Shower      07/02/2020

Summary of productive activity nodes. Summary of educational activities on productive activities using the origami technique “Snowdrop. activity “Wishing tree for forest animals”

GCD in the senior speech therapy group “Our funny clowns” (Artistic activity)

Topic of the week: Human anatomy. 11/17/2015 Khrenkova O.A.

Target: Creating conditions for the development of children’s fine motor skills through modeling clowns from salt dough.

Continue to teach children: make crafts from salt dough; give the figure movement.

    Develop skills: conveying proportions, working with a stack.

    Strengthen the ability to work in the testoplasty technique.

    Cultivate love for mom.

Preliminary work: conversation about the circus, looking at illustrations of clowns.

Exhibition of children's crafts.

Equipment: salted dough, sheet of cardboard 10/15, stacks, napkins. A set of paper forms for each child, presentation.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the album circus.

Move educational activities

Stage of educational activity

Workspace organization

Adult activity

Children's activities

Psychological and pedagogical conditions/tasks

Children stand in a circle with their teacher.

Postcard congratulating mom on her holiday (calendar sheet)

We write down a sequence (action plan) on the board, not only for today.

There is flour, paint, salt, paper, rectangular plates.


I draw the children's attention to the postcard.

The card is addressed to my mother, it says: that the holiday of mothers is coming soon and this is a congratulation for mother.

The teacher suggests doing everything in order, depending on how much time it takes. Writes down points on the board, indicating them with drawings.

    Come up with a gift.

    Create a postcard:

    Prepare a holiday for mom.

We examine the prepared materials, try to turn to the computer for help. We need to come up with something to make mom smile. Let's look at the attached illustrations. (Presentations)

We conclude that we will use salt dough.

You need to choose for yourself a planar image or a three-dimensional image, I must warn you that the three-dimensional image is more difficult.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, smiling at each other.

Children join in the conversation

express their assumptions and come to the conclusion that you need to come up with a congratulation to your mother. Or better yet, a gift.

Children listen to the teacher, express their assumptions about how long it will take to make postcards, crafts, discuss each item of work.

They express their assumptions: how to make a painting or a craft. They say what can be made from, and how long this or that craft will be stored, how long it will take to manufacture.

Children join the conversation, expressing their opinions and reasoning.

Conditions for creating a positive emotional mood at work.

Conditions for demonstrating communication skills: the ability to negotiate. Conditions for the development of cognitive interest.

Conditions for the manifestation of cognitive interest and motivation for upcoming activities.

Conditions for demonstrating communication skills: interaction with each other during the task.

Conditions for supporting cognitive interest.

Conditions for speech activity.

Main part


Tables have been prepared for children to work on flat paper forms. And boards for modeling. Folk tunes are played.

The children's sculpted works are displayed on the board.

The teacher, if necessary, draws the children’s attention to the way of working with a particular part.

The teacher offers to compare the received parts of the future clown, find out who succeeded and how he achieved it.

Now we try to decorate the paper forms, try to make your parents like the gifts.

I sculpt from plasticine -
Plasticine is softer than clay -
I sculpt from plasticine
Dolls, clowns, dogs.....
(Novella Matveeva)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the board, to children's work.

Did we complete the task? What do you remember the most? Have you fulfilled all the points of our plan?

Work individually on plates or modeling boards.

Compare their details with the details offered in the presentation.

Children look at the sketches, express their assumptions.

Independent work children.

Physical exercise.

Children come up to the board, stand in a semicircle, join in the discussion, express their assumptions, have a business conversation to choose a common opinion. Children reflect and evaluate their work.

Conditions for creative development.

Conditions for maintaining individuality in the choice of using visual media.

Conditions for substantiating your opinion.

Conditions for supporting speech activity.

Conditions for relieving tension, relaxing muscles, maintaining the health of children.

Conditions for enriching the vocabulary of children.

Conditions for the interaction of children with each other.

Conditions for supporting speech activity.

Organizational and motivational moment

For work we need salt dough. To make the work arouse joy, we will sculpt clowns; it is possible to perform the work in two versions, but if you make a sculpture rather than a bas-relief, it is more difficult..

I suggest you give your mothers funny clowns that we make from salt dough. Do you like my offer?

We roll the sausage from the dough and divide it in half, half in half again. From big piece roll up the ball, flatten it between the palms and press it against the cardboard. Cut with a stack to make legs. We roll a smaller ball, cut it with a stack along the edge - this is hair. Roll the ball into an even smaller size and press it into the middle of this face. We sculpt handles and shoes. You can decorate the costume with dough buttons or beads. When the clowns are dry, we will paint them with paints.

I sculpt from plasticine -
Plasticine is softer than clay -
I sculpt from plasticine
Dolls, clowns, dogs.
If the doll turns out badly,
I'll call her Duryokha,
If the clown turns out badly,
I'll call him Fool.
Two brothers came up to me
They came up and said:
Is it the doll's fault?
Is it the clown's fault?
You sculpt them rather roughly
You don't love them enough

It's your own fault,
And no one is to blame
And no one is to blame.
I sculpt from plasticine
And I sigh heavily myself.
I sculpt from plasticine
I say this:
If the doll turns out badly,
I'll call her Poor thing,
If the clown turns out badly,
I'll call him Poor Man.
If the clown turns out badly,
I'll call him Poor Man.

Novella Matveeva

Summary of direct educational activities for children senior group By productive activity: “We are doing exercises” (collective modeling

Author: Gorbacheva Marina Aleksandrovna, educator of MBDOU d / s No. 2 "Bell", Stary Oskol
Description of material. I offer you a summary of directly educational activities on productive activities for children of the older group. This material will be useful for educators of older children in conducting classes aimed at developing skills in working with plasticine, educating the ability to work in a team.

Synopsis of directly educational activities for children of the senior group on productive activities: “We are doing exercises” (collective modeling)

To teach how to create a collective plot composition, analyze the features of the image of a person in motion, correlate parts in size and proportions; develop skills in working with plasticine; develop the ability to work in a team; instill a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle
To consolidate the ability to work creatively collectively, the ability to coordinate their actions, to negotiate with each other; develop imagination, sense of color, aesthetic taste, neatness.
Preliminary work:
Conversation about a healthy lifestyle.
Material and equipment:
Subject pictures on the topic, plasticine, stacks, a board for rolling out plasticine, napkin, cardboard.
Lesson progress
1. Creating gaming motivation.
Story pictures are hung on the board. The song “If you want to be healthy” is played.
Educator. Once upon a time there was a boy named Alyosha. Once he visited a circus and saw an artist lifting cars and a dozen acrobats. He really liked it and decided...
“I want to become a strongman,
I come to the strongman:
- Tell me about this,
How did you become a strongman?
The strong man looked at me,
He threw a chair up to the ceiling.
And then, having caught him,
He picked up the cabinet like a feather.
Here he came to the table,
He grabbed the table by the leg,
He began to juggle them deftly.
- It's just training!
I won't hide my secret.
Early in the morning I get up
Both in the sun and in bad weather
I open the windows wide.
I'm starting to charge.
Heels together, toes apart,
Squats and jumps.
One Hundred Fun Exercises
With a jump rope and a ball!
You will do them without laziness -
You will become a strongman too!”
- This is the advice the artist gave to our Alyosha. But exercise doesn't just make us strong. Have you noticed that after it our mood improves? In general, in order for our day to go smoothly, we will start it with physical exercises.
Do you remember what exercises we do? (Children show exercises if they wish.) What exercises are your favorite? No - no, don't show them to me. Let's sculpt ourselves doing these exercises.
2. Demonstration of working methods.
The teacher shows techniques for sculpting a human figure, paying attention to proportions, changes the position of the arms and legs, showing the most expressive poses.
3. Finger gymnastics:
“Fingers are tired, curled into a fist
One, two, three, four, five wanted to play
We knocked on the neighbor's house,
There they woke up: six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Everyone is having fun! But it's time to go back everyone:
Ten, nine, eight, seven,
Six curled up,
Five yawned and turned away,
Four, three, two, one
We’re sleeping in houses again!”
4. Practical work.
Assignment: sculpt on the theme, compose the composition “We are doing exercises”
5. Summary of the lesson.
The children's composition is exhibited at the stand.
Educator. Look at our composition. Each of you does different exercises: Dima likes to jump on one leg, Katya likes to do bends, Misha likes to do body bends, and Alena enjoys playing with the ball. But no matter what exercises we do, the main thing is that they all bring us health and good mood.
We did exercises
They jumped and ran.
Became tanned
Strong and brave.

MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 68"

Engelssky municipal district of the Saratov region

Summary of direct educational activities

productive activity "Drawing"

Subject:" Snowfall"

Group: older

Teacher Kuznetsova E.P.


Approximate basic educational program: “School 2100”

Comprehensive program: "Kindergarten - 2100"

Age group: older

Subject direct educational activities: “Snowfall”

Priority educational area: productive area

Target: create conditions for identifying and testing children’s ideas about the ability to compose a fairy tale on a proposed topic and depict it on paper, conveying the features of the fairy tale genre.

Tasks: contribute to the accumulation of ideas about the selection of synonyms and antonyms, definitions of given words. Develop children's artistic and creative abilities, free communication with adults and children. Cultivate interest in inanimate phenomena.

Activities: playful, productive, labor, communicative.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: turning children into storytellers and artists, games.

Equipment: winter landscapes on slides; toy "White cat" and "Snowflake"; sheets of dark blue paper, gouache white, brushes of 2 sizes (for each child).

Previous work: looking at illustrations of snowfall, observing while walking, reading poems about winter, solving riddles about winter natural phenomena.

GCD move.

Children go to the group under calm music.

IN.: Guys, listen up. Can't you hear anything? Who was that walking so quietly outside the window?

Who came so quietly - quietly?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And of course the hippopotamus

I couldn't go through this quietly.

And there is silence everywhere.

This means, this means:

Winter has come quietly.

IN.: Winter has come to us. You have probably already guessed that today we will talk about winter. Guys, you know that every word has words - relatives. There will be a lot of snow this winter. Look at the words that are relatives of the word “snow”.

D.: Snowball, snowflake, snowy, snowman, snowdrop.

IN.: Guys, think about what you can say “winter”?

D.: A month, a garden, a plot...

IN.: Come up with a definition for the word “winter”. What is she like?

D.: Cold, snowy, frosty, cheerful, blizzard.

IN.: Well done! That's how many good and beautiful words we remembered!

Knock on the door

IN.: Someone came to visit us. Who is this? This winter sent us its magical snowflake. Now this kind sorceress will touch each of you, and you will turn into great storytellers! Let's delight our guest with a winter fairy tale. Oh, guys, do you hear who's purring on the window? Why, this is a cat as white as snow. Now you and I will compose a fairy tale. And it will be called “Snowflake and the Cat”

“Once upon a time there lived a cat. His name was…….. He was very fond of walking, but the hostess rarely let him out in the fall. Why do you think? (children's answers). But then the long-awaited, snow-white one came....... The cat came out onto the porch and just lay down when suddenly something fell on his nose. The cat looked up and saw a shiny......". And what happened next (children tell their endings to the fairy tale).

IN.: And now a snowflake will touch you again and turn children into artists.

(the teacher touches each child with a snowflake)

I would like to suggest drawing snowfall. How many of you know what this is?

D.: This is when it snows a lot, snow falls from the sky...

IN.: Come to the tables and pay attention to what color I have prepared sheets for you to draw. And why?

D.: Dark blue, because if you paint snow with white paints on white paper, it will be hard to see.

IN.: Right. Today we will draw evening snowfall. Look how I drew it.

(teacher shows his drawing, looks at it)

Now close all your eyes and imagine your snowfall

(music sounds)

Now you will begin your work. And in order to make the drawing more beautiful, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger game.

We went for a walk in the yard

One two three four five.

(bend your fingers one at a time)

We came to the yard for a walk,

They sculpted a snow woman.

(imitate sculpting lumps)

The birds were fed crumbs.

(crumb the bread)

Then we rode down the hill,

(index finger move along palm from top to bottom)

And they were also lying in the snow.

(palms on the table with one side and the other)

Everyone came home covered in snow.

(shake off)

We ate soup and went to bed.

IN.: Now you can start your work.

(children do their work)

IN.: Guys, the magic of the snowflake is over and we have become ordinary guys. Let's look at the snowfalls we got. Who do you think did the job better? (children expressing their opinions about the work of their comrades)

What did you like about the transformation today? (....)

What new did you learn today? (...)

At the end of the immediate educational area, together with the children, we organize an exhibition of drawings, comparing them with the snowfall depicted on the slides.

Valentina Biryukova

Integration of areas:

Artistic creativity, cognition, communication, socialization, physical education, music, reading fiction.


Productive, cognitive-research, music, reading, motor.


Teach children to paint a picture of early spring (melting snow, snowdrops, streams). Continue to learn how to think through the composition of a drawing (close - far). Encourage children to use the means of expression available to them, experimenting with materials (foam rubber, cotton swabs, to convey the beauty of nature in spring in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to use a palette.

To form in children an interested attitude towards the common product of joint activities. Teach children to negotiate (plan work) and evaluate their work based on composition and color scheme.

To develop children's coordination of movements and the ability to invent movements to a melody.

Purposefully cultivate emotional responsiveness to nature using artistic expression and music.

Activation of the dictionary: Landscape, horizon, co-author, palette.

Preliminary work:

Observing seasonal changes while walking in early spring. Examination of reproductions of paintings by I. Levitan “March”, “Spring. Big Water” and A. Savrasov “The Rooks have Arrived”. Situational conversation on the topic "landscape". Reading poems about spring. Reading the stories of G. Skrebitsky “Hello Spring”, “Birch Grove”. Games - fun with paints (mixing paints).


Magpie (theater doll); design “forest clearing” and path from “thawed patches”; unfinished drawing (to show drawing techniques, easels. audio recording "Voices of nature. Spring." Children have sheets blue color A-3 (one for two, gouache, three multi-colored chips; for each - a palette, brushes, foam rubber inserted into the cap from a felt-tip pen, cotton buds, napkins, cups of water.

Part I Introductory conversation and setting a learning task.

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now? Is spring early or late? Today we will draw a spring landscape. What is a landscape? (If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher reads a poem by G. Gladkov)

"If you see, in the picture

A river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds,

Or a snowy plain

Or a field and a hut -

Required picture

It's called a landscape. "

Game situation.

Educator: I want to invite you on an unusual walk to a forest clearing. But we can only walk through thawed patches, be careful. (children walk along the path to “Sounds of Nature in Spring”) Well, here we are in a forest clearing. Felt like there was a breath of freshness spring breeze? Let's take a deep breath of fresh air and exhale (breathing exercise).

"Look around. The snow has not yet melted from the ground, but spring is already asking for the soul. The earth is cold, mud with snow, but how cheerful, affectionate, welcoming it is all around! The air is so clear and transparent, the sun is shining brightly. The trees are bare, but already alive , breathe. Yes, everything is fine in this happy time, if you love nature."

(magpie appears)

Magpie: Who came to our forest and disturbs our silence? (children's answers)

Educator: Soroka, we are not making any noise at all. Everyone knows that you should not disturb the peace of forest inhabitants. We admire nature and want to draw a spring landscape.

Magpie: Artists to me too! They didn’t even take any brushes with them! Draw with what?

Showing how to do the job.

Educator:(addressing the magpie) But real artists know how to paint not only with brushes. Children, what else can you draw with? (children's answers) Here we have foam rubber, Alyosha, try to print a tree. (demonstration of the technique by a child) And if we put white prints on these green stems with a cotton swab, then we will see. (snowdrops)

Magpie: Haha, but you have mistakes! The tree is very tiny, but that doesn’t happen. And the snow is white, like in winter.

Educator: There is no mistake here. Guys, explain to the magpie why there is such a tree on the horizon. (children's answers) And snow can easily be made darker. Gleb, show me how to get grey colour. (working with the palette)

Magpie: Yes, we had Dunno and Tube here in the winter, painting the landscape together. So they ended up with two suns in the picture!

Educator: Children, what Dunno and Tube should have done before starting to draw (children's answers) That's right, we had to agree. Our children are friendly and will be able to agree on who will draw the sun. Guys, choose a co-author for yourself, come to an agreement and get to work.

Magpie: Draw, draw, and I flew off to do my forestry business. Goodbye.

Part II Children's work. Pay attention to the location of the image on the sheet, if necessary, help work with the palette.

Children finish their drawing.

Part III Analysis of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, before we put our work on display, let's see how we did our job.

The red chip is taken by those artists who have only one sun in their painting. Green - those whose trees on the horizon are small in size. Blue - where the snow is darkened (gray). The artists who had three chips worked together well. But those artists who don’t have all the tricks are also great. This means you have noticed your inaccuracies and will correct them.

(The teacher reads I. Tilicheev’s poem “Spring” and invites the children to the exhibition.)

"Spring is approaching us

With quick steps,

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

You can see very warm feet in spring. "

(The exhibition is held in a free form. If there is time, the teacher intensifies the children’s discussions with questions.)

What genre do the paintings belong to? Do you think the authors of this film were able to come to an agreement? What mood does this landscape evoke? etc. We got beautiful spring landscapes. You all worked really hard. Now our exhibition is finishing its work. Goodbye.

Integration of educational areas “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Safety”, “Labor”


1) Promote children's cognitive development.

2) Teach to compare the qualities and properties of paper.


1) Introduce children to the qualities and properties different types paper.

2) Teach to identify general qualities and properties of paper through research activities (tears, wrinkles, etc.).

3) Introduce new words into the children’s active vocabulary: writing, thick, multi-colored, corrugated, rough, characterizing the properties and qualities of paper.

4) Develop visually - effective and visual-figurative thinking, attention, communication skills.

5) Continue to develop large and fine motor skills hands

6) Promote high-quality productive activities in collective interaction.

7) Build skills healthy image life.

8) To develop in children the ability to interact with each other without conflict.

Educational area "Cognition"

1.Give an idea of ​​the variety and properties of paper.

  1. Develop children's cognitive activity.

Educational field "Socialization"

  1. Promote the active participation of each child in solving problem situations.
  2. Develop children's ability to work in a team.

Educational field "Communication"

  1. Expand lexicon children.
  2. Teach children word formation, form the lexical-grammatical and pronunciation aspects of speech.
  3. To develop in children the skill of answering in complete sentences.

Educational field "Security"

  1. To develop children's observation and attention to dangerous properties paper.

Educational field "Labor"

  1. Continue to develop your ability to work with paper.
  2. To instill hard work and accuracy in children.

Material: decorations: crafts made by children (appliques, products using the paper-plastic technique, origami, etc.); paper trees; objects made of paper: animals, mushrooms, flowers, paper dolls; sheets of white, colored writing paper, corrugated paper and cardboard, napkins according to the number of children; snowflakes cut out of paper napkins according to the number of children; ready-made forms for planar design and paper for creating crafts using the paper-plastic technique.

Equipment: a mirror ball and a light projector for it, a stereo system and audio recording of music, a “magic wand”, individual trays for handouts.

Preliminary work:

  1. Watching an educational animated film for preschoolers “Where did the paper come from?”

Lesson time: 25 minutes

Introductory part

Organizing time

Hello guys! It's a wonderful day today! Shouldn't we go on a trip? What should we visit today?... I suggest you go to a magical country today, and which one you yourself will tell me later. And a magic wand will help us get there!

The teacher asks the children to touch the stick with their hand. At this time, music sounds and the spotlight on the mirror ball turns on. The lights in the hall go out (at this time the teacher puts a crown on his head).

Quiet music is playing. After a while the light turns on. Children find themselves in a paper country (in a room where everything around them is made of paper).

Main part

We find ourselves in a magical land! What are objects made of in this country? (children's answers) So what is the country?.. That's right, it's a paper country, and I am the queen of this magical country.

Tell us what surrounds you in this country? (the teacher listens to the children’s answers)

Guys, did you notice that all our crafts ended up in paper land! Why? (children's answers)

Guys, what grows in paper land? (children's answers) Who lives in this country? (children's answers).

And, by visiting a magical land, you can learn a lot about the properties of paper. Let's sit down at the tables and experiment (children sit down at tables on which trays with various types paper: napkin, writing paper, colored paper, corrugated paper and corrugated cardboard, shiny).

Experimental activities

At the tables, the teacher emphasizes the children’s posture

Guys, look at what unusual paper I have. Find the same one on your plates. Who knows what it is called (children's answers). That's right, it's a napkin. What does it feel like? (children's answers). Touch it, is it smooth or rough? (children's answers) Take the napkins by the edges and pull them in different directions. What happened? (children’s answers) So, what kind of napkin do we have (the teacher focuses the children’s attention on the properties of the napkin)

Guys, put a sample napkin on a plate and take a sheet of white paper, do you have one? What do we do with this paper in class? (children's answers) This paper is called “ pissing", maybe you know why?. Touch it, what does it feel like? Children tactilely determine its texture, try to tear it in the same way as a napkin, and draw conclusions about the properties of this paper. The teacher emphasizes safety precautions when working with paper to avoid cuts.

Guys, put a sample of “writing” paper on a plate and take a sheet of colored paper. The teacher asks the children about the colors of the paper. And if the paper has so many colors, what is the name of such paper? (" multi-colored" work on word formation). Next, children tactilely determine its texture, try to fold it, and draw conclusions about the properties of colored paper.

We are also experimenting with corrugated paper (stretched) and corrugated cardboard (rolled).

The teacher shows the children a shiny paper. Tells her.

Guys, this paper is shiny, so it is - brilliant, and the paper that we looked at before shone? No, because she - matte.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles? (children's answers)

Then listen to the first riddle:

The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.

Guys, do you have snowflakes on your tables? What paper are they made from? Let's play with them. Get up from your seats and come to me.

Children perform breathing exercises

Guys, what happened to the snowflake, what is it like (children’s answers: light, can fly if you blow on it)

Guys, and now another riddle:

We made a snowball

They made a hat on him,

The nose was attached and in an instant

It turned out...


That's right, guys. And, look, in our magical land there is a snowman?

(children’s response) He’s just sad, let’s cheer him up and dance.

Physical education minute

Cheerful dance to the song "We are raking fluffy snow, we are sculpting, we are sculpting a big lump!"

And our snowman is still sad!

What to do? (children's answers - he needs friends)

Guys, let's divide into groups, and each group will make its own snowman so that our snowman has a lot of friends!

Productive activities with children

Children are divided into three subgroups. The first one makes a snowman by plane modeling on a carpet, but from paper of different textures. The third subgroup makes a snowman using the paper-plastic technique (working with more gifted children).

Well, now our snowman is happy! He made friends!

Final part

Did you like our magical paper land? What did you like best? I want to give you small souvenirs as a keepsake of our trip. But it's time for us to return to the group. Connect your handles with an asterisk, as we did at the beginning of our journey. Let's go to kindergarten!

Well, here we are in paper land. Let's summarize our journey. What was it dedicated to? What interesting things did we learn about paper in fairyland? What properties does paper have? (children's answers).

Video lessons

Self-analysis of the teacher

Dear members of the jury, I have chosen as the goal of my direct educational activities cognitive development children through experimentation at a level appropriate to their age. We studied the properties of paper: lightness, strength, softness, appearance; and types of paper - writing paper, napkins, corrugated cardboard, holographic paper.

As you could see, the children explored the paper using tactile perception, tearing it, crumpling it, blowing on it. All these actions are familiar to the children from their life experience, so they easily used them when acquiring new knowledge.

I would also like to note that our direct educational activities are integrated in nature: we aim to study not only physical properties paper and expand children’s understanding of its diversity, but we also strive to replenish children’s vocabulary with such new adjectives as “corrugated”, “writing”, “multi-color”, “shiny”, “matte”, “dense”, “durable”, “ ribbed”, “compressed”, as well as the verbs “tear”, “crumple”, “compress”, “cut”, “fold”.

We gave the children the opportunity to study the paper through their own experience, encouraged initiative in statements, and therefore independence in thinking. At the same time, gifted children also found themselves in our direct educational activities: they were specially given a more complex task based on paper plastic - modeling a snowman from crumpled paper.

And our dynamic minute not only allowed us to relieve psychophysiological tension, but also put the children in a friendly mood. And then we used this attitude to work together as a team when constructing snowmen. This idea is not accidental, because I believe that a good climate in a children’s team is one of the foundations for a child’s development. As a teacher, I tried to constantly support the children and encourage them in mastering new knowledge. And that is why, it seems to me, the children really liked everything.

teacher GBOU school 827

preschool department "Beryozki",

Moscow, Russia