Toilet      03/07/2020

Penumbra: OverturePenumbra. Dark world. Complete walkthrough of the game Penumbra: Overture Penumbra 1 overture walkthrough

Penumbra: The Dark World is a rather unusual game. It stands out among others for its innovative management. Everything has to be done in it with my own hands- do not press abstract buttons to turn a valve or open a door, but personally move the mouse. Almost complete interactivity, you see, is rare. Intriguing? Then let's take a closer look at the game.

Evil fauna

Hungry dogs

Where did the wild dogs come from in the abandoned mine, and most importantly, what do they eat there, is undoubtedly an interesting question, but it is not possible to get an answer to it, since all the people involved are missing. However, this is completely unimportant, because your first task is to stay alive. Besides, when you see the dog's burning eyes, you won't have time for research.

The easiest way is to sneak past. To do this, when the dog has moved a decent distance away, run from cover to cover - preferably on your haunches. If the dog gets too close, don't peek around the corner. Even if the animal doesn't notice you, main character may panic and start running, which will certainly attract attention. If the dog stubbornly refuses to leave, you can lure it away by throwing a piece of meat.

It is also possible to kill a dog, but it is much more difficult to do. The first way is to throw stones or other heavy objects. The problem is that the dog is running along a crazy trajectory and it is difficult to hit him. And the controls are not the most convenient.

The second way is to hammer it with a hammer or pick. But at the same time, the character loses all maneuverability, as a result of which he is easily bitten to death.

The third method, perhaps the most reliable, is to throw a stick of dynamite. But there are criminally few explosives; there is not enough for everyone. In addition, the dog dies only if it is at the epicenter of the explosion.

The fourth way is to kill the ferry, but this is only available in certain places. In addition, you will have to lure the dogs with meat, which adds nervousness.

The fifth method is a little dishonest: it exploits the shortcomings of artificial intelligence; but since the combat system is exceptionally crooked, it can be used without a twinge of conscience. Dogs are great at breaking down doors, but they can't jump on a box. Therefore, when you find a dog, grab the box or box you like and go to the animal. When the dog attacks, place the box on the ground, jump on it, squat down, take out your pickaxe and start swinging wildly in the hope of hitting the dog's spine.

A little time and skill - and the dog falls down dead. Put away your weapon, take a box or a barrel there and stomp to the next dog. The method, of course, is incredibly clumsy, but given that you will often have to run between locations, it is better to get rid of the dogs at once than to crawl every time, squeezing into the walls.

What's interesting is that if a dog approaches the hero's hiding place, he begins to panic, but if you run into a suicidal attack, the character will not even get nervous...


Dogs are less common and cause fewer problems. Two hits with a pickaxe are enough to finish him off. annoying insect. True, if three or four individuals gather, it’s a big deal - they’ll bite you to death instantly. Once surrounded, turn on your flashlight to scare away the spiders, or just run as fast as you can. Often the “sparkling heels” are The best decision conflict situations.


They appear twice in the game and kill with one hit. It is useless to fight them, all you can do is run away. Remembering the meetings with these monsters, I would like to hope that they will not appear at all in the second episode. Brr, too disgusting and scary.


The plot of the game is made in the best traditions of Howard Lovecraft. At his mother's funeral, the hero receives a letter from his deceased father, who asks him never to come to the lost island in Greenland and to burn all his records. The son, of course, does the opposite - packs his things and flies to an island in Greenland. In general, we got into trouble seriously and for a long time.

It's only begining

Before heading to the abandoned base, you need to collect your things. Take the notebook from the table - a good researcher always takes notes, so that later he has something to scare his descendants - and look at the map on the left. Then pick up the flashlight from the nightstand next to the bed, open the desk drawer and take the key.

Use the key to open the lock on the cabinet and take the batteries from there and lighting fixture. Open the drawer near the bed to get a letter. That seems to be all. This is called - prepared? What about food and warm clothes? Eh, unfortunate traveler. Leave the cabin and go straight. I advise you not to look around, the hero is gradually losing health from the frost. When you see the cobblestones, take one with you. When you reach the hatch, throw a stone on the ice to unlock the valve. Quickly open it and go down the stairs.

Use a flashlight or glow stick to look around the room. Go straight and try to open the door. Hmm, closed, we'll have to find a workaround. Take the steel rod from the shelf on the left. Open the box to reveal the first signal light and move the barrel aside to reveal the second.

Now exit through the door on the left. Pick up a hammer and move the cabinet away from the wall. The boards are preventing passage - well, it's time to use the builders' tools. Break the boards and crawl through the tunnel to the room. You don’t have to be afraid, nothing bad will happen to you, although the situation is nervous. You will find yourself in a room whose door was locked. Insert the steel rod into the mechanism and turn it clockwise. The door in the floor opened.

First danger

Ahead you will find a dungeon map. The central passage is closed, you don’t even have to go there, so go straight to the office (look at the map). Take the can of dextrin and the officer's report from the table. Quite an entertaining read that will clear things up a little.

Now begin to thoroughly search the room. Check every drawer and cabinet. You should find the following: a newspaper, a small key, a flashlight battery, two pieces of meat, a painkiller, a signal fire. Before leaving the office, save the game - the artifact is on the table - now there will be a meeting with the first enemy.

When you hear a howl, hide behind the boxes and wait for the dog to leave. Don't look around the corner, otherwise the hero will panic and give away his location. Then quietly sneak past and go to the warehouse. The door is closed, but voices can be heard there! Take the empty lighter and look at the drawings on the wall - this is clearly a direct guide to action. Go to the room on the left, turn right and take the painkiller and flashlight batteries from the storage room.

Then return to the room, remove the stones from the box and move it aside to open the passage. Jump into the tunnel... Although no, you will still need to get out somehow. Go left and pick up the ladder. Return to the hatch and attach the ladder to the hooks. The escape route is ready. Go into the tunnel again, but now turn right. Passing by dead dog, search the nook on the right to find the scientist's notes and a signal fire.

When you reach the steam tunnel, move forward carefully - if you get caught in the stream, you will lose health. Once at the gate, use a hammer to knock down the lock and enter the room. Take the gas canister from the shelf and refill the lighter. Then find the flashlight batteries and turn the valve to shut off the steam. Return to the main tunnel and turn right. At the dead end you will find a sheet of notes. Return to the hatch. Hey, what's going on there?

Here she is, unusual door, behind which we will find the answers.

While we were crawling through the tunnels, someone was eaten here. But now the doors are open. Search two rooms to find an old key, two pieces of meat and notes from a young naturalist who will tell us that spiders have become big and very tasty. You can see for yourself that the insects are of indecent size by going into the next room.

There's nothing else to do here, so head back into the tunnel. Go to the central door, trying not to catch the dog's eyes. Open the lock with the old key you found. Once inside, close the door and fill it with barrels. True, this will not be particularly helpful, because as soon as you go further along the tunnel, the dog will break down the door. You will have to quickly run, hide and wait for the dog to calm down.

Having calmed down and made sure that there is no pursuit, sneak into the tunnel to the right of the central entrance. There you will find a keg of TNT. Drag him into the blocked tunnel and push him into a pile of stones. Great, half the work is done. Now you need to figure out how to detonate the charge in order to survive yourself. Go to the workshop, grabbing the notes along the way that lie in the tunnel. Enter code 8412 to open the door.

Take the silk thread from the shelf and go into the room on the left. Scatter a bunch of stones and pick up a pickaxe. Here it is - a weapon of retribution! You can try it out, there is a wooden barrier nearby. Next we need to get over the electric fence, which was protecting someone from spiders and dogs. You can't just jump over, you'll have to use your head. To begin, place two boxes in front of the fence. Then go to the far tunnel, drag three boards from there and place them (there is also a signal light there) so that you can walk along them (see the picture to understand the design).

Once over the fence, remove the battery to turn off the power. Break the door and go into the room. Take the dynamite from the box to the right of the door and the painkiller from the shelf and break the barrel of gunpowder with a pickaxe. Dip the found thread into a jar of dextrin, and then roll it in gunpowder. The fuse is ready, you can blow up the barrel. Return to the main tunnel.

Walk around the dog carefully. Of course, you can try to kill her with dynamite, but now there is no need for that. Insert a fuse into the barrel, light it with a lighter and run for cover. After the explosion, go to the resulting opening and jump into the tunnel.

Deep in the tunnels

There are no dogs in these tunnels and there won't be any dogs unless you start searching the containers. In one of them sits an unpleasant fanged surprise. Therefore, out of harm’s way, immediately stomp into the generator room. Take the batteries from the shelf, the instructions for the generator and save the game. Look at the battery box. You can’t open it that easily, you need to look for an original way.

Take the pickaxe, break the fence near the hole and look down. Wow, what a height! Push the box, then go down into the pit and pick up the battery. I wonder how it still works after such a flight? However, it doesn’t matter - insert it into the panel with indicators and try to start the generator. The plugs are knocked out, you'll have to look for new fuses somewhere.

Leave the generator room and go to the storage room. Remove the trash from the shelves and take two pieces of meat (is anyone complaining of hunger? You better look!), a signal light, batteries and a brochure. You can also take a mop, you can even fight with it - however, the weapon is weak, and it’s not a fact that you can finish someone off with it. Look at the fuse box - it is empty, but the plugs are clearly somewhere nearby. Stack the boxes on top of each other to search the top shelves; The fuses are right there.

Then move to the communication center. Take the walkie-talkie from the table, read the note and turn on the radio. Using Morse code (you found the sheet with the description a little earlier), you can decipher the message - 5738, this is the code for the lock. The locked door is not difficult to find, it is in the middle of the cave, but you cannot open it because there is no electricity.

So go to the generator room. Insert the fuse and remember what was written in the generator control instructions. Mentally number the valves from 1 to 5 (the first one closest to the door, the fifth one closest to the battery). Now turn on in the following order - 4,3,1,2,5, then apply power. It became lighter and much more pleasant.

Go to the door and listen to what Red has to say. Then enter the code, but so that the dog does not notice. If there is dynamite left, you can finish off the dog, otherwise you will have to slip past. Go left, avoiding the dogs - alternatively, destroy them with a pickaxe and a box - and enter the excavation room.

Take the piece of paper from the table and save the game. Now we need to somehow climb up. Take a long piece of ladder, climb onto the box, jump up and hook it onto the hooks. But you won’t be able to climb it yourself. Therefore, you need to place a long box (it is slightly higher than the others) at the edge of the natural altar, and lean another box against it. Grab the third box, drag it onto the natural altar and push it onto the previously placed boxes. It should look like a pyramid - like in the picture or something similar. Climb onto the top box and climb up the ladder.

Once in the cave, go into the tunnel to the right and block the entrance with a boulder. Run left. Once out into the cave, take out a lighter and set fire to the spilled kerosene. This will burn the spiders that follow, just be careful not to burn yourself. Plug the far passage with a boulder and run into the opened passage. After going a little further, grab a small boulder and throw it into the acid to get to the other side.

When you hear the noise, run as fast as you can - a boulder is rolling behind you. At the fork, turn left, give way to the boulder, run away and fight off the attack of the rabid spiders. Then go into the tunnel to the right and break the boulders with a pickaxe to move on. Finally, jump down the hole to leave these damn caves.

One step forward

Listen to what Red has to say and take the painkiller from the first aid kit. Take two signal lights from the small room, and then go to the warehouse. Collect two flares, batteries, three pieces of meat from the shelves. Then move the lid off the green box to the side, sit down and pull out the key from the side.

Go to closed door- not the one with the boards - and knock it out with a pickaxe. Look at the steam and go right. Go to the control room, take two signal lights and the scientist's research on myths. Now you need to get into the ventilation hatch at the top. To do this, theoretically, you need to pull up two boxes, and put the third one with a crane. But this is too difficult, it’s better to create a design like in the picture. First jump onto the boxes, then onto wooden stand- and up.

Don't want to struggle with the faucet? You can get here this way.

Break the hatch and crawl to the right. Go down to the room where you couldn't get into because of the steam, take the gas canister and climb into the ventilation shaft again (you may have to put down boxes to climb onto the cabinet). Jump down, break down the grate and go to the door boarded up with boards. Break them and go out into the tunnels. Go to the storage room (see the map so as not to be mistaken). Take the saw, dynamite, signal light, batteries and a very strange report from the officer. What else does this mean?!

Now you must get to the auxiliary mine, but there are a lot of dogs wandering along the way. In general, prepare a box and a pickaxe. Having reached the blocked door, saw through the board and go to the mine. So we got to the drilling machine, which needs to be started. First, connect one end of the cable to power and the other to the remote control. Open the backpack, use the hammer on the canister and pour gasoline into the car. Insert the key into the control panel, pull the lever and wait for the drill to make a hole in the wall.

After passing the boards, turn right and, hearing a roar, run back. This is a worm that kills with one hit. Stand on a safe island and wait until the monster disappears into the depths. Go to the room where he crawled from and examine the door. It needs to be opened, but how? Go to the next hall and quickly run past the spider nest. You can wait until they hatch, run to the abyss and stand on the island in the middle. Spiders do not know how to crawl on boards and will boldly fall into the abyss.

In any case, after passing the spider nest and finding yourself in the back room, press the button. The sound signal hints that you need to run quickly. You have a little time to get to the door in the room where the worm crawled from. If you hesitate, it will close and you will have to press the button again.

Hot dogs

This area is full of dogs, but they can be dispatched relatively easily. To do this, look for a steam installation, throw a piece of meat into the cage and wait for the dog to come eat. You pull the lever to turn on the steam and the hot dog is ready. True, often the dog reacts violently to the character, and not the meat, so a box and a pickaxe remain the most reliable way.

The first thing to visit is the tool warehouse. There you will find a screwdriver and wire cutters, and at the same time you can examine the locked door that leads to the iron mine C. We go there. But first we have to visit Mine 13. The passage is blocked, which forces us to take a detour through spider nests. There are many forks in the tunnel, so you will have to look for the exit at random. To prevent spiders from biting you, do not allow large concentrations of creatures. To do this, move forward not too quickly and use a flashlight.

Once in the room, search the cabinets - pay attention, some of the items are hidden under things - to find the following: a blank sheet of paper, four pieces of meat, two signal lights, a painkiller, two batteries, dynamite and miners' notes. Then dismantle the rubble - you will first have to move a piece of the wall - and exit the mine.

Move towards the oil refinery. You can get in easily, but you won’t be able to get out. We'll have to look for another way. Go to the control cabin and mentally number the levers. Let the top left be 1, the bottom right be 7. To raise all the pistons, you need to pull the levers in the following order - 4, 6, 7, 3.

Go along the conveyor and pick up two lighting lights and two batteries in the room. Also grab the spare engine and throw it onto the conveyor belt closest to the entrance. The engine will fall onto the top tier and knock down the ladder. Climb up it, take the engine again and block the fan.

After passing under the blades, take the engine and walk with it along the shaft. Then throw it down and put it in the mechanism. You will now come to a room with steam coming out of the floor. Look closely at the sequence in which the steam jets hit to create a path. Nothing complicated, the main thing is patience and observation.

After passing the hall, drag the barrels under the stairs, break the grate with an ax and crawl into the ventilation shaft. Once in shaft 12, immediately pull the cart away from the door and go to the cart. Use wire cutters to cut the chain and push the trolley down. She will make a hole in the wall, which will allow us to move on. In the room, read the note, then take the old newspaper from the box.

Use the newspaper on the locked door, then poke the screwdriver into the lock. Pull out the newspaper and take the key. Open the door for them and go into the room. After talking to Red, flip the switch. My God, poor scientist... However, there is no time to be sad, open the backpack and double-click on the empty piece of paper. This is how you will find out the code for mine C - 1371. Take the scientist’s notes from the closet to better understand the nature of the worms, and go to the closed door.

There are dogs roaming the mine, so kill them with steam or a pickaxe while sitting on a box. In any case, you need to get into the chemical storage facility, but through the far door. Having walked a little forward, you will see a scene that directly hints that it is time to run - now a worm will crawl. Run into the room and click on the button on the right to close the gate.

Jump over the boxes over the acid (no need to throw anything of your own). Press the button to close the second gate. Quickly cut your way through the two barricades. Grab the box, throw it into the acid and jump to the other side. Use a pickaxe to hit the beam until the ceiling collapses. Everyone had a blast! You just need to act quickly, the worm catches up instantly.

Turn the valve until the door opens and enter the room. Read the note about chemicals and begin to carefully search the room (some of the items are well hidden). You must find two signal lights, a piece of meat and six bottles with reagents A, B, C, D, E, E. Save the game, leave the room and go to Lake Utukak.

When you reach the lake, search the backpack to get supplies and an interesting leaflet. Pay attention to the miner's last name. Really, friend? However, now we have more important things to do, we need to somehow cross the lakes. The ice is thin, so it's more likely to fail than not. Save the game and let's get started. Do you see boards scattered on the lake? They go from island to island. This is the safe way.

Walk on the ice, and when it starts to break, jump back. Then jump onto the floating ice floe and, before it sinks, onto the island. This way you will reach the opposite edge and see your hand in the ice. We need to get a crowbar somehow. Take out the saw and saw off the brush. Brr, what disgusting. In the backpack, carefully examine the mount - the name “Freeman” is engraved on the handle. Just beautiful.

Now stomp to the crematorium and use a crowbar to open the door. Turn left and jump along the boards for a long time. Once in the room, take two painkillers and a fuse from the drawer. Then pick up a glass flask and place it in the burner. Use the lighter to light the fire. Everything is ready, all that remains is to mix the chemicals correctly. If you read the notes carefully, you already realized that you need to use G and E.

The resulting mixture must be taken back, but very carefully - it will hit the wall, explode, and you will have to start all over again. So jump on the boards with triple caution. Having reached the crematorium, place the flask in the rubble, insert the fuse, light it with a lighter and run around the corner. After the explosion, go inside. The door with a T-shaped cutout looks symbolic, it immediately becomes clear what is hidden behind it... However, we need to go to the room on the right. After talking with Red, turn on the stove, and when it stops burning, take the key from the ash box.

Go to the room on the left, open the door and carefully examine the room. It has many interesting details. Read Red's notes that are in the table and go into the next room. Move bookshelf and use a screwdriver to open the shield. Then cut the wires with wire cutters and proceed to the T-shaped door. Open it with a crowbar. Read the note - it's on the floor - and go down the stairs. In the corridor, go forward until you notice the silhouette of a man...

Temporary oblivion is sometimes even useful - it helps not to lose your mind.

As soon as we get a little closer to the solution, grab the snake by the tail, so to speak, the game waves its hand over the final credits. It remains to wait for the second episode - it will be released at the end of 2007 - to find out about the fate of the main character and his role in the mysterious events.


The game begins when the hero sails on a ship to the part of Greenland he needs on a fishing schooner. Go to the table and take the diary, head to the chest near the bed, open it and take the letter there. You already have a key in your inventory; use it to unlock the lock hanging on the cabinet. Take the batteries and glow stick from there, open the desk drawer and take out the flashlight. If you did everything correctly, a message will appear with the opportunity to leave the cabin.

The hero is caught in a snowstorm: run straight until you see a stone on the left. Take it and run on. You will see a hatch covered with ice - break the ice with a stone (just throw a stone on top). Open the hatch by turning the valve and climb down.

You will find yourself in a dark room. There is a steel rod nearby to the left, pick it up. You can find a torch in one of the boxes, and another one behind the barrels on the right. The door is directly closed, so head to the door on the left, pick up a hammer and another torch from the floor there. Move the cabinet to the right and use a hammer to break the boards that block the passage. Go straight, and then take the first left - you will find yourself in a room with a hatch in the floor. On the right is the unit, which is metal box with a hole. Insert a rod into the hole and rotate the entire structure 180 degrees. The hatch in the floor will open - climb there.

Level 1

First level map.

Go ahead: get information on how to hide from monsters. You will see the floor map directly. All the inscriptions on it are easy to read (unlike maps on other levels), so study it carefully.

Find the warehouse on the map and go there. When you arrive, take Zippo lighter from the shelf on the left. Look at the drawings drawn right there. Move through the left door, you will find yourself in a room with a box filled with stones. You will see another door on the right - open it and enter the room. You will find an artifact there that you can use to save yourself, as well as batteries and a painkiller.

Go back to the box with the stones, take them out, move the box aside and you will see a hatch. Go downstairs - you will find yourself in a room in which there is an entrance to a tunnel. Go straight and then right - you will see a mummified dog. Turn right again. You will find a torch and a diary of a scientist who loves spiders (in the culinary sense). Go back and turn right (watch out for the steam jets!). Turn left and find the continuation of the scientist's notes, turn around and follow left (there will be tremors). Ahead you will see a lattice door closed with a lock - hit the lock with a hammer, this will help. Go further, take lighter fluid from the shelf, and fill the Zippo with it. Take the batteries from the chest.

Go to the cave where the tunnel entrance is located. There's something running up above, go back into the tunnel and turn left. Find the ladder and drag it back. Place it against the hole where you came down from and climb up.

Return to the room with three doors. Go to the middle one (it's now open). There is a key on the table on the left, and there will be a door on the right. Enter it, examine the tongue lying on the shelf and the spider on the table to the right. Leave the room and head through the last of the unexplored doors - the right one. Open the drawer and take two pieces of beef jerky. Leave the warehouses.

After exiting, go straight until Philip says that you need to hide. Follow his advice, because there is a dog wandering nearby. What to do with it is up to you (you can kill it, or you can sneak past it).

Check the map and go to the office. When you arrive, take the officer's report and dextrin from the table, and from the desk drawer - a newspaper and a small key. Save using the artifact on the table. In one of the drawers to the right of the table you can find batteries, and in the drawer of the other table (on which there is a typewriter) there is a piece of beef jerky. Open the box with a small key - you will find a guide to explosives there. On the shelf on the left you can find a torch, and in the drawers on the right there is more beef and a painkiller. Leave the office and go towards the workshop.

On the way you will meet wooden wall, and in the middle of it is a door. Open it with the key found in the warehouse. When you enter, Philip will tell you that you need to barricade the door - use the barrels standing nearby for this. But it won’t help - the dog will break down the door and will have to be killed.

Go left, find a barrel of TNT there and drag it into the room where the battle with the dog took place. Now go straight (if you stand with your back to the door that this same dog knocked down), without throwing the barrel. Then turn left and go out to the rubble, pick up the note near it. There is a hole in the rubble - throw a barrel there.

Check the map and go to the workshop. Code - 8412 (calculated from the found note, if you read the numbers backwards). Once you enter, grab the Cotton Thread from the drawer on the shelves on the right. In the same room, find a torch and use the artifact. Go further and turn left - you will see a pile of stones. Disassemble it and you will find a new weapon - a miner's pickaxe.

Return to the previous room and go through the door on the left. You'll see a hole in the wall straight ahead, go straight until you see boards. Break them with a hammer or pickaxe. Follow further until you notice an energized barrier. To get over it, you need to use boards or boxes lying on the floor. Behind the barrier there will be a flimsy door that can be knocked down with a pickaxe. Take the dynamite from one of the drawers; on the shelf on the right you can find a painkiller. Examine the barrel, and then break it with a pickaxe - a pile of gunpowder will form on the floor. In inventory, use cotton thread on dextrin. Now use the adhesive thread on the gunpowder - get a fuse.

Leave the workshop and return to the rubble where you left the TNT barrel. Place the fuse in the barrel and light it with a lighter. Quickly run away, and after the explosion sounds, return and follow the opened tunnel.

Level 2

Second level map. Since all the cards, starting from this level, are equipped with illegible inscriptions, the author took the liberty of correcting them a little, adding the necessary inscriptions at the top.

Go to the generator room, find batteries, instructions for the generator and an artifact. On the left you will see a hole limited by boards, break them with a pickaxe and throw a nearby container into the hole. Go down the stairs and pick up the battery (these are not the same batteries as for the flashlight, they are considered separate items in the inventory). Climb up, insert the battery into the slot located at the end of the control panel (the big “Battery” sign will help you find it). Leave the generator room and go straight and then right. On the left you will see a lowered barrier, and behind it - a closed grate, behind which a dog is running. There is a digital keypad right there, but you don’t know the password yet.

Turn right and go to room 1 (we marked it in the screenshot). In the room, take a broom, arm yourself with it, go to the cabinet opposite and knock down the object on the top shelf (stab). Pick it up, it's a fuse. Take the batteries on one of the shelves of the same cabinet. From the cabinet on the right, confiscate the beef jerky, the torch and the memo (emergency procedures). Now leave the room, check the map and go to the communication center.

Take the walkie-talkie from one table, and the note from the other (a warning to the foreman). A signal is coming from one of the walkie-talkies on the table; this is a message encoded using Morse code. Deciphering it using the note found in the previous room, we get the number 5738.

Return to the generator room. Approach the panel with the valves and turn them in the following order (the corresponding icon drawn above the valve is indicated in parentheses):

  • Secondary flow (Roman numeral two).
  • Cooling system (two horizontal wavy lines).
  • Release excess steam (two vertical wavy lines).
  • Turn on the lubricant supply (the icon represents a droplet).
  • Main stream (Roman unit).

After that, go and pull the main lever. If the fuse blows, replace it with the intact fuse you found earlier. Pull the lever again. The generator will start working.

Head towards the barrier. Here you will hear Red’s voice broadcasting on the radio for the first time. Enter the code - 5738, and the grille will open. There are several dogs running around in the opened part of the mine, so be careful. Follow to the pantry, take a saw, a torch, batteries from the shelves, and also read the xenos report found right there. Now find the excavations on the map and go there. Again, beware of dogs. When you arrive, listen to what they tell you over the loudspeaker and follow straight through the tunnel. A little further to the left you will see a niche, on the table in which there is an artifact and a note. Read it. Not far from this place, there is a hole in the ceiling - the entrance to a tunnel that you need to climb into. There are three boxes nearby, one large and two smaller. Nearby you will see a stone ledge, which you can climb along the descent. Place the large box against this ledge, and one of the smaller ones against the large one, so that it is under the hole. Now grab the remaining box, drag it up the slope and push it onto the boxes from the ledge so that it stands on the box that stands under the hole. You will get a kind of ladder.

There are two broken pieces lying on the ground. metal stairs. Take the larger one, climb onto the top box with it and attach it to the hook near the hole, and then climb the stairs into the tunnel.

As soon as you go a little further, the passage behind you will be blocked. Move forward, on the left you will see spider eggs, from which these same spiders hatch. But it’s worth paying attention to them, since killing everyone is quite problematic. Just run further until you see blood on the floor. Turn left and climb through the narrow tunnel. Light the liquid on the floor with your Zippo, turn around and see a stone. Roll it over and close the entrance to the cave, go into the opened passage.

Listen to what Red has to say. A little further to the left there will be a stone, take it and throw it into the puddle of mucus. Cross this “bridge” and when you turn right, a large boulder will roll behind you. Run forward, cross the hole on the boards, and then break them, this will stop the stone. Go down and turn left. Run forward and break the walls with a pickaxe (spiders will chase you), eventually you will fall down and end up in a vault.

Take the painkiller from the locker with the cross in the storage room. Walk along the corridor and take three pieces of beef jerky, a torch, and batteries from the shelves. Go to the green cabinet, slide the door to one side and take out the large key. Return to the room where you fell and go into the room that is open. Take two torches and go back.

Go to the ventilation grill and knock it out with a pickaxe. Crawl forward a little and use a pick to knock out another grate. Move the box and you will find yourself in a room with crane. Go to the room with control devices, use the artifact there. Find a book in one of the cabinets, look through the glass and mark the ventilation grille under the ceiling. Using the control levers, move the box towards it and lower it slightly. Pull the box that you moved while getting into the room, jump from it onto the box hanging on the crane, and from there onto the “shelf” under the ventilation hatch. Knock him out.

Crawl along the shaft until you see a descent down. Don't fall down, but jump over the hole and crawl to the right. Break through another grate and you'll get into the room. Take a can of gasoline, pick up one of the boards lying on the floor, place them at an angle and climb back into the ventilation, but this time fall down. Take out the pallet blocking the front door, break the boards and leave the storage room.

Go towards the auxiliary shafts; along the road you will come across a grate, closed with a bolt from the inside. Cut the bolt with a saw and move on. There are two more dogs roaming this branch of the mine. Turn left and go straight until you see a table with a note. Read it, head left, then right and enter the auxiliary shaft.

Save using the artifact. Lift the cable from the floor, connect one end to the electrical panel, and the other to the control panel. Insert the large key into the slot on the control panel; in your inventory, remove the lid from the canister using a hammer. Use the canister on the drilling machine, turn the key in the control panel, and then pull the lever. The machine will drill a tunnel leading into the cave. You will see a door in it, enter it.

Follow the planks through the gap and turn right: you will see a door. After a few seconds, a huge worm will crawl out of there, run back and stand on the boards. The worm will crawl into the abyss, go to where it came from.

Look at metal door left. We need to get there, but we can’t open it yet, so go through the door on the right. You will find yourself in a tunnel, turn left at the first turn, and soon you will see spider eggs. Several more spiders are already running around the floor, they are quite difficult to kill, so just run straight, turn left, right and left again. You will find yourself in a room with a lever on one of the walls. Pull it and run back to that metal door that was closed - now it is open, but is slowly falling down. Quickly crawl under it and wait until it goes down completely. If, while traveling through this part of the level, spiders follow you, drive them away with the light of a flashlight.


The game begins when the hero sails on a ship to the part of Greenland he needs on a fishing schooner. Go to the table and take the diary, head to the chest near the bed, open it and take the letter there. You already have a key in your inventory; use it to unlock the lock hanging on the cabinet. Take the batteries and glow stick from there, open the desk drawer and take out the flashlight. If you did everything correctly # a message will appear with the opportunity to leave the cabin.

The hero is caught in a snowstorm: run straight until you see a stone on the left. Take it and run on. You will see a hatch covered with ice # break the ice with a stone (just throw a stone on top). Open the hatch by turning the valve and climb down.

You will find yourself in a dark room. There is a steel rod nearby to the left, pick it up. In one of the boxes you can find a torch, and behind the barrels on the right # there is another one. The door is directly closed, so head to the door on the left, pick up a hammer and another torch from the floor there. Move the cabinet to the right and use a hammer to break the boards that block the passage. Go straight, and then take the first left # you will find yourself in a room with a hatch in the floor. On the right is a unit, which is a metal box with a hole. Insert a rod into the hole and rotate the entire structure 180 degrees. The hatch in the floor will open # climb there.

Level 1

Go ahead: get information on how to hide from monsters. You will see the floor map directly. All the inscriptions on it are easy to read (unlike maps on other levels), so study it carefully.

Find the warehouse on the map and go there. When you arrive, take the Zippo lighter from the shelf on the left. Look at the drawings drawn right there. Move through the left door, you will find yourself in a room with a box filled with stones. You will see another door on the right # open it and enter the room. You will find an artifact there that you can use to save yourself, as well as batteries and a painkiller.

Go back to the box with the stones, take them out, move the box aside and you will see a hatch. Go down # you will find yourself in a room in which there is an entrance to a tunnel. Go straight and then right # you will see a mummified dog. Turn right again. You will find a torch and a diary of a scientist who loves spiders (in the culinary sense). Go back and turn right (watch out for the steam jets!). Turn left and find the continuation of the scientist's notes, turn around and follow left (there will be tremors). Ahead you will see a lattice door closed with a lock, # hit the lock with a hammer, this will help. Go further, take lighter fluid from the shelf, and fill the Zippo with it. Take the batteries from the chest.

Go to the cave where the tunnel entrance is located. There's something running up above, go back into the tunnel and turn left. Find the ladder and drag it back. Place it against the hole where you came down from and climb up.

Return to the room with three doors. Go to the middle one (it's now open). There is a key on the table on the left, and there will be a door on the right. Enter it, examine the tongue lying on the shelf and the spider on the table to the right. Leave the room and head through the last of the unexplored doors # on the right. Open the drawer and take two pieces of beef jerky. Leave the warehouses.

After exiting, go straight until Philip says that you need to hide. Follow his advice, because there is a dog wandering nearby. It's up to you to decide what to do with her (you can kill her, or you can sneak past).

Check the map and go to the office. When you arrive, take the officer's report and dextrin from the table, and from the desk drawer # a newspaper and a small key. Save using the artifact on the table. In one of the drawers to the right of the table you can find batteries, and in the drawer of the other table (on which there is a typewriter) there is a piece of beef jerky. Open the box # with the small key and you will find a guide to explosives there. On the shelf on the left you can find a torch, and in the drawers on the right # there is more beef and a painkiller. Leave the office and go towards the workshop.

On the way you will come across a wooden wall, and in the middle of it is a # door. Open it with the key found in the warehouse. When you enter, Philip will tell you that you need to barricade the door, # use the barrels standing nearby for this. But it won't help # the dog will break down the door and will have to be killed.

Go left, find a barrel of TNT there and drag it into the room where the battle with the dog took place. Now go straight (if you stand with your back to the door that this same dog knocked down), without throwing the barrel. Then turn left and go out to the rubble, pick up the note near it. There is a hole in the rubble; throw a barrel there.

Check the map and go to the workshop. Code #8412 (calculated from the found note, if you read the numbers backwards). Once you enter, grab the Cotton Thread from the drawer on the shelves on the right. In the same room, find a torch and use the artifact. Go further and turn left # you will see a pile of stones. Disassemble it and you will find a new weapon # miner's pickaxe.

Return to the previous room and go through the door on the left. You'll see a hole in the wall straight ahead, go straight until you see boards. Break them with a hammer or pickaxe. Follow further until you notice an energized barrier. To get over it, you need to use boards or boxes lying on the floor. Behind the barrier there will be a flimsy door that can be knocked down with a pickaxe. Take the dynamite from one of the drawers; on the shelf on the right you can find a painkiller. Examine the barrel, and then break it with a pickaxe; a pile of gunpowder will form on the floor. In inventory, use cotton thread on dextrin. Now use the adhesive thread on the gunpowder # get the fuse.

Leave the workshop and return to the rubble where you left the TNT barrel. Place the fuse in the barrel and light it with a lighter. Quickly run away, and after the explosion sounds, # return and follow the opened tunnel.

Level 2

Penumbra: Overture - Episode One walkthrough

Go to the generator room, find batteries, instructions for the generator and an artifact. On the left you will see a hole limited by boards, break them with a pickaxe and throw a nearby container into the hole. Go down the stairs and pick up the battery (these are not the same batteries as for the flashlight, they are considered separate items in the inventory). Climb up, insert the battery into the slot located at the end of the control panel (the big #Battery# inscription will help you find it). Leave the generator room and go straight and then right. On the left you will see a lowered barrier, and behind it # a closed grate, behind which a dog is running. There is a digital keypad right there, but you don’t know the password yet.

Turn right and go to room 1 (we marked it in the screenshot). In the room, take a broom, arm yourself with it, go to the cabinet opposite and knock down the object on the top shelf (stab). Pick it up, it's a # fuse. Take the batteries on one of the shelves of the same cabinet. From the cabinet on the right, confiscate the beef jerky, the torch and the memo (emergency procedures). Now leave the room, check the map and go to the communication center.

Take the walkie-talkie from one table, and # a note from the other (a warning to the foreman). A signal is coming from one of the walkie-talkies on the table; this is a message coded using Morse code. Deciphering it using the note found in the previous room, we get the number 5738.

Return to the generator room. Approach the panel with the valves and turn them in the following order (the corresponding icon drawn above the valve is indicated in parentheses):

* Secondary flow (Roman numeral two).
* Cooling system (two horizontal wavy lines).
* Release excess steam (two vertically positioned wavy lines).
* Turn on the lubricant supply (the icon represents a droplet).
* Main stream (Roman unit).

After that, go and pull the main lever. If the fuse blows, replace it with the intact fuse you found earlier. Pull the lever again. The generator will start working.

Head towards the barrier. Here you will hear Red’s voice broadcasting on the radio for the first time. Enter code #5738 and the grate will open. There are several dogs running around in the opened part of the mine, so be careful. Follow to the pantry, take a saw, a torch, batteries from the shelves, and also read the xenos report found right there. Now find the excavations on the map and go there. Again, beware of dogs. When you arrive, listen to what they tell you over the loudspeaker and follow straight through the tunnel. A little further to the left you will see a niche, on the table in which there is an artifact and a note. Read it. Not far from this place there is a hole in the ceiling # the entrance to a tunnel that you need to climb into. There are three boxes nearby, one large and two smaller. Nearby you will see a stone ledge, which you can climb along the descent. Place the large box against this ledge, and one of the smaller ones against the large one, so that it is under the hole.

Now grab the remaining box, drag it up the slope and push it onto the boxes from the ledge so that it stands on the box that stands under the hole. You will get a kind of ladder.

There are two pieces of broken metal ladder lying on the ground. Take the larger one, climb onto the top box with it and attach it to the hook near the hole, and then climb the stairs into the tunnel.

As soon as you go a little further, the passage behind you will be blocked. Move forward, on the left you will see spider eggs, from which these same spiders hatch. But it’s worth paying attention to them, since killing everyone is quite problematic. Just run further until you see blood on the floor. Turn left and climb through the narrow tunnel. Light the liquid on the floor with your Zippo, turn around and see a stone. Roll it over and close the entrance to the cave, go into the opened passage.

Listen to what Red has to say. A little further to the left there will be a stone, take it and throw it into the puddle of mucus. Cross this #bridge#, when you turn right, a large boulder will roll behind you. Run forward, cross the hole on the boards, and then break them, this will stop the stone. Go down and turn left. Run forward and break the walls with a pickaxe (spiders will chase you), eventually you will fall down and end up in a vault.

Getting out of the cell, or crawling through ventilation shafts

Having come to our senses, the first thing we do is try to leave the cell through the door leading to the corridor. But it was not there. It is locked with an electrically controlled lock. There is nothing else left to do but try to find another way out. We examine the wall to the left of the table. We move the shelf aside, behind which we will find the entrance to the ventilation shaft. The grille is tightly attached and cannot be removed with bare hands. We examine the metal cabinet standing near one of the walls. We open it and take out a coin. Maybe it will be possible to unscrew the screws that secure the ventilation grille to the wall? Let's try. The coin will be too thick. Let's approach desk. We check all drawers. We find a glowing stick, as well as a note from the previous occupant of the cell. We look at the vice standing on the table. We insert a coin into the vice and turn the handle clockwise to the limit. The vice will flatten the coin. Now, with the help of it, we will be able to unscrew the screws on the ventilation grille. Having done this, we climb into the mine.

We crawl along the shaft to the room where there is a machine selling carbonated drinks. On the way through the bars, we will be able to look at the creature lying on the table and having some resemblance to a person. Looking ahead, I will warn you that later we will meet face to face. Prepare yourself mentally. Having got out of the mine, we pick up a note from the floor left by the chemist Oswald. We approach the soda machine. To the right of it we select batteries from the floor, and to the left is a signal cartridge that can be used as a light source. We need to take a can of soda from the machine. There are two options on how to get it. Firstly, you can insert a coin into the slot, and secondly, you can take a piece of the wall and hit the machine with it. The result in both cases will be the same.

Having received a can of soda, we climb into another ventilation shaft, in front of which lay Oswald’s note. If we only crawl straight along the shaft, we will run into a rubble, near which the batteries will lie. But the main path will be along left hand when we climb into the mine. There on the walls we will see inscriptions like “Watch where you step.” And indeed: if you look closely, you can see the crumpled metal bottom of the shaft ahead. Again, in this situation there are two options. You can simply quickly jump through the dangerous area, or take a long board and make something like a bridge out of it. One way or another, having passed the dangerous section, very soon we will find ourselves at a fork.

“Cooling” the thermostat

The path to the right will lead us to death from the toxic fumes escaping from the pipe, and the path to the left will lead us to the freezer. We crawl to the left and jump into the room. We notice the movement of the creature behind the door, which, fortunately, turns out to be closed. Let's go to freezer. We use a can of soda on the thermostat. We return to the mine and crawl past the place that used to be deadly, to the hall where the scientist’s corpse will lie. If you delay, toxic fumes will again begin to make their way out of the pipe and you will have to get soda again.

Hall with dead scientist and laser trap

We select the medical report lying on the floor near the corpse. This is the chemist Oswald. Next to him we will see laser beams. It is a trap. If something biological touches them, there will be an explosion. To avoid the danger, you can place barrels along the beam and use them to get to the other side, or you can try to deactivate the beams: to do this, you should use the remote control (yellow boxes on the walls) and in the menu that appears, set red symbols in both columns instead of green ones. Once on the other side of the rays, let's turn our attention to the double door. To the left of it there is a biological lock, to open which you need the blood of an underground laboratory worker - for example, Oswald, whose corpse lies a few steps away. All that's left is to think about what to get the blood into. We clear out the artificially created blockage of shelves on the right, behind which there will be a door. We go into the corridor.

Getting a container for blood

We go into the first room on the right. Here on the shelf we find a bottle of medical alcohol, and on the top shelf there are batteries. Using the artifact you can save the game. We inspect all metal cabinets. We also find batteries, a signal cartridge and a cassette. We listen to the recording using the player standing on the table to the left. We go back out into the corridor and go straight to the switchboard. The doors of the two remaining rooms are locked with electric locks, and the rooms can only be thoroughly checked if the electricity is turned off. We break out the shield cover with a couple of blows with a piece of the wall, then with a sharp movement we pull out the red wire. We go into the room where the bloody trail leads. We approach the cabinet with medicines and take out painkillers and a syringe from it. After taking the last item, we will hear movement in the corridor. We quickly hide behind the overturned table on the right and wait until the creature goes around all the rooms and leaves. When the path is safe, we return with the syringe to the hall to the dead scientist.

Path to the dining room

We approach the corpse. We are trying to draw blood into the syringe. It will turn out to be dirty. Then in the inventory we treat the syringe with alcohol and again try to draw blood into the syringe. Subsequently, we use the blood on the biological lock to the left of the closed double door. We go through the door.

We examine all the tables in the room. On one we find a CD, on the other - a note. The only open door will lead us to the pantry, where we can take painkillers from the shelf. The other metal door in the room (not the one through which we entered here) will be closed and will only open in an emergency. For example, as a result of a fire. Let's arrange it. We go into the pantry again. From there we move the barrel of gasoline to the open switchboard in the room. We lower the switch nearby to send current through the wires to the panel. The sparks that appear will do their job: the barrel of gasoline will light up. We move it to any sprayer installed on the ceiling so that the alarm goes off and the metal door opens. We go to the dining room. The door on the left is tightly sealed, and the door on the right opens remotely.

Father's office

We go to the kitchen. From the cabinets to the right of the door we take out the batteries, and from the cabinet above the stove - the 1st secret artifact. We go into the room on the left, where the projector and computer are installed. Near the projector you can find an artifact to save the game. We turn on the projector, then look at the screen so that Philip can take notes. We check all the drawers of the table, in them we find batteries and a flashlight, for which, in fact, the batteries are intended. Insert the CD into the computer drive. Let's look through its contents. Philip will make notes of everything important, but it would also be a good idea for you to write down the door access codes on a piece of paper. Having finished browsing the CD-ROM, we will find two files on the computer desktop: text and executable - “doorlock controller.exe”. We read the text file and then run the executable one. We find the only closed door 236 and enter the code 1167 to open it.

We fall into the sewer

We return to the dining room. We're just going through open door into another closet. We take the signal cartridge from the shelf of the rack. We move aside the large box standing in the corner. Underneath there will be a descent into the sewer. Let's go down. We go through the tunnel. You can find batteries in one place. When we reach the pool without water, we will faint and experience six nightmares in our sleep.

Nightmare one

We will find ourselves in the cabin of the ship from the first part of the game. To get out of the first nightmare, we need to recreate the situation in the cabin, which is depicted in the picture hanging on the wall. To do this, we need to push the chest under the table, take the tin can from the floor and put it on the shelf, break the bottle of whiskey lying on the table on the floor, and move the barrel from the left corner of the cabin to the right corner of the cabin to another barrel standing there. If everything is done correctly, changes will occur in the cabin.

Nightmare two

From the chest standing to the left of the table, we take out the spider egg. We place it on the highlighted image in the picture, which can be found on the table. If everything was done correctly, a spider will hatch from the egg. Next we approach the bed. A dead dog should fall from somewhere above. We take the corpse of the animal and place it on two hands - something like an altar. After a moment, a black hole will appear on one of the walls, sucking in all objects. We run in the opposite direction from the hole to find ourselves in a dark corridor.

Nightmare three

In the corridor we find four hands coming out of the walls: two on one side and two on the other. Standing facing a closed door (not the one through which we got here), we number our hands as follows. Hands 1 and 2 are on the left wall (1st hand is closer to the door), and hands 3 and 4 are on the right wall (3rd hand is also closer to the door). Then we raise the palm of the third hand, then the first and second, and finally the fourth. As a result of such actions, the corridor will be illuminated. All we have to do is turn the valve next to the closed door and go into the next part of the nightmare.

Nightmare Four

We lower the lever attached to the wall. The lights in the corridor will go out, and we will be able to see multi-colored circles on the floor. There are three barrels in the corridor; you need to place them on some circles. Upon careful observation, we will find that the three circles are highlighted in a greenish-blue color. We put the barrels on them. Then we turn the valve on the wall and move on.

Nightmare Five

We go into the pool, slightly filled with blood. We raise our heads and notice a switch on the ceiling. That's what we need to get to. We go up the stairs to the upper level. Turn the valve on the wall to fill the pool completely with blood. We dive and swim to the switch. We transfer it to another position, and then quickly return to the stairs to get out of the pool along it. We go to the exit from this room to the sixth part of the nightmare.

Nightmare Six

The worm will start chasing us. There is no time to think, we act very quickly. We jump in any order on the moving platforms to eventually get to the door. Having passed through the door, we drag the barrels to the locked door and then stand near wooden fence closer to the wall. The worm will break through the door and crash into the barrels and fence. One might assume that the worm will eat us, but in fact for some reason it will simply disappear. We go along the corridor to a large box. We move it to the side and take the dynamite lying behind it. Next, we jump over the fence and go to the exit, illuminated by bright light.

Getting out of the sewer

Having come to our senses, we will again find ourselves in front of the same dried pool. We go down into the pool. We use six boxes to build a bridge to the other side. We go back upstairs. Turn the valve to fill the pool with water. Then we move along the boxes to the other side of the pool. Next we go along the tunnel to the place where a hatch will be visible on the ceiling. We move the large box under the hatch, and place the small boxes next to the large one. We jump onto them, then onto the large box and through the hatch we get out of the sewer.

Dr. Swanson's room

We find ourselves in the bathroom. We take out the batteries from the first aid kit. We go through the door into a room where there will be a computer on the table. It's not working yet. Apparently there is no power. We find an electrical panel on the wall. We rearrange the cartridge in it from the right slot to the central one. The light in the room will turn on. We try to start the computer, but it still won't work. Let's look around the room. Behind the TV on the floor we find a set of batteries, in the drawers of the table there is another set of batteries and a signal cartridge. We come back to the electrical panel. We move the cartridge from the central slot to the left. The lights in the room will go out, but now you can use the computer. On it we will find a voice message from Swanson and one text file. We save the game using the artifact standing on the table and go out through the door into the corridor.

Arsenal and computer center

We will find ourselves in the complex we were in in the first part of the game. There are many rooms and confusing corridors. We navigate through all this diversity using maps hanging on the walls. After listening to the speech of the voice that has settled in our head, we look around. To the right along the corridor we will find a locked library door, to the right of which there is a retinal and fingerprint scanner. We go to the right of the library. Very nearby you will find the door of the Arsenal (Armory, the place is marked on the map as R109). Inside, to the right of the door, we take out a signal cartridge from the cabinet; another one will lie on the shelf of the rack. In the far part of the arsenal, from the bottom shelf of the rack, we take a saw. Having taken it, we immediately hide behind the boxes on the left, as a creature will appear in the corridor. We wait for the creature to leave, and then we go to the closed door of the infirmary (Infirmary on the map). We remember the number 3061, written on the door of the infirmary, and go to the computer center (Computer Central on the map).

Along the way, on the right side there will be a door to the locker room. There, under the bench we find the 2nd secret artifact, and in one of the drawers there are batteries. There will also be a document under glass on one of the walls. We lift the stone from the floor and break the glass with it. We take the document with us. We leave the locker room and finally reach the computer center.

Let's go inside. We go to the door on the left. An infected scientist has settled in the room behind this door. He wants the saw we already have. But we’re not giving it away yet. Instead, we go right along the corridor. In the first room, from the bottom shelf of the rack standing on the left wall, we take the manual. We go further into a room with two computers, one of which will be working and will be useful to us later. In the drawer of one of the tables we find a set of batteries, and in the closet with drawers- pain reliever. From this room we can get into the other two. Open the door of the room on the right. There's nothing special inside except for the column in the center. It will also come in handy later. We go into the room on the left. We take out 3 burnt boards from the server in the corner. Let's return to the scientist. We put the saw in the box to the right of the door and quickly walk towards the room with a column in the middle. We hide behind this column and wait for the arrival of the monster scientist. When he enters the room and comes as close to us as possible, we run out of the room and press the button to close the door. The creature will be locked up and will not bother us anymore.

We go into the room where the monster scientist was. In the desk drawer we find a set of batteries, and on the table, in addition to the still non-working computer, there is an artifact to preserve. In one of the four drawers on the left we find a green board, on the table there is a red one, and on the shelf on the right there is a blue one. We take all three boards and go to the only working computer. Now our task will be to program all three boards. Reading the manual we recently found. It tells you which boards you need to download certain programs to. We insert the board one at a time into the computer system unit and click on the monitor. Then select the desired program and click on the “Transfer” button. Having written all the necessary programs to the board, click on the “Compilation” button. If the correct programs were selected, the board will be programmed; if not, then an error was made and some programs need to be added or removed. Here is a list of necessary programs for the three boards:

Blue - Antivirus, Firewall, Socket Protocol, Circuit Setup, Net Locator.
Green - Admin Tools, File Streamer, CMD Interface, Circuit Setup.
Red - Disk Info Setup, Hardware Locator, Circuit setup.

Having programmed one of the boards, we take it to the room on the left and insert it into the server from which we pulled out three burnt boards. Having programmed three boards and inserted them into the server, we return to the room of the monster scientist. We use a computer that came to life after our actions with the server. We read all the text files on it, and also run the executable file “Doorlock controller.exe”. We enter the infirmary number 3061 that we remembered to open the door there. We leave the computer center.

Gas mask in storage

We go to the storage (Storage on the map). Along the way, we will notice a door on the left side, from behind which threatening sounds will be heard. Let's remember this fact and go into the storage room. Inside we notice another laser trap. It will not be possible to deactivate it; you will have to build a pile of boxes and beams and move along it to the other side of the trap. Having done this, we take the signal cartridge from the shelf of the first rack on the left, and the hidden 3rd secret artifact from the top shelf of the last rack. We are in no hurry to enter the next room. IN doorway we notice on the floor metal plates, and above them is a container suspended from the ceiling. If you step on these slabs, the container will fall right on us. To avoid being flattened into a cake, we place boxes and barrels on the slabs until the container falls. Then we place a couple of boxes in front of the container so that we can climb onto it, and from there into the next room, where, by the way, a laser trap is also installed.

In the room we find an artifact to save, as well as another document. We approach the wall on the left, we notice a switch on it. We drag a large box under it and, having climbed onto it, lower the switch. With this action we will deactivate the laser tripwires in both rooms and will be able to go into the room where the dead scientist lies. But we are not in a hurry to rush headlong into it, since in this case we will suffer the same fate that previously befell the scientist lying on the floor. Instead, we open the door and let the poisonous gas escape. When the poisonous cloud disappears, then it will be possible to enter the room. There we select a gas mask lying on the corpse. That's it, there's nothing else to do in the room. The existing switch does not activate anything. We leave the room, climb onto the container and, jumping into the first room, we notice a spider egg that has come from somewhere. We quickly run to the exit, out of harm's way.

We find the scientist's hand in the engine room

Remember the door from behind which threatening sounds were coming? So, now the creature will jump out of there. We rush headlong along the corridors to the entrance to the engine room. In the inventory we click on the gas mask to put it on, and only then do we enter the engine room, otherwise we will die from the poisonous gases. We walk along the corridor and notice a valve on the wall on the right. An attempt to turn it will end in failure. We go further until we find the grate. If the gas has dispersed, you can remove the gas mask. Behind the barrels on the right we find a crowbar. We insert it between the grate and the wall, and then with a sharp movement we tear out the grate. We go into the room. On the table we find a computer, an artifact to save, and in the desk drawer there are batteries. We turn on the computer, run the executable file “Steam pressure statistics.exe” on it and switch the valve control to manual mode (“Manual mode”). Next, run the executable file “Steam pressure operations.exe”. In the list we find the valve numbered “45-31” and unlock it (“Unlock valve”). We return to the valve that we came across in the corridor and turn it to the limit.

Now we find a door nearby with a broken electric lock. We open the door and notice another corpse of a scientist in the room. When we get closer to it, the door of the room will automatically close and we will feel the earth trembling. Get ready: a huge worm is rushing towards us. We press ourselves against the transformer on the side where there is no switch, and wait for it to appear. The worm will appear on one side, then on the other, and so on. We will be interested in his appearance to the left of the place where we are hiding. Let's do the following. When the worm disappears for a while, we stand near the passage on the left, thereby luring it (there will be a bare cable on the ground in front of this passage). When we feel that the earth is shaking, we run up to the switch and lower it. We hold the switch in this position until the worm is fried. Then we select the scientist’s hand lying in front of the worm. We put our finger on the scanner near the door and go to the exit engine room.

Visiting the infirmary in search of the scientist's head

Leaving the engine room, we will find in the corridor the corpse of the scientist whose hand we “confiscated”. Without regretting anything, we go to the infirmary. We remember that we opened the infirmary door in the computer center. Once inside, we jump onto the black box on the right, so that from it we can jump and grab the artifact lying on ventilation pipe. We approach the beds. On the chair standing between them will be a medical bracelet that monitors the pulse of the person wearing it. We take the bracelet with us and put it on ourselves in our inventory. We go to the toilet. From the cabinet on the right we take out the signal cartridge. Let's go out. We go into the office, located further than the toilet, but on the same side. On the table we find a computer and an artifact for saving the game, and in the desk drawer there is a manual for the cryo-chamber. We study the manual and understand that we will not be allowed inside the cryogenic chamber alive. Turn on the computer. After listening to the message from Swanson, we read the text file “Chemical Test.txt”. In it we find a paragraph about the substance “Viscae Somnus”, which slows down the heart, that is, makes a person a living corpse. All that remains is to find this substance - and you won’t have to go far. It lies in the medicine cabinet, which is still closed. No problem: grab a bucket and use it to break the glass in the closet. We take the substance we need from the shelf, as well as a couple of painkillers. We approach the closed doors of the cryogenic chamber. In the inventory, combine the syringe with the substance “Viscae Somnus”, and then click on the syringe a couple of times to inject yourself. Philip will fall, but will soon rise as a living corpse. The doors to the cryogenic chamber will open and we can go inside. We take batteries from the shelf on the right. We press the button at the entrance to the next room, and then the second button inside the room itself. We find batteries in the desk drawer. We lower the lever attached to the wall. A small chamber will open, in which the frozen head of some scientist will lie. With a sharp movement, we tear off the head frozen to the stand and put it in our inventory. Let's go to the library.

Library and way up

On the scanner to the right of the library door we use the head and hand of scientists. Let's go inside. On the table on the right we find a table with an artifact to save. We open the desk drawer and from there we take out a letter in an incomprehensible language. We examine bookshelves on the left wall of the library. We find the only slightly extended book and pull it towards us. A secret room will open. Let's examine it. Inside we find the corpse of Philip's father. We take the last note from him from the table. We find batteries in the desk drawer, and a signal cartridge on the shelf. Click on the button on the wall. She will open the exit from the library. We go to it, raise our heads to the ceiling and notice the 5th secret artifact. We drag a couple of boxes from the secret room to the bookcase opposite the exit from the library. We climb along them onto the bookcase, and from it we jump to the secret artifact and capture it. We leave the library.

We find ourselves in front of the forests. We take the large board lying on the lower level of the scaffolding on the right, and place it on the large pipe. It turned out to be a swing. On the side further from the scaffolding, we put a couple of boxes. Now we run along the board and jump onto the scaffolding. We move the tin sheet to the side and pull the lever that was hidden behind it. The stairs will go down. We climb up it. We overturn the walkway on the right so that it is in a horizontal position, and move further along the walkway. The corpse of the scientist will fall on us from above again. We climb the stairs to the very top. The stairs at the top will be broken, so we jump onto the ledge behind us. We dump a stone block in the shape of an icicle onto the scaffolding, but do not rush to climb it. We go to the right edge of the ledge and from there we jump onto the platform where the 6th secret artifact lies. We return to the ledge and this time climb up the boulder. To the left of the exit to the street, we clear away the rubble to get to the computer. On it we listen to a message from Swanson, and then go outside.

How not to freeze in severe frost

We run to the guardhouse on the left. There we take an aerosol can from the shelf. We leave the guardhouse and cross the ice bridge to the other side of the gorge. The bridge behind us will collapse. We go into a house nearby. We take painkillers and a lighter from the shelf. Before we get completely stale, we use a lighter to light a fire in a barrel with a flammable substance. That's better. Having warmed up, we leave the house and run left to the rock. There we find ledges along which we can cross back to the other side of the gorge. We return to the first guardhouse. There, using a lighter, we also light a fire in the barrel. In your inventory, combine a lighter with an aerosol can to get something like a burner. We leave the gatehouse to go to the mechanism responsible for the retractable bridge. The lever on the mechanism is frozen tightly. We heat the lever with a homemade burner and then pull it towards ourselves. Having crossed the bridge, we head to the house on the left. We light a fire in the barrel as usual. We pick up a piece of cloth from the floor. In the inventory we combine it with alcohol. We leave the guardhouse and then move to the entrance to the second base. Entrance door will be covered with frozen snow. We drag a barrel with an explosive substance to a block of ice. We insert a wick into the barrel, that is, a piece of cloth soaked in alcohol, then set it on fire and run back to a safe distance. We go to the base.

Base inspection

We go down the long stairs. We study the map with the plan hanging on the wall. We go to the research center (Research Room on the map). When we stand outside the door, Miss Swanson will speak to us. The entrance to the research center is closed and can only be opened with a magnetic card. We need to find her. We go to the nursery (Kennels on the map). Once in front of the stairs, we go into the room on the right. There, from a garbage barrel we take out the 7th secret artifact, hidden under a bag of garbage. We go down the stairs and go into the nursery.

We find a magnetic card in the nursery

Don't be afraid, we won't meet anyone in the nursery if we follow the safety rules: don't walk along dark corridors, plug holes in the walls. In the first dog house on the left we find the 8th artifact. We go into the corridor on the left. The little man in our head will turn off our vision, and for a short time we will admire only darkness. When vision returns to normal, we approach the darkness in the corridor. Philip will not want to go further - and rightly so. We go back and go along another corridor, in which we will find two holes on the sides (do not turn into the corridor on the right, this way we will get to the dogs!). We go into the room with the generator. On the table we find batteries, as well as a research report. After reading it carefully, we learn that various creatures appear through holes in the wall. But as long as the light is on, they will not appear. WITH top cover We take out batteries from one of the generators. Then we press the button on the light control panel to illuminate the dark corridor that Philip did not want to go into. We leave the room and notice that the corridor is immersed in darkness, which means that creatures may appear. We return back to the room and turn on the light in this corridor. We pass through the corridor to the end. On the right we find a dark room with handprints on the wall. We take out two heavy boxes from this room and use them to plug the holes in the wall. Now we turn on the light in the dark corridor and go there. The scientist's corpse will fall on us again. We go around it and stop at the bend of the corridor. Let's see. The lamps in the corridor light up one at a time, which means that we will have to walk along the corridor only when the lights turn on. This is the only way the creatures won’t do anything to us. Having walked completely along the corridor, we go into the room at the end. There will be another corpse lying there. We select batteries and a magnetic card from the floor near it. We go back around the world and leave the nursery. Climbing up the stairs, we may encounter a creature patrolling the corridor. Having carefully passed this dangerous area, we go to the research center.

Meeting with Amabel Swanson

We use the magnetic card on the reader to the right of the door and go inside. In the toilet on the right between the wall and the wall of the toilet stall we find the 9th artifact. In the room we search all the drawers and cabinets to find painkillers, batteries and a signal cartridge. We are trying to enter Amabel's office, but the door is locked. Well, there is only one room left that we have not yet examined. Let's go inside. A creature will jump out of the next room, which is probably Amabel. Hopes of finding the person disappeared. But don’t relax, the monster needs to be taken down. We run up to the valve on the wall on the right and turn it to the limit to lift the load upward. Most likely, you will have to make several passes. We constantly evade the monster while running. When the load is lifted, we lure the creature to the room from which it came, and then we run to the valve. We wait until the creature is under the load, and then we pull the lever. We search Amabel's corpse and find the key to her office. In the utility room on the right you can find batteries. We leave the room into the central room and use the key to open Amabel’s office. Let's go in. From the shelf on the left we take the signal cartridge, as well as batteries. We search the desk drawers, then turn on the computer. We read the file “Antidote.txt” and find out that a special component is needed to create a vaccine. Next, run the “Doorlock controller.exe” file and click on the “Unlock” button opposite the only closed door. You can also find the protected file “Schmup.exe” on your computer desktop. The password is given only when we collect all the artifacts (there are 10 of them, we collected 9) and only after replaying the game will it be possible to run this file. But if such a desire does not arise, then here is the password - xor451. That's it, we've sorted out the research center. We go to the chemical laboratory.

We obtain a component for the vaccine in a chemical laboratory

Going inside, on the floor on the left we will find an artifact to save. We put on a gas mask and in the corridor we find a leaky pipe from which gas is escaping. We go back and find part of a pipe and a stone in a pile of garbage. We grab the stone and go to the damaged pipe. Using a stone, we break out the holey section of the pipe, and at the same time the pipe cover on the right. Now we select a section of a whole pipe from the ground and install it in the place where the old one was. When the cloud of poison dissipates, take off the gas mask and go through the door ahead. There will be a creature wandering around in this room. Our task is to quietly pull the lever, which is located in the central corridor, and go through the door. Having done this, we will find ourselves in a room that is monitored by surveillance cameras. The task this time is approximately the same - pull the lever and go through the door into another room. The main thing is not to fall under the camera's field of view, i.e. under the green light. In the next room the task will be the same, only you will need to pull two levers. Having passed through this room, we will find ourselves in a corridor with excellent lighting. The creatures will spot us and give chase. We quickly run along the corridor and fly into the room. We close the door behind us and fill it with the shelving on the left.

On the shelf on the right we find an artifact for preservation, on the shelves on the left there are batteries and a signal cartridge, in the desk drawers there is painkiller, batteries and the 10th artifact. Behind computer desk we find an empty container. Let's take it. Turn on the computer. We launch the self-destruct program. We choose the options: yes, yes, yes, no, literally, yes. But the program will refuse to self-destruct. We approach the glass display case in the center of the room. Insert the container into the slot on the left. We approach the control levers and use them to control the probe. We pick up the blue substance and deliver it to the hole in the upper left corner. We dump the substance so that it ends up in our container. We take a jar of substance. We approach the valve on the right on the wall. Turn it and a metal door will open. Somehow the self-destruction program will turn on. Let's get away. We pass through the metal door and run along the corridor to the exit. Philip will start to feel sick again, but that shouldn't stop us. We run to the research center (on the Examination Room map), breaking away from the pursuit of the creature.

We create a vaccine at a research center

We need to find six components. We examine the desk drawers. We find batteries and a jar of nitrogen. In the next room, on the table behind the books, we find a jar of sulfur. On the bookshelf to the right of the picture we find batteries. We go into the back room. On the shelf we find a jar of iodine and a signal cartridge. We leave the back room. In the room we remove the picture from the wall. A ventilation shaft will appear behind it. We crawl along the shaft to the next room. From there we go to the utility room, where we take a can of chlorine from the shelf. We leave the back room. We remove the chairs that stand in front of the door leading to the room with the painting. We go into the room where the corpse of the creature lies on the table. To the left of the door in front of the cabinet we take a jar of bromine, and from the shelf on the right we take out a jar of acetone. All ingredients have been collected.

We approach the machine that produces the vaccine. We insert a jar of the substance into the slot at the bottom left, and pour all six ingredients through the hole at the top of the device. Now we read the manual from Amabel, which is in our inventory. The six ingredients in it are written in this order: acetone, chlorine, sulfur, iodine, nitrogen, bromine (1,2,3,4,5,6). And you need to mix the ingredients here: chlorine, acetone, iodine, bromine, nitrogen and sulfur (2,1,4,6,5,3). The manual will also contain a note that the bottom row of buttons is not 4,5,6, but 6,5,4. We number the buttons on the device: the top row is 1,2,3, and the bottom row is 6,5,4 and press the buttons 2,1,4,6,5,3. If the mixing of substances has occurred correctly, then we place our hand on the scanner on the device. Now we leave the room and quickly, quickly run out of the research center. They will be waiting for us in the corridor.

Riddles of Tuurngait

1. We need to get out of the cell. We look at the wall on the left. We sit down and pull out a stone from the wall. We speak with the prisoner. We take the crowbar lying in our cell and pass it to the prisoner through the hole. Soon this man will open the cell for us. We are going free.

2. We need to go through the wooden door, which is closed. We wind along the corridors until we come to a large corridor along which the creature will walk. When the creature goes to the right, we run along the large corridor to the left until wooden door. We turn right and there, behind the three columns, pull the lever. The bell will ring. The creature will run to the door and knock it down. We follow her.

3. The task should be completed quickly. The point is to sacrifice yourself. On the left we see a door, behind it there is a slab on the floor. We run around the corner, find a stone there and drag it to the slab. The door will open. We run into the room and pull the lever. We quickly run out, take the stone and drag it into the room. There we put it on the stove on the floor. We pull the lever again and run along the corridor until we get fried. But that's not all, we will be reborn in another body. We drag the stone to the slab and go out the door. We walk along the corridor and notice ourselves on the floor. Go ahead. We place another stone on the slab. We pass through the room. Click on the sensor to the right of the next door and go out into the field.

End of the game

We find ourselves back in the research center. Listening to the conversations of the higher mind, we reach a room with a computer. We turn it on and start writing a letter. Here Philip will ask you to think a little. We examine the room, all the things and objects - and darkness will gradually fill the entire room. We finish printing the letter and send it to the addressee with a request to “kill them all.”

Penumbra: The Dark World is a rather unusual game. It stands out among others for its innovative management. In it you will have to do everything with your own hands - not press abstract buttons to turn a valve or open a door, but personally move the mouse. Almost complete interactivity, you see, is rare. Intriguing? Then let's take a closer look at the game.

Evil fauna

Hungry dogs

Where did the wild dogs come from in the abandoned mine, and most importantly, what do they eat there, is undoubtedly an interesting question, but it is not possible to get an answer to it, since all the people involved are missing. However, this is completely unimportant, because your first task is to stay alive. Besides, when you see the dog's burning eyes, you won't have time for research.

The easiest way is to sneak past. To do this, when the dog has moved a decent distance away, run from cover to cover - preferably on your haunches. If the dog gets too close, don't peek around the corner. Even if the animal does not notice you, the main character may panic and start running, which will certainly attract attention to himself. If the dog stubbornly refuses to leave, you can lure it away by throwing a piece of meat.

It is also possible to kill a dog, but it is much more difficult to do. The first way is to throw stones or other heavy objects. The problem is that the dog is running along a crazy trajectory and it is difficult to hit him. And the controls are not the most convenient.

The second way is to hammer it with a hammer or pick. But at the same time, the character loses all maneuverability, as a result of which he is easily bitten to death.

The third method, perhaps the most reliable, is to throw a stick of dynamite. But there are criminally few explosives; there is not enough for everyone. In addition, the dog dies only if it is at the epicenter of the explosion.

The fourth way is to kill the ferry, but this is only available in certain places. In addition, you will have to lure the dogs with meat, which adds nervousness.

The fifth method is a little dishonest: it exploits the shortcomings of artificial intelligence; but since the combat system is exceptionally crooked, it can be used without a twinge of conscience. Dogs are great at breaking down doors, but they can't jump on a box. Therefore, when you find a dog, grab the box or box you like and go to the animal. When the dog attacks, place the box on the ground, jump on it, squat down, take out your pickaxe and start swinging wildly in the hope of hitting the dog's spine.

A little time and skill - and the dog falls dead. Put away your weapon, take a box or a barrel there and stomp to the next dog. The method, of course, is incredibly clumsy, but given that you will often have to run between locations, it is better to get rid of the dogs at once than to crawl every time, squeezing into the walls.

What's interesting is that if a dog approaches the hero's hiding place, he begins to panic, but if you run into a suicidal attack, the character will not even get nervous...


Dogs are less common and cause fewer problems. Two hits with a pickaxe are enough to finish off the annoying insect. True, if three or four individuals gather, it’s a big deal - they’ll kill you instantly. Once surrounded, turn on your flashlight to scare away the spiders, or just run as fast as you can. Often, “sparkling heels” are the best solution to conflict situations.


They appear twice in the game and kill with one hit. It is useless to fight them, all you can do is run away. Remembering the meetings with these monsters, I would like to hope that they will not appear at all in the second episode. Brr, too disgusting and scary.


The plot of the game is made in the best traditions of Howard Lovecraft. At his mother's funeral, the hero receives a letter from his deceased father, who asks him never to come to the lost island in Greenland and to burn all his records. The son, of course, does the opposite - packs his things and flies to an island in Greenland. In general, we got into trouble seriously and for a long time.

It's only begining

Before heading to the abandoned base, you need to collect your things. Take the notebook from the table - a good researcher always takes notes so that later he has something to scare his descendants - and look at the map on the left. Then pick up the flashlight from the nightstand next to the bed, open the desk drawer and take the key.

Use the key to open the lock on the cabinet and take the batteries and lighting fixture from there. Open the drawer near the bed to get a letter. That seems to be all. This is called - prepared? What about food and warm clothes? Eh, unfortunate traveler. Leave the cabin and go straight. I advise you not to look around, the hero is gradually losing health from the frost. When you see the cobblestones, take one with you. When you reach the hatch, throw a stone on the ice to unlock the valve. Quickly open it and go down the stairs.

Use a flashlight or glow stick to look around the room. Go straight and try to open the door. Hmm, closed, we'll have to find a workaround. Take the steel rod from the shelf on the left. Open the box to reveal the first signal light and move the barrel aside to reveal the second.

Now exit through the door on the left. Pick up a hammer and move the cabinet away from the wall. The boards are preventing passage - well, it's time to use the builders' tools. Break the boards and crawl through the tunnel to the room. You don’t have to be afraid, nothing bad will happen to you, although the situation is nervous. You will find yourself in a room whose door was locked. Insert the steel rod into the mechanism and turn it clockwise. The door in the floor opened.

First danger

Ahead you will find a dungeon map. The central passage is closed, you don’t even have to go there, so go straight to the office (look at the map). Take the can of dextrin and the officer's report from the table. Quite an entertaining read that will clear things up a little.

Now begin to thoroughly search the room. Check every drawer and cabinet. You should find the following: a newspaper, a small key, a flashlight battery, two pieces of meat, a painkiller, a signal fire. Before leaving the office, save the game - the artifact is on the table - now there will be a meeting with the first enemy.

When you hear a howl, hide behind the boxes and wait for the dog to leave. Don't look around the corner, otherwise the hero will panic and give away his location. Then quietly sneak past and go to the warehouse. The door is closed, but voices can be heard there! Take the empty lighter and look at the drawings on the wall - this is clearly a direct guide to action. Go to the room on the left, turn right and take the painkiller and flashlight batteries from the storage room.

Then return to the room, remove the stones from the box and move it aside to open the passage. Jump into the tunnel... Although no, you will still need to get out somehow. Go left and pick up the ladder. Return to the hatch and attach the ladder to the hooks. The escape route is ready. Go into the tunnel again, but now turn right. After passing the dead dog, search the nook on the right to find the scientist's notes and a signal light.

Having reached the steam tunnel, move forward carefully - if you get caught in the stream, you will lose health. Once at the gate, use a hammer to knock down the lock and enter the room. Take the gas canister from the shelf and refill the lighter. Then find the flashlight batteries and turn the valve to shut off the steam. Return to the main tunnel and turn right. At the dead end you will find a sheet of notes. Return to the hatch. Hey, what's going on there?

Here it is, an unusual door behind which we will find the answers.

While we were crawling through the tunnels, someone was eaten here. But now the doors are open. Search two rooms to find an old key, two pieces of meat and notes from a young naturalist who will tell us that spiders have become big and very tasty. You can see for yourself that the insects are of indecent size by going into the next room.

There's nothing else to do here, so head back into the tunnel. Go to the central door, trying not to catch the dog's eyes. Open the lock with the old key you found. Once inside, close the door and fill it with barrels. True, this will not be particularly helpful, because as soon as you go further along the tunnel, the dog will break down the door. You will have to quickly run, hide and wait for the dog to calm down.

Having calmed down and made sure that there is no pursuit, sneak into the tunnel to the right of the central entrance. There you will find a keg of TNT. Drag him into the blocked tunnel and push him into a pile of stones. Great, half the work is done. Now you need to figure out how to detonate the charge in order to survive yourself. Go to the workshop, grabbing the notes along the way that lie in the tunnel. Enter code 8412 to open the door.

Take the silk thread from the shelf and go into the room on the left. Scatter a bunch of stones and pick up a pickaxe. Here it is - a weapon of retribution! You can try it out, there is a wooden barrier nearby. Next we need to get over the electric fence, which was protecting someone from spiders and dogs. You can't just jump over, you'll have to use your head. To begin, place two boxes in front of the fence. Then go to the far tunnel, drag three boards from there and place them (there is also a signal light there) so that you can walk along them (see the picture to understand the design).

Once over the fence, remove the battery to turn off the power. Break the door and go into the room. Take the dynamite from the box to the right of the door and the painkiller from the shelf and break the barrel of gunpowder with a pickaxe. Dip the found thread into a jar of dextrin, and then roll it in gunpowder. The fuse is ready, you can blow up the barrel. Return to the main tunnel.

Walk around the dog carefully. Of course, you can try to kill her with dynamite, but now there is no need for that. Insert a fuse into the barrel, light it with a lighter and run for cover. After the explosion, go to the resulting opening and jump into the tunnel.

Deep in the tunnels

There are no dogs in these tunnels and there won't be any dogs unless you start searching the containers. In one of them sits an unpleasant fanged surprise. Therefore, out of harm’s way, immediately stomp into the generator room. Take the batteries from the shelf, the instructions for the generator and save the game. Look at the battery box. You can’t open it that easily, you need to look for an original way.

Take the pickaxe, break the fence near the hole and look down. Wow, what a height! Push the box, then go down into the pit and pick up the battery. I wonder how it still works after such a flight? However, it doesn’t matter - insert it into the panel with indicators and try to start the generator. The plugs are knocked out, you'll have to look for new fuses somewhere.

Leave the generator room and go to the storage room. Remove the trash from the shelves and take two pieces of meat (is anyone complaining of hunger? You better look!), a signal light, batteries and a brochure. You can also take a mop, you can even fight with it - however, the weapon is weak, and it’s not a fact that you can finish someone off with it. Look at the fuse box - it is empty, but the plugs are clearly somewhere nearby. Stack the boxes on top of each other to search the top shelves; The fuses are right there.

Then move to the communication center. Take the walkie-talkie from the table, read the note and turn on the radio. Using Morse code (you found the sheet with the description a little earlier), you can decipher the message - 5738, this is the code for the lock. The locked door is not difficult to find, it is in the middle of the cave, but you cannot open it because there is no electricity.

So go to the generator room. Insert the fuse and remember what was written in the generator control instructions. Mentally number the valves from 1 to 5 (the first one closest to the door, the fifth one closest to the battery). Now turn on in the following order - 4,3,1,2,5, then apply power. It became lighter and much more pleasant.

Go to the door and listen to what Red has to say. Then enter the code, but so that the dog does not notice. If there is dynamite left, you can finish off the dog, otherwise you will have to slip past. Go left, avoiding the dogs - alternatively, destroy them with a pickaxe and a box - and go into the excavation room.

Take the piece of paper from the table and save the game. Now we need to somehow climb up. Take a long piece of ladder, climb onto the box, jump up and hook it onto the hooks. But you won’t be able to climb it yourself. Therefore, you need to place a long box (it is slightly higher than the others) at the edge of the natural altar, and lean another box against it. Grab the third box, drag it onto the natural altar and push it onto the previously placed boxes. You should get a pyramid - like in the picture or something similar. Climb onto the top box and climb up the ladder.

Once in the cave, go into the tunnel to the right and block the entrance with a boulder. Run left. Once out into the cave, take out a lighter and set fire to the spilled kerosene. This will burn the spiders that follow, just be careful not to burn yourself. Plug the far passage with a boulder and run into the opened passage. After going a little further, grab a small boulder and throw it into the acid to get to the other side.

When you hear the noise, run as fast as you can - a boulder is rolling behind you. At the fork, turn left, give way to the boulder, run away and fight off the attack of the rabid spiders. Then go into the tunnel to the right and break the boulders with a pickaxe to move on. Finally, jump down the hole to leave these damn caves.

One step forward

Listen to what Red has to say and take the painkiller from the first aid kit. Take two signal lights from the small room, and then go to the warehouse. Collect two flares, batteries, three pieces of meat from the shelves. Then move the lid off the green box to the side, sit down and pull out the key from the side.

Go to the closed door - not the one with the boards - and knock it down with a pickaxe. Look at the steam and go right. Go to the control room, take two signal lights and the scientist's research on myths. Now you need to get into the ventilation hatch at the top. To do this, theoretically, you need to pull up two boxes, and put the third one with a crane. But this is too difficult, it’s better to create a design like in the picture. First, jump onto the boxes, then onto the wooden stand - and up.

Don't want to struggle with the faucet? You can get here this way.

Break the hatch and crawl to the right. Go down to the room where you couldn't get into because of the steam, take the gas canister and climb into the ventilation shaft again (you may have to put down boxes to climb onto the cabinet). Jump down, break down the grate and go to the door boarded up with boards. Break them and go out into the tunnels. Go to the storage room (see the map so as not to be mistaken). Take the saw, dynamite, signal light, batteries and a very strange report from the officer. What else does this mean?!

Now you must get to the auxiliary mine, but there are a lot of dogs wandering along the way. In general, prepare a box and a pickaxe. Having reached the blocked door, saw through the board and go to the mine. So we got to the drilling machine, which needs to be started. First, connect one end of the cable to power and the other to the remote control. Open the backpack, use the hammer on the canister and pour gasoline into the car. Insert the key into the control panel, pull the lever and wait for the drill to make a hole in the wall.

After passing the boards, turn right and, hearing a roar, run back. This is a worm that kills with one hit. Stand on a safe island and wait until the monster disappears into the depths. Go to the room where he crawled from and examine the door. It needs to be opened, but how? Go to the next hall and quickly run past the spider nest. You can wait until they hatch, run to the abyss and stand on the island in the middle. Spiders do not know how to crawl on boards and will boldly fall into the abyss.

In any case, after passing the spider nest and finding yourself in the back room, press the button. The sound signal hints that you need to run quickly. You have a little time to get to the door in the room where the worm crawled from. If you hesitate, it will close and you will have to press the button again.

Hot dogs

This area is full of dogs, but they can be dispatched relatively easily. To do this, look for a steam installation, throw a piece of meat into the cage and wait for the dog to come eat. You pull the lever to turn on the steam and the hot dog is ready. True, often the dog reacts violently to the character, and not the meat, so a box and a pickaxe remain the most reliable way.

The first thing to visit is the tool warehouse. There you will find a screwdriver and wire cutters, and at the same time you can examine the locked door that leads to the iron mine C. We go there. But first we have to visit Mine 13. The passage is blocked, which forces us to take a detour through spider nests. There are many forks in the tunnel, so you will have to look for the exit at random. To prevent spiders from biting you, do not allow large concentrations of creatures. To do this, move forward not too quickly and use a flashlight.

Once in the room, search the cabinets - pay attention, some of the items are hidden under things - to find the following: a blank sheet of paper, four pieces of meat, two signal lights, a painkiller, two batteries, dynamite and miners' notes. Then dismantle the rubble - you will first have to move a piece of the wall - and exit the mine.

Move towards the oil refinery. You can get in easily, but you won’t be able to get out. We'll have to look for another way. Go to the control cabin and mentally number the levers. Let the top left be 1, the bottom right be 7. To raise all the pistons, you need to pull the levers in the following order - 4, 6, 7, 3.

Go along the conveyor and pick up two lighting lights and two batteries in the room. Also grab the spare engine and throw it onto the conveyor belt closest to the entrance. The engine will fall onto the top tier and knock down the ladder. Climb up it, take the engine again and block the fan.

After passing under the blades, take the engine and walk with it along the shaft. Then throw it down and put it in the mechanism. You will now come to a room with steam coming out of the floor. Look closely at the sequence in which the steam jets hit to create a path. Nothing complicated, the main thing is patience and observation.

After passing the hall, drag the barrels under the stairs, break the grate with an ax and crawl into the ventilation shaft. Once in shaft 12, immediately pull the cart away from the door and go to the cart. Use wire cutters to cut the chain and push the trolley down. She will make a hole in the wall, which will allow us to move on. In the room, read the note, then take the old newspaper from the box.

Use the newspaper on the locked door, then poke the screwdriver into the lock. Pull out the newspaper and take the key. Open the door for them and go into the room. After talking to Red, flip the switch. My God, poor scientist... However, there is no time to be sad, open the backpack and double-click on the empty piece of paper. This is how you will find out the code for mine C - 1371. Take the scientist's notes from the closet to better understand the nature of the worms, and go to the closed door.

There are dogs roaming the mine, so kill them with steam or a pickaxe while sitting on a box. In any case, you need to get into the chemical storage facility, but through the far door. Having walked a little forward, you will see a scene that directly hints that it is time to run - now a worm will crawl. Run into the room and click on the button on the right to close the gate.

Jump over the boxes over the acid (no need to throw anything of your own). Press the button to close the second gate. Quickly cut your way through the two barricades. Grab the box, throw it into the acid and jump to the other side. Use a pickaxe to hit the beam until the ceiling collapses. Everyone had a blast! You just need to act quickly, the worm catches up instantly.

Turn the valve until the door opens and enter the room. Read the note about chemicals and begin to carefully search the room (some of the items are well hidden). You must find two signal lights, a piece of meat and six bottles with reagents A, B, C, D, E, E. Save the game, leave the room and go to Lake Utukak.

When you reach the lake, search the backpack to get supplies and an interesting leaflet. Pay attention to the miner's last name. Really, friend? However, now we have more important things to do, we need to somehow cross the lakes. The ice is thin, so it's more likely to fail than not. Save the game and let's get started. Do you see boards scattered on the lake? They go from island to island. This is the safe way.

Walk on the ice, and when it starts to break, jump back. Then jump onto the floating ice floe and, before it sinks, onto the island. This way you will reach the opposite edge and see your hand in the ice. We need to get a crowbar somehow. Take out the saw and saw off the brush. Brr, what disgusting. In the backpack, carefully examine the mount - the name “Freeman” is engraved on the handle. Just beautiful.

Now stomp to the crematorium and use a crowbar to open the door. Turn left and jump along the boards for a long time. Once in the room, take two painkillers and a fuse from the drawer. Then pick up a glass flask and place it in the burner. Use the lighter to light the fire. Everything is ready, all that remains is to mix the chemicals correctly. If you read the notes carefully, you already realized that you need to use G and E.

The resulting mixture must be taken back, but very carefully - it will hit the wall, explode, and you will have to start all over again. So jump on the boards with triple caution. Having reached the crematorium, place the flask in the rubble, insert the fuse, light it with a lighter and run around the corner. After the explosion, go inside. The door with a T-shaped cutout looks symbolic, it immediately becomes clear what is hidden behind it... However, we need to go to the room on the right. After talking with Red, turn on the stove, and when it stops burning, take the key from the ash box.

Go to the room on the left, open the door and carefully examine the room. It has many interesting details. Read Red's notes that are in the table and go into the next room. Move the bookcase aside and use a screwdriver to open the shield. Then cut the wires with wire cutters and proceed to the T-shaped door. Open it with a crowbar. Read the note - it is on the floor - and go down the stairs. In the corridor, go forward until you notice the silhouette of a man...

Temporary oblivion is sometimes even useful - it helps not to lose your mind.

As soon as we get a little closer to the solution, grab the snake by the tail, so to speak, the game waves its hand over the final credits. It remains to wait for the second episode - it will be released at the end of 2007 - to find out about the fate of the main character and his role in the mysterious events.