Well      04/04/2019

Growing coriander from seeds is a simple matter for taste and benefits. How to grow cilantro from seeds

All kitchen workers know a wonderful spicy seasoning called coriander. Coriander comes from the cilantro plant. How to grow and care for her is the topic of our article. After studying it, you can easily understand how to grow cilantro right at home, no longer spending money on buying coriander in a store.

A little about cilantro

Like the famous spicy carrot, cilantro (coriander) has become famous thanks to Korean gardeners and cooks. In Korea, weed is said to prolong life. And this fact has been known for more than five thousand years! It's worth listening. Moreover, growing it is a very easy process, and you can grow it, as in open field in the garden in the country, and at home.

Possessing a rather pleasant aroma, the heroine of our article - annual plant relating to Umbrella. Not only seeds are fragrant, but also greens, because it is also used, both dried and fresh. Outwardly, cilantro is also pretty, so it may well serve as a simple decoration for your windowsill.

Video about the benefits of cilantro

The technology of working with cilantro divides cultivation into two stages. Before the seeds ripen, grass is grown for the sake of greenery (actually, cilantro). And when the seeds are ripe, they focus on getting coriander.

First of all, we select a place in the country that is well lit and free from drafts. Can also be planted in partial shade. So that the plant does not get wet before it ripens, you should not plant it in hollows, but best of all - on a flat or elevated area.

So that the soil is as suitable and nutritious as possible, it is carefully loosened and fertilized during the same process. One square meter such a site will require a nutrient mixture consisting of half a bucket of humus, which should be mixed with fresh wood ash (in a small amount). Preferring mineral fertilizers should take care of fertilizing the soil with them even at the stage of loosening the soil. One square meter will require 20-30 grams of fertilizer.

You can sow cilantro seeds at home any day.

Growing cilantro outdoors is possible only during the warm periods of the year, especially if it happens outside the home. Planting does not require special agrotechnical knowledge, especially considering that the plant often spreads even without the help of people. At home, you can sow cilantro seeds at all any day. Coriander seeds should fall into already moist soil. If it is not important for you personally to sow grass in rows, you can do it randomly. At the end, sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of soil.

When the first sprouts appear, the cilantro is thinned so that only the strongest coriander sprouts continue to grow. The recommended distance is approximately 7 centimeters.

Many lovers of delicious food ask how to grow cilantro at home. And here's how it happens at home:

  • In the first half of the first month of spring, choose a large container;
  • Plant coriander seeds in it about 7 cm apart and about 2 cm deep into the soil;
  • To achieve the effect of a greenhouse, place the container in plastic bag or just cover with foil. In addition, while the coriander is growing, it should receive maximum light, therefore, fluorescent lights are installed nearby.
  • As soon as cotyledon leaves are found on the sprouts, we remove the film. After 3 weeks you get edible greens.

As soon as cotyledon leaves are found on the sprouts, remove the film

Of course, coriander can also be planted in small containers, pots. For one such pot, two seeds are used. It is very easy to plant, since the seeds are quite large.

In addition, instead of a pseudo-greenhouse, you can use a real one. Sowing in this case can be started by the end of winter, and the first shoots may appear after 2 weeks. Flowering sprouts will be found in forty days, and if planting begins in May or summer, this period can be halved. Growing cilantro at home is therefore somewhat slower than growing inside a greenhouse.

There are also a couple of additional conditions for greenhouse cultivation:

  • Sowing seeds should occur in increments of 8-12 cm;
  • Leave a space of a third of a meter between rows.

Sowing in this case can be started by the end of winter, and the first shoots may appear after 2 weeks.

Rules for caring for a growing culture

Water your green pets timely and regularly. It is enough to do this only twice a week, the main thing is to keep the rhythm, pouring on each square. meter for 5 liters of water. Watering is especially important for sprouts during the growing season. Watering is halved in volume as soon as the fruit ripens.

But what if you do not have the opportunity to water cilantro so regularly? For example, she may not be at home, but on suburban area. In this case, you need to mulch the soil so that moisture lingers in it longer.

Once again, we emphasize the importance of full coverage of the sown area.

Spicy fragrant greens are obtained only with good access to sunlight.

Although more or less it can be replaced by a day one - from lapm, which is especially important if coriander grows at home.

So, you have already figured out how to grow cilantro on your site or in your home walls, and took advantage of our recommendations. It's time to harvest!

  • To harvest in the form of spicy grass, you need to catch the moment when the plant is already well ripened, but flowering has not yet begun. This moment is easy to recognize by paying attention to the growth of coriander daily. If growth has stopped, then it's time. Experienced gardeners found that by this time the plant reaches about 20-22 centimeters in height.
  • It is best to cut grass in the early morning hours.
  • The knife must be well sharpened so as not to damage the plant in the process.

The best time to cut grass is in the early morning hours.

  • After cutting, wash the greens running water and dry well by hanging in bunches on a rope in a dry and dimly lit room. Darkness is needed precisely in order to preserve all the useful properties.
  • Keep cilantro dry, in an airtight container. glass container, and cut into pieces - just before cooking.

Video on how to save greens and cilantro seeds for the winter

The technology of growing cilantro for seeds at home and country conditions occupies one of the central places, therefore we will focus your attention on a couple important details. Firstly, the collection of seeds occurs when more than half of the umbrellas have already turned brown. Secondly, the collected is carefully filtered from foreign seeds and fragments of twigs, dried well, and then stored in a dry sealed glass container.

Now you know exactly how easy it is to cultivate cilantro, also called coriander, at home or in the garden, and you have familiarized yourself with all the intricacies of this process. A few weeks and you will no longer have to spend money on making your food tastier and healthier!

Cilantro or its second name coriander is a spicy annual plant that is successfully used in cooking as a seasoning for fish, meat, salads, etc. Due to the high content of vitamin C and minerals, this spice is also used in folk medicine, as an excellent diuretic and antiseptic. Dry seeds of this herbaceous plant are commonly called coriander, and its greens, regardless of whether it is fresh or dried, are called cilantro.

In the dachas and gardens of residents middle lane In Russia, most often you can find the following varieties of coriander planted in the ground:

  • Amber;
  • Long Stand RS;
  • Alekseevsky 190;
  • Caribe 215;
  • Cilantro.

Dry seeds of this herbaceous plant are called coriander.

There are other varieties. They differ from each other in the duration of ripening, the time of stalking, as well as in taste and content. useful substances. Sowing and caring for them will be the same.

They all grow well in light, pre-fertilized soils and can also be planted in sand. They do not require the creation of certain conditions for them.

Despite the fact that cilantro in our latitudes is considered exotic plant, it grows well not only in the country, but also on the balcony and even on the window. This makes it possible for those who do not have a personal plot to use its fresh greenery. all year round. But best of all, of course, is the sowing of this spicy herb produce in the open field, which before that needs to be properly prepared.

Light soils with a low alkaline environment are excellent for planting coriander seeds:

  • sandy;
  • loamy.

A bed for growing coriander is prepared in the fall

It will be great if, before planting this spice, other garden herbs grew in this place, for example,. The soil will need to be dug up and fertilized well, using sand, humus and fresh soil for this purpose. wood ash. As for the optimal location for growing coriander, hills or plains that are in the sun or in partial shade are well suited for this. Planting this plant in a lowland increases the risk that it will get wet before it has time to ripen.

A bed for growing coriander is prepared in the fall, clearing the soil from the last crop and additionally fertilizing the ground with potash salt. This will be the preliminary care of her. And you need to plant this garden grass in early spring when the soil is well moistened with melting snow and the first spring rains. Before planting, the earth needs to be loosened again, to feed it organic fertilizers and water thoroughly if necessary.

Seeds before sending them for sowing, for their best germination, it is recommended to soak in aloe juice. Sow cilantro in rows, placing them at a distance of 15 cm from each other, as shown in the photo. It is necessary to deepen coriander seeds into the ground by about 2 cm with a distance of 10 cm, consumption per 1 sq. m will be about 3 grams. Detailed video crops can be found on the Internet.

Video review of seeds

An excellent option would be to plant the beds with this spicy herb in turn. First plant one, after two weeks - the second, after another 2 weeks - the third. This will allow you to harvest cilantro several times during one summer season and have fresh herbs on the table all the time.

Cilantro, as well as leaf and petiole and other garden greens, needs regular, but not complicated care. There are several videos on the internet about this. Namely:

  • weed removal;
  • loosening the soil,
  • timely watering.

Watering is especially important in dry summers - due to a lack of moisture, the plant may not form a rosette by launching arrows. For an early harvest, coriander can be planted in a greenhouse, greenhouse, or simply under a film.

Care for freshly sprouted coriander seeds should be more thorough than for adult plants. They appear above the soil surface usually 2 to 3 weeks after they have been sown. During this period, it is important to remove weeds in a timely manner, which can destroy their fragile stems. And after they grow by about 5 cm, they can be additionally fed using nitrogen fertilizer for this. But before that, it is advisable to thin out the bed, removing weak sprouts. By the way, they can already be used in food.

Care for freshly sprouted coriander seeds should be more thorough.

When the young cilantro is fed, you can scatter mulch around the bed with it, this will prevent the growth of weeds and keep moisture in the ground. This is the whole care, to study the intricacies of which you can watch the video.

If this spicy herb is grown for greenery, then it should not be allowed to bloom, promptly breaking off the tied buds. If the plant is grown under coriander seeds, then, on the contrary, early flowering will only be at hand.

Cilantro is considered a garden herb with a long daylight hours. As it decreases, its intensive growth will also slow down. Therefore, those who plan to grow this spice for greens are advised to plant it as late as possible.

In late July, August and early September, flower stalks practically do not tie on it, and greenery, on the contrary, grows very violently. June is the perfect time to collect seeds. Accordingly, a bed should be planted under the coriander in early spring. Care for him will be somewhat more difficult, but the result is worth it.

Video on how to sow before winter


As mentioned above, by planting on your personal plot this spice can be counted on both for harvesting greens and for harvesting seeds. Both are used in cooking as an aromatic condiment. Greens from the garden, with the correct and timely planting of this garden grass, can be collected several times in one season, similar to how it happens. To do this, you need to cut off its green part when its growth stops, but flower stalks are not yet tied. This usually happens when the length of the stems reaches 20 cm. Then the cut crop should be washed, sorted, dried and sorted into bunches.

And to collect the seeds, you must first wait until they, as shown in the photo, take on a brown tint, and then cut the stems at the root, tie them in bunches and hang them on an oilcloth spread under them. As a result, the seeds crumble and all that remains is to collect them in a dry jar, where they will be stored. They do not need additional care.

Choose a season. The best time to plant coriander depends on where you live. Coriander will not survive in frost conditions, but it also does not tolerate heat. In temperate climatic zones it is best to plant coriander in late spring, in late March or early May. In tropical climates, coriander grows best during cool, dry periods of the year, such as autumn.

  • If the weather starts to get too hot, the coriander will start to bloom, so choose the right time wisely.

Prepare the area for coriander. Choose a spot in the garden where the coriander will receive plenty of sunlight. In the southern part of the garden, where the sun warms up quite well during the day, a little shade will not hurt. The earth should be dug up and well drained, with a pH level of 6.2 to 6.8.

  • If you want to work the soil before planting, take a shovel or rototiller and work the top layers of soil with five to seven centimeters of organic mulch, like compost, rotten leaves, or manure. Level the ground with a rake before planting.
  • Plant coriander seeds. Sow the seeds in a row about a centimeter deep, the distance between the seeds should be from 10 to 15 centimeters. The distance between rows should be about 30 centimeters. Coriander needs moisture to germinate, so be sure to water it regularly. It should germinate in about two to three weeks.

    • Since coriander grows so fast, you should plant a new batch of seeds every two to three weeks to ensure you have fresh coriander for the season.
  • Take care of your coriander. Once the seedlings are about two inches tall, you can fertilize them with a water-soluble nitrogen fertilizer. Do not overdo it with fertilizer, you only need a quarter cup for every seven meters of planting.

  • Don't let the coriander grow. Stop it by transplanting seedlings when they reach a height of five to seven centimeters. Pull out smaller seedlings and keep only the strongest ones, allowing them to grow 15-20 centimeters apart. Smaller seedlings can be used in cooking.

    • You can also prevent weeds from growing by spreading some mulch around the base of the plant as soon as they start to sprout from the ground.
  • Harvest coriander. Harvest it by cutting individual leaves and stems from the base of the plant, near ground level, when the stems are 10-12 centimeters tall. When cooking, use fresh coriander shoots, not old ones, as they can be bitter.

    • Do not cut more than a third of the leaves from the plant at a time, this can weaken it.
    • After pruning the leaves, the plant will continue to grow for at least two to three more cycles.
  • Cilantro (or coriander) appeared on our tables from Asian countries, where it has not lost its popularity for five millennia. Often it is even called Chinese parsley. This spicy herb goes well with meat, fish and vegetable dishes, giving them a unique oriental flavor. The herb is used both fresh and dried.

    This annual plant contains a high concentration essential oils and therefore has a wonderful, incomparable aroma. The spice is characterized by two incarnations: herbs and seeds. When a plant is grown only to the flowering stage, it is taken to be called cilantro. If the goal is to get seeds, then you grow coriander. In any case, the agricultural practices will be the same.

    Planting cilantro

    Despite the exotic origin, cilantro feels great in our latitudes and does not require the use of special tricks when growing.

    • The origin of cilantro suggests its love for sunlight, but the plant also feels good in slightly shaded areas. But under the dense canopy of trees and shrubs, the vegetation will slow down.
    • Too close groundwater or low-lying areas are not suitable for coriander. It is better to choose a place for the spice higher and drier, where surface water will not stagnate.
    • The plant prefers light soils rich in humus. Organics in the form of humus or manure, as well as the mineral component (wood ash) must be added immediately when preparing the beds. If you are not a supporter of organic farming, then you can also add phosphorus-containing and potash mixtures. Top dressing during growth is not recommended, as it can lead to the accumulation of substances harmful to human health in greenery. If the soil is too heavy and dense, add sand when digging. This will improve the structure of the soil.
    • Coriander feels best on soils with a neutral reaction. Too acidic soil is alkalized with fluffy lime, chalk or dolomite flour. Slightly acidic sandy loams or loams will have enough wood ash introduced as a mineral top dressing.
    • Sowing seeds is not at all difficult. They simply need to be placed on the ground surface in rows or randomly. You can plant the seed material into the soil with a rake or sprinkle it with sand - choose for yourself. In any case, it will germinate perfectly, which once again indicates the unpretentiousness of the plant. If last season you left a few plants for seeds and forgot to collect them, then cilantro will grow even by self-sowing.
    • To obtain seeds, it is better to grow coriander through seedlings. To do this, the seeds are planted in a greenhouse at the very beginning of spring. A month and a half after planting, the plants will already begin to bloom. You can plant coriander later (at the end of May). Then the plants will bloom in three weeks.
    • The seeding depth is no more than one and a half centimeters, and the distance between adult plants should be about 10 cm. If the seedlings have sprouted too often, they must be thinned out so that the plants develop better.
    • Late planting dates for those plants that are planned for seed production are unacceptable. Hot weather, which is often observed in the middle of summer, adversely affects the pollination process, and taste qualities plants during this period deteriorate greatly.

    Cilantro Care

    Unpretentious greens do not require special manipulations when growing. Cilantro will be quite enough regular loosening and weeding.

    Irrigation plays an important role. It is necessary to ensure that the plant always has enough water, otherwise the greens will be dry and hard. But you should not pour grass either, as this will lead to its oppression. Plants are especially demanding on moisture during the formation of stems and flowering. At that time good result gives an alternation of normal and "dry" watering, that is, loosening. But when the fruit ripens, the amount of moisture must be reduced.

    A good technique for maintaining soil moisture is its mulching, which allows you to prevent waterlogging.

    Harvesting cilantro

    The crop can be grown both for greenery and for seeds. Both are excellent spices fresh and dry. In order for the plant to have a characteristic aroma, you need to know when it is right to collect it and how to prepare it for storage.

    If you grow cilantro, then you plan to harvest greens. In this case, it is necessary to cut the grass before flowering begins. After the formation of ovaries, the taste of greens deteriorates significantly, and fruit ripening begins. Capturing this moment is quite difficult, so experienced gardeners It is recommended to collect leaves as soon as they reach a height of 10-12 cm.

    Harvesting should be carried out either early in the morning or in cloudy weather. Cut branches are collected in small bunches and hung to dry in the shade in a good draft. Make sure that the sun's rays do not fall on the spice, otherwise it will almost lose its wonderful aroma. Dried cilantro can be chopped later. In this form, it is much more convenient to store it in special containers with tight-fitting lids.

    Features of growing coriander

    If you are growing coriander, then there are a few additional conditions you should be aware of in order to obtain a quality seed crop.

    • When preparing the soil for coriander, in addition to the main components, compost should also be added.
    • In hot weather, it is necessary not only to provide watering, but also to prevent periods of drying out of the soil, as this seriously delays the ripening of seeds, and you may not have time to get a crop before the onset of cool weather.
    • Do not plan to grow both coriander and cilantro from the same plants at the same time. It is better to separate them, and collect greens from some, and leave others for seeds.
    • Proper agricultural practices (sowing, thinning, loosening and watering) will allow you to get a harvest by mid-September. The ripeness of seeds can be determined by their dark brown color.
    • Plants with ripe seeds, as well as greens, are collected in bunches and hung to dry in a dry and dark place, for example, in the attic. After drying, the seeds spill out, so under the “garlands” of coriander, you need to lay paper or oilcloth, with which it will be convenient to collect them. Part of the seeds remaining on the plants must be gently shaken out.
    • The collected seeds must be cleaned of debris and scales, and then stored in a dark and dry place. Use a container that closes tightly so that the aroma does not evaporate.