Shower      06/17/2019

Small cottage: how to equip with your own hands? Tips for interior design, photo. How to equip a summer cottage at the lowest cost We equip a summer cottage with our own hands from scratch

Each dacha owner puts his whole soul into working on the land of his site. In addition to work, the dacha provides an excellent opportunity to leave the city, where there is no asphalt, where clean air and fertile soil is a chic rest for the soul. When cultivating the land of your plot, it is insanely pleasant to get a ripe fruit, planted and grown with my own hands. And every owner of a summer cottage, at some point, thinks about how to make this wonderful place even more comfortable.

Do-it-yourself Comfort made in the country house will bring creative inspiration and aesthetic pleasure to the owners. In order to decorate your favorite site, Today the market offers a huge selection of various decorative ornaments for every taste and budget, but how can anyone be surprised by this? New ideas for giving with your own hands are easy and simple to implement; photos are presented on the Internet with step-by-step implementation of the most original ideas. It is much more comfortable and pleasant to make a wonderful craft yourself, besides, your dacha can become exemplary, surprising curious neighbors with unique, hand-made decorations.

Choosing a cottage design idea

Ideas for giving do-it-yourself photos on the Internet will help you decide what exactly you want. The most incredible ideas are extremely simple to implement. On the Internet, it is easier than ever to find execution instructions with good examples from photographs. In addition, in order to make your own architectural miracle, you will most likely need simple improvised materials that are in every household.

At any cottage there are unnecessary things that will now turn into elements of decorative decoration.

You have accumulated a number of unnecessary bottles, you can make wonderful figures from them that will decorate the land of their creators. It can be various abstract figures, animals that especially delight children - horses, pigs, a bull, and anyone!

A simple tree frame will become a cute bird feeder. You will only need to cut a recess inside and fix it in the place you like. And arriving to eat, the birds will amuse you with their cheerful chirping. It is possible to make an unusually beautiful feeder from just a few plastic bottles.

Ideas for giving 2016 a pond is a real decoration of the site. Just lay out any desired shape natural stone, simple modern technologies will allow you to illuminate the bottom of such a pond and you will enjoy the play of light in the water in the evenings. Thanks to the pond, your favorite site will turn into a real piece of paradise, and ideas for giving your own hands photo will help to perform such a miracle:

  • dig a hole;
  • seal;
  • pour water;
  • decorate to your liking.

Having started such a creative design of your favorite site, you will not notice how the fantasy itself begins to find new suitable improvised means. Whether it's old tires that are perfect for creating flower beds, or multi-colored corks from plastic bottles, which can be used to create chic patterns on walls or a fence. By the way, you can make a wicker fence from branches. Having decorated the cork patterns with paints, you yourself will be surprised how wonderful it all looks - just a work of art!

Do-it-yourself cottage photos will certainly help you find something of your own, you just need to enter it into a search on the Internet or in our catalog

Usually, a dacha is purchased in the hope of taking a break from the gray city everyday life, enjoying the land and pure nature. Each summer resident strives to take good care of the beds, build a small, cozy house, where you could fully relax and switch from the crazy city pace to a quiet glorious country life. And of course takes pride when it's cubby from and to designed by your hands. Children are especially happy with such crafts, they are amused by bright figures on the site, and in a wonderful pond with great pleasure you can wet your legs, splash with water in hot weather. In such a summer cottage, they will never be bored, and childhood memories of the summer cottage will warm their hearts all their lives.

Ideas for decorating the play area

By arranging the first thing in the play area for your child, you thereby free your hands for work and further arrangement of the rest of the site. You will work in peace, because your children will have fun under your supervision on a safe swing made by you.

In order to build a swing you will need:

  • large saw cut of a tree (this will become the base of the swing)
  • car tire, half of which will act as a limiter
  • some wooden beams and boards.

One simple swing will be the source of a happy and joyful childhood. The child can also be creatively involved in this exciting process- choose together an animal or a figurine, help build a feeder. And if this is supplemented with fascinating slides, wonderful fairy-tale houses, cable cars, and of course, a sandbox that is simply necessary for every kid! Your children will simply drag you to the country, and look forward to every trip.

Well, if the site of your dacha does not allow you to place such a spacious area on it - you can always connect your neighbors to arrange such an amusement park outside your territory, the neighbors will gladly respond to this creative event, and the search for auxiliary material will not keep you waiting, every summer resident find something you need.

How to arrange a fence in the country?

many territories summer cottages simply outlined by small lattices or dull and gray mesh netting. But a chain-link fence can also be bright and attractive. You just need to decorate the grid or lattice with a stencil and bright colors- it will be very original!

If you have a fence small trees, then decorating their pointed round logs with various colors - a sort of set of bright pencils will come out.

Having built a tyn, according to your mood, you can decorate it either with rare clay pots, or by conjuring over an old leaky pan, it will easily turn into a chic decoration that will find the right place for itself. All this will help you make new ideas for giving.

Flower garden and flower beds

The favorite place of employment of all housewives in the country, this is undoubtedly. Each woman can easily create a unique design for this women's corner for relaxation and work with photos of ideas for giving with their own hands:

Pyramid flower beds - they always delight your guests, and besides, they will save a lot of territory, and to create them, you only need old unnecessary containers and tires of different sizes.

An old cart, a basket, a chair, clay tiles, the list is endless! Let go of your imagination, we are sure that it will lead you in the right direction.

This bird-intimidating structure can become a real highlight of your garden. And if you turn on your imagination, the scarecrow will not only scare away the birds, but also entertain you for an hour of execution. earthworks. Do-it-yourself dacha photos will be presented by the most original variants stuffed.

Recreation area

A resting place is the place where you want maximum comfort, a place where the owner will be filled with strength and energy. Here is where you should let your imagination run wild:

table and benches; hammock; beautifully lined garden tiles; hearth; brazier; alcove; B-B-Q; interior decoration of the bath; you can go on and on. Great ideas are easy to find and implement, creating the perfect comfort in the country with your own hands.

Old iron barrel will serve you as a barbecue. Having sewn a bright hammock, you will be happy to rest and restore strength for further work, large colorful pillows will decorate and make you cozy garden benches, on which it will be convenient to settle down at the hour of taking tea on clean air. Dacha, made "from and to" with their own hands, in their own own ideas will be filled with special warmth and comfort for its inhabitants.

Modern ideas for giving 2016

Ideas for giving 2016 offer to combine a place of rest and a play area with a wooden bridge that will rise above the reservoir. To create an artificial reservoir in your summer cottage is within the power of the most inexperienced owner.

Create your own ensemble of architectural structures, the central accent of which will be a small lake, uniquely designed by you. You will be surprised what crafts come out of rolled up newspapers - detailed instructions with photos you will find in ideas for giving with your own hands.

More and more often, the owners of garden plots are shifting the focus from the possibilities of growing vegetables and fruits to decorating their land, designing a garden plot. Money is earned in the city, and people come to the dacha to rest. Certainly, fruit trees and shrubs vegetable beds- all this may be present, but they also obey the rules of landscape design. Entrusting a project to a professional is, it seems, great ... but too ordered, cold landscapes often come out of the hands of professionals. Self-decorated gardens, although not ideal, are much more comfortable and feel much better in them.

Where to start: planning

It all starts from the stove: you need to correlate your desires with realities. To do this, first sit down and write what you need on the site. Just a list of what you and your loved ones want to have. Then you take a site plan with dimensions and start placing something that you simply cannot refuse. Usually this is a playground or a carport, some kind of garden - at least a few beds, if there are children - a playground.

Put the carport closer to the gate - less space it will go to the driveways, the playground in direct line of sight from the windows, and most likely from the windows of the kitchen: it’s not all the time to sit with them, but so, the children are under supervision, and you are doing your job. With the placement of the playground, you will have to be smarter: it is necessary that there is no draft, and part of it is in the shade, part in the sun. To have the best conditions.

Therefore, it is not necessary to hide it. It will still be a decoration of your site and you will be proud of it. Here for him you need a sunny piece of your site.

Now we need to find a place for technical and auxiliary premises. You will definitely need, and also compost pit. They can be taken to the backyards, but better - closer to the garden. If the house is planned for heating, you need a place to store firewood. They do this for this, and they can be attached to the barn, or they can stand separately, and some instances can also be decorative element. Somewhere in a secluded corner you will need to put a shower. It’s also a hassle with the toilet: you need to take into account the distance to neighboring areas (at least 2 m), and also the prevailing wind direction so that smells do not bother you.

Next comes the turn of what you really want. Usually it is a gazebo, or a fountain. A pond and a fountain can be combined, a gazebo can be placed nearby. Up to the point that with one of its edges it can hang over the water. On the other side, you can put a bench by placing an arch near it or by building a pergola (the same arch, but more solid). Near the gazebo, you can make a small canopy and put or - by choice. Under the reservoir, it is best to take the lowest area or where the groundwater is closest. Everything else will fall into place.

Pond and gazebo nearby - a good combination

It seems that these are all the main objects. If you managed to fit them all into the site plan - great: you can plan. You need to manage and make the minimum number of tracks, but they must connect all the main buildings. Paths can lead to auxiliary facilities. It's even more romantic that way. And along the way, look for places for flower beds, flower beds, rock gardens, decorative slides. You can even specifically bend the paths to block out a place for a flower garden. This, by the way, is one of the favorite tricks of professionals. They don't use straight lines at all. Only on elongated sections to visually bring the far edge closer.

Do not forget about trees and shrubs. By the way, they can serve as a screen for an unsightly fence. And you will have it around the perimeter. Partially it can be decorated with hanging flower beds, partly covered with shrub trees. While the trees are growing, you can put a grate in front of the fence, along which you can put climbing roses, clematis, any other similar plant.

Garden plot design: choose a style

In most cases, the style of garden design is very difficult to determine. Most often it can be described as "modern". Are used interesting solutions different "nationality" and different styles, and sometimes these combinations are very, very successful and interesting. That and self-design is good, that intuitively you can create beautiful landscapes. But designing a site in a certain style is, in a sense, easier: you know for sure whether this idea will work or not. Let's look at some design options for a garden plot in a particular style. The easiest way to work with ethnic directions.


Chinese and Japanese cultures have significant differences, but regarding the design of the garden plot, it is difficult for a non-specialist, it is almost impossible to distinguish between these two directions. For ease of perception, let's combine them into one style: oriental.

Japanese-style decoration - an abundance of stones, interesting combinations of hardwoods and conifers

For these cultures, achieving maximum harmony is inherent. What is good about Japanese or Chinese style garden design is that they use a lot of rubble and pebbles. If it is difficult or expensive to get pebbles in the right amount, then there are much fewer problems with crushed stone. Maybe you are lucky, and you can even agree on a color - the meticulous Japanese use pebbles of the same size and the same color in the backfill, or form different shapes from them.

Great idea for decorating the backyard garden house: crushed stone and pebbles, slabs as a path - dirt will not rush into the house

Large stones, near which boxwood bushes are planted, a small fountain of traditional form. A very interesting idea with a painted gravel border. Only if you do something like this, make sure that the water that drains from has somewhere to go: under the pebbles and rubble there should be dense soil with a slope towards plantings or an exit to drainage system- this is how water drainage is organized.

A small fence is extremely easy to make. Bamboo is also good because it does not rot

To make the design of the Japanese-style garden plot really traditional, you can use bamboo. A small fence and a gate are made extremely simply. A couple of stakes are driven into the ground, bamboo crossbars are tied to them, and thin bamboo is tied to the crossbars. It turns out such a bamboo picket fence.

Paths are very characteristic - rounded stones at a step distance from each other, slabs of stone, or even concrete plates, but they are not square, as we are used to, but long. Please note that the gaps between the stones / slabs are overgrown with grass, moss, or covered with pebbles.

Often in Japanese gardens there are fountains. But these are not pompous structures with sculptures and jets hitting upwards, but combinations of bamboo and stone, over which a small amount of water flows. It is easy to make them even on your own, but how, read here.

Several photos of Japanese-style garden design are collected in the photo gallery. There are interesting ideas that are easy to implement with your own hands. And the costs are minimal.

Proper selection of plants is half the success Japanese maple - how to get past Slabs, stones, gravel, plants - all this against the backdrop of a lawn

Country style (rural or country)

The more urbanized our cities become, the more we want something simple, natural, without clear lines and edges, which are already boring in the city. Therefore, many houses began to be built from logs: they exude comfort. If your country house built from a log house, a natural continuation of the idea will be the design of the site in a rural or rustic style. In this case, the characteristic features are the use of various kinds of old utensils and its elements in the decoration of flower beds and flower beds, wattle fences, plain, often deliberately coarse, made of logs.

Decorating a rustic garden is easy to recognize by the presence of cartwheels, baskets, pottery, old barrels, logs and flowering stumps.

On a rural plot, by no means can everything be too even and orderly. Paths - overgrown with grass, with stones laid for convenience, abandoned boardwalks. And so that the “boards” always look like new, you can use decking - this is a wood-composite material that looks and feels very similar to wood, but does not rot, does not darken, retains its original appearance over the years.

Fences inside the site can be made from dead wood chopped in the forest. Fences made of birch or otkhi with its light green bark look very decorative.

Wicker fences are traditional for this style. They can be made for beds, flower beds, fence off areas within the site, and even as the main fence that separates the garden from neighbors and from the street.

In the same vein, you can arrange a reservoir - a small mill or a bridge next to a long pond will not hurt. And if there is a height difference on the site, you can make a cascade of watering cans-buckets - a very original idea.

Waterfall on steps, only in unusual performance: a fountain of watering cans and buckets

Even the toilet can be made in the same style. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will bring it to the fore, even in a stylish design, but you won’t have to take too much care that the building is not visible.

Such a toilet is a hut that can not be particularly hidden

Rustic garden design is not demanding on geometry or selection of plants. It is important that you feel comfortable and cozy, the plants feel good. Then even the simplest compositions will delight the eye and heart. A few design ideas different zones look in the photo gallery.

Unusual flowerbed - flower stream Carts and wooden wheels - traditional elements garden in country style Arbor covered with reeds and sculptures from ceramic pots - interesting design finds in the design of the garden Wattle - a good fence, and the style supports the design of the well

Garden plot in a modern style or modern

The design of the garden plot in Art Nouveau style is international. It has elements of different cultures. The main rule is a harmonious combination of shapes and shades. Most often, straight lines and rounded shapes are combined.

Is it difficult to create such a corner in your own garden. Tiles can be replaced with concrete or stone slabs or wooden flooring, as long as the geometry is preserved. flowerbeds unusual shape- smooth edges both at ground level and high. Seats are installed between two high flower beds, and to make it really convenient and comfortable, you can make the curb higher and nail the back board. All this cubism is broken by a round ceramic pot with a plant. Instead of a pot, you can make a small fountain in the form of a stone ball, along which water flows.

This fountain is easy to make. The main thing is to find a suitable stone and drill a hole in it.

As you can see, the fountain is close in style to Japanese style. Slightly modified, it fits perfectly into modern design garden. And it's not the only stylized element. For example, wicker furniture is often used. But it has a different shape - either cubic or with curved surfaces, but only in one plane. Looking at the photo below, you will understand what I mean.

And again, pay attention, hard straight lines are broken by rounded ones: in the lower photo these are pyramidal thujas, in the upper one there is a round flowerbed table (an extraordinary solution, by the way) and curved lines of chairs.

That's where the expanse is for lovers of high beds, it is precisely when decorating in this vein: it is more convenient to set straight lines with the help of high boxes. They are made of wood, stone, concrete. The material should be combined with the main finish or be an addition.

Approximately in the same traditions it is made out adjoining territory and sites near the reservoir. To make flooring from boards, planken or decking, put up characteristic furniture - part of the garden is framed.

By the way, you can make a gazebo in an unconventional manner.

There are a lot of ideas, and all of them are interesting in their own way. Check out some photos in the gallery below. Might be useful for your garden.

Practical design of the pond - you can even sunbathe on the deck Smooth paths are a sign of style, but the execution is unusual

Ideas for decorating the fence and walls

Like it or not, there is always a fence. And far from always it is a decoration of the garden. More often than not, the opposite is true: headache owner: how to disguise it or give it a more acceptable look. There are actually quite a few solutions, and for different tastes.

If you can draw, and the fence is at least relatively even, paint it with some scenes. It is clear that choosing the right plot is not easy, but you can rely on general style site design.

Boring fence and site design style is easy to guess))

You can use the fence as a time for a vertical flower bed or vegetable garden. It's beautiful and useful. This idea will especially please the owners of small plots. That's the only way to use it only if the summer in your region is cool. In all other cases, plants burn on it.

Approximately the same idea is useful for decorating the wall of the house. Only here flowers are planted more often, and mostly ampelous ones, but nothing can prevent you from planting, say, aromatic herbs or just beautiful flowers in such baskets or boxes in the lower tier, and let there be hanging ampelous lashes at the top.

Wall design option - metal baskets lined with jute fiber, inside - soil

Very often, uncomplicated decorations or some unusual elements distract attention from the not very attractive surface, which is a fence. It can be homemade flowers made of colored plastic or a whole cascade of different boxes in which you can either plant flowers or put them in pots.

Uncomplicated decorations, but they fulfill their task - they distract attention from an unsightly surface

Ideas in photo format

In order to comfortably relax in the country, it is not enough to have just a house. It is desirable that it be tastefully furnished, regardless of its size. Even in a one-room house, where a cozy atmosphere is created, one can feel more pleasant than in a tastelessly furnished mansion. Do you agree? Then we suggest you consider the simplest, but at the same time cool ideas for decorating a country house inside with your own hands. Photos of projects will help you choose your style.

Ideas for arranging a country house inside with your own hands, photo

Country house inside: how to equip?

The design of a small house will be successful and comfortable if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Remove unnecessary things from the room.
  • When choosing furniture, it is best to give preference to multifunctional options: a folding bed, a sofa bed, a folding table, or a model that stows away in a closet. For small spaces ideal option there will be furniture - a transformer.
  • Do not clutter up the space wall cabinets. Their absence allows you to expand the room, it is better to hang a few light shelves.
  • To expand the space, use light shades of furniture, textiles, and finishes.

When planning a permanent summer residence in the country, it is necessary to provide for the presence of water supply and drainage Wastewater in a septic tank. If in a holiday village there are interruptions in the water supply, then you can put a water tank on the roof or on a special pedestal, the volume of which is about 200 liters. In addition, during the day, the water will heat up in the sun, and it can be used for summer shower. The container is installed higher than the taps are located.

If it is necessary to equip a warm toilet, you can purchase a dry closet and install it in a house or outbuilding, not forgetting to ventilate the room. Heating the house is very important. Even in summer, with prolonged rains, the room becomes damp and cool. If the house is not equipped with a stove or fireplace, you can install an infrared or convection heater that allows you to set a constant temperature mode.

Wall and ceiling decoration inside the house can be made from various materials, many of which are environmentally friendly and practical. There are two types on sale. gypsum boards- gypsum fiber boards and dry plaster. The slabs are gypsum reinforced with fiber reinforced and pressed with cellulose fibers. Thanks to this, a reliable product is obtained, into which it is not dangerous to screw a screw, hammer a nail. The gypsum fiber board is moisture resistant and can be used to finish the kitchen, basement, bathroom. Dry plaster is gypsum, covered on both sides with cardboard, to which, for greater porosity, a foaming agent is added, which helps to reduce weight and thermal conductivity. Such products are convenient to use for interior decoration.

Plywood is a material used since Soviet times. It is sold in any specialized store and is easy to work with. Plywood is pressed from several wood fiber layers, it can be of normal or increased moisture resistance. When sheathing the room, the walls "breathe", which creates a healthy microclimate in the room. Good thermal insulation qualities will help make the house warmer, and sound insulation will ensure silence. Walls and ceilings sheathed with plywood are allowed to be painted, varnished or stained, and wallpapered.

Materials for interior decoration of a country house

IN last years, for finishing the inside of the house is used plastic panels, which are produced in two types - with photo printing and laminated. The first option is more suitable for creating original design, and the second will appeal to fans classical style. The advantages of the panels include their ease of use, long term service, ease of care, variety of colors and textures, fire safety.

Wallpaper, no less popular for decorative finishes country house, moreover, at present they are presented in a wide variety: paper, in liquid form, textile, vinyl, photo wallpapers, glass wallpapers. In addition, natural or artificial stone, plastic lining, and plaster are used for decoration. The more time spent outside the city, the more comfortable the living space should be. To do this, you can take the following actions:

  • If the house does not have a porch, it is advisable to attach it by equipping a canopy on top. This will help unload the hallway, you can leave dirty shoes on the porch without bringing them into the house. On it you can put a small bench or a folding chair for relaxing.
  • Even if the house consists of one room, it needs a kitchen. Since it’s impossible to allocate a full-fledged room, you need to equip at least a kitchenette. To do this, put a cupboard for dishes, a table with chairs. It is convenient to use a sliding table or equip a tabletop that is attached to the wall, and it can be raised at any time and free up space. Chairs can be picked up folding, which are easy to remove or get if necessary. Ensure availability household appliances, from the minimum necessary appliances - electric stoves (or electric ovens) and a refrigerator, which will greatly facilitate living conditions.
  • Arrangement needs to be taken care of bed for every member of the family. It's no secret that many owners of summer cottages bring there furniture that has already served its time. But sleeping on a sagging sofa or mattress is not only uncomfortable, but also not healthy. After a hard day in the garden, you need a good rest, on a comfortable bed. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase normal furniture, albeit the simplest, but with a good mattress, which allows you to feel rested after sleep.
  • Hang on windows and doors Mosquito nets, or use tulle curtains that prevent the access of flying insects.

IMPORTANT! The internal content of a country house is determined by the type of its structure. If the room is small, then it is better to use built-in furniture (lockers, benches), which can be built

Styles for decorating a country house

For a country house small size you can choose a design in country style. This style is characterized by bright colors, it organically combines wood and textiles. Comfort will help to create colored pillows, napkins, curtains. Suitable for this and hand crafts, knitted products, own production.

If the furniture in the house is rather old-fashioned, but still good quality, you can equip the room in retro style. Previously fashionable paintings, figurines, harmoniously fit into the interior. A touch of charm will be added by spaced vases with fresh flowers. General design the room is done in light colors.

On the bank of the river, our friends purchased an abandoned plot of land, which is a wasteland covered with bumps and bumps, overgrown with bushes and weeds.


Four years of hard work allowed us to build country house with all urban amenities and turn the surrounding area into a piece of paradise.

house project, internal organization and landscaping was carried out by the owner of the summer cottage on her own. Since the summer cottage was created for recreation in the summer, most of land plot was set aside for a green lawn and flower beds.

Only a small part of the land in the far corner behind the house was used to install a greenhouse and beds for growing greens. Currant bushes and apple trees with plums were also planted.

In order to rainy weather the paths were dry and clean they were paved paving slabs elevated above ground level. As a result, it became possible to walk around the territory of the summer cottage even in indoor slippers.

A wide path was made for the entire length of the suburban area from the gate, which ends with a canopy without walls, intended for parking a car. The canopy allows not only to protect the car from precipitation and solar radiation, but also to do household chores under it in rainy weather.

A garage canopy of this design is a good design solution, as it does not obstruct the view and fits well into overall design suburban area.

The owners of the summer cottage are very hospitable people. Relatives and friends often visit them. Thanks to the wide walkway from the gate, up to six cars can be accommodated in the yard at once.

A strip of land was left between the fence and a wide path, on which flowers and spruce forests were planted.

Along the opposite side of the path and a green lawn, there is also a flower bed.

All paths are made of paving slabs of gray and red color. A narrow path leads from the wide road to the house.

Before front door a spacious open veranda overlooking the river was built in the country house. It has a table and chairs. After visiting the steam room on the veranda on summer evenings, in any weather, it is very pleasant to dine with soft drinks and barbecue in the company of friends.

On the summer cottage, before the construction of the house, an outbuilding was built, consisting of three separate rooms with doors. Two entrances are equipped with a small common porch with a canopy. One of the rooms has a window overlooking the river. It has a bed with a bedside table for overnight guests. The second room is windowless and serves as a workshop, while the third is used to store inventory and tools.

Next to the utility house, opposite the veranda, there is a platform covered with paving slabs for frying shish kebabs on the grill. Nearby there is a place for a mobile garden rocking sofa.

Flower beds and flower beds

Considering the above published photos, you probably noticed that almost all, even the smallest plots of land between the paths have flower beds and flower beds. The hostess of the summer cottage fantastically loves flowers, and is ready to deal with them tirelessly from morning to evening, which, by the way, does all her free time.

She treats flowers as her own, and therefore the thought of asking her to pick at least one flower for a bouquet does not even occur to her. She buys flowers for a bouquet as a gift, despite the abundance of her own, she buys in a flower shop.

By the way, if you need a simple or exquisite bouquet of flowers for a special occasion, then you can order it online with home delivery to any city not only in Russia, but also in the World, in the specialized online store "Megaflowers".

The pride of the owner of the summer cottage is a spacious green lawn. Although it often has to be cut, there is a place for children to run barefoot, play ball games and badminton.

A low fence with a gate in the center separates the summer cottage from the public area. There is a flower bed in front of the fence, separated from the path by wooden chocks. In the flower bed, in addition to flowers, Christmas trees are planted, each of which is planted in honor of one of the granddaughters and named after them. Children will grow up and watch how spruces grow with them. It will be very interesting for children.

Marigold flowers are planted along the low fence from the side of the river. On the left side of it, next to the canopy, there is a box with a tight lid for the disposal of food waste and garbage of plant origin.

Almost the entire area not occupied by a green lawn, a greenhouse and a small vegetable garden is planted with spruce forests and flowers.

The corners between the paths are beautifully decorated with paving slabs. Not flashy, but tasteful.

A flower garden in the form of an alpine hill decorates the edge of the grassy lawn. The original composition and harmonious combination of different colors in combination with boulders and pebbles is admirable. The photo shows a view from the second floor of the country house.

The flowerbed of the alpine hill view is not symmetrical, and when you look at it from different sides, a completely different composition of flowers opens up.

And in this photo, on the site of last year's alpine slide, a new one has been created, which has larger size and with a different design. For a detailed review, I decided to present close-up photographs of plants and flowers.

In the photo, a perennial, unpretentious to the soil, sun-loving cinquefoil is golden, with beautiful yellow flowers, growing on an alpine hill. The plant is not afraid of frost, and Potentilla tea has medicinal properties. Golden cinquefoil begins to bloom, usually in the second half of summer.

And this is thyme (creeping thyme), popularly called "Bogorodskaya grass". Thyme is a very beautiful perennial plant with a noble aroma, which has about 400 species. There are different colors. Thyme is also medicinal plant. Blooms from early June to late July. Thyme is great for creating alpine slides.

This flower is called a stone rose, a relative of cacti, which has nothing in common with ordinary roses, except that rosettes are similar in shape, and the leaves are on the edges. Pink colour. The Latin name is Sempervivum, which means "always alive." Unpretentious beautiful perennial plant with fleshy leaves, odorless. Ideal for alpine slides.

Heather is an evergreen low-growing perennial (grows up to 30 years), shrub plant and blooms in our latitudes from July-August to late autumn. Heather is a light-loving plant, and with enough sun, the flowers are saturated with color and do not fall off for a long time. Excellent honey plant and bees never fly by. The flowers are small, lilac or lilac-pink. The bushes grow to a height of 60 cm. Heather is the national flower of Norway, as Heather fields cover more than half of the country's area.

The dwarf mountain pine jacobsen has a beautiful decorative form and surprises with its fluffiness. The needles are not prickly and it is pleasant to touch them with your hands. This coniferous plant is unpretentious to the soil and grows in any conditions, loves the sun, is not afraid of frost. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 40 cm, which makes the mountain pine an ideal conifer for alpine slides.

Due to the unusual red color of the leaves, the perennial Geichera flower is very popular among gardeners. Garden geyher is the fruit of the work of American breeders. Heuchera does not like direct sunlight and grows better in the shade of other plants.

Heuchera flowering time depends on temperature environment and illumination. Due to the bright red color of the leaves and the beautiful flowers of Geichera, it is excellent in combination with other plants to create alpine slides. It is better to plant Geykhera in the shade from conifers or other flowers, so that the rays of the sun fall on it only at sunrise or sunset.

This is another variety coniferous plants. Unfortunately, scientific name I don't know this tree.

Sizaya Canadian spruce Konika (Conica) comes from Canada. dwarf variety grows in ten years to a height of only one meter. This is a very beautiful conifer, it grows perfectly, like an ordinary spruce, in our latitudes.

It is probably not necessary to imagine a lily flower. Lily is the oldest known flower, the flower of purity and purity. There are thousands of legends about Lily. The lily is considered the flower of kings. Everyone knows and loves this beautiful flower. Pictured is Canadian Lily.

In this photo, too, a lily, only bright red.

Roses are perhaps the most popular flowers for expressing the feelings of the giver. Thanks to the variety of shades of rosebuds, they were "taught" to convey attitude without words. A scarlet rose or a bouquet is given when expressing romantic love and passion, a donated red rose bud expresses confusion, a tender attitude is emphasized by a pale pink bouquet of roses. It is customary to give a dark pink bouquet as a token of gratitude.

Astilbe is unpretentious frost-resistant perennial plant with bright red flowers. There are varieties that bloom in other colors. The flowers can reach a height of 60 cm and rise beautifully above low-growing grass and other flowers.

Pansies are popularly called violet tricolor. These pretty flowers seem to be looking at us. Pansies are one of the most unpretentious flowers to environmental conditions, they bloom from early spring to late autumn.

Petal color combination pansies tends to infinity. This is one of the gardeners' favorite flowers.

Cannes are exotic flowers for our latitudes. The flowers are very beautiful, and in one flower the petals can be of different colors. Cannes are excellent flowers for decorating a summer cottage.

And this flower Gatsania liked the bee, and she collects nectar. Gatsania, or gazania, is a South African flower that looks like a Russian chamomile. Flowers appear from July and delight the eye until the end of the season. The flower loves abundance sunlight and has an attractive look.

The Gatzania flower has color scheme sunlight, and therefore it is difficult to look away from it.

Summer is a wonderful time when people tend to escape from the urban jungle and go to the country. It is in the country that you can relax from the bustle of the city and from the noise of the metropolis. And of course, you want the house where you are going to spend the whole summer to be comfortable. We have collected for our readers the most original ideas for arranging a summer house.

1. Support for climbing plants

The original support will allow you to turn grapes or other climbing plants into an exotic tree.

2. Pergola

A creative wooden pergola will undoubtedly become a highlight of the garden, making it elegant and stylish.

3. Landscape lighting

A fence adorned with small glass candle jars will turn your backyard into a magical place filled with magic and mystery.

4. Garden path

Simple, budget, but no less stylish and original idea garden path design

5. Flowerbed

Take your time to uproot the old stumps on your site, turn them into charming flower beds.

6. Vertical garden

simple, neat beds no one will be surprised anymore. Now the trend is gaining more and more popularity. vertical cultivation various plants. So why not decorate your summer cottage decorative wall from useful plants?

7. Rain barrel

A rain barrel will significantly reduce water consumption, which means significant savings on garden maintenance. Most often, a barrel for collecting and storing rainwater is installed at the end of a downpipe.

8. Table

Original garden table with a mobile tabletop and a compartment for storing drinks.

9. Summer booth

Resting in the country, you should take care of your pet. Make a small open booth (like a gazebo) so that your beloved dog does not overheat in the sun.

10. Fountain

An elegant stone garden fountain that you can make yourself.

11. Terrace

If the cottage is equipped with a balcony, you should definitely use the area under it to arrange a comfortable terrace.

12. Pond

If the territory and financial possibilities allow, then feel free to equip the backyard with a large pond with a recreation area, dense vegetation and other accessories.

Decorate an old nondescript fence will help wooden shelves with flower pots.

14. Garden furniture

Update old garden furniture juicy moss.

15. Gazebo

The original project is simple and beautiful garden gazebo from a wooden beam.

16. Fireplace

The sight of a flame calms and creates a romantic atmosphere, and an open fire warms not only the body, but also the soul. There are many ideas and instructions for creating an open hearth that can be set up even in a tiny area.

17. Music of the wind

Create your own original design made of metal and wire, which will fill the yard with wonderful sounds, decorate the yard and fill the territory with positive energy