. For hard materials choose diamond-coated steel. Such a cutting device easily copes with the task, it does not grind for a long time. Three types of steel discs are used for cutting.

  • Dry cutters are segmented. Radial cuts divide the circle into segments, which contributes to the cooling of the steel during operation. Therefore, the duty cycle is one minute, after which cooling at idle is required. Segmented tooling can cut cladding without water supply. Disadvantage: poor cut quality, many chips.
  • Solid circles. They are distinguished by the absence of thermal relief segments, therefore, their cooling requires a constant supply of water to the treated area. In this case, cutting is continuous. Without cooling, you can only work for 10-15 seconds, after which 20-30 seconds idle move. The cut line is of the highest quality, there are no or very few chips.
  • Combined elements. Used for wet and dry cutting. The period of continuous operation is longer than that of a solid disc, but shorter than that of a segmented disc. The quality of the cut is better than that of a segmented cut, but worse than that of a continuous cut. Disadvantage: quickly clogged with dust. It is more difficult to clean them than analogues: for this you need to cut the silicate.

Criterias of choice

When choosing which circle of steel to cut with a grinder ceramic tiles, take into account three important moments.

  1. The thickness of the tooling is not more than 2 mm, and better order 1 mm. This will give a smooth cut without defects.
  2. The speed indicated on the wheel is the same as the speed of the tool.
  3. The height of the diamond coating is greater than the thickness of the cladding.

How to cut a tile with a grinder

Cutting off a fragment with an angle grinder will become easier if you follow a few rules.

Rules for working with angle grinders

  • The facing should be cut from the front side.
  • You need to cut off a fragment in one go. With each pass, the number of chips increases.
  • Maximum amount chipping on the ceramic plate appears at the exit of the circle. Therefore, at the end and beginning of the cut, the speed is reduced. If the machine has such a function.

When working, the angle grinder makes noise and generates a lot of dust. It is impossible to do anything with the first, but the second can be minimized. Three methods are used for this.

How to reduce the amount of dust at work

  1. Turn on construction vacuum cleaner. You will need an assistant to manage it.
  2. Supply water to the cutting area. Sometimes it is simply poured from a bottle or hose, but then an assistant is needed. If you attach a water supply device to the casing, you can saw without dust alone.
  3. A shallow seam is cut in the tile plate, then the part is broken along it. When sawing, the icing almost does not dust, so the technique is effective. But it won't work on unglazed models.

straight cut

The easiest and most common way is ceramic. Operations are performed in the following order.

  1. We mark the plate. The cut line must be drawn with a bright pencil or felt-tip pen so that it can be clearly seen. Be sure to leave an allowance for grinding. It is impossible to cut ceramic perfectly evenly, so if the lining is completely visible, we make an allowance of a few millimeters. Then remove it with a sander cylindrical shape. For an edge closed, for example, by a plinth, an allowance is not required.
  2. Lay the tiles on a flat, solid surface. So that it does not move, we fix it with clamps, a vice, or simply press it with our foot. We remove everything superfluous, nothing should interfere with work.
  3. We start cutting. Most often, it is not necessary to completely saw the part, it is enough to make an incision on the base, in order to then break off a fragment from it. When entering the cutting edge into ceramics, we reduce the speed of the tool. We hold it perpendicular to the plate, we try to drive smoothly, with the same speed away from us. We adhere to the cut line outlined earlier. Before removing the edge from the material, we reset the speed again.
  4. We lay the notched facing plate on the edge of the table or workbench. With a sharp precise movement, we break off the edge of the part.

This cuts at a right angle. Sometimes it is required to cut ceramics at an angle of 45 °, for example, for decoration. Experienced craftsmen can perform this operation with a grinder. It is better for a novice tiler not to take risks. The part is sawn off at a right angle, the excess is squeezed off with a grinding nozzle.

Masters advise to soak the tiles for 35-40 minutes before cutting. Allegedly, after that it will be easier to cut it. This does not apply. She is not soaked. To obtain the most even cut along the intended line, a ruler or steel plate is fixed with a clamp. Be sure to follow all safety requirements, wear protective clothing and goggles. Scale from the disc can injure the eye.

Notched neckline

It is carried out by a grinder along a curved path. Sequencing.

  1. Mark the base with a marker or pencil.
  2. The workpiece is laid on a flat plane and securely fixed.
  3. We turn on the angle grinder, at low speed we introduce the cutting edge into the ceramics. We carry out small through cuts, the length of which depends on the shape of the cutout.
  4. We remove the remaining fragments along the cut.
  5. We put the abrasive wheel in place of the cutting wheel, grind the resulting cutout.

Round or oval hole

The technology is similar to a figured cutout, only the notches are made in a circle. Sequence of operations.

  1. We mark the future hole with a grinding allowance, since the edge will not turn out to be even. We outline with a felt-tip pen or marker. We draw two lines connecting in the center of the figure, defining its center.
  2. We turn on the tool, carefully make cuts along the intended border of the hole.
  3. We make straight cuts along the markup to the center of the figure.
  4. Carefully knock out the resulting sectors.
  5. With a drill with a grinding nozzle, we process the edge of the opening to the desired smoothness.

A rectangular hole is made a little differently. After marking, steel limiter plates are laid on the line, fixed with clamps. Sawing begins from one of the corners, gradually leading the tool to the limiter. Thus, the entire circuit is processed.

So that there are no questions left, we suggest watching a video on how to cut without chips with a grinder.

  • Material prepared: Inna Yasinovskaya

When conducting construction works independently often there is a need to cut ceramic tiles at home. To do this, it is not necessary to have a professional tool - a tile cutter. The tile is cut with improvised means, you just need to be patient and time.

Choice of cutting tool

For cutting tiles at home, both universal and narrowly focused tools are suitable. The following devices are used to cut tiles with a tile cutter:

Tool from the list is selected in accordance with the type of work performed. When it is required to cut a small amount of tiles, it is enough to use a glass cutter and wire cutters. For a large amount of work, a tile cutter or grinder is used.

Using a manual tile cutter

It is necessary to consider the device of the tool in order to understand how to properly cut the tile with a tile cutter. The tool consists of the following elements:

Manual tile cutter easy to use, allows you to cut ceramic tiles with minimal effort. Among the shortcomings, the impossibility of cutting off the edges of the tile with a width of less than 5 mm is noted.

Preparatory stage of work

Before the next use of the tile cutter, you will need to conduct an external inspection to check its functionality and exclude the possibility of injury during operation. Checking is recommended in the following sequence:

Making an incision

Having prepared the tool for work, proceed to cutting the tiles. The process consists of several stages:

Cutting without specialized tools

It is not difficult to cut a tile using a special tool, however, there are ways to achieve good result and when using improvised means. Let's take a closer look at how to cut tiles without a tile cutter, using specific tools and work technologies as an example.

Making a cut with a grinder. Bulgarian - universal tool, which is also suitable for cutting ceramic tiles. With this tool, you can perform both straight and curved cuts of any shape. For work you will need:

  • Bulgarian.
  • Stone cutting wheel.
  • Protective glasses.

When all the tools necessary for work are prepared, they proceed to laying out the tiles. Fulfill it using a marker or a sharp object. In the process of working with a grinder, a lot of dust is generated, so the previously outlined lines can be erased.

After the markup is completed, the cutting of the product begins. An angle grinder cut is performed in the following main ways:

  • Several passes are made according to the markup. For each pass, they deepen up to a distance of 3 mm. This operation is performed until the end result is reached.
  • If the marking length is less than 2 cm, then the cut is performed for the entire thickness of the product.
  • Marking is applied on both sides of the product. On the front side, a cut is made with a depth of up to 3 mm. Then with reverse side make a cut according to the markup of 3 mm per pass. This method, although labor-intensive, avoids accidental mechanical damage.

It is recommended to use a grinder for difficult cuts, because when using it, a lot of dust is generated, and it takes a long time to get the final result. For straight cutting, simpler solutions are used.

The use of a jigsaw

To use this tool in working with tiles, you will need a special stone file. The tile is installed on flat surface, where the cut is performed. To simplify the process, it is recommended to soak the tiles in advance.

A jigsaw is used if you need to cut curved segments with a large radius. It should be noted that this tool is not recommended for use when cutting porcelain stoneware, as this material is much stronger than tiles.

Glass cutter or tool with a cutting edge

This tool cuts only tiles in a straight line. To make a cut, you will need: a glass cutter or other tool with a sharpened cutting edge made of diamond or a win; metal ruler for drawing the cut line.

To make the cut even, a scratch on the glossy surface of the product must be applied carefully, firmly pressing the glass cutter to working surface . After making a cut below the glossy layer, the tile is split. There are the following ways to split:

  • Using a solid rod. The tile is placed with the back side at the place of the risk on a solid rod. After that, a sharp pressure is applied to the product with hands from both sides.
  • With clamps. The essence of this method is to fix the products between the clamps at risk and sharply press on the protruding edge.
  • Hitting a flat corner. When using this method, the tile is taken in hand and a sharp blow from the back is applied to a scratch on the product. The blow must be applied sharply from a distance of no more than 5-10 cm from the surface of the corner. In order for the fault to turn out to be of high quality, the angle must be sharp and hard.

To create curly holes, it is advisable to use tile cutters. It is recommended to apply on the surface of the cut line along the breakout boundary by any available method.

Biting off pieces of tiles when using this tool is recommended in small pieces so as not to break out the excess area beyond the cut boundary.

Nozzles for cutting round holes

For creating round holes in tiles, tools of this type are used, such as a drill or a screwdriver. When drilling holes, it is important to know which nozzle to choose in a particular case.

Drilling required at low speed(no more than 500 per minute), otherwise not only the product, but also the nozzle will be damaged. Depending on what holes need to be obtained, nozzles are divided into the following types:

  1. Small diameter (15-30 mm). These nozzles include sharp-angled drills and spear-shaped tile drills.
  2. large diameter(30-50 mm). This type includes crowns with various coatings (diamond, tungsten carbide, etc.).

If you need to cut a hole larger than 50 mm in diameter, then you can use the grinder.

Thus, it is possible to cut tiles without a specialized tool, provided that the cutting technology is observed.

Tile is one of the oldest ways of facing a room. Despite this, it is used to this day, taking its rightful place along with modern finishing materials. Thanks to their technical specifications And beautiful view tile has become a market leader in interior cladding products. Many people prefer it.

When laying tiles, you can not do without cutting it, since ceramic tiles often do not fit in their dimensions. Therefore, in many cases they are cut. And without certain knowledge and special tools, this is not so easy to do. If you are not going to lay tiles for professional purposes, then you can save on buying high-tech tools. So, you can buy a manual tile cutter.

It is mechanical, easy to use and much cheaper than electric ones.

List of tools

When working with tiles, you will need the following tools:

  • tile cutter;
  • pen for marking or felt-tip pen;
  • a ruler, preferably made of metal;
  • manual tile cutter.

Manual tile cutter

While cutting tiles, many people use a manual tile cutter, as this is one of the the most convenient options. It is high quality and inexpensive at the same time.

The manual tile cutter consists of the following components:

  • support (it is also the basis);
  • guiding part of the structure;
  • a cutting element consisting of a roller and a cutting disc;
  • lever.

The optimal option is as follows:

  • due to the simplicity of the design, it is easy to use;
  • handle that moves the carriage cutting disc acts as a lever;
  • due to the laws of physics, the force on the cut is reduced;
  • allows you to make a precise cut.
  • But this tool also has its drawbacks:

  • with such a tile cutter it is impossible to make a cut at a distance of less than 5 mm from the edge of the tile;
  • if you need small pieces, about 5-7 mm, you will have to be very careful. It is possible that the tile will break.


When using a tile cutter, it is important to study the safety rules inherent in any such tool:

  • before starting work, you should examine the item, see if there are any breakdowns or other damage;
  • the carriage should move freely, smoothly and without pushing;
  • tubular guides should not contain pieces of tiles, traces of mortar and other debris. After cleaning, they should be lubricated with machine oil;

  • the disk for cutting tiles should be easy to rotate around its axis and not contain burrs;
  • to avoid injury, it is advisable to use special glasses and protective gloves.

Carving Basics

Before you start cutting tiles, you need to re-check the calculations, and draw a strip on the tile. An incision is made along this line. It is better to draw a line with a marker, so it will not be erased, and you will accurately follow the direction of movement.

We fix the tile, clearly fixing it on the tool. There are designs that have tacks with special layers made of rubber. In other cases, you will have to cut off part of the tile (diagonally). The other half must be held by hand. However, there is nothing complicated about this. During the incision, you need to measure the pressure exerted by your hand on the handle.

If you apply too much force, then the decorative layer can easily deteriorate, and if you apply too little, then you will not be able to break the tile. It is impossible to pass the tool on the tile twice.

For training purposes, previously broken material can be used. Having fixed it, you need to lead the carriage towards you. So you can easily determine the force of the required pressure. The cut must be made in one motion, otherwise you may damage the decorative part of the tile.

After making the cut, the tile should be laid on a smooth surface, the cut line should coincide with the edge of the surface. With one hand, holding the tile on one side of the cut, with the other, we press.

If everything is done correctly, then the tile should break exactly along the line. Above it was told how to work with a manual tile cutter, below we will analyze its electric version.

Electric tile cutter

Such electrical device not everyone has it, and many are interested in how to use it. An electric tile cutter is similar to a circular saw due to the identical location of the swivel head, motor, support and disc. They are distinguished only by the fact that in a high-quality electric tile cutter there is a dish with water at the bottom. This cools the disc during cutting and reduces dust.

positive quality electric tile cutter:

  • it allows you to make a perfectly even cut;
  • minimal amount formed chips;
  • allows you to cut tiles at a certain angle;
  • almost complete absence of dust;
  • possibility of cutting small parts.

There are also cons:

  • such a device is quite expensive;
  • there is no way to make a curved incision.

Safety regulations

We must not forget about safe behavior when working with an electrical appliance.

  • work should be done only in special glasses;
  • before starting work, you should pay attention to the disk, which must be sharp enough and rotate smoothly;
  • if there is an incomprehensible sound or sparks, the equipment should be disconnected from the power supply and taken to a service center;
  • check if there is water;
  • You can start cutting only after the disc has gained maximum speed.

cutting tiles

The main feature of the tool is that it is elementary simple. It must be set so that the disc is guided exactly along the line drawn for the cut. The tile must be guided, holding, not forgetting that the first touch should be light enough. Next, you should make a little effort while advancing the tile.

If you feed the tile by hand without fixing it, be sure to ensure that there is no vibration, as chips may form.

Important: To increase the life of the disc, you should periodically change the water during carving, especially if you have a large number of tiles. During cutting, both parts of the tile should be pressed with the same force to avoid distortion.

How to cut tiles without a tile cutter?

During construction work performed by oneself, it may often be necessary to cut the tiles yourself at home. However, it is not necessary to use a tile cutter for this purpose. If you do not have large amounts of work, then it makes no sense to purchase an expensive tool. When working with small batches and piece products, improvised means can also be used.

Cut types:

  • The incision is made strictly on a flat line. You should also understand where the cut is going. It is considered curly if the distance between the line and the edge is no more than 2 cm.
  • Mosaic elements. Figured cutting also includes strict forms from geometric shapes. In other cases, you need to crush the tile into small pieces. All products are placed in a bag and, using a heavy tool, break to the required size. Non-ceramic tiles are an exception.
  • Round holes with different diameters.
  • Curly cutouts.

angle grinder

You can use a grinder if there is no tile cutter. This is considered a universal device. It should be noted that for people who have little skills in using this tool, this method is suitable for straight curly shapes, as well as any lines, including curved stripes.

In the process of work you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • special helmet;
  • it is advisable to use a respirator;

  • diamond circle. You can use a cutting wheel for stone;
  • gloves and a special suit. It must be closed;
  • clamping tool. In some cases, a vise may be needed;
  • protective glasses.

Even with the most careful planning and layout, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid cutting tiles. Moreover, it may be necessary to cut in a straight line, as a rule, trimmings are glued symmetrically at the edges of the walls, and cutting holes various shapes- to pass engineering communications. Depending on the volume and complexity, the methods of cutting tiles also differ.

Tile cutting methods

Tiles can be cut in a variety of ways, from simple glass cutters to powerful electric tile cutters. Depending on the equipment used, the following types of tile cutting are distinguished:

  • with a glass cutter. It can be recommended for cutting a small amount of thin tiles, it has an increased percentage of rejects, it is not suitable for cutting thick tiles;

You can try to cut thin tiles even with a nail 120 - 150 mm long. Scratches on the front deep scratch, then the tile breaks. But you can use this method only out of hopelessness, when there is not even a glass cutter at hand.

  • by using manual tile cutter. The principle of cutting does not differ from the glass cutter, but due to the design of the device, thick tiles can also be cut;

  • using a grinder and cutting wheels for stone work. The advantages include high productivity, but cutting is accompanied by a strong dusting of the room, the edges of the tiles are sloppy, crumble. Recommended to work on outdoors with a large scope of work;

  • with electric tile cutters. The working body of these mechanisms is a diamond wheel rotating at high speed. Apart from high performance such mechanisms use water to cool the disk and remove dust. due to this, the cut is perfect, not requiring additional processing. But the use of electric tile cutters is justified only with a large amount of work;

  • in some cases, it is necessary to do in the tile through hole round shape. The use of a manual or electric tile cutter is not possible in this case. To do this, it is recommended to use a special nozzle on the ballerina drill. You can also try to make such a hole with a glass cutter. Tiles can also be cut with a jigsaw.

The choice of cutting tool also depends on the tile itself. For thin tiles, a regular glass cutter is also suitable. But it will be extremely problematic to cut thick porcelain tiles with a glass cutter or a small manual glass cutter. For such material, it is recommended to use a grinder or an electric tile cutter.

How to cut tiles with a tile cutter

A tile cutter allows you to cut a strip of at least 10-15 mm wide from a tile (depending on its thickness). The wheel is much larger than in the glass cutter. For convenience, the tile cutter is equipped with a ruler, some models contain cutters for cutting round holes in the tile.

Some models are equipped swivel mechanism which makes cutting much easier.

Before cutting, the tile must be marked, then it is laid in such a way that the wheel does not move from the intended line when moving. When the lever is lowered, the wheel is pressed against the surface of the tile. Then, with constant effort, you need to move the wheel along the tile in the direction away from you, a deep groove should remain on the tile. One pass is enough.

Do not apply excessive force to the lever. Tiles can just break.

Then the tile must be broken along the cut line. You can do this in two ways:

  • put under the fault line, for example, a long nail and press on both halves of the tile;

  • put the tile on the edge of the table so that the fault line falls exactly on the edge. Then, holding the tile, sharply press on the hanging part.

If one of the parts of the tile breaks off crookedly, you can try to save the rest by biting off the excess part of the tile from the fault line with pliers.

Speaking about how to properly cut tiles, we need to mention the soaking of the tiles. There is an opinion that soaking tiles in water makes it much easier to cut. In fact, this is not so, and moistened tiles are no easier to cut than dry ones.

Proper cutting of tiles will significantly reduce the amount of waste and reduce the consumption of tiles.