Shower      03/31/2019

Decorative fireplace from cardboard boxes. Do-it-yourself cardboard fireplace: step by step instructions


In a city apartment, where, due to the lack of chimneys and reliable heat-insulating ceilings, it is impossible to install a fully functional wood-burning fireplace, it is possible to design its decorative model. When using inexpensive improvised materials, the work will not require great skills in construction and expensive tools. A do-it-yourself cardboard fireplace is built in a few hours, but it looks no worse than the real one.

Children can also be involved in the work, for them this activity will be not only interesting, but also developing.

There are several models according to the location in the room:

  • wall-mounted - located near the wall and protrudes with its facade for a certain distance;
  • built-in - mounted directly into the wall;
  • corner - occupies the corner of the room;
  • island - does not adhere to the wall and is most often installed in the center of the room.

False cardboard fireplaces are most often made wall or corner, because they are not intended for heating the house, but have a decorative function. Another such dummy can be used as furniture: shelves can be installed in a niche, and the top tabletop will play the role of a shelf for small items.

According to their external design, there can be a huge number of types of false fireplaces: in English, classic, rustic style, with a firebox in the form of an arch or rectangular, with a model of a woodcutter or oven. When designing, it is important to consider that this detail is combined with the surrounding interior.

The simplest option that children can also make is a small model without a chimney with a rectangular portal and a firebox. Outwardly, it will resemble capital letter P. in the future, this decorative fixture can be supplemented with other elements and make a more complex decor.

It is possible to assemble a model of a classic English fireplace from cardboard. It features an open trapezium-shaped firebox and a straight chimney leading up to the ceiling. Inside the furnace niche, the walls are located at a small angle of about 20°. English version decorated with decor imitating limestone, rubble or brick.

A dummy that imitates a sauna stove or a rural style should have an arch-shaped firebox. Making a figured hole out of cardboard is not difficult. And it is best to finish it outside with cardboard or foam stucco molding in the form of bricks or cobblestones.

Material and tool

Getting thick corrugated cardboard is not a problem, you can use containers from large household appliances: televisions, refrigerators, washing machines or other goods. The entire manufacturing process can be done at home right at the place of the future location of the decorative hearth.

Corrugated cardboard it is good because, thanks to internal stiffening ribs, it retains sufficient strength, while it weighs very little, and is cut with a simple clerical knife. But a cardboard fireplace, even with an exterior finish, will not withstand a lot of weight, so you should not put heavy objects on it. It is not waterproof and high temperature, therefore, a false fireplace should not be located near heat sources, and only safe methods should be used to simulate fire.

To work on the construction of the frame, you will need the following tools:

  • stationery knife;
  • polymer glue;
  • transparent tape;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • ruler.

Depending on the ways decorative finishes cardboard fake fireplace may be needed the following materials and tools:

  • paint or decorative putty;
  • paint brush or spatula;
  • paint trays or a container for mixing putty;
  • corners, moldings, moldings, frames or profiles.

You can decorate such a hearth with putty and subsequent painting or stick it on the surface finished stucco, polyurethane sheets, self-adhesive laminated paper with wood texture or natural stone. Based on the chosen method, the appropriate set of items for decoration is selected.

Plan and calculations

Even the simplest option cardboard fireplace needs a phased work plan. It includes the following items:

  • determining the shape, type and location of the fireplace;
  • the choice of materials for the frame and decorative finishes;
  • creation of a design drawing with dimensions;
  • preparation of tools and materials;
  • marking on cardboard parts of the frame;
  • cutting of elements, their gluing and installation;
  • exterior finish.

The development of such a plan is good because doing all the steps step by step existing scheme, you can gain some experience and next time start creating more complex design, for example, from polyurethane or plywood. Despite the frivolous work of gluing ordinary cardboard, you can make a detailed calculation of the dimensions of the firebox, portal and chimney, as for a real wood-burning fireplace. This is useful for gaining some experience in construction.


It is worth considering step-by-step instructions for creating the most common frame layouts: wall-mounted U-shaped and corner raised fireplaces.

For a wall-mounted fireplace, you will need a wide cardboard box with a height and width of 1 - 1.4 m and a thickness of 0.2 - 0.25 m, for example, from a large LCD TV. First of all, the fold and cut lines are marked on the cardboard with a pencil. Center on front side a rectangular symmetrical cut is made - this will be the furnace portal. The back of the box remains intact. For greater rigidity, the inner walls of the firebox are glued inside. All sides of the frame can be fixed plastic corners or moldings. The frame is placed on a foam or polyurethane base.

To finish the U-shaped version, it is best to use light ceiling panels white color or self-adhesive laminated paper. Styrofoam panels are attached to a waterproof polymer adhesive that dries in minutes. Another way of finishing is the use of water-based paint. In order to keep it firmly on the cardboard frame, you can first smear it with a primer or a very thin layer of liquid putty. After that, wait 1 - 1.5 hours for the primer to dry completely and start painting.

Corner decorative fireplace from a cardboard box is made in the form of a prism with a triangular base. The corners of the frame are tightly glued with adhesive tape or polymer glue, an arch-shaped hole is cut out in the front part, the top can be decorated with a decorative tabletop made of lightweight material, such as PVC or laminated plywood. Inside the firebox for beauty, false walls should be made from the same cardboard.

The decor of a corner cardboard fireplace can be done in the same way as the previous version: painting or appliqué. In a niche, you can place beautiful souvenirs or a toy fire, the creation of which will be described in the next section.


fireplace portal- the part where the burning of firewood takes place. In the case of imitation using cardboard, there are several ideas on how to make it look as realistic as possible and look like a real hearth. First, it is worth installing a fake firewood grate inside. Since in the present version it is metallic, it is necessary to look for light materials that are visually similar to metals. It can be plastic or wooden details covered with shiny mastic or foil. You can use black paint.

Next, we make an imitation of a flame in the furnace of such an imaginary hearth. There are several ways to create the illusion of a bright, flickering fire. The simplest and safest technique is based on the use Christmas garland. First done artificial firewood from dry branches. They are covered with cotton wool and foil. Next, a bundle of such firewood is placed in a circle of stones in a fireplace niche, and a garland folded into a ball must be inserted into its center. When connected to the mains, a fascinating flicker is created inside the fireplace, similar to smoldering real firewood.

A garland or individual light bulbs can be placed in raw salt crystals. They create a beautiful shimmering effect and also have a beneficial effect on the body. It should only be taken into account that the construction of the cardboard fireplace can withstand the weight of salt lamps.

On the floor at the base of the firebox, some people place a flat display on which a picture of a live fire is transmitted. This method is beautiful but impractical - to use an expensive monitor for only one image. But it is quite suitable for one-time use, for example, for the New Year or other holiday.

A simpler and cheaper method of simulating a flame is using a hand-drawn picture, embossing, appliqué or a volumetric hologram. This technique can be constantly changed, creating new original images.

Today I will tell you how to make a New Year's fake fireplace from ordinary cardboard boxes with your own hands from improvised means. If you have a small house and you can't make yourself a real fireplace, or simply don't have the means, this fireplace will be a great replacement. I bring to your attention several types of fireplaces. Spend some time and please yourself and your family and friends with a beautiful decoration.

Not beyond the threshold of the New Year, and we are all in a hurry to decorate our homes for the upcoming holiday, good Christmas decorations and attributes in stores sold a great variety. Traditionally in Russia, it is customary to decorate an apartment with tinsel, garlands and the most important attribute - an elegant New Year tree.
But here we are looking at Western christmas pictures, where on every second a decorated fireplace comfortably burns. How to make a fireplace with your own hands from boxes on New Year? I so want the house to be decorated with the same hearth. But not all of us live in our own homes, and putting it in an apartment is not an easy task. In any case, this requires significant material costs.

You can make a New Year's fireplace with your own hands, as close as possible to the present. Such a do-it-yourself cardboard fireplace will not require significant material costs, but it will create a festive mood for the whole family. All instructions are accompanied by a photograph. I would like to suggest that you also see how to decorate windows for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, templates and stencils for windows for the New Year 2019 for cutting A4 format very comfortable and beautiful.

History of the Christmas Fireplace

The history of the origin of the fireplace goes back to ancient times. Since man learned how to make fire, he has had a need to isolate a place for its construction so that it does not take over from neighboring objects and protects from attack by predators from the right sides. At first it was an ordinary stone frame. As civilization developed, the frame improved and already in Ancient Rome transformed into a fireplace, consisting of beams and a pipe fixed to them.

In the Middle Ages, the fireplace began to actively spread throughout Europe, first having a rough stone frame, later transformed into a brick one. Then they began to ennoble and decorate the frame with stucco and mosaics, decorate accessories for kindling.

The fireplace came to Russia relatively recently, already under Peter I, who cut a window to Europe, and with it the path to the fireplace, which began to replace the traditional Russian stove among the royal people.
While Peter I was cutting a window to Europe, Christmas "fireplace" traditions were actively spreading there. It was in the 17th century that the world-famous custom of decorating a fireplace with stockings was born. According to fairy tales, one day Santa Claus on his magic sleigh flew past the house of poor sisters, flew up to the chimney and threw some gold coins into it. They flew down and fell into a stocking drying by the hearth. Since then, every Christmas Europeans decorate the fireplace with stockings (socks, boots - there is no clear translation into Russian here) in the hope of finding gifts there. Do not forget to congratulate your friends, relatives and relatives in an unusual way, our Happy New Year 2019 greetings: funny, short, cool .

Another old Christmas "fireplace" tradition, which appeared in England even before the advent of the custom to decorate a Christmas tree, is associated with a log. At the beginning of the year, the family chose large tree, which was cut down, cleared of branches and left to lie all year. By Christmas, the father of the family would bring a log from the tree into the house. This log was spoken to, "treated" with honey and wine, and then placed in a stove or fireplace, leaving it to burn for a dozen days and nights. It was believed that the ashes from the log had magical healing and protective properties. He saved the family from disasters, diseases and cast out evil spirits. The tradition quickly spread throughout Europe, and there was also a custom to give a log for Christmas.
Now we know how and with what you can decorate the Christmas hearth, it remains to make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands for the new year, as well as a cardboard Christmas log as an application. Let's get acquainted with all the manufacturing methods in order, also attached step-by-step instruction.

New Year's fireplace from boxes of different sizes

As you can see in the photo, it is very easy to get materials for creativity today. But it's even easier to get boxes. For this method, we will need shoe boxes, which are enough in every family, and several larger boxes - you can ask for such boxes at any grocery store.

We will need:

  • 1 low and wide cardboard box,
  • 5 strong shoe boxes,
  • 4 larger boxes of the same size (also made of thick cardboard),
  • a roll of white wallpaper (can be replaced with white paper, but it will take a lot),
  • regular tape,
  • double sided tape,
  • PVA glue,
  • red colored cardboard
  • ruler and pencil for drawing,
  • scissors.

Fireplace from one big box for the New Year

We will need:

  • large flat tv box
  • paint primer,
  • stucco molding from polyfoam, sides, plinth,
  • hot glue,
  • PVA glue,
  • white acrylic paint
  • brush,
  • putty,
  • putty knife,
  • sponge,
  • drywall,
  • Styrofoam,
  • facade insulation,
  • pencil and ruler for drawing,
  • paper cutter,
  • masking tape,
  • decorative tiles,
  • Bulgarian.

We will draw up or choose a drawing for a fake fireplace in three projections, suitable for the size of our box.

Draw a drawing on the box with a pencil and a ruler.

Let's take a clerical knife and cut out the contour of the firebox according to the diagram, more precisely, cut the lower and upper sides and a vertical line in the center of the rectangle. Get a kind of window with side wings.

"Sashes" bend inside the box.
Attach them with masking tape to the back wall.

We will make cardboard spacers from the bottom and top and glue them with hot glue inside the box. Thus, we isolated the portal.
Take a sheet of drywall and cut out the top shelf to match the shape of the top of the fireplace.
Glue a sheet of drywall to the top wall of the box with hot glue.
Take a sheet of foam and cut out the thickening of the upper shelf (the dimensions are the same as for drywall).
Glue on top of a sheet of drywall.

Cut out the bottom of the portal from a piece of facade insulation.
We put the shelf on the glue from the gun at the base of the portal.
If the structure turned out to be unstable, then it is best to create a foundation for it. In order for the fireplace to stand confidently, it must be rigid and durable. A thick sheet of cardboard with sides will do. We glue stiffening ribs on it (it is possible in a chaotic manner). We glue the structure to the bottom of the fireplace with PVA glue. The base is ready.

We arm ourselves with a spatula and carefully smooth out all the irregularities of the construction with a putty.
We take paint and paint the fireplace in White color with a sponge.
Take the skirting boards and sides, cut off the required length.
We glue the foam sheet at the top of the fireplace and the bottom for kindling with the sides (we do all decorating operations only from the outside, the back will be leaning against the wall).

We glue the base of the structure with decorative plinths.
Next comes the troublesome part - cutting decorative tiles grinder and pasting the contour of the firebox. If we are not afraid, we cut the tiles into pieces of the required size and shape and decorate the firebox and other parts of the product with them as we wish, putting the tiles on glue. If we are afraid, we can limit ourselves to decorating with sides.
Again, paint over the entire structure with acrylic paint.

Decorate inner part fireboxes with putty, creating a rough effect. Ready!


Now we know what a do-it-yourself fireplace looks like, decorated both in brick and stone, both from one box and from several. Now let's create the kindling. If the bottom of the portal is strong, then you can safely put real wooden logs, for example, from birch. If you don’t want to torment the trees, then you can also make logs with your own hands.

We will need:

  • corrugated cardboard,
  • polymer glue,
  • stationery knife and scissors,
  • twine,
  • gouache and brush for painting.
  1. We measure the length of the log on cardboard so that it fits into the furnace and the width so that it is enough to roll it into a tube
  2. We coat the edge of a sheet of cardboard on the smaller side
  3. We roll the sheet into a tube (we select the thickness of the tube ourselves)
  4. Fix the tube with twine until the glue dries.
  5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 as many times as we want logs
  6. Paint logs with gouache
  7. You can make twigs by building a few tubes of small diameter and cutting them diagonally to successfully glue them to the log.
  8. You can make a real Christmas log by "cutting" the log in half, simulating a cut with a smooth piece of cardboard. Also take a look, I think you will be interested to know how to decorate the New Year's table 2019 with your own hands - ideas with photos I have prepared for you.


You can’t make a real fire in a fake fireplace, you need to come up with other options:

  1. Draw a fire on a piece of cardboard, cut it out and place it against the back wall, behind the logs. A primitive option, but simple and safe.
  2. Put a folded Christmas garland behind the logs so that it is not visible, and turn it on (you can replace the garland with another source of electric lighting). The logs will mysteriously glow
  3. If the logs are real, you can make recesses in them for candles - tablets. A beautiful way, but a fire hazard. As you can see in the photo, the fireplace turned out incomparable.

Now we know how to make a fireplace with our own hands and how to make flames and logs for it. It remains to decorate the hearth as you wish, attach Christmas socks, a Christmas ball to it and wait for the New Year and Christmas to come.

Happy New Year! Have a good day))

Most people fireplace portal in the interior of the living room evokes a feeling of well-being and comfort. It is not without reason that festive photos, especially for the New Year, are taken against the backdrop of a decorated fireplace. But the construction of a real hearth is a complicated and costly business, and for apartment residents it is not at all affordable. Those wishing to acquire this attribute home comfort we will show you how to make and beautifully decorate a fireplace with your own hands from corrugated cardboard.

Preparing for production

To assemble a decorative fireplace portal at home, you need to do the following:

  • allocate space for a false hearth and choose a design suitable for the interior;
  • find enough hard cardboard;
  • buy materials for gluing and exterior finish, prepare tools.

False fireplaces, like real wood-burning hearths, are usually made in two varieties - wall and corner. So the choice of design depends on the location of the portal - in the corner or on a free section of the wall. To imagine how it will look like and how much space the room will take, sketch out a sketch with dimensions, at the same time think over and draw the design of a fireplace dummy.

Advice. For the hall small area A cardboard New Year's fireplace can be made portable and make room for it during the holiday, and then put it in the pantry.

After creating a model in the drawing, you will understand how much material is needed. The main source is cardboard boxes of any size from a TV or other household appliances, as well as from various goods. The main thing is that the cardboard should be of a two-layer structure with corrugation inside, the usual thick and thick paper won't fit. The manufacturing technology of the artificial hearth depends on the size of these boxes, which will be discussed later.

For a reliable connection of cardboard parts, prepare construction glue for foam such as Dragon or Eltitan, or better, a glue gun with transparent rods. After you need PVA glue and inexpensive water-based paint to decorate a false fireplace in accordance with the interior.

Reference. Now in stores you can buy decorative items designed for interior cladding rooms and made of foam and polyurethane. Ceiling skirting boards various shapes and width, fake columns and stucco is perfect for lining a homemade cardboard portal.

It looks like a polyurethane imitation of stucco, which can be finished with a cardboard fireplace

Workshop on assembling a fireplace from boxes

If you were lucky enough to get a dozen small boxes of the same size, then the manufacture of a wall-type structure is greatly simplified. Small boxes do not have to be additionally reinforced from the inside, since they are already quite rigid. Step-by-step instructions for assembling a fireplace look like this:

  1. First, fold the portal model in the form of the letter "P" to understand how best to glue the cardboard boxes.
  2. Make the side supports of the fireplace model by gluing the boxes in pairs. Place them under the load and wait for the time required for the glue to harden.
  3. Glue the horizontal jumper in the same way and dock it with the vertical supports.
  4. To make the upper plane serve as a shelf, toughen it with corrugated cardboard sheets glued in 3-4 layers.
  5. To add a stability structure, attach the same layered stand to the bottom. Layout hearth ready.

Note. When working with glue gun elements do not need to be loaded and wait until the glue dries, the connection is almost instantaneous.

If you only need a homemade fireplace from boxes for the New Year or another holiday, then it makes no sense to burden it with decoration elements. You can paste over the portal with ordinary or liquid wallpaper under brickwork, and connect the boxes together with adhesive tape, as shown in the video:

Making a fireplace out of cardboard sheets

When you got boxes from a TV, a refrigerator and other large-sized equipment, they will have to be redrawn to the planned dimensions. You can go two ways:

  • make small blocks out of cardboard, and then glue them together using the technology described above;
  • cut out the front and side walls, then connect them together and make an opening for the hearth.

The second method is more complicated, but it allows you to simulate the arched vault of a fireplace insert, while by block assembly it will be possible to glue only a straight U-shaped portal. We offer to make a fireplace out of cardboard, proceeding in this order:

  1. Based on your drawing, bend the cardboard box to fit your size. It is desirable that the front panel remains solid. Cut off the excess pieces of cardboard resulting from the fold and set aside.
  2. Mark the front and cut out the vaulted opening. The rest of the piece will go to back wall fake firebox.
  3. To reinforce the structure from the back, glue cardboard strips folded with an accordion to the walls. If necessary, install additional stiffeners inside the portal.
  4. Form an opening to simulate the hearth by gluing the cut out part to the side walls of the firebox.
  5. Make the top shelf and stand as described in the previous section.

A cardboard accordion will help strengthen the walls of the product

Advice. If one container is not enough for a false fireplace, dock 2 boxes vertically, as shown in the photo.

At the end, a do-it-yourself cardboard fireplace needs to be ennobled - all joints must be masked with newspapers and PVA glue. Apply it in such a way that the newsprint gets wet through. After the product, dry and proceed to the cladding.

Newspapers will hide all the joints and irregularities

The corner fireplace portal is made using the same technology, only the walls of the box are bent differently and under more sharp corners. For the finished layout, there are such design options:

  • glue imitation of stucco and other fireplace elements made of polyurethane, and then paint;
  • trim the portal with a foam plinth (baguette);
  • apply liquid wallpaper with subsequent staining;
  • form a texture that imitates brickwork or plaster.

For the corner portal, the cardboard box must be bent in a special way

Volumetric brickwork it is done simply: “bricks” are cut from foam plastic with a thickness of 10 mm, with which you need to glue all the walls in a checkerboard pattern, and then apply several layers of paint. Design master class decorative fireplace shown in the following video:


How could you make sure independent production a false fireplace is a fairly simple process, but it requires a creative approach. If desired, the finished portal can be decorated with a wide variety of materials, and artificial firewood or electric lighting can be placed inside the firebox. If you decide to use candles for decoration, then be careful, because cardboard burns not much worse than paper.

The fireplace in the house is a symbol of comfort and warmth. A fireplace made of stone is not even in every private house, and the owners of a standard apartment do not even have to dream about it. And you should always dream. If you can’t lay out a real fireplace, then even a housewife can make an imitation of it. Such a simple and available material like cardboard.

For manufacturing, you will need unnecessary boxes, glue, scissors and imagination. Various unnecessary remnants of colored paper, polystyrene and other materials that can be found in the house are suitable for decoration.

Sketch of the future hearth

Before planning the manufacture of a cardboard fireplace, it is necessary to study the experience of those who have already translated the idea into reality.


  • Determination of a place for future construction. The most suitable would be empty corner or a wall.
  • Depending on the availability of free space, the dimensions of the structure are determined.
  • Sketch making. It is necessary to affix external and inner dimensions. The sketch can be done in color, supplementing it with the intended decor elements. These elements do not need to be drawn, you just need to define places for them. Such a fireplace scheme will allow you to see the future product in the finished version.

Thinking through the decorative details, we must strive to ensure that in the end the layout is as similar as possible to a real fireplace.

Manufacturing process

The basis of the fireplace design will be a cardboard frame. For its construction, it is best to use thick cardboard boxes. Corrugated cardboard for packaging large household products will be the most suitable. If the packaging from the TV is preserved, then the ideal frame is already ready.

In addition to cardboard, you need to prepare:

  • Glue stationery and polymer, which will be attached to the decor elements.
  • Wide adhesive tape, it is better to take double-sided masking tape.
  • White paint. For coloring cardboard, dispersion will be the most suitable.
  • As cutting tool you will need scissors and a cutter.
  • Paint brushes and foam rubber or sponge.
  • Old cloth napkins or scraps of fabric.

Depending on the idea, other materials should be provided. For example, stucco molding from foam material. If there is a remainder liquid wallpaper, then they can be used to create volume.

How to make a fireplace from cardboard?

The assembly of a false fireplace begins with the manufacture of the central unit. First you need to form the columns. To do this, cut out rectangular parts in accordance with the dimensions.

It must be remembered that cutting cardboard is not difficult, but making even folds on it is more difficult work. In order to perform an even fold, you will need a flat bar or ruler and an object to secure the fold. For this purpose, it will be quite convenient to use an ordinary spoon or pen.

The ruler is superimposed along the fold line, the cardboard is carefully folded along the ruler and with reverse side draw a line. This must be done carefully so that the fragile cardboard does not break through.

The central part is pasted over with paper or painted immediately. After assembly, these actions will be problematic.

Finished parts are assembled with adhesive tape. As mentioned above, for these purposes it is convenient to use double-sided tape.

In order for the product to be evenly painted over, it is possible to apply a white primer before applying the paint. A layer of primer will smooth out existing irregularities. After the cardboard absorbs the applied primer and dries well, you can start painting.

A mandatory attribute of the fireplace is a shelf on top. It should be dense and firm. To make a shelf, you will need to roll the cardboard in three or four layers - this will ensure the necessary rigidity.

As an alternative to cardboard for a shelf, you can cut a plank out of thin plywood. Another option for a shelf is foam. The material is lightweight and durable. Such a shelf will also allow you to fasten the frame of the fireplace.

Finish options

An interesting option is to imitate masonry made of brick or stone. For this, you can choose self-adhesive film. In construction supermarkets, such materials are sold. You just need to calculate the size of the canvas and select the desired pattern in the store.

If the product is decorated with stucco, the fireplace will look more interesting. For these purposes, use the remnants of ceiling tiles, foam skirting boards or buy additional moldings.

You can decorate the fireplace if you wish. additional elements. For example, a New Year's fireplace can be supplemented LED lamps imitating candles.

And, finally, the most important thing that allows you to call a fireplace a home is fire. Several logs wrapped led strip, will make the hearth almost real. And in new year's eve the flickering light of the fireplace will give the room coziness and a festive mood.

So, a simple and affordable, financially easy option for building a hearth is outlined. We can say that this is a basic instruction on how to make a decorative fireplace. There is a basis, but decoration decorative elements each performs according to his own taste.

DIY cardboard fireplace photo

Making a fireplace from boxes with your own hands is a great idea for co-creation with children. Kamelek will return the child to a fairy tale, it will be a wonderful addition to his room. Yes, and the lesson itself can be built in a playful way. And sometimes, at Christmas, for example, such a temporary hut is simply necessary to create a festive entourage in the house.

Such a false fireplace is able to create an unprecedented home comfort

A simple fireplace from a single box

Making a decorative fireplace from boxes with your own hands is attractive and the availability of material. Almost everything you need for work, as a rule, will be at hand. It can be wallpaper, panels, slats left after repair, not to mention unnecessary purchase packages.

Enough to make a fireplace simple boxes and a little patience

Beginning masters can follow the step-by-step instructions in the work.

Do-it-yourself fireplace from boxes is done like this:

  1. You need to start by choosing a place where the stove will stand. This will give an answer about the size of the craft.
  2. Next, it is useful to sketch the brazier. Clear parameters, engineering calculations are not needed here. A general understanding of what and how will be done is enough. To simplify the process, you should focus on the finished picture.
  3. Now that the dimensions and style of the homemade stove have become known, you need to prepare Consumables, adjust them, if necessary, to the established requirements.
  4. For the base, you can use the packaging as it is, or disassemble it and re-glue all corners and joints with adhesive tape.
  5. In the frontal part of the future stove, a semicircle is cut out for a niche for firewood and artificial fire. Depending on the quality of the base material, this is done with scissors or a clerical knife.

A fireplace in the corner of the room saves a lot of space
  1. It is desirable to strengthen the strength of the box. From below, you can attach a piece of drywall or plywood cut to size. From corners to corners horizontally and vertically, it is good to glue the slats.
  2. Inside and outside the box is pasted over with paper or wallpaper. Wallpaper, if, of course, they are not “brick”, they are glued with a pattern down.
  3. Once everything is dry, it's time to start painting or decorating right away.
  4. It is better to take real firewood. This will make the brazier look more natural. But the fire, of course, you need to either draw, or glue its photo, picture in the depths. Curly lattice elements are easy to cut and glue from the remnants of cardboard.
  5. Fireplace top on last step can be further strengthened with a chipboard or MDF panel (“under the tree” or any other). It will also serve as a shelf on which you can place all the necessary attributes.

From this video you will learn how to make a fireplace out of cardboard boxes:

The same do-it-yourself cardboard fireplace can be made for dollhouse. For this, a shoe box is enough. You don't need to strengthen it further.

Corner stove with chimney

If desired, and based on the lack of extra space, a fireplace made of cardboard boxes with your own hands can also be made angular. And to make the brazier more like a real one, it can be supplemented with a chimney. The pipe, of course, should not be made as high as the ceiling, because it will be decorative.

The stove is made step by step:

  1. Cut the box in half diagonally. At the same time, on each side, leave a small tolerance for the subsequent gluing of the gable.
  2. Since this design will be less massive, more attention should be paid to strengthening its rigidity.
  3. “Mask” the far corner with a sheet of cardboard, gluing it parallel to the hole for the firebox. It is best to depict fire on it in advance.
  4. Cut a circle on a separate sheet. Attach this panel to the main part of the makeshift.
  5. The hole for the chimney should not be cut. It is better to assemble it from separate sheets, strengthen it with slats and glue it to the base of the stove. Bends for glue should be located inside the pipe. You can make a chimney from foam.
  6. Paint, dry the craft.
  7. Decorate with available resources.

A false fireplace from the boxes can be installed on a separately prepared base. It is easy to make from the same material.

Brazier Design Ideas

It’s not enough just to make a fake fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands. If you approach this process without imagination, you get just a box with a semicircular hole cut into it. The craft needs to be decorated, to give it a festive look.

Design workshops can be found for all occasions .

Here are some tricks, ideas, subtleties that a home decorator may find useful:

  1. For the main decor of the fireplace, it is tempting to use "brick" wallpaper (or the same film), but this will not be very interesting. Better on painted white or grey colour glue paper rectangles on the base.
  2. It is even better to make the walls of false bricks from foam, which will give the effect of volume. They can be painted red, or you can leave them as they are, but then you should pay attention to the color of the base.
  3. If the bricks are voluminous, it is good to provide for the design of the seams between them. Almost any putty is suitable for filling them.

Surprise on the mantel will delight your household
  1. To achieve the effect of antiquity, bricks should be made uneven.
  2. The shelf of the stove should be different in color from the main structure, go beyond its edges. Additionally, it can be decorated with a skirting board for ceilings.
  3. The firebox outside also needs to be decorated. The same baseboards or polystyrene will help with this.
  4. You can put several cones in the firewood. You can light the stove from the inside with a flashlight, electric candlesticks or a garland.
  5. The brazier can be decorated with tiles. Their role is wonderfully performed by neatly cut pieces. ceiling tiles. For beauty, they need to be brightly painted, and the drawing should be highlighted in a separate color.

Thematic decorations, decor for a children's toy must meet the requirements of the moment. It is clear that at Christmas or New Year you can not do without snowflakes and other attributes of winter holidays. But, if you try hard, in the morning you can probably find a real magical gift on the mantelpiece.