Well      04/26/2019

Ammonia removes old smoke in the oven. How to clean the oven from old grease with your own hands

For the cleaning oven can be used both special preparations designed to remove grease stains and carbon deposits, as well as a variety of ordinary household products, available to any housewife. Often, to remove contaminants from the internal surfaces of the oven, a hydrolysis method is used, which softens deposits with steam. Below we present 12 simple ways to restore the cleanliness of your oven.

Before choosing the most suitable way To remove grease from the walls of the oven, read the basic rules for cleaning this type of kitchen equipment:

12 ways to clean your oven

To remove fat, stuck pieces of food, and soot, products such as table salt, ammonia, laundry soap, carbonic acid and others are used. To wash baking trays you can use dishwasher, and if it is absent, wash it in the sink in the usual way. For work you will need a piece soft fabric, brushes, rubber gloves should be worn to protect the skin of your hands.

Steam cleaning

The operating principle of this method is similar to that used in equipment with a hydrolysis function. Fill a baking tray with water and add 1 capful of dish soap. Turn on the oven by setting the temperature control to 150°C. The boiling water will turn into steam, softening and releasing any stuck-on fat. After 30 minutes of steam treatment, turn off the heating and wipe the cooled surfaces with a damp cloth. If you find any remaining dirt on the walls, you can use one of the other methods below to remove it.


Moisten the stuck or burnt mass with ammonia, and after 12 hours, wash it off with a rag soaked in a detergent solution. You can also use the second option of this method: bring the water in a baking tray at a temperature of 100°C in the oven until it boils, turn off the heating, place a bowl with ammonia. After 12 hours, wipe the surfaces with a cloth moistened with warm water, to which detergent and ammonia have been added, and then simply with a clean damp rag.


This is an unusual but effective cleaning method. Place the salt in a thin layer on the baking sheets, side shelves and other surfaces of the oven, turn on the heat and turn it off after the crystals have formed. yellow. The mineral components of kitchen salt give the soot a porous structure and loosen it. After cooling, all surfaces of the device can be easily washed with a warm detergent solution.

A mixture of rock salt and carbonic acid

To prepare the product, dissolve a pack of salt and a little carbonic acid in half a liter of water. Heat the oven to 200°C, place a bowl with the solution on the bottom, and after 30 minutes turn off the heating. Wash cooled surfaces using detergent.

Laundry soap

This universal remedy for removing dirt from all types of surfaces. To clean the oven, use a coarse grater to grind half a bar of soap and dissolve it in a container with hot water, stirring thoroughly. Turn on the oven at 200°C and place the solution in it for 40–50 minutes. Soap contains alkali, which helps soften deposits, including old fat particles. Wait for the oven to cool and wash 3-4 times clean water, then hold the door ajar to ventilate the soapy smell.

Baking soda

This product will ideally clean the enamel walls and glass window of the appliance door. Easily removing soot and greasy stains, baking soda additionally ensures the disappearance of unpleasant odors. Make a paste by mixing sodium bicarbonate with a small amount of water, dip a sponge in it and, using rubbing movements, treat all surfaces and devices used when baking dishes. Leave for 1 hour, then rinse off using a rough sponge.

Table vinegar

Soak a cloth in a 9% acetic acid solution undiluted with water and wipe the surfaces of the oven. Leave for several hours, then rinse with water. This product will not harm the enamel coating and will dissolve contaminating deposits.

Baking powder

This powdery substance does an excellent job of greasy spots and burnt residues. Moisten the oven surfaces and sprinkle them with baking powder (you will need about 6 packets of powder). After some time, you will notice how the dirt has collected in lumps. After this, it can be removed with a stiff brush.

A mixture of baking soda and vinegar

The mixing of these substances causes chemical reaction, during which hydrogen molecules are released, loosening the connection of fat particles and making kitchen surfaces easier to clean. No less often, housewives use this folk remedy to remove plaque from appliances and tiles in the bathroom. To apply vinegar, it is convenient to use a spray bottle, then cover the contaminated surfaces with soda slurry. To get the desired effect, wait 4 or 5 hours and wash off the deposits with a wet sponge. Treat areas where dirt does not come off easily with the hard side of the sponge.


Lemon juice will help remove old grease stains. Dilute the squeezed juice with an equal amount of water and lubricate the walls of the device with the resulting solution. Wait 30 minutes and rinse off with a sponge.

A mixture of soda with citric acid and vinegar

Clear kitchen equipment with the help of this folk remedy possible in 20 minutes. Bring the oven temperature to 100°C, turn off the heating and lubricate the dirty areas with the mixture. To prepare it, you need to mix 200 ml (a glass) of vinegar, 200 g (2 packets) citric acid and 2 tbsp. l. soda Leave the product on surfaces for 20 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

A mixture of soda, laundry soap and vinegar

This recipe allows you to remove soot and grease from all surfaces of the oven, giving them shine and impeccable cleanliness. The product contains 200 ml of vinegar, half a grated soap bar and 100 g baking soda. The mixture is distributed over the walls and door of the device for 2 hours, followed by rinsing. Opening the door will allow the smell to disappear within a few hours.

Get rid of persistent odors , remaining in the oven after cooking, you can use the peel and juice of citrus fruits or sorbent substances. Burnt, fishy and other smells can be eliminated in the following ways:

  • Place the peels removed from any type of citrus in the oven and heat to fill the interior with their pleasant aroma. A good effect, especially when preparing fish and seafood dishes, will be achieved by wiping the walls and baking sheets of the cabinet with a slice of lemon.
  • If you haven’t had time to clean the surfaces before cooking again, you can prevent the cooking dish from becoming permeated with smoke from burning residues by sprinkling the contaminants with table salt. Its use will also make it easier to clean the oven later.

We, as a rule, do not think about what needs to be done in order to maintain its original purity and functionality. However, over time, even the highest quality surface tends to become dirty and lose its original appearance. Whatever they use, whatever they try in order to clean the oven efficiently. Cleaning the oven is not always an easy task; to date, both housewives and manufacturers have come up with a lot various options and cleaning methods. Each method is good in one situation or another, let’s try and discuss how to quickly clean the oven.

Not only an old surface can become covered with grease and soot, but also one that was sparkling clean just recently.

People use the following products to effectively clean the oven:

  1. Soda. This universal product, which is present in every kitchen, will also help in the difficult task of cleaning the oven. old fat. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to dissolve not a large number of soda in one third of a glass of water. This should form a thick mass, which should be applied to the surface to be cleaned and left overnight. Wipe off in the morning. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add regular salt to the soda in a ratio of 1:4.
  2. Vinegar. It can also be used as a cleaning agent. However, it should be noted that due to the presence of acid in the composition, this cleaning option cannot always be used. For cleaning small stains, the usual 50/50 combination of vinegar and water is suitable. It is applied to the inner walls and kept at an impressive temperature for 40-45 minutes. Vinegar does an excellent job of removing greasy deposits and quickly gets rid of soot, freeing the oven from old dirt.

  3. Combination of vinegar and soda. If the first two methods turned out to be ineffective, you can combine them. A mixture of vinegar essence and baking soda will help to clean the oven from grease and dissolve the heaviest stains. When substances interact chemically with each other, they begin to release carbon dioxide, which enhances the cleansing and dissolving effect. Spray the entire contaminated surface from the inside, sprinkle soda on top. To enhance the effect, let it stand for several hours, after which you should wash the cabinet with a sponge and soda.

  4. Laundry soapexcellent remedy for cleaning ovens. It is better to use soap with high content fatty acids, this allows you to wash away dirt faster and more efficiently. Grate 50 grams of the product and dissolve it in hot boiling water. After this, place the container at high temperature and leave for an hour. As a rule, after such a procedure, dirt can be easily removed with a sponge. An important advantage This method of cleaning the oven at home is safe, since chemicals are not present in laundry soap as impurities.

  5. Salt. The combination of sodium and chlorine will help to quickly and effectively clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits. To do this, you need to sprinkle salt on the shelves and the bottom of the cabinet and, as in the previous options, turn it on full power temperature regime. After the salt turns golden, turn off the oven and let it cool. Afterwards, wash all surfaces with warm water and blot dry with a paper towel.

  6. Lemon. Citric acid is suitable for cleaning any oven model. There are two ways to use this product. The first method is to treat the internal surfaces with a mixture of lemon juice and water. To use the second method, you need to place several slices of lemon in a container of water and add a little dishwashing detergent to it. Set the switch to a temperature of 100 0 C and leave for 35-40 minutes. Remove dirt with a sponge or rag. As you can see, cleaning the oven from old burnt fat is not so difficult.

  7. Ammonia– a good old proven oven cleaner. It comes to the rescue in cases where other methods are powerless. To carry out the cleansing procedure with ammonia, you will need: 200 ml of ammonia, 1 liter of water, 2 bowls (small and medium), sponge, rubber gloves. First of all, take out the baking sheets and turn the cabinet temperature to 180 degrees. After this, fill the bowls: one with water, the other with ammonia. Next, turn off the device and place the filled dishes inside, wait 40-50 minutes (for old stains it may take all night) and wipe all surfaces with a damp sponge; for greater effect, use soda.

If you don’t know how to clean the oven from old grease, but don’t want to use “grandmother’s recipes,” you can use special detergents and cleaning products. The range of such products is very extensive and is presented in all household chemical stores. The only thing worth remembering is that such products always contain chemicals that are not harmless to the human body. Therefore, you should take special care to remove the remains of such mixtures from all surfaces that they have touched. This will help avoid allergic reactions and other unpleasant consequences for good health.

Self-cleaning ovens

Initially, self-cleaning ovens were only used in professional kitchens, where regular manual cleaning was simply impossible due to the need for uninterrupted operation of the equipment. Over time, some manufacturers began to integrate self-cleaning systems for ovens into individual models, usually in the highest price segment. By now, this functionality is quite common for most models of modern household appliances.

So, how to clean an oven using special systems?

Easy Clean Technology

The most common technology for cleaning ovens, based on the use of a special coating of smooth enamel during the production process, which is absolutely resistant to dirt and does not absorb it. In order to activate this system, it is necessary to fill a special hole in electric oven a small amount of water, add a little detergent (specially designed for this purpose) and turn on the device at temperature 100 0 C for 30-35 minutes. Having completed all these procedures, you need to use a sponge to collect all the dirt that will settle to the bottom during this cleaning process, and wipe everything with a dry cloth or napkin.

How Easy Clean technology works

Catalytic purification

Provided only in some models and not from all manufacturers. Cleaning starts independently when the electric model reaches a temperature of 140 degrees.

The method is based on the use of a special coating containing oxidizing agents that cause the sorbent to absorb water, carbon and organic compounds. In this case, no carbon deposits are formed.

On the one hand, catalytic oven cleaning seems ideal option, and on the other hand, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

  • and the grates will have to be washed by hand anyway;
  • if you use milk and sweet foods when cooking, the efficiency of the system will sharply decrease;
  • coatings have a limited service life of 5-6 years;
  • Some of the accumulated soot will have to be removed yourself.

Pyrolytic cleaning

The electric oven uses hard-mode pyrolysis technology. To do this, you need to press a special button, and the temperature rises up to 500 degrees. With such an extreme cleaning system for electric ovens, the door must be closed, so it is blocked by the system itself. The use of pyrolysis will forever close the question of how to clean the oven from carbon deposits, turning all fats into ash in the literal sense of the word. You will not worry about the possibility that food may burn; any dirt and residue will be cleaned perfectly.

However, it should be taken into account that electricity costs will increase slightly, in addition, the purification process itself is accompanied by a strong and quite unpleasant smell, to eliminate which is required.

EcoClean system

This oven cleaner is based on the use of a high-quality coating. The electric oven cleaning system starts working at a temperature from 270 degrees. Absolutely all types of dirt easily turn into plaque, and in addition, almost all odors disappear. This ability of EcoClean is associated with the use of microscopic ceramic self-healing balls during heat treatment, which ideally dissolve any type of contaminant. Not all manufacturers present models with such a progressive system, and the price of those that exist is quite high.

We tried to give detailed recommendations regarding the choice of cleaning method for such an element of household appliances as an oven. As you can see, you can use both the simplest manual sanitation options and built-in methods that allow you to clean the oven with virtually no participation from you. In the first case, you need to prevent dirt from eating into the surface and carry out cleaning as regularly as possible; in the second, you need to choose the right cleaning system that is best suited for you.

Modern ovens, especially electric ones, are often equipped with self-cleaning systems. But the functions of pyrolysis and catalysis greatly increase the cost of the unit.

Most users prefer ovens with conventional, hydrolytic cleaning. This is when you put a baking sheet with water in a preheated oven and wait for the steam to melt the fat.

But water alone is often not enough. If the stains are stubborn and old, you need auxiliary cleaning products. They will be discussed below, but for now there are a few basic rules.

Basic rules for oven care

  1. The more often, the easier. If you wipe the inside surface of the oven after each cooking, and steam the oven with water and detergent once a week or a week and a half, there will be practically no need for global cleaning.
  2. To make the dirt easier to handle, warm up the oven a little by turning it on at 50°C for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Immediately before cleaning, remove the trays and remove the side guides. If the design allows, also remove the door and glass. It is more convenient to wash all this separately.
  4. Do not use abrasive sponges or metal scrapers. Scrubbing off grease with them can damage the oven enamel. It is better to work with a sponge or soft cloth.
  5. Never use cleaning agents, especially chemicals, on the oven fan or heating elements.
  6. After cleaning, leave the oven door open for a couple of hours to allow it to dry and any odors to dissipate.
  7. Is the smell still there? Dissolve 10–15 activated carbon tablets in a glass of water and place in the oven for several hours. Charcoal absorbs excess aromas.

Baking soda works great on fresh stains and removes brown deposits from heat-resistant glass.

You can use a soda-based paste to clean the oven or use a simpler method.

Apply baking soda to the oven walls (you can do this with a damp sponge). Spray them a little with water from a spray bottle and leave for 60 minutes.

After an hour, wash the oven with a sponge soaked in soapy water and wipe dry with paper towels.

Soda and vinegar work better for old stains.

When vinegar and baking soda react, carbon dioxide is released. It destroys even dried greasy deposits.

Treat the inside surface of the oven first with table vinegar, then apply baking soda with a damp sponge. Leave the oven like this for a couple of hours, and then wash with warm water.

If the stains persist somewhere, rub them with a sponge soaked in vinegar.

There are two methods for cleaning the oven with lemon: using freshly squeezed lemon juice and powdered citric acid.

  1. The first method is more suitable for fresh stains. Mix lemon juice and water in equal proportions. Using a sponge, treat the oven walls with this solution. Let it sit for 40-60 minutes and then wipe everything down with a clean, damp cloth.
  2. The second method copes with heavy greasy deposits and is suitable for. Fill a deep baking tray or other heat-resistant container with water and citric acid. For ½ liter of water you will need one packet of citric acid. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200°C for 30–40 minutes. Then let the oven cool slightly and clean it thoroughly. Stains that won't come off immediately can be scrubbed off with a slice of fresh lemon.

The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated in the following video.

Baking powder, or simply baking powder, can be used not only for baking, but also for cleaning baking sheets and the oven after baking. After all, in essence, it is the same soda combined with citric acid.

Simply wipe the walls of the oven with a wet cloth and treat with baking powder diluted in water. You need about 2-3 tablespoons of water per packet of baking powder to get the consistency of thick semolina porridge.

Leave the product on the oven surface for 2-3 hours. The greasy deposit will form into lumps and will be easy to remove.

Salt - accessible remedy, which is best used immediately after cooking. Sodium chloride, when heated, makes greasy deposits loose, which means it will be easier for you to wash off the dirt.

Sprinkle salt on horizontal surfaces (baking trays, bottoms) until the oven has cooled down and leave for half an hour.

If the cabinet has cooled down, turn on the heating (≈100 °C). When the salt turns golden brown, turn off the oven.

When the temperature drops, wash all surfaces thoroughly with warm, soapy water. Finally, dry everything with paper towels.

Many housewives consider this method the most effective. Ammonia really does a great job of corroding grease and burns that appear in the oven over time.

The oven can be cleaned using ammonia using two methods.

  1. Cold method. Simply apply ammonia to the surface of the oven using a sponge or spray. Leave it overnight and wash the oven with detergent in the morning.
  2. Hot method. Preheat the oven to 60°C. Turn off. Place a glass of ammonia on the top shelf. On the bottom - a bowl of boiling water. Close the door and leave the oven like that for eight hours. This cleaning method is convenient to use at night or during the day with open windows and a minimum of household members in the apartment. After the required time has passed, add detergent to the ammonia that was in the oven and wash all surfaces with this solution.

After ammonia, the oven should be ventilated.

Do you clean your oven any other way? Share your methods in the comments.

Household assistants: soda, vinegar, lemon and ammonia

As they say, “grandmother’s” methods, tested by several generations. I like them because they are cheap, safe in all respects, and they clean any item of grease and carbon deposits just perfectly!

Method 1: “like magic” - ammonia + water

You will need two cups, ammonia (5 bottles of 200 ml each), a liter of boiling water, rubber gloves and a sponge. Next proceed as follows:

  1. Remove any excess from the oven, but leave the racks on.
  2. Preheat it to 180 degrees.
  3. Pour water into a large cup and alcohol into a smaller cup.
  4. Open the windows to allow fresh air to flow freely into the rooms.
  5. Turn off the oven and place both cups in it. There is water at the very bottom, and ammonia is a level higher.
  6. Wait until the stove cools down (about 40 minutes). But if the oven surfaces are very dirty, it is better to leave it all overnight.
  7. Once the time is up, remove both cups and the racks. Add ammonia to a bowl warm water and dishwashing detergent - use this solution to remove any remaining grease, food and dirt dissolved by alcohol. Wipe the grates with it. Don't forget to wear gloves!
  8. Ventilate the house properly by leaving the oven door open.

This method is very effective due to ammonia vapor. It really simplifies the whole unpleasant process of cleaning the oven from old grease.

Method 2: “proven” - soda + vinegar + soap

This method is simply irreplaceable at home! All the necessary ingredients are probably there. Baking soda in combination with vinegar and laundry soap copes well with moderate stains.

Well, if you need to clean something more serious, you can do the steps described below twice:

  1. Remove all removable elements from the oven - frying pans, baking sheets, racks, thermometer, etc.
  2. Mix 40 grams of baking soda, 7 tablespoons of vinegar and water with added laundry soap. The amount of water should be such that the consistency becomes pasty.
  3. Wear gloves and apply the mixture to interior surfaces, avoiding fans and heating elements. In areas of heavy contamination, the mixture may turn brown and form lumps - coat these areas especially thickly. In this form, the oven is left for at least 3 hours (the more time passes, the better the fat will come off).

  1. In the meantime, you can wash the outside of the stove and clean the grates and baking trays. Use the same mixture - it does not damage enamel surfaces, as it has a foamy consistency.
  2. How time will pass waiting, arm yourself with a damp sponge and remove the dried mixture along with any dirt stains.
  3. You can dilute a little vinegar in water and go through the inside again with a rag.
  4. Wipe the oven clean, usually with plain water. Voila! Enjoy the results.

Method 3: “quick” using lemon

Lemon juice is also good for cleaning the inside of the oven from grease. Its secret lies in acid, which eats away carbon deposits in a short time:

  • just pour water into the pan;
  • put lemon slices there;
  • add a little dish soap;
  • heat the oven to 100º and leave it on for half an hour;
  • After cooling, the cabinet walls can be quickly wiped off with a wet sponge.

If the contamination is severe, repeat the procedure two or three times. If it is insignificant, then you can simply dilute the juice of one lemon in a small amount of water and generously moisten the oven surface with this solution. After 15 minutes, remove the dirt with a damp cloth.

An alternative to lemon is baking powder, which essentially consists of the same citric acid and soda. Upon contact with water, the baking powder begins to release gas, simultaneously corroding dried dirt.

To clean your oven with it:

  • moisten its inside with water;
  • Apply powder with a napkin;
  • spray surfaces with water from a spray bottle;
  • After some time, wash the oven with water.

Method 4: preventive measures

Agree, it’s easier to prevent grease and carbon deposits from accumulating for months than to clean an oven with old dirt. For example:

  • immediately after actively using the oven, pour water and detergent into the pan;
  • put it inside;
  • to soften dirt, preheat the oven to 100º;
  • then wipe it with a dishwashing sponge.

Also try to protect the “stove” from greasy splashes, using a baking sleeve or foil whenever possible. With these devices, dishes will be prepared much faster, and the cabinet will get dirty much less.

If you are planning to buy a new oven in the near future, I advise you to take a closer look at the models with pyrolysis function. In such cabinets, grease and food residues burn when high temperature when the self-cleaning function is activated after cooking.

At this time, the door is locked and no one can open it until the process is completed. It's a little expensive, but you don't have to wash anything with your own hands.

Method 5: Heavy Artillery - Chemicals

You can buy a special gel or spray for burnt fat in any household chemicals department. Personally, I prefer to use natural cleaners. I don’t like the smell of chemicals in the house, which has to be thoroughly ventilated.

But maybe, on the contrary, this option will seem more convenient to someone. So, briefly about the most effective means To clean the oven:

  • “Shumanit” is especially good at this difficult task. Sold as a spray, so application is easy and quick. Costs within reason. It copes with the task with a bang. The only problem - too strong smell.
  • "Oven Cleaner" from Amway. Their original products have proven themselves in the most worthy manner. You can find many positive reviews to confirm this. In particular, the oven grease remover has become famous economical consumption, odorless and effective.

It is sold complete with a brush - it is very convenient to distribute the gel over the surface and in hard to reach places. It’s a pity that you can’t buy Oven Cleaner everywhere, plus the price is a bit high.

  • “Oven and stove cleaner” from Faberlic from the “Home” series. It costs an order of magnitude cheaper than the previous one and receives flattering reviews of it. Is it true gets used up quickly.

In addition to these three, you can try other well-known products: Kommet, Mister Muscle, Frosch, Silit Beng, GreenClean, Sanita Antifat, etc.

Instructions - how to clean the oven with a special chemical spray or gel:

  1. To make the work ahead easier, preheat the oven for 15-20 minutes, setting the temperature to 50º or slightly higher.
  2. Remove everything unnecessary - baking sheets, racks and other easily removable parts.
  3. Be sure to open the window and wear rubber gloves!

  1. Apply gel or spray all dirty areas and oven glass. Just don’t rub ahead of time, let the product work. This usually takes 15-30 minutes, it all depends on the degree of neglect.

Do not treat the fan and heating elements with chemicals - this can easily ruin the “nurse”. Also try not to get on the rubber gaskets in the door.

  1. After this “soaking”, the oven can easily be cleaned of old grease and food debris. Just rub with a sponge and wash off all the dirt. True, to remove the smell of chemicals, you will need to thoroughly walk with a cloth several times, constantly wetting it in clean water.

Use a spray bottle to wash hard-to-reach areas.

  1. Return all previously removed items to their places.
  2. Wipe the outside of the door.
  3. Ventilate the kitchen. You can even leave the oven open to help the chemicals ventilate. You can’t use the stove for a few more hours, and it’s better to leave it alone until the next morning.

If you don’t have a cleaning product on hand and going to the store is not an option, try diluting a homemade paste:

  • mix Pemolux in equal proportions;
  • dishwashing gel;
  • citric acid;
  • Lubricate the inside of the cabinet with the resulting paste;
  • leave for half an hour;
  • then simply rinse with a sponge and warm water.

After successfully combating carbon deposits with chemicals, a smell remains in the oven that can spoil the food. You can remove it by boiling water with activated carbon or wiping the cabinet walls with lemon juice.

Irregular cleaning and difficulty in cleaning household appliances often cause severe contamination, which is very difficult to get rid of later. One such appliance is the oven. After cooking food, a large number of drops of fat accumulate on its walls, onto which dust sticks, and it becomes quite difficult to clean the surface.

Every housewife wonders how to clean the oven from old grease. Therefore there are several effective ways. These can be classified as folk recipes, as well as modern chemicals.

Cleaning the oven manually

This method is suitable for ordinary stoves, the inner surface of which is smooth enamel. It lends itself best to manual cleaning. You can read below about how to clean the oven from old grease without spending a lot of effort.

The first step is to remove all the baking sheets from the oven and soak them in the sink along with detergent.

Then you need to apply detergent to the sponge and wipe all internal surfaces. Need to avoid getting hit soap solution into the fan and on When this step is finished, you need to preheat the oven, this action will help the fat soften, and it will be much easier to remove.

If there is a lot of dirt, you can repeat this procedure. It is recommended to use rubber gloves when cleaning the oven with detergents; they will protect the skin from irritation and damage.

Removing dirt using store-bought products

Every woman has a universal tool in her arsenal. Many of them do an excellent job of cleaning the oven. You just need to spray the product onto the walls and leave for several hours. Dirt along with any remaining product is removed with a soapy sponge.

Every housewife should know how to clean the inside of the oven from grease, otherwise after a while the oven will become dirty to such an extent that it will be unsafe to cook food in it. Since the products may get old fat, which will melt under the influence of temperature.

It is important to follow safety precautions when working with store-bought ones. Since they contain harmful chemical elements, it is necessary to open the window and use rubber gloves.

How to clean the oven from old burnt fat

To clean internal surfaces, you can use home remedies, the most popular of which are baking soda, vinegar and

  • It is necessary to pour water into the baking tray in which detergent or soap remnants are dissolved. All internal walls are wiped with the same solution. After preparation, the oven must be heated and all melted fat must be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • For baking soda, a different method is used. It is mixed with warm water and applied to the surface, then all dirt is removed using a hard sponge, and the oven is rinsed with clean water.

  • You can also apply vinegar to the walls of the oven that has not yet completely cooled. It will help dissolve fat, which can be easily wiped off with a washcloth.
  • In deciding how to clean the oven from old grease, it will be a good helper. It must be applied to all contaminated areas and left for several hours. After this, all that remains is to wipe the oven with soapy water.
  • Ordinary rock salt will help to cope with soot. It must be applied to a hot surface; as it absorbs fat, it turns brown. All that remains is to wash the surfaces with a sponge dipped in soapy water.
  • Get rid of fat without extra effort baking powder used for baking. It is applied to the moistened walls of the oven, and when it starts to roll into balls, you just need to remove it and rinse the surfaces.

How to eliminate the smell of detergents in the oven

To neutralize unpleasant odor after use chemical substances, to clean up you can do the following:

  • The most in a simple way is ventilation. The oven is left open overnight to allow all chemicals to evaporate.
  • To neutralize odors, it must be dissolved in water and boiled for fifteen minutes in the oven.
  • Surfaces can be additionally washed with clean water by adding acetic acid, or wipe with lemon juice.

Eliminating odors can often be more difficult than cleaning the inside of the oven. Therefore, when preparing for the stove care stage, you need to consider everything possible consequences and be ready to quickly correct them, or better yet, prevent them.

Ovens with catalytic cleaning function

Such ovens provide regular self-cleaning of the surface. The principle of operation is a special porous surface on which an oxidizing agent is applied. It helps fat break down into simple elements and elements, thereby preventing the appearance of soot on internal surfaces ovens.

When deciding how to quickly clean the oven from grease, you should pay attention to ovens with built-in oxidation panels. However, one drawback should be taken into account here: the amount of applied oxidizer is only enough for three hundred hours of operation, then the panel must be replaced.

Ovens with self-cleaning function

These are the most modern models, allowing you not to worry about cleaning the oven. If you need to solve the problem of how to clean the oven from old grease, you just need to run the cleaning program.

Its action consists of high-temperature exposure (500 degrees), which ensures the transformation of fat into ash, thereby greatly simplifying oven care. You just need to remove the resulting ash with a damp cloth, and the surfaces will shine like new again.

When figuring out what you can use to clean the oven, it is important to take into account the type of surface and the degree of contamination. Right choice will make cleaning easier and will not cause any damage.