Mixer      08.03.2020

Sew roman blinds for sale at home. Do-it-yourself unique Roman curtains: photos, step-by-step instructions, useful tips. How to make Roman blinds with your own hands - step by step instructions

Sewing curtains at home is not difficult if you have at least minimal skills in working with a sewing machine. Do-it-yourself Roman blind, a step-by-step instruction, a photo of which can be easily found on the worldwide web, is easy to perform and does not take much time and effort.

At the same time, there are many videos showing each step of the workflow in order to sew such a product as a Roman blind with your own hands.

Sewing curtains at home is not difficult if you have at least minimal skills in working with a sewing machine

Curtains, made based on the sails of the ship of the ancient Romans, are called Roman in the modern world. They have a fairly simple mechanism of action - quickly and quickly lower / rise.

Roman blinds have a fairly simple mechanism of action - they quickly and quickly fall / rise

Modern Roman blinds are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • have a stylish design;

Roman blinds hide the penetration of bright sun rays

  • well hide the penetration of bright sunlight;
  • easy to use;

Roman blinds have a stylish design

  • moderately strict, but at the same time elegant;
  • have an original look.

In addition, if you make Roman blinds with your own hands, you will need much less fabric, as for other curtains.

Roman-type curtains are canvases of material in which for every twenty to thirty centimeters of fabric there are horizontal strips that fold when the structure is raised. In order for such a curtain to hold well and not sway from the slightest breeze, a small weighting agent is attached below.

Roman blinds have an original appearance

The mechanism of action of such curtains is quite simple - you just need to pull the attached control cord and the curtain opens or closes. Such a control mechanism consists of several cords, which are located along the edges of the curtains in special ring holes.

On a note! Roman blinds are ideal option for rooms of any functionality: for the kitchen, living room, bedroom or nursery.

What other types of curtains are on the market?

A wide variety of different ready-made curtains, which can be purchased in specialized stores, is presented in the following versions:

  • classic curtains;
  • roller blinds;

The simplest type of curtains is pieces of dense fabric of the required size with straight and even folds-waves.

  • blinds;
  • Japanese curtains;
  • french curtains;
  • Austrian curtains.

Curtains of the classic type can be presented in a variety of options. Their simplest form is pieces of dense fabric of the required size with straight and even folds-waves.

Roller curtains are suitable for small rooms, as they do not take up much space.

Roll-up curtains, which are a fabric of a certain size with a shaft and a small load at the end. Such curtains are one of the most comfortable and practical options, since it is possible to adjust their height and the degree of closeness of the window opening. Roller curtains are suitable for small rooms, as they do not take up much space.

French curtains look spectacular and elegant

Blinds are presented on the market with a huge selection of various shapes and color schemes. They can be made of wood or metal, have a horizontal and vertical connector. The color scheme is selected for every taste of the consumer, it can be plain or decorated with a pattern. Modern blinds can fully replace ordinary curtains.

Japanese curtains are great option for rooms decorated in a minimalist style. They do not clutter up the space, look stylish and comfortable. They are long and narrow fabric webs, which have a guide fixation at the top, and are weighted with a small load from below.

Japanese curtains do not clutter up the space, they look stylish and cozy.

French curtains look spectacular and elegant. Such curtains are cloth fabrics collected in numerous horizontal folds. Sometimes, in order to lift and hold the fabric, vertical bends are also used. Despite their luxury and splendor, French-style curtains are not suitable for small rooms, as they will take up a lot of free space.

When the curtain is completely lowered, the entire ornament and pattern is visible, so you should not save on this.

What is the best fabric to choose for making this type of curtain?

Before you make Roman blinds with your own hands, you need to choose the fabric for the future product. It should be noted that this can be any canvas you like. Suitable and translucent tulle, and denser fabrics. At the same time, needlewomen recommend opting for slightly stiff materials, as they retain their shape better and clearly demonstrate even folds when assembled.

Before you make Roman blinds with your own hands, you need to choose the fabric for the future product.

Important! When the curtain is fully lowered, the entire ornament and pattern is visible, so you should not save on this.

Moreover, the cut requires a minimum of fabric.

The color scheme must be fully integrated into general style apartments, which should also be considered in advance. Monochromatic fabrics are more versatile, but at the same time look more casual. For those who want to cheer up the general style of the room (country or Provence), you can opt for floral patterns or an interesting cage.

For those who want the product to cover the room from the keen neighbor's eye, but at the same time let the sun's rays through, you can opt for translucent fabrics. If you need to hide the room from the bright light of the sun, you can purchase material with such protection. They With wrong side treated with special impregnation.

When choosing curtains for the kitchen, it should be borne in mind that the fabric should not become a source of absorption of dirt, grease and odors.

When choosing curtains for the kitchen, it should be borne in mind that the fabric should not become a source of absorption of dirt, grease and odors. For kitchen curtains, easy-to-use canvases that will not lose their appearance after many washes are suitable.

For kitchen curtains, easy-to-use canvases that will not lose their appearance from many washes are suitable.

There are two main ways to sew Roman blinds - they can be single or double. The second option is useful if it is necessary to protect colored fabric from the bright sun and rapid fading. A single type of curtain is suitable for light translucent fabrics or light printed fabrics.

Determination of the required amount of fabric

The correct calculation of the length and width of the material for the future product is the key to a good result.

Before sewing a Roman blind with your own hands, you should determine the amount of fabric so that there is not much surplus left, but also enough for a full-fledged product. It is recommended to use the following algorithm for measurements:

  • determine the width and height of the window opening;
  • add another five centimeters to the measurements obtained on all sides.

For example, with a window opening width of 50 cm and a length of 120 cm, you will need to purchase a fabric with a width of 60 cm and a length of 130 cm.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the method of attaching the curtain itself (you can add another ten centimeters to the required length). To date, there are different variants fasteners and decoration of Roman blinds. Such curtains can be attached in the following ways:

  • directly inside the window opening;
  • standard placement on the wall over the window opening;
  • on window frame.

If the choice falls on one of the first two options, then at home you can build a cornice, or you can purchase a ready-made factory one.

The decor of Roman curtains comes from the taste and imagination of the needlewoman.

On a note! Most often, decoration is done with ropes or ribbons.

How can you sew a product with your own hands?

For beginners who have never sewed curtains and other curtains before, you can watch a master class that shows in detail how to sew a Roman blind with your own hands. .

In fact, the process is not complicated and any needlewoman can handle it.

The process will require the following tools and working materials:

  • prepared fabric size for a future product;
  • tape with sticky side;

  • rods for transverse fasteners;
  • plastic rings through which the ropes will pass;
  • nylon cord;

  • wooden weighting agent and a bar for hanging the product;
  • nails, screws or hooks.

The algorithm for cutting and sewing a Roman type curtain consists in following the following steps:

  1. Determine the amount of fabric needed to sew the product.
  2. Mark all boundaries after the required dimensions of the material have been determined. On the wrong side, lines are drawn at the places of future folds. Places for inserting rings are also marked. To make marks, you can use ordinary chalk or the remnants of bath soap.
  3. In order for the marking of the seams to be as accurate as possible, it is recommended to iron the fabric well beforehand. Sometimes it happens that the width of the fabric is slightly narrower than the window opening. In this case, you can sew several strips of fabric.

  1. Next comes the processing of the side edges.
  2. Fastening the top bar on which the curtain will be held. To do this, nail adhesive tape onto a wooden base with small carnations. Alternatively, you can use a conventional construction stapler.
  3. Wrap and sew the fabric from the bottom so that the bar easily enters the resulting opening. If the curtain will be attached to a regular cornice, do the same with the upper part of the product.
  4. After that, a border should be sewn on the wrong side of the fabric, resulting in “pockets”. After finishing this stage, you can check the correctness of the actions performed: the wooden planks should easily fit into the resulting pockets.

  1. Next, manually sew on the rings.
  2. Fix the curtain by fastening the sticky parts and fixing the fastener on the window. Pull the cord through the rings from bottom to top. You need to make sure that the cord is tightly tied from the bottom.
  3. Pass the cord through the rings of the top row.

On last step a wooden plank should be fixed to the window frame.

What should I pay attention to when purchasing ready-made curtains and curtains?

When deciding to purchase a finished product, several factors should be taken into account. If you approach the choice of curtains carefully, they will last for many years.

  1. Material finished product. It is necessary to give preference to dense canvases. good option may become cotton or muslin. You can also buy a product made from linen or organza. The advantage of dense fabrics is that they keep their shape perfectly and do not sag.
  2. The dimensions of the finished product should be no more than one and a half meters. For wide windows, you can buy several curtains, which should be fixed on separate cornices. Also, when buying, it is necessary to take into account the fact that Roman-type curtains need special fasteners.
  3. There are several types of control of such curtains. The simplest is the rotary chain. The mechanism of action is that with the help of a chain you can fix the required height of the curtain. More modern is remote type management. You can open or close such curtains using the remote control, as a special electric drive is built into the eaves.

Installation of Roman blinds can be carried out inside the window opening or above it.

To date, there are also ways to attach such curtains to arched windows.

Installation of Roman blinds can be carried out inside the window opening or above it.

I like

most efficient and fast way updating the interior without serious costs is the replacement of curtains. It is not a problem to buy or make custom-made curtains of any type today. And yet, it is much more interesting to sew curtains yourself, at home, because this master class is also available to beginners. Even if the question concerns Roman blinds, distinguished by their simplicity and elegance.

Roman blinds were borrowed from sailors. And today they are made according to the principle of sails or blinds: rising and falling pieces of fabric or wallpaper. Curtains are a flat rectangular canvas covering the window opening. Their feature is concise design, harmoniously woven into a modern interior. Natural fabrics, which are used to make Roman blinds, perfectly complement the ethnic style. The obvious advantage of sewing curtains yourself, using a master class, is the ability to sew them from any inelastic fabric. The material consumption will be much less than on curtains, so you can use expensive fabric for patterns. Thanks to tailoring without draperies, the pattern on the blinds comes to the fore.

Roman blinds distinguishes:

  • Mounting type- V window opening, on the wall above him, on the window frame. The first two types can be used with homemade cornices, the third - only with factory ones. Most often it is made to order.
  • Sewing method- single curtains or double blinds. In the first case, light or translucent printed fabrics are used, in the second - colored and dense ones that do not fade in the sun. The second option looks neater, but such tailoring requires more effort.
  • Method of fastening rods- tucks, backstage, special braid. There are models of Roman blinds and without rods.
  • decoration type- decoration with glass beads, cord, fringe, combination of fabrics for curtains.
  • Mechanism- homemade or factory.

Roman blinds on windows fit perfectly when cut and made exactly to size. To do this, before you make Roman blinds with your own hands, you need to prepare the fabric - decant, iron. If the curtain should close sunlight, choose black out fabrics (with special processing wrong side). The translucent fabric will let through most sunlight, closing the window from prying eyes. When choosing a fabric, it is necessary to evaluate it against the light: fabrics with a complex weave will look advantageous. If Roman blinds are combined with other types, it must be fixed on the glass (inside the window).

The choice of attachment method also determines the consumption of fabric:

  1. The first way (inside the opening) when the blinds are near the glass. This option is convenient for large window sills, when they can be operated with the curtains down. Or when the curtain is combined with curtains, where it serves as the wrong side.
  2. The second option (mounting the blinds on the outside of the window)- it is preferable if it opens completely. The curtain will cover the slopes by 5-10 cm on each side of the window.

Design of Roman curtains (video)

DIY Roman blind

Before you sew Roman blinds yourself, using this master class, you need to correctly measure the width and height of the window opening. If the cornices are homemade, optimal size there will be a width of 10 cm and a length of 20 cm more than the parameters of the window. For "blind" windows, blinds are chosen near the glass itself. Their size is fully consistent with the window opening. Before you sew Roman blinds with your own hands, you must also calculate the number of folds (depending on the length of the curtain).

We prepare materials:

  • Textiles for curtains and lining (if necessary).
  • 7-8 rails (wooden glazing beads or metal pins) - 3 cm less than the width of the canvas;
  • Wooden slats for hanging and weighting bar.
  • Braid or ribbon for drawstrings.
  • Decor elements.
  • Adhesive tape (to the width of the curtain).
  • Plastic or metal rings - 2 for each backstage.
  • Cord - 3 cuts, based on 2 curtain lengths + 1 width.
  • Hook for fixing the canvas, nails.

Workshop on making Roman blinds

A master class with step-by-step instructions and a photo will help you quickly master the mechanism for sewing Roman curtains with your own hands:

  1. Cut out a rectangle from the selected fabric according to the size of the window with a margin of 2 cm for a hem on all sides.
  2. Bend and iron the allowances of the vertical sides. Sew on the machine with a deviation from the edge of 0.5 cm.
  3. Sew on the marking tape.
  4. Calculate the lines of the expected folds and the location of the rings: symmetrically with respect to the midline, in 5 cm increments. Sew the rings firmly by hand.
  5. Stitch the lower edge of the curtain so that a weighting bar can be inserted into the hem (attach the weighting bar and measure). It is convenient to iron the hem inside out first, then sew.
  6. If a regular cornice is used, then the upper edge is processed similarly to the lower one, only the first seam should be at a distance of 1 cm from the edge.
  7. Insert the bar into the hem and fasten the curtain to the eaves. The rings should already be sewn on.
  8. Insert tubes or slats of wood between the curtain and the braid, trim along the edge - this is a mechanism for fixing the folds when lifting.
  9. Hang the curtain on the cornice and align it horizontally.
  10. Thread the prepared cord into the upper rings along and thread them through one ring. Pull 3 more cords through the rings, pulling them through the same ring.
  11. Lower the curtain and cut the ends of the cords (the margin of the cord should be about 50 cm). Pull the cords tightly, evenly distributing the folds, tie in a knot.
  12. Attach a hook to the window frame, on which the curtains will be fixed.
  13. decorate the curtain decorative elements to your taste. Ideas can be taken in the photo and video.
  14. In order for the blinds to drape beautifully, it is important to correctly calculate the lines of the intended folds. Our master class is suitable for stripes with an interval of 40 cm.

To remove the curtain for washing without problems, you need to fix the adhesive tape on the underside with a stapler wooden beam where the curtain is fixed. Velcro should also be attached to the top edge.

Do-it-yourself Roman blind from improvised materials (video)

Tailoring a Roman blind: possible difficulties

Even using detailed master class And visual photos, inexperienced craftsmen in the manufacture of the first blinds-blinds with their own hands may experience some difficulties.

Possible oversights:

  • Warp curtains possible with errors in cutting. It is necessary to cut under the ruler, along the shared thread, it is simply impossible to cut between the threads. The height of the curtains must be placed along the edge along the main thread under the ruler, strictly observing right angles.
  • Drawstring at side seams– Poorly adjusted thread tension or too dense fabric. In this case, it must be duplicated with a thin lining.
  • Tightness along the transverse seams it turns out if the braid is not treated with steam iron or it was not previously fixed with pins.
  • Concave lines on the side seams between the bars are visible if the braid was not stretched correctly during sewing. A defect is also possible in the absence of preliminary decatization of the material with shrinkage of the fabric.
  • The tension of the lining can be avoided if, before sewing, the fabric is pre-treated: synthetics - with steam iron, natural fabrics - with hot water.

Do-it-yourself mechanism for Roman blinds

Roman blinds require not only special tailoring, but also a special lifting mechanism.

To make it, you need to prepare:

  • Wooden glazing beads;
  • Beam for eaves;
  • A weighting bar (for example, a piece of cash).

Master class: lifting mechanism for Roman blinds

Step-by-step instructions will help to assemble the mechanism.

What do we have to do:

  1. From the prepared materials, cut into pieces, 1 cm less than the width of the curtains. You can use an electric jigsaw.
  2. For a homemade cornice, you need to cover the bar with a cloth. It is convenient to work with a stapler and glue gun with hot glue.
  3. On the lower edge of the beam covered with textiles, we fix the hard side of the Velcro adhesive tape with a gun. You can grab for a guarantee and a stapler.
  4. On the reverse side of the workpiece, fasten the fasteners for hanging the cornice on the wall (if the mechanism is designed for a curtain that will be located outside the window opening). Corners are suitable for fastening inside the window. Homemade cornice is ready. It is useful to involve men in the process - they will quickly figure out how to bring this master class to life. It is convenient to fix the curtain on it on the same Velcro tape.
  5. After fixing the cornice fasteners on the wall, insert the cross rails and the weighting bar into the pockets of the curtains. After that, rings can be sewn along these lines in three rows - the last row - 2.5 cm from the side edge of the curtain.
  6. It remains to put the cornice on the table and fix the curtain on it.
  7. Turn the curtain with the cornice inside out and mark on the cornice a place for iron ears, which are screwed into the bar from below to secure the lifting mechanism. You can use screw-in hooks by slightly bending them with pliers.
  8. Screw 4 hooks into the end of the cornice: 3 against the rings and 1 from the edge where the lifting cord will be.
  9. Tie all cords to lower rings and bring them out through the ears to one side, as in the photo.
  10. When all the cords are out, equalize their tension and secure the entire mechanism together with a knot. Continue fixing the cords, weaving the ends into a pigtail. At the end of the pigtail, you can fix the ring. In the photo - the lifting mechanism: a diagram and a finished curtain.

To fix the curtain in a raised state, you need to attach a cord hook to the wall. Do not attach the end to the battery - ugly and uncomfortable!

Roman blinds can be made from blinds. You can see how curtains made of blinds look like in the next video.

Do-it-yourself Roman blind from old blinds (video)

Having mastered the simplest master class(even if using wallpaper as an example), you can safely take on the tailoring of other models of Roman blinds, since the technology is based on the same principle and a similar lifting mechanism.

Do-it-yourself Roman blind (photo)

Good afternoon friends!

Recently I accidentally saw a video on how to sew a Roman blind. I didn’t even imagine that it was easy to do it yourself and pretty quickly.

She suddenly wanted to hang such curtains at home. I got really excited and intrigued by this issue. I began to study the material in detail, find out all the nuances and secrets, looked at the reviews. As a result, I had a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to sew a Roman blind with my own hands: detailed guide I decided to describe it right away before I forgot.

What are roman blinds

Roman blind - canvas small size, which closes the window within the frame. It has a lifting mechanism, so the curtain can be raised or lowered if necessary: ​​close the window from the hot sun or, conversely, let sunlight into the room.

When lifted, the curtain falls in horizontal folds.

According to one of the legends in the building Ancient Rome with such curtains made of heavy dense and wet fabric they came up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bclosing windows from dust that flew from building material and stone, and then they were useful for protection from scorching rays. But at the same time, it became necessary to lift them up in order to let in air and ventilate the room.

According to another legend, the idea of ​​​​curtains came from Roman sailors, sails were then made according to the same principle of raising and lowering.

Nowadays, Roman blinds are very fashion element interior. It is a combination of the softness of the fabric and the functionality of the blinds. Fashionable curtains hang not only in the kitchen and bathroom, small rooms with narrow windows, but also in spacious living rooms with big windows from plastic. In the latter case, either one wide curtain or several small ones are used. Personally, I like the option of several curtains more.

Roman blinds are sewn from different fabrics - plain and patterned, floral and striped, dense and translucent, with complex weaving. Sometimes the bottom edge is additionally decorated.

Curtains can be mounted both inside the window opening close to the glass, and on the outside of the window. You can see samples in the photo.

They are hung separately by themselves or together with classic curtains and tulle.

It is believed that everything that is fashionable is expensive. But for us, needlewomen, nothing is impossible. And it is quite possible to sew Roman blinds yourself.

Do-it-yourself Roman blinds on windows or on a doorway are done the same way.

materials for making roman blinds

We need the fabric itself first of all. In terms of quality, it is better to use a not very heavy canvas for a Roman blind so that it drapes easily. However, the fabric should be dense, do not use knitwear that will stretch under the weight of the inserted rails.

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Not much fabric is required for one curtain, its consumption is determined based on the length and width of the window, taking into account seam allowances. Plus, a little more fabric is needed for the pockets into which the slats will be inserted.

For lifting gear:

  1. Adhesive double-sided tape for attaching a curtain to an eaves 2.5 cm wide. These are sold in sewing supply stores.
  2. Metal or plastic rings and self-tapping screws with a hook through which the cord will be threaded.
    Three hooks are required for a narrow curtain.
    The number of rings = the number of folds on the curtain, multiplied by 3.
  3. Nylon cord. You can use any other, and for better glide, connect it with a fishing line (4mm).
  4. Reiki, along which folds will be formed. The width of the rails is approximately 1.5 cm. Can be used plastic profile, glazing beads, cable channels, pins, bamboo sticks.
  5. The weighting agent is a bar that is inserted along the bottom of the curtain. In the repair goods store you can buy some kind of cash.
  6. A bar with a width of at least 2.5 cm, on which our curtain will be attached to the window, is, in fact, a home-made cornice.
    We prepare the slats, weighting agent and bar one centimeter less than the width of the finished curtain.
  7. Fixings for eaves.
  8. Hot glue, furniture stapler or carnations with decorative caps.

And also we will need a needle, thread, scissors, a sewing machine and an iron.

We build a pattern of a Roman blind with our own hands

We do not need a universal pattern for a Roman blind, as it can be made by hand for each individual case.

You just need to know the dimensions of the window. I will use the window size 120 x 220 cm as an example.

Curtain width

The width of the curtain inside the window is equal to the width of the window - 1 cm. Add to this value 1.5 cm for allowances on each side:


If the curtain will be located on the outside of the window, then 5 cm must be added to its width:


curtain length

Here, the calculation will be more complicated.

The Roman blind can be sewn double, on the inside, sew on drawstrings from braid or strips of fabric for inserting slats. But I propose another option, simpler and more accurate, as it seems to me. I love that everything looks beautiful from the inside.

The length of the curtain is equal to the height of the window - 1 cm (for the inner curtain, for the outer - any size).

We add 7.5 cm to the bottom hem and 3 cm to the top hem:


And we also need to add fabric to the pockets for the rails.

The width of one pocket is 1.8 cm (for a rail 1.5 wide, taking into account the thickness). We multiply it by 2 \u003d 3.6 cm.

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We divide the length of the curtain by the width of the fold chosen at your discretion:

By integer we get 7 folds, hence the number of pockets: 7-1=6.

We multiply the width of the pockets by their number: 3.6x6 \u003d 21.6.

It turns out that for the length of the curtain you need:

229.5+21.6=251.1 cm.

The dimensions of the width and length are set aside on the wrong side of the fabric and cut out the curtain blank.

Roman blind tailoring

Now we start sewing a Roman blind with our own hands.

Step by step description:

Step 1. We hem the side seams, iron them with an iron.

Keep seams small and neat.

Step 2. Set aside 3 cm on top, fold it to the wrong side, turn the edge 0.5 cm inward, iron and hem.

Step 3. Set aside 7.5 cm from the bottom and hem the bottom edge at a distance of 5 cm, after also ironing it.

Step 4. On the wrong side, we mark with a pencil the lines for the location of the pockets, starting from the bottom, at the following distances:

30 cm (fold width) -3.6 cm (pocket width) -30 -3.6-30-3.6-30 -3.6 -30 -3.6-30-3.6

A little more than 30 cm will remain in the upper part, but this is not scary.

After all, the Roman blind is not raised to the very top, so the size of its upper part can be arbitrary and not necessarily equal to the width of all folds.

Step 5. Fold the fabric in the places of the pocket, connecting the two lines, right side inward. We get small folds, sweep them, sew them on a typewriter.

We iron, directing all pockets necessarily down.

This important condition, if not observed, the folds will not fit well.

Step 6. Sew Velcro tape to the top edge of the curtain with two lines (along the top and bottom edges of the tape).

That's all, our Roman blind is ready. We iron it again.

Do-it-yourself cornice for Roman curtains

In principle, it would be easier to buy a ready-made cornice for Roman blinds. But if you do everything with your own hands to the end, then we proceed as follows.

We take the prepared bar and wrap it in fabric. We use the same as for sewing curtains. We fix with a stapler or decorative carnations.

We nail adhesive tape to the bar on the front side, you can try to glue it with a hot gun.

WITH reverse side at the ends we fasten the corners to the bar, on which we will hang the cornice to the wall.

At the bottom of the bar from the edges and in the center we screw in self-tapping screws with hooks.

How to make a roman blind lift

Finally, we have come to the main final stage in the manufacture of Roman blinds.

Gently sew along the edges (preferably as close to the edge as possible) and in the center on all pockets for the rails of the ring with a needle and thread.

Comfortable, practical, perfectly fitting into modern interiors, suitable for any windows, Roman blinds in the kitchen, living room, nursery, bathroom are at the peak of popularity today. Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to find an option suitable for a specific situation and fully satisfying our needs in a ready-made sale. The way out in this case will be the master classes “Do-it-yourself Roman curtain” published below. They are simple, understandable, and although fundamentally different in technology, both are suitable for both experienced and novice craftswomen. The resulting curtains are also different. In the first case, the folds on them are rigid, geometrically even, and in the second, they are soft, smoothly sagging towards the center.

Do-it-yourself Roman curtains photo of two manufacturing options

Based on plastic blinds
No slats with soft (European) pleats

General steps for all methods

There are many ways to make Roman blinds with your own hands, but they all have two common steps: taking measurements and calculating folds.

P1 We take dimensions

Layout of curtains relative to the window
  • Outside. To obtain the value of the length of the panel in this case, you need to decide at what height the cornice will be located, and measure the distance from the upper point of its attachment to the window sill. To obtain the width value ─ measure the width of the window opening and add 12-16 cm to it or take the width of the window sill as a basis, including its parts protruding beyond the opening. This is done so that the fabric covers the window completely.
  • Inside. To obtain the length of the curtain when fastened inside the opening, measure the distance to the window sill from the upper slope of the window. To calculate the width, it is necessary to measure the width of the window opening in several places, since it may not be too even. The smallest value obtained is taken as the basis for the calculations and another 2 cm is subtracted from it. This is done so that the curtain can be easily raised and lowered without touching the slope.
  • On the window frame. In this case, measure the length and width of the transparent part of the window (glass). In order for the curtain to completely close it, but not interfere with the functioning of the sash, the distance from the glass to the base of the handle multiplied by 2 is added to the width, and 10-12 cm to the length. Another way to get the length of the curtain when it is mounted directly on the window frame is to measure its height .

P2 We calculate the folds

Any Roman blind consists of identical horizontal folds that gather on top of each other when lifted. After the main overall dimensions of the curtain have been made, you can begin to calculate their number and depth. There can be as many folds as the length of the fabric allows, but most often from 5 to 9. A smaller number will simplify the design of the curtain, and more will make it unnecessarily lush.

Calculation procedure

To make a Roman blind, the number of folds and their depth are selected individually in each case, based on the height of the window opening or window.

Let's take a curtain 145 cm long as a sample.

Find out the length of the fabric for laying the folds. Let's assume top margin = 5cm, 145-5=140cm.
Using the selection method, we calculate the height of each fold. To do this, we divide the resulting length by numbers, starting from 5.

140:5=28 cm;
140:6=2.3 cm;
140:7=20 cm;
140:8= 18.5 cm;
140:9=15.5 cm.

We choose from the results obtained the one in which, in your opinion, the curtain will look most impressive.

Roman blinds from blinds without sewing

Almost all ways to sew Roman blinds with your own hands, as a rule, require a sewing machine. In contrast, the master class offered below tells step by step how to make beautiful and high-quality Roman curtains on your own without sewing in 2-3 hours and is suitable even for people who have never held a thread with a needle in their hands. What is its essence? Firstly, the cuts on the fabric are processed with adhesive tape, and not with machine stitching. Secondly, the lifting mechanism traditional for Roman blinds is replaced by inexpensive plastic blinds, which further simplifies the process of making curtains. It is also convenient that the blinds for Roman blinds in our master class do not have to be new. They can be used and, despite this, the curtain will look beautiful and neat.

Necessary materials

To make a Roman blind with your own hands based on blinds, you will need:

  1. A set of plastic horizontal blinds according to the width of your window;
  2. A piece of dense, well-shaped fabric;
  3. Adhesive tape on a paper basis, 1-2.5 cm wide;
  4. Fabric glue or any general purpose glue
  5. tassel;
  6. Scissors, tailor's chalk;
  7. Roulette or centimeter, ruler;
  8. Iron and gauze.

Operating procedure

We look at the procedure in P1 of our article “General steps for all methods of sewing Roman blinds”. To the resulting width and length we add 5 and 12 cm, respectively.

Step 1: Taking measurements

Step 2: We start making a curtain with our own hands

We cut off a piece of fabric, according to the obtained dimensions and process the lower and side sections. You can do this in two ways:

  1. We turn the processed edge to the wrong side by 2.5 cm, place an adhesive tape between the layers of fabric and fix it with an iron.
  2. From the wrong side of the fabric at a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge to be processed, draw a line with chalk. We turn the fabric right side up, apply adhesive tape to the edge of the paper base up and iron. We turn the fabric over and bend the edge with the glued tape up and iron it again. We bend the edge inside out again to the marking line, iron the fold, remove the paper and seal (iron) completely.

Both procedures are repeated with the other edge and bottom, and the top is left unprocessed. The second method is more difficult, but its result looks neater, since the cuts are hidden in the hem.

Step 3: Preparing the Blinds

We need to shorten the blinds to the required length and remove the extra slats from them, leaving only a few pieces. To do this, open them to their full length and lay them out on a flat surface.

Cut thin threads along the entire length. They serve to rotate the slats around the axis and regulate the luminous flux and will not be useful in our Roman blinds. Don't confuse them with the thicker threads used to raise and lower the blinds that run through each slat.

As a result, we get blinds with freely moving up and down slats.

Step 4: Calculate the folds and remove the extra slats

Before sewing a Roman blind, you need to decide how many folds we want to lay on it. The slats, if you do not take into account the weighting bar, will require one less. We calculate the number of folds according to P2 of our article “General steps for all methods of sewing Roman blinds”, but in principle, you have the right to make their number, as well as the depth, any to your taste. The following rules are usually followed:

  • On curtains up to 145 cm long, 6 folds are laid. In this case, leave 5 slats;
  • On curtains up to 225 cm long, 7 folds are laid and 6 strips are left;
  • On curtains longer than 225 cm, 8 folds are laid, for which, accordingly, 7 slats are required.

In order to remove the extra lamellas, we take out the plug on the weighting bar and cut off the knot on which the cords are tied.

Then we remove the weighting agent, leave the required number of slats, shorten the cords, if necessary, return the weighting bar to its place, tie the cords and install the plug in place.

This is what the blinds will look like in the end

Step 5: Glue the Top of the Canvas to the Cornice

You can also do this in two ways:

  1. With glue.
  2. With Velcro tape.

In the first case, we glue the upper end of the cornice with glue and apply the upper edge of the curtain to it, slightly wrapping it behind the cornice. In the second ─ we glue pieces of Velcro tape on the end of the cornice and the upper edge of the curtain.

Step 6: Glue the lamellas and the weighting bar onto the fabric

We have done the hardest work. Now you need to evenly and accurately distribute the lamellas over the fabric. The value of the interval between them can be calculated by the formula S = L: N - H, where S is the desired interval, L is the length of the curtain, N is the number of slats, H is the height of one slat.

Having made the necessary calculations, we mark the locations of the lamellae with chalk, apply glue to them with a brush and glue them to the fabric. It is important to ensure that the adhesive does not get on the adjustment cords. In conclusion, we glue the bottom of the curtain to the weighting bar.

Step 7: Putting the curtain back in place

Above the window, our Roman blind is installed in the same way as the mini blinds on the basis of which it is made.

We do the following: we fasten the grooves for the upper bar to the window opening, and then insert the bar itself into them.

Our roman blinds are complete.

Soft (European) Roman blind

Roman blinds are not necessarily strict geometry and asceticism. There are also more romantic variations of them, when there are no transverse slats in the canvas, the folds are not kept in a strictly horizontal position and smoothly sag towards the center. Outwardly, they resemble the Austrian or English counterparts, but differ from the “Austrians” in that they consist of only one section, and from the “Englishwomen” in the absence of vertical bow folds and side sags.

As a result, do-it-yourself soft Roman curtains, according to the step-by-step instructions below, look stricter and more modest than their closest counterparts, but more romantic than models with hard inserts and fit perfectly into a cozy home environment.

The guide for sewing European Roman blinds is extremely simple. Even a novice craftswoman can make them. It's also nice that not so much fabric is required for such a model, and even if you choose an expensive option, such curtains will turn out to be quite budgetary.

A bathroom and a window for which our curtain is intended before and after cosmetic repairs

It is advisable to choose fabric for any curtains (and Roman ones are no exception) based on the characteristics of their cut and design and the purpose of the room in which they are planned to be hung. Below we offer the best option for a bathroom or kitchen made of thick cotton fabric, impregnated, if possible, with a compound that repels water and kitchen smell. But this is just a recommendation, and the final choice depends only on your vision.

Necessary materials

In order to sew Roman blinds with soft folds according to our master class, you will need:

  1. 2-3 meters of fabric for the front side (depending on the height of the window and the depth of the folds you have chosen);
  2. 2-3 meters of fabric for lining;
  3. sewing machine;
  4. scissors;
  5. threads, needles;
  6. safety pins;
  7. furniture stapler;
  8. plastic rings;
  9. 3 screws-hooks;
  10. nylon cord;
  11. wooden block for mounting curtains;
  12. wooden rail for the bottom.

Operating procedure

Step 1: Before you start sewing Roman blinds with your own hands, we take measurements

In our case, it is supposed to hang the curtain on plastic windows outside the opening. How to take measurements is described in P1 "General steps for all methods of sewing Roman blinds." To the obtained dimensions on the front part, we add 4 cm from the sides and 4 cm each, 2 cm from the top, and 8 cm from the bottom to the seams and hem, and on the lining, respectively, 2 cm, 2 cm and 8 cm.

Step 2: Cut out the front of the curtain

No paper pattern is required. We smooth the fabric with an iron, fold along to the required width, cut off the excess along the entire length. If the fabric is more than twice as wide as the window opening (in our case, the width of the window in the bathroom is 80 cm, and the fabric is 190 cm), it will be needed, respectively, twice less. Cut the canvas in half widthwise and connect into one long piece.

Before attaching the parts on the typewriter, do not forget to carefully and accurately combine the pattern, as shown in the photo below.

Step 3: Cut out the lining and attach it to the front

If the lining fabric is more than 2 times wider than the future curtain, we first perform the same procedure as above: we cut the fabric in width, and then we begin to sew the resulting pieces together into one long canvas. Do not forget to iron each seam well on both sides.

Then sew the lining to the front of the curtain along the side and top seams. To do this, we combine both canvases along the cuts with the front sides to each other, cut off with safety pins and sew on three sides, departing from the edges by 2 cm. Then we remove the pins, turn the curtain inside out and smooth the seams with an iron.

Step 4: Finish the bottom seam

We tuck the bottom of the curtain by 2 cm, iron it, sew it, tuck it another 6 cm and again stitch and iron it.

Step 5: Sew on the rings to tighten the folds

With safety pins, on the sides, in accordance with the calculations of the folds, we mark the places where the rings will be located and sew them on manually.

After the rings are sewn, we thread nylon cords through them.

Step 6: Preparing a bar for mounting a Roman blind over a window opening

To make the bar look aesthetically pleasing, we wrap it in a lining fabric and fix it with a stapler. The curtain itself on an ennobled bar can be fixed in two ways:

  1. Staples using a stapler (as shown in the photo below);
  2. Using Velcro tape, sticking one part of it on the bar, and the other on the top of the curtain from the wrong side.

The second option is convenient in that the curtain can be easily and without problems removed for washing and hung out again in place.

Step 7: Insert the screw rings

We screw the screw rings into the bar at the same distance from the edges as the plastic rings and thread the nylon cords through them. The lifting mechanism is ready.

Step 8: Finishing the Bottom Edge

We insert a wooden rail into the drawstring we made at the bottom of the curtain. It will help the bottom of the curtain to keep a strict "Roman" shape. The rail should not be visible, so its length must be made 2 cm shorter than the width of the curtain.

Step 9: Installing the Structure Above the Window Opening

You can install a curtain above the window, just like a roller blind, or you can use metal corners that are previously fixed above the window opening.

Ours is completely ready for the kitchen or bathroom with our own hands.

Making Roman blinds with your own hands video

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Important! For tailoring a Roman blind, you need a piece of fabric that is smaller than for standard curtains, and the pattern will play in all its glory. In fact, the consumption of material is the width of the window plus a couple of centimeters for allowances and seams - this will allow you to choose even the most expensive material for your windows.

What does it represent?

A Roman curtain is called a curtain of a special design, which does not have draperies, but is opened by folding the fabric into folds with the help of cords and rails sewn into the cloth. They are suitable for office windows and home, for modern hallway and kitchens. Fit into any environment correct selection colors.

When unfolded, it has the appearance of a canvas that covers the entire lumen of the window. When folded, the folds gather at the top of the window and do not interfere with enjoying daylight.

There are two types of such curtains:

  • simple. When closed, it is a straight, even canvas; when open, it has even, even folds that overlap one another. They have a completely simple look, but it is precisely because of this that they fit perfectly into any interior. These cannot be wider than 1.5 m. If the window is larger in size, then it is necessary to decorate it with several such canvases.
  • Cascading. These do not align completely even when unfolded, creating an elegant cascade.

Before sewing: measurements, fastening options

It is possible to sew a Roman blind yourself, but only if you have at least minimal skills in dealing with fabrics and threads. In this seemingly simple construction, it is important to maintain the symmetry and quality of the details. Only in this case, she will beautifully "sit" in her rightful place.

Fabric consumption

It will depend on the location of the curtain itself. There are several options:

  • IN . The fabric will fill the space from slope to slope.
  • To Wall. In this case, it occupies space along the width of the opening. Installation can be carried out on the wall and even under the ceiling.

In the first case, you need to measure the distance from slope to slope, in the second, the width of the opening + the necessary allowances for the wall. With any measurements, attention should be paid to their thoroughness and accuracy - sometimes the window opening can be wider at the top than at the bottom, this must be taken into account when cutting.

Length, width and fastening

When determining this parameter, you should consider whether the canvas will fall below the window sill or not. In the case of a Roman blind, “before” is still better. So it will be possible to avoid gaps that will definitely occur with the length of the curtain “behind” the window sill.

Curtain width - this indicator refers to options that are mounted on the wall, and not in the opening. It is important to exclude light from entering the gaps. To do this, it is enough to make allowances for the walls of 3 cm on each side. It is important to remember that all fabrics shrink within 5% and this must be taken into account when making measurements.

Important! When choosing a cornice, you should pay attention to the "removal", the smaller it is, the less gaps there will be in the closed position of the curtains.

When measuring, remember that you also need allowances for seams and folds of 1-1.5 cm, depending on the pattern and the chosen fabric.

Choosing a fabric

Before you sew such a curtain with your own hands, you need to choose the right fabric and accessories. The most important criterion for a fabric is that it should not stretch. Ideal Solution- densely woven fabrics. This is due to the peculiarities of tailoring - there will be a weighting agent at the bottom. It generates tension when unfolded. If the weaving is weak, then over time the curtain will stretch.

The fabric can be plain or multi-colored, even transparent. The latter are often used as roman blinds, they are covered from above with a standard dense canvas of roman blinds.

Laconic dining room with Roman blinds of low density natural fabric as a tulle that transmits sunlight