Shower      04/22/2019

What flowers to plant at home for family happiness. What flowers should be grown at home for family well-being

Beautiful representatives of flora - indoor plants - have accompanied people in their daily lives for many centuries. They not only decorate his home with lush greenery and delight him with their blooms, but are also amulets of love and prosperity. It is worth finding out which house flowers are useful to keep in your home, and what they give to the owners in exchange for caring care.

What indoor plants bring happiness?

There are many folk beliefs about the benefits of indoor plants. Can this be explained with scientific point vision? Botany - the science of plant organisms - states that beneficial features home flowers lie in their chemical composition. Phytoncides are bioactive substances released by plants that can purify the air of a home from impurities of heavy metals, microbes and viruses. In the process of life, green human pets produce oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the health of those around them.

Many representatives of the flora not only have excellent decorative qualities, but also exhibit healing properties. Some indoor plants contain essential oils. Released from the surface of leaves and flowers, these substances fill the room with a subtle aroma that has anti-stress activity. Cacti, on the contrary, absorb harmful electromagnetic radiation from home appliances, protecting the human body.

Since ancient times, people have noticed the positive influence of plants on their emotional state. Practical application phytodesign and floristry are engaged in flora for the aesthetic improvement of premises and garden plots. Feng Shui is the teaching of how to direct, balance and harmonize energy for the benefit of a person. Using the concept of these teachings, pots of house flowers can be placed in a room in such a way that the physical and emotional health of family members can be greatly improved.

Esoterics studies the influence of flora on humans from an energetic point of view. She divides all indoor flowers into plants:

  • "Warriors". Representatives of the group have strong yang energy (male), activate nervous system household members. Because of this, it is undesirable to place flowers such as pineapple, palm, and cactus in bedrooms and children's rooms.
  • "Nannies." They remove negativity, have a calming effect, and fill a person with strength: aloe, camellia, begonia.
  • "Cleaners" Neutralize the effect of geopathogenic areas of the house, restore the positive mood of family members: vines, ivy, ferns.

Plants of love and happiness

For many people, love and happiness are associated with a cozy home, well-being, and mutual understanding with family and friends. Indoor plants bring a warm atmosphere to the house. The aesthetic appearance of green crops and the ability to cleanse the surrounding space help housewives to fill their homes with tenderness and warmth. Orchids are a symbol of luxury and perfection.

Feng Shui experts say that orchids growing in a person’s home will bring him love and prosperity. People dedicate enthusiastic poems to these unique flowers, full of grace. The long-term flowering of these plants brings a festive atmosphere to the house. It is appropriate to keep orchids in the living room and office because they have active energy. In their presence, a person wants to act, to realize his plans.

Those who want to fill the house warm atmosphere In addition to orchids, you need to purchase:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • anthurium;
  • hibiscus;
  • hoyu.

Plants of luck and prosperity

Good luck charms are oxalis (oxalis) and akalifa. They maintain family relationships. Divorce of spouses is a rare case if sorrel is kept at home. Its leaves are very similar to clover. By folk signs Four leaf clover brings good luck. This is probably why “four-leaf” varieties of oxalis are so popular. The leaf blades of this flower look like butterflies. Amazing property Oxalis is the ability to join leaves at sunset. It seems that the plant falls asleep in the evening.

Indoor plants of good luck and happiness accumulate the energy of joy, and when their owners are sad, they fill the house with positivity. Pessimists feel better next to Akalifa. Even when the green pet is not blooming, it is able to improve the mood of people nearby. Women in the presence of Akalifa become more feminine, and men gain courage. This is how the magical property of this child of flora manifests itself - the ability to harmonize space.

For a family idyll

Only some indoor flowers are classified by people as “bringing happiness.” Folk wisdom piece by piece collected information about their influence on the well-being, luck and love of family members. Indoor plants for happiness in the home.

  • chlorophytum;
  • calathea;
  • Usambara violet (Saintpaulia);
  • myrtle;
  • geranium;
  • pelargonium.

Women should know that calathea - the beauty of the Amazon forests - brings peace and tranquility to the house. Demanding on living conditions, especially on the level of air humidity. Anyone who manages to “tame” this child of nature will be fully rewarded, because calathea brings joy, mutual understanding, and love to the house. This flower is called “prayer flower” because in the evening it lifts up and folds its leaves. According to legends, calathea prays for happiness and prosperity in the house.

Myrtle, Saintpaulia, pelargonium are symbols of a strong family. Myrtle – home tree, whose name contains the word "world". In ancient times, it was an attribute of Venus, the goddess of love. Planting myrtle is recommended for those who have not yet found their family happiness or newlyweds dreaming of their first child. Pelargonium has a positive effect on family members born under the zodiac signs of Aries, Virgo, Libra. It will help its owners cope with hot temper, fussiness, tearfulness, and sudden mood swings.

For prosperity and wealth

In their quest to be rich, people often surround themselves with all sorts of talismans to remind them of their goal. Some indoor flowers symbolize wealth and well-being:

  • Crassula - Money Tree;
  • bamboo;
  • Zamioculcas - dollar tree;
  • cactus.

They not only bring financial success, but also give clues about the future financial situation. There is a belief: if the tree of luck begins to lose leaves or dry out, you should expect financial losses. That is why people take special care of these beautiful representatives of the flora in their homes and offices. It is known that the fat woman is very sensitive to negative energy. She begins to get sick and wither in a zone of constant strife, and therefore can serve as an indicator of the emotional situation of the family and team.

10 indoor plants that bring happiness

Flowers are amazing creatures of nature. They are capable of inducing a feeling of happiness in the person admiring them. The most popular indoor crops in different countries world are:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • anthurium;
  • Dracaena Sandera;
  • violets;
  • hoya;
  • hibiscus;
  • geranium;
  • cacti;
  • Crassula;
  • chlorophytum.

Woman's happiness

Spathiphyllum (lat. Spathiphyllum) was brought to Eurasia from Central America; it is demanding of heat and moisture, because the natural habitat of this representative of the flora is marshy areas. Its elliptical bract white with a yellow inflorescence in the form of a spadix, it looks like a delicate, exquisite flower. The second name of this plant is “female happiness.” It reproduces by dividing the bush and does not like drafts. It blooms annually for about one and a half months.

There is a beautiful legend that says that the goddess of love Aphrodite filled the snow-white spathiphyllum flower with happiness and bliss that overwhelmed her when she fell in love with Ares. The daughter of Zeus ordered the earthly woman to take care of the magic flower, and the reward for this was female happiness. Spathiphyllum should be kept out of direct sunlight. It is better to keep the talisman of happiness on the windowsills of the eastern and western windows. He likes moderate but regular watering. The acceptable air temperature for the normal functioning of a flower is 15-20 degrees Celsius.

Spathiphyllum is usually given as a gift to unmarried girls. It is believed that it will speed up marriage and bring the birth of a child, making marriage happy. For married women, the talisman of happiness helps to create a cozy nest with a peaceful atmosphere, trust, and mutual understanding between family members. They say that the magical power of this child of flora unfolds to its fullest if he grows up surrounded by the sincere love of his mistress.

Male happiness

Anthurium (lat. Anthúrium) is an evergreen perennial. The name translated from Greek consists of the words “flower” and “tail”. Grows in the forests of Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina. Almost blooms all year round. Anthurium has a leathery bract structure. Breeders have developed new varieties of this crop with pink, orange, purple, almost black bracts, but the red cover of the inflorescence is considered classic. Popularly this ornamental plant called “male happiness” - a symbol of strength and masculinity.

The legend about the origin of anthurium tells how a young beauty refused to marry the leader of a neighboring tribe. Having become furious, he attacked her native village and took the girl by force. In honor of the wedding, a festive fire was lit. The rebellious girl threw herself at him, not wanting to fall to the powerful ruler. As soon as she touched the flames, the gods watching this turned her into a magnificent red flower, and the site of the tragedy into an impenetrable forest.

It is believed that anthurium puts a man in a positive mood, helps him solve problems without unnecessary emotions, makes his mind clear and his consciousness pure. Anthurium is recommended to be placed next to spathiphyllum. They look very impressive in the contrast of their unusual colors. There is a belief that if a husband takes care of “male happiness” and a wife takes care of “female happiness,” the house will be full of love and harmony.

Bamboo of happiness

Dracaena Sanderiana (lat. Dracaena sanderiana) is very unusual. Outwardly, it resembles bamboo stems, which is why it received the second name “bamboo of happiness.” In ancient China, there was a tradition of giving bamboo as a gift during holidays as a symbol of wealth. Due to the fact that this plant cannot be stored cut for a long time, about 150 years ago the Dracaena Sandera took pride of place as a talisman, which has since brought prosperity to the house.

The unusual spiral-shaped stem of dracaena is obtained artificially by one-sided lighting of the flower or twisting it with wire. It is not difficult to care for him. This type of dracaena feels great in a vase with distilled or melt water with the addition of special fertilizers. You only need to immerse the flower in liquid 1-2 cm. You will have to change the water every 2 weeks. You can grow Sandera in hydrogel and regular soil.

At home, the flower reaches 1 m in height, but grows slowly. It is necessary to constantly remove young shoots and leaves from the main stem of dracaena to maintain its similarity to bamboo. In nature, this evergreen crop reaches two meters in height, has an erect stem and lanceolate leaves. The Chinese believe: the more stalks of Sandera there are in the house, the more positive they bring to their owner. A composition of 20 dracaena sprouts is called the “tower of love” in China.


A houseplant of love and happiness - violet (lat. Viola) is valued for its amazing flowers. To date, more than seven hundred species of this plant are known. There are several legends about the origin of violets. One of them tells that while bathing, the goddess of love Aphrodite noticed several men spying on her. Aphrodite demanded from Zeus the death of the unfortunates for this offense. The god of thunder and lightning turned them into violets, the flowers of which resemble curious eyes.

Violets bring stability and happiness. They clear the space of negativity, level out the energy of the home, and help quickly resolve conflicts between husband and wife. Uzambara violet, especially with white flowers, protects household members from nervous stress and has a beneficial effect on children. This talisman of happiness can serve as an indicator of the psychological situation in the family. If you take care of a plant, but it still gets sick and withers, it means that your home contains too much negative energy.

Violets need a warm, well-lit place without direct sunlight. The room air temperature should be 18-23°C, the soil should be moderately moist. Water should not get on the leaves, as this will cause them to become covered with brown spots. Since violet leaf blades are covered with villi, it is necessary to periodically clean the leaves of dust with a soft brush.

The symbol of family happiness is hoya (lat. Hóya) - wax ivy. This indoor plant can transform negative energy. The flower helps a person to calm down anger, relax, and switch his attention to the positive aspects of life. This plant is recommended for those couples whose feelings have begun to fade over time. It is believed that the presence of hoya in the bedroom improves the sex life of spouses.

The plant is very unpretentious, but requires a certain level of air humidity. On hot summer days, Hoya needs to be sprayed with water. Watering should be moderate. Ivy is replanted once a year in the spring until the plant reaches five years of age. Then – once every 3 years. The inflorescences have a very specific smell, which not all people like. It is better to move the blooming hoya from the bedroom to the living room during flowering so that the rich aroma does not interfere with rest.


The homeland of the beautifully flowering hibiscus tree (lat. Hibiscus) is the Pacific Islands. It is grown in temperate climates as a houseplant. Polynesian women often decorate their hair with red hibiscus flowers, and in India they are an attribute of wedding wreaths, symbolizing love. The Chinese rose (as the plant is often called) ignites the passion of lovers and strengthens their affection for each other for a long time.

The spreading crown of hibiscus must be properly formed by constantly trimming the tops of the stem and branches. Comfortable temperature for Chinese rose – 23-25°C. It grows quickly in well-lit, draft-free areas. In low light it blooms sparingly. The soil should be light but fertile. It has long flowering. Requires feeding from time to time mineral fertilizers.


Geranium (lat. Geranium) has firmly established itself in human homes. This beauty with delicate inflorescences has more than 400 species. An indoor flower is often a companion for elderly couples who have lived a difficult but happy life. This union is not accidental, because geranium is a green “doctor”: it helps a person relax after a hard day, its phytoncides protect owners from viruses.

Increasingly, geranium is purchased by newlyweds, because it is a “fire extinguisher” of outbursts of emotions that are so characteristic of spouses who are beginning to live together. The indoor flower has a specific smell, so it is better to keep it away from the bedroom. Geranium is not afraid of direct sunlight, so it can be safely placed on the windowsills of southern windows. Special care required in winter. At this time, it is worth reducing watering to a minimum and ensuring the air temperature is + 10°C, then in the new growing season the geranium will delight the owners abundant flowering.

Every married couple will benefit from the green “cleaner” cactus (lat. Cactaceae). This indoor flower not only absorbs harmful radiation from computers and televisions, but also, according to popular belief, is a “guardian” against thieves and misfortunes. A photo of the aura of plants, the so-called Krillian effect, shows that representatives of the flora are capable of feelings. The cactus becomes very attached to its owner and is even able to extinguish the impulses of passion of a person in love.

In order for a person to have money, it is necessary to acquire a symbol of wealth and prosperity - a fat woman (lat. Crássula). If you plant a “money tree” in a red pot and place it in a zone of well-being according to Feng Shui, you can enhance the magical effect of the flower. Plectranthus (lat. Plectranthus) is considered a great “friend” of the Crassula. By placing their pots next to each other, you can attract financial luck and career success. "Money tree" is a succulent, likes moderate watering, and winter time requires significant restriction of moisture.

“Family happiness” is called chlorophytum (lat. Chlorophytum). This representative of the plant world is completely unpretentious, but requires attention, like any living organism. If you wash its leaves often, spray it and replant it in time, calm happy life the owners of the flower will be provided. Chlorophytum cleanses the air well in the home, takes care of peace and the well-being of the family in return for sincere love and care.


A positive aura in any home is impossible without the use of house plants. Since ancient times, various flowers have always been present in houses, which guarded the hearth, driving away evil spirits.

Energy of house plants

Not all flowers are capable of carrying something more than just aesthetic beauty. We will tell you how to attract love into your home, maintain health and increase your chances of financial success. Flowers have different energies and different compatibility, so sometimes you can’t put plants with different energy structures next to each other.

The human aura and the aura of a plant are incredibly similar. If you are in a good mood, then you glow and radiate kindness, positivity, joy and give smiles to everyone. Otherwise, the situation is exactly the opposite - you take away everything positive from the world, emptying it. If you do not take care of a plant or flower, it will begin to absorb positive energy, leaving the house empty and lifeless. In such a house, there are usually quarrels, or someone is sick.

Any flower can bring a large or small amount of happiness to your home, but it will only do this if proper care. Love him, keep him in good condition - then he will repay you with positive energy that will fill you with self-confidence.

It is worth noting that “using” the plant will not achieve good results. Buy flowers solely for pleasure and mutual friendship, and not for success in your personal life or wealth. Scientists have proven that plants love music, so play your favorite songs more often so that the plants hear it too. Become friends by giving your attention to each other.

Which flowers to choose

To attract love: rose, violet, spathiphyllum. They should grow in your bedroom and nowhere else. This is a strict rule, since love comes from the place where a person is most often. The bedroom is the place of sleep, the marital bed, so one of these flowers should grow there.

To attract money: geranium, orchid, fern, lilac. It is better to place such flowers where you keep money or work, that is, not at home. By placing one of these flowers at home, you risk neutralizing the effect of another plant. You can also put not a real flower, but replace it with an image, for example, have a desktop wallpaper with a bouquet of lilacs or fantastic fern flowers.

For good luck: Oxalis, Ruelia, Echeveria. You can place these flowers anywhere. Take good care of them and never expose them to stress, cold or dryness.

Choose and place flowers correctly. One of the flowers described above for the home can be an excellent gift for a loved one. Our life is positive and negative energy, their symbiosis, interaction and eternal war. Try to maintain balance with the right actions. It is better not to place flowers of money next to flowers of love or at the head of the bed. Also, flowers of love at work will bring office affairs, not joy.

We wish you good luck, love and wealth, and that your plants bring you only positive emotions. They are all our blessings. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2016 00:30

Each name has a unique energy. It is this aura that determines your luck, abilities, and also...

Plants have powerful energy that can have a positive effect on people. That's why some types of flowers...

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Of course, a person does not always need exactly the flower that corresponds to his zodiac sign. But if your zodiac qualities are sufficiently developed and you want to achieve something more, then this article is for you!


Choose a flower that will help you with this. You can make such a gift to your family and friends!

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In a house with a lot of plants, people get sick less often, the owners have stronger immunity and chronic diseases are less likely to worsen. Any indoor flower, even the most delicate, has an excellent ability to adapt to reinforced concrete walls, radiation from TV and computer, exposure household chemicals and synthetic materials.



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Flowers know how to adapt even to their owner. There are many examples of how cacti that do not like water, being in the house of a person who takes a shower three times a day and enjoys walking in the rain, begin to require regular watering even during the period of winter hibernation.

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If plants live with you in the same rhythm, they will be able to survive even your most difficult times, when you have neither the strength nor the time to deal with them.

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Plants, just like people, relate to different signs Zodiac and subject to the influence of planets. Having plants in your home that belong to your sign is the right thing to do. They will easily enhance your inherent positive traits and smooth out the negative ones. And plants of other signs will help you acquire advantages that you do not have.




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ARIES is a fiery, hot sign, so its plants are fiery red, burgundy, pink or orange flowers and leaves!


Garden geranium (with red and dark pink flowers), Indian and Japanese azalea (with red and pink flowers), royal begonia, dwarf pomegranate.

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Aries symbolizes a strong personality, helps to achieve personal success and strengthen character.

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U begonias royal large, amazingly painted leaves. If you work with people, have a begonia plant in your work area. It neutralizes the negative energy that arises in disputes. Begonia is the best gift for an indecisive lover because it helps to take a step in the relationship. It imparts eloquence and can even reduce stuttering. Begonia has an active and beneficial effect on the bronchi. Red begonia is good for those who like to receive guests. It will make gatherings more interesting and will not allow guests to interrupt each other. It will give speed and intelligence to a slow person.


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Azalea, rhododendron, English rose - one of the most colorful indoor plants that blooms in winter. There are two types of azaleas grown at home: Japanese and Indian. If someone spends a long time on the phone, place an azalea nearby. She turns conversations into useful and informative ones. If you want to share household chores, let the azalea be present during the conversation. It will allow us to come to an agreement with each other. If you are a night owl and life forces you to get up early in the morning, place an azalea in your bedroom. Azalea in the workplace will help those who tend to procrastinate for a long time before getting down to work. Azalea is useful for those who are afraid to take responsibility for a big undertaking. Azalea cleanses the atmosphere of the home.

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Geranium It has a calming effect, develops a sense of humor, relieves stress, and makes people kinder. Geranium plays a role fire truck. If heated debates often happen at home and you take everything that happens around you to heart, get a geranium. It will soften the energy of anger and help develop a sense of humor and improve your mood. Red geranium is a great helper for stress.

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For coziness, comfort, greater peace and a sense of stability, Taurus needs beautifully flowering, low-growing and strong indoor plants. They will help you find a prosperous life. These are: Kalanchoe, decorative flowering begonia, gloxinia, ampelous peperonia, violets, cyclamen, crassula (money tree).

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Those born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus - the goddess of beauty and love, effortlessly attract others thanks to their flexible nature, ability to work, patience, constancy, as well as an innate sense of beauty and impeccable taste. Taurus is a sign of material stability and its plants contribute to the achievement of material wealth. Taurus also symbolizes endurance and its plants help maintain strength.

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Gloxinia- an excellent plant for representatives of the Taurus sign. This lovely flower radiates streams like the sun positive energy and actively dispels the negative. It helps to achieve stable material well-being, and plants with flowers in red shades will support Taurus in their persistent pursuit of their goal.

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Violet calms, brings comfort to the house, develops wisdom in a person, strengthens his spirit, unity between family members, protects against throat diseases. White violets calm excessive emotions, cleanse the house of negative energies, and sometimes even drive household insects out of the apartment. Blue violets develop creative abilities - there is never a dull moment in the house where they grow. Purple violets are needed when there is no mutual understanding between family members. They help you look at your problems more philosophically.





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To make new friends, ease of learning and quickness of mind, GEMINI need to have in the house climbing plants and plants with lush foliage, chlorophytum crested, ferns, ivy, cirrus palms, asparagus, dates.


They will help improve your mental health and also clear the energy at home.

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The goddess Flora, the patroness of everything that grows and blooms, endowed Gemini with climbing plants. as well as flowers with lush, elegant foliage. Gemini is the sign of friendship and learning. For those born under this sign, their plant helps improve physical and mental health, eases the soul, and helps strengthen memory. They are also kept in the house as talismans, good relations both with close friends and with friends and colleagues, as well as as study assistants and quick assimilation of information.

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Asparagus- these plants are valued for their graceful openwork shoots, like lace. In a bright place, attached to a support, they reach a considerable length. This flower helps make dreams come true; it is good to have if someone in your family talks a lot and does little. If you have the feeling that life is passing you by, asparagus will help you find harmony. Place asparagus in the room of a child who goes to school: it helps to express thoughts briefly and beautifully and contributes to the development of literacy. This flower relieves the condition of any sufferer chronic diseases, especially pulmonary. Place asparagus in the room where you do exercises. It improves body flexibility and skin elasticity.



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Tradescantia brings joy, does not allow you to turn into an envious person and teaches you not to make a tragedy over a trifle.

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Ferns useful for those who do not know the sense of proportion. It helps to gain a sense of proportion, prevents you from losing your head, makes you distinguish whims from real desires, and develops a sense of tact.

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Palm trees(coconut or date) are needed by superficial, disorganized people. Feathery palms charge you with vigor, energy and give confidence.

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Ivy indispensable when someone has offended, betrayed, or when your soul is simply heavy. It also helps you get rid of addictions, such as stopping drinking or smoking

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For CANCER, for happiness in the home and joy in the family, it is advisable to have indoor plants with fleshy, succulent leaves that require abundant watering: bushy peperomia, hybrid fuchsia, tree aloe, American agave, Mason's begonia.

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Cancer is a home, family sign; its plants are needed to preserve the family, improve relationships with relatives and create comfort in the home. This Moon-ruled sign favors compact bushes with succulent, fleshy leaves. All these colors have a common property - they help us maintain physical and mental health and make better relationships in the home.

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Peperomia is a compact, slow-growing flower with funny inflorescences in the form of cobs or white curled spikelets and a rosette of small fleshy leaves, different in shape and size. Peperomia helps a person get out of difficult times in life. If someone at home torments you with their stubbornness and spirit of contradiction, peperomia will smooth out sharp corners. For example, when you are unfairly criticized. Where this plant exists, benevolence and friendliness reign. If you find it difficult to relax after a busy day, peperomia will smooth out the tension. Peperomia promotes the healing of sutures and fights inflammation of internal organs.

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Fuchsia- a lovely plant with elegant flowers. It blooms long and profusely. Fuchsia willingly shares her creative energy and cheerfulness. If several generations live in the house and it is not easy for them to find mutual language, then fuchsia will make conservative people more flexible. If you find yourself in a vicious circle of problems or are haunted by the same failure, fuchsia will break the vicious circle and suggest a new solution. Fuchsia has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gallbladder and mammary glands.

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U aloe strong character, it promotes health and is absolutely necessary in families where there are seriously ill and frequently ill children. Aloe develops fortitude in people with a weak character who are afraid of difficulties; it gives determination and patience, allowing them to withstand difficulties in the face of difficulties, even those who are timid and exhausted by troubles. Aloe helps one to be self-sufficient and is therefore useful for people living alone.



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Agave American, despite its prickly appearance, is a caring plant. This plant is good to have for those who want peace in the family and protect the home from family quarrels and conflicts with children, where the child suffers from constant quarrels between parents. Agave calms and instills tenderness. In addition, it helps to develop intuition and not focus on yourself and your problems.

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Mason's begonia It is useful to have for those who would like to express their thoughts clearly and clearly. It develops talent for commerce and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and mammary glands.

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For success in love and creativity, LEO should keep beautiful, brightly flowering indoor plants in the house.


To maintain emotional and physical tone, cleanse the energy around you, at work and at home, you need to have plants such as jasmine gerdenia, Japanese camellia, bashful mimosa, Chinese rose, geranium, pelargonium, balsam, calla lilies.

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The sign of Leo is associated with creativity, spirituality and nobility. Plants patronized by the zodiac sign Leo will become loyal allies not only to Leos, but also to representatives of all zodiac signs. Any of the colors of this sign should be used as a talisman of successful creativity and happiness in love. Most Leo plants bloom beautifully, but are also quite demanding on their maintenance conditions, in particular they need good lighting.

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The brightest representative of the Leo sign is Chinese rose, Chinese rose, or, scientifically, hibiscus. This is a flower that stimulates the search for something new in everyday things. In the Hawaiian Islands it is considered the national flower, and in many hot countries it is known as the “passion flower.” These flowers beautiful women decorate their hairstyles.



Place this plant in your apartment if someone is capable of lying on the couch for hours and does not even wash their dishes, Chinese rose(hibiscus) transforms the energy of laziness into the energy of creation, stimulates the will to work. It is needed by people who are constantly dissatisfied with something. If a person has tortured everyone and himself with the desire for unattainable perfection, criticism, self-criticism and dissatisfaction with what is, hibiscus will open his eyes to the beauty and harmony of everyday life. If a friend or girlfriend often comes to visit you, who puts pressure on you, manipulates your will, hibiscus will give you strength and calm.

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Chinese rose neutralizes the aggression of the family member who is trying to establish absolute power. In addition, it strengthens character: it gives a man masculinity, and teaches a woman to be independent. If you truly want change, get this beautiful flower.

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Hibiscus with red flowers will help men express their best qualities, and for women to become proud and independent. Yellow flowers They will make even those who are constantly late punctual. Whites will come in handy for those who have lost faith in love and taste for creativity.


Astromedicine believes that hibiscus stimulates the heart; it is good to have at home for people with cardiac diseases and low blood pressure.

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Calla needed in a home where people do not value their happiness. It protects the family unit and makes a person more confident.

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Balsam(touchy-needy) will create a cozy, warm, benevolent atmosphere in the house, smooth out tension and teach you to enjoy life.

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Plants of the VIRGO sign make it possible to maintain the body in health and develop the intellect.


Among the plants of this sign there are both fruit trees, which in addition to beauty bring benefits (for example, self-pollinating cucumbers), and decorative types. Since VIRGO is quite flexible, many vines with flexible stems also belong to this sign - birch (roicissus), CHISSUS, fatsia japonica, ivy, asparagus, philodendron, aster, dracaena reflexum, aucuba japonica.



Virgo plants give a person intelligence and develop intelligence, and can serve as talismans. They are useful for maintaining health and helping to improve the gastrointestinal tract.

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Birch- a common plant, unpretentious. It develops in a person the ability to adapt, teaches him to feel at ease under any conditions. It has a neutralizing effect on those who are obsessed with cleanliness.

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Monstera good for people without a king in their heads. It organizes your thoughts and helps you learn to formulate them clearly. Aukuba helps the modest and shy to discover their talents. Dracenna reflexum brings joy, absorbs black energies, helps in study, commerce, and improves the speech of those suffering from stuttering.

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For LIBRA to have harmonious partnerships and maintain peace around them, it is advisable to have plants at home that are distinguished by their refined beauty, sophistication and are quite rare.


These are plants with beautiful, medium-sized flowers and attractively colored leaves. They help people build relationships and develop a sense of taste and harmony. FLOWERS OF LIBRA are Indian azalea, codiaum (croton), fatsia japinensis, philodendrons, Chinese rose (hibiscus), lily, large-leaved hydrangea , Schlumbergera truncated (Decembrist), capsicum (Mexican) pepper, small-flowered chrysanthemum



Libra is responsible for harmony in relationships and the development of a sense of beauty. Their plants help to establish peace between partners and cultivate good taste. Libra plants have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and kidneys. Even if your own zodiac sign is not Libra, place some of the plants that they patronize on your windowsill. After all, Libra plants bring beauty and harmony not only to the interior, but also to relationships, and sharpen your intuitive understanding of people and events.

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Hydrangea- the flower of the “golden mean”, she will return those soaring in the clouds to the earth, and give wings to the mundane. Place it in your home, if a guest or an envious guest spoils your mood, it will cleanse the atmosphere in the house. Your sweetheart is jealous and pesters you with questions. Hortensia will help him get rid of senseless jealousy and suspicion. Astromedicine believes that hydrangea helps make the body beautiful. Next to this flower, a weight loss diet is easier

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Schlumberger (Zygocactus) - winter light. This is an elegant succulent plant that blooms on Christmas Eve. Schlumbergera is a flower that helps to gain mutual understanding: for some to express their thoughts and feelings, for others to understand.

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Place it where an inveterate egoist or dictator lives, not noticing that there are living people around. They say that in the presence of this flower, even the hardest hearts melt and begin to listen to others and try to help them. Whether you're practicing a graceful walk or learning a dance, Schlumbergera will help you express your feelings through your movements. Astromedicine believes that Schlumbergera protects against kidney and adrenal diseases and makes joints flexible.


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Chrysanthemum good for those people who cannot establish a balance between their mind and feelings. It will dispel the atmosphere of constant doubt, give peace, and help develop the qualities inherent to your sex: it will add strength of character to a man, femininity to a woman, and tenderness to both. It helps to overcome selfishness and listen to other people's opinions.

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For SCORPIO, in order to gain additional strength, resources, as well as to maintain a sense of self-confidence and the ability to manage the situation, it is advisable to have plants at home that have hidden attractiveness, sometimes inconspicuous, but bearing enormous strength and benefits - aloe, dracaena dragon (dragon tree) , monstera, wicker ginura (crocodiles), common oleander, three-striped sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue), desert cacti.

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Scorpio is cunning and knows how to tempt. Its plants may look very attractive, but are often thorny and poisonous. They help develop paromonic abilities, clairvoyance, and intuition. Necessary for doctors, artists, athletes and people of unusual professions to develop their abilities.

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cacti They are accustomed to sharply changing desert weather conditions and sandstorms, so they know how to neutralize sudden outbursts of anger and fits of rage. These plants are needed in families where the character of one of the household members is unpredictable. Cacti repel dark forces, suppress the manifestation of sharp emotions and touchiness. They have a calming effect on touchy people and prevent them from hatching plans for revenge. Cactus helps not to get hung up on experiences and connect logic to emotions.

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dragon tree (dracaena dragon) gives strength and confidence, removes inferiority complex.


Helps people stop eating themselves for their own mistakes and shortcomings, and prevents them from falling into black pessimism. It teaches empathy, calms the fussy, strengthens memory and helps achieve stable profits in business.

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Oleander helps to cope with bad habits, creates an atmosphere of love and harmony

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SAGITTARIUS - Sagittarius will have to fork out money, because indoor bonsai are most suitable for them. Bonsai will bring people back to thoughts about spirituality and the eternal. Having a strong body, these plants increase immunity and protect the body from diseases. Also, SAGITTARIUS plants are tall plants: reed (bamboo) palms, tetrastigma Voignier ( indoor grapes), lemon , bonsai trees, mother-in-law's tongue (sansevieria), sacred ficus.

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Sagittarius is the sign of travel, both physical and spiritual. Its plants develop curiosity and increase the desire to explore the world.


Lemon lowers the level of commercialism, raises spirituality, increases activity, helps to express oneself and become more independent. Improves liver function and blood composition.

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Bonsai will be useful to people who attach too much importance to the material side of life. They make the owner wiser, help to understand dreams, and awaken the most sincere feelings.

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Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue) is the most unpretentious indoor plant. They say about her: “Where mother-in-law’s tongue is, there is gossip and slander.” In fact, it's the other way around. Sansevieria clears the space of evil thoughts, rids the house of rudeness and harshness, and makes the atmosphere of the house conducive to thought and creativity. It helps those who decide to go into education and then find a job in their specialty






CAPRICORN is an ascetic sign. To achieve your goals, you should pay attention to plants of a strict shape with a strong stem, often thorns and thorns, sometimes with a minimum of leaves to save moisture.


Plants of this sign: desert cactus, dracaena, conifers, laurel, yucca ivory, rubber ficus, living stones, fan palms. Anxious thoughts about work, financial responsibility do not allow these people to relax - silver crassula (money tree) will help, a stable, calm atmosphere will be established in the house.

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The Capricorn sign is associated with career and social status, so its plants are a must. In addition, this sign limits shapes to strict limits, so its plants help those who dream of a good figure and want to lose weight.


Yucca will help you gather strength in difficult times. She brings to the family an atmosphere that makes calm, confidential conversations possible. It prevents scandals and quarrels from growing and inspires self-confidence

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Ficus unpretentious and does not like excess moisture, and therefore tears. It eliminates tearfulness, gives peace to people who are constantly looking for support, and develops enthusiasm. It helps to focus on the main thing, especially for those who do not know how to correctly assess their strengths and, as a result, constantly fail at work.



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Dracaena evokes a love of order and organization, has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth and the musculoskeletal system, and helps with skin diseases.


Ficus removes heavy energy, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and inspires good deeds.

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Plants for AQUARIUS have original form: arrowroot tricolor (prayer plant), coleus, dracaena Gotsefa, pounsettiya (euphorbia).


It’s worth getting an indoor maple tree. It will help fight sadness, bad thoughts, and painful experiences. This plant extinguishes conflicts well.

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Aquarius is responsible for originality and innovation. His plants are unusual and rare, stimulate the search for something new, support the “black sheep”, help find unconventional solutions, maintain emotional and physical health, and improve the atmosphere at home.

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Maranta good to have where they lead a hectic life, it suppresses the energy of conflicts, helps to focus on important things, in business helps to find ways to make quick profits. Maranta is good in companies where there are many bright individuals, each of whom strives for leadership. She, as it were, lines them up in a voluntary line so that they do not interfere or suppress each other. Maranta helps with insomnia and regulates the rhythm of the night owls, making those who have lost the meaning of life find it again.

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Abutilon (Indoor maple) inspires others with a cheerful mood and elation.

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Poinsettia(euphorbia) brings joy to the house and facilitates communication, helps a young man decide on a profession and discover new bright qualities in himself.

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Since PISCES is a sign of water, the plants are moisture-loving, with a fragrant scent and beautiful flowers.


Often the appearance of the plant does not have a distinct shape. Beautiful flower the orchid protects the exalted PISCES from life's shocks. These delicate flowers will induce in the human body full order. Pisces will probably like ficus, agnolia, lily, scented geranium, papyrus cyperus (umbrella).


Pisces is a sign of wisdom and spirituality. Its plants help take your mind off everyday problems and find spiritual purpose in life. They all have a pleasant aroma and beautiful flowers.

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beauty orchids It has an ennobling effect on others, restores harmony, evokes joyful, bright thoughts and feelings, helps to get out of depression without loss, inspires, stimulates creativity. Dark red orchids drive away laziness and apathy.


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Papyrus develops intuition and emotional sensitivity, he is good where there is nothing but empty chatter. It is needed in families where there is too much cunning and deception.


Plants of the Pisces sign have a beneficial effect on the nervous, lymphatic and endocrine systems, improve sleep, create comfort and calm the atmosphere of the room.

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Give each other beautiful fresh flowers - this will be a joy for a lifetime!


There is only one happiness in life - to love and be loved George Sand

The fact that plants have a magical ability to influence events in people’s lives is an indisputable, proven fact. There are house flowers whose mission is to attract and preserve what the relationship between two people is based on - love.

Stop suffering while dreaming of a prince. It's time to act and strongly recommend that love finally settle in your home. Home plants that attract love will help you. They have powerful love energy that their future soul mate will not be able to pass by.

Hoya Kerryi

This beauty comes from Thailand. Hoya is a symbol of the perfect fusion of feminine and masculine energy. Its fleshy, dense leaves are heart-shaped.

  • Hoya loves the sun; the best place for her is the south windows of the apartment.

Kerry will help not only attract a soul mate, but also turn future relationships into a harmonious, lasting union of love and fidelity.


Her name is also Kislitsa. The sultry African woman has a mysterious power, the energy of love. The leaves of a clover-like plant can fulfill any wish, especially if you make them in the evening, after sunset.

  • Oxalis is a pampered heat-loving plant that does not tolerate direct sunlight. Place it on the east side of the house.

Oxalis knows how to sleep by closing its flowers at night and folding its leaves.

Beautiful creatures of nature, plants with powerful energy that works to attract love. Happy owners magic flower happy in relationships and divinely attractive.

  • its places are southeastern or southwestern areas of the house. The orchid prefers partial shade, where it gains even greater strength.

According to legend, the first Orchid saw the light in the place where the goddess Venus dropped her shoe.

The magical plant was born in the Far East. She patronizes tender, romantic feelings, enchanting first kisses, eternal, faithful love.

  • Place it at least a meter away from the window. Ideally under air conditioning (Chrysanthemum loves a light breeze of fresh wind).

Love magic has especially great power indoor chrysanthemums yellow color.

Guardians of married couples

Indoor plants carry different energy charges (there are “female” plants, and there are “male” ones). If the majority of flowers in an apartment are feminine, it is difficult for a man to survive among such conditions. Take care of balance in this regard, so that “female” plants harmoniously coexist with “male” plants in your home.


It is not for nothing that this Colombian princess is called “a magical, exquisite flower that will bring you a tender feeling based on trust and mutual understanding.

  • Place the plant in a semi-dark, shady and warm place. Under the sun's rays, the flower can get burned.

To harmonize it, purchase indoor Anthurium with strong masculine energy. Put them together.

The symbol of true love is also known to us under the affectionate name Pansies. Violet is a strong magnet for good family relations, relieves tension, encourages confidential communication.

  • Violet flowers love well-lit places, but beware of direct sunlight. The ideal place for it is the windows in the west and east of the apartment.

These magical plants create a magical aura of peace, enchanting, relaxing comfort. Violet is a great family peacemaker.


Or the “Tree of Love”, as it is popularly called. This flower was created to attract strong, long-lasting family relationships. He will be able to fill them with harmony, a second youth.

  • Aichrizon prefers diffused light; western or eastern windows are best suited for him.

There is a sign: the brighter and richer the color of the leaves of the plant, the better things are in love and family relationships.

A small tree of family happiness, where there is everything: harmonious relationships, healthy children, material well-being. Garnet works to attract family well-being, which is based on trusting, eternal love.

  • in summer, move the tree to a sunny place, open balcony, and in winter, protect it from the cold on the southern windows of the house.

Dwarf pomegranate can bear fruit. Its fruits are considered magical. Both spouses need to eat them - this will strengthen the love between them, and make home relationships stronger.

Men's Helpers

What does a man need? To have success with women, power over life, respect among colleagues and, of course, your soul mate, whom you can completely trust and selflessly idolize. Indoor flowers with a strong masculine charge can help with this.

Male patron, " Male happiness" as it is called. For single men, he will encourage a meeting with his soul mate, give unforgettable romance in love, and create relationships where happiness reigns.

  • place the Anthurium away from drafts and ventilated places. Ideally on southern windows, place a container of water next to it (it loves water vapor).

When your significant other is already with you, give a gift to your plant talisman - buy him Satiphyllum (“Women’s Happiness”) and place it next to him.


The Cavalier Star (its other name) has a special effect on unmarried men. He works to attract passionate, even adventurous novels to them, filled with vivid feelings, where eternal love reigns.

  • The ideal place for it is away from the places where you relax. These plants are capable of absorbing energy. The best place for them on the south, illuminated side of the apartment.

Its rapid energy surge occurs during the flowering period (December-February). At this wonderful time, a magical enveloping aroma will reign in the house.

It’s not enough just to have patron flowers in your home. Just like love, they require attention and care. You need to follow them, communicate, trust them with secrets, ask for advice.

Do you want love to knock on your door? Buy house plants that attract her. And plunge into a new, unforgettable life, where this feeling commands.

1. The first place in this list rightfully belongs to spathiphyllum (popularly known as “Women’s Happiness”).

This perennial native to distant South American forests. It is not difficult to grow. The main thing: be sure to spray your Spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring, replant it in fresh soil.
How it will help us:
– unmarried people will find their soul mate;
– who is already thinking about a child will become pregnant;
– in a family where “Women’s Happiness” grows, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

Violets, as everyone knows, love careful care, they need a lot of light, they do not tolerate hard water. Nevertheless, this capricious person is very popular among us.

Violet helps maintain peace in the family: quarrel less. In addition, this flower is a symbol of eternal love.

3. The third is also a well-known plant - Chinese rose, hibiscus. Everyone loves her beautiful and large flowers.

Hibiscus needs warmth, because it comes from the tropics, but not more than 35 degrees.

If Hibiscus appears in your home, expect passionate love soon

4. In fourth place among plants of happiness is hoya, or “wax ivy.”

This indoor vine has many varieties. For example, there is Hoya Kerry, which in some countries is given as a “Valentine” on February 14th. But in their homes, people most often grow beautiful hoya or fleshy hoya.

Hoya will bring you family happiness, especially if you place it in your bedroom.

5. Myrtle occupies the golden mean of our list.

This evergreen shrub blooms with small white flowers. In addition to beauty, it also has healing properties. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”.

It is believed that myrtle makes a marriage successful, and brings happiness and peace to an already established family.

In some countries, this plant is even considered the best gift for newlyweds.

6. Aichrizon – and sixth place. Popular nicknames are “tree of love” and “tree of happiness”.

This is an indoor flower that can grow up to 30 cm in height. It has peculiar leaves, similar in shape to hearts.

Aichrizon, as the name implies, brings love and happiness to its owner.

7. The next plant for those seeking happiness is the beautiful and unpretentious calathea.

Homeland of this indoor plant with beautiful patterned leaves - America. Many people grow calathea for its beautiful foliage. But you and I now know that calathea helps us in our family life, because it is a symbol of domestic happiness.

8. Who's next? The well-known chlorophytum, or simply “family happiness”.

This plant is easy to care for. It grows well and blooms beautifully. Just water it more in the summer.
With chlorophytum, your family life will be happy and calm - that’s what people say

9. The penultimate giver of happiness on our list is oxalis (Oxalis).

Oxalis juice contains oxalic acid, which is why it has this name. It can be grown both indoors and in the garden. And how many different ones are there? healing properties!.. But that's a different topic.

If you want to find your love, then get a wood sorrel. If you want to save a family, then start one.

10. And finally, our list ends with anthurium, or “male happiness.”

This flower is presented in the most different varieties. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, requires frequent spraying and is sensitive to high humidity (especially during growth). And what is very important - it is poisonous! (Our spathiphyllum next to it is an angel.)

But it gives men masculine strength. And all together - success and happiness in love.

So get yourself one of these wonderful plants immediately and believe that it will definitely bring you happiness!