Mixer      06/12/2019

Insulating a bathtub with your own hands - improving the characteristics of a steel bathtub. Do-it-yourself soundproofing of a steel bathtub - how to make a bathtub silent

A steel bathtub has high thermal conductivity, so the water in it cools down quite quickly. This can be avoided by insulating the bathtub with a kind of “shirt”. You can do this yourself, having all the necessary materials at hand.

  • Preparatory work
  • Useful tips

Tools and materials for bath insulation

Conventional polyurethane foam and three-centimeter thick polystyrene foam will be used as bath insulation. First you need to find out the surface area of ​​the bath. Standard bath, 150 cm long has the following dimensions 1.4 x 0.55 x 0.4 meters. 1.4 m - internal length of the bathroom, 0.55 m - depth, 0.4 m - width. Using this data, it is easy to calculate the area of ​​the container.

Layer polyurethane foam should be about 2 cm, that is, one half-liter cylinder is guaranteed to be enough. The foam will be applied in two passes, so you may have to buy it in addition. It is better to apply foam with a gun. It reduces costs by 20 percent and is inexpensive. Some models of pistols have special attachments, but if they do not exist, then such an attachment can easily be made from a plastic tube by heating and flattening its end. It is necessary that the foam comes out not in a stream, but in a stripe. But you can do without a gun, using ordinary cylinders.

Preparatory work

The bathtub is taken out to a spacious place and placed “upside down” on wooden blocks so that it can be worked from any side. You should be extremely careful to avoid damage to the enamel. It is better to immediately seal the places where the foam should not get in with masking tape.

Do-it-yourself bath insulation

The surface to be treated is pre-moistened, then a layer of foam is applied in small sections and foam is applied on top. Large pieces are placed on flat areas, and smaller pieces in bends.

For reference: the insulation work is almost finished; you need to protect the foam itself from moisture absorption using putty or two-component glue. The main thing is to choose a material that is compatible with polystyrene foam and is not afraid of moisture.

At the end, the masking tape is removed and the siphon and overflow necks are checked. If something happens, the interfering foam is cut off with a knife.

In this way you can insulate any bathtub, even the most complex geometric shapes. But when working with a cast-iron bathtub, you can’t handle it alone, so you will need at least two assistants.

1. You can easily remove or clean the foam from places where it is not needed using acetone or solvent No. 646.

2. To carry out insulation work, you need to use polyethylene gloves. Their cost is negligible. It is important to note that the polyurethane foam does not stick to the foam, which greatly simplifies the work.

3. To get rid of the adhesion of small crumbs of foam and polystyrene foam while cleaning irregularities, it is better to first moisten the surface with plenty of water.

Conclusion: Insulating a bathtub is a responsible and complex process, but if you follow all the rules and are careful, you can easily complete this job. The main rule is don’t skimp on materials.

Apartment renovation

The main drawback of a metal bath, high heat transfer, can be corrected by packing it in a heat-insulating “fur coat”. Making such a fur coat is not difficult. Now we will look at how to insulate a bathtub with your own hands, and what you will need.

How to insulate a bath

As a thermal material, we will take polyurethane foam, as well as polystyrene foam in sheets 20-30 mm thick. We calculate the approximate consumption of insulation in this way. First, we calculate the surface area of ​​our bath; for simplicity, we will consider it as a rectangular box. We take the dimensions along the inner edges. A standard steel bath with a length of 1500 mm usually has inner dimensions 1400x550x400 mm. We calculate the perimeter (1400+550) x 2 = 3900 mm. To get the surface area, we multiply the perimeter by the height 3.9x0.40 = 1.56 m2. Although, due to the curvature of the profile, the area will still be smaller, but we will not take this into account, since foam sheets are sold in meter-long panels.

The approximate consumption of polyurethane foam can be calculated from the thickness of the thermal layer of 20 mm, that is, we need about 30 liters of polyurethane foam (1.56x0.02/1000=31dm3). One 0.5 liter cylinder is enough even with a reserve.

Due to the fact that we will have to apply the foam in two stages, if it is overused, we can buy another bottle.

It is better to apply polyurethane foam to the back surface of the bathtub using a special gun. Such a device is not expensive, about 500 rubles, moreover, if we take into account the material savings that such a gun provides (up to 20%), then its cost will decrease even more.

Some similar pistols may have a set of interchangeable nozzles various shapes. You can also make a nozzle yourself by taking a tip from a plastic or polyethylene tube of the required diameter. The edge of the tube heats up and flattens; a narrow slot must be left at the end so that the polyurethane foam is squeezed out not in a thick stream, but in a strip.

If insulation steel bath If you do it yourself is not included in the general renovation of the apartment, then you can use ordinary foam cylinders and without a gun.

Preparing for bath insulation work

The bathtub must be dismantled and taken out of the bathroom, and placed “upside down” on small wooden blocks, placed so that access for work is from all sides. All manipulations must be done extremely carefully so as not to. Before carrying out work, the floor must be covered with a covering material to prevent soiled material from getting on it; it is better to take polyethylene since polyurethane foam does not stick to it at all. The legs of the bathtub do not need to be removed.

Taking masking tape and scissors, we seal those areas where the foam should not get into, for example, the drain and overflow holes, as well as the edges of the bathtub. It’s better to take care of this right away than to clean off dried foam later; otherwise, you can clean the surface of the bathtub from polyurethane foam using acetone or a solvent.

We make bath insulation with our own hands

The surface of the bath must be moistened for better adhesion. We press the nozzle of the gun at a slight angle to the metal, and apply foam in small sections. Then we apply foam panels on top, pressing and moving them in different directions, achieving uniform distribution of the polyurethane foam under the entire plane of the insulation. Moving from the bottom up, we cover the entire uninsulated surface of the bathtub in a similar way.

In places with a large radius, the foam should be cut into smaller pieces so that it fits more tightly to the metal. On flat areas, cut the foam larger. But there is no need to make their sides larger than 150-200 mm.

We continue to insulate the bathtub with our own hands. After waiting for about half an hour, an hour, after laying the foam, we fill the gaps between the pieces of insulation with foam. Then, after the second portion of foam has completely dried, using a utility knife and a sanding mesh, we remove the protruding polyurethane foam and clean up any unevenness.

At this point, the insulation of the bathtub could be completed, but it is better to make an additional strong protective shell on top of the fragile insulation using fiberglass. We take putty or two-component glue, the main condition is compatibility with polystyrene foam and water resistance, you can use acrylic, epoxy or polyester. To prevent fiberglass wrinkles on the protruding surface, you need to glue it in separate fragments with overlap, sparing no glue or putty.

Upon completion of work, remove the tape by cutting it with a sharp knife. We check whether the overflow and siphon necks are installed well; if necessary, we trim the insulation to fit the seats.

Using polyurethane foam you can always insulate steel bathtubs of various sizes and shapes. If you decide to insulate cast iron bath, take into account its heavy weight and involve several assistants in the work.

Our article on how to insulate a bathtub has come to an end. Good luck with your renovation!

Steel enameled bathtubs with proper care serve for quite a long time. Their service life can be measured in decades.

The main enemy of enamel is the fall of heavy, sharp, hard objects (for example, a tool). If this happens, the damaged surface must be cleaned, degreased, and covered with a layer of deeply penetrating enamel.

Each use of the bathtub should end with washing it with a washcloth and soap solution. Then rinse thoroughly clean water. There is no need to use water whose temperature exceeds 75 º C to wash the bathtub.

If yellowish spots appear on the surface of the bath, these are salts and minerals that are present in the water. They need to be washed with a solution of vinegar and water.

The market for plumbing fixtures and accessories is saturated with a large selection of bathtubs. A significant niche is occupied by steel bathtubs, since they are inexpensive options for arranging a bathroom.

With proper and careful use, steel bathtubs last for decades. One of the few disadvantages of a steel bathtub is that it is not able to retain heat. This disadvantage can be eliminated, and many people choose steel bathtubs, and eliminate the disadvantage of low heat transfer.

Modern Construction Materials allow you to insulate the bath without special costs. For a regular bath standard sizes You only need to purchase three cans polyurethane sealant(spray foam) with a capacity of 0.75 l.

A steel bathtub must be insulated before it is installed in place; legs and a siphon with overflow must be installed on it. You can also insulate the bath yourself. To do this you need:

  • clean the entire outside surface of the bathtub from foreign elements of dirt and dust;
  • then we wet the bathtub with a damp cloth, while the polyurethane foam adheres better to the surface;
  • take a bottle of polyurethane foam, shake it several times and rinse it hot water, to ensure rapid release of the polyurethane substance;
  • then you need to direct the jet of the balloon onto the surface of the bath and, making abundant spiral movements, envelop the bath. You must remember to leave some free space near the siphon so that you can replace it.

The process of foaming a steel bath is simple in its technology, but it requires concentration and synchronization of movements from a person. This is necessary for an abundant and high-quality result of thermal insulation and soundproofing.

First of all, in order to foam the bathroom, you need to purchase several cylinders of polyurethane foam. On average, you need about 3 cylinders of polyurethane foam with a capacity of 750 ml.

Today, consumers can choose from many different manufacturers who offer high-quality polyurethane foam, but you only need to purchase a proven, high-quality product.

To apply foam, you can purchase a special gun that regulates the speed of foam supply, the strength of the jet flow and the width of application to the surface.

To foam correctly steel bath you need to do the following:

  • you need to install everything necessary details for the bathroom (siphon, overflow tube and legs);
  • you need to turn the bath over and place it on a soft surface to avoid damaging the enamel;
  • clean the surface of the bathtub from stickers and protective film;
  • Prepare the container for use and begin the foaming process in spiral or circular waves around the bath.

A steel bathtub, by its design and the composition of the material from which it is made, tends to conduct noise at a higher frequency than similar models made of cast iron or acrylic.

When water gets into the bathtub bowl, a loud noise appears. This phenomenon can cause some discomfort when taking a bath, not only for the owners, but also for their neighbors. Therefore, when choosing a steel bathtub, you need to think about its sound insulation before installation.

Soundproofing of the bathtub is carried out immediately before its installation in place. Also, all the necessary elements must be installed on the bathtub.

There are several ways to soundproof steel bathtubs. The main and relatively inexpensive methods are:

- use of vibration isode. Vibroisode is a material used for sound absorption of the body in the automotive industry. It is used to cover the underbody of the body, thus preventing extraneous sounds from entering the cabin. It can be used to soundproof a bathtub bowl by gluing it on the outside, sides and bottom;

- use of polyurethane sealant. This method of sound insulation is simpler and accessible to everyone. To do this, you need to purchase several cylinders and apply sealant to the bathroom. The sealant application process must be carried out in full concentration. It should be applied around the bathtub in even layers.

Metal bathtubs have many advantages - they are inexpensive, durable, and do not require special care, if necessary, the metal bath can be restored. But they also have one significant drawback - high heat transfer, and as a consequence of this, the water in them quickly cools down. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: how to insulate a bathtub? In this article we will tell you how to insulate a bath yourself with at the lowest cost and the efforts made.

What materials are needed to insulate a bathtub?

To reduce the heat transfer of a metal bath, we will wrap it in a special “fur coat” made of heat-insulating materials. As these materials, we will take ordinary sheet foam with a thickness of 15-30 mm, and ordinary polyurethane foam. Both of these components have exceptional thermal insulation properties, which is what we actually require from them. The “fur coat” itself will consist of pieces of foam plastic fixed to the bathtub with polyurethane foam. To simplify the calculation of the required amount of polystyrene foam, you can consider the bathtub as a rectangular box and calculate its area by simple algorithm– multiply the perimeter of the rectangle by its height. Of course, when calculating in this way, the amount of polystyrene foam will be greater than required and there will be a surplus, but taking into account the fact that this material is very cheap and that it is sold in pieces of certain sizes, you can not pay attention to this.

As for the consumption of polyurethane foam, practice shows that to insulate a bathtub of standard sizes (1400x550x400 mm), one or maximum two cans of foam are enough. In this case, the layer thickness will be approximately 20 mm, which is quite sufficient for our task. Well, if you use a special professional gun for polyurethane foam, then one can will be more than enough, because... This tool allows you to accurately dose the foam, so you can apply exactly as much foam as you need.

Preparatory work for bath insulation

To carry out insulation work, the bathtub must be dismantled and pulled out of the bathroom. Prepare the place where you will work by spreading some material on the floor to prevent liquid foam from getting on the floor, because it will be quite difficult to remove it from him later. Prepare small wooden blocks and place the dismantled bathtub upside down on them. Be extremely careful when doing this - the enamel covering the bathtub is quite fragile and can be damaged if hit.

After this, you need to make sure that the polyurethane foam does not get into those areas that are not needed, for example, the drain and overflow connections, as well as the upper edge of the bathtub. To do this, it is enough to stick masking tape on these places, which is simply removed after finishing the insulation work.

We insulate the bath

First, moisten the back side of the bath with water - this will promote better adhesion of the foam to the metal. After this, we begin to apply the mounting foam in a layer of 15-20 mm. This can be done as with a regular can of foam equipped with a special tube, but it is still better to purchase a special gun for these purposes. As we have already said, the gun will help to significantly save foam, as well as do this job more accurately and faster. Immediately after this, you can begin to apply pieces of foam plastic directly onto the foam, which in this case serves as glue. On large straight sections, use larger pieces of foam, and in areas with a radius curve, use correspondingly smaller ones. Thus, we cover the entire back surface of the bath and leave it for an hour and a half. After this time, you can begin to fill the seams between the pieces of foam with the same foam. After the foam in the joints has dried, all we have to do is remove its excess. This can be done with a regular knife, although it is better to use a special stationery knife.

In fact, the insulation of the bathtub is complete and it can be used. However, we can also make a finishing touch that will give our work a finished look and add strength to the heat-insulating fur coat. This can be done by covering the “fur coat” with a protective layer, which will prevent the foam from crumbling and give it overall reliability. Pieces of fiberglass fabric, which should be applied over the fur coat, are perfect for this. To fix the fabric, use any two-component adhesive compositions, for example - “epoxy”. The glued fiberglass fabric will “tightly” grab our protective layer and make the structure monolithic.

Jun 30/12

Do-it-yourself insulation and soundproofing of a steel bathtub - step-by-step guide (photo)

The lion's share of products in the sanitary fixtures market is occupied by steel bathtubs. They can be called budget option of its product class. They are relatively cheap, and if handled properly, they have a fairly decent service life. But with all this, they have several significant drawbacks. Firstly, the water in a steel bathtub cools down very quickly, and secondly, the stream of water entering it makes a very loud sound, audible even in neighboring apartments. Agree, these negative qualities of steel bathtubs completely negate their main advantage - low cost.

But that’s not a problem either, right? how to insulate a steel bathtub It’s quite possible even on your own. Modern construction and insulation systems provide an excellent opportunity to make a metal bath warm and practically silent for a fairly small investment. And all you need to do for this is to purchase, depending on the size, three or four large cylinders of polyurethane sealant, popularly called polyurethane foam, in order to produce insulation and soundproofing of a steel bathtub with your own hands.

Insulation and soundproofing of a steel bathtub with polyurethane foam

How to insulate a steel bathtub with polyurethane foam - what to pay attention to

It is better to do the entire insulation process right away, before the primary one. Subsequently, it will be quite difficult to dismantle the already installed and tiled “vessel” for bathing. That is why the insulated bathtub must be completely assembled and ready for installation - you need to install drain siphon, secure the legs on which the bathtub rests, and if sewing and subsequent lining are subsequently planned front side, it is necessary to install the ud guide profile. Believe me, if you provide for all these details in advance, the installation of almost any bath will go smoothly, as they say, without a hitch. But we will do all this later, and now let’s move on to the actual insulation and soundproofing of a steel bath.

Insulation and soundproofing of a steel bathtub - stages

Surely you know that before applying any adhesive and sealing compounds, the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt, and if it comes to polyurethane sealant, that is, polyurethane foam, the surface must be well moistened. The foam grips better and stronger when high humidity. Therefore, take a rag generously moistened with water and wash off all the dust and dirt from the bathtub. And let the water flow in streams from the bathtub - this will not harm our insulation process one bit.

Insulation and soundproofing of a steel bath - surface preparation

Without waiting for the water to dry, we begin to prepare the foam for insulating the bathtub. The container with sealant should be thoroughly shaken and, if possible, heated under running water. hot water– this step will help make the foam output from the container as large as possible and save your money.

Then everything is simple - we direct the balloon tube to the bottom of the inverted bathtub. Lightly, so that not a lot of foam comes out at once, press the feed lever and snake the emerging polyurethane foam over the entire surface of the bottom of the bathtub. Do not forget that the siphon, the main part of which is located under the bathtub, may sometimes require replacement - which is why it is better to leave a little space free from foam around it. The same empty space must subsequently be left around the installation site of the overflow.

Now a little about insulating the side walls of a steel bathtub. Here it may be difficult to apply the foam - it can flow and fall down in large chunks. In principle, if you do not apply foam with a strong jet and carry out the entire process carefully and slowly, then everything will be fine. But if you are not confident in yourself and your abilities, then you need to wait a little until the foam at the bottom dries (half an hour will be enough) and simply turn the bathtub on its side. The same should be done with the remaining sidewalls.

How to insulate a steel bathtub with your own hands photo

That's basically it, now you know how to insulate a steel bathtub the most in an accessible way and with your own hands, without extra investments. Now you should leave the bath alone until the polyurethane sealant has completely dried - this will take about eight hours, maybe a little more. After this time, the insulated and noise-free bathtub can be installed in its rightful place, and then it can be covered with tiles.

Do-it-yourself insulation and soundproofing of a bathtub photo

This is how you can inexpensively and quickly produce high-quality insulation and sound insulation for your steel bathtub. You will definitely like the result.