Mixer      06/23/2020

How to cover a toilet with wall panels. How to decorate a toilet in an apartment. Preparing the base for plastic panels

The toilet is no less frequently visited place than, for example, the kitchen. In this regard, many people try to make repairs as aesthetically pleasing and beautiful as possible using finishing plastic panels. You can cover the walls with your own hands, without using the help of a specialist, where the end result will be no worse than if the work was carried out by a team of craftsmen.

Advantages of plastic panels and choice of material

The first step is to select plastic panels, appearance which today can be assessed on the Internet after first familiarizing yourself with photographs of the products. In addition, modern stores are full of a variety of decorative PVC. When choosing products for finishing the toilet, Special attention pay attention to the composition. High quality material must contain carbon, hydrogen and chlorine, the latter of which must necessarily be 46 percent ethylene and 57 percent combined chlorine. In addition, lead must be used in the production process of plastic panels. This composition contributes to the fact that finishing material will emit much less harmful substances In case of fire, in addition, it is worth noting that modern plastic in the solid state almost does not burn.

Toilet finishing PVC panels allows walls to withstand high humidity and also easily tolerate various loads. In addition, this material has excellent heat resistance and insulation. And the main advantage of a plastic toilet is, of course, its low cost. finishing works when compared with the others. In addition, PVC allows you to hide all existing unevenness on the walls in the toilet.

An important advantage is that when decorating a toilet with plastic panels, you do not have to waste time, effort and money on leveling the surfaces. In addition, your head will not be occupied with thoughts regarding the sounds that may be coming from the room, because PVC has excellent sound insulation.

Another advantage of such panels is that they can be used to successfully hide electrical wiring in the toilet without fear of a fire due to water ingress. If you purchase plastic products for finishing, the thickness of which will be 10 millimeters, then they can be safely used for lining not only the toilet, but also the kitchen and bathroom, since they will be an excellent replacement for expensive tiled flooring. In addition, PVC is excellent not only for finishing the toilet, but also other places that are characterized by high humidity. Usually, similar places are sheathed with white plastic panels, but you can choose from laminated PVC, which can give the interior a beautiful look.

It is worth remembering that the main criterion in the process of choosing material for finishing a toilet is the final appearance on the wall of the room. And it is best to make a purchase through specialized stores rather than on the market. In addition, in stores they will be located directly on the walls, which will make it possible to better represent finished look toilet, after finishing. In addition, in stores the likelihood of encountering a fake is much less, since they carefully monitor the quality of the products received.

When purchasing plastic panels for finishing a toilet, carefully inspect the paint. The layer of coloring material must be uniform and not contain black dots on the surface. All plastic panels should not have waves with differences, they should have the same dimensions. Otherwise, during the process of repairing the toilet, difficulties may arise when installing the products. In this case, unevenness in length is acceptable, since the plastic panels will straighten when fastened.


Before you start covering the toilet, you need to carefully prepare the walls. This is quite simple to do: dilute a small amount of fat-free product in water, then rinse the surface of the walls. Next, wipe the walls with a dry cloth, leaving until completely dry.

Measure the toilet, namely its length, width and height. In this case, existing projections, as well as window and door openings, should be taken into account. To hide passing communications, you should calculate the most optimal size.

Toilet wall decoration

Frame installation

Calculate the number of plastic panels that will be needed to completely finish the toilet. Today in stores, as a rule, you can see panels whose width is 0.375 and 0.25 meters. If the walls in your toilet are not particularly even, then you should buy a dry lath that will allow you to mount the frame. In addition, do not forget to purchase finishing and starting profiles, skirting boards, corners for skirting boards, as well as internal and external corners. In this case, it is best to buy everything with a small margin.

Process the rail protective composition, which will protect the wood from the formation of mold and mildew. As soon as the lath is dry, you can begin installing the frame. Divide the slats into specific parts that will fully correspond to the horizontal dimensions of the wall. Secure 4 slats on each side. The fasteners should be parallel to the floor surface and to each other, with a gap between them of approximately half a meter. During installation work in the toilet, you can use dowel nails.

Plastic trim

Decide for yourself which side is best to start finishing the frame. Adjust the corner or starting profile to size, in this case it all depends on where you are going to start finishing the toilet. Fix the profile over the frame; fastening can be done using a stapler or small self-tapping screws. For a better installation, it is recommended to use a level, since the installation of subsequent products will depend on the installation of the first plastic element.

Adjust the plastic panel to the required dimensions, then insert it into the starting profile until it stops. Using a stapler, attach the panel to the slats. The rest of the products should be finished in the same way.

Cut the plastic panels immediately before installation, having first measured the height. It is likely that strong differences may occur during the finishing process of the toilet. It is best to make holes for the plumbing hatch and ventilation using a sharp knife.

Ceiling finishing

Covering the toilet ceiling with plastic products differs only in the method of frame fastening. In this case, the frame itself must be installed on direct hangers, choosing light bars with a small cross-section or a ceiling profile. This approach will allow you to most correctly place the lamps in the ceiling space, as well as control the height of the ceiling surface. At the same time, it is best to make holes for lamps using a sharp knife.

It is best to leave small gaps along the edges of the toilet ceiling, which will make it easier to install the ceiling plinth in the future. If your toilet has smooth walls, then you can use the frameless method of finishing the walls. In this case, plastic panels can be attached directly to the surface of the walls.

Choose what is best for finishing: mounting adhesive or dowel-nails. In the case of glue, you should coat the first plastic panel well, and then press it firmly against the wall.

Well, in this way, finishing the toilet with plastic panels is not so difficult, and therefore there is no need to delay the repair. Buy materials and get to work. Good luck.

Repair is a necessary task, but not always pleasant. This is associated with financial waste, physical effort and some other inconveniences. However, everyone will agree that the end result is worth it. In addition, the materials from which the repairs are made play an important role. Today we will look at decorative finishing toilet.

The room is small, but very necessary. It has its own characteristics, including high humidity inside. This means that the finishing material must withstand such an environment. One of the excellent options is plastic panels.

What makes this material special? What are its advantages and disadvantages? How to decorate a toilet with plastic panels yourself? We will look at all this in this article. We will provide step by step instructions, and we will also see how to finish a toilet with plastic panels, video lessons.

Features of PVC products

What is good about this material? Let's start with the fact that among the many finishing materials, plastic panels occupy their rightful place. And for the toilet they are simply ideal. Why can you say this? The toilet has its own characteristics. That is why durable, moisture-resistant materials are used for its finishing. Tiles are often purchased for this purpose. But its cost is much higher than the cost plastic products. The toilet itself is quite small, making the tiles difficult to work with.

Another thing plastic elements. With practically the same characteristics, they are much cheaper and easier to work with. Finishing the toilet with plastic panels can be done with your own hands. Here are other features of the material that are important to consider:

If we talk about the disadvantages, they consist in the insufficient strength of the panels, combustion and their ability to fade. But, for a toilet, the second factor is not relevant, since usually there are no windows at all, or they are made very small. So Sun rays cannot spoil the material. And if used carefully, it will be difficult to damage the surface.

Options for finishing the toilet with plastic panels photo.

Immediately before finishing the walls, you need to purchase material. How to do it?

Choosing plastic panels for the toilet

To ensure that the work is not done in vain, and that the finish looks decent and is durable, it is important to choose the right materials. On store shelves you can find the most various products, but how to choose them correctly? Let us immediately note that demand creates supply. And since the panels are popular, you can end up with an unscrupulous manufacturer. It can be difficult to identify a low-quality product. What will help with this? Let's look at a few tips.

Thanks to these tips, you can save yourself from the possibility of buying low-quality Construction Materials. Right choice materials - this is already 50% of the work on high-quality finishing of the toilet. This is what the correct decoration of the walls in the toilet with plastic panels looks like in the photo.

Getting ready to install PVC panels

The first stage of work is preparation. If the panels have already been purchased, then it is time to take care of other tools and materials. Principle PVC installation panels resemble clapboard finishing. Therefore, the work will require the creation of a frame. It can be metal or wood. We recommend avoiding wooden ones, because the toilet is a damp room, wood can rot and quickly fail.

To create metal carcass required:

In addition, you can’t do your work without the following tools:

  • screwdriver or drill driver;
  • metal scissors;
  • clamps, self-tapping screws or a stapler for fixing the panels to the frame;
  • special profiles and skirting boards for plastic;
  • tape measure, level, pencil;
  • plastic hacksaw;
  • metal spatula;
  • stationery knife.

When everything is assembled, you can begin preparing the walls of the toilet.

Preparing the walls

To break, as they say, is not to build. The first task is to remove from the walls old finishing. The good news is that the toilet is small, so it won’t take much time. Use a spatula to remove the old finish. The work is simple, but time-consuming. Then the walls are cleaned of dust and dirt.

Note! To ensure that nothing disturbs you during your work, you should remove all excess from the toilet.

When the surface is prepared, you can begin to create a frame or sheathing on the wall. The peculiarity and advantage of this finishing method is that in the space under the slabs you can hide wiring or insulate a toilet. Let's look at step-by-step instructions for creating a metal frame.

We mount the metal frame

The main task is to make the frame even and correct, so you can’t do without marking and controlling the process with a level. Since the panels will be fastened in a vertical position, the frame for them is made in a horizontal position. The instructions for creating are as follows:

That's all, the frame for the walls is ready. Finishing a toilet with plastic panels (frame stage) do it yourself video.

Installation of plastic panels

Further work involves using plastic moldings. What are they needed for? PVC strips must be inserted into the appropriate grooves, this applies to the floor, ceiling and corners. There is a molding for each case. The photo shows exactly how to implement this in practice and what molding is needed in this or that case.

That's all, the walls are ready. To make it easier for you, you can view the following information: decorating the walls in the toilet with plastic panels video.

Here's what finishing a toilet with plastic panels looks like, photo.

Ceiling finishing with plastic panels

If everything is clear with the walls, then the ceiling is next. It is recommended to trim it with panels too. It will look harmonious. Moreover, if you have learned how to decorate walls with panels yourself, then there will be no problems with the ceiling. The principle of work here is the same. It all comes down to the following steps:

  1. Markings on the wall.
  2. Fixation of sheathing and other elements.
  3. Installation of ceiling molding around the entire perimeter.
  4. Installation of plastic panels.

As for the ceiling, there are some nuances here. For example, you need to make appropriate holes in the slats for lamps. For the toilet it is better to use buildable spotlights. To do this, markings are made in the appropriate place, and a hole is cut in the panel using a special crown attachment for a screwdriver. The work is not difficult. We have prepared a visual video on how to complete the work from start to finish (installation on walls and ceilings). This may apply to the bathtub, but the principle of operation does not change. Finishing a toilet with plastic panels video.


Now your toilet is ready for full operation. The toilet renovation was done with minimal waste of money. As you can see, all the work is quite simple. If you try, the toilet will be ready in 1-2 days. Plastic panels are an excellent material that is easy to work with, it will last a long time, and there will be no problems with its operation. The toilet will look like new. And due to the fact that the surface of the products is glossy, it will visually increase the small space in the room. With such experience, you can successfully finish not only the toilet, but also the apartment as a whole. Such skills will be useful in life.

All apartment owners, especially housewives, try to make their home functional, comfortable, beautiful and original, if possible, at a low price. Until recently, there was a small choice: tiles, painting, wallpaper and wood. Now the choice is much richer, even if you choose a budget option.

Wall panels for toilet

The bathroom and toilet have specific conditions factors that limit the choice of finishing materials are high humidity and different sizes premises. Therefore, when choosing, you have to be guided by the resistance of materials to humidity and the cost of work. The market offers a selection of inexpensive, quick-to-install and moisture-resistant plastic materials. Plastic finishing of the walls and ceiling in the toilet attracts with its cost and the ability to create unusual interior a variety of modern finishing plastics various forms, size and texture.

What wall panels are used for the toilet: varieties

There are 4 types of panels:

  1. PVC sheets.
  2. Wall MDF.
  3. From fiberboard.
  4. Based on chipboard.

Plastic for the bathroom has a tile or mosaic pattern with imitation seams, however Lately The popularity of matte ceramics is growing, which is more practical to care for and marks from water splashes are hardly noticeable on it.

Imitations like stone, brick, wood, and leather are also offered.

Panels made from MDF, fiberboard and chipboard are produced in three varieties:

  1. The slats or slats are of small width; joining is done using a lock.
  2. Square and triangular tiles 50x50 or 100x100 centimeters. They can be connected end-to-end, with profile connections or with a lock.
  3. Sheets with dimensions 120x250 centimeters.

Depending on the shape, the installation method may vary; the slats will require lathing, the rest can be flat wall stick directly to the surface, but you can also stick it to the frame.

The material from which the panels are made gives different resistance to moisture; those made from PVC are not afraid of contact with water; those from MDF and fiberboard depend on maintaining the integrity of the film covering them. Chipboard materials are the least resistant to water, but they are quite suitable for a toilet.

Finishing toilet walls and ceilings with plastic panels

Many apartment owners consider finishing toilets, walls and ceilings with plastic as best option in terms of labor intensity and price, also in creating original and cozy interior, which does not require complex care.

Before installation, measurements must be taken to determine the quantity necessary materials, purchase tools, prepare surfaces if necessary.

How to glue toilet panels to walls

If the walls and ceiling are fairly even, you can glue them to the surface without lathing; this will require glue, or “liquid nails.” When choosing this method, you need to ensure that the protrusions on the wall are no more than 3-4 millimeters; dents are not so important, they will be covered. The advantage of this finishing method is its speed; there is no need to mount a frame and drill many holes; the size of the room practically does not decrease. To work you need to find good glue, experts advise taking not a universal one, but one that is suitable specifically for the material that will be glued; it must meet the following conditions:

  1. After drying, remain transparent.
  2. Be resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.
  3. Instantly bond surfaces and have a long-lasting effect.

Gluing is done in the following order:

  1. The wall is primed with glue.
  2. Glue is applied to the tiles at a distance of up to 30 centimeters; if the material is heavy, the distance must be reduced.
  3. Wait a few minutes, press the tile to the surface with force.

How to glue panels to the ceiling

When gluing tiles to the ceiling, you need to take into account the dimensions so that you don’t have to cut the material and so that the coating doesn’t look bad. Therefore, for the ceiling you need to take tiles of such a size that in several pieces they completely cover the surface or take a small size.

Pasting algorithm:

  1. The ceiling is primed with glue.
  2. Apply glue to the tile on the side at 6-9 points.
  3. We place the rest close together.
  4. Apply and press with force.
  5. For aesthetics, you can glue the baseboard.

How to attach best: methods

Can be mounted on a frame, wooden or metal. In this case, many holes will be drilled, you need to buy a metal frame or wooden beam, screws, dowels. With such repairs, at least 5 centimeters and a lot of time will be taken away from the size of the room.

Currently, thin wall tiles with a thickness of 3 millimeters are sold without internal partitions, only thin plastic with a pattern.

They are mounted by simply gluing to the surface, are easily cut with scissors and do not reduce the size of the rooms.

Due to these advantages, this finish is considered optimal for the bathroom.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic wall panels for the bathroom

The benefits include:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of repair;
  • coating device speed;
  • minimal surface preparation;
  • care consists only of washing with detergents;
  • durability.


  • is flammable and emits a lot of toxic smoke;
  • easily subjected to mechanical stress.
  • When mounted on a frame, it takes up a significant area.

Do they require maintenance?

They do not require any maintenance; they can be washed with soap or water. detergents, which do not contain caustic and aggressive substances and solid particles that scratch plastic.

The desire of people to make the bathroom convenient and comfortable is understandable; some methods require large investments and the labor of qualified performers, others, like installing plastic, can inexpensively create an aesthetic appearance in the room, making it possible to ensure cleanliness and order with minimal effort.

Useful video

The bathroom is very important room in any apartment, which is why many people are concerned with the question of how to decorate the toilet. What is this room like? As a rule, we are talking about a small, separate room for sanitary purposes, however, some people love to retire here in order to be alone, just to read. That is why it is very important that the bathroom is distinguished not only by convenience, but also by coziness, comfort, and beauty.

Finishing stages

How to decorate a toilet in an apartment? The scheme is something like this:

  • First they work with the walls;
  • Then they make the ceiling;
  • Afterwards the floor covering is installed.

A fairly common question is how to decorate a toilet other than tiles. In fact, the choice of finishing materials is large, but when working it is important to take into account that the humidity level in this room is quite elevated.

Whatever one may say, the main finishing material for bathrooms is still ceramic tile. Tile is used for wall cladding, and it is also chosen to cover floors.

It’s not difficult to explain this popularity - tiles respond well to moisture, just like open water Therefore, this is a very big plus. If you want to use some other option, you should pay attention to plastic panels for finishing the toilet, but we will talk about this a little later.

Wall covering

Before we talk about how to decorate a toilet other than tiles, let's talk about trends in this area. Nowadays, bathrooms that look bright, beautiful, and tastefully decorated are considered good form. Tiling – this option can be called aesthetic and practical. However, if you pay attention to the cost, such a solution will not be cheap; the work will be quite labor-intensive. It is important to remember when choosing tiles for the toilet that the room is not too spacious, therefore, you should refuse dark colors– to prevent a visual reduction in space. The ideal way: buy tiles in light colors - the sizes will increase visually, as if “opening up” to greet visitors.

What’s also good is that nowadays manufacturers make tiles of a wide variety of characteristics - the choice is rich both in terms of texture and shades, there are many decorative elements for tiles. To make the bathroom look more comfortable, it is recommended to select some combination options - so that it looks bright, but is not too flashy.

It is important to remember that the tiles in the toilet often come into contact with certain chemicals Therefore, the material must be moisture-resistant and kilo-resistant.

An excellent option, for example, is tile with high chemical resistance. A simpler solution, at the same time the most optimal and cheapest, is to decorate the toilet with plastic panels. To do this kind of work, you don’t need any serious skills. Let's talk about how to finish a toilet with panels, what work should be done for this.

Wall decoration with plastic panels

How to decorate a toilet with plastic panels? This is not difficult - first they make the sheathing: wooden blocks are attached to the walls of the bathroom; they should be 0.2 by 0.3 cm or so.

When the sheathing is completed, plastic panels are installed on it. For fastening they usually choose construction stapler– in this case the work turns out to be very convenient and fast.

Special transition corners made of plastic are installed in the corners. You can choose plastic panels both by pattern and color, but the main advantage of this material is its excellent resistance to moisture. Of course, there are other finishing options - you can, for example, choose MDF lining: in this case, the bathroom will be decorated like wood.

The fact is that repair is a rather acute, painful topic for anyone. modern man. The soul becomes especially anxious when repairs are carried out in the toilet or bathroom. If you choose traditional tiling, you will need a large amount of money - it is unlikely that the budget of an ordinary family can cope with such “damage”.

If finances are limited, it’s time to finish the toilet using PVC panels - this method is being chosen more and more often today when the question arises of how to finish the toilet other than tiles.

What are the positive aspects of PVC

Behind last years this material for decoration has gained great popularity, but what is most interesting is that not every person knows about all its advantages.

  1. For example, the panels will not rot - even after several years the material will not change its properties.
  2. Also, the panels are very beautiful, especially in a modern design. It is unlikely that you can find something better for the same price.
  3. Rapidity installation work: PVC panels are not required to decorate a toilet large quantity time.

If the bathroom has a standard shape and you have everything at hand necessary materials and tools, the cladding can be completed in one day if desired (of course, this does not take into account the finishing touches). What can I say - efficiency today is a priority for many jobs, especially since you can forget about cement, tiles, and other tedious procedures.

What you need to work with PVC panels

First, let's select the panels themselves. Here you can do everything according to your own tastes - choice color solutions today is rich, so everyone will find something interesting for themselves. You should also remember that you must purchase the necessary Consumables, necessary tools– without all this, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to cover the walls of the toilet with plastic panels. What should I buy for cladding?

  • A quality utility knife: you need to make sure that it can cut the panels optimally and without any effort. Are you thinking of using it in this work? kitchen knife? This is possible, but at your own peril and risk - plastic, as a rule, quickly dulls metal, and the cut lines will also turn out crooked.
  • Self-tapping screws, screwdriver: during work you will have to attach the panels to the sheathing. Dowels may also be required.
  • You need beams with a cross section of 3 by 10 cm, or you can choose aluminum profile, the main thing is that it has a similar configuration.
  • If you plan to hang panels directly on the wall, you need to get liquid nails, a gun for their use, polyurethane foam.
  • Repair work should not be started without a tape measure, building level, decorative skirting boards and profile corners.

Choosing a panel finishing method

If the decision has been made, it’s time to find out how to decorate the toilet with panels. First, you need to understand which method of fixing the panels to the walls to use. There are two possible ways:

  1. On a frame made of wood or metal profile;
  2. Using foam.

If the second option is chosen, it is worth buying cylinders with a “fresh” expiration date. In this case, the foam yield will be significantly greater. Which method should you choose personally? If the bathroom in the apartment is spacious enough, there are smooth brick or concrete walls, there is no point in working on the sheathing. Plastic panels are best attached to liquid nails.

Be sure to keep in mind that during the work you will have to be patient; PVC will not stick in a matter of seconds. Moreover, you will need to either hold the panels yourself or install spacers between the walls.

Gluing panels onto liquid nails is not a difficult job, so let’s talk about how to work with the sheathing correctly.

Preparing for paneling

Before getting to work, the toilet needs to be prepared - all finishing elements that may interfere are removed, sockets and lighting devices are removed. If the work can be complicated by hoses or pipes, in an ideal situation it is better to dismantle it all, otherwise it will be much more difficult to decorate the toilet with PVC panels.

There is another relevant remark - you can often come across messages on the Internet that timber is not the best best material for sheathing. They write that it can become deformed and swell - because of this, the wall will immediately begin to look not very attractive. If, in fact, the humidity level in a room regularly rises, it is worth considering these statements: there is some common sense in them. But there is also a way out - just before covering the toilet with plastic panels, the timber is carefully treated: any antiseptic for wood will do for this. If the humidity level is normal, there is no reason to worry at all.

Start of work on finishing the bathroom with PVC panels

First, the sheathing is attached. Since the panels will almost always be positioned from top to bottom, it is necessary to fasten the beams perpendicular to the floor. To execute this work, dowels are usually used. Since something will also need to be done with the ceiling, the sheathing is also attached to it.

It is recommended to maintain a distance of up to 400-500 mm between individual beams. The correct fastening of the beams is constantly monitored - this is done using a building level.

Before covering the toilet with plastic panels, you need to secure decorative profiles in the corners - the same ones where the corner panels will later be inserted.

You should start working from the corner. One edge of the PVC panel is inserted into the profile, after which the second side is attached to the screws.

The screw must be screwed into a lock that is flexible and large in size.

How to cut plastic panels correctly– many people ask this question. In fact, there is nothing complicated here: wrong side turn the panels outward, lay it on some solid base, then make an incision using a stationery knife. A line is formed, along which the panel is broken, and the thin layer of plastic that remains is cut off with the same knife.

With the next panel everything will be easier: it needs to be inserted until a distinct click occurs. Then they are fastened again with self-tapping screws. You can finish the ceiling in a PVC toilet in exactly the same way (if this work is in the plans, a profile must be installed on its surface). Next, you can take on decorative overlays and baseboards, with the help of which you can easily hide defects and various technological gaps.

This is roughly how anyone can decorate a toilet with plastic panels. There are no special, insoluble difficulties in the work. The main thing during the execution process is to carefully fasten the panels to each other so that there are no gaps. Better to plant with glue ceiling skirting boards– they are needed only for decoration.

Finishing with MDF panels (lining)

We have discussed in detail how to decorate a toilet with panels, now a few words about MDF panels. These are very thin, light panels, the facing layer of which imitates expensive wood. Often this finishing option is chosen for large toilets, or for those cases when you want to get a room decorated in a classic style.

What is good about lining? The panels are moisture-resistant, perfectly resistant to various microorganisms and harmful fungi - thanks to all this, MDF panels can be called hygienic and safe for household use.

Yes, this option will cost more than tiles in terms of cost, but there are significant savings when compared with natural wood. In general, the walls in the bathroom can be whatever you want - the most important thing is that they are water-resistant and smooth.

Wallpapering bathroom walls

If we consider decorating toilet walls with wallpaper, we can say that this is the cheapest, quick way decorate the room. The main basic condition for such work is even, smooth walls. But there is one drawback - many wallpapers are very susceptible to a damp wall. If you choose wallpaper for finishing the toilet, then only moisture-resistant or vinyl.

How to finish a toilet ceiling

Bathroom ceiling cladding - second stage repair work in this room. Everyone knows that the toilet is the very place where you need to regularly perform wet cleaning. That is, perfect solution for the top - a moisture-resistant ceiling. There are several options for finishing this place:

  • Moisture-resistant drywall;
  • Plastic plates;
  • Suspended structures made of aluminum.

Today they often choose stretch ceiling. This product is very attractive. What’s most interesting is that spotlights can be installed in such a design. This is a big plus for small rooms - the fact is that the light from the lamps is reflected on shiny surfaces, thanks to which the space can be expanded optically.

An alternative solution that will tell you how to decorate the toilet is arranging the ceiling with foam plastic decorative slabs. However, you can simply paint the surface some pretty color. Shelves in the bathroom made of PVC panels are a really good, practical solution.

Floor covering

The floor treatment begins at the final stage of repairs in the toilet. Of course, the best suggestion is to tile the floor in the bathroom. This method looks great and is very easy to clean if you use certain cleaning products. The tiles for the floor are selected taking into account certain requirements, for example, they must fit well with the coating that is on the walls. The design, which was carefully selected for laying tiles on the floor surface, will make the toilet more visually voluminous.

The floor in the toilet is often subject to temperature changes, and there is also high humidity. In a toilet (compared to a bathroom), only waterproofing can be done - it is usually applied not only to the floor, but also to the surface of the walls - at least 20 cm.

The ideal solution is tiles in the toilet, both for the floor and for the walls. But there are also more economical ones, practical options, for example, linoleum. To install this material, no special skills are needed; these floors can be easily installed on your own. If you want your toilet to have a heated film floor, you should definitely implement it - the room will be very comfortable. At the end of laying the floor, baseboards are installed. What is also interesting is that in the toilet there are usually various communications: sewer, water pipes and so on. It is important to do the finishing so that all these elements are hidden from view. But there should always be access to them - if necessary, special doors are installed so that you can quickly get to one or another communication node. Boxes are often made of plastic or moisture-resistant plasterboard; it is also finished - usually the same material is chosen as for wall cladding. This is the only way to achieve the final goal - a practical, well-appointed, cozy bathroom in the apartment.

Video: finishing the toilet

We bring to your attention an excellent video on how to decorate a toilet with your own hands. After watching, everyone will understand that such work is not too complicated, so turning to specialists for help is not so important.