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Aging of wooden surfaces. Handmade tray. Wooden tray with handles Manufacturing instructions

DIY wooden tray, design drawings, detailed description and assembly order.

The design allows you to carry various objects in such a way that nothing rolls off it, thanks to the sides around the bottom perimeter. A carefully crafted piece of wood will suit any kitchen if it is seasoned uniform style.

The figure shows the details of the tray:

1. Cross border.
2. Longitudinal board.
3. Bottom.
4. Pen.
5. Wooden dowel 5 x 20 (mm).
6. Wooden dowel 5 x 25 (mm).
7. Wood screw 3 x 16 (mm).

Material for manufacturing: oak, beech or other types of wood that will fit well into the interior of the room.

Material size specification:

Cross side 10 x 25 x 340 (mm) - 2 (pcs.)
longitudinal side 10 x 25 x 440 (mm) - 2 (pcs.)
handle - 10 x 30 x 80 (mm) - 2 (pcs.)
bottom - 6 x 348 x 448 (mm) - 1 (pc.)




The transverse side and the handle can be made of different varieties tree.

Cut out from a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of 6 (mm). Mark the center and drill through holes for the used countersunk head screws. From the back, drill holes with a large drill, the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the head of the screw used. Smooth out the sharp edges and apply a paint-and-lacquer decorative coating.

Manufacturing technology of a wooden tray:

1. We will prepare the necessary material.
2. Let's make all the assembly parts.
3. We connect the longitudinal and transverse sides into a spike on adhesive connection. We fix the resulting frame, strictly observing a right angle between the sides. We will drill through holes Ø 5 (mm) in the corners. Insert wooden dowels 5 x 25 (mm) into the holes, on the glue.
4. In the grooves of the transverse beads, on the glue, insert the handles. Along the edges of the handles, from above, we will drill holes Ø 5 (mm), 20 deep (mm). Insert wooden dowels 5 x 20 (mm) into the holes, on the glue.

5. Carefully remove the squeezed out glue.
6. After the glue dries, we proceed to the finishing of the assembled tray frame:

Let's polish surfaces
smooth out sharp edges
apply wood preservative
cover the front surfaces with a paint-and-lacquer decorative layer

7. Fasten the bottom to the frame with wood screws.

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What features should each tray have? Naturally, this is convenience and practicality. In other words, so that the food being carried does not roll off it. These requirements are fully met by the product provided in this article. Properly selected color and material makes the tray very beautiful and comfortable, so it fits most modern styles.

To create a wooden tray, you do not need to rack your brains over tools and materials, you can easily purchase everything you need in the nearest hardware store. Decide on the color of varnish and paint that will blend perfectly with. But you should understand that you need to avoid buying varnish with a very strong smell - this can harm your health.

Below are standard sizes tray, however you will be able to choose suitable for you.

Wooden tray - tools and materials

There is a lot of work to be done, but do not be afraid of it. By following our recommendations, you will definitely succeed! But first you need to prepare the following:

  • jigsaw;
  • electric drill;
  • drill with a diameter of 2.5 cm;
  • hacksaw with fine tooth pitch;
  • hammer (where without it?);
  • roulette;
  • massive scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • brush for painting;
  • a pair of rubber gloves and a newspaper.

For a quality and reliable product, it is best to take hard rock tree. Ideal for red oak. Approximate thickness - 2.5 centimeters. In doing so, you will need:

  • a pair of boards 9x32 cm;
  • a pair of boards 6.5x56 cm;
  • one board 32x61 cm.

Choose a varnish depending on the place of drying. If the product is to be dried outdoors- you can take varnish on oil based. Otherwise, opt for a water-soluble varnish.

Manufacturing instructions

Initially, you need to make marks for future pens. There is nothing complicated here, just rely on the picture.

Determine the middle on the board (9x32 cm), then step back to the left and right by 5 centimeters. There you need to drill holes. In our case, very important role play drills with a diameter of 2.5 cm, since this will all affect the dimensions in the end. You need to drill only at a right angle, avoiding uneven holes.

After you have drilled holes, they need to be brought together with a simple pencil. Then walk along these lines with a jigsaw, thus forming handles. Be sure to process them. sandpaper because they should be smooth.

Now that all the details are ready, you can start connecting them. To do this, use 2 cm cloves, glue and a hammer. After assembly, you also need to process everything with sandpaper, getting rid of bumps and roughness.

Only after that we proceed to painting - this is the simplest thing left for you to do. Prepare the surface, coat it with varnish and let dry. That's it, you have become the owner of a wooden tray with your own hands!

What to give for a holiday to a woman who has everything? Of course, the atmosphere of the holiday. And you need to start from the very beginning. We give only what we have made especially for her. What woman does not want to start her holiday with a fragrant cup of coffee in bed? And only the closest people know the lady's preferences - vintage luxury or expensive simplicity. Tray - simple detail, which can emphasize your attitude towards your beloved woman.

What is a tray?

Of course, in the store you can easily buy any tray - expensive and not very expensive, for everyday use or special occasions. But making a tray with your own hands will be much more interesting. First, let's figure out what it is.

This is a kind of surface on which you can put several items and move them to another place. Trays must have sides. There are also products without them, but this does not add practicality to them. It is undesirable to serve a tray without sides in bed, since the unstable surface of the bed can contribute to spilling liquid on the linen, and this, you see, will upset any hostess. So, a tray is not just a board with handles, but always with sides.

Photo frame tray

How to make a tray with your own hands? There are several ways. The simplest ones suggest taking almost ready-made trays. For example, you can buy cutting board without handle. The board can be wooden, plastic, plywood. The main thing is that it does not bend under a small weight and that it can be worked with.

Choose a photo frame according to the size of the board. You should not save on glass, because you can hide any decor under it, for example, a photograph that will remind you of a pleasant day for a long time.

The frame should be screwed to the board with screws or nailed. If the material does not lend itself to this method of fastening, it can be glued. To make it easier to take a tray, we attach furniture retractable handles on both sides. Previously, everything can be painted in the desired color or decorated in any way.

Old cabinet doors

Many craftsmen suggest not throwing away cabinet doors, but using them to create a tray with your own hands. To do this, take the door, which has sides. We disconnect from it all hinged fittings. We clean the existing irregularities, eliminate the flaws. If required, we overwrite the places where the hinges were screwed with putty.

Do not leave flaws in the hope that when decorating they will be covered. It is better to eliminate them and then do not sculpt the decor where the hole or chip is. decorative elements it is better to place where the sense of beauty suggests. We decorate to taste. Next, screw on the handles. The tray is ready.

Old picture frame

If the house has old frame, in which there was a mirror or photographs were stored, you can also use it as a beautiful side for a tray. Cut the bottom out of plywood according to the size of the frame, decorate the resulting plane with a piece of fabric. The bottom can also be painted or decoupage using patterned paper napkins.

If there is glass along with the frame, you can use it as an additional decoration. It is possible that the picture kept in the frame could be used to decorate the tray. You can screw the handles to the frame from the side so as not to disturb the pattern.

The frame itself can be updated with golden paint. good decision will use varnish or resort to a burner to enhance the beauty of the drawing.

Boards in action

If you want to make a tray with your own hands and get something original, you need to take a board and a rail. It's good to polish both. Cut the board with a saw or electric jigsaw into identical pieces. At the edges, connect them with a rail, nailing it to the end parts of the boards. It can be washed or varnished, painted in any color or decorated to the taste of the future owner of the tray.

To make a wooden tray with your own hands, you do not need special skills. Next, we fasten the finished furniture handles or make them from thick ropes, having previously drilled holes in the right places. If you make the rope handles longer, then the tray can be used as a hanging shelf, and you can adjust the length of the handles from below, using special clips for this.

Beauty from plywood

You can make your own plywood tray. It has long been known that plywood is a very malleable material. If you have skill, imagination and a minimal set of woodworking tools, you can make amazing beauty tray with a unique design.

Of course, it will not be easy to call it practical, but as a decoration for the kitchen, any hostess will definitely like it. The main thing is patience and desire. You can think over the design yourself, or you can just peep on the Internet and make something that has already been invented by a real master.

Trays with legs

Some models of trays suggest the presence of legs. It is not difficult to make a tray with legs with your own hands. Currently, you can purchase ready-made legs, which will only have to be attached to a homemade tray.

If you want to think through everything yourself, then in stores building materials can be found a large number of tubes that are suitable for a do-it-yourself table. In addition to the tubes themselves, there are all kinds of connectors that can act as decor. If you have the skill, attaching them to the tray will be easy. If there is no skill, you can just watch a video in which the masters share their best practices.

We decorate trays

Making a tray is half the battle. It needs to be decorated. Several ways to decorate for trays:

The easiest is to varnish. If the tray is made of wood, its texture itself will become the most pleasant decoration. You can purchase a tinted varnish that will give liveliness to the pattern.

If the tree in the decor is not of interest, you can do decoupage on the tray. Always original, fashionable and attractive. Plus, it's pretty easy to do. Choose the pictures you like, stick them to your liking, varnish them - the unique tray is ready.

You can paint the tray with stencils.

Mosaic will also be a worthy solution. Only for the realization of this idea skills are needed. If a lot of small coins have accumulated in the house, they can also be used to decorate the tray.

The main thing to remember is for whom the tray is being prepared and what are the tastes of the one to whom it will be presented.

Wooden trays look great in the interior of the kitchen and are easy to use. They are easy to make by hand. A stylish wooden accessory can be purchased in a store, but the price of a quality and beautiful product will be high. Even if you are not very creative, you can create a homemade tray for coffee, tea, breakfast in bed.

There are quite a few options: with and without handles, with sides, on legs, with interesting decor. It is enough to make the correct drawings according to the model and use the master class, and then decorate the product to your liking. You can make a tray not only from saw cut wood, but also from improvised materials: cardboard (for example, cardboard box), plywood, champagne corks, jute and even paper.

Tools and materials

First of all, you need to consider what material your tray will be made of. Not every type of tree is suitable for this. If you decide to use a saw cut, the following types of wood are suitable:

  • maple;
  • alder;
  • cherry;
  • Linden;
  • birch.

Avoid working with resin-producing woods, such as softwoods.

The tray itself is a simple structure, consisting of a flat-type bottom, with sides along the edges. For the manufacture of sides, you can use:

  • boards;
  • slats;
  • frames for photos and paintings;
  • table doors.

If the choice fell on plywood, then making a tray out of it is very simple, thanks to the pliability of the material. Remember that such a tray will not be too durable and strong. Plywood as a material is used for the manufacture of interior items that have no practical application.

In addition to the material, it is extremely important to acquire a set of tools. Depending on the complexity of the task, there may be a minimum or quite a lot of them.

You can start working with a tree if you have:

  • sandpaper;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • glue gun;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • saw.

That is, you must have the tools to do the following:

  • drawing and taking measurements;
  • cutting, drilling;
  • mounts.


Before proceeding directly to manufacturing, it is necessary to create a drawing, a sketch. You can choose the path that is more convenient for you:

  • choose raw materials and build on its capabilities;
  • create a sketch with measurements and select material for it.

In any case, first think over all the parameters of the future tray. The product should not be heavy and uncomfortable to use, otherwise it will be inconvenient to move it. After that, you should decide on the functionality - the product can be equipped with legs, sides, handles. In fact, a multifunctional tray can play the role of a small table.

After the general idea has taken shape, it is necessary to transfer it to paper. You can use ready-made drawings, on the basis of which you can create your own sketch.

The drawing should indicate not only the dimensions, but also the attachment points. If you are using plywood consider:

  • places where fittings will be located and attached;
  • width and length;
  • the thickness of the base and sides is also taken into account.

Products of a more complex type, for example, from natural wood created on the basis of drawings, including:

  • attachment points for legs, handles, joints;
  • points of placement of accessories, decor;
  • thickness of all materials used.

How to make a tray?

After creating the drawing, you can proceed to practical work. Prepare fasteners, elements for docking. To make a simple tray with sides, just follow a simplified algorithm:

  • a rectangle of the sizes that were supposed to be cut out;
  • prepare a frame along the length of the base;
  • fix the handles on the frame;
  • decorate the bottom of the tray;
  • connect the frame and base together.

More complicated designs portable tables, trays with legs are created approximately according to the same algorithm.

Additionally, it contains the stage of creating the attachment points for the legs and fixing them.

Decorative items, such as handles, are purchased from furniture supermarkets. The stage of decoration is one of the last ones, the elements for decoration are chosen according to the taste, the chosen style. It is necessary to take into account the interior mood of the kitchen. The final stage is varnishing, painting the tray using water-repellent agents.

Master classes

Tray "Breakfast in bed"

Creating this model with legs requires some skill with tools. The option is quite multifunctional, perfectly replaces small size table. Can be made from plywood, boards. You need to prepare the following materials:

  • board or plywood in the shape of a rectangle, 40 by 70 in size;
  • meter metal tubes in the amount of 4 pcs.;
  • 15 mm corners - 8 pcs.;
  • 15 mm spacers - 4 pcs.;
  • stain, varnish for coating.

Manufacturing steps:

  • the tubes are cut so that the edges are even, you will need 4 pipes of 6 cm, 4 pieces of 25 cm and 19 cm, 2 pieces of 58 cm;
  • 25 cm pipes are combined with 6 cm corners, fixed with glue;
  • the resulting handles are superimposed on the attachment point, the junction points are marked;
  • holes are made at these points according to the diameter;
  • the material is polished with sandpaper, then treated with varnish, stain;
  • gaskets are attached to the holes and fixed with glue;
  • ready-made handles are inserted;
  • the legs are attached to the finished tabletop from segments of 58- and 19-centimeter racks;
  • the legs are connected at the corners with tubes of 25 cm;
  • everything is fixed with glue.

From the picture

Handles are placed and screwed on the sides of the frame. The picture is removed, a plywood base is inserted in its place.

Canvas is glued to it and treated with varnish. After drying, fix with screws.

From a photo frame

The method is also easy to perform, you need a frame right size, plywood or cardboard base. Action algorithm:

  • cardboard and glass are removed;
  • holes are drilled in the frame, into which furniture handles sit on self-tapping screws;
  • created plywood base to size;
  • at the next stage is decoration basics, you can also decorate the factory cardboard by inserting it back;
  • the decor is fixed on plywood with glue;
  • glass is inserted.

Cork tray

To make this original tray you will need:

  • champagne corks - 100 pcs;
  • Super glue;
  • glass.

Action algorithm:

  • cut the cork in half with a knife;
  • fold them into the base and connect them together with superglue;
  • put plexiglass on top and cut to size;
  • build the sides from the corks that remained intact, fix them with glue.

It all depends on your imagination, taste and skills. If you know how to draw, then painting a tray is not difficult. You can decorate with a pattern not only the bottom, but also side walls tray. Painting is done with acrylic or oil paints, at the end of the work is varnished.

If there are no such skills among your talents, you can consider decorating from magazine photo clippings, posters. The image is glued to the base, then varnished.

Among unusual ways decorations - photos and rose petals. First you need to stick a photo of a flower on the bottom of the tray, then put petals on it, sprinkle the distance between the petals with beads. After that, it is enough just to fill everything with transparent type varnish.

Do not be afraid to experiment, the most non-trivial elements can act as decor:

  • mosaic;
  • shreds, wool;
  • postcards;
  • leaves and flowers;
  • straw;
  • mat.

Handles can also be made very effective. Then instead of purchased accessories are used:

  • weaving from newspaper tubes;
  • corks from wine bottles;
  • leather belts;
  • plastic handles wrapped in cord.

The legs are made not only from metal tubes, but also PVC pipes, which are painted at will. You can use wooden dowels.

Trays with a slate base on which you can leave notes look very impressive and stylish.

Can be simply applied to regular board slate type coating, chalky wallpaper. This option, combined with a tree, looks very original.

Mosaic decor is suitable for patient people, the work is painstaking, albeit simple. It is enough to stick pieces of various materials on the base:

  • shells;
  • broken glass;
  • pebbles;
  • egg shells, beautifully painted;
  • tile fragments;
  • paper of different colors, cut into pieces.

You can fix the parts with standard glue of the "Moment" type. The product is covered with a fixing coating.

How to make a tray with your own hands, see below.