Water pipes      06/14/2019

What is a sprinkler fire extinguishing system. Sprinkler fire extinguishing system: principle of operation. Modular water mist extinguishing systems

At all times, the health and safety of human life were in the foreground. To achieve this, today invented a large number of special means and systems that allow each person to feel fully protected. However, there is an enemy that is the most dangerous. Moreover, it is capable of taking the lives of a large number of people in an instant. What is this enemy?

It's about fire. Every year, millions of people are killed or seriously injured by fires. In this regard, many systems have been invented that allow you to protect people from fire as much as possible. One of these modern and effective means is sprinkler fire extinguishing. What makes it so effective? What is the principle of its work? You can get answers to these and other questions in this article.

Action efficiency

Unlike most conventional fire extinguishing systems, sprinkler systems differ significantly in the composition of parts. Moreover, its productivity and reliability are also included in a long service life. To extinguish the fire, mainly water is used, the supply of which is carried out from the water supply.

To maintain a constant pressure in the installation at a given level, a special system has been developed check valves. Therefore, if there is no pressure in the system even for a short time, then the installation will work, since sufficient pressure will be present in it itself.

The undeniable advantages of sprinkler fire extinguishing:

This system works effectively within 12 m 2 of the serviced premises. Long work The sprinkler system is ensured by the fact that, if necessary, one or more devices are triggered, thereby maintaining a stable pressure.

But, despite all the advantages, such an installation also has disadvantages:

  • it depends on the general air temperature;
  • dependent on the water supply system;
  • unsuitable for extinguishing electrical networks;
  • response inertia.

However, despite the disadvantages, such a system works without human intervention, completely in automatic mode. Moreover, it extinguishes not only the source of fire, but also wets the surrounding objects. For this reason, sprinkler fire extinguishing is the most effective today.

Principle of operation

The sprinkler system works according to the following principle: the source of the flame is localized by means of a high pressure water spray. One of its main elements are sprinklers. A sprinkler is a head that is mounted directly into the fire extinguishing system. In most cases, it is mounted on the ceiling.

To monitor the situation in a particular room, sensors are additionally installed. Their purpose: to determine the level of temperature, as well as the level of smoke. In the event that there is a risk of fire, these sensors quickly detect a violation of the norm, fix the degree of temperature rise and smoke.

After that, the signal is immediately transmitted to the main control unit. Sprinklers are then activated, which eliminate the fire by means of sprayers with thin jets of water.

Over the past few years, the operation of the household sprinkler system has undergone a large number of improvements. For example, today's system uses a plastic pipe.

It helps to reduce the cost of installation work, which greatly simplifies the process. At the same time, the efficiency and high quality of work does not deteriorate, but, on the contrary, improves.

Some of these systems are designed in such a way that during operation they cause minimal damage to property that is inside the premises. Even those items that are made of wood, cardboard or paper!

Today you can buy sprinklers of various standards. Manufacturers understand this well: after all, every user would like to have a system that will cause minimal harm to the overall interior.

General scheme of functioning of the sprinkler fire extinguishing system.

Many people have a misconception about how this system works. They believe that when an extinguishing signal is given, all sprinklers are automatically turned on, and this, of course, causes damage to property. Therefore, the fire extinguishing system was developed so that only those sprayers that are as close as possible to the source of ignition would work.

Therefore, all speculation about its inefficient work can be completely discarded. After all, if you extinguish a fire with a hose, the damage to property will certainly be more than from a stationary sprinkler fire extinguishing installation, the principle of which is spraying water.

System Requirements

It should be noted that all installation work, as well as the choice of equipment, must fully comply with the standards set forth in SNIP. For example, some systems operate at 79°C, 93°C, 141°C and 182°C. The sprinkler response time at 79 °C and at 93 °C is allowed up to 300 seconds, and at 141 °C and at 182 °C - up to 600 seconds.

Therefore, for the stable and correct operation of the installation, it is extremely necessary to carry out its regular maintenance. Moreover, even if the system works properly, it is not allowed to operate it longer than ten years from the date of manufacture.

With regard to the application of the sprinkler system, it is used mainly in commercial, administrative and industrial buildings. However, in some cases it is also installed in residential buildings, but this is done solely at the request of the owners.

Directly during the design of the system, engineers, in accordance with SNIP, decide which vertical and interfloor ceilings will serve as a fire barrier.

That is, the whole house is divided into compartments, within which the localization of the fire will be carried out. Such calculations will make the installation the most useful.

When designing and installing the system, the distance between the heads is carefully maintained. So, the range of one is two meters. According to SNIP in residential premises, sprinklers are installed at a distance of no more than 4 meters from each other.

Another norm for the use of a sprinkler system in accordance with SNIP is installation in a building with an area of ​​​​75 m 2 or more (for example, a 25-story building).

To prevent the penetration of fire through the cavities, developers must adhere to SNIP 21-01-97, namely: to mount automatic devices in the form of couplings and sleeves in those places where the pipeline of the fire barrier is crossed. Their installation is carried out in ceilings or in other places of the pipeline, which consist of several layers.

At the moment when the temperature rises due to ignition, one of the layers expands and fills the void that has formed as a result of the plastic pipe.

So, subject to all the norms and requirements of SNIP, you can create an excellent and efficient sprinkler system that will effectively and quickly eliminate the fire.

Features of installation work

Installation of this system is carried out on rubber clamps, which are fixed to the ceiling every one and a half meters. After that, all pipes and fittings are welded, which are mounted according to the calculations of the drafted project. In order for water to enter the fire extinguishing system, pumping equipment is used. In order to improve, set additional pump(so-called reserve).

A water tank with a capacity of 8 thousand liters should also be installed. This volume of water is enough for continuous operation of the system for 30 minutes. After that, the installation of the main automatic sprinkler system, namely its assembly, is carried out. This node has a fairly simple principle of operation.

The system uses a special flow switch. When the sprinkler fires, water begins to spray under pressure. Accordingly, the pressure drops in the pipeline, after which this flow switch is activated, which turns on the pumping equipment. At the end of the work, sprinklers are installed.

Sprinklers or drenchers?

In addition to sprinkler, today there are several other types of fire extinguishing installations, for example,. Unlike its counterpart, the deluge is equipped with a sprayer that has open inlets. There is no need for a thermal lock. The system starts working at the moment when the fire alarm goes off. This is done automatically or using manual remote settings.

Sprinkler fire extinguishing works on a slightly different principle. As mentioned above, this is a piping system that is filled with water at the appropriate pressure. It is also equipped with sprinkler heads. The hole in the sprinkler head is closed with a thermal lock. Its soldering is carried out as soon as the temperature exceeds a predetermined limit. As a result, fire is localized.

One of the most simple, witty and effective types automatic systems fire extinguishers are sprinkler fire extinguishing systems. The design is based on the use of the final elements of the plumbing system, which are able to open independently when the temperature in the room reaches a certain threshold value.

The history of the emergence and use of sprinklers reaches the beginning of the 19th century, and their widespread use in various modifications continues to this day. The efficiency and survivability of such systems is determined by the fact that they lack complex elements feedback or automatic devices based on semiconductor, computer or other circuits of increased complexity.

Everyone knows what easier system, the more reliable it is. The principle of operation of the sprinkler fire extinguishing system has not changed since its invention. Of course, new elements and materials are used, the effectiveness of the application is calculated more accurately, they become more powerful, the response inertia decreases, but the fundamental principles remain unchanged. This is the essence of all great inventions - they can only be improved, but it is very difficult to make fundamental changes.

Water sprinkler fire extinguishing, originally conceived as a network of pipes constantly filled with water at a certain pressure. The system of tips, covered with caps made of a material that is easily destroyed when the temperature rises, is the main extinguishing agent. When a fire breaks out in a room, they melt or collapse from heating, and water from the pipelines is sprayed onto the hearth.
All subsequent improvements mainly concerned the design of the tips and their locking locks. The current state is described by the name itself - a sprinkler. This is a sprinkler that sprays water under pressure.

Modern sprinkler fire extinguishing system, what is it?

The currently used sprinkler fire extinguishing installations differ from the classical ones in many details that increase not only the efficiency and reliability of the application, but also the period of their use. As in the beginning of the century, the main substance for extinguishing a fire is ordinary water from a city or local water supply. Its pressure in plastic or steel pipes is maintained at a constant level by means of a system of check valves. In case of system failure main water pipelines or their temporary shutdown, the pressure in the sprinkler system is maintained at the required level for the initial operation. System advantages:
  • Work in automatic mode;
  • No power supply;
  • Absence complex schemes feedback;
  • Constant readiness for work;
  • Long service life.
When one of the nozzles begins to spray water, the pressure drops and the backup pump turns on. autonomous water supply, which is an indispensable part of modern sprinkler-type fire extinguishing systems. The design of the classic atomizer has also undergone changes over decades of operation. Until now, the most effective sprayer is considered, where the water is blocked by a valve, which is held closed by a fusible external insert.
The insert is located on the outside to eliminate the cooling effect of water from the conduit, which can increase the response time of the system.

Modern sprayers are designed for efficient work within 12 m² of serviced area. This may trigger one or more neighboring devices that do not lead to a significant pressure drop in the system. This ensures the required duration of the sprinkler system. automatic fire extinguishing which increases its efficiency. System disadvantages:

  1. response inertia;
  2. Dependence on the operation of the water supply network;
  3. Contraindications to extinguishing electrical wiring;
  4. Dependence on air temperature.

For the effectiveness of fire extinguishing with the help of sprinkler systems, there is also the fact that not only the source of the fire itself is extinguished with water, but also the surrounding surfaces and objects are wetted, which significantly reduces the risk of their ignition.

Automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing works without human intervention, but is part of a single system counter fire safety. Pressure sensors are triggered by a drop in pressure in the supply pipelines and give an alarm signal to the central consoles of fire alarm systems. Primary fire extinguishing is the initial part of the elimination of ignition.

Dry sprinkler fire extinguishing systems

The use of sprinkler systems of the classic type is limited to the use of water as a working medium. At negative temperatures it can freeze and not only paralyze the operation of the system as a whole, but also destroy its supply pipes, which must be in a filled state almost constantly. Application chemical compositions to lower the freezing point is not very justified, due to the possibility of the appearance of sedimentary components that clog the device, up to loss of performance.

But a solution was found here too - a dry sprinkler fire extinguishing system. It is called dry because, in standby mode, underwater pipelines are filled not with water, but with compressed air. In many ways, this became possible when steel pipes began to be replaced by plastic ones, capable of not only withstanding significant pressure, but also not subject to corrosion when interacting with atmospheric oxygen.

The operation of a dry sprinkler system is also based on the application of the fundamental laws of physics. When one of the sprinklers is triggered, that is, when one of the fusible partitions or inserts is destroyed, compressed air will escape through the valve and the necessary vacuum will appear in the pipe, slightly exceeding ordinary atmospheric pressure. This will trigger the valves of the water system, which is located in a warm room or underground and is not subject to freezing.

Water from this system fills the pipes and is sprayed onto the actuation sprayer. Modern systems are equipped with devices for accelerated purge of the network. When one sprinkler fires to relieve pressure, the others also open, and the pressure in the pipelines drops almost instantly.

Due to the complexity and constant availability of the system, the design and maintenance of a sprinkler fire extinguishing system is carried out only by organizations that have the necessary licenses to carry out this kind of work. Sprinkler systems are certified fire facilities, and all their parameters are strictly regulated by the relevant GOSTs and SNiPs.

Drencher fire extinguishing systems

A variant of sprinkler systems are deluge fire extinguishing systems, although most experts consider them independent system firefighting. Pipelines are installed according to the same schemes as in sprinkler networks. But the main difference between sprinkler and deluge fire extinguishing systems is the method of excitation. Drencher system sprayers are activated by a signal from a central console or a fire detector, and not by a thermal lock. In many cases, this reduces the inertia of the system operation and increases its efficiency.

Deluge systems are used on objects of any type and purpose. The difference can only be in the condition of the pipelines. Dry systems are used on unheated objects or any other points where the possibility of an explosion or sudden intense fire is excluded. In all other cases, water-filled deluge installations are installed.

The use of automatic water fire extinguishing systems, both in industrial and public buildings, and in residential buildings, has a number of advantages. Economic advantages are low cost extinguishing agent– water, its availability and high fire extinguishing efficiency. The second point is technical advantages the system itself:

  • water fire extinguishing can be used for almost any type of premises;
  • ease of installation, relatively low cost of the system and its further maintenance;
  • universality;

There are also special advantages of a water fire extinguishing system over powder or gas fire extinguishing systems. This is the possibility of using in public places where many people are concentrated or in buildings where people with disabilities are located: hospitals, nursing homes, hospices.

On this moment There are several types of water fire extinguishing systems. Two of them are considered the most effective and common - sprinkler and deluge.


Sprinkler installation of automatic water fire extinguishing is a system of pipelines filled with pressurized water. With a certain frequency, sprinklers with fusible plugs of outlets are embedded in the pipes.

The principle of operation of the sprinkler water fire extinguishing system is as follows. When a fire breaks out, the temperature in the room rises. The heat-sensitive liquid in the blocking lock expands and destroys the capsule, opening access to the fire extinguishing agent into the room. After the start of spraying water, the pressure in the system drops and a special relay turns on the pumping group of autonomous water supply.

For the piping system, not only steel pipes are used, but plastic pipes that can withstand high temperature and significant pressure. Constant high pressure in the pipeline is maintained by means of a group of non-return valves installed at key points.

In the event of a malfunction in the main water supply system, the operating pressure level is maintained in the sprinkler system, and the tank with fire extinguishing agent will give required amount water to eliminate the source of fire in the early stages.

Sprinkler sprinklers.

Sprinklers may have a top (for open way pipe laying) and lower (for pipelines hidden behind a false ceiling) installation scheme. Manufacturers produce many models designed for more efficient operation and spraying, including directional. The area that one sprayer can effectively control is, on average, 12 m2.

Advantages and disadvantages of a sprinkler water fire extinguishing installation:

The advantages of the considered fire extinguishing systems include:

  • offline operation, operation in the absence of power supply;
  • exception complex systems feedback and ignition control prone to false positive;
  • constant readiness for operation;
  • long service life of the plant minimal cost for service.

The disadvantages of such a system are:

  • dependency on performance centralized network water supply;
  • dependence on the temperature in the room, minor fires can damage a significant amount of material assets;
  • it must not be used to extinguish electrical wiring or connected electrical appliances.

Dry sprinkler fire extinguishing installation.

Sprinkler installations of automatic water fire extinguishing have a significant limitation in use. They cannot be operated at negative temperatures, as the water in the pipes will freeze, not only paralyzing the operation of the installation, but also violating the integrity of the pipes. To solve this problem, dry (air-filled) sprinkler systems have been developed.

By the way, the use of solutions with chemical additives that give it the properties of antifreeze instead of water has not been widely used for two reasons:

  1. firstly, the high cost of the fire extinguishing agent thus obtained;
  2. secondly, the resulting sedimentary components can significantly clog the pipeline and sprinkler nozzles.

The underwater pipeline of a dry sprinkler water fire extinguishing installation is filled with compressed air. In most cases, such systems consist of plastic underwater pipes located directly above the controlled area. They are filled with compressed air and due to the material they do not corrode. Steel pipes are used in the water supply line to the underwater pipeline.

The principle of operation of a dry installation is completely similar to a water-filled one. After the destruction of one of the heat-sensitive locks, the pressure in the pipe decreases and the valve of the water system located in the heated room is activated. After that, water is supplied to the place of ignition.

Some modern installations are equipped with accelerated purge devices that force open all pressure valves, regardless of where the operation occurred.

Drencher system of automatic water fire extinguishing

The main difference between deluge installations and sprinkler installations is the activation method. The deluge installation of automatic fire extinguishing is triggered by a signal from sensors fire alarm installed in the building. They activate the main pumps, which fill the network of dry pipes with water.

Irrigation is carried out over the entire area controlled by the plant. This has both a positive effect on the speed of fire extinguishing and localization of the flame - the fire does not spread over the areas, and a negative one - the material values ​​​​located in rooms not affected by fire get wet and deteriorate.

The scope of deluge water fire extinguishing systems is quite wide. They can be used to eliminate fires, both in unheated rooms and in open areas. The only limitation is the possibility of an explosion or sudden intense fire.

Another area of ​​application is water curtains. Depending on the design and installation location, such systems may long time keep from spreading not only the flame, but other combustion products:

  • thermal radiation;
  • toxic substances.

A significant advantage of the deluge plant is the ability to use more effective foam as a fire extinguishing agent. Such a change will not require significant modernization costs, but it will greatly increase the efficiency of fire extinguishing and allow it to be used to extinguish fire in premises previously unsuitable for this: warehouses with flammable liquid substances, operating electrical equipment, etc.


Design and installation of water fire extinguishing is carried out in accordance with the following standards:

  • SP 5.13130. 2009 "Fire protection systems...";
  • NPB 88-01 "Fire extinguishing and alarm installations ...";
  • SNiP 2.04.09-84 " Fire automatics buildings and structures…”.

You can get acquainted with some of them on the page REGULATORY DOCUMENTS ON FIRE SAFETY.

The algorithm for calculating an automatic fire extinguishing installation (AFS) includes the following steps:

1. The type of fire extinguishing mixture suitable for extinguishing materials located in the controlled area is determined:

  • water;
  • water with flame retardant additives;
  • foam solution (taking into account the multiplicity of foam).

2. The type of system is selected taking into account the rate of fire propagation along the structures of the structure and the operating temperature inside the room:

  • sprinkler;
  • deluge;
  • modular.

3. Choose the required irrigation intensity in accordance with the regulations.

4. The working pressure of the system is calculated according to the indicators of the most remote sprinkler (dictating sprinkler).

5. In accordance with the type of sprinkler, the consumption of fire extinguishing agent and the controlled area, the diameter of the pipes, the number and location of sprinklers and the routing of pipelines are determined.

6. Based on the hydraulic calculation of the pipeline, the power of the pump pair is selected.

When used as a basis for pipelines of polymeric materials, they must be refractory (AntiFire) with the PRR marking. They can be used in rooms of 1 and 2 groups, categories fire hazard C, D and E. In this case, the calculated fire load should not exceed 1400 MJ / m2.

In places of possible physical contact that can damage the pipeline, a metal casing is mounted on it with a protrusion beyond the expected contact zone by 50 cm on each side. The frequency of fastening to supporting structures or pipe supports depends on their diameter. It must exclude the possibility of sagging, deformation from thermal loads or the occurrence of vibration during operation.


Maintenance of automatic fire extinguishing systems should be carried out by a company that has the appropriate license to perform this type of work. In accordance with the current regulations, testing the performance of an automatic water fire extinguishing installation should be carried out once every 3 years with the inclusion of all systems for 1.5-2 minutes.

Once every six months being checked electrical circuit and a test operation of the control unit is carried out (on Idling with closed pump dampers) from an external fire detector.

Once a quarter you need to check the status stop valves water intakes and measuring devices of a water intake well. In the piping system, check:

  • absence of pipe deflections and leaks;
  • the presence of a slope of the pipeline (for pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm not less than 0.01, more than 50 mm 0.005);
  • reliability of fastening pipes to racks and supporting structures;
  • the condition of the color and the presence of corrosion damage (for metal pipes).

Once a month– pumps and other power equipment are checked for damage and cleaned of dust and dirt. A test transfer of power equipment (pumps) from the main to the backup power supply line is being carried out.

Important! All actions for routine and emergency maintenance of an automatic water fire extinguishing system must be recorded in a special log that is kept by the responsible person.

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The materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidance documents.

Fire is the number one natural disaster, especially in areas built up with buildings and structures. various types and appointments. Humanity fights fires all the time, so there is experience in extinguishing them. One of the effective options is a sprinkler fire extinguishing system, which got its name from sprinklers, they are also sprinklers, they are also sprinklers.

Essentially, this small size appliances, hollow inside with a lot of small through holes through which pressurized water escapes. The sprinklers themselves are attached to pipelines (threaded connection), through which water from the pumps moves to the end point of spraying.

This is an extensive network of pipelines in which water is constantly under pressure. This is necessary so that the network reacts immediately when the first fires appear. Therefore, the composition of the sprinkler system includes:

  1. The jockey pump, which maintains the pressure inside the network. It is of small power and volume. It is not his task to deliver the amount of water required to extinguish the fire. But it can be used to put out a small fire.
  2. The main pump that provides the required volume of water. Their number is determined by the branching of pipelines and the number of sprinkler sprinklers.
  3. Piping connecting pumps and sprinklers.
  4. sprinklers themselves.

How this scheme works. It's all about the sprinklers, or rather, their thermal lock, which supports the valve that closes the holes. The lock is a hermetically sealed glass flask, inside of which a special heat-expanding liquid is pumped. Under the influence of the rising temperature from the fire, the liquid expands in volume, presses on the glass from the inside of the flask, which leads to its cracking. The flask bursts, opening the water supply.

Through small holes, the latter begins to spray under the pressure created by the jockey pump. If several glass flasks burst due to an increase in the air temperature inside the room, then the jockey pump copes with such a volume of required water on its own. But if the fire gets big sizes, that is, a large number of sprinklers are included in the work, then the main pump is turned on, providing the necessary volume of water.

In addition to these elements, the network necessarily includes an alarm system: light and sound. Optionally, various containers in which the required volume of water is stored. If the object is small, then the pumps are connected to the water supply.

Since the sprinkler is a fundamental element of the sprinkler fire extinguishing system, it is necessary to talk about it in more detail. First of all, you need to deal with thermal locks - glass flasks. In terms of size, they are standard devices. But in terms of response speed, they differ dramatically from each other. Therefore, manufacturers color liquids in different colors.

The first two positions belong to the category of low-temperature elements, the rest to high-temperature ones.

Purely constructively, the models differ from each other in only one element - a rosette, which forms the direction of spraying water or foam. There are three main models here:

  1. Standard, round rosette that creates a self-shaped irrigation flow in all directions. Manufacturers offer two types of water sprinklers of this type: installed with a socket up (SVV brand) and a socket down (SVN brand).
  2. The outlet has a visor that redirects the flow of sprayed water. They are used only if it is required to focus on a particular area, for example, to create water curtains or to provide cooling for process equipment.
  3. Sprinkler, inside of which a cap with a large number of small holes is installed on the side of the supply pipeline. It is this cap that creates a fine-dispersed type of water spray. Typically, these devices are used in sprinkler fire extinguishing systems at facilities defined by class "A" according to the degree of fire hazard.

The quality of sprinklers is indicated by some requirements:

  1. The tightness of the device. Since the entire sprinkler fire extinguishing system is constantly under pressure, any leaks are leaks through which water will flow into the premises. That's why given parameter is considered the main indicator of the quality of the device.
  2. Strength and reliability of devices. Shock loads, the negative impact of aggressive environments, changes in humidity and temperature - all this sprinklers must withstand throughout the entire period of operation.
  3. Reliability of a glass flask. It should burst only under the influence of the required temperature.
  4. Water spray intensity. It all depends on the diameter of the holes, which varies in the range of 8-20 mm.

Requirements for the state of fire extinguishing agents

Since fire extinguishing is a variety of options for the substances used to extinguish a fire, and these are gases, water, foam, all kinds of water-dispersed solutions, the attitude towards them in terms of the created pressure is different.

  • For liquid substances, the pressure is at least 1 MPa (10 atm.).
  • For gases - not less than 0.01 MPa.

These are just recommended values. Actual indicators are determined on the basis of technical documentation, which is formed at the design stage of the sprinkler system. At the same time, the documents must indicate the maximum and minimum pressure values ​​​​of fire extinguishing agents inside the pipelines. The correctness of compliance with the parameters is controlled by the state fire department.

How a sprinkler fire extinguishing system works in general

It is necessary to indicate that the entire engineering scheme of a fire extinguishing facility is a set of measures to prevent the appearance of casualties among people and reduce damage to property. Therefore, the sequence of ongoing operations is as follows.

  1. The fire sprinkler goes off first. That is, a glass flask bursts in it from an increase in temperature.
  2. This is the signal for the jockey pump and for the security control panel.
  3. Through the latter, work is carried out with elevators, if any are present at the facility. They are called automatically to the first floor, their doors open and lock in this state. According to fire safety regulations, elevators cannot be used during a fire.
  4. Through the remote control, ventilation is automatically turned off. In the process of fire, it becomes channels through which fire and smoke move between floors and rooms. This cannot be allowed. It is very important to close the air valves in all rooms.
  5. The alarm turns on.
  6. When the fire level rises, the jockey pump is turned off, and the main pumping equipment is turned on.

It turns out that sprinklers play the main role in the sprinkler system. It is they who close several various systems security, and more specifically: control, signaling and pumping piping.

The installation of a sprinkler fire extinguishing system is basically the assembly of the entire network exactly with the calculations made, which relate to the volume of water required to extinguish a fire. In this case, the focus area is chosen to the maximum.

First of all, an irrigation map is created, where the exact locations of the sprinklers are indicated so that they cover the most dense spray of fire extinguishing agents. That is, when extinguishing a fire, there should not be a single area left that would not be flooded with water or other material. Depending on the water pressure in the pipes, the irrigation area will vary in direct proportion. That is, than more pressure, the larger the area that will be flooded with water from one sprinkler. The map must indicate in which position the sprinklers will be installed: up with a socket or down.

There are other restrictions on the installation locations of sprinklers:

  • before lighting fixtures- 1m;
  • to the walls - half the distance between the sprinklers, if the object belongs to the fire hazard category K0 and K1, and within 1.2 m for K2 and K3.

After compiling the irrigation map, a general design of the fire extinguishing system is created, where the installation locations of the pumps and the layout of the pipe junction are indicated. The difficulty lies in accurately selecting the diameters of the pipes that will be scattered throughout the premises. The relationship is direct - the larger the area, the more fire sprinklers will have to be installed, the larger diameter pipes will have to be used in them.

Advantages and disadvantages of sprinkler installations

The advantages include:

  • high fire extinguishing efficiency;
  • simplicity of design;
  • ease of installation and preventive measures;

The key task of automatic fire protection systems is to prevent the spread of flames in order to save human lives, as well as material values. To date, one of the most effective methods fire fighting is considered sprinkler fire fighting. With a sharp increase in the temperature in the room, the locking mechanism of the sprinkler opens, after which water is sprayed over the protected surface.

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    Application area

    The need to install a sprinkler fire extinguishing system is regulated by state regulations. So, automatic fire protection is mandatory designed for the following objects:

    sprinkler system

    How the system works

    The main element of water fire extinguishing is the so-called sprinkler - a suspended or hidden sprinkler that uses a liquid that is under high pressure. The spraying device is mounted in the plumbing system and, as a rule, placed on the ceiling in buildings with increased fire hazard. The uninterrupted operation of the system is ensured by sensors that respond to smoke and abnormal temperature jumps.

    If there is a danger of fire of the object, the signal from the temperature-sensitive devices immediately goes to the control unit that activates the sprinkler. The locking element of the sprinkler is designed in such a way that it is destroyed only under the influence of extremely high temperatures.

    In standby mode, the inlet of the fire sprinkler is protected by a special bulb. When the system detects a fire, the integrity of the protective ampoule is broken, and the sprinkler begins to spray the fire extinguishing liquid coming from the pipes. According to its principle of operation, a sprinkler sprinkler is somewhat reminiscent of water faucet, which gives a jet of water when it is opened.

    The principle of operation of the sprinkler

    The efficiency and speed of the entire sprinkler fire system, of course, depends on its main working device - the sprinkler. The trigger temperature of the sprinkler can be easily determined by the color of the capsule filled with temperature-sensitive liquid. For example, flasks that melt at 57-68 degrees are considered to be low-temperature. Such devices work no later than 5 minutes after the first signs of a fire appear. For high-temperature capsules, a value of up to 10 minutes is allowed. The best option mechanisms are considered to be activated within 2-3 minutes.

    Depending on the design specifics and functional purpose, fire extinguishing sprinklers are divided into the following types:

    The principle of operation of the sprinkler

    When it comes to the classic sprinkler fire extinguishing system, it means the use of water as a fire extinguishing agent. At negative temperatures environment the liquid is prone to freezing, which can not only disable the system, but also destroy the pipeline, which must always be in a filled state.

    The use of reagents that inhibit the crystallization of water is not possible, because of this, a precipitate appears that clogs the device. It is for this reason that engineers developed the dry sprinkler system, in which the pipes are filled with compressed air.

    If one of the sensors is triggered, the air mass exits through the valve and creates the necessary vacuum in the pipes, which exceeds atmospheric pressure. All this leads to the fact that the shut-off valves of the water system, located in a warm place and therefore not subject to freezing, are activated. First, water fills the pipeline, and only then it is sprayed using sprinklers.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The sprinkler method of extinguishing a fire is rightfully considered the most popular. Its wide distribution is associated with a whole circle positive factors, among which the following should be highlighted:

    Sprinkler fire extinguishing is not suitable for all premises. For example, there are restrictions on the use of such a system in data centers, specialized facilities for storing server and network equipment as water can damage expensive electronic devices. Other disadvantages include the following points:

    • operation of the system with a slight delay;
    • the need to replace heat-sensitive capsules after a fire;
    • dependence on the operation of the water supply network.

    Advantages of Sprinkler Fire Suppression System

    Installation of equipment

    All calculation and design work must be carried out by qualified specialists who have received the necessary permits. Typically when designing a sprinkler system use two schemes:

    • overlapping irrigated areas;
    • without overlapping irrigation zones.

    The first option is distinguished by increased reliability and, as a rule, is used at critical facilities. However, in this case, a large number of sprinklers and, accordingly, liquids are needed to fight the fire.

    The distance between the sprinklers in both schemes is determined taking into account the height of the ceilings and technical specifications equipment. The water fire extinguishing system is mainly located in the upper part of the room so that water can freely flow down. If necessary, install wall sprinklers. Such a measure is often due to too high ceilings, as well as the presence of material values ​​​​in the room. Installation work carry out, adhering to a strict algorithm of actions:

    Installation maintenance

    Like any other engineering network, sprinkler fire fighting installation requires regular service. It plays important role in maintaining the stable operation of all nodes of the system. Sprinklers should be periodically inspected for corrosion and mechanical damage. Broken sprinklers must be replaced. If even a small leak is detected, the irrigation system needs immediate repair.

    Irrigation devices that have been seriously damaged due to thermal effects exceeding the maximum allowable operating temperature must be replaced with new ones without fail. Sprinklers that have been used once can no longer be repaired and reused.

    Broken sprinklers must be completely shut down before replacing fire fighting system, reduce the pressure in the pipes, and then drain all the water or bleed the air from the pipe network. After dismantling the old sprinkler, a new one is installed, making sure before that that it specifications fully comply with the data specified in the project documentation.

    Upon completion of all repair manipulations, restart the system. Owners of such installations should remember that the period of trouble-free service of the equipment is possible for 10 years after installation.

    Installation of fire-fighting equipment is a responsible matter, on which the safety of not only interior items, goods, expensive things, but also the health and life of people will depend in the future. Given this, it is necessary to approach the design, installation and maintenance of a sprinkler system with a deep understanding of the matter.