In a private house      06/23/2020

How to process the garden from mosquitoes. We fight mosquitoes in our summer cottage. Favorable conditions for mosquitoes on the site

With the approach of the summer season, generously opening windows and doors, alluring with the warm expanses of nature and exposing our swollen bodies during the winter, the mosquito squeak theme is gaining its frequency. And if we have learned to cope with this phenomenon indoors, then the riot of bloodsuckers in summer cottages and other areas continues to amaze with its scale. And in order not to swell completely, we open the topic - how to get rid of mosquitoes on the site?

Protection and comfortable rest not on their own territory (forest, pond, guests) - a separate story.

After examining the available information, it turned out that it was necessary to start bite prevention right now, until they bloomed. fruit trees, vampires did not multiply much, but landing useful herbs at it's peak.

We clean the site: an integrated approach

To free the site from annoying winged ones, you need to act in several directions at once:

  • exterminate the larvae
  • exterminate adults,
  • create a protective barrier.

You can’t do it all at once, so clean-up activities will have to be carried out in several approaches.

mosquito hunters

No matter how much we strive for an ecological solution to the problem and avoid the terrible word “insecticides”, the most effective and long-term way is to call a team of exterminators.

These nice guys in a short time will hive the territory, as well as adjacent bushes and other hot spots with a special solution that gets rid of mosquitoes, ticks, wasps and flies. The effect of this session of "insect therapy" is approximately a month and a half, then the procedure must be repeated. Twice per season is enough.

The disadvantage of professional pest control is the price, from 4000 rubles (this is in the Volga region), depending on the size of the territory and the planting of the site. It is possible and desirable to unite with neighbors, then the price will be lower, and the effect, so to speak, is wider.

It is important to check the weather forecast before ordering in order to avoid rain in the next 2-3 days, which reduces performance.

With a mustache...

If there is no desire to contact the offices, you can independently carry out pest control. To do this, you need to purchase any insecticidal agent: Medilis-Ziper or Cypetrin-25% or Eslanadez. The price is from 300 to 2000 rubles, depending on the volume.

These chemicals do an excellent job with the same insects. They are used in the area of ​​rest houses and children's camps - 2-3 days after treatment, the area is suitable for living. You need to process with a sprayer.

It is important to follow the instructions and carefully protect yourself from the sprayed solution.


  • Fences, trees, walls of the house, shed and other structures on the site and directly outside the territory.
  • Places hidden from rain and sun - shady corners, under awnings, canopies, cornices, woodsheds, ceilings of arbors and sheds, under awnings, etc.
  • Carefully fenced, it provides a protective barrier against stray insects, which die upon contact and landing.

In addition to the listed drugs, you can use the long-proven cheap option - Inta-vir (3 tablets per bucket of water), it contains the same cypermethrin as in pest control solutions.

Follow the rule- do not process what is supposed to be eaten earlier than 21 days later and, again, consider the possibility of rain.

The Threat of the Young Generation

Since mosquito larvae develop in a humid environment, primarily in water bodies, it is important to carry out actions to exterminate them. There are two options:


The larvae die without air. If you drop a few drops of kerosene into stagnant water (barrel, puddle, tank), it will completely cover the surface with the thinnest layer, cutting off air access. Itself, becoming a volatile compound, easily evaporates after a few hours, without harming the water.

Biolarvicide or bacticide

Biological exterminators of mosquito larvae. They are bred in water, the places where insects accumulate - bushes, ponds, shaded places are treated with a solution. The basis of these drugs is a special bacterium that contributes to the extermination of young individuals.

The drug is harmless to humans and animals. The effect of the application lasts up to one month, then the procedure should be repeated. Economical in spending, at a price of about 1000 rubles 30g.

Perhaps the most environmentally friendly option, especially in the presence of young children.

Additional measures: both beauty and benefit

A good additional option to scare away mosquitoes would be to plant certain plants in that area. For example:


Persian, Dalmatian or Caucasian chamomile is a genus of perennial plants of the Asteraceae and Compositae families. Planting is done with seeds in open ground. After the bushes have appeared, they are seated. The plant is unpretentious and easy to care for.


Like chamomile, they are unpretentious, undemanding to the soil, and you can find perennial variety. They bloom 1.5-2 months after planting. But it is better to plant them with seedlings, and not seeds directly into the ground.


She is lemon mint- perennial essential oil plant. It needs well-drained soil and can be planted as seedlings or seeds. Does not require special care, and how much use!

Lemon catnip

Also called catnip perennial. Emits a lemon scent with hints of geranium. If you want catnip to bloom this summer, plant seedlings, not seeds. Grows well in dry and light soil.

In addition to the listed "repellers", peppermint, geranium, lavender, basil, citronella and wormwood work well.

To reduce the number of breeding and hiding places for mosquitoes, mow the grass regularly, especially mosquitoes love nettles.

Modern lamps and mosquito traps can bring some benefit, but about them next time.

After the glory of the performed garden work I want to relax in the fresh evening air, sit on a bench near the house or in the gazebo. Everything would be fine, but annoying constantly buzzing and striving to bite mosquitoes do not give any rest. These bloodsuckers do not lag behind us not only on the street, but also at home, especially in the evening when the lights are turned off.

The disturber of the peace of summer residents is the common mosquito, also known as the pisk mosquito. Only the females, who need it for the development of eggs, bite and drink our blood. Males peacefully "graze" over the beds in search of plant juice.

Mosquitoes love moisture. Around the artificial reservoir, about summer shower and in the cellar the number of these blood-sucking insects will be higher.

Consider the main ways to get rid of mosquitoes:

  1. Take 1.5 liter plastic bottle without a lid and carefully cut off the top of it. We turn the cut neck over and put it in the remaining bottle with the neck down. Pour a glass inside warm water, add 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 1-2 g of yeast. We mix everything well. Many mosquitoes and other annoying midges will be securely tied up inside the trap.
  2. Mosquitoes are very repelled by the smell of essential oils. Keep an open tube of cedarwood, eucalyptus, anise, clove or basil oil in the room where you will sleep. For greater efficiency You can also rub it on different parts of your body.
  3. Install mosquito nets on all windows. At night, you can not only sleep without mosquitoes, but also breathe clean fresh air. Mosquito net are also sold for gazebos, tents and country swings.
  4. Plant in your garden more plants, repelling mosquitoes: bird cherry, marigolds, tomatoes, basil, chamomile, tansy, wormwood, mint.
  5. If the reason a large number mosquitoes on your site has become a pond or increased dampness, try to attract frogs and lizards to it. These animals are natural hunters of mosquitoes, with their large numbers, mosquitoes will almost completely disappear.
  6. Use plates or bottles for fumigators and turn them on at night. From my own experience I know that fumigators help with varying success, apparently mosquitoes quickly adapt to new similar drugs.
  7. Spirals appeared on sale, which are set on fire for 15 seconds before going to bed, then extinguished and left to smolder. The smoke emitted by them contains special substances that repel mosquitoes.
  8. Ultrasonic mosquito repellers, both battery operated and mains powered. Their range is different, so read the instructions carefully.
  9. Use repellents applied to skin and clothing. Among the well-known ones, we can advise: "Flop", "Argus", "Off", "Gardeks", "Fumitoks".

It is impossible to completely get rid of mosquitoes, but taking care of reliable protection just necessary.

Every time with the onset of heat, staying outside the city turns into a global problem for summer residents, how to get rid of mosquitoes on suburban area. These bloodsuckers itchy above the ear are able to spoil a pleasant pastime in the fresh air, whether it be relaxation or country work, even those who are not very susceptible to mosquito bite people, what can we say about sensitive allergies.

How best to rid your summer cottage of mosquitoes

There are a number of really working ways to drive away mosquitoes on the site of your dacha, both in the yard and indoors. But which one is suitable depends on the location of the cottage and its proximity to the water, because flocks of mosquitoes breed on the surface of the water. Also, the presence of an apiary or a pond with fish on the site or nearby imposes a restriction on the open spraying of most insecticides that can kill along with mosquitoes. beneficial insects and fish.

To feel comfortable in nature at any time of the day, you just need to arm yourself in a suitable way protect the site from flying bloodsuckers.

Methods for the large-scale destruction of mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be destroyed totally by resorting to disinfestation of a summer cottage. This method will help in parallel to rid the territory of the cottage from ticks, ants, horseflies, midges. To do this, they either call a team of professional exterminators, or carry out persecution on their own, having bought a suitable preparation, sprayer and protective equipment.

The services of a team that uses generators to create a toxic cloud will cost an average of 2,000 rubles for every 6 acres. Such a haze that will remain in the air for some time will destroy adult mosquitoes, larvae and egg laying throughout the summer cottage for up to 2 months.

With self-treatment of the dacha, professionals advise to carry out the mass destruction of mosquitoes with proven drugs.

"Bioneutral I 50" - a professional tool for the destruction of harmful insects and their larvae in your summer cottage

  • "Bioneutral I 50"- a concentrate for dilution with water and spraying a suburban area against mosquitoes. One liter canister is enough for 20 acres, the price is about 2000 rubles.

  • "Medilis Ziper" - a concentrate against mosquitoes for spraying in a diluted state both outside the site and inside country house. A bottle of 50 ml of the product will go to 10 acres, a package of 2 bottles of 50 ml each costs 500 rubles.

  • - a similar concentrated emulsion that can rid a summer cottage of mosquitoes for at least a month. Available in dosages of 50 ml, 1 liter and 0.5 liter, the price is from 300 rubles.
Note! These funds are based on a single active insecticide - cypermethrin with a concentration of 25%, which is dangerous not only for harmful insects, but also for bees and fish. Therefore, the instructions stipulate the conditions - when and how to process a site with an apiary or fish.

There are proven drugs against mosquitoes based on similar active pesticides:

  • - a domestic line of ready-made aerosols based on alphacypermethrin (0.12%), the consumption for the site is 50 ml per hundred square meters, the price is from 600 rubles;

  • "K-Otrin SC50" from Bayer - French concentrated suspension on deltamethrin (0.5%), consumption - 50 ml per hundred square meters, price over 2000 rubles.

Those who have a plot adjacent to a reservoir should pay attention to Biolarvicid-30 or Biolarvicid-100. It is a safe biological exterminator of mosquito eggs and larvae in water and in damp places, which does not have pesticides and processing restrictions. Jars of powder weighing 30 g, when diluted with water, will be enough to process 3 acres or 300 square meters. m of plot area, and jars weighing 100 g - per 10 acres or 1 sq. km. It costs 1 jar weighing 30 g from 1000 rubles, weighing 100 g - from 1500 rubles.

A professional pest control service is not cheap, however, the effect of their visit will last more than two months

Summary! Pros of pest control - a suburban area free from mosquitoes for at least 2 months, cons - the treatment is chemically unsafe and not everyone can afford it. It makes sense to resort to it if you constantly, throughout the season, live outside the city. For periodic trips to the country, it makes little sense to carry out pest control.

An alternative to poisons are folk remedies, with whose help people have long fought against flocks of mosquitoes. They do not require troublesome treatments, because they are based on scaring off bloodsuckers by generously planting plants in the area, whose smell the gnat does not tolerate. These are wormwood, thyme, tomatoes, basil, cloves, wood lice, tansy and mint, as well as elderberry and bird cherry.

Summary! The effectiveness of plants against mosquitoes is low, especially in the area near a source of water or dampness, so additional means are required for local protection against mosquito bites.

See also: most effective method mosquito control (video)

Means for local protection

Many summer residents have gotten used to how to deal with mosquitoes in the area in different ways. Some prefer fumigation with smoking coils, others have adopted electronic innovations or ultraviolet lights. Consider the pros and cons of each method.

These twisted tapes are made from a hardened wood flour paste that is impregnated with the insecticide Allethrin against mosquitoes. After arson and blowing out, the spiral begins to smolder and smoke, fumigating the space around, thereby preventing mosquitoes from flying up and preventing them from biting.

The effectiveness of the spirals is assessed as high - mosquitoes, even on approach, under the influence of poisonous smoke for them, get paralyzed and die before reaching the victim. In addition to mosquitoes, spirals perfectly ward off midges, midges, flies, wasps, hornets, gadflies from the site.

For a large company relaxing in the fresh air, it is advisable to use several spirals at once, placing them around the perimeter. One tape lasts from 3 to 8 hours of smoldering, depending on the strength of the wind.

Due to potential toxicity to humans, the use of coils requires caution:

  • it is harmful to inhale the smoke from the spiral for a long time;
  • it is unsafe to stay in close proximity to the smoldering agent for a long time - the distance must be at least 1 meter;
  • children, allergy sufferers and pregnant women should be placed on the leeward side of the smoldering spiral.

Inhaling caustic smoke, you can get nausea, vomiting, dizziness, bouts of lightheadedness and weakness.

Summary! The advantages of spirals are excellent performance against mosquitoes, the disadvantages are relative toxicity, a small area of ​​​​the site protected from mosquitoes, and a short duration of action.


For fans of progress, there is their own version of how to get rid of mosquitoes in their summer cottage. These are electronic devices that emit ultrasound - a person does not perceive them, and mosquitoes, according to the manufacturers, are afraid and do not fly up.

Devices differ in power, price, area covered, power supply method and shape. There are portable ones for wearing on the body, but according to reviews they give a dubious effect. More powerful for work at their summer cottage received mixed ratings - from enthusiastic to disappointed.

Consider some popular models.

  • “Weitech WK-0029” is a compact device that mimics the sounds of a male for biting females, which makes them fly away. Has volume control. Applicable indoors and outdoors. Coverage - up to 50 sq. m, powered by 3 AA batteries, price - from 2000 rubles.

  • "Typhoon LS-200" is a mosquito repeller with a similar principle, but functionally richer. There is an ultrasound range controller and power supply variations - 3 batteries, from the mains through an adapter or from the cigarette lighter in the car. Coverage is the same - up to 50 sq. m, price - from 1500 rubles.

  • “K3969” is a mobile and compact model with 3 frequency options. Operating radius - up to 5 meters, powered by 2 AA batteries, cost - from 700 rubles.
Summary! Pros - safety, cons - dubious effectiveness against mosquitoes, high cost.

UV lamps

Another advanced way to get rid of mosquitoes in the country is with ultraviolet bait lamps that kill insects that have got inside. According to the reviews of happy summer residents, these devices work one hundred percent - people on the site remain untouched. They are produced in the form of street lamps and lanterns, as well as night lamps for the room.

Despite wide choose for the street of ultraviolet mosquito exterminators, some models have become bestsellers among the people, taking root in many at their summer cottage.

"SITITEK Sadovy-M" - an effective ultraviolet mosquito killer that kills insects with a strong current discharge

  • “SITITEK Garden-M”- A UV flashlight that lures flying mosquitoes at night with ultraviolet diodes and kills those who get inside with a powerful current discharge (1200 V). Nutrition from solar battery or USB port, equipped with a power regulator. It costs from 5300 rubles.

  • - UV lamp from the mains with additional option a fan that helps to literally suck in an insect that has flown up. There is a removable tray for cleaning dead midges. The price is about 3000 rubles.

  • “Vitalex VL-8104” is a German powered flashlight equipped with two fans that leave no chance for flying mosquitoes and other insects. Covers up to 60 sq. m, costs around 2000 rubles.
Summary! Pros - absolute harmlessness to others, high efficiency against mosquitoes. Cons - work in the dark, high cost.

Ways to protect the body from mosquito bites

When visits to the summer cottage are not so frequent as to spend the weekend on a full-scale fight against mosquitoes, you can limit yourself to applying repellents to the body. External means are produced that protect against mosquito bites, in the form of creams, lotions, aerosols - the choice is huge.

The undisputed leaders in repelling mosquitoes in this segment remain eminent world manufacturers - Raptor, Moskitol, Gardeks, Raid. Do not lag behind in advanced developments and domestic brands - "Clean House", "Taiga", "Komaroff", "Slaughter Force", "Tornado", "DETA". These repellents are affordable, there is a special children's line.

The effectiveness of external contact means is the highest - they will save you from bites not only from mosquitoes, but also from other bloodsuckers. Apply a repellent in the form of a cream should be on parts of the body that are not protected by clothes, and aerosols are sprayed in stripes on clothes and on the body. Every 3 - 5 hours you need to resume processing - the repellent loses its "lethal" power during this time.

There are also precautions for repellents, since the active substance is relatively toxic to humans:

  • after application, you need to carefully wash your hands;
  • you can not touch food with processed parts of the body;
  • the agent is not applied near the mouth;
  • babies should not be allowed to lick off the product from the treated surface of the skin.
Summary! Pluses - availability, high result, protection from all bloodsuckers. Cons - short-term effect, toxicity.

An alternative to chemical repellents is the essential oils of plants whose scent mosquitoes fly around. These are cedar, lavender, anise, eucalyptus, mint, tea tree, valerian. They are periodically dripped onto the skin, but their effectiveness is low, so it makes sense to treat only babies and allergy sufferers. Vanilla is also praised - a bag of vanillin is mixed with baby cream and smeared on the body.

Summary! Pros - no toxicity. Cons - questionable result.

Ways to destroy mosquitoes inside a country house

In a dwelling in a summer cottage, there is also no end to mosquitoes, which interferes with proper sleep and rest. You can protect the cottage inside from bloodsuckers in several ways:

  • tighten all the openings with a net, hang a thick tulle curtain on the door;
  • turn on fumigators on plates or with liquid;
  • get a portable UV flashlight in the form of a night light, placing it between the window and the bed;
  • instead of a fumigator, use an aroma lamp by dropping the aforementioned essential oils inside (an option to replace an aroma lamp is a candle in the form of a flat tablet).

If the dacha, especially close to the water or to the forest, is too populated with mosquitoes during the off-season, and it is damp inside, then local pest control can be carried out in the rooms.

Summary! Fumigators work best of all, but windows and doorways must be impervious to mosquitoes.

Tips to help get rid of mosquitoes folk methods:

This article contains answers to all your questions and describes in detail, How get rid of mosquitoes in the garden so that they do not interfere with rest and work, as gardeners - young and old - are waiting for warm summer days, not without much trepidation. But as soon as summer appears on the calendar, an annoying problem arises in the form of mosquitoes, whose squeak often deprives a person of sleep until morning. Practice shows that there are not many mosquitoes in the city, however, summer cottages are another matter, where gardeners and gardeners encounter them everywhere.

Plants that repel mosquitoes

Initially, it is worth understanding that danger is not expected from all mosquitoes: only females are naturally endowed with a needle-shaped piercing proboscis, which they easily pierce the skin. They have a natural need for protein, which is in the blood. They also carry infections.

What cannot be said about males: having a not so sharp proboscis, they react only to the aroma of nectar and plant juice, where they receive the whole range of necessary useful substances. The latter most often live near water bodies or hide in the bushes, respectively, the aroma of blood does not attract them.

But time is not hastily moving forward, and humanity has not yet invented effective measures against mosquitoes. Therefore, most often gardeners and gardeners resort to already proven methods.

  • juniper;
  • fir.

In addition to conifers, the following trees are a repellent scent for mosquitoes:

  • Walnut;
  • chestnut;
  • elder.

Repels mosquitoes and the aroma of plants such as:

  • marigold;
  • sagebrush;
  • lavender;
  • black currant bush;
  • cat mint;
  • basil;
  • matiola.

The aroma of tomatoes in greenhouses helps fight mosquitoes. Even if mosquitoes get inside such a greenhouse, they still will not approach the source of the smell.

Watch the video! top 10 fragrant plants that repel mosquitoes

Chemical repellents against mosquitoes

The choice of chemical industry products from mosquitoes is great, eyes run wide from the quantity trademarks: starting with Cyfox, Dr. Klaus, Medilis - Zieper and ending with lesser known titles. Aerosols, fumigators, sprays or cream - which remedy is more effective depends only on personal preferences.

But you need to be careful when choosing a mosquito repellent. Nevertheless, chemistry always remains chemistry, so you should never neglect reading the instructions in order to avoid poisoning and allergies.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at home? As an alternative, there are insecticidal lamps. Their action is based on the use of open electrodes, the touch of which is deadly for mosquitoes. There are already devices that can be used both at home and in the yard:

  • Insect exterminator EGO-03 60W;
  • Insecticide lamp Camry CR 7932;
  • Mosquito expeller;
  • ThermaCELL Outdoor Lantern repeller.

Popular ultrasonic repellers of mosquitoes, rodents and other insects.

For those who do not sit still and like to go fishing or go to the forest for berries and mushrooms, bracelets equipped with special capsules are suitable. They are attached to the arms or legs, the most convenient to use and almost invisible. A person does not feel anything, but mosquitoes smell an unpleasant odor from the capsule and approach.

At home, you can connect fumigators- substances that exude a destructive odor. The most famous of them:

  • raid;
  • Raptor;
  • Vertox;
  • Picnic family.

Watch the video! Comparative testing of mosquito repellents


Folk remedies never lose popularity, which is not surprising: chemistry or use electric traps requires taking into account the recommendations and instructions, the use of aerosols, sprays and creams often causes damage to the body. So what is the means to protect the summer cottage so that its base does not contain chemical substances?

Advice! Mosquitoes can't stand the lemon scent. It is enough to lubricate the face and hands with juice to forget about the bloodsuckers for several hours and go about your business.

A drop of clove oil applied to the body also helps. The scent repels mosquitoes all the way to the next area. An alternative to oil is a deterrent:

  • in 250 ml of water, add 5 g of cloves (or a tablespoon of wormwood roots);
  • boil the mixture over medium heat for 25 minutes;
  • add a teaspoon of your favorite cologne to the liquid (it will mask the clove scent, but mosquitoes will still smell the clove).

Anise, basil, eucalyptus leaves in the form of aromatic oils will scare away uninvited guests no worse than lemon. But if you do get bitten. TOhow to get rid of mosquito itching? Tea tree essential oil soothes the skin after a bite, saves from itching: A few drops can be added to the cream to use every day, then the long-lasting fragrance will provide permanent protection against mosquitoes.

During outdoor recreation, you can throw a couple of coniferous cones or juniper branches into the fire, then family holiday will not overshadow the squeak of annoying insects.

Wormwood will also be an excellent protection against mosquitoes:

  • boil 1 tbsp in a glass of water. wormwood roots for 20 minutes;
  • before going outside, lubricate with a means open areas body.

Effectively keep mosquitoes away in the house and the use of ammonia will help on the site. Like essential oil, it is enough to apply just a few drops of the product to the skin so that mosquitoes do not interfere with gardening.

Advice! Before using ammonia, you need to make sure that the people around you tolerate its aroma.

Very good remedy if there is no allergy to vinegar: in 1 tbsp. shampoo add 1 tsp. vinegar, applied to the skin.

How to protect children from mosquitoes

Having gone to rest on the sea or to the dacha, parents are primarily concerned about how best to protect the child from mosquito bites. Not all protective equipment is suitable, and some are extremely dangerous. Aroma will help. apple cider vinegar. It is applied to the clothes of the child. Mosquitoes will prefer to fly away from the unpleasant odor.

Harmless to children and essential oil: in order not to spoil the clothes of the child, oil is dripped on the wrong side of the seams. The aroma will scare away bloodsuckers, and the clothes will remain safe and sound without characteristic oil stains.

How to get rid of mosquito bitesand reduce itching? After a bite, to alleviate the consequences, the body is lubricated:

  • soda solution: 2 tsp of soda is diluted in 250 ml of water;
  • a solution of vanillin will help: a pinch of vanillin is dissolved in a glass of water;
  • fermented milk products (sour cream, yogurt, kefir, yogurt);
  • juice from the leaves of plantain, parsley, basil, valerian, mint;
  • for adults, Validol tablet and Asterisk ointment are suitable.


These are the main methods of protection against mosquitoes, among which there are chemicals and folk ways. All of them are effective, it remains only to choose the right one and then rest in the summer cottage will not overshadow the annoying squeak above the ear.

Watch the video! How to get rid of mosquitoes folk remedies

What is the best remedy for treating a summer cottage from mosquitoes?

With the onset of heat in late April - early May, the period of mosquito activity begins. You need to be afraid of these insects not only for reasons of annoying squeaking and combing bites, mosquitoes are also carriers of diseases dangerous to humans.

Spraying the site with insecticidal agents will help to cope with mosquitoes, their larvae, which will positively affect living in the country. In order to get rid of insects for the whole season, there are several ways to destroy them.

When using nets, mosquito curtains and fumigators, you can protect yourself from mosquitoes only indoors, so we will consider more effective methods, allowing you to get rid of bloodsuckers not only in the house, but throughout the area.

The use of chemicals can provide protection against mosquitoes for the entire season, but this method is not the safest for children and adults, since the substances contained in the preparations are toxic in most cases. When choosing a disinfectant, give preference to those that are safe, especially for children.

Attention! During rain, the chemicals are partially washed away and their effect weakens, therefore, for a rainy summer, treatment should be carried out at least three to four times per season.

At independent work Some precautions should be taken with chemicals:

  • during processing and the next day after spraying, people and animals should not be on the site.
  • mandatory use of personal protective equipment for the skin, respiratory organs and eyes.
  • Drain all water containers and refill clean water and close carefully.
  • it is good to wash products from the treated area, especially greens and fruits.

The treatment of the suburban area by specialists will be performed more efficiently, as exterminators use good spraying equipment and stronger substances to kill mosquitoes.

Site processing chemicals

Chemicals, allowing you to get rid of mosquitoes for a long time:

  1. "Biolavricid-100". Used to kill mosquito larvae. All wet places in the area where larvae can develop are treated with a solution of this substance.
  2. "Doctor Klaus" - insecticidal spray for spraying the area from mosquitoes and flies.
  3. "Cifox" - a concentrated agent that destroys mosquitoes (also used in the removal of cockroaches and bedbugs).
  4. "Bioneutral I 50" is effective in the fight against mosquitoes and flies. The solution should be sprayed throughout the summer cottage, protects against insects for 2-3 weeks.
  5. Medilis Ziper. It is used for the open sites and the closed rooms.

Modern ways to kill mosquitoes

Effective in the fight against mosquitoes are devices for the destruction of insects. These include ultrasonic devices, carbon dioxide traps, insecticidal lamps.

  • Ultrasonic devices. Safe, different in range, so they can protect the entire area. This method allows you to scare away, but not destroy insects. When they are turned off, the mosquitoes return. Popular lamps that combine ultraviolet and electricity, they fit perfectly into the environment of the suburban area and fight mosquitoes in a safe way.

Safe for humans ultrasonic mosquito repeller
  • Traps with carbon dioxide. The operation of the device is based on imitation of human breathing, baiting mosquitoes to a powerful suction device into a container, where mosquitoes die. Safety for animals and humans, an excellent degree of protection against mosquitoes makes this method reliable and popular.
  • Insecticide lamps. With the help of light attract the attention of insects, and the built-in mesh destroys them. Effective and safe mosquito killer.

A wide range of mosquito repellents and devices will help you choose suitable remedy and protect the family from these insects for the entire summer period. Without mosquitoes, life in the country will become calm and pleasant.

Mosquito treatment: video