Well      06/17/2019

How does air conditioning work for heating in winter? Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter

At what temperature can the air conditioner be turned on? This question is often asked by the owners of climate equipment of different companies and types. Will it turn on if you run the machine in winter for heating or cooling?

Let's try to deal with these questions. So, is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter for heating or cooling at sub-zero temperatures?

To begin with, let's say a few words about the principles of the split system. When the unit is in heating or cooling mode Electric Energy used to transport heat between outdoors and indoors. In summer, it is removed into the atmosphere, and in winter, on the contrary, it is pumped from the street into the room.

Air conditioning heating

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner at sub-zero temperatures for heating? Yes, you can. But you need to take into account several factors and features of a particular device. During operation in heating mode, freon in liquid form enters the outdoor unit, there evaporates, taking away part of the heat. After that, the refrigerant gas is pumped by the compressor to the indoor unit, where it condenses in the evaporator, releasing the accumulated heat. This is how the air conditioner works for heating in winter.

During this process, the heat exchanger in the outdoor unit is cooled to a very low level, as a result of which moisture from the outdoor air pumped by the fan freezes on it. This is one of the main problems when operating an air conditioner for heating in winter.

The second problem is the increased viscosity of the oil in the compressor. Since it uses a moving mechanism, it needs lubrication. To do this, the compressor is filled with oil at the factory, which can thicken in the cold. When starting the compressor with too thick oil, it may break down.

Freezing of the outdoor unit

In order to avoid negative moments, before turning on the air conditioner for heating in winter in sub-zero weather, the following steps must be taken:

  • In the instructions for the split system, find the paragraph on the boundary allowable temperatures. If it is lower on the street, then the device cannot be turned on.
  • Make sure that the outdoor thermometer is above the minimum allowable level.
  • On the remote control of the air conditioner, find the button responsible for the heating mode and press it. Usually, a pictogram in the form of a stylized sun is used for designation.
  • Select the desired temperature. No need to try to heat the room too much. The unit may not have enough power. It is recommended to heat the room in winter to 18-24 degrees.

Many residents of the big cities of our cold country are of the firm opinion that air conditioners are used only during hot weather. summer heat to keep indoors pleasantly cool. However, it is not. Modern climate equipment can and should be used also in winter, while observing some precautions.

Requirements that must be met during the operation of air conditioners in winter:

1. Compliance with the operating temperature range specified by the manufacturer.

Initially, air conditioners were designed to cool and purify indoor air at positive outside air temperatures. Any climate technology can only function successfully within a strictly defined range of outdoor temperatures. Violation of this restriction leads to the fact that the equipment fails, and the service life of the air conditioner is reduced, which negatively affects the image and reputation of the manufacturer. In addition, all operating functions of the air conditioner and technical specifications, guaranteed by the issuing company, are active only within the extreme values ​​of the temperature range.

Therefore, before turning on the climatic device, it is necessary to carefully study the rules for operating the equipment. Almost all models of air conditioners produced by well-known world brands support heating mode at sub-zero outdoor temperatures.

A significant part of the models currently sold work stably and efficiently in the range from -5 degrees C to + 25 C. If we take the MDV split system, then this device can provide space heating if it is not colder than -8 degrees Celsius outside. Mini format MDV VRF systems support this feature down to -15 degrees below zero. Many modern models they can function stably even up to -10 C ... - 20 C due to the installation of drainage heating systems, oil in the compressor.

At lower temperatures in winter, technical problems arise: the condensate freezes outside, when the compressor air conditioner is started, the oil boils, and the condensation pressure decreases. The outdoor unit of the device and the drain tube are covered with an ice shell. Thus, heat exchange processes are disturbed, the efficiency of heating the room is reduced.

Important! Therefore, it should be remembered: most manufacturers of air conditioners at sub-zero temperatures do not recommend using climate equipment in the “heating” mode!

If you still need to urgently heat the room, then specialized appliances, for example, infrared heater or heat gun handle it much more efficiently.

2. Use of specially adapted equipment.

It often happens that constant uninterrupted cooling of the room is required even at minus air temperatures outside. This is true for enterprises such as stations of mobile operators, robotic complexes and telecommunications companies. In this case, the best solution would be to install specially adapted equipment on the air conditioner or split system. Service maintenance of such complex systems should be done at least four times a year.

It includes:

  • drainage heater, which is designed to drain condensed liquid from the air conditioner, preventing it from freezing;
  • compressor crankcase heater, which maintains the set oil temperature, thereby eliminating the possibility of water hammer due to boiling of the refrigerant;
  • a fan speed retarder that prevents freezing of the indoor unit of the air conditioner by controlling the desired condensing temperature.

The winter upgrade kit ensures the operation of the split system in cooling mode down to -15C, and in calm weather even down to -20 degrees. If necessary, the range can be expanded, but this solution is quite expensive and in most cases unjustified economically.

Important! Adapted winter equipment should only be installed through an authorized service center, in which case it is possible to prevent the cancellation of the manufacturer's warranty.

Timely preventive maintenance.

During the summer months, air conditioners are the most requested type. household appliances. A period of hard work should be preceded by mandatory preventive measures.

They include the following operations:

By performing these procedures in a timely manner, it is possible to ensure the operation of the air conditioning device during the service life specified by the manufacturer.

What air conditioners can be turned on in winter

In the cold season, regular ventilation is the key to good health and disease resistance.

A regular influx of fresh air can be ensured by opening the window, transom or window sash for 10-15 minutes. However, together with atmospheric air, soot from exhaust gases, smoke from factory chimneys, pollen and endless city noise penetrate into the apartment. The issue can be radically resolved by purchasing a heating device - an inverter air conditioner.

inverter air conditioners- this is an optimal climate technology that effectively works for heating at low temperatures. Inverter devices are more durable, since their service life can reach 14 years. This type of air conditioning units immediately gives 100% power, and when the room cools down to the required temperature, it operates in support mode, allowing you to maintain a comfortable microclimate.

Inverter systems minimize the load on the compressor, which is a key element of the entire apparatus, because there are no sudden starts. As a result, such an air conditioner is most effective. Also, a significant advantage in practical operation is considered low level noise.

The principle of their work repeats the algorithm of functioning heat pump. This device is capable of generating heat from the cold air of the atmosphere. This happens in the process of liquid condensation, which is accompanied by the release of heat. The high pressure created causes the refrigerant to condense in the heat exchanger of the indoor unit of the device, while the device heats up significantly, the temperature reaches approximately 70 degrees Celsius. Reacting to a sharp drop in pressure, freon evaporates, accumulating heat from the air outside.

How economically feasible is it to use inverter-type air conditioning systems for space heating? This is best shown by the ratio of the electricity consumed by the air conditioner and the thermal energy allocated to it - for inverter devices it reaches 400%. Undoubtedly, this effect is much more beneficial than using any heating device for heat transfer.

A high-quality air conditioner can be adjusted to individual needs by adding functions such as dehumidification, filtration of gaseous impurities, and others. These split systems will provide a comfortable microclimate in residential and industrial premises.

Proper operation of the air conditioner in winter

Careful and proper use of the split system, wall air conditioner or a mobile climate control device is the key to its efficient and long-term operation. Some companies categorically prohibit the use of the air conditioner in winter time year, urging owners to preserve the device. This process consists of several steps:

  • freon condensation in the outdoor unit;
  • start the device in cooling mode;
  • the use of a manometric manifold equipped with a service port;
  • turning off the liquid supply of the main unit;
  • turning off the gas supply until the atmospheric pressure is equal to the air capture pressure;
  • turning off the manifold.
  • total power failure of the system!

If conservation is impossible for any reason, then it is especially important not to violate the rules for operating the air conditioner in winter. Expensive models are equipped with self-diagnosis and protection systems that turn off the system automatically. At the same time, economy-class brands fail quite quickly under improper operating conditions. They continue to function until some node or structure fails.

Most common causes air conditioner breakdowns

  • poor-quality installation of equipment;
  • discrepancy installed equipment customer goals;
  • violation of the rules of operation;
  • lack of proper service.

How to ensure the correct operation of the air conditioner of any kind in the winter?

Most The best way- this is to supplement the air conditioner kit with a starter, that is, a device for safely starting the engine, which is effective at very low air temperatures outside. In this way it is possible to prevent those overloads at the start, which occur in case of icing of the drainage pipeline.

And, of course, to ensure the correct operation of the air conditioner in the autumn and winter months, you should call a specialist from a professional service. He will check the tightness of the system, clean the filters and give practical advice to prevent possible damage.

Checking the performance of the air conditioner in winter

Any air conditioning device is equipped with a similar set of components:

  • capacitor;
  • compressor;
  • fan;
  • evaporator;
  • valve.

All components are combined through copper tubes narrow section, through which freon circulates, changing its gaseous state of aggregation into liquid, and vice versa.

In order to check the performance of the air conditioner in winter, it is necessary with the help of professional specialists to carry out a set of preventive measures:

  1. Visual control and diagnostics of equipment.
  2. Check for compliance with the rules of operation of this model.
  3. Cleaning the filter elements of the indoor unit.
  4. Cleaning the inlet and outlet louvers of the indoor unit.
  5. Checking the temperature of dry air at the inlet of the indoor unit.
  6. Monitoring the condition of electrical contacts and cables.
  7. Tightness control of the piping system
  8. Control of the functioning of the drainage.
  9. Control mechanical damage designs.
  10. Cleaning the evaporator of the indoor unit.

It is also possible to produce self-check. To do this, take the following steps:

  • Visual inspection of the blocks for the absence of mechanical damage to the body, hydraulic and electrical parts of the equipment;
  • Test the operation of the device in the “heating”/cooling” mode;
  • Checking the operation of the output blinds with a mechanical drive;
  • Using a vacuum cleaner, clean the fan, which is located in the outdoor unit of the device;
  • Temperature control of dry air at the inlet and outlet of the evaporator;
  • Checking the average pressure in the outdoor unit;
  • Checking the tightness of the connection between the indoor and outdoor units;
  • Leak test drainage system air conditioner;
  • Checking the air filters of the indoor unit of the air conditioner.

After carrying out all the procedures, you should run the device in the "ventilation" mode for half an hour. Then start the device in cooling mode.

Important! According to Art. 18, paragraph 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", "Defects caused by improper use of the goods are not subject to free elimination." Thus, if independent actions to check the performance of the air conditioner have caused any defects, the manufacturer is not obliged to carry out free warranty repairs.

The air conditioner can work flawlessly long time. Often, the deterioration of parameters occurs quite imperceptibly for the owner. Only due to timely inspection and prevention, it is possible to avoid malfunctions and breakdowns of expensive parts of the air conditioning device.

Types of home air conditioners

At home, the following types of climate control equipment are often used:

Air conditioning systems create a new quality of life, directly affecting the health, well-being and mental balance of people who are in a room equipped with a split system or air conditioning.

Air conditioners are distinguished by the following parameters:

  • A package of functions (air ionization, cooling, heating, filtration, etc.);
  • Power consumption;
  • performance;
  • The level of generated background noise;
  • Price.

The main purpose of an air conditioner is to cool the air in a room. In addition, it has additional functions:

Cleaning the air - cleaning from dust is vital, for this we have developed different types filters: antibacterial, antiviral, hypoallergenic. The life of the filters depends on the degree of air pollution.

Heating is one of the most requested features. Used in conjunction with a heat pump, it has high efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Deodorization- This is the purification of indoor air from unpleasant odors.

Ventilation- directional distribution of air flows in the room.

Ionization- this is the saturation of the air with negative ions, which favorably affects the state of health.

dehumidification- removal of moisture from the air. Useful in damp climates.

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter, and if not, why not? This question is asked from time to time by most users of this modern climate device.

Why You Shouldn't Use Your Air Conditioner in Winter

The question is not entirely correct. In fact, there are progressive models of air conditioners that are designed to work in winter conditions with frosts down to -10 ... -15 ° C. These are the so-called inverter air conditioners. And the Japanese Mitsubishi Electric Zubadan MUZ-FDVABH unit works even at -25 °C. Of course, such devices are not cheap, and today we will talk about ordinary household air conditioners for mass use.

But they really cannot work at temperatures below -5 ° C. There are only two reasons for this:

  • During operation of the air conditioner, condensate is formed, which, under normal conditions, is discharged outside the room through a drain pipe. It is clear that in the cold, the condensate will freeze and form an ice plug in the discharge system. This plug will block the condensate outlet to the outside, after which it has two outlets:
    • Condensate seeps through cracks and leaks into the room through the inner casing, creating high humidity. And this, in turn, can cause the appearance of molds that pose a threat to the health of residents.
    • The resulting excessive condensate pressure disables the air conditioner.
  • The refrigerant contains a lubricant that lubricates the rubbing parts of the evaporator during its operation. In the cold, this grease thickens, which makes it difficult for the unit to work, shortens its service life and ultimately leads to the failure of the air conditioner.

Refrigerant (refrigerant) is the working substance of a refrigeration machine, which, when boiling (evaporating, melting, or even sublimating), takes heat from the cooled object and then, after compression, transfers it to the cooling medium due to condensation or another phase transition.

Most models of household air conditioners can work either only for cooling or for space heating. If the consumer has the second type of device, he needs to know that the air conditioner can be used for heating at outdoor air temperatures not lower than 0 ° C, and for cooling - up to -5 ° C.

For heating an apartment in winter, it is better to use heaters designed for this purpose.

Video: is it possible to heat the room with air conditioning

Do not use regular air conditioner sub-zero temperatures outside the window. Even if it does not fail immediately, its service life will still be reduced. It is much more convenient and economical to use heating devices designed for this purpose, the range of which is currently simply huge.

Everyone probably remembers the unprecedentedly high demand for air conditioners last summer. Moreover, both household air conditioners and systems intended for enterprises were snapped up. But winter has already come, which means that the air conditioner can be put on hold until at least spring. But no matter how! There is work for the air conditioner in the cold season. The main thing here is to know how to properly use this equipment in winter so that it does not deteriorate by summer. About all the subtleties winter work air conditioners correspondent site told technical director of MDV-Russia Alexey Zaitsev.

- Air conditioning, at least household, is not recommended to be turned on if the temperature outside the window has dropped below minus 10 degrees. What will happen if this order is violated, and is it really necessary to strictly observe this requirement?

— Based on the recommendations, do not turn on the air conditioner when negative temperatures The operating temperature range of the equipment specified by the manufacturer lies. The manufacturer is obliged to indicate the service life of the equipment, and in many countries this parameter is set by law. That is, it cannot be less than a certain period. Since all air conditioners in Russia are imported, these terms apply to them.

If you do not comply with the specified temperature regime, this will not only shorten the life of the air conditioner, but may also lead to its breakdown. Therefore, the rules for operating the air conditioner are mandatory. It should also be remembered that all specifications declared by manufacturers only within the specified operating temperature range.

- But still, you can turn on the air conditioner in the cold season ...

— Observing a whole range of restrictions. First of all, it is necessary to determine which of the operating modes of the air conditioner is in question: cooling or heating. Almost all modern air conditioners can operate normally in heating mode at low temperatures. However, one should not expect from the air conditioner in such conditions the energy efficiency declared by the manufacturer. Under certain conditions, it may be easier to turn on the electric heater.

It should be remembered that due to design features it is easier to work at negative temperatures for an inverter-type air conditioner than a standard one. For example, mini VRF-systems MDV guarantee heating operation when the outdoor temperature drops to -15 degrees Celsius. MDV wall-mounted split systems guarantee heating operation at outdoor temperatures down to -7 degrees Celsius. The cooling mode for a conventional air conditioner at outdoor temperatures below plus 10-17 degrees is an extreme mode of operation, leading to breakdown.

For clarity, I will give a few examples of why low temperatures can be critical for air conditioners. Firstly, the main part of air conditioners are household devices that were not designed for such work during design. Secondly, is cooling often necessary if the outside temperature drops below plus 10-17 degrees? Usually the need to turn on the air conditioner at such moments arises, for example, in the off-season, when central heating not turned off yet. The main problems in this case are associated with a decrease in the condensing pressure, with oil boiling up when the air conditioning compressor is started. At temperatures near or below zero, condensate freezes, usually brought outside. This does not lead to a breakdown of the air conditioner, but it completely leads to repairs in the room.

- What to do if even at negative temperatures outside the window, it is essential to operate the air conditioner?

- In this case, it is necessary to use equipment specially adapted for such conditions. For example, MDV mini VRF systems guarantee cooling operation when the outdoor temperature drops to minus 5 degrees Celsius. If you need a separate split system, then you need to install a special winter kit. It usually consists of a condensing pressure regulator, a compressor crankcase heater and a drain heater. To avoid voiding the warranty, this kit should only be installed by an authorized service center. Installers can only be relied upon if they represent the supplier of the equipment, but this is not very common.

- What does such a kit give?

- When installing this kit, it is possible to achieve stable operation of the air conditioner for cooling down to -15C. With a further decrease in temperature will have an effect wind load, i.e. in calm weather or with a good location of the outdoor unit in a place protected from the wind, operation up to -20C is possible. Extending the operating temperature range down when working for cooling is also possible, but it seems impractical due to the high cost of these solutions.

- How important is it to use air conditioners in winter?

- Usually in the cold season, air conditioners are used for heating, mainly in the off-season. However, for the market of private users, this issue is not as relevant as for corporate clients. For various industrial enterprises the operation of the air conditioner for cooling at low temperatures is a rather important issue.

- Considering that most users do not turn on the air conditioner in winter, is it necessary to carry out any special measures to preserve this equipment?

- Preservation of the air conditioner for the winter period is not a mandatory procedure. It is much more important to carry out preventive maintenance of the air conditioner before the start of the new summer season. So, in the indoor unit, you need to clean the permanent filters, and, if necessary, replace the replaceable ones, which you can do yourself. Using the services of a service center, it makes sense to clean and disinfect the heat exchanger of the indoor unit, clean the heat exchanger of the outdoor units, flush the drainage system, check the tightness of the refrigeration circuit and, if necessary, repair leaks and refuel the air conditioner. This work must be carried out every year. If your outdoor unit is located in the poplar fluff area, the heat exchanger should be cleaned when dirty. These measures will allow the air conditioner to work during the service life declared by the manufacturer and save on electricity.

The exclusive distributor of MDV in the territory of the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries is the Group of Companies "AYAK". Official website of the company

Let's take a look at how an air conditioner works. Since school years, everyone knows that during evaporation, the liquid accumulates in itself thermal energy body when interacting and cools it. So, pouring water on your hand, you will soon feel a feeling of cold. The developers wondered if the air conditioner could also work as a heater and invented a system based on the opposite effect and allowed the air conditioner to be used for heating in winter.

Principle of operation

In order to understand the principle of operation of the device in winter for heating, it is necessary to understand how the operation works in the cooling mode. These two processes are very similar from a technical point of view, exactly the opposite, so if you understand one, you can easily understand the other.

Stationary air conditioners in professional circles are also called split systems. This is due to the fact that such a device consists of two main blocks. Outdoor unit includes an outside air intake fan, a compressor and an outside coil, as well as a crankcase with oil. indoor unit is a combination of electronics and a coil with a radiator.

Between these two components there is a constant circulation of a gaseous substance called freon. It has properties that allow it to be heated and cooled equally easily due to the possibility of being in four states: condensation, evaporation, compression, expansion. Compression is carried out by a device called a compressor, when both expansion takes place in capillary tube. Condensation is carried out condenser.

The compressor looks like a normal one. electric pump. Only it distills not air, but gaseous freon. In fact, it depends on the speed of the compressor how intensively the cooling will take place. the main task- pressurize freon and send it straight to the radiator, which removes heat - the condenser.

By increasing the pressure, the gas itself becomes heated. Then it flows down in a liquid state under strong pressure through a metal tube called capillary. Its internal channel is specially narrowed so that freon can pass only in small portions. As a result, a vacuum occurs at the other end of the tube, due to the constant operation of the compressor.

Key moment the cooling process comes at the next stage of freon circulation. Immediately after the substance in the liquid state enters the already heated coil located in the indoor unit, instantaneous evaporation occurs. At the same time, the gas takes the lion's share of thermal energy from environment and cooling starts.

The principle of operation of the air conditioner for heating is similar to that for cooling. Here everything happens exactly the opposite, with the exception of a couple of details. The air conditioner works on heating causes freon moving in the opposite direction. In this case, the coils, which are located in the outdoor and indoor unit, change roles. The outside takes heat from the outdoor air, and the inside gives it to the room, due to which the heating occurs.

An attentive reader may notice that to reverse freon, it is enough to make the compressor itself work in the opposite direction. However, in practice, everything is somewhat more complicated. The indoor unit is equipped with an electronic valve that has the ability to work in two directions and has four strokes. The valve itself is equipped with a special microcircuit block, which is responsible in manual or automatic mode for switching cooling to heating and vice versa. This solution allows you to free the compressor from the constant switching of operating modes and, thus, prolongs its life.

Can I use the air conditioner in severe frosts?

Let's take a look at what happens when the air conditioner runs in winter. The coil itself and the crankcase with oil are placed in the outdoor unit. If the temperature outside the window is too low, the grease begins to thicken. Due to this, the operation of mechanisms becomes difficult, and their wear increases significantly.

The second stumbling block in the operation of the air conditioner in winter for heating is the loss of freon efficiency and a strong decrease in the efficiency of the air conditioner. If the temperature is extremely low, no heating occurs anymore, and icy air enters the room from the street. The way out of this situation is to use a special brand of freon, which allows you to use the air conditioner in winter at temperatures up to -25 degrees.

The solution to the problem with thickening oil will be the use of special winter kits. They include an oil sump heater, a heating cable for the external fluid outlet, and a special board that artificially lowers the voltage on the fan motor and reduces its speed. Without this kit, which, by the way, comes as additional option It is strongly not recommended to use the air conditioner in winter at temperatures below zero.

Advantages and disadvantages

The operation of an air conditioner for heating in winter requires special properties from equipment that are not inherent in ordinary, "summer" models. For example, using high pressure The use of air to release thermal energy exposes the materials used for nozzles to considerable loads and requires the use of only particularly strong, rare and expensive materials. The amount of electronics used is also seriously increasing. Next, the complexity of the device increases, which seriously tests the reliability of the entire system as a whole.

Heating models have the following advantages:

  • Automatic maintenance of the set temperature, changing it in one of two directions;
  • Low power consumption;
  • Use of environmentally friendly technologies;
  • Minimal indoor oxygen combustion and minimized emissions carbon monoxide, in contrast to the use of heating elements;
  • High efficiency air conditioner.

And yet, to remain completely objective, we note some shortcomings of such systems that will not allow them to completely replace conventional electric heaters on the market:

  • High price;
  • Complex device;
  • Expensive, complicated repair;
  • High sensitivity to temperature difference;
  • The need for periodic switching, in order to avoid downtime lubrication.

Feature of mobile air conditioners

Apart from stationary devices, the so-called mobile units are widely represented on the market, which are a monolithic case and do not provide for a remote outdoor air intake unit. Consider the question of the possibility of using such devices in the cold season.

The system itself is located in the room, which removes the issue of the need to heat oil and freon. The design provides outlet pipe, which removes excess water from the air, due to which cooling occurs. If the branch pipe is planned to be brought outside, it is necessary to introduce a system that will not allow the water to freeze and clog the outlet channel.

The way out of this situation can be the use of a special heating cable, which is able to automatically turn on when the water reaches a critical temperature and, thus, prevent its partial or complete freezing. The disadvantage of this solution is the energy consumption for heating - when the power is turned off, the water will freeze and will inevitably lead to the failure of the device. Even in cold weather, the cable will work constantly and consume a large number of kilowatt.

Video about the operation of the air conditioner for heating

This article can be supplemented by a video that details how heating air conditioners work:

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