Shower      04/25/2019

Acrylic paints have dried out, what should I do? How to thin acrylic paint

A very popular material among artists, designers and creative people in general. They have a very wide range of uses: from construction to painting and creating designs on fabric. Unfortunately, this material has one drawback - it sets very “strongly” and is difficult to wash or dilute.

From this article the reader will learn: if it is dry, what to do. To understand why it is so durable and difficult to breed, you need to learn a little more about this amazing material. And also what to dilute if acrylic paints have dried out.

A little about acrylic paints

This material has a synthetic base and has been on store shelves and in the everyday life of artists, designers and decorators for about 50 years. Its composition is extremely simple: water, pigment and a binder - acrylic polymer emulsion or resin. These paints are known for their special qualities:

  • They are easy to apply to the surface.
  • They have high covering power.
  • They are durable and do not change color after the base evaporates, which is why they are loved by everyone - from amateurs to professionals. This paint sets very firmly, tightly.

In addition, thanks to their synthetic base, these paints are fireproof and ethical, as they do not contain animal products.

The disadvantages include the cost. Acrylic paints are more expensive than gouache, so they are not used very often for painting. Acrylic is mainly used for illustrations, clothing decoration, home decoration and other decorative works. The substance is also difficult to wash off hands and surfaces due to its adhesive properties, and it is difficult to reanimate after the paint has dried.

More about paint properties

Comparison with oil paints

Acrylic paints, like oil paints, are a covering material. They are applied to the surface in a similar way and have many similarities when mixing different colors with each other. However, despite their similarities, they have many differences.

Acrylic dries faster as water evaporates more easily and more intensely oil paints, which can dry from several days to several weeks. It is not sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, as well as to the amount sunlight. Acrylic paints are much stronger. They do not fade, crack or crumble over time, making them suitable for construction work and for decorating clothing and home exteriors.

Acrylic paint and watercolor

This amazing material can also be used in “liquid” technology. If acrylic is diluted with a large amount of water, it will repeat the properties of watercolor, giving a light, delicate color and soft contours, but it will dry faster, and it will not be possible to blur it after drying.

It differs in that it does not fade in the sun and is not washed off by water or rain after drying, and also gives more scope for creativity. After all, they can also work in the covering technique.

Features of working with acrylic

Acrylic paints can be diluted with water or other thinners that will change their properties when drying. For example, you can add gloss by mixing with varnish or, conversely, matte with oil. You can also add shine using hairspray by sprinkling it after the paint has dried. Thanks to the solvent, it is possible to improve the fluidity of acrylic so that it is convenient to paint large surfaces or work with a paint roller.

They can be used for priming canvases and other surfaces. Using acrylic, you can get both a smooth base and a textured one.


Most often in stores this material can be found in two packaging options. Acrylic paints are sold in metal tubes and cans. In the second option, they have a more liquid consistency, and they have an increased risk of drying out, and they are stored longer in tubes.

The jars must be closed very tightly, and any remaining paint must be carefully removed from the lid and threads so that nothing sticks together when it dries and the container can be easily opened.

Is it possible to restore dried acrylic?

Paints dry out due to contact with air. Water dilutes the pigment and binder so that the paint remains at the desired consistency, allowing you to mix colors or apply paint over a large area. If it evaporates acrylic resin it sets in the composition and the acrylic loses its properties, hardening.

It is possible to restore them, but it is difficult. Due to carelessness, acrylic paints in jars dry out quite often, and due to their density, they are difficult to wash and dilute. They can be restored, but most likely they will never regain their former properties and color and will become more like gouache. The shade will fade, the coating will become less even, but the colors will remain suitable for painting.

How and with what to dilute dried acrylic paint

Sometimes damage to acrylic paint cannot be avoided. Sometimes the jar fails, and sometimes there is too much material left on the palette. In any case, I don’t want to throw it away at all.

Acrylic paint has dried out, how to dilute it if it has acquired a “rubbery” consistency? In this case, you can simply add a little water to it. However, if the acrylic paint for painting has completely dried out, drastic measures will be required. There are a couple of ways to bring material back to life.

Several options for what you can do if acrylic paint has dried:

  1. The easiest way is to dilute it with a special product. So, if acrylic paint is dry, how to dilute it? For these purposes, a special acrylic thinner “Gamma” is suitable, which can be purchased at art stores. White spirit, an industrial composition for removing old paintwork for all types of paint, or solvent will also be effective. When breeding by special means It is worth considering that they may not help if the acrylic paint has dried completely.
  2. There are more radical way. Hard piece acrylic must be ground into powder. It should be as small as possible. Then the powder must be heated in a water bath or diluted with boiling water.
  3. If hot water If it doesn't help, you can add alcohol or regular nail polish in small portions.

Paint deteriorates irrevocably only when exposed to very low temperatures due to the polymerization of the acrylic emulsion in the composition.

However, despite the fact that in some cases acrylic can be reanimated relatively successfully, most experts strongly recommend disposing of the dried material. This is because restored paint irreversibly loses its unique properties. The adhesion to the surface will no longer be as good, the coating will become lumpy and uneven in consistency, the color will fade, and the paint itself will become less strong, stable and durable.

Restoring acrylic paint is quite a labor-intensive task, and the result may simply not be worth the effort spent on resuscitation.

Sooner or later, the question arises for a beginning finisher: what should be used to dilute the acrylic paint. It's time to talk about this in more detail. Today, paints based on acrylic are quite popular. These materials are used for cladding facades and for indoor work.

Using this paint is very simple, but difficulties may arise. It's all about the thick consistency - in this case the coating turns out to be either too rich or uneven. Fortunately, such problems can be prevented. The master just needs to know how to dilute acrylic paint.

Decorative coating and its components

Another actual question– how to dilute dried acrylic paint. Here everything is as follows: before using this or that composition, you need to understand what specific substances are included in the paint. After this, choosing is much easier; a number of questions will simply disappear.

So, all acrylic paint mixtures have three basic components, what any master knows:

  • There is a coloring pigment here;
  • Water;
  • Binders.

Acrylic paint also contains a polymer emulsion - it is the acrylic itself that is part of it. Considered decorative material received its name precisely due to this component.

Should acrylic paints be thinned? Yes, this needs to be done. Moreover, in certain cases you cannot do without dilution at all - the result simply will not be of high quality.

Acrylic compositions are used everywhere today:

  • It is very convenient to use for facade work;
  • Perfect for painting inside;
  • What kind of material is painted is not so important;
  • Among important features coloring composition, which contains acrylic, the following can be noted: the material is very resistant to exposure to UV rays;
  • Since ultraviolet radiation is not harmful, the surface remains attractive and bright for a very long time, which is what any owner wants;
  • Other important advantage: reasonable cost. Acrylic paint on the market is one of the most affordable - even for budget-conscious people. Using this material is also very simple; any beginner can do it. This aspect is important if you plan to carry out repairs with my own hands, rather than engaging a hired team of specialists.
The master must understand: acrylic paint must be used in accordance with the recommendations that the manufacturer leaves on the packaging. Only in this case can you count on optimal results, high level quality of work performed.

How to thin acrylic paints

The question of how to dilute acrylic paint worries not only novice finishers, but also experienced craftsmen. After all, over time, every specialist wants to get the perfect result. Achieving this is not easy - working “by eye” will no longer work, you need precise dosages and specific instructions on what material to use for dilution.

Selection of substance

Before determining how to dilute acrylic paint, it is important to determine the scope of application of the material. Here it is like this: if you want to use the material for painting furniture or for artistic purposes, the thick consistency will definitely not do any good. It will not be possible to remove unevenness and defects from the layer being decorated (they will certainly appear with a roller or brush).

Currently, specialists are actively working with two types of solvents:

  • Plain water. This liquid is also considered one of the basic components of paint. Excellent for dilution. The master must understand that acrylic, after drying, acquires water-repellent properties. Therefore, all tools used should be cleaned immediately - as soon as the work is completed. Otherwise they will be spoiled;
  • Specialized solvents. Which substance is better to choose - it all depends on what kind of paint is used (from which manufacturer). This option is ideal in a situation where you need to achieve not only a certain thickness, but also give the future coating some additional characteristics(glossy, matte, etc.).
An interesting point: there are certain types of paints that are not easy to use - they have some peculiarities. Not everyone will fit. A simple example is Zinga electrically conductive paint. You should interact with such material strictly according to the instructions given on the packaging and nothing else.

Application of water

To get a high-quality mixture, many experts, when asked how to dilute acrylic paint, choose water. It is important to use only cold and clean liquid in the process - other options are simply unacceptable here.

Everything is done as follows:

  • Before diluting acrylic facade paint, you need to take a certain amount of it, then add water;
  • Water is added using a pipette or some similar instrument. This option is ideal for calculating the required proportions;
  • There are no strict requirements. Below is detailed information about proportions.

How the composition changes depending on the proportions of paint and water s:

  1. One to one - the finished mixture will be less greasy and thick. When it is taken from a jar, no clots form on the brush. The surface will be painted evenly, which is required in many cases. Perfect option for situations where it is necessary to apply a decorative base layer;
  2. One to two - the paint becomes quite liquid, the roller or brush for painting saturates perfectly. It will be possible to apply a thin layer of paint of a selected shade to the surface without any difficulty;
  3. One to five - A solution with such proportions will resemble colored water in its consistency. With its help, you can easily create a layer on the surface that will be translucent. These proportions are usually chosen to “shade” certain structural surfaces. All depressions, cracks, pores are easily filled with liquid, there will be no accumulations on the tubercles and bulges;
  4. One to fifteen - this mixture no longer resembles paint in appearance. The material is now just colored water. Used in design when you need to get a gradient, smooth transition from color to another color, one or another halftone.

Solvent and its use

Companies that produce acrylic paints usually also offer special solvents to everyone. They are needed so that colored coatings acquire additional properties. This may be useful.

Using these substances you can get the following:

  • A certain texture;
  • Glossy finish;
  • Matte surface.

There are additives that speed up the drying time - this has a positive effect on the timing of repairs.

An interesting point - if you need to use metal paint with fire-retardant properties (for example, Polistil), you must also use additives. But additions should not affect the basic specifications- it is very important.

So, the solvent is outwardly just a transparent liquid. Has a specific smell. Solvents are usually distinguished according to how quickly do they dry.

  1. Fast drying speed – ideal for cold weather(what you need to shorten the paint fixation period);
  2. Average speed - everything is clear here without explanation;
  3. Low speed – solvent is ideal for hot weather. The secret is that the level of moisture evaporation is reduced.

All the effects obtained, as when using water as a solvent, depend entirely on the proportions. You can get either a transparent, light layer (somewhat similar to a watercolor painting) or a rich, very thick shade (this is typical for canvases created using oil paint).

What to do if acrylic paint has dried out

So, the acrylic paint has dried out, how to dilute it? First, it’s worth understanding why this happens. Usually the material dries out in a situation where it is stored incorrectly. Of course, this paint cannot be used in this form - many simply throw it away.

But you can always restore the composition if there is such a desire. The characteristics of the substance will decrease, but this is not critical in many cases.

Restore dried paint in this order:

  • All dry material must be crushed in some container. Any sharp object will help with this. Grind until the paint reaches the consistency of a fine powder;
  • Boiling water is poured into the container - the mixture should warm up well, this important condition recovery;
  • When the liquid has cooled, the procedure is repeated. After the excess water is drained, the contents of the container are thoroughly mixed and brought to the required consistency using one or another solvent.
There is nothing complicated - even dry acrylic paint can be easily restored as described above. More details about the process can be seen in the video below.


It's time to draw conclusions. So, before using acrylic paint in finishing works ah indoors or outdoors, most often it is diluted. For this, either a special solvent or ordinary cold and clean water is used.

If the master uses the advice given in the article, he will definitely receive quality material. There is no doubt that it will fully meet all requests. The most daring and extraordinary design solutions it will be easy to translate into reality, in which personal experience Many experts have already confirmed this.

One of the most popular, colorful and easy-to-work paints is acrylic. Since their main component is water, they dry out very quickly. How to dilute dried acrylic paint so that it is no different from the one you just purchased, we will consider further.

Features and properties of acrylic paint

About fifty years ago, acrylic paints appeared, but during this time they became the most popular among other types of this finishing material. With their help, ceilings, walls, floors, wooden, metal, and plastered surfaces are painted. Their popularity is high due to the following advantages:

  • environmental friendliness - the acrylic paint solution does not contain harmful environment substances, and therefore is absolutely safe;

  • acrylic paints are comfortable to work with because they do not have a strong or unpleasant odor;
  • differ enormously color palette, have greatest number colors and shades, compared to other types of paints;
  • After applying the paint, you do not need to wait a long time for it to dry;
  • the painted surface becomes elastic, easy to wash, and the paint does not wear off even after washing;
  • Dirt and dust do not accumulate on the paint surface;
  • the acrylic paint coating allows air to pass through, thereby allowing the surface to breathe, but does not allow water to pass through;
  • when choosing quality manufacturer acrylic paint, it can last more than ten years.

Acrylic paints photo:

The main components of acrylic paint are:

  • pigment;
  • binding component;
  • water.

The binder is a material of synthetic origin, which is called an emulsion based on polymer acrylics. The paint dries due to the rapid evaporation of water; at the end of this process, an elastic film is created that covers the surface. The paint does not crack, is frost-resistant, resistant to delamination and does not crumble.

The separation of acrylic paints occurs in relation to their:

  • application;
  • resistance to physical influences;
  • degree of whiteness;
  • shine.

Depending on the method of application, acrylic paints are used for painting interior or exterior surfaces. Paints can be universal or combined.

Among acrylic paints, there are types with the properties of moisture resistance, light resistance, and resistance to mechanical stress.

Acrylic paints are used not only in the construction industry, but also in the artistic field. Acrylic is used to paint glass, make ceramics, and paint on leather, paper or canvas.

Some paints differ in their scope of application, as they are intended for application to brick, concrete, plaster, wood or paint surfaces.

To paint the walls, floor or ceiling of a room in which there is optimal humidity and air temperature use a special type of acrylic paint. Its properties make it possible to cover both plastered and relief or plasterboard surfaces.

How to dilute acrylic paints

Before answering the question of how to dilute acrylic paint, let’s try to understand the reasons why this needs to be done.

According to its structure, acrylic paint has a rather thick consistency, so if it is not diluted before work, this will lead to inconvenience in application and its uneven distribution on the surface. Another reason why acrylic paint should be thinned is if it is used after being left open for a long time. If you plan to restore furniture with acrylic paint or create a painting masterpiece, then diluting it before use is mandatory. If this is not done, then traces of the tool used to apply the paint will be displayed on the structure of the surface being painted.

Acrylic paints are a type of paint based on water based, therefore, their very first and main diluent is water. Although, after applying the paint, the coating becomes waterproof. Therefore, it is recommended to clean all tools that were used in the process immediately after applying the paint, before it dries.

Another thinner option is the material recommended by the paint manufacturer. To do this, you need to refer to its instructions. Special proprietary solvents change the characteristics and features of the paint, for example, making the surface glossy or matte. Therefore, before choosing a solvent, you need to know all the properties of the paint.

Diluting acrylic paint with water: proportions and features

If, however, water is chosen as a solvent for acrylic paint, then you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will help make the paint the desired consistency and will not affect its properties in any way.

Use only clean and cold water. Before mixing all the paint with water, you should conduct an experiment and determine the exact amount of water needed to dilute it.

Prepare a pipette or drop bottle that can be used to measure the amount of water in the drops. Start determining the proportions and consistency of the paint. The most popular proportional options for diluting paint are adding water in a ratio of one to one, one to two, one to five or one to fifteen.

We invite you to consider these options in more detail:

  • if the paint is diluted with water in a ratio of one to one, you will get paint that is suitable for applying a base layer, it fits well on the surface, is quite thick, but does not stick to the brush, paints the surface evenly and evenly;
  • when using a paint dilution in a ratio of one to two, the result is a material with increased liquidity that fits well on the brush; when applying such paint to the surface, the layer will be thin and even;
  • if you take five times more water per part of the paint, the paint will take on the appearance of colored water, which penetrates well between the bristles of a roller or brush, and the layer turns out light and barely noticeable; this option is suitable for painting textured parts or surfaces, since the paint is good absorbs and does not remain on convex elements;
  • If you dilute acrylic paint with water in a ratio of one to fifteen, you get ordinary water with a small amount of coloring pigment; it is used to create gradient colors or to create a smooth transition between two tones.

Dilution of acrylic paints intended for painting on walls

To create a unique masterpiece on the wall or simply to decorate it, use multi-colored acrylic paints, which are sold in small boxes. They are also used by artists to paint on canvas.

1. To avoid overdoing the amount of water, use a pipette. To dilute this paint, use a dry or important palette. If they have a cap, then place them in it.

2. Where the paint is diluted depends on how quickly it dries. It is recommended to dilute acrylic paints on damp palettes.

3. The consistency of this paint depends on what tone is required to paint the picture. If you need a bright color, dilute the paint in a ratio of one to one, otherwise, increase the amount of water.

When using water as a diluent, make sure that there are no foreign chemicals or other elements in it. It is recommended to use water that has stood for several hours. Make sure that the paint does not get on other unpainted surfaces; if this happens, it should be removed immediately with a damp cloth.

When applying paint using a spray gun, the paint composition must be uniform and of high quality. In this case, it is better to use purchased thinners recommended by the paint manufacturer. With their help, the paint consistency will be optimal for application with a spray gun.

Using a thinner for acrylic paint significantly changes its properties, namely:

  • surface appearance;
  • layer strength;
  • color and shade.

For these purposes, special solvents are used, the composition of which changes the properties of the paint. Be sure to only use thinners recommended by the manufacturer. Since an unsatisfactory result of the work is possible, which will appear immediately after the paint has dried or after a certain period of time.

Adding thinner to the paint occurs gradually, and it is recommended to use construction mixer, for uniform mixing. To change the color of acrylic paint, use special toners. They allow you to get almost any color and its shade. First add a little toner to a small amount of paint, choose the color you want and apply it to the surface to see how it looks, and then add toner to the whole paint.

To apply paint, use a roller, brush, spray gun - it all depends on the surface on which the paint will be applied, its features and area. We should not forget that after acrylic paint dries, it changes slightly in color, so first apply a little paint to the surface and wait for it to dry; if this shade suits you, then feel free to apply all the paint.

It is advisable that a small amount of paint remains in the jar, since it will be quite difficult to obtain the desired shade after a while, and the paint may be needed for restoration.

After using acrylic paint, it happens that a little paint remains, and in order to return it to its previous state over time, you will need to work hard. The whole reason is that acrylic paint is water-based, and the water, after a certain period of time, gradually evaporates, when this process is completed, polymerization of the paint occurs. This process is irreversible, so the less moisture there is in the paint, the worse its quality characteristics become.

The paint restoration process should begin based on its appearance. If there are small clumps of paint in the can and it has not yet completely thickened, then you should add regular acrylic thinner or water with alcohol.

If the paint dries too much, try grinding it into powder, and then pour a little hot boiling water into the box, after a few seconds, drain the boiling water from the paint and repeat the procedure again. When the paint warms up, leave the water poured in the jar for the third time and stir the paint. Of course, the quality characteristics of such paint will be much worse than fresh paint, since it still contains small lumps and the layer on the surface being painted will become less durable.

If acrylic paint has dried to such an extent that it resembles a large and elastic lump, then it is better to throw away such paint, although before that you can try to revive it. To do this, you should grind it and heat it with boiling water, as in the previous method, but instead of ordinary water for the third time, you should add water with alcohol. In this case, the quality of the paint will suffer significantly.

The final result of the work depends on the thickness of the paint, so it is very important to pay a lot of attention to the process of diluting acrylic paint. If the paint is of a fairly thick consistency, then the stripes and joints that the brush or roller leaves will be very noticeable after it dries.

Therefore, before application, it is recommended to dilute and then mix the acrylic paint very well. Some types of paint require dilution with water, while others do not. Therefore, before starting work, be sure to read the instructions. If a film appears on the surface of the paint, you should get rid of it. There is no need to mix it with paint, as it forms lumps that will be visible when painting. After removing the film, strain the paint to completely get rid of micro-lumps. It is possible to add additional components to acrylic paint, which increase its resistance to the occurrence of fungus or mold.

When choosing a tool, you should proceed from the area that needs to be painted. If it is small, then a brush will be enough, but when painting large areas, it is recommended to use a roller or spray gun.

When working with the brush, hold it at a slight angle in relation to the surface to be painted. There is no need to touch the brush to the bottom of the dish in which the paint is located to avoid deformation of its bristles. Do not wipe the brush on the container with paint; it is recommended to shake it gently. The strokes of the brush should be uniform and the stripes should be wide. Carefully blend the joints between them. If necessary, obtain smooth surface, avoid crossing stripes or strokes. Apply the paint twice, the first stroke of the brush is directed upward, and the second downward. Periodically change the side of the brush you are using to apply paint to the surface so that the bristles wear evenly. If the paint is applied intermittently, the brush should be constantly washed, since even after a few minutes it hardens and becomes unsuitable for further work.

When choosing a roller, you should decide on its optimal size. This is affected by the size of the surface to be painted. Use special baths that will provide comfortable work with this tool. Make sure that the roller is completely saturated with paint during the immersion process. Prepare the non-working surface on which the roller will be rolled in after it has been immersed. If this is not done, the surface will become stained. Start applying paint from areas away from the corners, spread the paint over the surface, and make sure that the strokes intersect.

When painting a surface, the pressure applied to the roller or brush is also of great importance. If it is weak, then the layers will be uneven and with gaps. With strong pressure, drips will form, which will negatively affect the appearance surface to be painted. If an unpainted area appears on the surface, do not paint it with thick acrylic paint; it is recommended to apply a thinner layer that will remove all defects and connect this area with the overall painted area.

If the paint is applied in several layers, then during the application process it is recommended to wait several hours until the previous layer of paint has completely dried. Otherwise, the second layer will simply wash out the paint and ruin the surface. If small stains form, sandpaper will help get rid of them.

Acrylic paint video:

The most successful development of the art and finishing materials are acrylic paints that are a real pleasure to work with. The material mixes easily, allows you to achieve rich, bright colors and has a wide range of shades. It should also be added that this product is weather-resistant and dries quickly, since one of its main components is water.

You can use acrylic paints to create an interior and for covering them various surfaces, including:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • glass;
  • paper

Manufacturers offer paint in a thick form, so you almost always dilute it yourself so that you can work with it normally and get a more even coating. An exception is painting on women's nails, when you have to create curls, flowers and other intricate designs.

This article will talk about how to dissolve acrylic paints for repair work around the house.

What to use

When do you need to use acrylic paints for restoration work? old furniture or when creating masterpieces of painting on the walls, they will definitely have to be diluted. Otherwise, they will begin to repeat the structure of the tool that will be used for work; for example, the porosity of a sponge or lint from a brush may appear on the canvas.

Since the product is aqueous, it can, of course, be diluted with water, the price of which does not in any way affect the cost of the material. This is where the paradox of the coating arises, since after drying, it acquires hydrophobic properties.

Therefore, it is necessary to clean sponges, brushes and other tools used for painting as quickly as possible, otherwise they will become unusable and can be thrown away.

In addition to water, acrylic paints can be diluted with various special products. They are usually produced and recommended for use by paint manufacturers.

Branded solvents work differently than water. Their main task is to change the characteristics of the paint, for example, to make the surface glossy or matte. So, when choosing a solvent for acrylic paints, you need to consider the material in the context of your needs.

How to dilute with water

  1. The water should be cold and clean.
  2. Also prepare a small container or pipette for experiments.
  3. Decide on the proportions.

There are no restrictions in this case; you must decide for yourself how liquid the paint will be:

  • with a ratio of 1 to 1, acrylic paint will no longer be so greasy and will be collected on the brush in clumps, which makes it possible to paint the surface evenly. Typically this option is used for the base layer;
  • A ratio of 1 to 2 will make the paint thinner, allowing for better saturation of the brush. In this case, the material can be applied to the surface in a thinner and even layer;

  • a proportion of 1 to 5 will make the paint look like colored water, which will flow well onto the brush and penetrate between its bristles, forming a transparent layer. This consistency is ideal for pouring textured surfaces, when the material will flow into the recesses without remaining on the bulges;
  • the ratio of material and water of 1 to 15 no longer resembles paint. It looks more like a little coloring agent was added to the water. This proportion is ideal for creating smooth transitions between colors or a gradient effect.

Tip: Use to protect wooden and metal surfaces Fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil, which are also water-based.

If the paint has dried

Often, due to our carelessness or lack of care, acrylic paint dries out in the container so that it is no longer possible to use it for further work. Most of us simply throw it into the garbage chute ().

However, there is no need to take such hasty steps; the product can still be “resurrected.” It should also be recognized that it will not resemble new paint.

So, how to dissolve acrylic paint that has completely dried?

  1. Take a sharp object and grind the frozen mass, then pour it into a metal container.
  2. Fill it to the top with boiling water and wait until the product warms up well.
  3. Drain the cooled water and repeat the procedure.
  4. Pour out the water again and mix the contents of the container well.

The paint will be ready for use after two to three minutes. All you have to do is choose a place to apply it.

Tip: to protect metal surfaces from corrosion in the kitchen and other damp places, zinga electrically conductive paint has proven itself well.

Branded solvents

As mentioned above, solvents from paint and varnish manufacturing companies are also used to dilute the thick consistency of acrylic paint. Thanks to this, the coatings obtain a glossy or matte structure and also dry quickly. Everything is simple here: if you want to get gloss, use a glossy composition; if you want a matte surface, use a matte thinner.

Solvents for acrylic paints are transparent liquids that have a specific odor.

They differ from each other in the drying time of the painted layer:

  • fast;
  • average;
  • slowly.

It depends on the temperature and humidity in the room:

  • for hot weather, the instructions recommend using material with low level evaporation;
  • for cold – with high.

One of these solvents we can recommend is Relocryl Acryl, which is used to thin acrylic paints, varnishes and primers. The saturation of the layer depends on the amount of solvent - thin and transparent or bright and saturated.

Advice: store such compositions closed in a strictly vertical position in a cool, well-ventilated, dark room, observing sanitary and fire safety standards.


Acrylic paints have allowed designers to expand their capabilities in terms of interior design. This product is not toxic, as it dissolves in water, after drying it forms a hydrophobic film. In addition, proprietary solvents should be used to obtain the required surface ().

The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

One of the most successful introductions of the modern chemical industry has been acrylic-based paints. For all their apparent simplicity, they are surprisingly well suited for all types of finishing work, as well as for artistic purposes. How to dilute acrylic paint is a relevant question for any person who is faced with the need to use it.

The characteristic features of the dye are that it is suitable for any type of surface, with the exception of some types of plastic that are rarely found in everyday life. It is possible to create an unlimited number color solutions. Another difference between acrylic paint is its high environmental friendliness, since the composition has no odors and does not emit harmful substances. What is important is that acrylic is fireproof.

The dye found on retail shelves is too thick for immediate use. Its consistency must be brought to a state suitable for the purpose of use. Sometimes, due to improper storage, there is a need to revive the composition. In any case, you need to know how to dilute what you have purchased, which substances are best suited for the required purposes and how to use them correctly.

The second name for acrylic dyes is water-dispersed, this is due to their chemical composition. Despite the presence of water, their striking feature is that after drying they are not affected by moisture, forming a durable film, so they can be used as facade paint.

Regardless of the manufacturer, all acrylic-based paints have a similar composition:

  • Pigment is an insoluble powder that imparts color. It can be obtained synthetically or from natural ingredients.
  • Acrylic resin is the binding element. After drying, the pigment is retained in the resulting film.
  • Water or organic solvent – this depends on the manufacturer and determines the degree of viscosity.
  • Fillers and additives– give the dye specific properties depending on its purpose.

On video: everything about acrylic paints.

Thinner or solvent?

Very often, novice craftsmen substitute concepts such as thinner and solvent. To get the desired effect when painting with acrylic paints, you need to distinguish between them. Otherwise, the dye can only be thrown away. So, what are the differences between these compositions:

  • If you add solvents to acrylic paint, its properties will change. This will be the reflectivity of the painted surface, as well as the speed at which the coat dries. In addition, using solvents, paint is removed from those places where it has dried.

  • Paint thinners do not affect their properties. With their help, only the consistency and, accordingly, the saturation of the color change. You can achieve the effects of a translucent layer and a textured coating. To dilute acrylic-based enamels, use water.

Preparing for work

If you decide to use acrylic dyes to achieve your goals, then you need to start preparing. Their beauty lies in their wide range of applications. You can create works of art by painting pictures, use them in repairs and decoration, and such paints can even be used for furniture restoration.

But using acrylic paint in its pure form will not bring desired effect. Due to the thickness of the dye, the painted surface will reflect the relief pattern of the instrument with which the composition is applied. Therefore, diluted solutions are used.

Dyes are produced for various purposes: for external or interior work, to create paintings by numbers. Therefore, when answering the question of how to dilute acrylic paint for walls, it is important to study the instructions. The thinner can be either water or acrylic solvent.

Before diluting acrylic paint with water, you need to make sure that there are no impurities in it, and the temperature is no more than 18-20 o. You will need to prepare small containers for test dilution. The main thing is that you can use them to determine the amount of ingredients used.

Experienced craftsmen identify several basic proportions for diluted paint; you can mix it in different ways after experimenting:

  1. When choosing a ratio of one part water to one part purchased paint, there is no longer the appearance of clots on the painting tool. The surface color is smooth and uniform, but the composition consumption is quite high.
  2. If the amount of water is doubled, the paint dissolves and becomes quite liquid. Completely saturates the instrument. This composition is easy to apply to a brush, ideal for smooth surfaces.
  3. When adding one part base to five parts water, the substance becomes too liquid. It is used to paint those elements whose texture needs to be emphasized, or parts with complex geometry are selected for painting.
  4. When diluted to a ratio of one to fifteen, colored water is obtained. It is used to create gradient transitions.

Some manufacturers recommend using only special solvents for acrylic as a thinner. Otherwise, the paint will become like rubber. Therefore, when choosing how to dilute acrylic paint, you should carefully read the instructions.

Whatever you choose, the method for diluting acrylic is the same:

  • Prepare containers of sufficient volume and measuring rulers.
  • Pour the required amount of base paint into it, check the level with a ruler, and mix.
  • Prepare the required volume of liquid for dilution, and check its quantity.
  • Slowly add acrylic paint thinner to the base mixture, stirring continuously to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • If you want to acrylic enamel with strictly defined parameters, for example, for painting car parts To determine viscosity, use a viscometer.
  • If necessary, filter the solution.

Despite the fact that the composition is mainly water-based, once acrylic paint has dried, it is very difficult to remove. The tool used must be immediately washed in soapy water or a solvent for acrylic paints must be used. Otherwise, it will not be possible to soak the instruments; they will become unusable.

Solvent Application

There are no special rules for using acrylic paint solvent. The compositions themselves can be divided according to purpose: changing the properties of the dye and removing them. The latter removes dye from any surface except the skin, so if it gets on your hands, immediately wash it off with soap and water.

To paint a picture, you have to choose which solvents to use for acrylic paints, since the effects are different:

  • give the paint a soft matte or glossy character;
  • changing drying time;
  • improvement of paint flow, for covering large surfaces.

Therefore, how to dilute acrylic paint for painting will depend on your artistic intent.

Acrylic paints for painting have become very popular, especially paintings by numbers, which have a ready-made stencil and indicate the positions where the dye needs to be applied. Whoever paints it, the effect will be amazing.

Causes of paint drying and its restoration

Acrylic paint can dry out due to poorly sealed storage containers, since the drying mechanism is reduced to the evaporation of the diluting element. After this it begins chemical reaction connects the resin with the coloring composition, and a dense film is formed.

What to do if the paint has dried? The answer is in the instructions, but you should remember that in most cases it will most likely not be possible to return it to its original color. It will become faded. When the paint is restored, the coating becomes uneven.

To restore the composition, grind it to a powder and dilute with boiling water. You can thin dried paint using a water bath. Some experts recommend the use of diluted alcohol or vodka, which revives the composition. If there is no alcohol, the paints will dissolve with water. Dissolution is repeated several times until the mixture has collected the required amount of liquid. But it’s better not to use dried acrylic paint. But if the paint has thickened, then it can be restored. The thickened solution is diluted required quantity water.

Now you know how to dissolve acrylic, what to do to give the coating a variety of visual effects, how to dilute facade paint and how to ensure that it retains its properties. But it’s better not to let acrylic paints dry out.

Tips for working with acrylic paints (2 videos)

Different types of acrylic paints (30 photos)