Shower      06/04/2019

Wood sandblasting. Processing and artificial aging of wood. What a miracle is obtained after sandblasting wooden surfaces

Sandblasting wood is a technology that helps to clean and improve the decorative attributes of the surface of this material. This procedure carries out a physical and mechanical effect on wood equally, as well as natural phenomena, which include rain, wind, positive and negative temperatures.

As a result of sandblasting the wood, a clean and natural texture appears on its surface. Moreover, this result is obtained not for many years, but for several hours of work.

Features of sandblasting wood

Wood sandblasting is performed using a special apparatus, which includes:

  • a reservoir containing sand or other abrasive material;
  • unit supplying compressed air;
  • a hose that brings all the working components together;
  • Ball Valves;
  • sandblasting gun, the nozzle of which is made of high-strength material (tungsten carbide or boron).

The modern apparatus works on the principle of mixing air with abrasive material and then removing the composition from the gun nozzle under great pressure. Due to the generated kinetic energy of the abrasive, the following results can be achieved:

  • removal of the old layer of plaster or paintwork;
  • cleansing the surface from fatty deposits;
  • giving the wood the necessary relief texture;
  • opening the pores of the material, allowing them to fill their space with protective substances;
  • processing large areas in the shortest possible time.

Types of abrasives for sandblasting wood

The following types of abrasive materials are widely used for sandblasting wood:

  • quartz sand;
  • glass particles;
  • electrocorundum;
  • nickel and cooper slag;
  • shot of steel and cast iron.

The most rational and productive solution is sandblasting using slag materials.

How to choose the necessary equipment and consumables

In the selection process of sandblasting, we take into account the following parameters:

  • capacity of the compressor unit;
  • diameter of the air supply hose;
  • the diameter of the hose through which the abrasive material flows;
  • the diameter of the nozzle through which the enriched mixture is ejected;
  • length of highways.

When selecting the necessary consumable for carrying out sandblasting the following factors must be taken into account:

  • thickness and density of the removed contamination from the surface;
  • the strength of the base of the wood;
  • the state of the material plane, which must be obtained as a result of its processing;
  • speed of work;
  • economic justification, which is based on the collection of waste abrasive material.

Important criteria when choosing abrasive components are: specific gravity, impact strength and fractional composition.

Technology Benefits

Sandblasting technology has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • high performance;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • low cost of resources: material and time;
  • the ability to artificially age both softwoods (pine and larch) and hardwoods (ash and oak);
  • comfortable use when working in hard-to-reach places Oh.

All of the above factors indicate that sandblasting is an inexpensive and quite productive method for cleaning wooden facades, walls and ceilings before finishing them.

Sandblasting wood is carried out by qualified specialists. In their work, employees use only proven and high-quality Consumables famous brands. Our specialists have vast experience in the field of sandblasting wood! Give us a call and get expert advice!

wood sandblasting price

Name Unit. Price
Sandblasting wood m 2 from 190 rub.

The cost of sandblasting wood may differ in each case, our specialist will be able to calculate the exact price for you, just leave a request in the form

Wood is a very beautiful and environmentally friendly material for building a house. But he is also very capricious, requires a professional approach to finishing and care. Without a regular special processing appearance wooden facade And internal walls will sharply lose its attractiveness and require restoration work.

For example, let's look at a log house, the walls of which have not been processed after construction for 15 years. The wood darkened and began to look rather gloomy.

Or the log house was not completely polished from the beginning. Which also looks pretty messy.

How to give a glossy appearance to a wooden house?

Exterior restoration wooden house involves re-finishing, before which it is necessary to carefully sand the entire surface and all joints, otherwise the painting will not be of the highest quality and definitely short-lived.

Grinding can be done with a grinder (the traditional method), and many often do so. But the availability and cheapness of this method are rather deceptive. In fact, such an event is extremely laborious and time-consuming. It can take weeks or even months for a complete home treatment.

I'll tell you from my own experience, I hired a worker to grind two small rooms in the log cabin of the bath, it turned out for a very long time. Approximately 50 sq.m. he had been sanding the log walls for a whole week. At the same time, in addition to paying for the work itself, I spent 10 expensive grinding wheels for grinders and respirators. One grinder burned down due to wood dust, and the second had to be cleaned after every working day.

Imagine how long it will take to clean all the logs by hand. And if this is not a bath, but a full-fledged house of 150 meters and two floors?

Abrasive method - quickly and efficiently

The traditional method has a great alternative - abrasive jet grinding technology. Under high pressure, the abrasive composition is applied to the log and cleans off the required layer. The speed of surface treatment is incommensurable with the traditional method - it is quite possible to grind 100 square meters. meters of walls in one day. The quality of grinding also cannot be compared with a grinder, because there are no hard-to-reach places for an abrasive. It easily passes all joints and corners, gently grinding the surface.

Abrasive-jet grinding can be used for any type of wood: round logs, hand-cut logs, profiled timber, glued laminated timber, any kind of imitation timber or log, etc.

In addition, the abrasive recovery and cleaning method wooden wall ideal for removing, for example, an old layer of paint. Manually removing paint from wood does not work well. The sandblaster will do it in 1 day.

wood sanding cost

What is interesting and important is that the cost of sandblasting is quite comparable to the traditional method, if you order a service from a professional team, and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is more than 200 square meters. meters.

The main thing here is the time and quality of the final work.

After grinding, the “bare” tree of the log house must be covered with a protective layer as soon as possible. For this, it is recommended to use environmentally friendly paints and oils.

Wood Sandblasting Equipment

Sandblasting machines are arranged in approximately the same way and differ only in the method of supplying the abrasive. Ejector devices carry the abrasive with a passing air flow, as if picking it up along the way, and pressure devices roughly squeeze out the abrasive with pressure from the tank.

Because of this difference, it turns out that the ejector method is more gentle on the material being processed (used for wood), and the pressure method is coarser (metals, stone).

The air in the sandblaster is supplied by any compressor, the power of which is suitable for a particular machine.

The most widespread Sandblasters Contracor German production. Follow the link to the site to the catalog of the official dealer in Perm.

A great way to decorate various materials.
Prices for sandblasting are indicated.

stone and brick

Decorative processing of brick and stone sandblasting is used when design tasks require unfinished "natural" surfaces (for example, when repairing in the LOFT style).

With the help of sandblasting, bricks are aged. Treatment brickwork gives the surface the appearance of a neat shabby by creating a rough texture. As a result, the brick acquires a purer saturated shade and seems velvety to the touch.

After decorative processing stone by sandblasting, the relief and color of the stone surface becomes better visible


With the results of the work done on brushing wood
can be found on our PORTFOLIO pages.


Metal deservedly occupies a worthy place among the ways to prepare for applying decorative and protective coatings. Sandblasting removes almost any contamination and traces of corrosion, degreases the metal surface.

During sandblasting, solid particles leave behind a certain microrelief, which performs a decorative function and increases the adhesion of metal to paints and varnishes.

Some structural alloys (for example, aluminum) are not subject to corrosion. However, the glossy surface of such metals looks unattractive. After sandblasting, the surface becomes matte, looks clean and smooth and has a slight diffused “shine”.

Sandblasting of wood is very popular in Moscow and is one of the main activities of Ecoblasting. We are working on modern equipment, we guarantee high quality of performance of works without harm to materials. Our staff employs only experienced specialists who have cleaned and sandblasted hundreds of different wooden products, structures and buildings. We are trusted by many, and you can see photos of our work in the gallery on the site. Call and order wood processing now!

The final cost depends on the volume and conditions of the work performed.

Why sandblast wood?

  1. We return the previous view of wooden structures. Each wood loses its appearance over time, becomes less attractive, darkens. Sandblasting returns it to its former color, removes all dirt, stains.
  2. Removing paint, tools chemical protection and other elements from wood. Even old wood can be brought back to life, and it will look just as good as new.
  3. Preparation before painting or protection. Cleanup wooden beam, boards or a log house using sandblasting is a quick and effective method processing, which allows you to remove all impurities and macronutrients from upper layers wood.
  4. We remove mold and mildew. All types of biological corrosion of the upper layers of wood can be removed using abrasive materials supplied under high pressure.
  5. We increase the service life wooden product 4 times. Due to improved grip paintwork material with the surface of the wood, the service life of the protective suspension increases, the material does not corrode, the tree lasts much longer.
  6. Artificial aging of wood. With the help of sandblasting, elite furniture is made in the “antique” style, where the age is artificially increased due to abrasive treatment.

Sandblasting is used both to protect wood from different kind impacts, as well as decorative purposes, where the material needs to be given a certain appearance with desired effect. The Ecoblasting company can perform any wood operation at the request of the client. You can order sandblasting of an object with the departure of specialists at the address right now.

Work examples

Logging wooden houses with departure.

Our advantages

  • We work with any volume. We have enough specialists and technical means in order to process not only small parts from wood, but also entire houses.
  • Minimum prices. We work at the expense regular customers who recommend us, so we do not pursue a one-time benefit. We set low prices for the work.
  • Best quality. We know how to do our job and our customers are always satisfied. The best equipment and experienced professionals.
  • We quickly accept the order, we always work when the client needs it.
  • We process all types of wood, including varieties with extra-dense wood.

Prices sandblasting surfaces

Need a specific order? Call us and our experts will calculate the cost of work at your facility, answer all your questions!

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