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Loading and unloading platforms and platforms. distance learning

1047. Loading and unloading areas and access roads to the sites must have a hard surface and be kept in good condition; descents and ascents in winter time must be cleared of ice and snow and sprinkled with sand or slag. As an exception, natural access roads are allowed if they ensure traffic safety.

At the intersections of access roads with ditches, trenches and railway lines, decks or bridges for crossings should be arranged.

The consignor and the consignee are responsible for the condition of access roads and loading and unloading areas.

Loading and unloading areas must be sized to provide the necessary scope of work for the specified number of Vehicle and workers.

1048. When placing vehicles on loading and unloading areas, the distance between them when installed one after another (in depth) must be at least 1 m, and when installed side by side (along the front) - at least 1.5 m.

If vehicles are installed for loading or unloading near a building, then an interval of at least 0.5 m must be observed between them and the building. The distance between the vehicle and the load stack must be at least 1 m.

When loading or unloading goods from a flyover, platform, ramp with a height equal to the floor level of the body, the vehicle can drive close to them.

1049. Overpasses, platforms, ramps for carrying out loading and unloading operations with the arrival of cars on them must be equipped with indicators of the permissible load capacity and wheel breakers.

In case of uneven height of the floor of the vehicle body and platform, overpass, ramp, it is necessary to use ladders, sleds and the like.

1050. The movement of vehicles on loading and unloading sites and access roads must be regulated by generally accepted road signs and indicators. The movement must be fluid. If, due to production conditions, it is impossible to organize in-line traffic, then the vehicles must be fed for loading and unloading in reverse, but in such a way that their departure from the territory of the site occurs freely, without maneuvering.

1051. Warehouses for temporary storage of transported goods, located in the basement and semi-basement and having stairs with more than one flight or a height of more than 1.5 m, must be equipped with hatches and ladders for lowering goods directly into the warehouse, as well as lifts for lifting loads . Warehouses located above the first floor and having stairs with more than one flight or more than 2 m high are equipped with lifts for lowering and lifting cargo.

1052. Before sending cars, loading and unloading mechanisms and workers to the place of loading or unloading goods, the employer of the organization is obliged to check whether the working conditions of the consignors and consignees meet the requirements of labor protection. If the working conditions do not ensure the safety of loading and unloading operations, it is not allowed to send vehicles and people to the place of loading and unloading of goods until the deficiencies are eliminated.

1053. The employer of the organization must systematically monitor the operation of vehicles at the facilities and, together with the management of the serviced organizations, take measures to improve the process of transport and loading and unloading operations, as well as to eliminate the identified violations.

1. Loading and unloading areas include parts of the territory land plots, intended for carrying out work on loading and unloading cargo delivered to facilities located on the territory of land plots.

2. The area of ​​places on the loading and unloading sites is determined at the rate of 90 square meters to one place.

3. Minimal amount places on loading and unloading sites on the territory of land plots is determined on the basis of:

One place for objects with a total area of ​​​​100 square meters to 1500 square meters and plus one place for every additional 1500 square meters of the total area of ​​​​objects - for objects of trade, objects Catering, industrial facilities, for enterprises for primary processing, packaging of agricultural products and maintenance agricultural production (repair, warehousing);

One place for objects with a total area of ​​100 square meters to 1250 square meters and plus one place for every additional 1250 square meters of the total area of ​​objects for warehouse objects.

4. When designing an apartment building with built-in and attached non-residential commercial premises with a total area of ​​​​more than 250 sq. m provide for unloading places in closed landing stages.

Article 61

1. The minimum number of parking spaces for storage (technological sludge) of trucks on the territory of land plots is determined by the design assignment.

2. The area of ​​parking spaces for storage (technological sludge) of trucks is determined at the rate of 95 square meters per vehicle (including travel); when parking areas adjoin the carriageway of streets and driveways and the longitudinal arrangement of cars - 70 square meters per car.

Article 62

1. The maximum height of the fences of land plots is established for land plots of residential development. For land plots for other purposes, the height is set according to the design assignment.

2. Maximum height of fences for land plots of residential development:

Along high-speed transport routes - 2.5 meters;

Along the streets and driveways - 1.8 meters;

Between adjacent building plots - 1.8 meters without agreement with adjacent land users. More than 1.8 meters - in agreement with adjacent land users. For residential areas, the height of 1.8 meters may be different, provided that this does not violate the volumetric and spatial characteristics of the surrounding buildings and landscape, insolation and natural light standards.

3. Fences along streets and driveways and between neighboring land plots must be made in a "transparent" design. The exception is the fences in the zone "Zh-1".

4. Opaque barriers along expressways must be agreed upon in in due course in the department of architecture of the Velikoluksky district.

5. If the land plot and the object capital construction are located within the boundaries of the restrictions established in accordance with the law Russian Federation, the legal regime for the use and development of the territory of the specified land plot determined by the totality of the requirements specified in this article and the restrictions specified in chapter 1.10 of part 2 of these Rules. At the same time, if the restrictions related to the same territory coincide, the minimum limit parameters apply.

6. Improvement of the territory (landscaping, approaches, entrances), parking spaces are organized within the boundaries of the land plot provided for construction.

Chapter 2.3. Urban planning regulations on building parameters

Article 63 Residential areas General provisions

The residential area includes sections of the territory of the settlement, used and intended for development of individual and block houses with personal plots of land, as well as multi-apartment residential buildings.

In a residential area, it is allowed to place free-standing and built-in or attached objects of communal and cultural services of daily and periodic demand, places of worship, parking lots of motor vehicles and objects related to the residence of citizens whose activities do not have a negative impact on environment(not fire hazardous, not explosive, not creating magnetic fields, noise exceeding the established norms for a residential area, not causing vibration, pollution of soil, air, water, not having radiation and other harmful effects), not requiring the construction of access railway tracks and not occupying more than 15% of the area of ​​the planning unit of the territorial zone.

Residential areas should be landscaped. On the territory of residential areas there should be points (sites) for collecting municipal solid waste and bulky waste, and areas for walking pets.

During the construction of new facilities permitted for placement, their full engineering support should be provided.

When developing residential microdistricts, it is necessary to provide for the construction of open parking lots for vehicles, the placement of parking garages in the basement or underground floors of buildings, as well as in the courtyard area in the underground version using their roofs for organizing playgrounds and landscaping.

Service establishments may be located in residential buildings or attached to them, provided that the loading of enterprises and the entrances for visitors are located from the side of the street and there is enough space for parking lots for temporary storage of vehicles. It is not allowed, when converting the housing stock into non-residential, when organizing the entrance, to violate the capacity of the sidewalks and leave less than 2.0 m of the sidewalk width from the main facade and 1.35 m from the other sides.

On the territories of individual residential development from the side of the streets, it is prohibited to place auxiliary buildings, except for garages. The installation of fences and other structures in violation of the red development lines is prohibited.

If the land plot and the capital construction facility are located within the limits of the restrictions established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legal regime for the use and development of the territory of the said land plot is determined by the combination of the requirements specified in this article and the restrictions specified in clause 2.3 of part 2 of these Rules. At the same time, if the restrictions related to the same territory coincide, the minimum limit parameters apply.

Loading and unloading areas located in the building or on the territory of the organization and intended for entry different kind vehicles and storage of goods must comply with the requirements of section 4 of SNiP 2.11.01-85 * "Warehouse buildings".

Loading and unloading areas on the territory of the organization should be located away from the main flow of vehicles, have a planned profile, clearly marked boundaries, markings for stacking goods, driveways and walkways.

Loading and unloading areas must have zones free from cargo, sufficient to ensure turns, installation for loading (unloading) and passing vehicles, lifting mechanisms, means of mechanization, movement of workers engaged in servicing operations for the movement of goods.

Platforms and access roads to them should have a smooth, preferably hard surface and be kept in good condition: descents and ascents in winter should be cleared of snow and ice, sprinkled with sand or fine slag. At the intersection of access roads with railroad tracks decks or bridges with a width of at least 3.5 m should be arranged to ensure the safety of crossing the railway tracks. The width of the access roads and the size of the sites should provide the necessary scope of work for the specified number of vehicles. The width of the access roads must be at least 3.5 m for one-way and 6.2 m for two-way traffic of vehicles with the necessary expansion at the curves of the roads.

When placing vehicles on loading and unloading sites for loading or unloading, the distance between them in the depth of the column must be at least 1 m, the distance between them along the front must be at least 1.5 m.

If a vehicle is installed for loading or unloading near a building, then a gap of at least 0.8 m must be provided between the building and this vehicle, the distance between the vehicle and the pile of cargo must be at least 1 m.

The movement of vehicles at loading and unloading sites and on access roads should be organized according to the transport and technological scheme and regulated by road signs and road markings in accordance with Appendices 1, 2 to the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation 1, GOST 10807-78 * . Are common specifications", GOST23457-86* " Technical means traffic organization. Application Rules". The movement of the vehicle for loading or unloading must be organized without maneuvering in the work area.

1 Approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 (Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 47, Art. 4531).

For loading and unloading packaged piece cargo (bales, barrels, boxes, rolls, etc.) in warehouses and warehouses, platforms, overpasses, ramps with a height equal to the floor level of the body of the corresponding vehicle should be arranged.

In case of unequal height of the floor of the vehicle body and the platform, overpass, ramp of the warehouse, the use of ladders is allowed. Ramps on the side of vehicle access must be at least 1.5 m wide with a slope of no more than 5°.

The width of the overpass intended for the movement of vehicles on it must be at least 3 m.

Cargo platforms, ramps, overpasses and other structures must be equipped with permanent or removable fenders that prevent the vehicle from tipping over or falling.

When placing vehicles on the site for loading or unloading, measures must be taken to prevent their spontaneous movement.

Sites for intermediate storage of goods should be flat, preferably with a hard surface, have access roads and organized withdrawal surface (storm) waters, to be separated from the head of the near rail of the railway track or from the nearest edge of the carriageway highway not less than 2.5 m.

Illumination in the production of loading and unloading operations and the placement of goods in production and storage facilities must comply with the requirements of clause 4.2., Places of work outside buildings - clause 7.15. SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting".

Requirements for loading and unloading areas are determined by POT RM-007-98. Intersectoral rules on labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of goods, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 20, 1998 No. 16.

Thus, it was determined that loading and unloading areas should be kept in good condition and clean, and in winter, cleared of snow and ice and strewed with sand, slag or other anti-slip materials. Loading and unloading areas must have a sidewalk and a crash bar to restrict the movement of vehicles when they are reversing.


Loading and unloading operations by hoisting mechanisms should be carried out in the absence of people at the places of cargo reloading on platforms and in vehicles, with the exception of the slinger when hooking and uncoupling lifting devices and checking the correctness of the slinging of the load when it is lifted to a height of no more than 200 - 300 mm from the floor level (sites).

The slinger or cargo hook must retire to a safe place after checking the reliability of the slinging of the cargo and lifting it to a height of not more than 1 m from the floor (platform) level.

When placing a vehicle for loading or unloading, measures must be taken to prevent its spontaneous movement.

When loading and unloading goods with sharp and cutting edges and corners, linings and gaskets should be used to prevent damage to the load gripping devices.

Loading and unloading areas must have marked boundaries.

Auto and electric forklifts should be used on hard and even ground.


Sites for the production of loading and unloading operations should have a slope of no more than 5 degrees, when using auto- and electric forklifts - no more than 3 degrees.

Access roads to loading and unloading sites must have a hard surface and be kept in good condition. The movement of vehicles in the places of production of loading and unloading operations should be organized according to the scheme approved by the administration of the organization, and regulated by markings and road signs at the entrances, exits, in places of U-turns and placing vehicles for unloading (loading).

Loading and unloading areas must be of a size that provides a normal scope of work.

At the site for loading and unloading packaged piece cargo stored in warehouses and warehouses, platforms, overpasses, ramps with a height equal to the height of the floor of the vehicle body must be arranged. Ramps on the side of vehicle access must be at least 1.5 m wide and have a slope of no more than 5 degrees. The width of the overpass intended for the movement of vehicles on it must be at least 3 m.

The dimensions of the loading and unloading areas should provide a distance between the dimensions of vehicles with a load of at least 1 m. When loading and unloading near a building, the distance between the building and a vehicle with a load should be at least 0.8 m, while a sidewalk and break bar.

At loading and unloading sites, the distances between vehicles for loading or unloading goods must be at least: 10 m - in the depth of the column of vehicles and 1.5 m - along the unloading front; from the wall of the warehouse - at least 0.5 m, from the stack of cargo - at least 1 m.

17.3.1. Loading and unloading areas and access roads to them must have a hard surface and be kept in good condition; in winter, access roads, places of work of lifting mechanisms, slingers, riggers and loaders, ladders (scaffolds), platforms, passageways should be cleared of ice (snow) and, if necessary, sprinkled with sand or slag.

For the passage (lifting) of workers to the workplace, sidewalks, steps, bridges, ladders that meet safety requirements must be provided.

Crossings of access roads with ditches, trenches and railway tracks must be equipped with decks or bridges for crossing.

Loading and unloading areas must be sized to provide the necessary scope of work for the specified number of vehicles and workers.

Unloading platforms near slopes, ravines, silo pits, etc. must have a reliable wheel-break bar at least 0.7 m high to restrict the movement of vehicles in reverse.

17.3.2. The boundaries of stacks, aisles and passages between them should be marked on the stowage areas. Placement of goods in aisles and driveways is not allowed.

The width of the driveways should ensure the safety of the movement of vehicles and lifting and transport mechanisms.

17.3.3. Responsibility for the condition of access roads and loading and unloading areas is borne by the owners of the enterprises in charge of which they are located.

17.3.4. When placing cars on loading and unloading areas, the distance between cars standing one by one (in depth) must be at least 1 m, and between cars standing side by side (along the front) - at least 1.5 m.

If cars are installed for loading or unloading near a building, then it is necessary to provide a wheel-break bar that ensures a distance between the building and the rear of the car of at least 0.8 m.

The distance between the vehicle and the stack of cargo must be at least 1 m.

When loading (unloading) goods from a flyover, platform, ramp, the height of which is equal to the height of the floor of the body, the car can drive up close to them.

In case of different heights of the floor of the car body and the platform, ramp, overpass, it is necessary to use ladders, sleds, etc.

17.3.5. Overpasses, platforms, ramps for carrying out loading and unloading operations with the arrival of cars on them must be equipped with a fence, indicators of the permissible load capacity and wheel fenders. In their absence, entry to flyovers, platforms, ramps is prohibited.

17.3.6. The movement of cars and hoisting machines on loading and unloading areas and access roads should be regulated by generally accepted road signs and indicators. The movement must be fluid. If, due to production conditions, it is impossible to organize in-line traffic, then the cars should be loaded and unloaded in reverse, but in such a way that they leave the site freely, without maneuvering.

17.3.7. For the transition of workers on bulk cargo, which has a high fluidity and suction capacity, ladders or decks with handrails should be installed along the entire path of movement.

17.3.8. Lighting of premises and sites where loading and unloading operations are carried out must be at least 20 lux.