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Drawings of wooden toys. How to make wooden toys with your own hands for children? Requirements for wooden toys

All these toys have the same operating principle: when the planks are moved, the Squirrels use their cones, and the Gooses and Chicks hit the planks attached to them with their beaks. upper slats. As you can see, a simple mechanism is used here too Bogorodsk toy "Blacksmiths".

Before making a toy, carefully study the drawing, and only then start marking the character figures on the plywood. Usually, each figurine has weak points that can break during the cutting process or during testing. For example, Squirrels have paws and ears; Goslings and Chickens have beaks. When marking, try, if possible, to place these elements along the fibers, and when cutting, make sure that the jigsaw file moves from the outside of the marking (so that the dimensions and, consequently, strength do not decrease). Be especially careful about marking and cutting out elements that will experience shock loads during operation, for example, the front legs of Squirrels, the beaks of Goslings and Chicks. The result of incorrect marking and cutting can be seen in this photograph (Fig. 2.).

An inexperienced student did not take into account the direction of the fibers when marking, and even reduced the size of the beak when sawing. As a result, the beak of the gosling (right) broke off during the first test.

Unfortunately, quality plywood It is not always possible to purchase. You have to cut it out of what you have. Sometimes the veneer peels off and small elements fall out. This is especially common with wrong side. To prevent these cases, it is recommended to stick paper on this side, or apply a layer of PVA glue. These measures will significantly increase the strength of the plywood.

To make any of these toys you will need three-layer plywood, PVA glue, sandpaper, a sawing table, a jigsaw, small nails, an awl, a hammer, an electric burner, and wooden planks.

Sequence of making the “Squirrels” toy (Fig. 3.)

1. Using the drawing (Fig. 4), mark the Baby Squirrel figures and the board on which they will strike with their cones.
2. Cut out the marked parts with a jigsaw.
3. Finish the figures by burning or painting.
4. In the legs of the figures, pierce holes with an awl into which the nails should fit freely.
5. Attach the figures to the planks, as shown in Fig. 3., without hammering the nails in completely.
6. Test the toy and adjust if necessary. After making sure correct work, finish off the nails without pressing the figures tightly against the planks.

The remaining toys (goslings and chickens) are made in a similar sequence, using the appropriate drawings (Fig. 5, Fig. 6.).

When making any toy, it is advisable to make your own changes to improve strength, finish, technology, etc. In Fig.7. options for making chicken toys are given.

Here the chicken figurines have false wings, eyes are made of beads, and instead of a board there is a plate with millet. Stain and varnish were used for finishing.

1. A.P. Zhuravleva, L.A. Swamp. Initial technical modeling, Moscow, Education, 1982
2. Beetle mobile. "Bean fun"
3. Website lobzik.pri.ee

Mobile toy "Blacksmiths"

First of all, a few words about the history of this toy.

Back in the 17th century, in the village of Bogorodskoye near Moscow, a woman, a mother of two children, carved a human figurine from a wooden block with a knife. When the children had played enough, the father took it to the market and sold it. They ordered him a new one. So the wife began to cut out toys for sale, and the husband began to sell them. This is where Bogorodsk carving began, which to this day is famous for its craftswomen and craftsmen, surprising with their wonderful creativity.

For Bogorodskaya carving characterized by a wide variety of genres. These include figurines of animals and birds, entertaining everyday scenes, and all kinds of toys with movement. Mainly soft, easy-to-work linden is used. The skill and creative imagination of many generations of carvers are passed on in the art of Bogorodsk carving from generation to generation. Here, Bogorodsk’s own skills of working with a chisel and knife, an artistic system of plastic structure of figures and the peculiarities of their decorative cutting were formed. By creating toys where the characters move, the masters also proved themselves to be original designers. Simple techniques - the use of shifting bars, moving parts attached to springs or ropes, simple mechanisms on buttons are used in a wide variety of compositions, enhancing the brightness of the artistic imagery of the toy, making it truly alive.

The Bogorodsk toy “Blacksmiths” is very popular in many countries. When the planks are shifted to one side or the other, the figures of the man and the bear alternately strike the anvil with hammers. There are many options for this toy. Each master reflects this plot in his own way. It’s possible to make such a toy to an experienced master, who has mastered the techniques of Bogorodsk carving, and I offer you a simplified version, in which the principle of operation of the mechanism is preserved, but the figures of a man and a bear are cut out of plywood with a jigsaw. This toy is made in my circle by fifth graders, boys and girls. The sketches of the drawings for the man and the bear were made by my former student Lev Voloshin, when he was in the 7th grade of the gymnasium and at the same time in art school. An example of such a toy is shown in the photo below.

To make this toy we will need the following materials: three-layer plywood (about the size of half an A4 format), two rectangular strips of 20x15 mm with a length of 240 mm from any type of wood, six nails 10-15 mm long and PVA glue.

Necessary tools and equipment: sawing table, jigsaw, hammer, awl, electric burner, medium-grain sandpaper, soft pencil, carbon paper.

Sequence of work:

1. Print the drawing on a printer. If this is not possible, draw figures of a man and a bear in 10x10 mm cells.

2. Prepare the plywood: check for knots, peeling, mechanical damage and other defects; sand the front surface with sandpaper (you only need to sand along the grain!).

3. Attach the copy paper to the plywood blank (the side where the dye is applied - to the surface of the plywood!) and the drawing with two buttons or small nails, driving them to a depth of 2-3 mm. Position the buttons or nails so that you can lift the carbon copy along with the drawing and check the quality of the markings. Make sure that the thin elements of the design (in this case, the handles of the hammers) are located along the grain, this will significantly increase the strength of the product.

4. Copy the drawing using a soft pencil or non-writing ballpoint pen.

5. Having lifted the carbon copy along with the drawing, make sure that the markings are correct and only then remove the buttons or nails.

6. Using a jigsaw, cut out the figures of a man and a bear. When cutting, make sure that the jigsaw file does not move along the marking line, but next to it from the outside.

7. Sand side surfaces sawn figures, apply the design using an electric burner.

8. Mark and cut out the anvil. It can only be sanded, the pattern is optional.

9. Secure the anvil, following the dimensions of the drawing, using PVA glue and two nails on one of the strips.

10. Now lay the planks as shown in the drawing, with an offset of 30 mm.

11. Punch holes in the figures for the nails so that they fit freely (with a small gap).

12. Attach the man figurine so that the hammer touches the anvil. Do not hammer the nails in completely yet; you may have to pull them out when setting up and hammer them in another place.

13. Now position the bear figurine so that its hammer is raised above the anvil. Note! The lines mentally drawn through the centers of the nail heads should be parallel. For control, you can attach two rulers.

14. If you did everything correctly, when the slats are shifted, the bear and the man will strike the anvil with their hammers. And, only after making sure that the toy works correctly, hammer in the nails, but not very tightly, so as not to press the figures against the slats.


1. Elkin. The tree tells stories. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1978.
2. Artistic crafts of the Moscow region. Moscow worker, 1982.
3. M.G. Chereyskaya. Album "Russian souvenir". Leningrad, "Aurora", 1978.
4. S.G. Rykhlitsky. Making toys in class. Magazine "School and Production", No. 5, 2005.

Toy "Pecking chickens"
do it yourself

In my carefree childhood there was such a favorite toy: by pressing levers, it was possible to set two chickens in motion: they “pecked” a grain, in turn.... Nothing special, just pampering, but this simple toy fascinated, made two poor birds peck and peck...

I haven't seen such fun in children's stores for a long time. This master class will help you make it yourself.

You will need:
- thick cardboard or plywood (fibreboard) 2 mm thick;
- velvet paper;
copy paper;
two wooden slats 30 cm long and 1 cm wide;
4 self-tapping screws No. 10 (or wooden toothpicks);
as well as tools: scissors or jigsaw;
crosshead screwdriver.

If you are already quite experienced, try making a toy from plywood by cutting out the figures along the contour with a jigsaw.

Cut out the finishing elements from velvet paper and glue them according to the picture.

Put the slats on flat surface and move them relative to each other by 1 cm. Mark the center on each strip. Set aside 6 cm to the right and left of the center.

Place the cockerel piece on the slats at mark A and pierce it with an awl in the places marked with crosses in the figure, while simultaneously marking the locations of the holes on the slats.

Using a drill, we drilled small holes in the slats. Place the cockerel on the slats and, aligning the holes, screw it on the front side with screws. Tilt the cockerel towards the center of the slats. Place the chicken part on the slats in mark B and attach it in the same way. Instead of screws, you can use toothpicks - insert them tightly into the holes. Break off the ends of the toothpicks to 0.5-1 cm on each side. Secure the ends of the toothpicks with suitable beads or pieces of plastic tubes (they need to fit tightly onto the toothpick).

Yours chickens They will start to peck if you move the slats left and right relative to each other.



Locomotive whistle

Super moving toy!

Animation of movements http://www.uniqueprojects.com/projects/crawlingbug/crawlingbugintro.htm
Drawing http://www.uniqueprojects.com/projects/crawlingbug/crawlingbug.pdf

Toy boat with rubber motor

Cut a notch in the back for the paddle wheel. Leave enough wood on the sides of the cutout to support the elastic. Make the cutout 1/2" larger than the width.

Make a paddle wheel out of 1/4" plywood or whatever thin wood you may collide.
Cut two square pieces approximately 1/4" narrower than the cutout in the back of the boat.
Cut a notch down the center of each piece as wide as the wood and 1/2 the width of the paddle.

Place glue on the two parts of the paddle and push them together.

Use the chart to cut out all the pieces to your desired sizes. A rudder is not necessary, but it helps control the boat better. If you are making several boats, use cardboard, such as 2x4s, for the body, then sawing it into several 1/2" thick pieces. Drill 1/2" deep 1/4" diameter hole for the chimney, at the top of the cockpit as shown in the picture. Cut a groove on the oar pieces. It should be as wide as the thickness of the oar and go halfway through. Drill four pilot holes (slightly smaller than the nail width) for the chimney nails, cut from 1/4" dowel.
Now all your Junior Woodcrafter needs are just these six pieces, one rubber band, seven 1" finishing nails (two per part), a hammer, some wood glue, one sheet of 150 sandpaper, and safety glasses.
A. Drive two finishing nails, for the cabin, on the lower body where the black dots in the pictures indicate.
B. Drive the nails to the point they are going to go right through or "just through" the wood.
C. Apply glue to the bottom of the cabin and place it on the upper body.
D. Hammer two nails all the way inch
E. Sand the leading edge of the steering wheel is conical, but not quite to sharp edges.
F. Drive two finishing nails, behind the steering wheel, into the upper body where the black dots in the pictures indicate.
D. Again, drive the nails to the point they are going to go right through or "just a little through" the wood.
H. Apply glue to the top of the handlebar and position it on the lower body.
I. Hammer these two nails all the way an inch
J. Place a bead of glue into the hole at the top of the cabin and glue the pipe into place.
K. Test fit two pieces of spatula together and sand to match if necessary.
J. Assemble and glue the two pieces of the shoulder blade together.
K. Sand all corners and edges round.
L. Place the rubber band over the paddle wheel and connect it to the slots at the back of the body.
M. Allow all glue and paint to dry overnight.
N. Wind the paddle wheel (backwards) and then place it in the water and release.
Click on the image above to download a higher resolution image.


You can easily see how good the monkey tricycle rides are. We turn all the leg joints into a monkey.The front wheels are mounted together on the dowel axle and both turns together.


Gun template you can find at href="http://www.runnerduck.com/images/toy_gun_handle.gif"> www.runnerduck.com

/ photo /
onto a piece of 1/2" to 3/4" wood.
Use scroll saw, saw group or jigsaw to cut out the pattern.
Sand all edges are smooth.
Drill 1" hole to start.
Cut a 5/8" piece of dowel 8". tapered one end to fit the handle.
Cut a small groove in the front of the dowel under the elastic so that the remaining inch
Drill two holes in the handle, glue and dowel screw on the handle.
Drill two holes in the blue clothespin and screw it to the handle.
Cut 1/2 piece of 4" X 10" plywood.
drill a 5/8" hole in the center of each end.

Cut two 5/8" pieces of dowel 6" long. Drill a small hole large enough for clothes hanger wire 1/2" from top to bottom in each dowel.
Glue dowels in plywood.
Run wires through the holes with small clothespins and balls for the gaps.
Bend the wires at both ends in place.
Cut your goals out of paper.
We already have it for you atwww.runnerduck.com /photo/
font> Parental controls are always recommended.

Once upon a time, wooden toys had practically no alternative for the vast majority of families with children. Nowadays, this niche is almost completely occupied by plastic products, and often not of the highest quality. Some sellers still offer factory-made wooden toys, but their prices are impressive. A way out of this situation can be. To make them, it is enough to have minimal skills in using simple woodworking tools.

Popular wooden toys

Wood is an excellent material for making a wide variety of objects and things for everyday use. Some of them will require high skill from you, but many can be done DIY wooden toys simple enough. These primarily include developmental items for children under four years of age:

Because children learn and grow quickly, such activities will only hold their attention for a short time. Therefore, you should learn to do more complex DIY wooden toys. Some of the most popular toys of this kind include:

Motivation of those who do DIY wooden toys, with rare exceptions, is unlikely to be associated with monetary gain. It is rather an expression of love for their children, as well as a source of pride for their skilled parents. For many of them, making such toys becomes a real hobby in which they can achieve great heights.

Materials and tools

First of all, the toy must be safe for the child. To the greatest extent this depends on the properties of the material and the quality of its processing. That's why DIY wooden toys recommended to be made from hardwood wood:

  • linden;
  • aspen;
  • poplars;
  • alders

Harder varieties (oak, birch, fruit trees) are also used in the manufacture of toys, but they are more difficult to process. Conifers, the wood of which is prone to forming long, sharp splinters, are not suitable for children's toys.

To do DIY wooden toys, desire alone is not enough. You will need to acquire a minimum set of tools and Supplies. These include:

  1. hacksaw;
  2. jigsaw;
  3. drill;
  4. Sander;
  5. cutting tools – chisels, chisels;
  6. tools for marking workpieces;
  7. wood glue, varnishes, etc.

In fact, the set of tools is determined individually depending on what DIY wooden toys you're going to do. For example, for the production of cylindrical parts, a benchtop lathe will not hurt.

Manufacturing procedure

You can prepare the material for wooden toys yourself, but it is much easier to buy it in construction supermarkets, where there are special departments for selling illiquid goods. Cheap scraps, substandard wood and plywood are perfect for making DIY wooden toys. And the manufacturing procedure can be represented by the following algorithm:

In order to do DIY wooden toys of the highest quality, for their manufacture you should take well-dried wood. Since most of the parts of such products are small in size, you will need to be extremely careful when working with the material. The thinner and smaller wooden detail, the easier it is to split it. Final finishing The finished toy can be made in color, preserving the natural texture and color of the wood, using the burning technique. Remember that varnishes and paints for surface decoration should not contain volatile compounds and heavy metals.

The easiest way to secure rotating wheels is with furniture (upholstery) nails. It will be much more reliable to install them using metal pins (axles), for example from bicycle spokes. It’s even better to use special threaded studs, which allows you to secure the wheels with nuts and prevent them from falling off. Availability in the toy small parts significantly increases its value in the eyes of a child. For example, you can make a license plate for a car, glue wings over the wheels, etc.

Do you think that modern children cannot be interested in wooden products? That wooden toys are no longer sold? In vain. We have collected examples of products that have become popular despite fashion.

Modular wooden toys that can be assembled like a construction set are a great success among children. A great example is the Creative Wooden Creatures sets created by designer Hakan Gürsu and dedicated to land animals, sea creatures and amphibians. From one set consisting of 72 parts you can assemble from 10 to 12 real animals, and an infinite number of fictional ones.

You can create many different toys from wood, but catapults will not leave any child indifferent. California-based E&M Labs turns any child's room into a war zone with its Trebuchette toys. And not only a children's room, but also a student dormitory, classroom or office. You can assemble a toy trebuchet yourself, using a ready-made model and recommended materials (birch plywood, Delrin and leather). Once assembled, the catapult is capable of launching a toy ball over a distance of more than 20 meters.

How from regular board make an item that will become a real family heirloom? The answer is simple: you just need to put length measurements on it and attach it to the wall. The idea for a giant growth ruler called Wooden Ruler Measuring Stick came from Lovestruck Interiors. Rulers are made from different breeds tree, and the units of measurement are centimeters or feet.

Souvenir wooden beacons

An interesting topic for handmade souvenirs is lighthouses. Lighthouses are one of the leaders of the eternal theme of sea and freedom, romance and adventure, which will always be in demand by the audience, including teenagers. There are several options for such a hobby business: create exact copies of famous lighthouses, be partially inspired by some elements, or make completely fantasy lighthouses from the world of dreams.

Wooden rocking chairs for children

Designer Chan Wai Lim from Singapore creates designer wooden rocking chairs for children in the shape of unusually shaped animals. Among her main works are barrel figures in the form of dogs, pigs and cats, located on giant springs. The girl admits that crafts, among other things, are a matter of her soul. The idea was inspired by childhood memories when she could play with real farm animals and wooden toys. Nowadays, Singapore is a continuous metropolis, where there is no place for trees or animals.

Kiko Kids has created children's wooden sandals Ashiato, which allow you to create unusual footprints in the sand. The shapes on the sole are made in the form of paws of various animals. The fun series includes sandals that allow you to make the tracks of owls, monkeys, cats, geckos and walruses.

Slingshots can create enormous scope for creativity. Some craftsmen follow the path of creating toy slingshots, for example, making them in the form of colored pencils, while others strive to turn the slingshot into a presentable souvenir. If the former are made for petty pranks, then the latter are for “satisfying the sense of beauty.” An example of the latter is a hickory slingshot called the BCX, which was clearly designed with not just little boys in mind, but their dads as well. Polished finish, unusual shape, comfortable grip - even holding such a weapon in your hands is already pleasant, let alone shooting. In addition, there is no need to hurt someone - the slingshot comes with a target, which seems to imply that you only need to shoot at it.

French freelance designer Todd Borka has come up with a series of wooden toys that allow children to create characters from different body parts. A child can make faces with unusual noses, lips and eyes, put cubes into people full height, changing their heads, legs and torsos, and so on. In general, the game is not educational, but entertaining.

Very interesting wooden crafts are obtained if you work in the direction of “combining the incompatible.” Loulou & Tummie has created a series of wooden robots that aim to bridge the gap between modern and traditional toys. It turned out well - wooden robots look more alive and animated than their plastic and metal counterparts.

Masters Atina and Jose from Greece specialize in making wooden tumbler toys self made. But not those tumblers that we are all used to, but those that need to be collected in a tower so that they do not fall. For example, a child is asked to put together a composition with a boat on the waves, using rounded and not entirely stable parts. The authors sell their products under called The Wandering Workshop via Etsy craft store.

Pecanpals Woodys wooden toy is great example how to promote your products on the market today. The toy has a tail, ears and arms that it can move, and the head itself can rotate 360 ​​degrees, nod and look in different directions. All the rest - beautiful pictures, video and marketing clean water, thanks to which the product is positioned as an “eco-friendly” toy, and also “premium class”. The creators of Pecanpals Woodys from Melbourne earned almost $9 thousand from it by presenting the project on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform.

Another example from the “creative marketing” series is the Empathy Toy constructor, designed to develop empathy. In addition to the designer itself, the authors also took care of creating the rules of the game. It gathers collectively: one of the gatherers is wearing a mask and does not see anything, and the second participant gives him a hint. As a result, victory is achieved through joint efforts, and in the process children learn to hear each other and find mutual language. The creators raised more than 52 thousand Canadian dollars on their idea using crowdfunding

Mike He came up with an interesting way to play on the theme of the tale about Pinocchio/Pinocchio. A pencil inserted into the sharpening hole instantly turns into the nose of a fairy-tale hero. You can feel like Papa Carlo.

The owner of a designer furniture store, Nicholas Holmes, decided to expand his specialization and released a series of baby rattles, which at first glance slightly resemble pieces of curtain rods. Rattles are made from three types of wood - cherry, black walnut and ash. An excellent and more stylish alternative to conventional plastic, created, moreover, without the use of harmful adhesives.

Wicker cribs for children

These are the handmade wicker cribs created by BERMBACH Handcrafted. A small manufactory from Frankfurt specializes in minimalist rattan basket beds. A metal stand is used as the base, and the ends of the legs are made of oak, which will not scratch the floors. One such wicker crib costs 660 euros.

Today, the children's goods market is oversaturated with toys made from low-quality, harmful materials. The main manufacturer of such goods is China. This supplier has long pushed out competitors from other countries and has become almost a monopolist in the field of toy production. Since China offers toys at low price, Russian manufacturers were forced to leave the “battlefield”. However, today the population is beginning to understand that children do not need cheap toys, but high-quality and environmentally friendly ones. This is why many people come to the conclusion that they need to make wooden toys with their own hands. Or maybe not just make them for your children, but set up a small production?


What is needed to produce children's wooden toys even in small batches?

First, you need a room. It is advisable to have at least three rooms: for wood processing, painting, assembly and packaging finished products. But this is ideal. In reality, at first you can get by with a garage or a summer house.

Secondly, you will have to acquire woodworking machines and some other equipment. At first, a chisel and a drilling, milling, grinding machine will suffice. You can decide what specific other machines are needed after you have decided on the assortment.

Thirdly, in order to make wooden toys with your own hands, you need equipment for painting. Here the choice is only up to the master. The main thing is that all materials are environmentally friendly and do not harm children.

Fourthly, you need equipment for packaging products. But that's in the future. For now, you can simply purchase boxes of suitable sizes and pack the products yourself.

Fifthly, the staff. To start production, 2-3 people are enough. Then, when the range and scale of production increases, you can hire additional workers.

Requirements for wooden toys

At self-production toys, several rules must be followed:

  • Toys should be easy to make. For example, a pyramid. Making such a toy is extremely simple, because they were invented a long time ago. A rod is attached to the support and rings are put on it different sizes and colors with holes. The top of the pyramid is crowned by a ball. That's it, the toy is ready for sale.
  • Toys should not have small parts that a child can put in his mouth. The consequences of violating this rule can be very sad for the manufacturer and fatal for the baby.
  • All products should be bright, elegant and beautiful. Only such toys can attract the attention of buyers and delight children.

Advantages of wooden toys

These gaming items have their undeniable advantages:

Wooden toys are environmentally friendly and safe.

Wooden toys are strong and durable.

This is a traditional Russian wooden toy.


The first things that come to mind are pyramids, various wooden labyrinths for the little ones, cubes, and rocking horses. It is advisable to make the cubes not too small so that children can build castles from them not for dolls, but for themselves. Of course, in this case it is necessary to choose a lighter material, such as thin plywood, or even lighter. After all, large wooden toys will be too heavy and unsafe for a child.

You can make simple swords and shields for boys, cars, and prefabricated houses for dolls.

Outdoor toys

If you decide to make wooden toys with your own hands, you should not forget about outdoor toys. Various playgrounds, houses, slides, and swings will be in steady demand. Although the market is full of plastic analogues, the buyer is not satisfied with the quality of such towns and corners. Wooden products will serve the child for many years, giving the child the opportunity to spend time outside with benefit and pleasure. Of course, outdoor playgrounds and towns are produced only to order, since different customers need different configurations of these sets. And you can give the customer the opportunity to choose the color of the product themselves - this will be a pleasant bonus.

Sports corners can be considered as outdoor toys. Of course, such children's wooden toys are bought not only for the street - they fit perfectly even in small apartments, giving the child the opportunity to throw out pent-up energy.

Toy drawings

A craftsman or business owner can easily draw drawings of wooden toys on his own. As long as nothing difficult to perform is produced, there is nothing complicated about it. More complex outdoor playgrounds are even made according to individual drawings, based on the age and height of future users.

If you need a drawing, you can always contact a specialist who will make all the necessary calculations for a reasonable price.

Children love toys made of wood, especially if their parents created them, and the children also helped. In order to make wooden toys with your own hands, you do not have to be a carpenter. For example, anyone can make a wooden duck.

To do this, you will need a piece of wood at least 2 cm thick, a template, a saw or jigsaw, paints, a printer, nail files, a template, and sandpaper.

Print out an image of a duck's silhouette.

Cut out the image, place it on the tree and trace it with a pencil or pen.

Cut along the contour with a jigsaw. All cuts must be carefully processed, first with a rough file, then with sandpaper. This is done so that the child cannot get splinters.

Color the duck together with your child. After the paint has dried, you can coat the duck with varnish to make the color last longer.

You can leave the toy in this form, or you can cut it into several parts to make a puzzle. In this case, all sections must be processed again.

You can drill holes and put the duck on wheels, making a gurney for the baby.


Do-it-yourself wooden toys can bring joy not only to your children, but also to completely unfamiliar kids, who will be able to receive reliable, safe and interesting toys. If you approach the matter wisely and with soul, then the work will bring not only moral satisfaction, but also quite tangible material profit. The main thing is to correctly calculate all the pros and cons of such an event. To minimize risks, you can order a business project from a professional who will not only show the advantages and disadvantages, but also calculate the profitability of production.