Mixer      06/17/2019

How to dry a cellar without ventilation. Tips and effective ways to dry the cellar in the garage How best to dry the cellar

With the onset of autumn, one more problem becomes in the life of all gardeners: how to preserve the entire crop. It's no secret that all grown vegetables and fruits, and later jars with seamings, are stored in the cellar. But during the summer season, the air there became heavy, unpleasant and damp. And then the question arises of how to prepare the cellar for wintering?

First thing

Where can you start all the work? First of all, it is necessary to take out everything that is stored inside to fresh air:

  • pallets;
  • racks;
  • bins;
  • boxes;
  • shelves.

All these storage tools must be cleaned and washed thoroughly. warm water with soap and soda. After that, the structures must be completely dried and ventilated in the fresh air.

For the purpose of disinfection wooden structures treated with a solution of copper sulfate, and then whitened. If you do not trust the old "grandfather" method, then you can purchase a special antifungal composition, which will also do an excellent job with this difficult task.

After the procedures, you can begin to process the walls and floor of the cellar. First of all, they must be washed and treated with a solution. blue vitriol to prevent mold growth. Only after performing such actions, you can begin to dry the cellar.

The easiest way to dry

It may seem to many that it is enough just to ventilate the cellar. Alas, it is not. The air in such a room is very humid, stagnant, and most importantly - heavy. That is why simply opening the door will not help. Many people have only ventilated the room all their lives and only after a while they began to ask themselves the question of how to dry the cellar correctly.

The easiest way to combat musty and stale air is to introduce an additional hood. All that needs to be done is to extend the ventilation inlet almost to the floor, and place a jar with a candle under it (it will create the required traction). Thus, stale air will leave the cellar. To create an initial draft, you can burn a sheet of paper, and then substitute a candle in the ventilation pipe. With the help of such a device, not a drop of moist air will remain in the cellar in a few days. But don't forget to keep front door open - this will provide an influx of fresh air.

How to warm up the cellar

Of course, the option with a candle is far from the only one. There are many ways to deal with excessive moisture. For example, warming up. Today in stores you can find all kinds of special thermal appliances. They allow you to both dry the cellar and use them in everyday life for another purpose.

The most popular device is heat gun. With it, you can very well warm the walls of the cellar. To do this, you just need to direct it in the right direction and leave it like that for a while. Despite the fact that this method is quite easy, not everyone uses it. And then the question again arises, how to dry the cellar on the street.

Previously, for this procedure, they simply made a fire. But, of course, this is not the safest option. It was replaced by an easy-to-use device - a brazier. It won't make it great work. It is enough to take a metal bucket, make legs for it, or simply put bricks around the edges, punch small holes at the bottom. After that, it is necessary to load wood chips into this design and ignite. When the flame flares up well, you can add large logs to the fire.

The brazier is placed in the cellar. The flame from it will not only dry out all the walls, but also expel the old, stagnant air, and the smoke will kill all the fungi and bacteria that lived there before. This procedure is more effective than a regular fire, and also much safer.

How to make a cellar well ventilated

Often in the cellar there is stale and musty air, and getting rid of it is quite difficult. The installation of additional ventilation will help to solve this problem.

For proper air circulation, it is necessary to make two shafts in different ends premises. For ventilation, it is better to use pipes with a diameter of about 15 centimeters. They must allow air to flow in and out. Do not forget about maintaining the temperature. In winter, it should be from -2 to +5 degrees Celsius. If everything is done correctly, then the question of how to dry the cellar will not constantly bother. All that needs to be done is to disinfect the room well.

How to dry the cellar after flooding

With the advent of spring, every summer resident suffers. After all, there is nowhere to go from the melted snow, and all this water will surely collect in the cellar. So how do you get started?

First of all, you need to completely pump out the water. The best way to do this is with a pump. After the water level reaches the minimum value, it is necessary to take out all wooden structures from the cellar. If possible, throw them away altogether. You can dry the cellar with a brazier. In such a situation, this method will be the most effective (it was described above).

Drying the cellar in the garage

Not all owners store their food and supplies in a separate room from the house. Many do not have this opportunity, so they equip their cellars, for example, in garages. But here another problem arises: how to dry the cellar in the garage?

For this procedure, most of the methods described above in the article are suitable. But there are more effective means. For example, in any agricultural store you can consult on how to dry the cellar, and, most likely, the seller will advise using a sulfur checker for this. In terms of efficiency, it is comparable to a brazier, but it does not emit such an amount of heat and smoke.

Those who know how to remove moisture from the cellar with a brazier, and deny all other methods, need to take care to build a hood so that everything there is not sooty from smoke.

Cellar in the house

The small living area makes the most of the space. Therefore, often people have to equip the cellar directly in the house. Yes, it's not the best convenient option, but nothing can be done.

In such a situation, it becomes problematic to find the answer to the question of how to dry the cellar in the house, because the brazier cannot be used there - all the walls will be smoked. The option using a candle is not so simple, and not everyone can find a heat gun.

So, how to dry the cellar in the house, if there is such a need? According to tradition, before proceeding with the whole action, everything should be taken out of the cellar. Then dry all the walls, best of all with the help of electric heaters (a regular heater is quite suitable). After that, all surfaces must be treated with an antibacterial and fungal agent and work on improving the waterproofing of the basement to prevent such cases.

Expensive way to dry

Many people find it easier to pay money than to do the work themselves. For them, they came up with a special way to dry the basement - with the help of injections. This is the most complex and expensive method of all presented above, which consists in introducing special waterproofing agents into the soil with a pump. These injections are made around the entire perimeter of the cellar and prevent the penetration of moisture into it.

The cellar is undoubtedly one of the most important premises in the economy. Its construction must be carefully considered. But if, nevertheless, the cellar needs to be dried urgently, then in this case only the improvement of waterproofing and the installation of more new system ventilation.

A common thing is the storage of various products and conservation in the cellar. An unpleasant fact is the presence of moisture, which can ruin all stocks. To cope with the situation that has arisen, you need to know how to dry the cellar. To do this, you can use not only specialized, but also improvised means. The article is devoted to the analysis of each of the methods of drainage, as well as the prevention of moisture.

Preparatory stage

The appearance of moisture in the cellar or basement does not pass without a trace. Usually it leads to the formation of mold and its spread throughout the basement. Therefore, before starting the drying of the basement, it is necessary to pass preparatory stage. The basement or cellar is carefully inspected and evaluated general state. After that, it is necessary to raise all the elements that are in the cellar. This applies not only to food stocks, but also to various shelves that are also present there. If the frame is made of metal, then it will need quality maintenance. It is better to do this during the transitional period - in the middle of summer. The air outside is warm, and the cellar is empty, because it is too early for new blanks. Wooden decking from the shelves needs to be exposed to the sun so that the ultraviolet rays do their job.

All mold in the cellar or basement will need to be brushed out. After that, the surface is treated with an antiseptic composition and, if desired, painted. Simultaneously with the emptying of the cellar, it is necessary to open its entrance and leave it in this position for several days. This is done for pre-ventilation. It is worth carrying out the procedure only if the weather is good warm outside. If the basement is equipped supply ventilation then the air will remove some of the moisture. It is advisable to inspect the ventilation ducts to make sure that nothing has clogged them.

Drying options with ventilation

Drying the basement or cellar after pre-training can be produced with hot air. It can be obtained using various combustible substances. At the same time, safety rules must be observed so as not to provoke a fire.

Bucket with coals

If the basement is equipped with a ventilation system, then drying will be much easier. Too warm weather can be a hindrance. The pressure difference is small, which prevents the outflow of air from the basement. To start the process, it is necessary to heat the air in the basement more. It will exit through the ventilation ducts, while collecting moisture. To carry out the process you will need:

  • old metal utensils;
  • charcoal.

As a metal vessel, you can use a bucket or a large pot. Even those with a lot of rust holes will do. The main requirement is that the bottom can support the weight of the coal. Using a drill, holes are additionally drilled for air flow. A steel cable is tied to the handle of the bucket or the handles of the pan, on which the container can be hung. The bucket is filled with coals, and they are kindled. To speed up the process, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a fan. After it was possible to achieve uniform combustion, the container can be lowered into the cellar. The cable is fixed from above and the hatch closes. The bucket should not reach the cellar floor.

During combustion, the mass fraction of oxygen will decrease. If it is not enough, the coal will go out. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to open the door every half hour for a fresh portion of air. This can also be done through the supply pipe, if available. Installed on it small fan and injection is done. Going down to the basement while the process is in progress is prohibited. In a compact room, carbon monoxide and smoke quickly accumulate, which in a moment can make you lose consciousness. When it becomes clear that the coal has completely burned out, then you need to get the container and close the basement tightly for several days. The process will still continue.

Note! By-products that are released during combustion will contribute to the destruction of the fungus. Therefore, in this way you can kill two birds with one stone.

If charcoal is not available, then you can use peat or ordinary coal, which can be purchased at the base. In this case, it is possible to achieve a temperature that will exceed 80 °. This improves efficiency and speeds up the process. Charcoal can be prepared by yourself if the required types of wood are available.

Electrical devices

If there is no particular desire to mess with the brazier, constantly watching it, then you can dry the cellar with the help of available electrical appliances. Can be used for heating in winter oil coolers, infrared heaters or small duikas. Great solution there will be an industrial heat fan. The device is placed in the middle of the cellar. If the floor in the basement is earthen, then it is necessary to build a wooden shield or use another stand for the heater. An extension cord is lowered into the cellar. The cross section of its cable must correspond to the expected load so that a short circuit does not occur.

In time, this method of drying the basement will take much longer. In addition, it is worth monitoring the overheating sensors that may be in the device. The temperature in the basement may not reach 80 degrees, but it will exceed the maximum allowable for the heater. An excellent solution for drying a basement or cellar would be an electric industrial fan heater. By power, you can choose depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cellar. The performance of this option will be ideal for the cellar.

Advice! It is better to plug the heater into an outlet that is located right next to electric meter or has a minimum distance for it. They are usually the most powerful.

Dry alcohol and a candle

An interesting solution for drying the cellar and basement can be the use of an ordinary candle. Naturally, one candle will not be able to do anything if it is placed in the middle of the room. Maybe a hundred candles will give the result for the cellar, but it will be completely covered with ashes. Therefore, you need to place it somewhere else. The candle is placed in a non-flammable container and lit. After that, it is placed directly under the ventilation chimney. Additionally, it can be slightly lengthened to lower closer to the floor. The candle will heat up the air under the pipe and create the required draft. To increase the flow into the basement or cellar, you need to slightly open the hatch or door. Due to the rapid change of air masses in the cellar or basement, drying occurs. Periodically it is necessary to change the candle. Instead of a candle to dry the basement, you can use dry alcohol, which is placed in a special burner or on a metal base.

Note! In most cases, when using this method in the warm season, the opposite reaction occurs. The basement or cellar is again filled with moisture to an even greater extent. This is explained by cold air from the basement is replaced by warm, which subsequently condenses on the walls in the form of water droplets. If such an effect was noticed when drying the basement, it is necessary to stop the procedure and use the heating method or wait until the beginning of autumn.

forced injection

When the ventilation system is properly organized in the basement, then there may be no problems with drying it. There are several ways to organize this. overpressure inside a basement or cellar. The first of them involves the installation of a blower fan on the supply pipe. At the same time, its performance should be as high as possible. The higher the number, the faster the replacement of the masses inside the basement will occur. In this case, all ventilation pipes must be cleared of debris and removed. protective grids. The fan can also be placed on the chimney. In the case when there is only an exhaust pipe, and the air supply occurs through the hatch, then the fan can be mounted directly in the hatch opening. He will do his job well.

Drying without ventilation

Drying without ventilation of the cellar or basement will be more troublesome, but it can still be done using improvised or specialized tools.

Use of bedding

Not everyone during construction knew about the need for ventilation in the basement or cellar. Therefore, in some cases it is necessary to know how to dry the cellar without ventilation. In any case, it would be desirable to arrange ventilation for the basement or cellar, which is appropriate to do in the warm season. To help drain the basement, special substances can come that perfectly absorb a large number of moisture. One of them is sawdust. They can be purchased or obtained free of charge at any carpentry workshop. You will need a lot of them. A layer of sawdust covers all accessible planes in the basement. They will not be able to ensure the complete dryness of the cellar, but they will lower the humidity to an acceptable level. In this case, it will be necessary to replace the flooring as it gets wet. It is not worth delaying with this, so that putrefactive processes do not begin, which will aggravate the situation.

Another accessible means is slaked lime. It also needs to be scattered around the entire perimeter of the basement or cellar. It will be able to absorb a certain amount of moisture. At the same time, it will also provide some disinfection. In almost every locality, calcium chloride is available. It is able to absorb moisture, which will be equal to half its weight. You will have to stock up on a fair amount of the substance if the humidity in the basement or cellar is significant. It can be used multiple times. To do this, you need to ignite it on metal baking sheet for drying. To collect condensate from the walls and ceiling in the basement or cellar will help carton boxes. If there are a large number of them in the bins, then it is enough to place them in the basement for a day. After drying in the sun, they can be used again.

Note! Before descending into the basement or cellar, where slaked lime or calcium chloride has been decomposed, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.


An excellent tool that will tell you how to dry the basement is an absorber. They can be of two types:

  • non-volatile;
  • working from the network.

The first are a small plastic container with a special substance that is fixed above it. It collects moisture in this container. Typically, such devices are small in size, so a cellar or basement will need several devices. Dehumidifiers that use freon are more efficient. Structurally, they resemble air conditioners or refrigerators. They condense moisture in the basement onto pipes, after which it is collected in a pan, which must be emptied periodically. A video of the drying of the cellar can be viewed below.

How to prevent moisture

To produce constant seasonal drying of the basement or cellar is not an option. In addition, over time, this will lead to the destruction of building materials, which will incur large expenses for the restoration of the basement or cellar. To prevent this from happening, it is important to take preventive measures.


Often it is a problem that in the basement or cellar high humidity. It is very easy to leave the earthen floor without making screeds on it. But the moisture that is contained in the ground will certainly rise to the cellar. One of simple ways solution to the problem would be to use dense polyethylene film. It is laid on the floor with an overlap on the walls. Can be placed on top wooden shields or sheet material which will be easy to navigate. If, after applying this method, the humidity in the cellar or basement has decreased significantly, then the floor is the source. To consolidate the result, it is necessary to fill in the screed with a waterproofing gasket.


If the situation has not changed after covering the floor with a film, then the problem may lie in the walls, more precisely, in their waterproofing. Concrete and brick have pores through which water will surely seep. At the construction stage, this moment could not be taken into account and the waterproofing of the cellar or basement could not be framed. It will take a lot of effort to resolve the issue. The first step is to dig a trench around the building. She must do accessible walls basement to dry. They must be kept until completely dry. And only after that proceed to the finishing work.

One of simple solutions there will be a laying of roofing material on bituminous mastic. The surface of the walls is carefully examined. All cracks and potholes that may be present are sealed. After a long stay in a humid environment, the walls of the basement or cellar must be treated with an antiseptic composition. After drying, one or more layers of primer are applied to the basement walls. Next, a layer is applied bituminous mastic. After drying, roofing material can be glued on the second. In this case, it is necessary to observe the overlap between the sheets in order to obtain a sealed structure. Along the way, you can carry out the insulation of the basement or cellar with foam.

Note! In an emergency, it is possible to carry out waterproofing from the inside of the basement or cellar. But it is worth remembering that this will not prevent moisture from climbing the walls, as well as destroy construction material outside.


Building ventilation for a basement or cellar is not a problem. If the basement is directly under the house, then the inlet can be made directly from the house so that warm air enters it, and not cold from the street, which could be a problem in winter. The outflow is done directly from the basement or cellar. In this case, the pipe rises above the roof of the building and a deflector is mounted on its end. Thus, it will be possible to achieve natural circulation of air currents.


As you can see, basement flooding or high humidity in cellars is not something out of the ordinary. Most often, it is enough to take simple measures to prevent such actions. Drying the basement is also not difficult if you have patience and make the required efforts.

Dampness in a room can appear in a number of ways. different reasons: flooding, fresh renovation, leaking roof, mistakes during the construction of the building, or just the room was without heating for a long time. But in most cases, dampness becomes an undesirable phenomenon, which they try to get rid of as soon as possible. There are many ways to dry a room, but the most effective option is the use of electric fan heaters, as well as heat guns, air dryers, recuperators and some other devices. But sometimes the so-called folk ways.

Drying the room

To dry the air in the room and no longer face this problem, first of all, you need to eliminate the cause of dampness, and only then deal with the consequences. In many respects, the choice of the method of drying the room depends on the reasons, and today there are several of them.

So, in order to dry the room, you can use one of the following methods:

Drying out the basement

High humidity in the basement is evidence of mistakes made during construction. But still, no one can guarantee that no one will flood the basement from above, or that the neighbor will not lay storm sewer in close proximity. If dampness has appeared in the cellar, then it is worthwhile to immediately carry out work to eliminate the cause, and in addition, also dry the room itself. Before that, all vegetables, boxes, boxes and other items are taken out of the basement, all the garbage is carefully swept up, and left in this state to dry naturally for a couple of days.

The basement, of course, can be dried with a heat gun or a dehumidifier, but, as a rule, folk methods are used in this room, which have shown high efficiency for a long time.

Most often used to dry the basement brazier- an analogue of a heater or fan heater in an apartment. A bucket is placed in the center of the room and a fire is kindled there, using first a small wood chip, and then firewood. The fire is maintained for several days, and during this time the heat displaces damp heavy stale air from the basement. The bonus of this method is that the smoke from an open fire is able to destroy mold spores and “drive out” various insects.

To dry the basement, you can even use ordinary candle. True, for this you first need to increase ventilation pipe almost to the floor, and put a candle under it. To create the initial draft, it is worth setting fire to a sheet of paper in the pipe, and then it will be supported by the flame of a candle. As a result, moist and damp air will gradually come out of the basement - you just need to constantly change the candles until the desired effect is achieved.

You can also use the property of some substances to absorb moisture: for example, on an inclined board in the basement they place calcium chloride powder, and the lower end is placed in some kind of container. This substance is able to absorb excess moisture, and absorb it in an amount twice the mass of the powder itself. The method is suitable for maintaining dry air in the basement, and calcium chloride after drying in a warm place can be reused. In such a basement, potatoes and other vegetables will definitely never bloom or rot.

Drying out the garage

In order to dry the air in the garage, it is better to use heat guns: They will do their job very quickly. Moreover, it is in the garage that you can use not electrical devices that consume a lot of energy, but their gas counterparts, or even diesel heat guns. The latter are considered the most economical, but during operation, as a result of fuel combustion, it forms bad smell, which is not as critical for a garage as it is for a living space. So, a diesel heat gun with a power of 20 kW consumes about 1 liter of fuel in 1 hour. Depending on the size of the garage and the humidity in it, the drying time may be different.

If the humidity in the garage is strong, then you can try using Air Dryer. By the way, some companies provide not only sales similar devices, but also their rental, which is very convenient: you can dry the garage space in a few days, remove the cause of dampness, and the dehumidifier will not be stored somewhere in the corner as unnecessary.

If it is not possible to use special devices, you can dry the air and use heaters and fan heaters. And, of course, it should be normal ventilation to remove moist air, and the presence of heating in it, i.e. recuperator - an additional plus.

Drying out the warehouse

The storage room, which is distinguished by its huge area and volume, requires a very serious approach to solving the problem of air drying. It is for such cases that they are most often used heat guns, which are also used in large stores, offices, construction sites. For warehouses, you can choose a gas or diesel heat gun: they are cheaper to operate than electric ones, and they will give a lot of heat. directional flow warm air, leaving the device with great speed, is able to quickly displace all dampness and humidity from the warehouse.

If the warehouse is not very large in area, you can try to use a dehumidifier, but at the same time, when choosing, proceed from the parameters of the room. If the dehumidifier does not correspond to the warehouse in terms of air exchange, then no visible result can be obtained: the air exchange parameter must exceed the volume of the room several times.

Once again, it is worth noting that along with drying the air in the room, it will not be superfluous to find and eliminate the cause of the appearance of humidity.

Dampness in the cellar is a common phenomenon that all residents of the private sector struggle with from season to season. Excess moisture may appear in the form of condensation on the walls and ceiling due to insufficient measures for waterproofing the premises, water may form on the basement floor from the proximity ground water or due to spring floods. The products themselves can also become a source of unwanted moisture if they are not collected on time or not dried enough. By itself, water is not dangerous, but it leads to the destruction of the building and all its details, in addition, it contributes to the appearance of aggressive mold, fungus and various insects.

This article will be devoted to how to dry the cellar, because it is simply necessary to deal with excess moisture in the basement, otherwise it will not work to save food.

Basement pre-drying rules

It is necessary to dry the cellars and cellars in the summer, when the weather is warm and dry. It is recommended to start this procedure as early as possible, preferably immediately after the rainy season. Cellar drying activities can last from a week to a month and a half - depending on how wet all the walls and floor are.

You need to start drying the cellar with natural measures, and if they are insufficient, you will have to move on to the second stage - forced drying.

Here's how you can dry your basement naturally:

Attention! If earthen floors are used in the cellar, it is recommended to change their top layer annually. To do this, the soil infected with mold and fungus is cut off and taken out into the street. Instead of this layer, a layer of dry coarse-grained sand is poured onto the basement floor.

How to dry a cellar without ventilation

It happens that there are no cellars exhaust ventilation either it is there, but it is faulty or natural draft is not enough to ventilate the entire basement. It also happens that the weather in summer is rainy and cloudy, which contributes little to the quality drying of the cellar.

In such cases, additional drying of the cellar is needed, which is carried out by artificial methods. There are several such methods and each of them deserves special attention.

Drying the cellar with a brazier

An ordinary metal bucket can act as the most primitive brazier. You can take an old bucket with a holey bottom or no bottom at all. A galvanized basin or some kind of metal trough is also suitable.

The container for the brazier must have legs, about 10-15 cm high. You can also put a bucket in the basement on bricks or stones. In any case, it is necessary to ensure the flow of air from below, which will stimulate the spread of heat in the cellar.

Important! If the basement floors are made of wood, and there is no way to remove them, the drying method using a brazier is strictly prohibited - this is a fire hazard! Before drying, all wooden and other combustible structures and equipment must be removed from the cellar. If the entrance to the cellar is made in the form of a hatch, it is necessary to provide a way to lower the brazier inside. It can be a regular rope with a hook at the end.

A bucket is filled with coal or firewood and a fire is lit on the surface of the earth, and only after that the brazier is lowered into the cellar, using a rope and a hook. The same applies to throwing firewood or coals: first, the bucket is removed from the basement to the street and only after that fuel is added.

A person can only monitor the condition of the fire and maintain the flame. In order to dry the cellar qualitatively, the brazier should burn for 10-12 hours. Thanks to the lower draft, the heat will spread throughout the cellar, filling all corners of the room with smoke and hot air.

As a result of such drying, the cellar will not only get rid of moisture, but will also be disinfected - acrid smoke will destroy mold, fungi and insects. The brazier must be placed strictly in the center of the cellar so that the heat and smoke spread evenly.

Advice! It is recommended to use linden or birch firewood as fuel. This wood has disinfectant properties.

In no case should you enter the basement while the brazier is working there - a person can simply suffocate in such a room or get poisoned carbon monoxide!

Drying the cellar with a candle

This method is very ancient, it was used hundreds of years ago. In order for drying by this method to be possible, the basement must be equipped with an exhaust pipe, which is usually located under the ceiling of the room.

The candle is placed in tin can and installed directly near the ventilation of the cellar. Be sure to extend the main pipe by installing a metal corrugation or a tin pipe on it.

A small candle warms up the air at the pipe inlet, because of this it begins to circulate faster in the basement, the draft increases. As a result, the air temperature in the cellar does not rise, but increases natural ventilation- Walls and floors dry much faster.

Cellar doors or hatch must be open when using this method!

Important! Instead of a regular candle, you can use dry fuel tablets. This substance, when burned, releases disinfectant gases, which will not be superfluous in the fight against mold and germs in the basement. To dry the cellar, you will need to burn 10-15 tablets.

Drying the cellar with electrical appliances

This method is quite expensive, since a lot of electricity is spent during the drying of the cellar. Two types of heaters can be used in the basement:

  • Closed heaters, such as oil, infrared, convector. The appliance is placed in the center of the cellar and evenly heats the air in the room. It will take at least ten hours to completely dry the basement, sometimes the heaters in the basement must work for several days.
  • The electric gun is designed to drain the premises after flooding, so it is perfect for seasonal drying of basements. This device is very powerful, the heat gun is able to dry the cellar in just a few hours, so the whole process will be cheaper than in the case of a household heater.

Attention! If the basement has dirt floors, you need to lay a rigid base for the electric heater on them.

Drying the cellar with a fan

Cellars are usually dried by opening the doors on warm and dry summer days. Can be accelerated natural process by installing a fan in the middle of the stairs. A prerequisite for this method is the presence in the basement exhaust pipe, because the fan just accelerates the air, accelerating circulation.

Depending on the size of the cellar, it may take three to five days to completely dry with a fan.

Advice! Fan blades inserted directly into the basement ventilation pipe are very effective.

Using a potbelly stove in the basement

A potbelly stove is very effective in drying cellars. However, such a furnace is not found in every private household. Those who have a potbelly stove can dry their cellar very cheaply and quickly.

The potbelly stove is placed inside the basement so that its pipe fits the exhaust vent of the ventilation system. They heat the stove with wood or coal - it does not matter, the main thing is that the heat in the basement is sufficient.

Hot smoke coming out of the potbelly stove chimney accelerates air circulation in ventilation duct basement. Additionally, the hot walls of the furnace warm up the room, drying out mold and fungus, eliminating condensation and excess moisture from the basement.

The stove method is considered a fire hazard, so there should be no wooden objects or other flammable materials inside the basement at the time of drying. You can not use a potbelly stove in those cellars where the ventilation is made of plastic - the pipe will simply melt from the heat of the furnace.

What to do with the cellar after drying

At the end of the ventilation, dried shelves are installed, boxes and bins are brought into the basement, boxes and boxes for vegetables or fruits are placed inside the cellar.

At all, excess moisture in the basement should alert the owner: if condensation appears, the walls or floor get wet, it means that something was done wrong at the stage of building the cellar.

There are several ways to improve the waterproofing of an underground storage:

In a dry basement, mold does not spread, fungus does not settle here, there are no bacteria and harmful insects, so the products are perfectly stored, remaining tasty and healthy until the next season.

There are several methods for drying the basement, each owner can choose the one that is more convenient and expedient for him.

In the section on the question of how to dry the underground in your house, very damp, asked by the author Nadezhda hudonogova the best answer is now the right question. There must be breathing in the house, they must be at a height of 15 cm from the ground in middle lane and ventilate the basement. As a rule, in a private house there are about 6 - 8 windows of approximately 20x20 cm. In summer they are open to the winds, but metal bars are installed in them so that small rodents do not enter the basement. If you don’t have one, then the task will be to make breathing holes in the floor in the house to ventilate the underground. This means that it is necessary to drill or cut holes of about 10x10 cm in the corners of the rooms. For decoration, they are also covered with metal bars. To quickly disappear the smell of rot will have to initial stage open underground. install a fan and dryer. Also, now it will be necessary to treat wood from fungus and rot, there is enough of this stuff like "Senezh" in the markets. Good luck.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to dry the underground in your house is very damp

Answer from Adaptability[guru]
we rock blowtorch and dry

Answer from Easily[guru]
there are special sealants. you buy a powder, dilute it in water, pour it into the basement, it absorbs all the moisture, turns into a gel and hardens

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
Heat gun. After that - waterproofing, drainage along the perimeter to the depth of groundwater, ventilation, treatment with Senezh, or just vitriol ...

Answer from Olga[guru]
It is necessary to ventilate. You can bring a box of salt. It absorbs moisture FROM the fungus. Whiteness or sulfur checker.

Answer from A Pavlov[guru]
someone like it, but I only have 2 vents, and one is almost invisible from the south, and from the north 20 * 50 is enough. such a draft that by September it is necessary to close

Answer from Hope R[guru]
I have 4 vents in my house - on each side - they are open all summer and there is ventilation .... I advise you to whitewash everything there - whiten everything - dry lime ... When there is no one in the house, open the hatch and the entrance doors and put a fan that the air was circulating.... like this....

Answer from Necronomygon mystic[guru]

Answer from Yergey Mitchenko[active]
Chemicals will help against smell and rot, and a ventilated heater (colloquially referred to as "Dufka") will help to dry, and the more powerful the better ... It is better to use a gas heater, they dry the air a lot ... But you need to install the heater with open air, otherwise there is no sense ...!

Answer from I will become your angel[guru]
well, there should be vents that open and thereby allow the basement / basement to dry and ventilate and close in the cold so that the blanks do not freeze and the floors in the house are not icy.