Well      06/20/2020

Remote temperature control in the house. How can you remotely control the temperature in your home? Remote temperature control in the country. Possibilities of controlling the heating system using a set of equipment with an Internet gateway

Fortunately, nowadays everyone can remotely control the temperature in country house. The company offers the most modern and effective solutions to control the temperature during the winter months using remote control.

What tasks should a remote temperature control system perform?

As a rule, the heating control system has two tasks:

1. Maintaining the required temperature in the house. At a minimum, it should ensure that the building itself and the heating system in it do not freeze.
2. Remote switching on of heating in the country or in a smart home. For example, before the arrival of the owners, so that by the time of arrival all the rooms have warmed up to the desired temperature.

To solve the designated tasks, the temperature control system must meet the following requirements:

1. Provide information about the current temperature in the house and outside.
2. Send out alarms if the temperature is out of range.
3. Have remote control, in particular, the ability to control the temperature in individual rooms or in the entire smart home in any convenient way (using a mobile application, via SMS messages, etc.).
4. Opportunity self setting and installations.

Ways to control the temperature in the country in winter

There are two ways:

1. If the cottage has Internet access with a Wi-Fi router. In this case, you just need to purchase a GSM system that works via Wi-Fi. You can receive information about the temperature and control it through a program on a PC or a mobile application on a smartphone.
2. If there is no WI-FI in the country house. In this situation, the way out will be to use a regular SIM card in a GSM system. There is on the market a large number of manufacturers of this equipment, and our company is ready to offer you the best available options.

What is a GSM thermostat?

The basic device of the GSM system is, to which you can connect various sensors (, water leaks, gas leaks, smoke detectors and others), including .

Modern GSM-thermostats, improved with additional software functions, equipped with relays, are equipment for full-fledged control of the temperature of heating boilers.

How does a GSM thermostat work?

The program underlying the operation of the GSM thermostat allows you to:

1. Set temperature thresholds (lower and upper) and receive SMS messages or voice alerts via an incoming call if the temperature has gone beyond these values.
2. Call the control module and receive voice information about the temperature from each thermometer connected to the unit, or send SMS commands and receive information about the temperature in the country house in the form of SMS messages.
3. Program the notification function: for example, to receive an SMS message with information about the temperature in the smart home and beyond several times a day at a certain time.
4. Set a certain temperature in the interior of the house and change it by calling or SMS at the right time for you (for example, half an hour before your arrival at the dacha).

The principle of operation of all GSM thermostats is the same. Only parts (controller and microcircuits) can differ depending on the manufacturer. We can connect the functions of water leakage, security with video and photo fixation for minimal money. Subsequently, it will be possible to extend the functionality as needed (constructor principle).

What is a modular control system?

The technical component of the GSM thermostat operation is provided by a modular system, since there can be quite a lot of external controlled devices (modules): a heating boiler, electric heaters, burglar alarms, etc.

In fact, the GSM heating control system is a specialized controller, correlated with external sensors and having the ability to change the operating modes of the heating boiler.

The GS-module for temperature control can operate in four modes:

1. Manual. When the system is controlled by SMS messages or calls, with the help of which the user sets one or another temperature regime.
2. Automatic. When, according to signals from external sensors, the controller maintains the temperature conditions set by the user. At the same time, you can change the settings for automatic mode at any time.
3. Control mode. When the system sends SMS messages to the user with alarms: smoke, gas leakage, critical temperature values, etc.
4. Mode according to the schedule for the week. With the ability to set the temperature at certain hours and certain days of the week.

Which GSM module to choose?

The main selection criterion is that the module must perform the functions you need:

  • simultaneously support the required number of temperature sensors (three, five, ten - your choice);
  • to communicate through calls or SMS messages (as it suits you);
  • optimally approach your model of the boiler (our experts will help to sort out this problem).

The main advantages of GSM heating control systems:

  • round-the-clock and effective temperature control in a smart home or cottage;
  • convenient remote control through a mobile application or via SMS messages;
  • expandability through additional modules;
  • ease of setup and installation;
  • low cost;
  • no subscription fee.

Do you want your country house to maintain optimal temperature conditions during the winter months? Our experts will help you choose, install and configure the most modern and reliable. Contact us by phone or via .

Today we will talk about the possibility of automating the control of heating boilers in a country house. Indeed, today there is no problem to provide remote dispatching of household systems, including heating, providing savings and a high level of comfort.

Goals of remote control

How often does the average resident of a country house go to the heating boiler? If it is a gas or electric unit, then minimal attention is paid to it. Thanks to modern devices automation, autonomous operation of the boiler is possible for a very, very long time. Only in severe frosts do you want to turn on the light in order to feel this pleasant contrast even more strongly: outside the window there is snow and wind, and in the house it is warm and cozy. But remote dispatching exists, so what tasks does it solve?

You should start with the fact that there are two heating modes: economical and comfortable. If the residents of the house are absent for 10-12 hours a day, why maintain an optimal 23 ° C when you can set the temperature enough to keep indoor plants and pets safe? And if the system will work in a saving mode during the absence of the owners, how to ensure a quick access to the rated power so as not to return to a half-cooled house every time? Of course, you can use timing management, but a rare person can boast a clear and uniform schedule. So, the first goal of remote heating control is to quickly change the heating power.

Another aspect lies in the stability of the system. No matter how reliable and high-quality the boiler equipment is, the probability of an accident is still not zero. A drop in pressure, a stop in circulation, gas leaks - potentially all of these phenomena are quite frightening. If the boiler room is left unattended for a long time, then remote dispatching provides its second important function - monitoring the system's performance and notifying the user about problems. Well, the third function is the ability to remotely troubleshoot or prevent the consequences of an accident.

Type of fuel and modes of operation

Electronics provides a huge range of solutions of different levels of complexity, including those controlled over long distances. However, there a big difference in what type of heating system you have to deal with, this directly determines the completeness and cost of the equipment.

Easiest to manage electric boilers: one or more heating elements can be switched by a simple contact or solid state relay. Additional switching can be used to control forced circulation devices. Neither gas leaks nor damping of the solid fuel combustion chamber can occur.

If gas is chosen as the source of energy for heating, the boiler room is classified as a high-risk facility. The reverse draft can put out the burner, which the faulty automation will safely ignore. Remote control will allow you to turn off the gas supply or re-ignite the boiler, and if this is not possible, drain the water from the system to prevent it from freezing.

It is more difficult than others to manage solid fuel heating systems. This requires control over automatic feeding fuel, it is extremely important to maintain constant circulation so that the coolant does not boil. But in this regard, dispatching devices cope with a bang: in the end, everything is controlled by electromechanical devices, and it is very easy to interfere in their work remotely.

Electric boilers

Remote control electric boiler included in the category of the most budgetary projects. Depending on the configuration and modes of operation of the system, several options can be offered.

For heating without power control, where the problem of freezing is not relevant, that is, for antifreeze hydraulic systems, as well as air and convection ones. In such cases, all tasks are solved primitively - by a "smart" socket that can receive GSM messages (Domovoy, Sokol). The price of the issue is on average from 300 to 1000 rubles, the difference in cost is due to both differences in quality and switched load, and the presence of additional functions. For example, an outlet may have a built-in thermostat or timer, as well as offline source nutrition. Some models have the ability to connect to mobile devices for easier configuration of operating modes. Most products provide feedback to the user, in particular, such sockets are able to notify of the correct execution of the command or the absence of electricity at the facility.

For multi-stage boilers and other heating devices with several active elements, several sockets can be used, but it is better to install one multi-channel (Elgato, Polygator) - the so-called rebuter. These devices are available in a wide range of configurations - both conventional plug multipliers and DIN rail mounting. The principle of operation is the same: remote control of the load by sending SMS with an instruction code or a call. Here it is already possible to implement quite interesting operation algorithms, such as turning on an additional heating circuit with a separate thermal control system. It will only be enough to make small changes to the scheme electrical connections boiler by connecting individual heating elements to different channels.

Gas boilers

Unlike electrical, gas systems heating require from remote dispatching not only the reception of commands, but also high-quality feedback. Since direct control of a high load is not required, the solutions of the class described above are not entirely applicable. The best way out of the situation would be to use a modular switch with 3-4 contact groups, controlled via one of the wired interfaces (RS-232, 1-wire, etc.). Messages can be transmitted both via a GSM channel and via communication with a PC installed at the facility. Usually, in order to increase reliability, a main and a backup channel are organized.

The price range for gas boiler room dispatching systems is incredibly wide. In the lower price segment, there are devices from budget "Ksitals" for 7-8 thousand rubles to more friendly to the unprepared user Segnetics for 15-20 thousand rubles. The middle link includes domestic automation complexes OWEN, a set of devices can cost 20-30 thousand rubles. The most complex systems costing more than 50-70 thousand rubles are used in modular boiler rooms common use: on the one hand, dispatching notifies the service organization about the status of the system, on the other hand, users control individual parts of the collector node at their discretion. Solutions of this kind are not just a set of devices “out of the box”, manufacturers of boiler room equipment such as ROSS and Viessman work in this category, providing the consumer with a comprehensive project and installing, configuring and maintaining the system by qualified personnel.

In essence, such devices are ordinary signaling units that have from 6 to 20 control zones and are capable of managing 3-5 groups of dry contacts. In total, there are two popular architectures of such systems. "Ksital", for example, are specialized boiler room automation units, which were originally designed to connect standard temperature sensors, gas pollution, smoke and flame detectors. In turn, systems such as Segnetics and ARIES are based on freely programmable controllers, which can be supplemented with communication devices and separate switching units. Their main feature is the ability to connect atypical sensors and control actuators of completely different types.

The main difference between the representatives of the latter group is the availability of a convenient user interface: Segnetics is easily configured when connected to a PC or mobile devices, but OWEN complexes require a more serious engineering approach, including writing your own firmware in high-level programming languages. Which choice to make for yourself depends on the complexity of the device of the boiler unit and the piping of the boiler room. So, the simplest Ksital block will be enough to fully control the operation of parapet and chimney boilers of low power (up to 40 kW), ARIES is used in boiler rooms with parallel connection aggregates, or in centralized systems air heating and conditioning.

Solid fuel heating control

Freely configurable control systems are optimally suited for solid fuel boilers and installations connected to biogas generation devices. The reason for this is obvious: such boiler houses were originally designed to work in the presence of an operator and, as a rule, have an individual scheme for setting operating modes.

So, for the simplest solid fuel boiler, it is necessary to adjust the inflow and draft, control the temperature of not only the air in the room, but also the coolant at the inlet and outlet of the boiler. Additionally, you should carefully monitor the operation of the circulation system by measuring the differential pressure at the inlet and outlet of the recirculation unit. The inclusion of gas analyzers in the complex will also not be superfluous; in addition, the temperature of the combustion products should be taken into account. The secondary function of such dispatching systems can be called the provision of economical fuel consumption and optimal modes burning it, depending on the desired temperature and the weather outside.

It is important to emphasize that full direct control over each node of the boiler room will be redundant for the average user. Therefore, to control solid fuel heating, complexes of two nodes are used: receiving commands presented by a GSM receiver or Internet router, as well as a software and computer complex that is configured once, and then provides the correct interpretation of the commands.

An additional complexity is introduced by the variety of actuators. Servo drives are used to control valves and gates, the performance of smoke exhausters and draft fans and circulation pumps is usually controlled by a frequency converter or PWM. The complex architecture of the system obliges to order not individual automation modules, but a ready-made set of equipment. However, most providers of such systems provide this kind of service at a very reasonable price: standard projects about 30-40 thousand rubles, including the cost of equipment, but the automation of an atypical boiler house with automatic fuel supply can cost more than 50 thousand rubles with a power of up to 100 kW.

Special Features

As a result, we will analyze which functions of dispatching systems are strictly required, what is the logic of the action similar devices And what are the additional options. So, when choosing automation with remote control, preference should be given to those products that provide the following functions:

  • availability of a backup communication channel;
  • watchdog timer that reboots the system when it freezes;
  • interrogation of separate control zones;
  • remote management of contact groups and their sufficient number;
  • notification of a change in system status;
  • Feedback, sending messages about the acceptance and execution of commands.

Additional capabilities of the dispatching module must be determined in accordance with the characteristics of the heating system device. So, for liquid heating systems, it is recommended to have leakage protection: humidity sensors and an electronic pressure gauge capable of recording a prolonged pressure drop. For open systems heating, it is desirable to control the level of liquid in the expansion tank.

Particular attention should be paid to monitoring the operation of forced circulation devices. If the boiler is technically unable to turn off the heating when the critical temperature is reached, the only indication of overheating can be the temperature sensor readings on the supply pipe, which the control unit receives with a significant delay. In such cases, it is necessary to remotely stop heating by cutting off the supply of fuel or air, and if there is a risk of freezing of the coolant, drain it.

For remote control systems, it is preferable to have an automatic response to abnormal sensor readings. For example, automation itself should adjust the circulation rate depending on the temperature of the coolant in the supply and return, while the user should only receive notifications of critical conditions. In general, we can say that the most important benefit of using the systems we have considered is the timely receipt of information about breakdowns, which allows not only to take personal part in eliminating the accident as quickly as possible, but also to purchase replacements for faulty components or call a specialist if necessary.

Device type Control method Functions Price, rub
Smart sockets
TP-LINK HS100 WiFi Internet Remote on/off, timer 2188-2290
Smart GSM socket SC1-GSM GSM Timer, remote on/off 2390
Telemetry GSM socket T4 GSM Remote on/off 5990
SimPal T4 GSM Operation on the sensor (thermometer) 3600
KSITAL GSM-T GSM 2 temperature sensors, 3 independent relays, up to 12 control zones 8640-9090
GSM Device SOKOL GC-5 GSM 5 channels of load control up to 10A 3250
EctoControl WiFi/GSM Ability to connect up to 67 sensors from 9900
ARIES TRM132M WiFi/GSM Temperature control in the circuit and in the room, a set of preset modes, overheating protection, emergency diagnostics 14300

The possibilities of devices for remote control of heating every year (what's there every year - almost every month!) are becoming more and more perfect. Smartphone app developers try to make them easy to use and easy to understand even for untrained people. Briefly, we list only the main features of such systems that support:

  • normal operation, when the set temperature is maintained throughout the house;
  • zonal mode, when different rooms can have individual temperatures;
  • prevention of defrosting of the heating system (freezing of pipes) in the cold season, when you are away from your country house or cottage;
  • the possibility of early switching on the boiler, for example, you need to warm up a country house when you are going to visit it on weekends or holidays;
  • always be aware of your work autonomous heating and, if necessary, to carry out its diagnostics;
  • time regime in which different time during the day, the house can maintain its own thermal regime with a significant reduction in material costs for fuel, for example, you can set the boiler to low power (respectively, to low fuel consumption), going to work or on business, and turn on the normal mode before returning.

Remote heating control means that any of these modes, as well as specific room temperatures, are changed using mobile communications, or heating is controlled via the Internet.
This approach is part of the ideology of creating “ smart home”, which entails the further development of all engineering systems at home in order to ensure ease of use and create the most comfortable living conditions.

Which heating system can be controlled remotely?

In country houses and cottages, two-pipe systems with forced circulation coolant: circulation pump it pumps the coolant through the entire heating system, which, thanks to the distributor comb, can be supplied to each heater.
In such systems, as a rule, a safety block of the heating system is used to protect it from destruction in unforeseen situations, for example, in the event of an increase in pressure beyond the allowable one.
It is also necessary to have additional equipment to control the operation of the heating system: sensors, special valves and devices for adjusting the coolant flow, and it is also necessary to combine various devices into an information network

Weather-compensated heating control

To date, it is considered the most promising. In such systems, in addition to the sensor room temperature also used is an external air temperature meter. In principle, a weather-dependent heating controller will work with one external sensor, but using two allows you to achieve more accurate mode maintenance and even implement self-adaptation of the system to specific temperature changes: if it gets colder outside, then the temperature of the coolant in the system rises in advance, if it is warmer - then decreases in advance. In addition to saving fuel, this reduces the inertia of the system, which increases its efficiency and also provides additional cost savings. One of the basic points of weather-dependent heating control can use a temperature of plus twenty degrees - with it, the temperature of the coolant is taken equal to the ambient temperature, while the heating is actually turned off. It is also necessary to take into account the zonal temperature control, i.e. if, for example, a large number of people gathered in one of the rooms, due to which it became hotter, the system detects a local increase in temperature relative to the one set by the weather heating controller, and makes a correction in this zone.
In general, serious battles flared up on the Internet about - is it worth using weather-dependent automation at all or is it money thrown to the wind? In short, the opinion of our specialists, confirmed, by the way, by the reviews of numerous customers, is unambiguous - yes, it is worth it, but not in all cases. And in what? Answer

Types of remote control heating systems

Currently, two systems are used for remote control of heating:

  • using a set of equipment with an Internet gateway. The presence of a Wi-Fi router and the Internet in this case is mandatory.
  • using GSM module heating control. Requires a special GSM module with a SIM card from a mobile operator.

Remote control of the boiler room using mobile GSM

But what if there is no wired Internet in a country house? How can the heating be controlled in this case?

Yes, it's very simple - with the help of a special GSM module and, of course, a mobile phone. In fact, the GSM module acts as your personal assistant - you called him, gave him a command, for example, to pre-heat the hotter by a certain time - and the whole family will arrive in a warm and cozy house. Or vice versa, you forgot in the morning, leaving for work, to reduce the power of the boiler - it’s not a question, you can do it right from work, via the Internet or directly from your smartphone, while you still get to work.
The GSM module is a compact device with its own SIM card of any operator (it is important that it provides reliable signal reception in the given area), which allows you to control the indoor climate from any phone (satellite, mobile or fixed line), tablet or PC.

The undisputed leader in the market of GSM thermostats is currently the Russian company MicroLine. The company produces a wide range of GSM modules for remote control heating boilers, including multifunctional controllers that provide control of the most complex heating systems.
You can buy in the appropriate section on our website GSM heating control

Depending on the settings you have made, your phone will either receive short SMS notifications with various information and instructions for changing the settings of the heating boiler, or you will receive phone calls with various information about the operation of the heating system. A special mobile application is installed on the phone (there are versions for Android, iOs, and Windows Phone), which allows you to directly remotely control almost all parameters of the heating boiler.
The GSM heating control module is essentially a computer docked with external sensors and having the ability to change the operating modes of the heating system. Naturally, the module must be in the zone of reliable reception of mobile operators.

GSM heating control module can operate in several modes:

  • automatic, when, based on signals from installed sensors, the controller maintains the specified modes according to the specified program;
  • SMS heating control when the heating system is controlled by sending SMS. In this case, when new data arrives, for example, about the temperature in the room, the controller accepts them for execution and begins to automatically support them;
  • warning, by sending alarm messages about the current state of the house (gas leak, break in the water supply system, etc.);
  • remote control of other devices connected to the GSM module (watering, lighting, alarm, etc.).

GSM - heating control allows you to remotely:

  • receive indoor temperature reports;
  • receive notifications about the current state of heating equipment;
  • change the operating mode of the system by raising or lowering the temperature, including separately in each room.

Heating control is not limited to these functions. In principle, any heating system can be turned into a remote one. To do this, it must have an automatic mode of operation, and a special GSM controller must be connected to it to control heating and communicate with the subscriber.

Is this not enough for you? Then look at the possibilities of multifunctional GSM controllers, for example: ZONT H-1000 or ZONT H-2000 The devices are complex, require professional knowledge during installation and configuration, so only highly qualified specialists are required for installation - contact our company, we have them!

Remote control of the boiler using a set of equipment with an Internet gateway

Now consider the option of remote control of heating, if the country house or cottage has the Internet and, of course, a Wi-Fi router (aka a router).
Everything is much simpler here - you can see the capabilities of the devices proposed below and forever forget about worries about the state of the heating system in your home.

Salus IT500 provides control and adjustment of operation parameters in a maximum of two heating zones, for example, in the 1st room on the first floor of the cottage and the shower room on the second floor.
The kit includes an actuator (boiler receiver), a 2-channel room thermostat (weekly boiler programmer, boiler control panel) and an Internet gateway connected to an Internet router (router).

Possibilities of controlling the heating system using a set of equipment with the Salus iT500 Internet gateway:

  • control of heating only modes (boiler and, if necessary, pump);
  • management of several heating zones;
  • management of heating and hot water supply of a country house.
  • maintaining different temperatures in different rooms, schedule of temperature regimes by days, hours and minutes
  • 6 preset heating modes on delivery
  • heating control hot water, automatic control modes, including energy-saving and vacation mode.
  • a unique system for connecting devices via the Internet, providing reliable connection and control of the heating system: smartphone (or personal computer) -> Internet server -> router (router) -> thermostat -> receiver -> boiler

All equipment is wireless and communicates with each other via a radio channel, i.e. no need for electrical wiring. The room thermostat for the heating boiler is programmed for daily, weekly or 5+2 operating modes. Displayed on the thermostat screen and in applications for remote control of heating current state boiler, current temperature and set temperature. Schedule setting can be done from the thermostat panel, web browser or mobile app.
The thermostat has modern design, differs in high reliability and safety at its use.
With the use of additional equipment Salus Controls, it is possible to control, including remote control, underfloor heating, gas and electric boilers, oil systems heating, as well as almost any other heating systems and appliances.
Remote control does not require a dedicated external IP address, the whole system works perfectly on any mobile Internet (Yota, Megafon, Beeline, etc.), it is also possible to control from computers and mobile devices on Android and iOS operating systems.

What to do if there is no wired Internet in the house, and a Wi-Fi Internet thermostat has already been purchased?

Most likely in the country there is coverage of mobile operators, isn't it? So you have internet! Just buy a Wi-Fi router with a USB port and in addition to it a 3G or 4G modem. Install a SIM card of any mobile operator in the modem that provides a reliable signal in the area where your home is located. You insert the modem itself into the USB connector of the router and that's it - now you have the opportunity to control the heating of the dacha remotely!

If for someone the iT500 seems expensive, the company offers a more budget solution - an internet thermostat Salus RT310i
The thermostat has somewhat reduced capabilities compared to its "big brother", but it can be a worthy replacement due to the lower price of the kit. Externally, the RT310i looks more modest compared to the first-class high-tech design of the iT500, it lacks touch controls, but the models are almost identical in functionality. Except that while the iT 500 is capable of controlling 2 heating or cooling zones, the RT310i can only control one zone.

Missing the features of the iT500? No problem - Salus iT600 can do it all and more!

If you do not have enough iT500 functionality to control only two heating zones, then on our website a more functional one is presented multizone(there are wired and wireless versions) system Salus iT 600 Smart Home. Well, something, and its capabilities for remote control of heating (and not only!) Will be enough even for the most demanding consumer!

iT 600 Smart Home combines the ability to control underfloor heating, remote control of heating using thermostats, a single switching at the "system smart House”, changing the temperature in each room using a smartphone with Internet access, monitoring and controlling any electrical appliances in the house, connecting sensors for opening windows and doors, and many other functionalities. The system was far ahead of not only its competitors in the field of remote heating control, but also set a trend in the field of automation and dispatching of engineering systems for many years to come!

For more information about the capabilities of the system, see the article:
Smart House. Heating control system SALUS iT600

Attention! The new line of Salus iT600 Smart Home products is already on sale!

Now you can not only remotely control heating, but also protect your home and control electrical appliances!

Now you have the opportunity buy Salus iT600 Smart Home- a new line of automation for the Smart Home!

This is the same complete system for remote control of heating via the Internet. iT600 plus additional features:

  • using a universal internet gateway The Smart Home UGE600, which now supports up to 100 ZigBee wireless devices, replaces last year's Salus G30 gateway.
  • control and management of various electrical appliances connected to Salus SPE600 smart sockets with the ability to account for consumed electricity
  • connection and control of the security alarm with help wireless sensors opening doors or windows Salus OS600 Door Sensor
  • managing your system just got easier, thanks to the new Salus Smart Home app for iOS and Android smartphones, whose interface and device registration have become much simpler and clearer!

All system components are wireless devices operating in the modern ZigBee home network standard, now you can create separate groups of devices that work in one bundle and which can be assigned individual tasks.

In the future, the company's engineers intend to expand the capabilities of the smart home control system, but now you can buy Salus iT600 Smart Home, starting with the essentials, and build your Smart Home at a very attractive price!

And what about the owners of outdated heating systems?

Tech WiFi 8S can control the temperature in 8 rooms, each of which can have up to 6 thermal actuators!
In addition to controlling thermoelectric actuators, the controller can also control the boiler: when the set temperature is reached in all rooms, it will turn off the boiler using a “dry contact”.
Buy heating control system TECH WiFi-8S

Remote control of complex heating systems

The Polish company Tech Controllers, which produces a wide range of controllers with the possibility of remote control, is gaining an increasing share in this market segment.
By themselves, Tech controllers are multifunctional devices that are the main, basic part of the system, which can remotely control heating systems of almost any complexity using additional modules. There are a lot of possibilities, therefore, using an example, we will consider only the possibilities for remote control.

Tech Controllers Hardware Installation Example

In the photo for installation used:
1. Controller Tech ST-409n- a multifunctional device designed to control the central heating system providing:
interaction with three wired room regulators
interaction with a wireless room thermostat
smooth control of three mixing valves
DHW pump control
return temperature protection
weather control and weekly programming
the ability to connect the ST-65 GSM module for remote control of heating from a GSM smartphone
the ability to connect the ST-505 module, which allows remote control of the boiler via the Internet.
Possibility to control two auxiliary valves with additional modules ST-61v4 or ST-431 N
Ability to control additional equipment, such as garage doors, lighting or sprinkler, etc.

Various Tech modules can be used for remote control, it all depends on the specific needs of the owner. For example:

What if the heating system is so individual that none of the above solutions can fully meet the needs of its owner to manage it?
There are no hopeless situations! Most often, the customer himself simply does not understand (and should not!) All the possibilities modern systems remote control heating. It is really difficult for an unprepared person to understand all this abundance of devices offered on the market, which are completely different from each other in terms of functionality, price, and, of course, quality. Yes, and installers, often, simply have no idea about the possibilities for controlling heating systems - their task is to mount the system, but how often you will run around the house (or to the boiler room) and turn various valves to ensure constant thermal comfort, they do not care . Our specialists more than once had to almost completely remake the "creations" of such craftsmen, and this, believe me, costs a lot of money. A miser pays twice... Contact us, we will consult for free, and if necessary, we will install a remote control heating system, we will help with the selection quality equipment at an acceptable price.

The specialists of the company "Termogorod" Moscow will help you choose the right one, buy and install a remote heating control system, find an affordable solution. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, telephone consultation is absolutely free!
You will be satisfied cooperating with us!

Temperature sensors are used as part of burglar alarms or Smart Home systems. Their main function is to control the temperature in the room. You should buy a GSM temperature sensor when it becomes necessary to collect information and send it to the central alarm device. In "Smart Home" systems, the device allows you to find out information about the indoor climate, which affects automatic start or turning off electrical appliances. GSM-control of the premises, an integral part of which is an alarm system with temperature sensors, allows you to save the owner's time and money as efficiently as possible. It is enough to purchase and install a SIM card, and connect the sensor to an electrical outlet.

What are GSM thermometers for?

  • For remote control of all types of heating appliances (electric, gas or solid fuel boilers);
  • To control heaters (air conditioner, infrared heaters, warm floors and others);
  • To collect information about temperature and humidity.

If we believe the reviews of experts about GSM thermometers and alarms with temperature sensors, then we can conclude that temperature control and regulation systems are the most modern ways room climate control. This is not only heating or air conditioning, but also the ability to filter the air and humidify it.

Why is it worth buying a GSM thermometer and an alarm system with temperature sensors?

  • Possibility at any time to get all the information about the temperature regime. Most of the models can be controlled through Android/iOS Apps, allowing real-time data collection and use;
  • The device can perform dozens of tasks in automatic or semi-automatic modes, eliminating the need for the user to manually control temperature and climate variables;
  • The price of a GSM temperature sensor seems to be quite low, considering all the possible ways to save electricity, water, gas, which are achieved by using the device;
  • If the temperature reaches a critical level (which you set yourself), the sensor will report this by sending an SMS message. In addition, the device can be configured and controlled using SMS commands.

Until recently, remote control of heating in the country was available only to professionals who are able to independently assemble the controller circuit from separate radio components or to those who could pay for such services. However, modern manufacturers have released many models of controllers for smart home systems that control various equipment, including heating. Another reason why factory control modules are highly recommended is for fire safety.

Requirements for a temperature control and heating control system

Most often, the following tasks are set for the heating control system in the country:

  • Firstly, maintaining the minimum required temperature in the house to prevent freezing of the heating system and the building itself;
  • Secondly, the remote switching on of heating in the country before the arrival of the owners, so that by the time of arrival the internal premises have warmed up to a comfortable temperature.

To solve the tasks, the heating control system must meet the following criteria:

  • Display information about the current temperature in the room and outside after the user's request;
  • Send alarm messages if the temperature goes beyond the limit values;
  • Remotely control the heating system, with the ability to regulate the temperature in the whole house or in its individual rooms using SMS messages or through special mobile applications;
  • Have an affordable cost, high reliability and ease of management;
  • Opportunity self installation and settings.

The difficulty in developing universal recommendations lies in the fact that a wide variety of methods can be used to maintain the temperature in the country. Of the most common, it can be noted: central heating using a gas or electric boiler and radiators, heating with convectors distributed throughout the premises and traditional stoves or fireplaces.

As a rule, alarm control panels are used as control devices. GSM alarm, which have advanced features and an additional interface to control various devices.

Control of central heating boilers

For example, the GSM alarm controller Block-Post 4, manufactured by EDS LLC, was used.

This device allows you to control the temperature in 8 zones at a distance of up to 100 from the main device. Although the device is intended primarily for an alarm system, its latest firmware has ample opportunities for working with temperature indicators and the corresponding external peripherals:

  • The range of perceived measurements is -40°С…+120°С with an accuracy of half a degree;
  • Built-in protection against freezing of the coolant, you just need to specify which channel the information from the detector is fed to and the boundary value. If it is exceeded, an SMS with a warning is sent;
  • There is a WEB interface with the ability to maintain statistics and visualize temperature graphs for the period for each temperature sensor;
  • It is possible to program the maintenance of a given temperature regime and the prevention of freezing of the heating system.

This device has several advantages over others that regulate the same functionality. First of all, all modules, including the GSM modem and the UPS (up to 12 hours of autonomous operation), are built into the case, which greatly simplifies its installation and configuration. After the SIM card is installed, the controller automatically connects and registers on the developers' WEB service, which is located at http://monitoring.gsmbps.ru/. Using standard visualization shell tools, you can easily program the device to perform many functions without knowing any programming language. Connection directly to the boiler is made via relay outputs.

In addition, the developers are constantly improving both the hardware of the device and firmware, as well as the software on the server. The only limiting factor in the widespread use of BlockPost controllers is their rather high cost and poor compatibility with devices from other manufacturers.

Convector control - decentralized heating

It is expedient to implement the technical solution by means of modular system, since there can be from several to several dozen external controlled devices. As an example, the basic GSM module for building signaling and control systems BM8039D is used. The manufacturer positions this device for the protection and control of a boiler room or electric heaters residential premises.

The device is configured by a special program "Configurator" supplied in the kit. The program interface is quite clear - object-oriented and does not require specific knowledge in the field of programming. There is also a mobile control application for smartphones based on Android, called “Logic of the House”, it can be downloaded from GooglePlay.

BM8039D can measure the temperature in 32 zones, has a built-in thermostat routine and is able to maintain the set temperature in the room. For use as a control system for convectors, additional equipment from the same manufacturer is required:

  • ВМ8069D - expansion unit. Temperature sensors, smoke detectors and relays are connected directly to it, through which the heating system is controlled;
  • ВМ8070 - relay for connecting powerful equipment (electric convectors). It is not recommended to exceed the load of 2 kW per device;
  • PW1240UPS with NT800 battery - ensures uninterrupted operation of the control system in the event of a power outage.
  • MA802 - motion detector for alarm system;
  • SN18B20 - outdoor temperature detector - waterproof;
  • MP309 - module for measuring the values ​​of analog temperature sensors type LM335;
  • LM335 - analog temperature sensors, range of measured values ​​-40°С…+100°С, measurement accuracy up to 1°С (quite effective devices at a budget price - up to 1 USD).
  • NM18B20 temperature detectors, set of two.

ATTENTION! VM8069D module has one important feature operation, when it is started without an attached antenna, the device is guaranteed to fail, while no additional device blocking the operation of the device with an absent antenna is provided.

The use of universal controllers is justified if, in addition to controlling the heating system, they will perform other functions: security and fire alarm, control of the irrigation system in the country, remote switching on of lighting to create the effect of presence, etc.

How to remotely measure the temperature in the country and control heating with special devices

Many manufacturers produce a variety of GSM devices, the main specialization of which is the remote control of heating devices. The user can choose among many different models:

  1. Gsm-climate zont-h1 - is a thermostat for indoor installation with an integrated SIM card. The device is compatible with almost all models of gas boilers that have an input for external control. Management can be carried out from a smartphone, PC, tablet with any operating system. On the manufacturer's website https://zont-online.ru/demo you can download free management applications. Changing the basic settings can be password protected. Up to 10 temperature detectors can be connected to the device to determine the temperature inside and outside the building. Setting up the device is quite simple, after inserting a SIM card into the SIM card slot, an SMS is sent from the user's phone, subsequently this number receives administrator rights.
  2. Sapsan PRO 5T - the device is a thermostat for 1 temperature detector to which one external electrical device. The device independently maintains the set temperature range. When going beyond the set limits, an SMS message is sent to the user. It is possible to configure via computer. The control utility is included in the package.
  3. Signal XQ - the device, in addition to the GSM module and the temperature sensor, has a built-in battery inside the case, which ensures autonomous operation of the device for 24 hours from the moment the power is turned off. Signal XQ sends an alarm SMS in the event of a blackout at home, which is no less important than maintaining the temperature, since most modern heating devices are volatile. Through the device, it is also possible to organize the control of a gas or electric boiler with an external control module.
  4. GSM thermometer "Telemetrics" - a device from a domestic company. extremely easy to install and use. Can control two electrical devices by energizing the corresponding relay outputs. Management is implemented through free apps for Android and iOS.

A budget option

There is a very economical way to solve the problem. It consists in using GSM sockets. In this case, control is carried out in manual mode through command SMS messages. An example would be the following models:

  1. To control one device GSM socket T4 from Telemetrica. Remotely controls the boiler through the control of the power output. You can set the operating temperature range, time frame (weekly schedule and timer up to 24 hours) or control via SMS messages and mobile applications
  2. To control several devices, it is recommended to use models of the type B-DIN-BOX - GSM controller for 5 machines. This device implements the control of each channel separately, as well as general commands for all lines. It is also possible to set a password for each channel.

IMPORTANT! When choosing specific model GSM sockets pay attention to electrical safety: the quality of the housing, the reliability of the contacts, the availability of grounding, etc. Remember that we are talking about devices of increased fire hazard.