Toilet      05/28/2019

Why is it important to cut the white core of a tomato. Wood carving lessons for beginners How to cut the core of an apple with a regular knife

Cut out the core

Cut the core - remove the core, leaving only the pulp of an apple, pear, pumpkin for cooking. The seeds and hard core are also taken out (for example, from pineapple).

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  • - cut out I carry. transition 1. Delete, extract something with cutting tool. 2. To make a recess, a hole, etc. in something. with a cutting tool. 3...

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  • - 1. cut, -cut, -cut; cut out and cut out, owl. 2...

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  • - CUT, -hedgehog, -eat; -any; sovereign 1. what. Cutting, taking out, removing, and doing sth. cutting. V. tumor. B. sheet from a notebook. V. paper figure. 2. what. Make, draw something. cutting, sharp...

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  • - 1. CUT, cut out, cut out. incompatibility to cut. 2. CUT, cut, cut, led. cut it out, cut it out, sov. . 1. what. Cutting, taking out, separating from something. Cut out pictures from a book...

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  • - 1) cut - cut, - cut; led. cut out i. cut out; owl., transl. . 1. Cutting, take out, remove from somewhere. Cut out the tumor. Cut out a note from the newspaper...

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  • - V"...

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IX. Cheat Sheet: Cut and Link

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An apple is a healthy and dietary fruit, which needs to be removed for the preparation of some dishes. This takes quite a long time. But the housewives found a way out of this situation and use a number of devices to remove the core of apples with their own hands.

How to quickly remove the core from apples?

Apples are used in any national cuisine. These fruits are included in a variety of sections of cooking - from blanks to meat dishes.

It should be noted that these fruits are quite difficult to prepare - you should carefully petiole, stalk, remove the peel with a thin spiral, and then cut out the central part. To simplify this laborious task, you can get special devices for removing the core from apples. They will help make the procedure easy and quickly prepare the fruit for the table or for drying.

Remove the core with a ski pole

To prepare apple preserves, the seed chamber must be removed. This can be done even without cutting the fruit into pieces, leaving it whole.

To do this, you need a ski aluminum pole with a diameter of 15 mm. A part of the pipe 15 cm long is cut off. One of the ends is filed with a trihedral file to make six sharp teeth. On the other side of the stick, a plastic champagne cork is inserted and a hole is made in the end of its upper part, into which a rod is inserted to remove the seed box.

During the process, the fetus is placed on kitchen board, a device is installed on top of the stalk and pressed by hand. When the fruit uneven surface, incise it, holding in hand.

After processing 2-3 fruits with a rod made of metal or wood, the waste is pushed out of the device, which allows you to keep the fruit whole. This is how you can quickly remove the core.

Cutting the core with a syringe with your own hands

The simplest device for removing the core from apples can be made with your own hands from a medical syringe. It can be used to clean fruits for both drying and preservation.

To do this, use a syringe with a capacity of 20 ml, with a piston, as well as a pointed knife and good scissors.

We take a syringe and cut off the bottom with the tip on which the needle is put on. We trim the cut with scissors and remove all the paint of the measured division from the surface of the syringe. Then, using a knife, carefully cut small cloves at the end of the cylindrical wall of the syringe. They need to be made so that during the workflow, the movement coincides with the scrolling of the homemade product clockwise. Everything, the device for cutting the core is ready!

To remove the core with such a device, you should press the notched side of the syringe on the fruit from one side along the longitudinal axis around which the seeds are placed in the fruit, rotating the syringe clockwise. Scrolling, you need to deepen the device into the fetus to its middle. Repeat the same action on the other side of the fetus. After the end of the process, the core is pushed out of the syringe with a piston.

Such a device, made by hand from improvised means, is quite effective and convenient to use.

For a smooth and easy removal of the seed box, it is better to make the cloves as small as possible.

The use of a special knife

Simple but useful device- a device for removing the seed box of apples. In fact . They drive it into an apple and take it out along with the seed box. Perfect for feeding children and sick people.

Such a device easily enters with a fetus of any size and, if necessary, it can be twisted around the longitudinal axis. The seed box detaches easily and pulls out with the blade. After this device, the walls of the fruit remain smooth and without tatters.

Cleaning and cutting device

The process of cleaning and cutting can be simplified with a special machine. This device instantly peels the fruit from the skin, core and cuts it into neat pieces. And this is not the only device for cleaning and cutting apples.

Such a device will help save the time of the hostess. To remove the core, simply put the fruit on special blades, and then turn the handle. The seed box will remain on the blade of the device, and the seedless fruit with a neat hole will remain in the hands.

Application of apple cutter

This device is very practical. With it, you can divide the fruit into 8 equal parts, removing the core at once.

Take an apple and a fixture. On the dining board, apply to the fetus so that the tail is in the center and press to the end. It turns out a separated core and identical slices of apples.

Now you know all the ways to remove the core from an apple. For the preparation of apples, each housewife selects a device for herself. This device can be made at home, or purchased in a store. The main thing is that they perform the same function.

The presented wood carving lessons will introduce beginners to this craft so that you can create objects from natural materials with your own hands.

The history of the craft and types

Wood carving is a type of arts and crafts that originated in antiquity. In Rus', woodcarving was called carving, and the drawing performed in this technique was called a sign, a pattern, or a pattern. In this technique, flat surface masters made braids, teeth, grooves, poppy seeds, fungi, etc. You can see such samples in the Assumption Cathedral by visiting the royal place.

Russia owes the development of woodcarving to the monk Ambrose, a novice of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, who at the end of the 15th century combined Russian ornament with Western and Eastern in his works.

In 1660, the masters decorated the royal dining room with German carvings, which were figured, with Gothic motifs. This is how German elements appeared in Russian carving, including new tools and terms.

Thread types are conditionally divided into:

  • through;
  • deaf;
  • brownie;
  • sculptural;
  • chainsaw thread.

Here's how they differ:
  1. The through thread is subdivided into consignment note and through thread. This includes slotted carving, when through sections are cut with chisels and chisels; and profile carving, where such sections are cut with a jigsaw or saw. If these types of carving are performed using a relief ornament, then this is called openwork.
  2. If in the processed tree there is not a single through hole, such a thread is called deaf.
  3. Facades of buildings are decorated with house carvings.
  4. Sculptural - one of the most complex types of carving, requires great skill. In this technique, figures of animals, sculptures of people are made.
  5. With the help of carving with a chainsaw, global work is performed. This requires strength, therefore it is more suitable for men, while women also successfully master other types of carving.

Woodworking tool, cutting blanks

Beginners can use only 2 tools - a well-honed penknife and a joint knife.

When you learn how to perform simple elements with them, you want to improve, then you can buy wood tools, for example, such a set.

There may be even more tools, but only professional carvers who perform complex work need such a number.

See what kind of cuts you can make with semi-circular cutters different sizes, acute-angled.

But what set of tools should a cabinetmaker have in order to perform the following types of woodwork:
  • carving;
  • sawing off;
  • splitting and trimming;
  • planing;
  • turning;
  • chiselling.

  1. Pay attention to the cutters that are used for manual turning of wood. In addition to the semicircular, there is also a flat oblique, angular, detachable, beveled, angular, etc.
  2. Saws are used to saw off the workpiece. They can be transverse, longitudinal, universal. Teeth at rip saws have the shape of a chisel; in the transverse they are triangular, sharp. Universal are equipped with teeth having a right angle. Such a tool can cut fibers both along and across and at an angle. Each of these saws can be hacksaws, simple, one-handed.
  3. If the workpiece is made from a ridge, beam or trunk, then axes or cleavers are used. Adze - a kind of ax, the blade here is located perpendicular to the handle, is used to create figured and concave products.
  4. To remove chips from the workpiece, turning or hand tools are used, planers can be used.
The figure shows: axes (a - this is carpentry, b - carpentry, c - carving); g - cleaver; d - e - tesla (d - for sampling the recess, e - used to create sculptures).

The most popular carving tools are chisels. They usually consist of:
  • steel rods;
  • cutting blades;
  • shank.
Check out what some types of chisels are for:
  • Wide and straight are used for cutting or stripping flat or convex workpieces.
  • With round blades - for working with horn knots or hardwood.
  • With the help of narrow workpieces are processed in narrow places.
  • A chisel with a thick steel rod is used to clean a deep cavity or workpiece with a hollow. Deepen the chisel into the wood with a mallet.
  • Cranberries make gutters of various depths and radii.
  • Corner chisels make grooves and triangular recesses.
These are the basic tools for carving, but there are also special ones. For example, for volumetric cutting, spoon cutters are used. For large products, a cutter made in the shape of the letter "T" is often used.

Wood carving: sketches and master classes

After you have learned a lot of useful things, got the necessary, let's try to cut a flower. To make it, you need the following:

  • flat wooden blank;
  • pencil;
  • transparent paper;
  • v-shaped chisel-corner;
  • narrow and wide semicircular chisels.

If you don't already have a v-shaped chisel, you can use a sharp knife for this pattern.

Attach a sheet of paper to the screen, redraw the diagram.

Then transfer it to a wooden blank. Start by cutting along the outline of the center circle, then cut towards the center from the outer circle using a large semi-circular chisel.

Mark up the flower petals.

Using a v-shaped chisel, cut the petals along the outline.

With the same tool, remove the excess wood between the petals (“triangles”).

Take the next woodworking tool in your hand - a semicircular chisel to cut out the outer contour of the petal. In doing so, it will become similar to the upper part of the heart.

With a large semi-circular chisel, make cuts inside the contour of the petal.

With a small semicircular chisel, make two cuts on this contour from the center of the flower.

To increase the cut area, just cut again.

Unfold the chisel and round the center of the flower.

Now you need to take the next carving tool - a v-shaped chisel and make such cuts in the center of the flower.

Everything, you can admire the result of the work.

If you want to carve a fox, the following sketches will come in handy.

If you want to make butterflies, wood carving sketches are also included.

If you want to make a mold for printed cookies with the image of the Snow Maiden, then prepare:
  • beech plank;
  • ruler;
  • jigsaw;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • sandpaper;
  • eraser;
  • linseed oil.

Draw a rectangle on the board. Drink it up.

If you don't have electric jigsaw, then you can cut the workpiece with a saw or an ordinary manual jigsaw.

Make the surface of the cuts even with sandpaper. If the farm has Grinder, use it for this procedure. Transfer the drawing to the workpiece using a simple pencil.

With the help of a semicircular chisel, we make a recess in place of the face, then we again apply its contours here.

The ongoing wood carving sketches will help you carve out the facial features correctly. At this stage, we also make a cape on the head of the Snow Maiden. Note that it is at a level above the face.

Based on the sketch, cut out other elements of the workpiece.

Now you need to erase the pencil with an eraser-rubber, then with the finest sandpaper. If you immediately do this with sandpaper, then part of the stylus will rub into the tree.

Pour linseed oil into a container, dip our wooden form for an hour. If you are doing a lot of work, then saturate it with oil using a swab or squirrel brush and leave to dry for 3-4 days.

Everything, you can roll out the dough, cut it into rectangles, apply a pattern using a wooden blank and bake.

To prevent the cookies from burning in some places, you need to cut a stamp out of wood so that there are no too prominent elements on it.

How to cut a sign for a bath?

For her, take:

  • a board (in this case, a coniferous wood step was used);
  • triangular ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • saw;
  • furniture varnish in a can;
  • stain;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper.
Visually divide the board into 3 parts, make cuts.

To draw letters, download the letters you like from the Internet, then redraw them on wood. You can use this sample.

Draw oak leaves on the right and left on the plate.

Next, the carving begins. For beginners, such tasks are great, because they do not require long training and a lot of tools. Here, 3 types of cutters were used: a joint-cutter and chisels "Tatyanka". Make cuts according to the pattern with a chisel cutter along the outlined contours, cut it under the contour with a chisel to highlight the pattern above the background.

Next, the carved surface is sanded sandpaper No. 180 and No. 220. Draw clouds at the top and bottom of the tablet, cut them out with a chisel and a chisel, and then sand them.
This soap will be a nice present for friends. After all handmade much appreciated. In order to make a rose out of soap, you will need a little, namely:
  • a piece of soap;
  • cutter;
  • tassel.
Determine the center on the soap, it is here that you use a cutter to make a core, to do this, tilt it at an angle of 45 °, make 6 faces. Then, stand the cutter perpendicular to the bar of soap, cut in a circle to remove excess and mark the core.

Then you need to cut out the second and subsequent petals. At the same time, move from left to right in a circle.

This is what the job should look like after you make the first circle.

Perform the second and subsequent ones in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the previous ones.

Here's how to decorate soap with your own hands by combining carving and woodcarving.

In conclusion, you are offered 3 plots. From the first one you will learn in detail about woodcarving, about tools for beginners.

After viewing the second, you will be able to carve a spoon with a beautiful carved handle.

From the third, you will learn how to carve a charming rose from wood.

Any beginning is the most difficult when there is no experience yet. My task is to remove the core of the log so that a cylinder with a wall thickness of at least 10 cm is formed. I tried various options how to remove the core, but not one gave satisfactory results. In my head, a decision was made to raise the future log for bees from a horizontal to a vertical position. At the cost of incredible efforts, ingenuity and a little bit of magic, I managed to raise a log weighing 550 kg to a vertical position.


I didn’t get any smart ideas on how to quickly hollow out the middle. In the end I started out old grandfather's method. I took the usual chisel, hammer and axe. And quietly from day to day he hammered, knocked, chopped, so to speak, filled his hand

To make the task easier at the beginning, I found a piece of pointed metal in the garage, welded it to the pipe, but the result was not the same. Looking for the right tool went to the nearest construction supermarket. Walking around the store, my eyes fell on the scrapers for chopping ice. They were wide, and my imagination was already completely sawing off the excess from them, and wondered how the final instrument would look like. But then I saw a tool called "Peshnya", the price is 220 rubles. What I needed. Already in the workshop I burned it from paint, sanded it and sharpened it like an axe. As a fallback (if I didn’t find anything in the store), I could take a metal knife from a planer, make a slot in the pipe, insert a knife there and weld it all together by welding.

Why do I need it?

Looking at these photos, someone will say that I have nothing to do, but the process itself is interesting to me. After all, I'm not in the competition "Who will make the deck faster." The winter is long, and I am happy to work in the fresh air, invent and implement it, while dreaming about honey, bees, and the development of a future apiary. Even if you make one board each winter, then in 10 years you can earn decent money by selling honey and related products. But before the sale of honey, oh, how far away. First of all, you need to finish the deck, and the second thing is to find the bees and somehow populate them in this deck. Of course, I'm interested in all this. I can just imagine how we eat the first honey, laugh and rejoice.

The neighbor constantly approaches, is interested in work. I won’t be surprised if I see that he will also bring a log for himself. I tell him, take the second half of the log, and gouge it. And he replied: - I want to see at the beginning what I can do with all this. And what to watch then! We must take and do. You can endlessly lie on the couch and watch TV shows, dream, reason, but in reality do nothing. And you take it and start doing it, surprise the world with your enthusiasm and invention.

God give me strength and enthusiasm to complete the construction of this deck.

Most of us buy tomatoes from the store. Most often, this is a product grown on chemistry, which means that it can harm our body. Outwardly, the tomato looks quite attractive, but when cut, the middle is in most cases white. Why?

Chemistry in the center

Nutrients enter the berry through the leg, which means that the central pulp collects all the receipts. both beneficial and toxic. There were cases when people were poisoned by such tomatoes.

note that tomatoes are generally not recommended for consumption, as they negatively affect the joints. After two or three tomatoes, the withering of the joints of the toes and hands is clearly felt. These are the smallest and most distant joints, so they react almost immediately.

How to get rid of chemicals

If there is no opportunity to grow your own tomatoes, then from purchased be sure to cut out the middle. By the way, pepper has exactly the same middle, and no one eats it for food.

We always cut peppers, the same applies to tomatoes, although the temptation to use it is great. You can only grow your own when you are sure of the purity of the soil.

Types of body reaction

Some people react through snot, others through a rash. Children are especially sensitive. Clean people who watch their diet are also sensitive. They are especially severely undermined by eating tomatoes with a white center.

If the core is yellow-veined

So the tomato was overfed with nitrogen, it is not recommended for food at all. Of course, it’s a pity to throw it away, so you can cut out the entire center and be content with the edges, like a pepper.

Attention to appearance

Friends, I have repeatedly expressed my opinion about tomatoes as alien products to us. They dry the joints and cause fermentation in the intestines, in a word, they are not useful to our body in any way, it is not adapted to them.

If, by force of habit, you cannot refuse tomatoes, then pay attention to the lice-like appearance of a cut tomato. Cut out the white center, thereby eliminating the excess of chemistry that the stem pumps into the berry.