Well      06/29/2020

The latest Star Wars game. The best Star Wars games on PC. Action game from Visceral Games

Recently, classic Star Wars games from LucasArts have finally appeared on GOG. For the first time ever, fans were able to buy digital copies of TIE Fighter, X-Wing, Rogue Squadron and more. Some of them are considered the best Star Wars games. And some are even the best games ever released on PC and consoles.

And in the wake of this news, I decided to compile a list of the most beloved Star Wars games: those that made us believe that we were Jedi, seasoned pilots breaking into the heart of the Death Star, or desperate racers competing on the winding roads of Tatooine. . So here are the 11 best Star Wars PC games (too many for the standard top ten).

Adventure games on consoles, of course, also at times conveyed the scope of the movie saga, but it was on PC that the Star Wars universe looked best. The Jedi Knight series gave us the chance to experience lightsaber combat and brought the Star Wars expanded universe into virtual space. TIE Fighter has become iconic. While licensed video games have generally had a bad reputation, Star Wars PC games have often set new standards for gameplay and storytelling.

They also let us pilot X-Wings. Sometimes that's all you need.

Star Wars Galaxies was to become one of the most important MMOs in the history of the genre. She had all the necessary makings for this - the leading designers who worked on Ultima Online managed to create a huge three-dimensional world where everything depended on the players themselves. It was a full-fledged simulation, covering both the vast expanses of space and the surfaces of planets, where players built houses, cities, ships and even created their own factions.

This is a real dream project, on the basis of which it was created, and ten years ago it really could have become the most popular in its genre. I'm still upset that this didn't happen. SWG is at the top of my list of favorite games, so I'm sad that the project didn't develop the way it was originally intended.

It was an incredible world for all fans of role-playing games. The opportunity to live in a completely open and customizable simulation of the Star Wars universe sounded great, and in those moments when this simulation worked as it should, miracles happened on the screen. I feel like Roy Batty at the end of Blade Runner, but I have to say - I've seen things you just wouldn't believe.

I was the hero of such incredible Star Wars stories that simply cannot be repeated, since the whole strength of SWG lay precisely in the number of players. I dueled a rival bounty hunter on the streets of Planet Bestine. I piloted an Imperial ship and performed incredible stunts in space so that the fugitive spy manning its guns could shoot down the A-Wing that was on our tail.

Star Wars Galaxies fell victim to two things: balance and, in fact, the license. The developers should have treated the first with more attention, and the second should not have been a problem at all. When the game was first created, Star Wars was a real world - a world in the vastness of which you could create a good MMO. But by the time the game “matured”, they tried to connect it more and more with the cinematic universe.

Planets from films appeared here, more reminiscent of theme parks. Collectible trinkets, again related to films. A small button on the main menu with a picture of Luke Skywalker, inviting everyone to become a Jedi. All this was very contrary to the spirit of the game that the SOE studio was trying to make, but I will not forget those beautiful days, when the game was at its peak.

I'm still angry that it ended up being so bad. Wait a minute... No, I'm still angry.

The lightsaber mechanics from Jedi Knight 2 are important not only to the history of Star Wars games, but also to multiplayer battles on PC in general. This was a game with one of the most dedicated and loyal communities, whose members valued 1v1 lightsaber combat the most. Jedi Academy expanded and improved on many of these ideas, but Jedi Outcast was the game that first introduced them. Without this, modern gaming would be much poorer - for example, Blade Symphony simply would not have been released.

It was the first game in which duels looked like duels - acrobatic competitions between two experienced fighters using deadly weapons. Most Star Wars games still pretend that a lightsaber is a regular saber, but with a different skin, and this is completely wrong. Jedi Knight 2 made you feel like the weapon in your hands is a hot and deadly bundle of energy that needs to be handled with great care. Every fight with the Dark Jedi was literally permeated with a sense of danger.

The local campaign should also be given credit. The shooters from the Raven studio that came out in the early 2000s were the subject of my adoration, because they perfectly combined exciting action with colorful characters and memorable locations. Jedi Knight 2 was one of their best works due to the fact that the player here felt how the character's powers grew.

You start the game without a lightsaber, making your way through ventilation shafts and scattering stormtroopers, just like in the Dark Forces games. And by the end of the level, you master the Force so well that you literally merge in it into one whole, destroying entire squads of enemies with a wave of your hand and emitting hot blue light. Definitely worth going through again.

Knights of the Old Republic 2 is the true quintessence of all RPGs from Obsidian Entertainment. The sequel to the game from Bioware, which was developed in a wild hurry (it took only a year and a half to create), was filled with bugs of all colors and sizes. Even many years after the original release of KotOR 2, when thousands of forums appeared online with tips for fixing bugs and many patches, it is still one of the most buggy games in history. But even despite these problems, she is a genius.

The main secret of Knights of the Old Republic 2 is that it does not follow the spirit of Star Wars. At least it doesn't follow the spirit of the movie saga, in which heroes and villains were very formulaic, and the light side of the Force always meant good. Chief game designer Chris Avellone reveals an unexpectedly dark side to Star Wars. The Jedi weren't perfect. The Sith were complex individuals - yes, they manipulated and intimidated people, but deep down they were broken and wounded individuals, which led to their defection to the side of evil.

Your mentor Kreia often criticizes the Jedi and says that the Force is not divided only into light and dark, because there is also a gray side. Knights of the Old Republic 2 is the rare Star Wars game where terrible things happen to the characters even when you're trying to help them.

Kreia is one of the main advantages of KotOR 2. A broken manipulator, angry at the world, who, however, turns out to be right in many ways. Avellone, along with Obsidian, filtered Lucas' entire universe through Kreia's ideology, producing perhaps the most insightful look at the world of Star Wars.

Even when bugs hampered my progress, save files refused to load, and the outdated combat system irritated me, I continued to play just to make my way to the next dialogue. This is the best Star Wars story ever packaged into a game that only works half the time.

Jedi Academy gives you more freedom than any of its predecessors. Classic BioWare features can be seen here: the ability to choose your character's personality at the beginning, progress through the story campaign by choosing missions from a list, and how your decisions affect the preponderance of the dark or light side of the Force in your character.

From the very beginning of the game, you are given a lightsaber and taught the basics of a combat system that requires surprisingly high skill. There are several types of swords in the game, including double-bladed swords like Darth Maul, double swords, and many variations of standard lightsabers. This system is more difficult to get used to than Jedi Outcast, but the game itself looks more stylish. I played through it several dozen times between 2003 and 2005, just because I enjoyed finding new paths in each level. To me, it looked like an opportunity to direct my own Star Wars movie with unique scenes and fights.

Despite the outdated engine, the game still looks pretty good today - hitting enemies with a flourish after running along a wall is still fun in 2017. I can’t believe that the game is already 14 years old, just as I can’t believe that it hasn’t been followed by sequels. No other Star Wars game has had lightsabers look as cool as they do in this series.

And this is very strange - it’s been 14 years since we saw a worthy embodiment of the key weapon of the saga. People who were born when Jedi Academy was released are already too old to study to become Jedi! If the Jedi existed, of course. I understand that this is fiction.

Battlefront 2 was a bit chaotic. But it was fun and crazy chaos. Most Star Wars games offer a heroic storyline starring another Jedi, while Battlefront and Battlefront 2 put you in the shoes of a common soldier, be it a stormtrooper or a Rebel with a good old blaster. And there's something appealing about that: Battlefront is a unique chance to participate in the events of Star Wars instead of creating new storylines.

It all looks like a very light version of Battlefield with unrealistic jumps and battles, where strategy is replaced by pure chaos. Computer-controlled enemies are not far from the pillars in terms of intelligence, but at the same time you get sincere pleasure from destroying them. It's hard not to love a Star Wars game that gives you all your favorite toys from the movies, no questions asked. Want to be behind the wheel of an AT-ST! Or play as a Wookiee with a crossbow? Or maybe ride a tauntaun around Hoth? Or be a vamp? Why not, the game will allow all fan fantasies to come true.

Battlefront 2 adds heroes that were missing from the original, and all of them, of course, are not really balanced. Is it possible to deny yourself the pleasure of playing as Obi-Wan Kenobi and jumping across the entire map, dealing with squads of droids? Or, for example, land in the hangar of an imperial ship and, fighting through the corridors to the main generator, destroy it from the inside? Battlefront 2 is one of the craziest Star Wars games ever. Have fun and don't fool yourself with difficult moral dilemmas.

TIE Fighter was a space simulator fan's dream. It took the tried-and-true X-Wing formula and polished it up, adding luxurious graphics and sound, a huge number of ships and a multi-layered story set within the Star Wars canon. Here you could even fly as Darth Vader himself!

But its main trump card - the element that turned just a good space simulator into an unforgettable game in the beloved universe - is how convincingly the game turned the unambiguous evil, as we have always seen the Empire, into a force for good. Portraying Galactic Empire as a bastion of peace, order and democracy, which is forced to confront a gang of cruel and bloodthirsty terrorists, the developers managed to convince many (including me) that this was indeed the case: I enjoyed blowing up rebel ships and felt like heroes. Of course, sometimes controversial choices had to be made, but it was all for the sake of the greater good.

The plot here was presented in the form of a story called “The Chronicles of Steele,” in which, in addition to the main character, young Maarek Steele, many other characters were shown from the humane side, such as his friend Pargo, who voluntarily enlists in the stormtroopers, and the admiral, who takes care of the hero in every possible way, which helps him get used to the role of a pilot. Imperial life is portrayed here as a real camaraderie, where there is always a place for heroism, practical jokes and, unfortunately, sad losses. I fought for the Empire not because the game left me no choice, but because I really wanted to. I felt like I was doing the right thing. And I liked it.

The success of Knights of the Old Republic stemmed from one creative decision. By creating a story set thousands of years before the events of the films, BioWare cleverly disavowed the complex and controversial expanded universe that had been plagued by controversy in the early 2000s. better times. They had complete creative freedom and delivered a Star Wars RPG that brought a fresh new look to the galaxy far, far away.

This was an era when all Star Wars books tried to involve canon characters or locations in one way or another. The first part of Knights of the Old Republic demonstrated that if you take such a step, then you need to do it skillfully. In the end, the local plot is built on familiar details - frivolous smugglers, their Wookiee companions, deadly space stations and a young Jedi learning all the intricacies of the Force.

Knights of the Old Republic was so good because the game delved into these ideas, capturing what made these elements special in the original films. For example, the Revan moment was as unexpected as the main scene of The Empire Strikes Back, although structurally these revelations are very similar to each other.

This, by the way, is the key to understanding the difference between KOTOR and its sequel - the first part competently recreates ideas familiar from the films, while the second just as competently destroys them. It is worth adding that the entire series is an example of how well a source can be reworked in an effort to produce a quality product. And that's why you should give the game a chance.

While X-Wing wisely tried not to copy the events of the film word for word, LucasArts' first Star Wars game was full of familiar locations, sounds and other small details that made you feel like you were in the movie. It was great to do what the characters in the saga were shouting about - for example, redirecting power to shields and guns, not to mention hyper jumps at the end of each mission.

We landed in hangars (in cutscenes) where familiar ships like the Mon Calamari star cruisers were already stationed, and could take the helm of an A-Wing or Y-Wing, which rarely appeared in films (but, to be honest, I personally always wanted to fly exclusively on X-Wing).

The viewing angle could not be changed with the mouse, but you could always switch between dozens of booths - from one of them you could even see your trusty droid R2. And it was great! Between missions, we "walked" around the location (doors automatically opened when we hovered over them with the mouse) and received a brief briefing before a new mission from the same old man who prepared the pilots for the attack on the Death Star. In the end, you were really starting to feel like a pilot trying to destroy the Empire.

At that time, the iMuse (interactive music) system was used only in adventure games, but in X-Wing it looked more than appropriate. The arrival of enemies or allies was always accompanied by dynamic musical parts, thanks to which the soundtrack gave the game a cinematic element. X-Wing's sequel, TIE Fighter, was overall better, offering a more interesting campaign and story (and a handy "match target's speed" button), but I still love X-Wing because it lived up to my expectations. expectations: it was a mixture of arcade shooting and a fun space simulator, performed at a decent level.

Episode 1: Racer was the first racing game where I felt the pace was truly fast. Really fast. So fast that if you get distracted for a couple of seconds, your brain will start saying something like “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, if only you don’t want to crash, turn around, what’s going on here?” This quickly ended with him crashing into the nearest wall, dragging for a few more meters with the engine on fire, and exploding.

And what was great about the pacing was that it matched the podracing we saw in the film. For me personally, these races were one of the few advantages of the prequel trilogy (including Darth Maul and Jango Fett), so I was delighted when I saw that the game recreated them with complete accuracy.

The cars didn't just accelerate to maximum speed, as is often the case in racing games, they forced you to monitor your every action. You could deliberately overheat the engines to get ahead just before the finish line, tilt the pod's nose forward to gain speed faster, tilt it sideways to avoid small obstacles... or crash into a wall while trying to maneuver, as I usually did. You could even sacrifice speed to fix the engine right in the middle of the race. Basically, you could do everything Anakin did in the movie, except you didn't have to become a Sith. Racer recreated every detail of the film, deliberately cutting out all the twists and turns of the plot, which allowed you to get into the role of a racer earning his reputation.

The game had 23 different pods that unlocked as you progressed, and you could purchase additional parts, upgrades, and even repair droids for them. Racer had a surprising amount of content, especially considering we're talking about a game based on a 15-minute scene from a movie. LucasArts managed to transfer even the most the smallest details from this scene to make podracing look exactly like podracing. Fast, dangerous and exciting. The music fits perfectly with the intense pace of the races, and each new track allowed us to explore new spaces of the Star Wars world.

Since the release of Episode 1: Racer in 1999, very few racing games have managed to recreate that feeling of speed. Of course, almost every simulator offered us hundreds of customizable cars, but racing on regular tracks cannot be compared with racing on Tatooine at exorbitant speeds, where you need to dodge stones and rocks every second.

When I think about Racer, I think first of all about the feeling of speed. I remember how great it was to open a new pod that had already beaten mine a dozen times, and how dangerous the races themselves were. And I remember how grateful I was for the prequel trilogy that made this game possible.

Rogue Squadron just recently appeared on GOG.com, and I literally completed half the game overnight right after I discovered it on this service. This is a brilliant shooter even by modern standards, because almost everyone appears in it spaceship rebels with all its management features.

In the late 90s, all I had on my mind was Star Wars games - I think I had a PC Gamer CD with a bunch of demos of Star Wars games, and I played them for two years. Rogue Squadron was one of those games. Strange, but many believe that it was originally released on the N64 platform, while in North America The release of the PC version happened much earlier.

I played it on PC, and since I was a huge fan of the universe (I was like a kid when I bought the special edition of the first Star Wars trilogy on VHS in 1999), Rogue Squadron blew my mind. And it’s not just the fan service that consisted of transferring favorite locations into the game (as well as those that were mentioned in passing in the films like Kessel), and the sudden appearances of the Millennium Falcon during missions, but the fact that this is the highest quality an arcade shooter that can still be played today.

Rogue Squadron, it seems to me, was created with an eye to repeating the success of Star Fox 64 from Nintendo - this is hinted at by the planets acting as transit points and the short duration of the game (if you have the necessary skills, it will not take even an hour to complete) . It's pretty simple game, which acted as something of a competitor to X-Wing, especially if you weren't in the mood for a challenging space simulator. However, the only thing that annoyed me about Rogue Squadron was that two best level games (which is why many people bought it), which take place on the Death Star and Hoth, could only be opened after collecting a certain number of gold medals.

Factor 5, have you all gone crazy? What substances were you under when you made this decision? Honestly, I would love to see the faces of the people who decided to make these levels hidden bonuses right on the cover of the disc box!

In any case, I used cheats to open these levels, because at the age of 11 I still didn’t really know how to play games ( most 1999, I was swearing at silver medals at the end of the level because I didn't have enough accuracy to earn gold). Rogue Squadron didn't have the Battle of Endor (and that's not a bad thing, since it was a great scene in X-Wing Alliance), but it was still a great game for anyone who enjoys the big battles seen in Star Wars.

There are references to the expanded universe, the Millennium Falcon as a bonus (if the game were released now, this ship would definitely be included in the paid DLC) and even the Naboo star cruiser from Episode I, because at that time “ Hidden threat" was considered a promising film rather than something disgraceful.

I regret that LucasArts did not release the excellent GameCube sequel called Rogue Leader on PC. Maybe it's not too late? Capcom is slowly moving all of its console projects to PC, and LucasArts has no reason not to follow suit. I’m also very sorry that the Factor 5 studio has broken up and will no longer please us with new parts of the series. It's sad that a series that managed to convey one of the main components of Star Wars so well will never receive a sequel.

I would also like to mention the Battle For Naboo project, which is not good enough to be on this list (after all, it does not have X-Wings fighters), but is still in many ways similar to Rogue Squadron. I believe that it should have been on the GOG service instead of the Star Wars Starfighter pass-through. It was the second best game based on the prequel trilogy, second only to Racer. I hope someday they will remember about her. Fans of Rogue Squadron will definitely appreciate the gameplay.

Long before Dark Forces came out, I read the beautifully illustrated book Dark Forces: Soldier For the Empire, in which the rebel hero Kyle Katarn infiltrates the Death Star and steals the military station's circuit diagrams. For ten-year-old me, this was a real revelation: new story fit perfectly into the events of the film saga, and its main character played an important role in the overall story.

And when I found out that Katarn would be the main character in Dark Forces, I knew I had to play this game. This project had a defining impact on Star Wars: it inspired the Jedi Knight series and spawned whole line characters who appeared every now and then in the expanded universe (which had already been deleted from the canon). Dark Forces proved that interesting stories are not limited to that far, far away galaxy that was shown in the films. In addition, here it was possible to shoot attack aircraft in 3D, which was a big breakthrough in 1995.

I spent most of my time in the 90s playing Doom. When Quake came out, I continued to play Doom. When Unreal Tournament became the most popular platform for LAN battles, I was still making Doom levels (at home). I say this because Dark Forces (1995), which was LucasArts' foray into first-person shooters, was the second shooter I truly loved.

As I recall, things start off rather awkwardly. Shooting stormtroopers with a laser gun isn't as much fun as blasting demons with a sawed-off shotgun, but the benefits of Dark Forces lie elsewhere. The game doesn't feel like a set of levels, but like a complete adventure, where locations serve to reveal the story, like in the latest parts of Half-Life.

The levels were long and confusing, but unlike the Doom levels where it was all about finding keys, here it was done to achieve authenticity. It seems as if you are actually walking along unfamiliar corridors, and not just breaking through a linear route, clearing all the rooms. From a technical point of view, it was like 3D in the Star Wars setting, and this is despite the fact that the Build engine was released only a year later.

This had its own problems: unlike the main character of Doom, Kyle Katarn could jump, as a result of which we had to put up with levels where everything was built on platforming. And it was quite difficult to complete the game. The graphics were quite advanced for 1995, while the gunplay gameplay was not as intuitive as in other projects in this universe. Still, Dark Forces was quite entertaining for its time: technically advanced, ambitious in terms of story, and quite fun when it came to the action.

It sounds strange today, but at the time, the ability to jump, crouch, look up and down, and walk through multi-level maps was seen as something revolutionary. That is why Dark Forces was not labeled a Doom clone, but looked like a completely independent game. Why did she attract me personally? Instead of shooting unfamiliar demons and monsters, it was more interesting for me to fight with the guys from Star Wars, whom I had seen more than once on the TV screen.

Stormtroopers, Imperial officers, droids, Gamorrean guards... we got into firefights with all of them, and for many fans and Star Wars, it was a dream come true. We even fought Boba Fett, who, by the way, turned out to be too strong.

He dodged in the air like a hummingbird on cocaine, absorbed the damage he took, and responded with a volley of missiles that could kill you on the spot. We weren't ready for this. We were expecting the dumb and slow Boba Fett from the movies, who deliberately landed right in front of the guy holding a lightsaber and tried to shoot him. Boba Fett, who was defeated by an accidental stab in the back. This is exactly what we were waiting for.

Sooner or later, you get tired of traditions and want to do something completely different. This happened with the February “TOP 10”, which we dedicated not to the most anticipated games of spring, as we always did, but to the universe "Star Wars". Moreover, Lucas left a rich legacy, and the brand will make waves more than once in the coming years, for which thanks to the company Disney who bought LucasArts with all rights.

But we couldn’t even imagine how difficult choice we will supply our readers. The voting results speak for themselves. Let's take a closer look at them.

But we have to give them credit: with the exception of the script, the game remained the same high level. It was a fast-paced, fun third-person action game that allowed you to choose your gender, race, clothing, and lightsaber to make your character more personal. More precisely, the glow of the sword: which one do you like, green or bluish? Again, pure fan. Plus, in Jedi Academy there was excellent multiplayer.

The game begins with a prologue, which at one time aroused admiration. Darth Vader walked along a beautiful green corridor, demolishing gates with one wave of his hand, and throwing squads of enemies into the abyss with another. Barriers shattered into splinters, trees fell, bushes swayed, and the Dark Lord's cloak fluttered pathetically as he walked. Then Vader’s student, Starkiller, whom he raised to be his own assassin, began to perform all these tricks.

It is a very simplified slasher film in which you feel omnipotent, but you get pleasure from it. It consists almost entirely of spectacular moments. Opponents could be thrown through windows, straight into outer space, and the nearest boxes would fly off to the stars with them. Starkiller waved his hand - and the helpless troops flew away. IN LucasArts Then they bet on the spectacle and were not disappointed.

It is difficult to underestimate the contribution of this role playing game into the genre. Without her there would be no and, for example. For roleplayers, there was incredible freedom, a well-developed world, original quests, a wonderful script and an excellent role-playing system based on D&D. Players rushed between the dark and light sides of the Force, made difficult decisions and actually chose which path the story would take and what awaited them in the finale.

And for fans of the universe, these were new horizons that they had no idea about. They dated back to events that took place thousands of years before the clone wars and all that “I am your father” stuff. Frankly speaking, the appearance Knights of the Old Republic became one of the most significant events in the history of the Star Wars universe. It is no less valuable than both trilogies.

The next topic “TOP 10” is even hotter! Remember those game ports that were terrifying? When it was impossible to shoot normally, or walk around the map normally? When there was no optimization at all, but the picture was disgusting? When did you have to download amateur patches that made the ported version see widescreen resolutions? Remember all this bullying from the developers and write on our forum. Tell people the truth.

The fictional Star Wars universe has ballooned to extraordinary proportions. If you tried to count all the characters that were mentioned in every novel, short story, comic book, game or movie, you could come up with a list that would be larger than the telephone directory of the average city. The abundance of planets and the general idea allow you to experiment with the events of the universe in any way you like, and this results in an abundance of different computer games.

The best Star Wars games

For many people, timekeeping is divided into two parts: before May 25, 1977 and after. It was on this day that the Big Bang occurred and the Star Wars universe was born. Since then, the creator of the franchise, George Lucas, has participated in the creation of 8 full-length films, two spin-offs, several animated series and approved the scripts for countless books, comics and computer games. The latter are especially important for fans, as they allow you to get as close to Star Wars as possible.

The game itself, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, was released in December 2004 for Xbox, and two months later for PC. But what’s interesting is that 10 years later the game was re-released for Windows, Linux and macOS with the ability to play in 4K and 5K. That is, they did a full remastering.

The plot of the game takes place approximately 4 thousand years before the events of the first film trilogy, during the time of the Old Republic and the Mandalorian Wars. After the final defeat of all those who participated in the destructive war between the Mandalores, the Sith and the Jedi, the latter remained the only ones who could somehow continue to exist as an order.

Main character, the Exile, was a supporter of Revan, who rebelled against the Jedi Council, and the only one who voluntarily returned to Coruscant to the Jedi Council. For her actions, she was expelled from the order and deprived of her connection with the Force. Also, the memory was partially erased, so the heroine (or hero, gender can be changed during creation, but the default is female) will have to learn everything all over again.

The combat in KotOR 2 remains turn-based and interesting

Kreia, a character who is not the most understandable at first, is also a Jedi, but with a dark past, will help you find a connection with the force. As she completes quests in different worlds, the Exile will create a new lightsaber, meet several characters from the first part and gain a connection with the force. Your task is to find several Jedi, but what to do with them is your own choice. Balancing between good and evil is the main problem of the game. Becoming a Jedi or Sith is a matter of the entire game, not just one specific dialogue. This is the beauty of the game, it can be played in countless ways.

The combat system in the game is also interesting. All battles take place step-by-step, which is interesting in battles with several opponents.

Otherwise, KotOR is a cult game that perfectly reveals the essence of Star Wars.

Video: the last battles in the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords

Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is a third-person shooter in the Star Wars style that was published in September 2003 for Microsoft Windows and OS X, and a little later for Xbox. In 2019 and 2020, the game will be remastered and released for Nintendo Switch, PC and PlayStation 4.

The story of the game tells the events that follow 10 years after the death of Emperor Palpatine in the sixth episode. Luke Skywalker organized a Jedi academy on the moon Yavin 4. However, the planetoid was not always an abode of light; millennia ago it belonged to the Sith, and it was they who erected huge temples, so the ghosts of dark lords may well be roaming the corridors. Marka Ragnos is just one of them and is considered one of the strongest Sith, and his shadow still lives on Yavin 4.

Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is, first of all, an interesting plot and exciting sword battles

Somehow, Ragnos takes over the mind of one of the Jedi and begins to spread his teachings, splitting the Jedi Order. The plot revolves around two Padawans who fight back against the aspiring Sith within the order, while they are going to find the staff of Ragnos and resurrect the dark lord.

Battles take place on different planets, including in Bast Castle, which was Vader’s stronghold. Jaden Korr, the main character, is often saved by Luke Skywalker or simply by chance.

The game has two endings: for the light side or the dark side. In the first, everything is simple - the ghost is defeated, Jayden becomes a Jedi of light and there is a rainbow around, ponies flying. The ending for the dark side is much more terrible: Jagen destroys Alora (a converted follower of Ragnos), Rosh (his friend), takes possession of Ragnos' scepter and flies away on a hijacked Star Destroyer.

Vigeo: 12 minutes of Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy gameplay

Star Wars: Battlefront II is a third-person shooter. The game was released in 2005 (not to be confused with 2017's Battlefront II - that game sucked) and tells the story of the famous 501st Legion. An elite clone company that took part in most of the key battles of the Clone Wars and the Rebellion Era.

In terms of the graphics engine, the game is not much different from the first Battlefront, but new mechanics are still present. Firstly, tanks and other equipment can be used in ground battles. Secondly, for simple missions from single battles, many different variations of combat were added: fighting for the flag, enslavement, capturing command posts and some others. Thirdly, and this is the best part, you can fight not only for a clone, but also for a unique hero: famous Jedi and Sith of the movie saga, Han Solo, Chubbak and many others.

The company in the game is also interesting. The first training mission takes place on Geonosis, when the Jedi were being killed by the Clone army. The missions then take place at most of the battlefields of the Clone Wars: from Naboo, where battles take place with Trade Federation droids, to the Mustafar system, where Darth Vader put an end to the rebel federation alliance.

Star Wars: Battlefront II tells the story of the 501st Legion of Clones

The second stage of the company is the battle on Princess Leia’s corvette, where the empire is looking for the drawings of the Death Star, and then the plot continues.

Combat units are divided into classes: sniper, engineer, attack aircraft and heavy attack aircraft. And, of course, the heroes, the deadliest characters in the game, especially those who wield laser swords.

Video: gameplay of Star Wars: Battlefront II 2005

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic is the first full-fledged Star Wars MMORPG. The game was released at the end of 2011, and 11 months later the game switched to a free-to-play distribution format.

The events of the game develop approximately 500 years after the ending of RotOR, the galaxy is successfully divided into two parts: the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Factions fight among themselves and certainly want to capture the entire galaxy.

There are about 30 playable planets in total, including Yavin 4 (what would we do without it) and Alderaan, which will be destroyed by the Death Star in 35 centuries. To plunge into the game universe, you first have to go through the rather tedious procedure of creating your character. There are 10 different races in total - humans, Zabraks (representative of Darth Maul), Twilleks (famous dancers with two fleshy lekku on their heads), Chiss, purebred Sith, and so on.

The gameplay in the game revolves around completing various quests and tasks. Most of them must be carried out in a group - the so-called dungeons. At the same time, there are not many PvP modes in the game, so the game is not a rush. However, for fans, especially in terms of studying the history of the universe, Star Wars: The Old Republic is, if not a bible, then at least a textbook. The game mentions many characters from a long-ago era, about which not many novels have been created yet, so this is practically the primary source of information.

And who wouldn’t want to swing a lightsaber with a friend...

Video: gameplay of Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: Empire at War is a strategy game that was released in 2006. The plot of the product captures the period Civil War in Empire (film episodes 4–6). You will try on the role of both a tactician and a strategist on galactic, space and ground maps.

The game does not have a special plot and consists more of different single or multiplayer missions.

Galactic Conquest mode is a strategic battle for the galaxy, closest to the concept of a company. Armies fight for the galaxy, or rather, different worlds step by step. If troops from warring armies appear on the same planet, a space battle begins, and then a ground battle. The troops are divided into different classes, in space it is:

Each class has an advantage over at least one class, but suffers greatly from one or more others. For example, light destroyers are excellent at destroying fighters and bombers, but are immediately destroyed by corvettes. At the same time, they are useless in terms of combat power against cruisers, but they do not suffer from the latter. A squad of bombers can easily destroy a cruiser or even two if no one gets in the way, and the heroes are excellent in almost any situation. Luke Skywalker, for example, with one precise shot can simply destroy the shield of a cruiser or even a base, thereby making it vulnerable to other troops.

Ground armies have a similar structure: attack aircraft, rockets, tanks, and so on. The main thing is to learn how to quickly give commands to units and remove unsuccessful balances of forces from battle.

Video: space battle in the game Star Wars: Empire at War

The plot of "Unbridled Force" tells the continuation of the story of Starkiller. The main character wakes up on Kamino, the planet of cloners. Darth Vader convinces the protagonist that he is a clone of his student and was created in order to kill Darth Sidious together with Vader. However, Starkiller escapes and decides to join the rebellion.

The main character of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II went against fate, and, worse, against Vader

The storyline begins to twist when Darth Vader kidnaps the protagonist's lover, thereby forcing him to chase the dark lord throughout the galaxy.

The game has a very interesting and dynamic combat system; the protagonist owns two lightsabers, which can be upgraded and modified by inserting special crystals into them. In addition, Starkiller is a master of force skills, including lightning, kinetic grappling, and more. All these skills help him in the fight against stormtroopers and other not-so-kind inhabitants of the galaxy. I even had to fight a huge rancorn.

The game has two endings (guess which ones), if you choose the dark side, then after the final battle you will have to fight again, this time with yourself - a dark clone of Starkiller, and this is worse than the elderly Vader... Well, in the light ending, everything is just fine and Starkiller leaves to rest.

Video: 10 minutes of gameplay from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Fallen Order is yet to be released in November 2019 on PS4 and Xbox one, but it is simply impossible not to mention this game.

The plot tells about the very end of the clone war, namely order 66. It is no secret that the clones did not kill all the Jedi, except for Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda; dozens of others survived. They were subsequently chased and successfully exterminated by Darth Vader in the first months after the establishment of peace in the galaxy. This story is about a young Padawan, Cal Kestis, who immediately after killing the Jedi begins a “solo career” and tries to put a spoke in the wheels of the empire.

The first mission will be in Kashyyyk, the homeland of the Wookiees. Together with Soul Gerera (first appeared in the film Rogue One), the Padawan attacks the Empire's tree sap processing plant. It would seem a harmless activity, but the plant’s products are unique toxins, the purpose of which only Palpatine knows, and even captive Wookiees add motivation for intervention.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is an upcoming Star Wars shooter game for PS4 and Xbox one

The Padawan is constantly helped by his mentor, who is at odds with the force, and by a small but brave droid that constantly sticks out on Cal’s back.

The game promises to have very interesting combat, both with ordinary stormtroopers, who are a piece of cake, and with elite guardsmen, who are difficult to defeat even for an experienced Jedi, let alone a Padawan. And at the end... Unknown, the game has not yet been released.

Video: 13 minutes of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Star wars: Galaxy of heroes

Star wars: Galaxy of heroes is a card game for Android in the Star Wars style. The goal of the game is to collect characters and create a dream team from them. The game is played on a tactical field with five players on one side and the same number on the other. Depending on the speed of the characters, the order of moves is determined. Each hero has his own strengths and weak sides, impact force and much more that affects the outcome of the battle. Characters have their own level, equipment and armor inlay. All this increases certain parameters and strengthens the characters.

The game has a very developed multiplayer component, there is the opportunity to create communities, guilds and team dungeons. In addition, there is an arena where players fight for supremacy “in the galaxy.”

There are quite a lot of heroes in the game, literally the whole story is covered. These are the ancient Sith, Exar Kahn, Kreia, Marka Ragnos and characters from the cinematic universe, even Chubbaku can be put in the formation! There is a connection between the heroes, and if there are such characters in the formation, for example, Leia and Luke, then the whole team receives an additional bonus, which is nice.

Over the 40 years of Star Wars history, dozens of computer games have been created that are dedicated to the universe. Above are just a few of them, the most successful examples. However, there are much more such entertainments and they continue to appear and delight fans.

Among the countless number of games on personal computers, game series stand out. They often originate in books and cinema. These, in particular, include Star Wars games on PC, the list of which includes a variety of genres.

TOP 10 Star Wars games on PC

For the first time, products in this series began to appear on personal computers back in 1993. These were, at their core, space simulators, conveying the atmosphere of Star Wars with the technology of that time.

After that, almost every year at least two Star Wars games appeared, the genre of which expanded more and more, from role-playing to classic strategies. Below are ten of the most popular and still playable products.

A very successful strategy that was made in compliance with all Star Wars canons. It was released in 2006 exclusively for personal computers.

The entire gameplay is divided into two parts: strategic development and battles. This sequence of events keeps gamers in complete suspense throughout the entire gaming session, which was highly appreciated by them, as it gives the game atmosphere and realism.

The most important advantage of Empire at War is considered to be a well-chosen historical period - the best parts of the saga from IV to VI are played. So the most colorful characters await you.

The main features of the game include:

  • attention to the plot - the game contains the most important points from three films;
  • the player’s freedom to choose a side - the Empire or the Rebels;
  • the presence of such characters as Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Hal Solo, Boba Fett, etc., which makes the game as authentic as possible;
  • a bunch of starships, such as landing aircraft, fighters, bombers, etc. With proper operation, even the most impassable missions are accomplished;
  • the opportunity to explore other planets, each of which provides unique and interesting bonuses.

The process of construction and battles alternates with each other, which corresponds to original script. At first, the player develops, creates his own bases, and explores different planets. These actions are similar for the Empire and the Rebels, despite the fact that the design of bases, vehicles and warriors is quite different.

The Empire is engaged in research to create new weapons and ships. The rebels don't do this, but only steal secrets from the Imperials as soon as they do something new. Development happens in real time. It is noteworthy that faction bases on the same planet receive different improvements from it.

Battles are possible here both on the surface of the earth and in space, so it won’t be boring. The defending side can use batteries and auxiliary radars for significant reinforcement. There are achievements that are achieved only under the necessary circumstances. For example, the Death Star cannot be destroyed until it is stormed by a starfighter piloted by Luke Skywalker.

This is an action-adventure game that became a successful continuation of the “porting” of Star Wars into the world of LEGO. From 2007 to 2010, versions were released for different platforms: from PC and Android to Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS. Previous parts of the series contained only part of the story, but here the developers decided to take a bold step - to put all six films in one script. And they were able to do it.

Features of the game include:

  • the opportunity to participate in all the important battles and intrigues of six films;
  • 140 different characters, some of them are playable for completing some tasks;
  • more than 40 levels telling the entire story of Star Wars - from the treacherous invasion of the droidekas to the defeat of Darth Vader;
  • the ability to choose one of the proposed characters at most levels;
  • More than 20 vehicles that are used to complete tasks at various levels.

The passage of this game by many players came down, first of all, to the feeling of the atmosphere of the Star Saga with direct participation in events previously observed from the outside. The creators scrupulously approached the issue of originality, without throwing away important scenes. Therefore, fighting on planets and in space using lightsabers, blasters and fighters is especially fun.

There is a large number of puzzles, and to complete all missions, the player often needs to use logical thinking. The developers, in turn, have introduced serious diversity for this. The game also has levels in which you need to race on different vehicles. It is possible to complete missions with a friend, which has caused a positive reaction from society.

The gameplay includes especially significant scenes from all films. Therefore, you will need to play both for the rebels and representatives of the Old Republic, and for the idealists of the Trade Federation or the Imperials.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

This action-adventure film was created by LucasArts in 2009 based on the animated series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars.” Events take place in the time period between the first and second parts of the cinematic universe. Then the army of the Republic seriously fought with the help of clones and Jedi against the Separatists led by General Grievous, who used to be a military man and is now content with the body of a robot due to defeat by a terrible cosmic infection.

The central character of the plot, known for his crazy heroic actions and adherence to the views of the dark side of Skywalker, is forced to raise a young student Ahsoka Tano to pacify his uncontrollable temper.

She not only excels in wielding two lightsabers, but is also quite sharp-tongued. And so they, led by Obi-Wan Kenobi, carry out complex local missions at the direction of the Jedi Council and the Republican Parliament to eliminate the threat of the Separatists.

Features of the game include:

  • the opportunity to participate in the confrontation of both forces. These will be Jedi with an accessible small set of skills in using a sword, not very different from its owner - be it Battle Master Plo Koon or the young Jedi apprentice Ahsoka Tano;
  • a set of basic sword movements, swipe in a jump and throwing back the enemy with the power of a Jedi. It is also worth highlighting the trick of seizing control of a droid, which allows you to ride through slender enemy soldiers or make a hole in the wall;
  • a more diverse game mode for the separatists, where allied AI provides significant assistance, as well as a wider selection of weapons.

The script takes place after the first part of the saga, where many cloned warriors, which are important reinforcements, are especially important in the battle against the Separatist droids. The very phenomenon of clones made under rather strange circumstances alarmed the Jedi Council, but there is no time to investigate the Kamino matter.

In total, the game offers 40 missions to complete, which take place on three planets of the Republic, where the separatists have laid claim to land resources and benefits. The droids press back the defenders, who ask the Republic Council for help. The response was immediate, and a clone trooper and several Jedi generals were sent to them.

In 2009, the next product of the Star Wars series was also released on all major gaming platforms. The founder of the saga, George Lucas, also participated in the creation of the plot. The first thought was that the game should not cause serious difficulties in control. In view of this, it was made in the arcade style of a slasher film, where, without having any special skills, you need to destroy a large number of enemies.

The simplicity of the gameplay was complemented by beautiful design, making the game quite spectacular. All game process filled with many complex combinations using the lightsaber and the Jedi's powers. As you progress, the hero collects points, which he then uses to unlock and improve his skills and combinations. In addition, he also collects special holocrons and completes bonus missions where he earns new lightsaber crystals or new skins.

Among the game features it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Almost the only drawback is the facial expressions of the characters, and other factors are performed at a high level. Each planet has the opportunity to wear several skins;
  • the hero wields lightsabers very well, so the choice will be correspondingly pleasant;
  • strength and truth are fundamental factors, and the available techniques and combinations will increase with each completed mission. You can easily throw away a bunch of enemies or throw a heavy stone at them, or even strike them with lightning;
  • There are combo hits that use the Jedi force and a lightsaber. The latter is thrown like a boomerang and causes serious damage to the enemy from a distance. At the same time, the light of the sword and the color of the blade are upgraded using crystals, color and additional.

The events in the game take place between the 3rd and 4th parts of the film. Aenequin Skywalker, now better known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, hunts members of the Jedi Order throughout space. When he was carrying out reprisals against one of these followers, who decided to hide on the planet Kashyyyk, he came across one little boy whom Vader took to raise him as his student, offering him the dark side.

A few years later, Starkiller (as the teacher addressed his student) goes on his first mission - the destruction of a representative of the clone wars, a follower of the Jedi order, Master Rama Kotu. His partner was the girl pilot Juno Eclipse, who aroused love feelings in him.

Having completed missions to eliminate members of the Jedi Order, Starkiller is called upon by Vader to assist in the battle with the Emperor for power. However, the dark lord's spies uncover the plot and Vader is ordered to kill his Padawan.

Even with severe wounds, Starkiller survives and is tasked by his master with reuniting the resistance forces, which will be used as a distraction to seize power over the Empire.

The continuation of the first part was released in 2010. Six months after Starkiller's death, the uprising is gaining momentum. Despite the scattering of the rebels throughout space, they are still quite successful in resisting the warriors of Lord Vader. He, by the way, is looking for an alternative to his student and conducts some cloning experiments on the planet Kamino, on which the protagonist comes to his senses.

Vader convinces the student in every way that he is nothing more than a clone and is obliged to carry out the will of the Emperor. But these words did not add faith to the student, and he escapes from the laboratory, going to look for his mentor - Master Kota. He was abandoned on a hostile Neimoidian planet, where certain death awaited him.

But the master was saved, and the two of them joined the rebels. The hero wonders what Darth Vader could do to him, and goes to Kamino for answers.

Important game features:

  • By analogy with the previous part, here you can also control two lightsabers, the color of which changes when using crystals. But now the properties of the sword depend not on a special crystal, but solely on a light one;
  • the player can use the force, and some techniques from Force Unleashed have new possibilities for using it;
  • Skills are unlocked as you progress, which are improved by points received for killing opponents. For them, the hero’s combat characteristics also increase;
  • 2 new skills have been added that are used to complete specific locations. The first - “Mind Trick” - forces the enemy to take your side or even commit suicide, and the second - “Fury” - temporarily increases the damage the hero inflicts several times.

The game provides different outcomes that depend on the side chosen by the main character. It is the choice of the dark or light side that affects the ending of the plot. In the first case, Starkiller's main goal is revenge, and his plans include killing Darth Vader, but ultimately he is prevented from doing this by his own clone, who kills Starkiller with a lightsaber.

In another case, Starkiller overcomes his anger, neutralizes the Lord and rushes headlong to the lifeless Juno and discovers her alive. Despite Vader's speeches in the belief that Starkiller is only a clone, he does not believe him and leaves with his beloved.

Another Star Wars product transferred to the world of LEGO. But now the developers have chosen not a typical action-adventure game as a genre, but a strategic arcade game. The game was released in 2011, and not only owners of computers, but also consoles could enjoy it.

In addition to the genre reorientation, the creators decided on another experiment - the plot of the game was recreated not from a film script, but from a computer animated series. But as the game progresses, gamers will meet many heroes who are known only from films.

Key features of LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars:

  • game actions are comparable to the events of all two seasons of the animated series;
  • the battles are especially satisfying because the confrontations involve full-fledged battalions - droids versus clones. The player must constantly transfer reinforcements to the hottest spots;
  • especially large expanses of space. There are 16 star systems available for visiting using different spacecraft;
  • Republicans, separatists and bounty hunters are available as playing parties, having their own interests, not related to the current military conflict;
  • The characters are proficient in a variety of techniques, which is why their danger on the battlefield is significant.

It is worth noting that this game is quite long. To complete it, you need to complete 20 story missions and about 40 additional ones. Therefore, even experienced players will be captivated by the whirlpool of interesting action.

The outcome of the storyline depends on the chosen opposing side. The Separatists' mission is to destroy the Old Republic to change the face of an entire galactic sector. The Republicans suppress the uprising in its initial state. And headhunters scurry around star systems in order to discover special characters and deliver them to the customer in any condition.

It is also possible to play cooperatively here. The gamer is not obliged to fight crowds of enemies only with the support of the computer. Now you can get maximum pleasure from interacting with friends while playing the game.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is an MMORPG based on the book series of the same name, specifically Revan, The Beguiled, and Fatal Alliance. It was released in 2011, but even since the announcement, which was made 3 years before its release, players have been keeping track of all the events and news related to its development.

Since this is an online game, it has a number of features:

  • There are 10 completely different races here. Each of them has a special plot, which only slightly intersects with others;
  • There are 8 classes available, each with two subclasses. There are also limitations - after choosing a race, you can choose from a more limited set of classes;
  • There are special zones made specifically for PvP mode. They feature Imperials fighting against Republican allies, and the Jedi crossing swords with the Sith;
  • You can visit each of the 26 planets to complete all tasks.

The gameplay here is quite classic, as in other representatives of this genre. Third person view, trivial controls, nice graphics. Essentially, the game is true to its time. But the main feature of Star Wars: The Old Republic is its scale. All 26 planets are carefully designed, with great opportunities for exploration.

The game script is very high quality. There are several, in principle, different lines of tasks that form the plot. Depending on the chosen race, the player receives the first mission and the rest. There is also an impressive character interface generator that allows you to create a hero of almost any appearance, something that not every game in 2011 could boast of.

The tasks have significant differences. Some of them can be easily completed independently, but in others you will have to negotiate with other players. The chosen methods of completing tasks affect the NPC's attitude towards the player.

This product was released in 2015 and is practically the best shooter in the Star Wars universe. It was highly praised by most critics and players. And there is no doubt about it - the fantastic graphics alone are worth it. Moreover, the developers made sure that you can switch between first- and third-person views.

Among the important game features are:

  • 12 online modes for maximum pleasure from playing together;
  • the ability to participate in cooperative mode for up to 40 players, which allows you to organize real battles;
  • the course of events in the historical period from episodes IV to VI;
  • battle on legendary planets such as Hoth, Endor, Tatooine, etc.

The variety of game modes means that some of them can be played exclusively as the rebels, while others allow you to choose sides in the conflict. There may be short battles on specific planets, depicted in the three best films of the saga - now the player influences the course of history.

There is no need to constantly move on foot during missions. The player has access to a wide selection of equipment: from small speeders to huge walkers. Legends such as Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Bobby Fett and others are available for selection.

The fifth part of the Star Wars series of platformers, where the world is built using LEGO constructors. The game was released in 2016 on all popular platforms: from PC to Android and PS Vita. It reveals the story between the VI and VII parts of the saga, which is quite interesting, because no one knows what events took place during these thirty years.

Game features of LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens:

  • a huge selection of characters available for passage at different levels, such as Chewbacca, Han Solo, Finn and others;
  • the events of most battles take place not on the surface of planets, but in space, so you will have to sit at the helm of a fighter to demonstrate speed, accuracy and reaction;
  • well-designed AI forces even experienced players to put in a lot of effort, because the enemy will be as cunning as possible to achieve victory.

Of course, the main feature of the game is interesting topic. Although the success of the VII part of the Star Wars saga raises many doubts, many players became interested in the events that took place during the thirty-year period that were not included in the plot.

Moreover, the passage allows you not only to find out new information about the events between the parts, but also take part in the events of the film “The Force Awakens”. Here you can learn more about certain key characters from Part VII, their goals and the reasons for them. current state and worldview.

There are also a large number of bonuses in the game. So, for example, after complete passage The game opens up additional levels that tell in more detail about the events of the players’ favorite world. It is possible to unlock some planets, such as Jakka, D'Kar, etc.

A sequel to the previously released shooter, which takes the player to the battlefields of a galaxy far, far away. There is also the ability to switch between first- and third-person views.

Both single-player and cooperative modes are available here. Battles take place both against friends and in alliance with them against artificial intelligence.

Among the main features of the game it is worth highlighting:

  • 4 combat classes, each of which has unique advantages, the right combination of which can crush the most terrible enemy;
  • success brings players points, which are spent on gaining temporary control of a Jedi, droid or fighter;
  • well-designed ballistics and recoil add points of realism and complexity to the game - you won’t be able to shoot just anywhere, you’ll have to carefully control your actions.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is about the battle between the Imperials and the Republicans. By the way, the single player mode only offers the imperial side. Also, ballistics and recoil often cause controversy among players, since energy weapons differ from firearms, which should be reflected accordingly in the mechanics of their operation. On the other hand, due to this, the blasters received significant differences from one to another.

The good news is that there is no universal class in the game that has no chance of outshining the others. Each of them has unique features. Good teamwork and a competent tactical approach allow each of the classes to be fully realized, which makes the cooperative mode very interesting.

It's hard to name a universe as recognizable as Star Wars. A long time ago, but only in our galaxy, this brand stepped far beyond the boundaries of the original film history. Today, more than 40 years after the beginning of the starting point, this impressive world has been embodied in the form of books, and, of course, video games. You will find the best of the latter in this selection dedicated to games based on Star Wars on PC.

It is worth noting that more than a dozen games in the universe have been released and not all of them are worthy of players’ attention. In addition, it is important to understand that for fans and the uninitiated, different games have different values. For example, Star Wars fans greatly appreciate the Super Star Wars series, released in the era of 16-bit consoles. But for a modern player, these projects have dubious appeal, so our list will be focused specifically on the modern perception of gamers.

1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/KotOR 2

All of the top participants described above are undoubtedly interesting to fans of the Star Wars universe, but the Knights of the Old Republic series of games amazed even those who were indifferent to power with their appearance. It would seem that everything is simple - the world of Star Wars is simply ideal for creating a role-playing game. But what if we give away the development, while giving them a free hand, moving the events 4000 years before the events of the films? That's right, it will turn out to be an expectedly strong project, although in reality gamers received something that exceeded any expectations.

Knights of the Old Republic offers a beautiful world in which every little detail is spelled out inside and out, a strong story with moral ramifications, and for starters it leaves colorful party members whom you will not soon forget. All this made the game's fame just an avalanche that covered BioWare in 2003. If you still doubt our words, then just count the awards that this game received at the time of its release.

The second part was already developed by the Obsidian studio, and in the short time allotted by the publisher. All this played a cruel joke on Knights of the Old Republic 2, leaving a legacy of bugs and quests leading nowhere. But the game itself and its story are no worse than its older sister, which means it is recommended for completion.

2. Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy

The Jedi Knight series of games, based on the Star Wars universe, was originally a clone of Doom, telling the story of the theft of the Death Star plans. Over time, the story shifted into a Jedi theme, making its hero, Kyle Katarn, legendary, who was dubbed the “Chuck Norris” of the world of Star Wars. In 2003, the latest incarnation of the series, called Jedi Outcast, was released, which became as much a symbol among fans as the hero himself.

Still remembering its roots, this project proposes to experience a third of the plot exclusively in a shooter, so that the long-awaited lightsaber really allows you to feel the difference between Kyle with it and Kyle without it. The combat mechanics are done so well that to this day no one can replicate the sensations that the craftsmen from Raven Software were able to realize. In addition, the almost tangible atmosphere of the world of Star Wars adds to the popularity of the game. Every sound, location, floor texture and character lines will make you believe that you are in a galaxy far, far away. The only drawback may be the high complexity of the game by today's standards. But being a Jedi is not car racing. Therefore, may the Force be with you if you decide to help Kyle in his adventures.

By the way, we can’t help but mention the Jedi Academy add-on, which was released a little later as a standalone game. This project told the story of Kyle's apprentice and allowed him to swing a lightsaber from the very beginning. Otherwise, it's the same as Jedi Outcast, only with a separate plot and many additional functions. And Jedi Academy is also loved for its multiplayer, which even today lives in some depths of space. Oh, sorry, of course the Internet.

3. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005)

A long time ago, back in 2005, a game was released for the premiere of Revenge of the Sith, designed to build on the success of the shooter Star Wars: Battlefront. And she did it on a grand scale. This game from the Star Wars shooter series came out so large that most fans still use it as an example even to modern heirs from EA. The shooter contains dozens of maps, many modes, space battles, hero battles, galaxy conquest and much more that can take up many hours of a player’s life. For their time, all the weapons, environments and characters were of very high quality, but today they are, of course, outdated. However, this, as in the case of Empire At War, does not prevent fans from creating modifications, and the publisher from stirring up interest in the classics by fixing the servers for the game. Among other things, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005) is great option, if your PC is still a Padawan.

4. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

The long-awaited game from the studio Respawn Entertainment and publisher Electronic Arts. Jedi Fallen Order is the first story-focused project of the new era, and is a hybrid of Dark Souls, Force Unleashed and the usual cinematic adventures recent years. The main character is a fragile Jedi, forced to flee from the empire. He travels to different planets, which are then available for repeated visits. The player is accompanied by a cute droid, who helps restore health after a battle or find secrets in locations.

All this is decorated with graphics, sound and technical performance that correspond to the huge budgets of the game. But one thing is not clear: why in 2019 the development of lightsabers is at a level lower than in Jedi Outcast?

5. Star Wars: Empire at War

Among PC games based on the Star Wars universe, there are also time-tested favorites. One of the holders of such titles is the Empire at War strategy. This game turned out to be what fans had been waiting for for so long that even 11 years after its release it is among the top sales of games on this topic.

So, why did the developers from Petroglyph please the players so much? For example, the long-awaited and high-quality space battle system. In such battles, every large one has vulnerable points, which, just like in the movies, hit bombers. But it’s not just space that impresses with this game from the Star Wars strategy series. Ground battles are also done with high quality and attention to detail. Each map represents a new type of battlefield, with natives and even weather conditions influencing the situation. What holds both modes together is the galaxy map, which is a highly simplified version of the global ones.

The popularity of STAR WARS Empire at War even today is evidenced by dozens of modifications created by fans, as well as the recent patch that brought the online game back to life. So all you have to do is see for yourself whether this strategy is worthy of that people's love which she received.

6. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017)

The second major PC game in the Star Wars universe, released after the corporation purchased the rights, turned out to be very controversial, and even scandalous. But putting Battlefront 2015 instead of it just because of those alone would be completely unfair. After the first try 2 years ago, the craftsmen from the DICE studio were finally able to properly use the budgets of EA and Disney, completing everything that the fans asked for.

In the sequel to the Ultimate Star Wars Shooter, players received many innovations. Among them were: a story campaign, space battles, battles from the era of the clone wars and many added little things that are so familiar to every fan of the universe. The picture is complemented by state-of-the-art graphics, amazing sound and the developers' fanatical attention to detail. You can safely grab your lightsaber and dive into the thick of epic battles. Just make sure that your PC is endowed with the same power as you.

7. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds

Star Wars, with its abundance of technology and epic battles, seems ideal for creating strategy. And there have been several such attempts by various game developers in this universe, for example, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. In fact, this is also a series of games, including the original game and an addition dedicated to the release of the second episode. However, now all this comes in one set.

What can you tell us about the game itself? Well, it is almost a complete clone of Age Of Empires, right down to the menu, the role of buildings and the rules of the game. In this regard, the authors had to come up with many buildings, equipment and infantry units that had not appeared anywhere before. What makes this project worthy of a top Star Wars game is the quality of its development, timeless graphics, many campaigns for each race, and the unique atmosphere of Star Wars. And in the end, where else can you build a Gungan fortress or defeat an empire with them?

8. Star Wars: Republic Commando

This representative of the Star Wars game series is very familiar to all fans of the universe and believe me, his fame is well deserved. The thing is that instead of bearded guys waving glowing sticks, the story is dedicated to the special forces of the Republic clones. And although many skeptics say that if the clones were replaced with marines, then nothing would change, in fact this is not entirely true.

The game brought fans an expansion of Mandalorian culture, including several Mandalorian-themed anthems recorded for the game. People less initiated into the background will be pleased with a certain hybrid of DOOM and SWAT 4, where the first comes from the dynamics of what is happening, and from the second the control of a squad, the members of which by the end of this game based on Star Wars will become like family to you.

9. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Perhaps this is the only case in our top Star Wars games when the player can relive the events of the films themselves. Initially, it was a whole series of games, which for convenience were combined into one collection. Let the skeptic inside you, looking at the screenshots, not rush to conclusions, because... This game will please any Star Wars fan. It has interesting tasks, the search for secrets, healthy humor and a real spirit of collecting, so familiar to many fans.

Therefore, if you decide to launch this seemingly awkward game on your PC, get ready once again make sure that first impressions can be deceiving.

10. Star Wars: The Old Republic

The Star Wars universe seems to many to be an ideal setting for creating. That’s why two of them have been released on PC so far. The first and now deceased Star Wars: Galaxies died at the hands of its own developers, who ruined the entire balance. The second is called Star Wars: The Old Republic and still graces any list of the best Star Wars games on PC.

The list of our heroine’s achievements includes: one of the record budgets in the history of the industry, developers represented by BioWare and a plot that continues the story of Knights of The Old Republic. Moreover, each class has its own storyline, companions, ship (hello from Mass Effect) and role in the history of the galaxy. The controversial points are some cartoonishness general style and the game’s focus on the plot, although, it would seem, we were promised a living online world. But the main problem for the majority of those reading this text is the lack of Russian-language localization, which no one has promised to ever implement for a long time.

11. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

At one time, a very anticipated game, which was advertised for a long time and at great cost. The promises included a script, in which George Lucas himself participated, and an unprecedented physics engine that promised amazing interaction with the environment. The plot of the game itself was promised to be dedicated to the secret student of Darth Vader, who was supposed to pursue the rebels and Jedi throughout the galaxy.

The final product naturally turned out different from the marketers' promises. The story turned out to be full of predictable twists, and did not cover what was expected of it. The main character was endowed with such capabilities that it is very difficult to fit them even into the concept of “Strength”.

With the gameplay, however, everything turned out to be somewhat better than with the far-fetched plot. And although the lightsabers in Force Unleashed are not the best implemented by the standards of PC games dedicated to Star Wars, cutting down hordes of opponents is still fun and exciting. This game is not the best bad way immersion in the world of Star Wars. Just don’t try to play the second part afterwards, seriously.

You can continue for a long time. After all, many more games based on the Star Wars universe have been released on PC. There is also scattering, and Rebellion, and interactive films Rebel Assault. However, the quality of all this is quite debatable, while our list of games is what has lived up to the expectations of gamers over the decade. The main thing is to protect your hands when swinging a lightsaber, and may the Force be with you.