Well      06/18/2019

Do-it-yourself repair of a well from concrete rings. Do-it-yourself cleaning and minor repairs of the well.

Cleaning a well with your own hands is not an easy and unsafe job. As for the regularity of its implementation, it all depends on the inviolability of the structure, on the quality of the materials that were used in the construction of the well. And what manifestations indicate that the time has come for cleansing? For example, urgent “resuscitation” is needed if a strange taste, smell, or a rainbow film appears on the surface of the water. In addition, blockages formed at the bottom, a decrease in the usable volume of water - clear sign that it's time to clean up. But let's talk about everything in order ...

How do you know when it's time to clean the well?

All owners country houses, summer cottages should understand that periodic cleaning is a mandatory process, since the operation of the well, as well as the quality indicators of water, depend on it. If the well is relatively shallow, you can do everything yourself, and if it is deep, it is better to seek help from professionals.

Some people do not realize the importance of cleaning and put off this process until better times. But this is a wrong position, because then a person will not see fresh, crystal clear and very tasty water.

But how, in fact, to find out that the well needs cleaning? This question is of interest to many, so we will give an extended answer to it. The following features are meant:

  • lowering the level;
  • the appearance of clay deposits due to the penetration of surface water into the well;
  • the appearance of foreign objects in the mine - for example, it can be a bird that accidentally fell into the water, garbage thrown by ill-wishers (alas, this happens);
  • muddy water - the reasons for this phenomenon are considered to be insufficient operation of the bottom filter or depressurization of the seams;
  • stagnation of water with infrequent use of the well for its intended purpose;
  • getting into the well of sewage - as a result, the water acquires an unpleasant taste, smell.

After the snow has melted, it is advisable to sanitization using a special solution. A teaspoon of potassium permanganate is dissolved in a bucket of water and poured into the well, and an hour later the water is pumped out of the mine.

Safety measures when cleaning a well

If you decide to clean the well in the country, but have never encountered this before, take note useful advice, thanks to which you can protect yourself from various troubles. In particular, we are talking about such moments:

  • cleaning the well should be carried out by at least three people, because in case of danger one person will not be able to pull the other out of the mine;
  • a safety cable must be tied to the belt;
  • Before starting work, make sure that there are no harmful gases in the well. To do this, you need to lower a bucket with a lit candle into the mine: if it burns at the bottom, then there are no harmful gases there;
  • if tools fall from above, it is necessary to press against the walls of the well;
  • the use of wading boots and a construction helmet will not be superfluous;
  • at the bottom of the well you can not stand in one place for too long - your legs can suck.

If the well is deep (more than three meters) and the person suffers from heart disease, it is better to entrust cleaning to someone else, because there is little oxygen at such a depth.

And what tools and fixtures for cleaning wells need to be purchased?

  • Firstly, you need a rope or ordinary ladder, a safety belt.
  • Secondly, if the depth of the well is large and one staircase is not enough, you can use strong rope, to which a piece of board is attached (a kind of swing is obtained).
  • Thirdly, we must not forget about the bucket and the tool for cleaning the walls of the well.
  • Plus, in a specialized store you can buy holding slings, a device for lowering and blocking, a drum for raising water, a block, a winch.

Method 1 - manual cleaning

Considering the question of how to clean the well with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of this method. This process consists of several stages:

  • Gradual pumping out of water - 30-50 cm of water volume is pumped out of the well and the walls of the rings are cleaned in parallel. To do this, you need to take a soft brush for metal or a large sponge so that the structure of the rings is not damaged. Application detergents or any other chemically hazardous compounds are unacceptable.
  • When the walls are completely cleaned and the bottom is already felt, the water is completely pumped out and the thorough cleaning of the bottom begins;
  • After cleaning, the seams are sealed with a cement solution with liquid glass in order to isolate the well from surface water.

At a later stage, disinfection takes place - the cleaned walls of the well are smeared with a 10% bleach solution. The remaining solution is poured to the bottom, the lid of the well is clogged, wrapped with a tarpaulin so that the chlorine does not evaporate. In this state, the well is left for 48 hours, and after the end of this period of time, the water is pumped out twice.

Cleaning the well should be carried out not only in case of emergency, but also for preventive purposes.

It is also necessary to mention the timing of this event, namely 2-3 times a year.

Method 2 - a drainage pump to help

Everyone knows that the bottom of the well is covered with layers of coarse gravel, sand, crushed stone, which act as a natural filter. Over time, the space between the fractions is filled with silt, that is, the water becomes less transparent. That's when you need to think about carrying out appropriate activities. So, how is the well cleaned? drainage pump?

First of all, it should be noted that the main task is to clean the filter and seal the joints and cracks in the mine. But in order to competently and efficiently perform the work, it is necessary to have at hand materials, tools for the implementation of the descent / ascent.

Of course, you first need to choose the right pump. What requirements must he meet? In order for all work to be done well, the pump must have sufficient power corresponding to the depth of the mine.

The use of a low-power pump is fraught with negative consequences, because poor-quality water is not completely pumped out, the well will become clogged even more, and the time for this process will be wasted. Another unpleasant situation is also possible: a pump of low power will not withstand the load and will break, which means that the money will be thrown away.

The essence of cleaning the well using the equipment in question is that the pump is lowered to a depth of 0.5-1 m from the bottom, then it turns on and the process of cleaning from dirt begins. Under strong pressure, water is thrown back into the well, while raising silt deposits from the very bottom.

From time to time the pump must be lifted in order to clean the filters. This procedure must be carried out until deposits form on the filter. For reinsurance, water can be given for analysis and, if necessary, disinfected.

In a word, you can clean the well manually or with the help of a drainage pump, which is more profitable and convenient for anyone. But one thing is for sure: it is necessary to clean the well, because only then it will serve for a long time, delighting people with delicious, crystal clear water.

If you follow all preventive measures during the operation of the water source, then cleaning the well with your own hands can be carried out no more than 1 time per year. The frequency of cleaning depends on several factors. These factors are:

  • the quality of the materials used to equip the mine;
  • the quality of sealing the seams inside the mine;
  • bottom drainage quality;
  • the presence of a good shutter from melt water;
  • equipment of adequate protection against foreign objects and debris entering the mine.

Even knowing how to clean the well with your own hands, you can turn to specialists, but you should keep in mind that these services are not cheap. Therefore, even before the installation of the structure, you should be aware that you will have to acquire not only a source of water, but also a pump for cleaning wells and other equipment for independent cleaning work, otherwise you will have to pay for keeping your water source clean every year.

Preventive cleaning

A similar event is held in the spring, after the snow melts. This is the easiest of cleanings, since you can clean the drinking well without helpers. Even if the water seems normal, you need to sanitize with potassium permanganate, 1 tbsp. l. which is dissolved in a bucket of water and this solution is poured into the well shaft. After 2-3 hours, the water is pumped directly into the garden. This event achieves 2 goals at once - and the well is sanitized, and the land in the garden is disinfected.

Complete cleaning

There are options here. The first (lightweight) is used when the bottom filter becomes clogged. Then you need to clean the well from sand and silt that clogged the bottom drainage, consisting of crushed stone, gravel and coarse sand.

Bottom filter cleaning

Pumps will be needed: a drainage pump and an ordinary water pump of the Brook type, which will stir up the water. Cleaning is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Screw a short hose (up to half a meter long) to the water pump and lower it closer to the bottom. His main task there will be a rise from the bottom of the debris due to the intense movement of water created.
  2. Lower the drainage pump almost to the very bottom, leading the hose to the place where the dirty water, stirred up by the water pump, is drained.

Then it remains only to monitor the purity of the flowing water. In about 2 hours, you can cope with a 10-centimeter layer of silt. It is better not to drain the water flowing out during the cleaning process into the beds and flower beds, as they can become covered with a layer of viscous dirt.

Capital cleaning with repair of seams

It is carried out when organic debris enters the water, with the growth of algae, depressurization of the seams. In this case, you will have to manually clean the well in the country, descending into it. To do this, you will need at least 2 assistants and the following devices:

  1. A long wooden (metal) ladder, a rope ladder or a swing from a board tied to two ropes, on which the cleaner will have to stand with his feet - the most suitable device in this case is selected from this list.
  2. A device for lowering and blocking if a swing is to be made.
  3. Brush or sponge for cleaning the walls of the well. Usually, a soft metal brush is used for this purpose.
  4. Bucket.
  5. Safety rope, rubber boots and helmet for the cleaner. The latter is necessary in order to protect the head from a tool that accidentally fell from above.
  6. Pump for pumping water.
  7. Cement mortar with addition liquid glass to repair seams.
  8. 10% (10-20 mg per 1 liter of water) bleach solution for mine disinfection.

You need not only to know how to properly clean the well yourself, but also to carry out each stage of work carefully and carefully. You need to work with at least three people: one person is in the mine, the second one insures him, and the third one accepts and releases buckets of silt, supplies and accepts the tool.

Cleaning wells is not so much difficult as laborious.

It should be borne in mind that people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels are contraindicated in working in the well shaft, because everything deeper than 3 m is associated with a lack of oxygen. In addition, there may be an accumulation of gases in the mine. To make sure that they are absent, you need to lower a bucket with a burning candle to the bottom. Only oxygen supports combustion, so if the candle goes out, you need to pump out the gas before manually cleaning the well.

Pumping can be done using home vacuum cleaner or an ordinary potbelly stove located near the well. You need a long pipe, one end of which is attached to the blower, and the other goes down almost to the water. The potbelly stove is melted, and with the help of stove draft, the gas is brought out.

Do-it-yourself capital cleaning of wells is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Water is being pumped out. This is done immediately or in stages, and as pumping (for example, 1 well ring) the cleaner descends and washes the walls of the mine.
  2. Complete cleaning of the walls of the mine from dirt and formations.
  3. Washing the walls of the mine running water from the hose, after which you will need to turn on the pump for cleaning and pump out this liquid from the bottom.
  4. Cleaning the bottom of silt until the bottom filter appears.
  5. Cleaning of the existing bottom filter or complete replacement. To clean the filter, its components will have to be lifted and rinsed well, and then put back in place.
  6. Covering cracks.
  7. Disinfection of walls and water with bleach. You can also purchase a special tool.
  8. Removal after disinfection of water from the well. It is impossible to drain this water into the garden, you need to bring the hose to cesspool. This action is performed several times until the odors of the disinfectant disappear. After that, it is recommended to boil the water used for drinking for 1-2 weeks.

Safety measures must be followed. The bottom filter is an unreliable device. If you stand on its surface for a long time, your legs can tighten, so you need to do the work faster and switch from foot to foot more often, checking your own stability.

It is impossible to do without a well in private homes, because it is the only source of water or forms the basis of an independent water supply system. But in order for the water in it to be clean and tasty, it is necessary from time to time to maintain the cleanliness of the well pit, clean it and, if necessary, repair it. Specialists are called for these works, but if this is not possible, then cleaning or repair is carried out independently, while observing safety precautions.

They clean the well, when obvious pollution is observed in the water, it appears bad smell, the reasons for this vary. Here are a few of them:

  • In the rings of the well, there is a loss of tightness of the joints.
  • The bottom of the well has risen, which contributes to the alluvium of sand.
  • Entry into the water of animals, debris, plants.
  • Oil leakage from the pump.
  • If you do not protect the well pit from being hit sun rays, then the walls will acquire green color, along with the liquid.
  • As a result of the violation of the clay castle, clay got into the well.
  • Sewer fluid has entered the well and contaminates the water, resulting in an unpleasant odor and taste.
  • The liquid level in the concrete structure has decreased.

If the cause of well water pollution is sewer drains, then to eliminate it, they look for those that are nearby and start repairs from them.

Cleaning methods

There are two ways to clean a concrete pit:

  • Drainage pump. This method facilitates the work and reduces the cleaning time.
  • manual method. Although a difficult method, cleaning with repairs is not always possible without it.

In addition to the basic methods, it is important to carry out preventive and disinfecting methods for maintaining the well shaft.


The process of cleaning the well manually.

Do-it-yourself cleaning begins with pumping out water. The liquid from the well pit is taken out in buckets. This method is not easy and takes a lot of time, so it is recommended to use pumps. We clean the well using the following tools:

  • rubber high boots;
  • sponge;
  • ladder;
  • buckets;
  • brush designed to work on metal.

After pumping out the liquid, a ladder is lowered into the well and fixed well. They start working with a concrete well from the top, and gradually cleaning each ring of the mine, they go down to the bottom. To clean the bottom, remove gravel, silt in containers and raise to the ground. After the bottom is cleaned, a filter is made for it from a new layer of gravel, crushed stone, sand. In the presence of depressurization of the seams, they are sealed with a solution of concrete. At the end repair work start preventive - disinfection of the well.

With drain pump

Cleaning the well with the use of a drainage pump.

The drainage pump will allow you to easily cope with pollution in the wells. Get to work with the choice of pump power. Then they start cleaning in a certain sequence:

  • At the bottom of the well, the pump is immersed on a pre-built stand, which will prevent the unit from falling into the silt.
  • A hose is lowered to supply liquid to a container filled with water.
  • Then a pressure is applied, which pumps out the liquid.
  • With the help of the liquid in the tank, the walls of the mine will be cleaned.

They finish cleaning the wells as soon as the water becomes clear and the unpleasant smell goes away.

Repair work

Starting the cleaning of the well shaft, they may find that the seams of the rings have been depressurized and they need to be strengthened with concrete mortar. There are also problems with wooden structures structures, they are also excluded without delay. Repair work also includes cleaning the filters that are at the bottom of the mine.

Sealing of well seams.

Seams lose their tightness as a result of displacement in the structure of the well concrete rings due to excessive melting of snowdrifts. Depressurization manifests itself in the form of void formations between the rings, into which soil enters. To avoid cracks, a sealant is used that is resistant when exposed to water.

They also cover the cracks with a solution of cement and sand, only before that they protect the surface from crumbling material. Today, more than modern methods combat the loss of tightness of the seams. Fasi RM mortar is used to restore concrete surfaces. Working with this material is no different from working with cement mortar.

Strengthening concrete rings

With frequent displacement of concrete rings to the side, the following methods are used:

  • Dig a trench around the well.
  • Find the place of damage and disassemble it.
  • Next, they are installed displaced in place and fixed with metal brackets.
  • Seams are sealed and sealed.

They also give stability to the well with the help of a clay castle. To do this, they dig a trench around the well and fill it with clay, while ramming it well.

Rising water level

You can increase the amount of liquid in the well by deepening the shaft. Deepening methods depend on the service life of the structure. If the well has served for about 6 months, from under lower ring the soil is removed, then the whole structure will smoothly fall down. From above, metal rings are added around the entire perimeter of the mine. The deepening of the old well occurs due to a dug hole at the bottom of the shaft, into which rings of a smaller diameter are placed. It is important to draw between the new and the previous ring.

Disinfection of water in a well can be carried out with potassium permanganate or bleach.

After the cleaning and repair work is completed, they begin to disinfect the water. To do this, a specially prepared solution of bleach and water is wrapped around the walls of the mine with a wide brush. When the liquid fills concrete well, use another stronger solution from the same components only in large proportions. It is poured into wells and covered with a lid for 24 hours. A day later, the disinfected liquid is pumped out and waiting for a new filling of the well. The liquid is no longer pumped out and filled until it tastes like chlorine. But drinking raw water from the well is still impossible for two weeks. And for your own peace of mind, it is better to give a sample of water for analysis to the laboratory.

If potassium permanganate was used as a cleaning solution, the pumped out liquid can be drained into the garden, which is not recommended to be done with water after cleaning it with chlorine.

It is important to disinfect water not only after cleaning procedures or repairs, but also for prevention purposes, because human health directly depends on the quality of the liquid used.

Installation of bottom filters

To prevent the turbidity of well waters, crushed stone is immersed at the bottom of the structure, which in itself is a bottom filter and does not dissolve in the liquid. If liquid is supplied to the well by sediment, then the filter is installed without hesitation. Since small particles can damage the unit. I lay crushed stone on the bottom of the structure with a thickness of about 15 cm, but the value may increase if the soil of the well pit is saturated with water and has a movable structure.

To prevent damage to the well, a preventive inspection of the mine is used and the liquid is checked for the presence of foreign odor and turbidity in it.

Many owners of private houses repeatedly wonder how to repair a well built of concrete rings with their own hands?

Before answering this question, it is worth finding out what is the cause of the contamination of the concrete well.

On a note: Repairs should be started only after you have the results of the water analysis on hand (that is, they will indicate what contributes to fluid contamination).

Causes of well pollution

If the water has acquired an unpleasant odor and turned cloudy, then there are several explanations for this.

  1. The bottom is silted up. The structure located on the quicksand is especially tightened with silt.
  2. The bottom can also rise due to pumping water.
  3. If plants/animals get inside.
  4. The ingress of oil from the pump also contributes to raising the bottom.
  5. If the design of the clay castle is broken, then the clay soil can penetrate inside.
  6. Also, the quality of the water may deteriorate due to the fact that the seams were not properly sealed during the construction phase.
  7. Contributes to the deterioration of water quality and contamination of the filtration device, which is located at the very bottom.

Attention: First of all, it is worth noting that repair work and cleaning the well are interconnected. After the repair work, the structure must be cleaned without fail.

In most cases, cleaning reveals flaws and cracks that need to be repaired. Before repairing a well from concrete rings, it is worth finding out in which cases it is necessary

When is it necessary to repair a well from concrete rings with your own hands?

gaps between links

Repair of the well, for the construction of which concrete rings were used, is carried out if:

  1. The formation of gaps between the links.
  2. Link displacement.
  3. That the water level has dropped.
  4. When the water was gone.

Repair of wells built from concrete rings

Repair work includes several stages:

  1. Seal of seams and cracks.
  2. Strengthening links.
  3. Raising the water level.
  4. Installation of the filtration device.

Let's take a closer look at each stage.

First step: sealing

The links can move (slightly) with the arrival of melt water, as well as due to the use of low-quality concrete. Over time, if the holes are not repaired in time, the cracks will increase, earth, sand and other solid particles will penetrate inside. If the rings are completely moved, then a major overhaul will be required.

Important detail: Small gaps are sealed with waterproof materials. Most do not use modern methods of coating, but traditional ones - putty with a concrete mixture.

Before you start sealing the seams, you need to clean the surface of dirt. If the cracks are large, then in this case the sealing is carried out from the outside. To do this, they dig a trench around the structure of the od of the place where there is significant damage. The seams are sealed. After everything is dry, the trench is covered.

Second stage: strengthening the links

Strengthening and sealing links

How to repair a well built using concrete rings to increase the strength of the structure?

The process of increasing the strength index:

  1. Dig a trench around the water source until a damaged area appears.
  2. The displaced ring is shifted into place.
  3. Joints are fastened with staples.
  4. Sealing process. All seams and cracks are covered with a sealant or a mixture (PVA glue + cement). The seams are covered not only inside, but also outside.
  5. For extra strength, you can make a clay castle.

Third stage: raising the water level in the structure

You can not only return the water level to what it was before, but if you wish, you can increase / increase it. This is done by deepening the structure.

If the well was built recently (6 months have not yet passed), then in this case it is enough to dig the ground from under the lower link. As a result, the ring will settle. A new link is installed on top of the structure.

Fourth stage: Installation of the filtration device

In order for the water not to become cloudy, a filtration device is lowered to the bottom - crushed stone. In case water is extracted with a pump, a filter is required. The fact is that solid particles, such as sand / silt, can cause pumping equipment to malfunction.

The thickness of the filtration layer should be more than ten centimeters. If the bottom is viscous / mobile, then the thickness of the minerals should be more than fifty centimeters.

Advice: The condition of the well must be monitored. To do this, periodically clean the structure. As mentioned above, the repair and cleaning of the well are interconnected. Consider cleaning technology.

DIY cleaning process

DIY cleaning

First of all, it is worth noting that the building needs to be cleaned at least once every two years.

Cleaning process:

  1. The liquid is pumped out of the well using a pump or manually.
  2. The walls are cleaned from dirt. Mucus and other organisms may form on the walls during use. For cleaning, a person plunges into the structure. Remove impurities with special means which can be purchased at any hardware store. A metal brush will also come in handy.
  3. Cleaning the bottom of the accumulated sludge. At this stage, it is best to pump out water using buckets, so the bottom will be cleaned faster and more efficiently. Of course, the pump can also be used ("Kid").
  4. Cleaning the filtration device. On the bottom lies a layer of gravel / crushed stone, which also needs to be flushed. The filter material is either cleaned with water or replaced with a new one.
  5. Sealing all existing gaps.
  6. disinfection process. For this, bleach is mainly used.

Disinfection process:

  1. The walls of the building are wiped with bleach.
  2. After the well is filled with water, a concentrated composition is added. There are two hundred milligrams of bleach per liter of water.
  3. Stir the liquid with a pole.
  4. Twelve hours later, a new solution is added.
  5. All liquid is pumped out.
  6. The process is repeated again and again until the mustiness disappears.

Video about repairing a well and waterproofing seams

Any reservoir or source of water needs cleaning and preventive measures. Well suburban area, filled from natural water resources, is no exception. At what time of the year and how to properly clean the well yourself?

If the water in the well spoils

Nobody denies the presence of a well-groomed well with clean and tasty water at their summer cottage. But no matter how well the well was built, over time, groundwater will do its job.

Therefore, if the owner of a summer cottage with a well felt that:

• well water has acquired an unpleasant odor and taste

• the static and dynamic water levels have fallen in the structure,

That means it's time to clean the well.

The cause of pollution well water damage to the interior of the structure may occur:

• cracking or tearing of seams

• rotting of raw wood

• displacement of structure rings.

What will be the "resuscitation" work and how to clean the well?

Well cleaning methods

There are the following ways to clean wells:

• manual

• using a pump.

The manual method of cleaning the well is simple: water is pumped out, a ladder is lowered to the bottom of the well and the cleaner washes away dirt from the walls of the structure and rinses the bottom filter.

An automated cleaning method consists in the use of a drainage pump and a blower unit to create a circulation of the waste liquid.

Whatever cleaning method the owner of the well uses, the rule remains unchanged when it is better to clean the well.

Helpful Hints

Specialists (those who clean wells regularly) believe that best time cleaning the well is considered the end of summer. By this time of year the water balance ground water and underground sources has a minimum filling debit. This means that the water in the well is in minimum quantity making manual cleaning easier.

Do-it-yourself well cleaning and repair work

At present, it is difficult to find a specialist or a team that will competently carry out the necessary measures. Therefore, you will have to learn in detail how to clean the well with your own hands.

cleaner's equipment

Recall that the "cleaning" work is laborious and unsafe. scoop buckets dirty water, standing on a slippery ladder in a stuffy tunnel of a well, only a daredevil and his friends will dare.

It is preferable to work during daylight hours with a team of three people. By the way, as a "climbing" equipment you will need:

• safety rope and rope

• comfortable stairs

• support rods

wooden swing with hook

• platforms on cables

• hunting rubber boots

Dressed in a canvas suit, wearing boots and a helmet, you can gradually descend into the well shaft, attaching a safety cable to your belt. A prerequisite for descent and ascent is the presence of a surface insurer and a signal rope.

Helpful Hints

If the cleaning equipment causes a smile and ridicule of others, then these are vain emotions - one cannot do without reliable insurance. Tested by time and work on the descent and ascent of mine mine rescuers. Safety equipment can be rented.

Having plunged into the well shaft, the cleaner, by visual examination, becomes clear how to clean the well and what needs to be repaired inside.

cleaning and making necessary repairs

When cleaning a well, it may be necessary to do the following:

• strengthening and sealing of seams of concrete rings

• cleaning of bottom filters

• repair of wooden structures

what is the best way to strengthen and seal the seams

Waterproof sealant is used to strengthen and seal damaged seams of rings, crevices or potholes. The simplest type of fortification is also the traditional concrete mortar. But as the practice of cleaning the well shows, it is preferable to carry out strengthening work with a more reliable material, such as a reducing agent. concrete surface Fasi RM or hydrophobizing impregnations with a waterproof effect.

Well concrete surface restorer is a traditional cement mortar which is applied to work surface spatula. In addition, there are materials for filling cracks and joints: Penetron, Peneplag and Penekrit.

How to clean the well manually with complete drainage

The duration of its further functioning will depend on how correctly the well is cleaned. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare metal brushes and special disinfectants. We pump out water from the well and start cleaning the walls from mucus and dirt.

After cleaning the walls of the well with brushes, disinfection is carried out.

chemistry for wells

For cleaning wells, there are currently many ready-made solutions that contain disinfectants and stabilizing agents. This is Chemoclor pool composition. Of course, to clean the walls of the well, you can use the usual solution of potassium permanganate, which can be used to water the walls from the inside without leaving gaps.

After cleaning the walls, the bottom filter is cleaned. It is preferable to replace the top layers of the filter with fresh pebbles.

Cleaning a well with a drain pump

The well is cleaned with a drainage pump without pumping water.

Before cleaning the drainage well, the unit is installed on a special stand with wide base, thereby eliminating the possibility of falling into the silt. Then the pressure hose of the pump is lowered to the bottom of the prepared container up to 300 liters.

A suction hose is mounted and connected to the top of the tank. The pressure hose of the pump is equipped with a hydraulic nozzle, which allows you to form a jet of the required density and speed. We make the inclusion vibration pump, and then with an interval of 10 minutes - drainage. Periodically in the course of work we clean the filters.

When pumping liquid from the well, the settled dirt on the walls and bottom is removed manually using a sprayer and chemistry for wells. The end of the work can be considered a clean water filter.

The process of cleaning the well is thoroughly shown in this video.