Toilet      04/04/2019

How to choose a hood for the kitchen: professional advice and useful tips. How to choose the right hood for the kitchen: tips, reviews

Power (performance) kitchen hood shows how much cubic meters air passes through the equipment in the extraction mode for a certain time. The device must comply with sanitary codes and the requirements of SNiPs. If you choose a product of suitable power, the cost of its purchase can be easily offset by savings on detergents and allergy medications. It is important to avoid errors in the calculation of equipment characteristics. Calculating the power of the hood for the kitchen is much easier, taking into account the main factors.

Regardless of the kitchen hood model, it is not designed to ventilate the room. Its function is to remove polluted air from the surface of the plate. She does not have space under the ceiling, so you should choose a model depending on the size and type of hob.

Important! The performance of the hood is measured in m³ / h. Also called power. However, this figure should not be confused with power consumption, measured in watts (W).

Productivity is in line with sanitary standards. During an hour of operation, the equipment must update the air in the kitchen at least 10 times. The average indicator for calculations is taken from the range of 10-15. Usually it is 12.

If the owners of the apartment smoke in the kitchen, the performance of the hood is increased by 15-30%.

How to calculate the hood power for the kitchen

To quickly calculate performance, use a simple formula:

Here “P” is the calculated power indicator, “S” is the area of ​​​​the kitchen, “H” is the height of the ceilings, 12 is the standard air renewal coefficient in the room, according to the requirements of the SES.

This formula is applicable for rooms of small volume (up to 40 m³). It helps to determine the minimum power of the exhaust equipment. However required amount The intake air also depends on other indicators, such as the type of hob and ventilation system, and the layout of the kitchen.

Important! There is a misconception that a kitchen hood should provide full ventilation of the room, regardless of operating conditions. However, this opinion is incorrect. The efficiency of the equipment depends on the features of its installation and the organization of the influx of air masses. The hood cannot replace the ventilation system.

An example of calculating the extractor power for a kitchen of 12 sq. m

Having a formula for calculating performance, you can determine the optimal characteristics of the equipment. The following data is taken as an example:

  • Kitchen area of ​​12 m² (3x4).
  • Ceiling height - 2.7 m.
  • The number of people in the family is 3.
  • The kitchen has an electric hob that is used 3 times a day.
  • There is an air outlet.

To find out what power the device should be, the available data is substituted into the formula:

(3*4)*2.7*12*1.5 = 583.2 m³/h

To make the calculated indicator more accurate, the coefficient for the electric stove is substituted into the formula - 1.5. It is necessary when taking into account the features of the operation of such equipment.

On average, a 12 m² kitchen hood should have a capacity of at least 600 m³ / h. It is this volume of air that it can move in rooms with similar dimensions. You can find models with such characteristics in a wide price range.

What affects the minimum required performance of the device?

When choosing exhaust device with minimum performance indicators, many factors are taken into account, such as the type of hob, the layout of the kitchen space and the location of the duct.


To adjust the formula, depending on the type of hob, certain coefficients are used:

  • For electric stoves, an indicator of 1.5 is set.
  • When calculating the exhaust power for a gas surface, a factor of 2.0 is used. The indicator is due to the presence in the air of not only food vapors, but also gas combustion products.

So, the minimum capacity of equipment for the kitchen is 12 m² and the ceiling height is 2.7 m with electric stove equal to 486 m³/h, and with a gas stove - 648 m³/h. To comfortably use the device in medium performance modes, the hood in the kitchen should be in the range of 600-800 m³ / h.

It must have dimensions equal to the dimensions of the hob. It is better to choose a device with large width indicators.

Type of exhaust system

If the air ducts are connected to the ventilation duct of the apartment, natural air exchange can be disturbed. An extractor hood placed above the stove will not be able to eliminate the polluted air that accumulates near the ceiling.

When choosing a recirculation system, the performance of the appliance is of particular importance, because the air does not leave the kitchen, but returns to the room. The pressure of the air masses increases when passing through the filters, which reduces the performance of the device.

Each turn of the ventilation duct reduces the power of the system by 10%. Given the presence of filters in the recirculation system, 30% is added to the calculated performance of the hood. Even considering the ease of installation of such a system, many apartment owners prefer the option with a tap.

Important! When connecting the hood to the duct, add a power factor of 1.3. In the case of installing carbon filters, it increases to 1.7.

When the device is operating in exhaust mode, the throughput of the duct is taken into account. It is possible to increase the volume of air pumped by increasing the power, however, the noise will increase and the electric motor will start to overheat.

The standard ventilation duct has a diameter of 125 mm. 400 m³/h easily passes through it. A powerful hood in this case will be ineffective. With a simplified calculation of the power of equipment for not large kitchen It is worth paying attention to a low-power device. However, for a very small room (9 sq. M.) You will have to choose a model more powerful than the calculated one. This is due to the fact that small rooms are filled with odors faster.

Kitchen layout features

Choosing kitchen equipment, Special attention turn to the area of ​​the isolated room. It should be limited by doors, windows and walls. If the door to the kitchen does not close, or the room is combined with the living room, the indicators of the adjacent room are added to calculate the area. The result is more eg 20 sq. m.

Since cooking odors spread quickly, the performance requirements of a cooker hood increase dramatically when several rooms are combined.

Noise level versus performance

As the power increases, the noise level of the operating system also increases. If it is too high, the person in the kitchen gets tired quickly, which leads to a deterioration in his condition and the quality of food.

Modern equipment produces noise in the range of 40-45 dB. Installed in household hoods asynchronous motors much quieter than many vacuum cleaners and drills. However, the sound of the device begins to cause discomfort when the performance mode is increased.

The best option is to purchase a hood with the ability to adjust the power. It will not be possible to find a completely silent device, despite the efforts of the developers of modern climate technology.

Important! To reduce the operating noise of the exhaust equipment, it is regularly serviced. Filters and air ducts require timely cleaning.

To remove odors from the kitchen, exhaust equipment of optimal power is selected. Take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the type of plate, the features of the ventilation system. It is important to consider the main factors in order not to buy a more powerful but inefficient device.

Apr 1, 2018 T S

Every owner wants . But cooking can leave in it not only unpleasant odors and fumes, but also soot. A kitchen hood will help to get rid of these consequences, which will also become an original addition to the interior. At the end is given, which will greatly facilitate your choice.

Flat hoods


You can find various names of hoods of this type: "traditional", "standard", "mounted", "flat". They are quite popular due to their affordable price and easy installation. Such hoods are mounted under the kitchen cabinet or directly to the wall above the stove and are powered by the mains. They are good for their compactness, suitable option for a small kitchen.

As a rule, flat hoods operate in recirculation mode, that is, the air is cleaned thanks to filters and returned back to the room. Grease filters fight grease and soot, which can be made of acrylic (replaced as they become dirty) or metal (they do not require replacement, but they must be washed periodically warm water with the addition of dishwashing detergent or powder). Acrylic filters, if desired, can be replaced with metal ones.

Be aware that uncleaned grease filters can ignite. if you leave open the fire of a gas stove. It is better to kindle it directly under the dishes. Carbon filters are responsible for neutralizing unpleasant odors (they should be changed every 3-6 months). Not all models of hoods are sold with them, so before buying, ask if carbon filters are included in the kit.

Flat hoods are equipped with one or two motors, which, as a rule, are not very powerful. However, we note once again that for those whose cuisine small sizes, who do not have the opportunity to bring the duct into the ventilation or do not want to spend a significant amount on this household appliance, this type of hood will be an excellent solution.

Pros - Low cost, easy installation, compact.

Minuses - Not much power high level noise, the need to change and clean filters.

Important - When installing this hood, make sure that the space required for air to escape remains open. If the air duct is closed with something, hot steam will ruin the furniture (it may crack on top), and the hood itself will begin to vibrate and make noise, creating discomfort.

Dome (wall) hoods


In shape, such hoods are a kind of dome. A pipe departs from it, which is connected to ventilation. Thanks to the hood, the polluted air from the kitchen does not come back in a purified form, but goes outside. Such an exhaust system is more efficient than recycling.

However, it is worth remembering that for the productive use of such a hood, fresh air must be supplied to the kitchen (from other rooms or from windows). These models use only grease filters. Once again, we note the need to clean the filters and internal parts extracts from fat and soot. This must be done, first of all, in order to preserve the equipment itself and extend its service life.

The need for carbon filters in dome hoods is eliminated, because unpleasant odors leave the kitchen with the air. Note that this particular type of hood can be an excellent element of decor. Designers create absolutely original models using metal, glass, wood and other materials in their design.

You can choose a hood that will fit perfectly into the interior of your kitchen. However, only owners can afford dome hoods. spacious kitchens because they take up a lot of space. Due to its power, this model can also be used on summer kitchen dachas.

Pros - Diverse design solutions in the design, do not require filter replacement.

Minuses - Fairly difficult to mount, large size.

Important - Pay attention to the diameter of the duct. Depending on the power of the hood itself, choose a value from 120 to 150 mm. Bends, narrowings, turns, long vertical sections of the duct (more than 6 meters) should be extremely small, since they can reduce the efficiency of the hood.

Built-in hoods


The name of this type of hood speaks for itself, they are built into the kitchen cabinet together with the outlet pipes, only the lower part of the appliance will remain visible. This is the right choice for that. If air vent located away from the stove. In addition, such models are suitable for those who do not want the hood to stand out visually in the interior.

There are several varieties: fully built-in and models with a sliding panel, which is used as needed, that is, during cooking. By increasing the air intake, such an extract works quite intensively. Embedded models have advantages over others. They are more powerful and less noisy than standard flat hoods. At the same time, they are more compact and cheaper than dome ones due to the fact that the outlet pipes are built into the cabinet and do not need to be decorated.

Such a hood will be a good option for someone who is just designing their kitchen and making custom-made furniture. Experts will be able to think about it in advance. How can you successfully "hide" it in the kitchen. Typically hoods have 2-5 power levels. You can use them depending on your needs. For example, if there is significant air pollution during frying or when all burners are operating, use maximum power. In other cases, choose medium and minimum modes.

Pros - Compact, powerful enough.

Minuses - The choice of hood directly depends on the furniture.

Important - Modern technologies expand the possibilities of technology. Today, some models of hoods have the functions of "residual stroke" (the fan continues to work for some time after the device is turned off), evaporation recognition for automatic start, “interval shutdown” (ventilation occurs every hour), determining the need for cleaning and replacing filters, air ionization, etc.

There are parameters and characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying any type of hood:

Power- the main parameter responsible for the productivity of the hood. When determining what is necessary, it is worth considering various factors: the size of the kitchen, the intensity of cooking, etc. You will learn the power of a particular hood from its technical characteristics. and to determine which one is needed specifically for your kitchen, multiply the area by the height of the ceilings.

This result will show how much air is contained in the room. Then multiply the resulting number by 10 or 12. The final figure is the required power for your kitchen. Note that today the average parameters for the hood are 300-600 cubic meters per hour.

Noise- In order for everyone in the household to be comfortable, the hood should not make much noise. Modern models, thanks to special anti-vibration pads between the motor and the body, they are quite quiet. Noise level produced specific model, is also indicated in technical specifications. Focus on about 40 decibels, such a hood will definitely not bring inconvenience.

Location- Position the hood according to the type of stove you have. If gas - at a height of at least 80 cm from the stove, if electric - at least 70 cm. Match the proportions: the hood should be the same size as the stove, or slightly larger. In this case, it will function efficiently, processing the required amount of air.

Control Panel- Modern hoods can have different control panels: touch. slider or button. Hoods equipped with a touch panel are more expensive, but they look aesthetically pleasing and do not cause much trouble with cleaning. Such a panel is located on the front of the hood, like a push-button one.

Slider ones are not very convenient, since the lever that is responsible for control is located at the bottom of the hood (from the side of the filters). In addition, such a panel will quickly become dirty.

Lighting- The hood, in addition to the main functions, can create additional lighting in the kitchen. Are used Various types lamps: fluorescent, incandescent, halogen. The light of fluorescent lamps is uniform and dim, the downside is that it will distort a little natural colors food. This is the most economical option. Incandescent lamps also distort the color, making it slightly reddish. Colors will look most natural under halogen lamps (which are the most commonly used).

You can also opt for hoods that have not been described in detail within this article. These are desktop and island hoods. Desktops are built right into hob or located next to the stove. They work effectively because they are close to polluted air and absorb it immediately. Island hoods are installed if the stove is in the center of the kitchen. When mounted, they are attached directly to the ceiling. They are quite expensive, but they will certainly become the “highlight” of the kitchen due to individual design.

Choosing appliances for the kitchen is not an easy task. This is especially true in cases where the atmosphere in the apartment depends on your decision, as well as the presence or absence of unpleasant odors. You must have already understood that we are talking about the hood. Agree, it is difficult to imagine a kitchen in an apartment without this unit. Let's find out how to choose a hood for the kitchen, because it's not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Some general information for the buyer

I would like to say that the lack of an extract is fraught not only unpleasant odors, which spread throughout the apartment, but also by the fact that the kitchen gets dirty an order of magnitude faster. Furniture also suffers, because water vapor negatively affects the suspended sections. Over time, the wood begins to crack and exfoliate, and only replacement will help here. This also applies to surfaces on which small particles of soot settle, which occur when cooking on gas stoves. Over time, all this is absorbed into the surface, and it will be very, very difficult to remove the smell. It is extremely important to know how to choose a hood for the kitchen, because its condition depends on it.

Today, there is a huge selection of a wide variety of hoods on the market, but not every one of them will suit the layout of your kitchen. They differ in size, shape, functionality and other parameters. The first difficulty that you will encounter along the way is the choice between several types of hoods. Today there are three of them: traditional, domed and built-in. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should pay attention to. Let's talk in more detail about how to choose a hood for the kitchen, and consider each option.

Built-in and dome hood for the kitchen

First, let's look at built-in hoods. In principle, from the name it is already possible to draw a simple conclusion that such an extract is built in somewhere. Given that it should be located above the stove, then decorative boxes or just hanging ones can serve as a place for installation. kitchen cabinets. The main feature of this type of hood is that it is installed in the kitchen without violating the style of the room. Of course, this involves the use of a special design. In principle, a built-in kitchen hood is a good solution, but only if you want to make it practically “invisible” to the eye.

As for dome version, then there is something to be said. Firstly, such hoods capture various vapors well due to the introduction of the so-called "dome" shape. This type can be divided into three subspecies: corner, island and fireplace. Corner hoods are installed in the corner, although this is understandable. In principle, they differ only in form. But island hoods have their own characteristics. They are attached directly to the ceiling with a cable or special pipe. This decision is due to the fact that there are peculiar layouts and placement cooker when it is not adjacent to the wall. Since in this case, chimney hoods are inefficient, island ones are used. Since you need to choose a hood for the kitchen based on the location of the stove, you should decide on the view at the very first stage.

Discharge to the environment or filtration?

At the second stage, you must decide on an equally important parameter. It remains to be decided whether the hood will filter the vapors and return them cleaned to the kitchen, or whether it will be ducted to the kitchen. environment. Of course, the choice is very difficult. Filtration is a rather complicated process, so such a kitchen hood without an air duct has a high price. There are several filters here. One of them fights odors, and the second with pollutants such as grease, soot, etc. The main advantage of such an extract is that it does not need to be connected to a ventilation system. Today you can find combined options with several modes of operation. Such hoods have several filters, as well as an air duct.

Of course, it is impossible not to say a few words about diversion options. Such hoods are extremely popular with buyers. This is due not only to affordable cost, but also to high efficiency. But such an extract is not without its drawbacks. This requires additional installation work. The air duct must be properly installed. In addition, the pipe will look unaesthetic in the kitchen, although this point is quickly resolved. For example, where the corrugation passes, you can install a locker or hang an artificial flower. Of course, if you have the ability to connect to the ventilation hood, then give preference to the air outlet. But it happens that there is no such possibility, so you have to buy autonomous units. They are less efficient and more expensive, and filters need to be cleaned and replaced periodically. Please note that whether it is a domed or built-in kitchen hood, it can be either autonomous or diverting.

Simple installation of the hood in the kitchen, or A little about the dimensions

Our freedom of choice is almost always limited by free space. Not all kitchens are spacious and not crammed with furniture. So it came to the hood, and there is not as much space above the stove as we would like. However, not everything is so bad. The fact is that gas stoves produced according to the standard. So, their width can be 50, 60 or 90 centimeters. This greatly facilitated the work of manufacturers of hoods. It was enough for them to adjust to the appropriate standard. So, a standard kitchen hood is 60 cm wide, it can still be 50 or 90. Each type will fit the corresponding stove. You must understand that it makes no sense to buy a large hood for a small stove, and vice versa. The point here is not only in aesthetics, but also in the effectiveness and expediency of such a solution. Of course, it is desirable that the outlet area be slightly larger than the area over which the steam flows. For this, special visors were invented, which are located at an angle and allow you to capture fats, fumes, etc. over a larger area.

But do not forget about the design features. If you have the opportunity to install a hood, then do so. This is due to the fact that the efficiency of circulation models is an order of magnitude lower. It is worth paying your attention to the body, or rather to its strength. It is desirable that it be made of stainless steel. This solution is one of the best, but not the cheapest, since such a surface is easy to clean and does not deteriorate over the years, that is, it does not rust.

As you understand, the hood has a lot of important technical parameters. One of them is performance, or power, which, in principle, is the same thing. It is extremely important to make the right choice here. This is due to the fact that insufficient power of the hood will lead to the fact that it will not cope with the task. If, on the contrary, the performance is too high, then you will pay extra money for electricity, and the price of such a device will be unreasonably high. That is why the best hoods for the kitchen are those whose power is chosen correctly. And now directly about how to deal with this parameter. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that the performance is characterized by the throughput of the device, that is, the amount of air passed per hour (cubic meters / hour).

In order not to be mistaken with engine power, an extremely simple formula is used. To do this, you need to take the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour kitchen, it is measured in cubic meters, and multiply by 10. All the air in the room should be cleaned about 9-10 times per hour, so we take a factor of 10. If your kitchen is about 30 cubic meters meters, the required capacity will be 300 cubic meters. m/hour. There should be no problems with the choice, since there are models of different performance on the market. You can buy almost any hood for the kitchen. Prices, however, rise in proportion to productivity, which is why given parameter so important. The minimum cost is approximately 3000-4000 rubles, but the maximum is approximately 12,000-15,000 rubles.

Customer reviews about different types of hoods

Among the budget options, the Jet Air FS 301 models are popular. Buyers highlight such advantages as an affordable price and several operating modes. As for the shortcomings, they are there, in particular, this is the replacement of the carbon filter every year. Although it is difficult to call it a significant disadvantage. This is due to the fact that in some cases a coal hood for the kitchen is the only right solution.

Of course you don't need once again to remind you that the hood must have the necessary set of functions. Choose a device that has multiple speeds. For example, 2 or even 3. If a weak air flow is created on the first, then on the third, on the contrary, it is quite strong. This may be needed in different situations. Do not forget about good lighting, as this is an important point. Currently, there are several types of lamps used in range hoods. If we are talking about a budget option, then these are ordinary incandescent lamps, which have more minuses than pluses. The service life of such a lamp is quite low, so they burn very quickly and often. You can also choose halogen lamps. The only drawback of such a solution is the high cost, although it pays off with a large resource of work. If you often cook in low stationary lighting, it is recommended to buy products with light focusing. These are very good hoods for the kitchen, reviews of which are almost always positive. The peculiarity is that you can adjust the light source as you like.

Of course, one cannot fail to say a few words about what a good, and most importantly, convenient control panel for your hood should be. Firstly, all buttons and controls should be located nearby, preferably on front side corps. This will allow you to change the air intake rate, the brightness of the lighting, etc. without looking up from the preparation of the dish. Of course, ideally, this is electronic control. Such hoods are good because they can work in automatic mode and practically do not require your intervention. All you need to do before starting work is to program it. If there is a touch panel on the hood, then special auto-on sensors are installed. They react to steam or temperature rises from the stove, after which they start the hood.

As for the body of this household appliances There are three options on the market today. The most popular and expensive - polished stainless steel. Budget models have different enamels. This is not to say that this will be a bad decision, since it is not only cheap, but also quite durable and beautiful. In addition, you can also buy tempered glass. The disadvantage of this solution is that after washing, stains remain on the surface, which are difficult to remove. If you are asking yourself which hood is better for the kitchen, then definitely the one that has a high body strength and good lighting. But this is far from all the important parameters by which you need to choose this unit.

What should every buyer know?

There are a few things you never hear from a consultant or salesperson. For example, that extracts from Ergo make much more noise than products from Bosch. By the way, this is a very important indicator. If it seemed to you that the hood was rather noisy when checking, discard this option. The fact is that after its installation, it will function even louder. The level of emitted noise should not exceed the barrier of 55 dB, the minimum, as a rule, is approximately 30 dB. Here it is extremely important to choose the right power of the device. This is due to the fact that with increasing productivity, the noise level increases. Of course, if the rumble during cooking does not bother you, then you can give preference to any proposed option. Do not forget that a high-quality and functional product does not have to be expensive. There are excellent products on the market today budget options, and both circulating, and branch and combined.


So we talked with you about how to choose a hood for the kitchen. As you can see, there are a lot of nuances here. For this reason, it is sometimes very difficult to make the right choice, because you need to buy a quiet and productive model that will have good lighting and a high-quality case. All this most often should be supported by a very affordable price. Pay attention to the manufacturer. The middle price range should include brands such as BEKO, Indesit, Ardo, etc. But you can buy the best hoods from the leaders in the production of household appliances, these can be products from Bosch, AEG, Electrolux - these are the best hoods for the kitchen. You can find a photo of the model you are interested in either in the catalog when choosing, or on the manufacturer's website. By purchasing products from such a company, you can be sure that the equipment will work without failures and will not bring you any trouble. By the way, with regard to shopping on the Internet, it is very risky, although much cheaper. The fact is that the purchased device may not be liked or not suitable, and sending it back and waiting for another model is quite time-consuming. Although if there is no nearby good shops, then this is the only way out. Take your time when choosing kitchen hoods. Read reviews, consult with friends, decide on all the parameters and only after that make a purchase that you will not regret. remember, that good hood will make the air in the kitchen cleaner and completely eliminate odors and grease.

The range hood is the most effective odor trap.

Do you need a range hood in the kitchen? Anyone who uses this technique will answer: by all means. After all, then you don’t have to manually disperse the smoke from burnt food, remembering grandmother’s methods, to sit in an apartment for half a day with much less soot. The device is especially useful in kitchens combined with a living room. But how to choose the right hood for the kitchen?

Advantages and disadvantages of hoods without an air duct

Hoods with an air duct remove the products of combustion through exhaust pipe outside (to the street). Recirculation analogues do not require connection to ventilation. In them, the air is driven through filters that retain dirt and odors, and then returned to the room again.


If the duct is connected to ventilation window, then when the device is turned off, the air quality in the apartment deteriorates. Therefore, flat and retractable hoods are an additional tool to improve the quality of the microclimate in the apartment.

Captivating ease of installation, performed using household tools and without special knowledge. Such devices are easy to maintain by changing or cleaning filters. Such hoods are cheaper. This operating principle handy in winter as it keeps the heat in the room.


Once every 3-6 months, carbon filters are changed, which is associated with additional costs. The amount of expenses depends on the frequency of frying and smoking indoors. It is also believed that they are less effective in purifying the air of soot and grease than their counterparts with an air duct.

Criterias of choice

From right choice Range hoods depend on the cleanliness of the air in your kitchen.


This is the working part of the hood. They are open, semi-hermetic and sealed. In the latter case, the resource increases and noise decreases.

The impeller is the part of the engine that captures air and brings it out. Some manufacturers use a Teflon coating to avoid buildup of grease. The use of metal instead of plastic in this part provides more precise balancing of the rotating components, eliminates the "beat" effect and reduces noise.

Number of motors, turbine

There are single-engine and twin-engine models, which affects productivity. Manufacturers offer models with a turbine. But in the latter case, you should not flatter yourself with a plus in the form of high performance.


There are types of kitchen hoods with fully automatic control.

Management is carried out by a sensor, pseudo-sensor, buttons, remote control. The touch option is inconvenient because it is sensitive to power surges in the network. In the pseudo-sensor version, the microslits are protected, unlike the push-button version. As for the remote control, this accessory is a matter of taste.


All hoods have grease filters. Filters are replaceable and reusable. An indicator light on some range hoods will indicate that it's time to replace. Permanent filters are washed by hand or in dishwashers.

Performance regulator

Allows you to adjust the volume of pumped air according to momentary needs.

overheat protection

The more metal aluminum alloys details in the device - the better. The fact is that the kitchen hood is affected high temperatures. In cheap models, these materials are replaced with metal-painted plastic.


The parameter depends on the size of the kitchen and the love of fried foods. The parameter is defined like this:

    Calculate the volume of the kitchen by multiplying the height, width and length.

    Minimum power. The resulting volume is multiplied by 6 (the coefficient corresponds to 6 air changes per hour, necessary for simmering).

    Maximum power. The resulting volume of the kitchen is multiplied by 12 (heat in oil is taken into account).

The optimal power is considered to be the one that exceeds the volume of the room by 10 times. So, for a kitchen with a volume of 36 m², an extractor hood with a capacity of 360 m2 / h is needed.

It is not recommended to use too powerful models on small areas. This is fraught with rarefaction of air. If you do not provide additional air flow from the street, then air from other rooms, including from the toilet and bath, compensates for the deficiency.

Noise level

Noise level in different models varies from 40 to 70 dB. To imagine how noisy it is, it is enough to know that the lower indicator is a whisper, the upper one is a normal conversation.

The design of the duct pipes affects the noise level. The fewer bends and cross sections, the quieter the device.

Additional functions

Additional illumination of the workplace will not hurt.

These "little things" greatly simplify the work of the cook. Modern hoods can be equipped with:

    Stove lighting system (conventional incandescent lamps or halogen lamps are used), especially “advanced” ones are supplemented with lighting brightness control;

    The interval switching system activates the hood at a set frequency for low power keeping indoor air clean;

    The residual stroke button, which works for another 10 minutes after the device has stopped, allows you to finally remove odors;

    The safety shutdown sensor turns off the hood if it has worked more than it should;

    The dirty filter sensor informs about the maximum contamination, so that even the forgetful owner will not fail the motor part, the fat will not ignite;

    Ultrasonic air density sensor - detects air pollution and automatically determines the operating mode;

    "Air curtain" with the help of air directs contaminants directly to the filters.


Manufacturers offer the following types of hoods:

  • flat hanging;
  • retractable;
  • domed;
  • desktop.

Hood selection rules:


Main advantage similar models- low price.

The advantage of such a hood is that it does not depend on ventilation duct and does not require a duct system. The panel is simply attached to the wall in the right place.

Classic models absorb only fat, as they are equipped with simple acrylic filters that are changed after 4 months. But metal filters are also on sale, which are removed and washed from time to time. They look quite bulky. However, the latest models are equipped with two-stage cleaning systems, and a carbon filter (one-time, subject to periodic replacement) eliminates unpleasant odors.

Built-in drawers

Such models are also called folding, telescopic and sliders. The visible part is a flat panel-shelf parallel to the hob. Like flat models of hoods, they do not need special network engineering. Appliances are built into the furniture. Thanks to the sliding mechanism, the panel slides in when the hood is not in use, freeing up space. Such devices are suitable for any interior, since only the sliding panel remains visible.

The disadvantage is the cost, which is higher than that of hanging flat appliances.


These resemble a hemisphere or trapezoid, part of the chimney to the fireplace. Large size allows you to use powerful fans and filters. These hoods are both recirculating and connected to the ventilation shaft. These devices are recommended to be installed in rooms where fresh air is not always possible, with plastic windows as well as a spacious kitchen.

The advantages of such a design include high performance, cleaning from dirt and odors, the ability to choose a design that best suits the interior. On sale are models finished with natural wood, glass.

Disadvantages - impressive size and high cost compared to previous models.


This is probably the most unusual type of hoods. They are built into the hob. They are installed between the grill and the stove.


Island hoods are suspended from the ceiling.

Island hoods are suitable for large kitchens where hobs are at some distance from the wall. They are equipped additional systems filtration. The peculiarity is that they are dynamic when the panel is allowed to reach the desired height. It is a powerful piece of equipment, and it lives up to its intended purpose.

The disadvantages include noise and price.


Hoods for the kitchen are widely represented.

Traditionally, buyers trust European quality. These are the brands Bosch, Siemens, Kuppersberg, Electrolux. These products are presented at a price of 200 US dollars (high and medium price category). The price is justified by the quality of components, assembly. The equipment from Poland, Slovenia, South Korea- more budget models.

    Built-in hood - Bosch DHI 665 V 60 IX. Used for regular kitchen apartment building, equipped with 2 engines, productivity - 700 m3 / h, noise - 59 dB.

    Suspended hood - Hansa OSC 511 WH. Productivity is 380 m3/h, 2 engines, noise level — 66 dB.

    Chimney hood – ELIKOR Aquamarine 60 black. Productivity is 650 m3/h, noise level is 56 dB.