Well      06/15/2019

Plastic windows with heat-reflecting coating. Heat-saving windows with double-glazed windows. What kind of glass is ClimaGuard Solar?

Hi all!

I received an email from one of my readers with a question about energy-saving double-glazed windows. They have kindergarten They are planning to replace windows and are deciding which ones are best to install.

Since in the children's room all year round It's cool, then parents want to make the conditions more comfortable.

First of all, he was interested in the price-quality ratio, that is, how much better such windows retain heat and how much higher their price is.

I am writing about all this especially for him and other enterprising parents who want to give their children the best.


Energy-saving double-glazed windows are the number one choice among consumers today.

They are a certain type of glazing that perfectly retains heat in a room.

Unlike conventional ones, double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass are made of special glass, on top of which a certain low-emissivity coating is applied.

This allows short-wave solar energy to pass unhindered directly into the inner part premises, and freely reflect heat flows tending outward, thus preserving heat.

There are several types of heat-saving windows:

  1. Energy-saving double-glazed windows with argon. They contain a special gas that creates a certain pressure inside the system and prevents heat from escaping outside.
  2. Energy-saving single-chamber double-glazed windows. Has one camera.
  3. Energy-saving double-glazed window. Represented by two cameras respectively.

Production involves the use of several types of glass in the process of their creation:

  • I-glass with improved energy-saving effect, absolutely transparent;
  • K-glass, which has a metal oxide on its surface, has a lower degree of transparency.

They depend on the type of glass used in the manufacturing process and the number of chambers. They are determined by the type of glass unit and heat transfer resistance.

Drawing an analogy with a regular single-chamber window, we can note:

- that the level of its heat transfer resistance is 0.32,

— energy-saving single-chamber – 0.59,

- two-chamber regular - 0.47,

- two-chamber energy-saving - 0.64.

Thus, we can say that, unlike a regular one, the energy-saving package is 1.5 - 2 times “warmer”.

Before checking an energy-saving double-glazed window, it is necessary to check the presence of such an important indicator as markings, which indicate the type of glass used, the number of chambers and the level of energy saving.

This is a mandatory condition indicating their high level, quality, practicality and durability of performance characteristics.


Single or double chamber package with energy saving function, saves about 38 -40% more heat than conventional ones metal-plastic windows at the same price!

Many manufacturers, unlike us, offer their customers deliberately inflated prices. Our price is the personification of democracy and acceptability for various categories of the population.

Or you can send a request for calculation to our managers and they will call you back and tell you the cost of your window.

According to research, such windows pay for themselves in 1 season!!! After that, you get net savings for the rest of the time.

The energy-saving double-glazed windows purchased from us are different:

  • high quality;
  • reliability;
  • practicality;
  • aesthetics;
  • high degree of functionality;
  • excellent heat-saving properties;
  • good fittings from the world's leading manufacturers.

We will provide you with high quality service, the fastest possible production of windows and long term warranty service.

source: okna-region23.ru

Therefore, modern manufacturers are trying in every possible way to make their windows as energy efficient as possible.

For this purpose, the windows use double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass - i-glass.

Energy Saving Features

A characteristic of energy saving is the emissivity of glass.

Emissivity (emission) is understood as the ability of a glass surface to reflect long-wave thermal radiation invisible to the human eye, the wavelength of which is less than 16,000 (Nm).

The emissive surface (E) determines the emissivity of glass (for ordinary glass it is > 0.83, and the emissivity of selective glass is less than 0.04) and, therefore, the ability to “reflect” thermal radiation back into the room.

The reason for the occurrence of radiation lies in the movement of free electrons of atoms located on the surface of the glass and the density of moving electrons.

Helpful advice!

The surface emissivity (E) of ordinary glass is > 0.83, and the emissivity of selective glasses is less than 0.04

Not all metals are good conductors electricity, have the property of reflecting long-wave thermal radiation. Therefore, the lower the emitter, the less heat loss. At the same time, glass with an optical coating with an emissive value E = 0.004 reflects back into the room over 90% of the thermal energy leaving through the window.

That is why most of Window manufacturers in Russia today use energy-saving double-glazed windows and the share of their use in the market is constantly growing.

Difficulties with transportation and working with i-glasses associated with their design features have led to the fact that, as a rule, only large, specialized companies in the world are engaged in the production of energy-saving windows.

Energy-saving windows with i-glass are also offered to their customers by the Okna-Etalon company. By purchasing it, you get the maximum possible efficiency from the money spent!

i-glass is a low-emissivity glass with a multilayer coating (including silver) applied by plasma spraying in a vacuum.

This is a “soft” coating.

The sheet with such a coating should only be facing the inside of the glass unit. I-glass is produced by vacuum deposition and is a three-layer (or more) structure of alternating layers of silver dielectric (BiO, AlN, TiO2, etc.).

The application technology requires the use of high-vacuum equipment with a magnetron sputtering system. Low-emissivity i-glass “returns” up to 90% of the heat waves emitted by heating devices to the apartment during the heating season.

And in summer it reflects the thermal, infrared (IR) part of solar radiation. As a result, the room becomes warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

I-glass has improved thermal protection properties. For example, at an outside temperature of -26 degrees and a room temperature of +20, the temperature on the surface of the window inside the room will be +5 degrees for a conventional double-glazed window, and +14 degrees for an energy-saving one.

Advantages of using double-glazed windows with energy-saving I-glass:

  • i-glass reflects long-wave heat rays towards their emitter (that is, in winter towards the apartment where heating devices are operating, and in summer towards the street where sun-heated stones, asphalt, etc. are located), which significantly reduces heating costs in winter and for air conditioning in summer. In other words, the coating leaves heat where there is more of it.
  • The thermal insulation capacity is significantly higher compared to double-glazed windows. Thus, at any climatic zone Thermal comfort in the room is achieved by using double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass. The “window blowing” effect is eliminated.
  • The temperature on the surface of the glass unit is higher than on the surface of ordinary glass, which reduces the likelihood of condensation forming on the glass.
  • i-glass prevents fading of upholstery and interior items. The transparency is similar to that of ordinary glass.

Compared to ordinary glass, i-glass can provide truly incredible savings.

On average, a private house has about 4 windows, with a total area of ​​about 9 square meters. m. The final savings for the heating season will be: 2070 kW, which is equivalent to 1.5 tons of coal during the heating period and will bring savings of about 6,000 rubles in the first heating season.

source: www.okna-etalon.ru

When choosing new windows, the buyer first of all looks at whether they are made of plastic or wood, not taking into account the fact that this plays a small role in energy saving, because the materials framing the translucent structure make up a small part of the window.

But light openings, which make up the bulk of the glass unit area, account for more than 40% of all heat loss in the building. Using ENERGY-SAVING GLASS UNIT will help to retain heat as much as possible by preventing it from escaping from the room through the window.

Energy-saving double-glazed windows have a number of advantages not only over single-chamber double-glazed windows made from ordinary glass, but also over double-chamber double-glazed windows consisting of 3 of the same glasses. Why are energy-saving double-glazed windows better than double-glazed windows made of three ordinary glasses?

  1. The energy package provides 30% higher heat transfer resistance - about 0.61 m2K/W;
  2. A single-chamber double-glazed window is one third lighter than the commonly used double-glazed window, i.e. is one third less material-intensive;
  3. Such a double-glazed window is more suitable for our climate;
  4. In an energy-saving double-glazed window, a significant reduction in the load on fasteners and hinges helps reduce their wear and, as a result, increases the durability of the frame structure;
  5. A double-glazed window with energy-saving glass is actually 20–30% cheaper than a double-chamber one;
  6. The energy package significantly limits the passage of ultraviolet rays into the room, which prevents furniture and window curtains from fading.

Often, when buying windows, we allow ourselves to save money by choosing cheap, “old”, unimproved technologies that are not adapted to our weather conditions.

We have given an example of a technology that currently best suits the buyer in terms of price and quality ratio.

Our company successfully works with this technology and in its production uses only high-quality glass “ClimaGuard N”, “ClimaGuard Solar”, “Sun-Guard High Performance” from the world famous company “GUARDIAN” USA, which has its own glass production plants around the world.

One of the concerns of consumers is the question of defining glass with an energy-saving coating.

Helpful advice!

One of the most popular and accessible methods of testing is to hold fire to the glass, the color of the reflection of which will change from yellow to red.

The red color of the flame indicates an energy-saving coating. This method is additional but not primary.

The most accurate and professional way to determine the energy-saving coating in glass is a special electronic device that determines both the presence of the coating itself and the side on which it is applied, which cannot be done using the above method.

What kind of glass is ClimaGuard N?

  1. Heat-saving glass coated with silver;
  2. Effectively retains heat indoors in winter;
  3. Reduces heat loss;
  4. Increases the temperature of the inner glass by 6 degrees (center temperature, calculated value);

Produced in Germany, Luxembourg, Russia, Poland, Hungary. Vacuum magnetron sputtering technology allows the deposition of transparent layers of silver and silicon nitride atoms (to protect silver).


Using silver on glass, we get the same effect in the room as in a thermos - the heat remains inside and does not escape into the atmosphere. Heat loss when installing such glass is reduced by 15–20%.

What kind of glass is ClimaGuard Solar?

This is a multifunctional glass that protects from heat in summer and cold in winter. Ultra-thin layers of metals applied to the glass allow it to remain as transparent as possible.

Special plating of silver and other metals creates the effect of a transparent filter that allows visible light to pass through, but significantly reduces penetration solar heat into the house in summer and heat leakage in winter.

The silver coating on ClimaGuard Solar glass reflects long-wave thermal radiation, for example, from heating devices, into the room, preventing it from escaping outside.

  • ClimaGuard Solar glass provides effective protection from the sun, which helps to significantly reduce the cost of air conditioning (solar factor 42%);
  • The high coefficient of heat transfer resistance (0.65 m2K/W) allows you to reduce the cost of heating the room in the cold season (heat savings - up to 78%);
  • Visually transparent glass (no color distortions);
  • ClimaGuard Solar glass is preferably used in projects where energy saving, sun protection and good natural lighting of the premises are important.

What is Sun-Guard High Performance glass?


  1. Sun protection properties. Multifunctional glass “Sun-Guard HP” Capable of filtering solar rays by wavelength. The bulk of thermal radiation is reflected (blocking solar (thermal) radiation), and natural light penetrates into the room with virtually no obstacles.
  2. Thermal insulation properties. Multifunctional glass "Sun-Guard HP" provides high thermal insulation (low thermal conductivity) in a double-glazed window, where the second glass is ordinary transparent.
  3. Wide range of shades and colors.
  4. Benefits for end consumers. The use of multifunctional glass "Sun-Guard HP" reduces the cost of air conditioning and heating of a building without loss in illumination and color rendering.

Improved thermal insulation increases glass surface temperature, which reduces cold air circulation and the likelihood of condensation on the interior glass in cold climates, and reduces condensation on the exterior façade glass in hot, humid climates.

Any design can be chosen, but we always remind our customers that when making the right choice You will not only avoid heat loss and save heating costs, but also dramatically reduce the penetration of annoying noise from the street.

The most important thing is that with your choice you will ensure the durability of the structure while maintaining all its original properties.

source: www.shklyarus.by

Today in our country it remains centralized system heat and electricity supply. This is mainly a heat supply system, in which about 65% is the share of thermal power plants.

The remaining share comes from boiler houses and autonomous heating systems.

Tariffs for heat and energy carriers tend to constantly increase, and therefore efficient work heating networks and a significant reduction in heat loss is considered a strategic task.

In this regard, the problem of energy saving has become one of the most pressing for our country. This is why manufacturers plastic windows solve the issue of maintaining heat in the room by using energy-saving glass.

It should be noted that the heat-protective and energy-saving functions of the window become important for the end user, because Through windows, depending on the type of house, heat loss occurs from 37% to 56% (apartments located at the end of the house).

Areas with a red background are “hot” areas through which heat escapes most intensely:

  • walls ~ 30%
  • roofing ~ 14%
  • gender ~ 12%
  • windows ~ 44%

100% of the living area is 4-5 storey buildings approximately 12-16% of window openings through which heat loss in modern residential premises accounts for an average of about 40%.

Helpful advice!

Heat loss through old wooden windows approximately the same as heat loss through the walls. This happens because heat loss occurs through windows through cracks, leaks and when ventilating rooms.

German experience

So in Germany, in order to reduce heat loss, massive reconstruction of buildings was carried out, namely walls, facades and replacement of windows.

After conducting an analysis related to calculations to reduce heat loss, the result showed the following:

— heat loss through the walls was reduced by 73%,

— thermal radiation through windows by 62%,

— heat loss during air exchange by 50%.

Similar calculations were carried out in our country regarding the relative reduction of heat loss:

if you replace existing wooden windows with plastic ones, then, in terms of the average cost of thermal energy from a thermal power plant in middle lane In Russia, the savings for an average apartment will be about 3 thousand rubles per heating season. Of course, the figures are approximate, and tariffs for coolants vary even within the same region.

Here are more examples: in Moscow during reconstruction panel houses Along with the insulation of the facades, windows are also being replaced. The energy saving program in Moscow plans to install windows with energy-saving double-glazed windows.

This is beneficial because it solves the problem of eliminating significant heat losses. At the same time, the appearance of the facades of houses is preserved after reconstruction as a result of unauthorized installation of windows by residents.

In Chelyabinsk, at the end of 2009, a project was carried out to install individual heat meters in two multi-apartment panel buildings.

The results showed the residents’ desire to save, as this immediately began to affect their heating bills. The temperature began to be regulated by a thermostat on the radiator, and not by a window.

This means that less heat escaped from the windows into the atmosphere.

For residents of private houses and cottages, the following example can be given:

- experts have calculated that windows country house medium-sized ones, equipped with double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass, save as much thermal energy during the heating season as 300 kg of liquid fuel such as fuel oil or diesel fuel provides.

So what is it energy saving glass and how do they help keep the house warm? What is the difference between energy-saving glass and plain glass?

To make it clear for the average end user, a coating that is invisible to our eyes is applied to the surface of energy-saving glass on one side, which is a kind of filter.

The coating prevents long-wave thermal radiation (infrared waves) from escaping from heating devices and reflects it into the room. Thus, the heat is retained and does not escape outside.


Energy saving glass is thick metal coating just a few tens of nanometers.

It is no different from ordinary glass and is absolutely transparent to our eyes. Energy-saving glass is used in the manufacture of double-glazed windows, since their operation requires complete tightness.

To produce ordinary sheet glass, two methods are used: vertical - by drawing and horizontal - by molten metal.

When using the horizontal method, so-called float glass is obtained, which has excellent optical properties and high light transmittance. So it is used to produce energy-saving glass. A coating of non-ferrous metals (mainly silver) or their oxides is applied to the polished surface of float glass by spraying.

Due to the phenomena of electrical conductivity and interference, such glass gains the ability to reflect heat waves in the infrared range and, thereby, reduce heat loss in the room.

Glass with such properties is also called heat-saving, low-emissivity, and selective.

The first definition speaks for itself.

The second definition is associated with such a physical concept as the emissivity of a surface or emission. The emission of energy-saving glass is an order of magnitude lower than that of simple glass, which is why it is called low-emissivity glass.

The term “selective” means that our glass selectively transmits waves of light and heat, and it turns out that in the summer heat, the use of energy-saving glass will protect your home from the penetration of infrared sun rays, capable of quickly heating the air in the room, and in the cold season, on the contrary, heat will be reflected from the heating devices into the room.

This means that in any weather the microclimate that is optimal for comfortable living will be maintained in the house. In regions with hot climates, it is recommended to use tinted low-emissivity glass.

They have an even lower degree of sunlight transmission, protecting the room from the heat brought by the sun in summer. Such solar control glass can be tinted in different colors: bronze, grey, green, pink.

Currently, two types of coatings are used for energy-saving glass:

  • soft (Double Low-E), so-called I-glass;
  • hard (Low-E) or K-glass.

Hard-coated energy-saving glass (K-glass) is produced by applying a thin layer of oxides of certain metals to the still hot surface of the float glass directly during its manufacture.

On its surface by chemical reaction at high temperatures (pyrolysis method), a thin layer of metal oxides InSnO2 is created, which is transparent and at the same time electrically conductive.

It is known that electrical conductivity is directly related to the emissivity (E) of a surface. Emissivity value plain glass is 0.84, and for K-glass it is usually about 0.2.

This coating is particularly durable and is therefore called hard.

K-glass, significantly reducing heat loss, improves the thermal insulation of the room and thereby reduces heating costs. It is no different in appearance from ordinary glass and has the same high light transmittance. K-glass as part of a double-glazed window faces the room with a low-emissivity coating.

It does not allow long-wave thermal radiation from heating devices to pass through the space between the windows.


Energy-saving glass with a soft coating (I-glass) is produced using a more complex technology.

I-glass is a high-quality glass with a low-emission coating applied to one surface of the glass under vacuum conditions, using the method of cathode sputtering in a magnetic field of metal-containing compounds with specified selective properties.

A layer of silver is applied to the float glass, and titanium oxide is used as a secondary coating. It has best characteristics Compared to K-glass, in particular, higher light transmittance and lower emissivity.

It should be kept in mind that I-glass has low abrasion resistance (it can be easily scratched).

The use of double-glazed windows, which include I-glass, allows not only to reduce energy costs for heating the room, but also to significantly increase its comfort.

However, due to the fact that its energy-saving coating is always located inside the glass unit, this drawback does not affect the performance characteristics.

So, what is it - an energy-saving double-glazed window? First, let's find out what a regular package is.

The product is a system consisting of two or three sheets of glass connected along a contour so that a hermetically sealed chamber with a layer of dried air is formed between them.

That is, double-glazed windows can be divided into three types according to their design:

  • SPOR - single-chamber with a framing frame (the width of the shelf of the framing frame should be 15 (±1) mm and the distance between the glasses can be 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15 mm);
  • SPO - single-chamber (the distance between the glasses can be 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16 mm);
  • SPD - two-chamber (the distance between the glasses can be 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 mm).

There are double-glazed windows filled with air and noble gases (argon, krypton).

Thus, an energy-saving double-glazed window is a product containing low-emission glass.

To understand how low-e glass works, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the term emissivity.

Emissivity is a measure of the ability of a surface to absorb or lose heat (E). It is customary to evaluate emissivity on a scale from “0” to “1” (from 0 to 100%).

A high value on the scale indicates that the surface is a good heat emitter (loses heat quickly). A low value on the scale indicates that the surface is a poor heat emitter (loses heat slowly).

Emissivity of the surface of ordinary glass = 0.9. Emissivity of glass surface with low-emission coating = 0.17. These coefficients show that ordinary glass has a high emissivity of 0.9 and is therefore a poor insulator because it quickly loses heat.

Low-e glass has an emissivity of 0.17, a very low value, it loses heat slowly, so it is a good insulator.

Advantages of energy-saving double-glazed windows

  1. Effectively retains heat indoors in winter up to 60% (maximum energy-saving characteristics)
  2. Protection from solar energy in summer (reflects up to 34% of solar heat)
  3. The likelihood of condensation on the windows is reduced (the temperature in the window area increases)
  4. Heating costs are reduced (electricity or gas consumption in winter is reduced due to reduced heat loss)
  5. Improves the microclimate (which ensures, for example, optimal development of indoor plants)
  6. Cleans the room from germs (due to ultraviolet transmission)
  7. Visually transparent glass inside (no color distortions)
  8. Protects interior parts from fading

A comparison of the thermal characteristics of windows with energy-saving glass and with conventional double-glazed windows shows that a single-chamber double-glazed window with energy-saving glass is more effective than a double-glazed window.

Window manufacturers provide a comparison at a temperature outside the window of -26 degrees and an indoor air temperature of + 20 degrees:

  • Regular double glazing. Temperature on the inner glass + 5 degrees.
  • Double-glazed window with K glass. The temperature on the inner glass is + 11 degrees.
  • Double-glazed window with I-glass. The temperature on the inner glass is + 14 degrees.

How to determine the presence of energy-saving double-glazed windows?

If you bring a lighter or candle to the glass unit and look at the reflection of the flame.

Then on ordinary glass both flame reflections will be the same - yellow, and on energy-saving glass one flame will be, as on regular glass - yellow, and the second flame will have a pronounced red tint.

Energy saving glass

They have both hard and soft surfaces and are widely used in many countries.

The technology for their production is quite complex and requires highly qualified manufacturers. Therefore, there are only a few large companies in the world that produce energy-saving glass in large volumes.

In Russia, until recently, the bulk of high-quality glass was imported. After the completion of the construction of a new Glaverbel production complex in the Klinsky district of the Moscow region, Russians had the opportunity to use domestic energy-saving glass in the glazing of their homes and offices.

So how do better in winter keep your home warm as efficiently as possible? The advantages of double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass are obvious here. And their use, especially in the construction of private houses and cottages, can be very profitable, subject to modern heating and ventilation systems.

Summer is over, it's time for warmth, and with it autumn and preparations for the heating season have begun. Very soon the batteries will turn on, as well as electric fireplaces and gas heaters that consume hot water, gas and electricity in large quantities. In connection with this situation, the question arises related to reducing the cost of heating rooms, and one of the most practical and cheapest solutions is to replace conventional windows with heat-saving ones. The energy and financial savings when using these windows are obvious: when using them, heat exchange with the external environment is reduced by 70%, which leads to similar reductions in heat loss, and, of course, your money!

Double-glazed windows STIS - Winner of the “SAVE ENERGY” Award

What are heat-saving windows?

What are heat-saving windows? These are ordinary windows with special glass as part of double-glazed windows, covered with a very thin layer of metal, which practically does not allow heat to pass through - that is, in winter the apartment will be warm, and in summer it will be cool, while ordinary glass practically does not retain it. Another major advantage of this type of window is that it prevents furniture, wallpaper and carpets from fading, that is, over time they will not lose their color and brightness due to the sun! These windows also differ in the type of coating: hard coating, used in single glazing without double-glazed windows (for example, when glazing balconies, loggias, etc.), and soft coating, which is universal in nature, because it has higher thermal insulation parameters and used only as part of a double-glazed window.

Glass composite profile + double glazing: the ideal formula for a warm window

Also, one of the most significant advantages of heat-saving windows is that they are much lighter and stronger than their glass counterparts, which not only makes them easier to use, but also significantly increases durability due to the use of alloys and composites in them.

Thus, the advantages of energy-saving double-glazed windows are obvious, and if you want to get the optimal combination of price and quality, you can safely order them and calmly welcome the heating season.

One of the best options in terms of the listed operational characteristics can be called a universal window system - STIS™ Thermal Packages, which, with proper options, are ideal for all regions of Russia in any climatic conditions.

Our company, at the request of the customer, will install such double-glazed windows as in warm sliding doors, and in any swing structures.

It is important for a person who has decided to install PVC windows to determine what exactly he wants to get from installing these windows: simply install a modern beautiful window or protect your home from noise, cold and solar overheating.

If you choose the latter, then the best option is to install windows with energy-saving glass.

What is heat-saving (energy-saving) glass? These are glasses on which special ultra-thin, completely transparent low-emission coatings are applied. Low-emission coatings transmit short-wave radiation and do not transmit long-wave radiation. In other words, they pass well sunlight inside the room and do not allow heat emanating from heating devices to pass through well, resulting in warm air remains in the room and does not go outside through the glass. This significantly reduces the cost of heating the room and saves significant money.

Energy-saving glass, according to its technology and efficiency, is divided into K-glass and I-glass.

1. K-glass is manufactured using pyrolytic technology with a durable hard coating (metal). The technology for producing K-glass involves applying a coating to the glass during its manufacturing process. Metal oxides are sprayed onto the glass at a temperature of about 600 degrees. At such a high temperature, metal oxides penetrate into the glass structure itself, becoming one with the glass.

In appearance, K-glass has no differences from ordinary glass.

K-glass significantly reduces heat loss. It transmits short-wave solar energy into the room and does not allow long-wave heat radiation from heating devices to pass out. The disadvantages of K-glass include its lower efficiency compared to I-glass and its high price.

K-glass can be tempered and laminated. Glass is tempered by chemical or thermal treatment, which increases the strength of the glass to various types of shocks and temperature changes. Laminated glass is two or more glasses connected to each other by a special film or a special liquid.

2. I-glass is produced using magnetor technology with a soft coating. This technology consists of applying tiny particles of metal oxides to glass by electromagnetic sputtering in a vacuum environment.

The disadvantage of I-glass is its abrasive fragility, which affects transportation and storage. After opening the package, such glass must be installed immediately, so mainly specialized companies work with such glass. But the thermal insulation properties of I-glass are much higher than those of K-glass, and its price is lower.

Main misconceptions about heat-saving glass:

1. Heat-saving glasses have a short service life.

Not true. The heat-saving coating cannot be damaged during operation of the window, since it is located inside a sealed glass unit. Its service life is equal to the service life of the window.

2. Heat-saving glass does not transmit ultraviolet light.

Not true. PVB film, which is glued to windows, does not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

3. Heat-saving glass has a bad effect on indoor plants.

Not true. Plants need visible light, and heat-saving glass allows sunlight to pass through perfectly and, in addition, creates a microclimate that is so necessary for indoor plants.

4. Heat-saving glass will make it hotter in summer.

Not true. Through heat-saving glass, the room heats up 12% less in summer than through conventional glass.

Are double-glazed windows with argon profitable? Is it worth paying extra for modern technologies? What are the advantages of energy saving Rehau windows? Are they worth the money? There are many offers on the market for installing energy-saving windows, but can you trust them all? How to distinguish a fake? These and many other questions concern modern man who started major renovation to your own “eye” at home. Let's try to see to what extent replacing a window with a high-tech package will help save energy, heat and money, and to what extent this is just a myth.

Old and new

Until recently, it seemed that metal-plastics were the best, most technologically advanced, efficient windows. They did not stay in first place for long: less than five years passed before new, energy-saving plastic structures began to push them out of the market. Manufacturers are paying attention, they let in more light, retain heat better, which means that you only need to install them, and it’s time to urgently change the old ones. Of course, replacing windows is a good idea, but it is not cheap, so a reasonable person would think twice about whether such expenditure of money is justified.

The main idea of ​​the new product among window technologies- effective prevention of heat loss through the window opening. As studies show, on average, through this section in environment Almost half of all heat lost by a home is lost. As manufacturers assure, and this is also indicated in some reviews, energy-saving windows are a third more efficient than metal-plastic ones - and therefore incomparably better than old wooden structures.

We lose heat: how?

Why do they work? What is the logic of this design? Manufacturers pay attention: during installation modern system It is necessary to pay special attention to the glazing area, since the frame is no more than a fifth of the entire window area. Energy-saving glass is effective due to the type of glazing used, the number of glasses used in the manufacturing process of the structure and the distance that separates them from each other. In addition, the efficiency of heat conservation is determined by the material from which the frame is made and the gaseous medium filling the space between the glasses.

Modern double-glazed windows - ordinary double-chamber windows - with high tightness cannot be considered sufficiently effective in terms of energy conservation. This is due to the use of ordinary glass in their design, which conducts heat well. In order for double-chamber windows to retain energy indoors, it is necessary to use specific insulators. You can identify a window with low thermal conductivity in the cold season - it cools down from the inside, and when humidity rises, condensation quickly forms. All this indicates low efficiency of the system.

What's the difference?

What are these - energy-saving windows? Many ordinary people, buying ordinary structures made of metal-plastic, heard from sellers and managers that these are real windows assembled using this technology. During operation, many were disappointed. When installing a conventional structure made of polyvinyl chloride, the tightness will be excellent, but this greatly disrupts the normal exchange of air, which negatively affects humidity, condensation occurs and falls, which is immediately visible on the cold glass of the window.

What are these - energy-saving windows? These are structures that inner surface does not cool even in severe frost. So, if the temperature outside drops to -26, and inside the room is heated to the standard 20 degrees Celsius, the surface of the window maintains the temperature at 13 degrees. Of course, if the humidity in the room is very high, even this will not save you from condensation, and yet its amount will be much lower than when installing PVC windows. A reliable manufacturer will definitely tell you that these are energy-saving windows, and also explain how the design works. It must be remembered that effectiveness is maintained only if integrity is maintained.

Features of different options

How to check whether the manufacturer offers energy-saving windows or regular ones? You need to carefully study the specifications for the proposed product. For example, if this regular window, then the frame is made of aluminum. In fact it is a bridge of cold. But the effective window structure is made from composite polymer materials. Alternative option- steel framed in plastic. Thanks to this addition, the thermal conductivity of the metal is greatly reduced, increasing the efficiency of the structure as a whole.

Which ones are better and which are worse energy-saving windows on the market? How to determine? The best option are two-chamber designs - they are always warmer than one chamber. If the package consists of two glasses, this will be one camera. Some designs include as many as three chambers - these are the warmest. Considering that these are energy-saving windows, you need to pay attention that inside they are filled with inert gases that do not conduct heat.

Geometric parameters

IN general case a single-chamber design consists of two glasses, the distance between which varies from 6 to 16 millimeters. If the system consists of two chambers, the glass is placed at a distance of 6-12 millimeters from each other. The specific value is determined by what kind of energy-saving windows are installed and what type of profile is used in the design.

It is believed that best option- this is the distance of the glasses from each other by 14-16 millimeters. Both an increase in the distance and a decrease in it lead to a deterioration in heat retention performance.

Saving energy: how does it work?

Others will rightly think: they just replaced the windows a couple of years ago, and now they are offering another new product. Spending money on constant new things is stupid, and it’s not cheap. Why not buy a simple one for the windows, stick it on and live in peace? The option, by the way, has a right to exist, although it cannot be considered the most optimal. However, before deciding to save money, it is worth considering what features of thermophysics are used in the design of new types of windows - perhaps the potential buyer will understand that he really does not need it, or, on the contrary, will decide that the investment is worth the money requested for it.

It's worth remembering that classical methods insulation of floors and walls is not applicable when designing window openings designed to let natural light into the house. The latest design technologies window designs- these are developments that allow, while reducing heat loss, to increase the percentage of light transmitted by glass.

Heat energy: general course

There are two options for the propagation of thermal energy - rays and convection. In the first option, the source is considered as an emitter in the infrared spectrum. The radiation intensity is directly determined by the level of surface heating. Convection is direct heat exchange when air warms up or cools down.

Ordinary glass does not pose an obstacle to heat rays, that is, the infrared spectrum. That is why they can really bring certain benefits energy saving films for windows - they do not allow this radiation to leave the walls of the home so easily. In production conditions, glass installed in energy-efficient double-glazed windows is coated with special components - non-ferrous metal sulfides and silver plating. You can also use special films - they are also applied in industrial conditions. With high-quality surface treatment, the ability to reflect infrared radiation increases by an average of 80%, which means heat loss is significantly reduced. The use of modern technologies makes it possible not to harm the ability of glass to transmit light - up to 72% of the sun's rays easily pass through the barrier, and 28% of the difference does not play a role in the level of illumination perceived by a person. If in winter such a window will retain heat, then in summer its benefits are no less relevant - it effectively reflects the radiation emitted by the sun.

Spraying features

No matter how many cameras there are in the window system, spraying is done only on one glass and only on one side. To ensure longer service life, the treated side is usually located inside the first chamber, on the street side. There are several varieties of layers used to save energy.

One of the most common options is k-coating. It is considered hard because it has increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage. Created using metal oxides. To apply, the surface is first heated to very high high temperature, therefore, the least resource-intensive spraying process is during the manufacture of a double-glazed window.

An alternative option is i-coating of two layers. It is destroyed to a greater extent under the influence of aggressive mechanical factors, therefore it is classified as soft. First, a silver layer is sprayed, for which the glass must be completely prepared and placed in a vacuum. The second layer - protective - consists of titanium oxide.

What's better?

Some experts point out that both described technologies have been used for quite a long time and cannot be considered the most effective and reasonable options. In European countries, in the last few years, selective methodologies have been actively used, in comparison with those described, showing parameters that are approximately three times better. At the same time, new products are more economical for the buyer. Thus, the Swiss company Euroglass proposed the “Zero” option, which, given the difference in cost per square meter glass is only ten dollars more expensive, but retains heat two and a half times better. However, it is currently unclear when the most Hi-tech will reach our country. Perhaps in the near future: we will see.

What's the threat?

It is believed that the main advantage of k-technology is that the coating can withstand possible mechanical damage. At the same time, practice shows that in most cases these are characteristic only of the production process. When the glass unit is assembled, the coating ends up inside, in a protected sealed chamber, where nothing threatens it, so there is no real difference for the user - if, of course, the manufacturer is reliable and the energy-resistant glass is carefully manufactured.

At the same time, surveys have shown that many do not see the difference between these two technologies. There is an emission, but it is too small to be felt without using high-precision measuring instruments. If we take the base temperature outside as 26 degrees below zero, while at the same time the heating in the living room is maintained at 20 degrees Celsius, the k-glass will cool to 11 degrees, and the i-technology will show a level of 14 degrees. The real benefit and difference in the presence of condensate is usually not noticeable, so you can safely choose any of the options.

Is it worth doing?

As can be seen from the experience of numerous users, installing an energy-saving window helps to significantly reduce the amount of condensation generated, making it easier to maintain air humidity at a comfortable level. The microclimate in a living space improves significantly, especially in comparison with classic metal-plastic structures. When using an energy-saving window, the edge zone does not freeze and ice does not form. If the user is currently encountering such problems with the window system, it is worth seriously considering replacing the design with a more advanced one.

Inert gas: effect or beautiful words?

Typically, windows are filled from the inside with krypton or argon. In general, it is believed that such gas helps reduce heat loss through glass. When explaining the logic of the operation of this system, it is necessary to remember that the air inside the living space is warm; it is constantly in contact with the colder surface of the glass, transferring the accumulated heat. The lower the surface heating, the faster the heat is released, but when using energy-saving technology, the indicator decreases. When the glass heats up, it gives off heat to the air filling the chamber space. It transfers energy further - to the outer layer of glazing and into the world. The lower the temperature of each layer, the more intense the heat exchange process occurs.

In many ways, the efficiency of heat conservation depends not so much on the filler, but on the distance by which the glass is separated. If it is large enough, then the glasses are spaced apart from each other, they can transmit and receive a lot of heat. If the distance is small, then the energy is transferred directly. A range of 6-16 millimeters is considered effective.

And why do we need gas?

If, instead of ordinary air, an inert gas is pumped between the glasses, heat will be transferred at a lower speed, since these substances are characterized by low thermal conductivity. In addition, the glass filler will be completely devoid of water molecules capable of forming condensation. Water is an excellent conductor of heat, and the less it is, the more efficiently energy is stored.

Is it worth overpaying for window packages assembled using this technology? It is believed that argon reduces energy losses by approximately one tenth, which in reality to an ordinary person very difficult to notice. Most users note that they did not feel any significant difference. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that the use of special gases improves the performance window systems, and at high level keeping warm can provide additional improvement. But when installing a regular plastic window, filling the chambers with argon or krypton does not bring any real benefit - the energy losses are large enough that a tenth does not play any significant role.

And finally...

It has long been considered that one of the leaders in the field of manufacturing energy-saving and simple plastic windows is Rehau company. The price of its products is not the lowest, but many are willing to pay this amount to get a durable design. As experts say, one of the best products on the market is the Geneo windows developed by this company. The advantage of the design is the presence of a well-thought-out ventilation system, due to which the humidity is not so high. As can be seen from the reviews, when collaborating with an authorized supplier, there will be no problems with the quality of the system. On average, the price for one window is about 25 thousand. Is it worth spending that kind of money? It is up to each buyer to decide for himself: the amount is quite large, but these structures will retain heat better than most of the competitors on our market.

One of the important factors for saving energy in a room is proper glazing, since a lot of heat can be lost through windows, with a significant share of the loss coming from infrared radiation. Convective heat loss through a window can be reduced by increasing the number of glasses and chambers in the package and installing a warm dividing frame, and infrared radiation can be kept indoors thanks to the heat-reflecting glass coating.

If sufficient thermal insulation is not provided in the edge zones of double-glazed windows, the window freezes, becomes covered with frost, warm air leaves the room through it, and cold air penetrates inside. When traditional aluminum dividing frames are used in the construction of double-glazed windows, this problem occurs quite often.

Frames from of stainless steel improve the thermal properties of the glass unit. But the best thermal insulation properties are possessed by the so-called warm frames of the warm edge system, for the manufacture of which fiberglass, plastic, silicone and similar polymer materials are used.

Read about other types of spacers.

The material of warm frames is durable and does not lose its performance characteristics when exposed to sunlight, and is not afraid of humidity. The thermal conductivity of warm frames is significantly lower than that of aluminum frames, therefore, thermal insulation characteristics higher. In practice, double-glazed windows with a warm frame (warm edge) have the following advantages over windows with an aluminum separating frame:

  • V winter time the temperature of the window edge zones increases by 5-6%;
  • the formation of condensation, mold, and frost in winter is prevented;
  • there are no places in the design that are vulnerable to the penetration of cold from the outside;
  • heat loss through the window is reduced, the heat transfer coefficient into the room reaches 70%.

Heat-reflective glass coating

Even a single-chamber package of two glasses retains heat well in the room if it is applied to the glass. It is almost transparent, permeable to rays of the visible spectrum (the light transmission of an energy-saving window with a heat-reflecting coating is only 4-5% lower than usual).

The essence of a heat-reflecting (low-emission) coating is selective throughput. Solar energy(short-wave energy) it transmits well into the room, and long-wave energy released by heating devices and obtained as a result of solar conversion is retained in the room. Heat losses are reduced, cold zones in the window area disappear, the draft effect is eliminated, and the likelihood of condensation formation is reduced, since the glass warms up well.

Back in the USSR, a technology for applying a three-layer coating was developed: the reflective layer is located between the buffer and protective ones. Silver, silver and copper are used for reflective, and aluminum, tin, titanium are used for buffer and protective. The coating using this technology is applied to clean glass by vacuum sputtering; sputtering can be arc or magnetron. Today, heat-reflecting coatings are divided into “soft” and “hard”, or I-glass and K-glass.

  • The technology for applying a soft coating is simpler, the method of cathode sputtering in a vacuum is used, the coating is two-layer, the silver layer serves directly to reflect infrared rays, and the titanium oxide layer is protective.
  • The hard coating is applied by pyrolysis directly during the glass production process, at a time when it is hot and has not yet cooled down. The peculiarity of K-glass is that metal particles penetrate into the crystalline structure of the glass, metallized heat reflective film covered with a thin protective layer of glass.

The adhesion and resistance to damage of a hard coating is higher, but the actual heat-reflecting characteristics of a soft coating are better, and it applies more evenly. In addition, the technology of its application is preferable from the point of view of its environmental impact. Hard heat-reflecting coating is losing popularity these days, since the process of applying it is very labor-intensive, which affects the cost of such glasses and double-glazed windows with them. I-glass is more affordable, but less durable; the coating has low chemical resistance.

The properties of heat-saving film allow energy-saving windows to retain heat in the room in winter and reduce the cost of heating it. In summer, they prevent overheating of the room, creating a comfortable and favorable microclimate in it.

Double-glazed windows with a heat-reflecting coating are more expensive than regular ones, but are more economical due to the ability to reduce the number of cameras when choosing a double-glazed window and save on heating after installation. This technology allows you to get by with fewer glasses - a single-chamber double-glazed window with heat-reflecting glass is superior in thermal insulation characteristics to a double-chamber one without spraying. This perfect solution for conditions that do not allow the use of massive double-glazed windows and solve the problem of heat conservation by increasing the thickness of the glass and the number of chambers.

There is another technology for manufacturing energy-saving windows, which has not yet become widespread due to its high cost, but is characterized by exceptional energy efficiency. This is a so-called electrically heated double-glazed window made of tempered K-glass with conductive tracks, it is connected to the power supply and used as a heating element. Such double-glazed windows can be installed in unheated rooms.

Sliding warm glazing

Sliding glazing is often used on balconies and loggias, as well as on verandas, allowing for the most efficient use of the available space. In this case, the frames do not swing open, but move relative to each other. Such glazing can be cold (aluminum) and warm (using plastic profile). If the glazed room is planned to be heated and used as a living space, you cannot do without it, although it is more expensive.

Sliding systems based on aluminum profile They can also have a thermal insert; such systems can be used for warm glazing and are not inferior in energy efficiency to plastic double-glazed windows.

One of best solutions for warm sliding glazing – PVC system SLIDORS (Sliders). These systems are made of PVC profiles with galvanized reinforcement inside; double-glazed windows use a double seal with a special insert. Double-glazed windows combine high strength with excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics, are waterproof, and thanks to the high rail can be used in any weather. By price sliding systems based on PVC profiles are more affordable than swing ones.

For warm sliding glazing, you can use the KBE PremiLine system, provided that energy-saving double-glazed windows are installed. The LG Hausys system with 18 mm thick glass units is also used for warm sliding glazing.

Panoramic warm glazing

good because it lets maximum light into the room. On the other hand, an increase in glazing area can lead to an increase in heat loss in winter. Therefore it is important to use for warm panoramic glazing not single glasses, but double-glazed windows, and with the best heat-insulating characteristics. For these purposes, it is worth choosing double-glazed windows with chambers filled with argon, low-emission glass coating and a warm separating frame.

For warm panoramic glazing, it is preferable not to massive PVC packages, but to lighter double-glazed windows based on an aluminum profile with a plastic thermal insert. SunFlex designs (Germany) are ideal; this is a folding system that allows you to glaze openings of various configurations up to 3.5 m in height and provide threshold-free glazing. The design is characterized by low thermal conductivity and high noise insulation properties; each leaf has a double sealing circuit. The system can be aluminum or wood-aluminium, and has aesthetic appeal.

The heat-saving characteristics of a window depend on a number of parameters - the thickness and number of glasses, the thickness of the chambers and their filling, the material of the dividing frame, the presence of a heat-reflecting coating and the technology of its application. The heat-saving properties of the window are increased by filling the chambers with argon, using a polymer dividing frame, and low-emissivity spraying on the glass. The most effective windows are those that combine several heat-saving parameters.