Well      06/14/2019

Snake is a paper craft and an interesting experience. Cacti from a hose. Crafts for the garden, do-it-yourself Snake, which is easy to make with your own hands

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The desire to soar and reach unknown heights is inherent in each of us. And although, unlike birds, we cannot soar in the skies on our own, we are able to give the joy of watching free flight to ourselves and our children. Do you think we're talking about a plane ticket? But no. We just want to tell you a few ways how to do kite. This simple aircraft, made from improvised materials with your own hands, will give you a lot of positive impressions and emotions.

Did you know that the first kites roamed the skies? Ancient China back in the second century BC. e.? Today the art of building and running them is back in fashion. And every year, on every second Sunday in October, World Kite Day is celebrated.

By the way, the hero of our article today is sometimes called “kite” in a foreign manner. So, when you come across this term, don’t be surprised.
And now it's time to start building snakes.

The easiest way

Do you want to spend a nice day having fun and usefully, watching how a kite you made with your own hands cheerfully soars in the sky like a bird? If you do not yet have experience in creating such aeronautical structures, we advise you to start your journey by assembling the lightest kite model. It is attractive because it can be done without a complex drawing.

To work, you will need the simplest materials at hand:

  • tracing paper;
  • scissors;
  • wooden twigs or skewers about 60 cm long;
  • tape or tape;
  • thick thread or twine.

Instead of wooden twigs, thin window beads will do, and tracing paper can be replaced with plain paper (but remember that the lighter the kite, the better it will fly).

Fold the twigs crosswise as in the photo, secure the joint with thread or thin rope, and lubricate it with quick-drying glue for strength.

Place the resulting blank on tracing paper and cut out a quadrangle (well, it’s hard to call it a rhombus from a mathematical point of view), for which the crossed sticks will be diagonals. Glue the twigs with tape to paper based, Special attention pay attention to the corners.

Cut a tape about 2 m long and 2 cm wide from tracing paper. Glue it around the perimeter of the quadrangle with tape.

Cover the intersection of the rods on both sides of the tracing paper with tape. Carefully burn with a hot nail through hole for fixing the thread to the kite.

Thread the thread through the hole, make a loop and tie it around the cross. Remember that the loop must be with inside snake. Tie a thread, cord or fishing line wound on a spool to the loop (see how to make a spool at the end of the article).

The most important stage has arrived - decorating. Entrust this task to your child: he will independently decorate the craft at his own discretion. If you are assembling a test copy to study its flight characteristics, you can skip the design stage.

The simplest kite is ready. You can go outside to catch the wind and cheer yourself up.

Diamond-shaped kite made from a plastic bag

Want to make your kite more resistant to the elements. We suggest you use polyethylene as a material at hand. You will receive it absolutely free by opening an old thick package. Another good option to give new life old things - take umbrella fabric. It is dense, light and does not get wet.

A little time, accuracy, strict adherence to step-by-step photo instructions - and your kite will be ready to take off on its first flight. You will be convinced that conquering the heavenly spaces ‒ a most exciting activity. Moreover, this version of the kite is more improved compared to the first. He equipped with a bridle, making it easier to control.

Original version

Who told you that a kite can only be triangular or diamond-shaped? Away with these outdated stereotypes. A little imagination and you can assemble a flying machine at home in the shape of a butterfly, flower or fish.

To work you will need:

  • thick flexible wire;
  • colored paper;
  • marker or pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • thick thread and a piece of thin rope.
First of all, think about the layout and size of your future creation. Draw a sketch on paper and think over the design.

Now it's time to bring ideas to life. Take pieces of flexible wire and bend them according to your design. Wrap the ends of the wire tightly with thread; to secure the fixation, do not less than ten turns at each connection and tie a knot.

Put the blank on paper, circle it with a marker, leaving a couple of centimeters around the perimeter for allowances. Make notches on the allowances so that the edges do not wrinkle when bent.

Spread the remaining allowances with glue and glue to the base of the workpiece. You can make a kite out of paper or fabric in several colors. In this case, cutting necessary elements, proceed in the same way.

To strengthen the frame, tie with reverse side designs additional pieces of wire.

You can decorate the product with tissue paper or scraps of thin fabric; you need to glue them to the front side.

It remains to fix the cherished thread of control. In order for the kite to fly, it must be done correctly. Regardless of its size and shape, fasten the rope in 3 places on the frame on the back side of the product. Next, tie its ends, departing 30 cm from the center of the structure, and tie the thread.

Your own fantasy kite is ready to fly. Any child will appreciate such a toy. But he will get even more joy from launching his new pet if adults take the time to teach him this art.

Rectangular kite

We present to your attention a master class on creating a rectangular flying kite.

Make it with your children and you will get a triple benefit:

  • give the younger generation the skills to work with your own hands;
  • show that reality is much more interesting than the virtual world of gadgets;
  • get a lot of pleasure from joint creativity.

Why triple! We could go on and on about the advantages of such a handmade product, but it’s time to start making it.

* based on materials from handmadecharlotte.com

To work you will need:
  • parchment paper, sheet 36*51 cm;
  • wooden sticks or light slats, 2 x 60 cm, 48 cm and 36 cm;
  • colored corrugated paper;
  • strong thread;
  • reel with fishing line;
  • glue stick and PVA;
  • small metal ring;
  • scissors.
Fold the parchment sheet lengthwise, matching the edges. This is necessary to outline the middle line. Place the smallest stick along the top edge of the narrow side of the rectangle, stepping back a centimeter from the edge. Lubricate the free edge of the sheet with glue and wrap it so that the stick is inside, it should be tightly fixed.

Grease a 48 cm long stick with PVA and glue it to the center line of the workpiece.

Place the remaining sticks along the diagonals of the rectangle.

Glue them with pieces of paper as shown in the photo.

Cut out squares or random shapes from colored paper and stick them on front side rectangle.

Make a hole on both sides of the intersection point of the diagonals.

Using pieces of thread, tie the ends of the sticks along the upper corners of the rectangle, pulling them together a little.

Tie a long piece of thread to the upper right corner of the kite. Thread a ring onto a thread, it will help control the flying machine. Then thread the thread through the holes previously made in the center of the rectangle and pass it through the ring again. Tie the end of the thread to the upper left corner of the product.

Tie the end of the line tightly to the control ring.

Glue long strips of corrugated paper to the bottom of the kite. These “tails” will help him balance in air currents. Their optimal size 5 cm*2.5 m.

The Air Wanderer is ready to surprise you with its flight characteristics. Have a good flight!

Cardboard reel for kite at home

In order for a kite to soar proudly into the air, you need a very long thread or fishing line. Naturally, walking around with an armful of thread in your hands is inadvisable. For comfortable starting and control, a coil is used. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can make it from cardboard at home.

* based on materials from eventor.ru

To work you will need:
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors or cutter;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • compass (preferably, but not necessary).
Draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm. Cut out two such blanks from cardboard. Cut convenient slots for your fingers on them; they should completely match on both circles.

Cut several strips 2.5 cm wide.

Mark the inner circle, use a compass or a suitable template.

Roll the cut strips along the contour of the cutouts and glue them with hot glue.

Glue the inner ring in the same way.

Glue the second circle on top of it.

Glue the end of a long thread to inner surface spools and wind the thread.

To prevent it from getting tangled, tie a match to its end and secure it with glue. Thread the thread into the slot on the outer ring.

With such convenient device your flying kite will conquer not only the sky, but also the hearts of your children.

Now let's talk about how to fly a kite correctly. For spectacular flights, you need to achieve maximum controllability and maneuverability of the product.
  1. Select open place to launch, otherwise instead of enjoying the flight you will have to take your kite out of the trees over and over again.
  2. Make sure there is a breeze outside. Without it, you will not be able to launch your creation. The optimal wind strength is when thin tree branches sway, and water goes ripple If it is stronger, there is a risk of a snake crash. Then stand with your back to the wind and hold the kite in front of you. If it is designed correctly, it can take off right out of your hands. Why isn't it magic?
  3. Having problems with flight control? Check if the thread is attached to the bridle exactly in the middle. Failure to comply with this condition will result in the kite becoming uncontrollable.
  4. The bridle is attached correctly, but the kite takes on a life of its own, completely ignoring your commands? Checking the tail. Try it alternately lengthen and weight. Increase the length, if this does not help, tie a weight to the tail. It could be a paper bow or just a bunch of grass - use what you have on hand.
  5. Is it difficult for a kite to fly? Doesn't he want to gain altitude? Try to lighten the tail. Get rid of excess decor or shorten it a little. But remember the golden rule: measure seven times, cut once.
Armed with our advice and detailed master classes, you can get to work. A little practice - and a kite of any design, assembled with your own hands, will become commonplace for you. Don't be afraid to conquer heights and teach this to your children.

A basic DIY kite consists of three slats glued to a sheet of thick material. A tail with a small weight is attached to the end, serving as a rudder. It is important to place the center of gravity in the middle of the body, then the structure can rise into the air. The lighter the kite load, the higher the takeoff will occur. It is necessary to take into account the fact that as the lift of the kite increases, the thrust from the ground increases. The supporting structure is subjected to air pressure, so the material for manufacturing must be strong and rigid.

What is a kite

Initially, such aircraft were made in China in the shape of a dragon - not a single traditional ceremony was complete without this symbol in the sky. And although the manufacture of structures has long gone beyond the borders of China, the name has stuck. Various models of flying devices can be with a base, frameless, flat or multi-plane design. The finished apparatus is held in place by a long rope called a handrail. The aerodynamic shape promotes stability, and the strong thread helps keep the kite at the desired airflow angle.


The design of a simple kite, from a flying frame with a tensioned covering, can be assembled at home. It won't gain much height, but it will be a good start for gaining initial construction skills. There is a single principle at work here, based on aerodynamic, physical properties items. Slings are attached to the corners of the body and combined into a bridle for stable control. Each model is decorated and stabilized by a tail. Maneuverability will be improved by additional cargo or multiple tails.

Operating principle

The main condition for a high launch is wind speed (3-4 m/s). It is recommended to launch the finished model in an open area where there are no trees or wires. A well-made structure will be lifted by the air masses themselves. You need to stand against the wind, releasing the rope 10-20 meters. In light winds, you can run to catch the moment when to send the flying device into the air. It is better to cope with this task together. The smoothness of the flight depends on how correctly the tail and the length of the lines are adjusted to the size of the structure.


There is a choice for your choice a large number of models: flat, volumetric, curved, frameless, triangular or consisting of several links. The latter differ from a flat kite in their high structural stability. Multi-cell form, with a large number of individual links, connected in the form of polyhedra. A group of interconnected flying devices looks impressive in the sky. The width of such a product is suitable for attaching a small camera to it for aerial photography from a height.

How to make a kite with your own hands

To make a flying kite at home, you need to choose a model that determines the shape of the frame and the surface material. Determine the number of support rails that support the canvas in tension . Sheets of paper, fabric, plastic bag, cardboard. The slings can be secured in one or two places on the base. Good aerodynamic force can be imparted to both uncontrolled (single-line) and controlled (multi-line) models. The thread winding spool will eliminate tangling during startup.

From paper

You can make a kite out of paper as follows:

  1. Fold from thick paper square.
  2. Label the axis of symmetry.
  3. Fold the sides in half.
  4. Fold the corners to form an accordion.
  5. Pass a long thread through the center of the accordion.
  6. Attach the adjustment rail.
  7. Connect a bundle of threads prepared in advance.
  8. Decorate the free end of the ponytail with bows or rags.
  9. Pull the tail through the hole and secure it securely with a rope.

From fabric

Develop an original pattern to make a flying kite toy from wire using fabric:

  1. Wrap a piece of flexible wire with threads and secure them at the ends.
  2. Shape the wire into the desired shape.
  3. Trace a piece of fabric along the contour of the frame, leaving an allowance of one and a half centimeters.
  4. Glue the fabric to the wire blank.
  5. Decorate the surface.
  6. Tie the rope in several places.
  7. Bring the ends of the ropes to one point, retreating 30 centimeters from the kite, and secure them together.
  8. Tie the rope.

Made from polyethylene

DIY kite made of polyethylene:

  1. Prepare two planks, one being twice as long as the other.
  2. Fold them, moving away from the top of the long bar.
  3. Secure the connection point with tape.
  4. Wrap the strips with tape and make small cuts.
  5. Pull a strong thread through the cuts and secure it.
  6. Trace the outline of the finished frame on polyethylene, adding one centimeter.
  7. Cut out and tape the edges.
  8. Tie a 30 cm long thread onto a short stick.
  9. Tie a piece of fishing line to the top of a long stick.
  10. Connect all three ends of the fishing line to each other and secure the thread of the lower corners, by which you will hold the kite, with tape.
  11. Decorate the product with ribbons.

Dragon Kite

A large design, with contours resembling a dragon, is performed as follows:

  1. Select materials for the frame and covering.
  2. Make a support base for the desired shape of the flying dragon.
  3. Secure the connected structures with thin rope.
  4. Make a drawing of the model on paper, use it as a template.
  5. Cut out the outline of the kite for the airfoil.
  6. Decorate the surface with homemade designs or stickers.
  7. Attach the outer trim to the frame.
  8. Attach the slings, tie the rail.

Box kite

The box kite is a multi-plane kite. It's done like this:

  1. Make 4 long wooden slats and 6 slats half shorter.
  2. Secure the short ones crosswise with a self-tapping screw.
  3. Attach the long slats to the small ones in the center and ends.
  4. Tie the larger sides at the corners with wire or rope in a crisscross pattern.
  5. Wind the rope around the slats, secure it with tape in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped of the frame.
  6. Attach the plastic strips to the slats, making a complete rotation around the object.
  7. Stretch a rope over the cellophane covering around the perimeter of the square and glue it tightly to the surface.
  8. Make loops of wire for tying the line.

Let's imagine the situation. We wake up on the morning of the first of January. Children unpack gifts and joyfully jump in anticipation of entertainment. And parents have only one desire - to eat salads and fall asleep again. We approach the table... and see bottles... Empty bottles... Lots of empty ones plastic bottles(from mineral water, of course))). (Probably Santa Claus brought it as a gift)))
Collect everything and throw it in the trash?
No!!! We will entertain the children (at the same time awaken ourselves).
Let's make the symbol of the year - the Snake!

1. Making the “body”: Cut off the bottom of the bottles and remove the caps.

2. Using a lighter (candle, matches), lightly melt the edges of the cut to make it safe for children.

3. We make 2 holes in one of the lids, thread a rope (for me it turned out to be an elastic band - for greater elasticity of the structure) and tie it with a knot on the inside.

4. Thread the other end of the rope (length of the rope = the length of all the bottles laid out in one line + a little more) into a knitting needle. (Although you can do without it)

5. Collecting beads: We string all the bottles on a rope, starting with thinner ones (0.5 l - 1.0 l) ending with wider ones (1.5 l - 2.0 l). We pass the rope through the neck and out into the cut bottom. The very first bead is screwed to the lid (from point 3)

6. Making the “head”: For this you will need a 5-liter plastic bottle. We cut out the bottom in it - the width of the hole is slightly larger than the width plastic bottles from the "body". We melt the edge.

7. Take 3 more bottles: Cut off the neck of 2 bottles and draw eyes on the white caps. We cut off the neck of another bottle with a margin and cut out the crown. We melt the edges.

8. In the “head” we make holes for the “eyes” and “crown”

9. Place the “eyes” in the cut holes (on the inside of the head) and secure them with lids on the outside. On the contrary, we insert the crown from the outside and fix it with the lid inside. From something red (for example, plastic corner for papers) cut out the tongue and screw it (with an elastic band, thread, wire) to the neck of the “head”.

10. Connect the “head” with the “body”. We pass the rope through the cut out bottom and out through the neck. We make 2 holes in the lid of a 5 liter bottle, thread a rope, tighten it thoroughly so that the entire structure comes together and tightens. We tie the rope in a knot on the inside of the lid, which we then screw to the neck of the canister.

11. The snake is ready! Cut out circles and diamonds from golden-colored self-adhesive paper. We give them to the children, and while they are decorating our beauty, we go to finish the salads.

And then we go for a walk.)))

Cacti from a hose. DIY crafts for the garden. Here is an example of how you can very easily make amazing crafts for your garden with your own hands. For example, you can instantly “grow” wonderful cacti in the garden, which in our climate open ground only flower growers who are desperately in love with cacti take care of them. Mostly cacti unpretentious plants. And artist Brian Jewett creates cacti with his own hands that require no care at all. He twists the cacti from garden hoses; the role of needles is played by plastic fastening clamps. Crafts for the garden in the form of cacti do not require much.

You will need: a watering hose and plastic fastening clamps. Plastic clamps are sold in hardware stores. In the water supply goods department there should be exactly. Although in other departments too: plastic clamps are universal fasteners. The sizes are different - depending on what you attach. They cost pennies and are sold individually and in packs.

Even for such a small thing there are options. So, of course, it’s good if the watering hose is initially green. But if it is a different color, it doesn’t matter: a little green paint will save the situation. In addition, it is not necessary to use a hose to create a cactus. Yes, it is flexible and long. But a “soft” polyethylene pipe of small diameter (for water supply) is also flexible and long. You can even make such crafts for the garden in the form of cacti from “soft” corrugated polyethylene pipe. There are no problems with color - modern paints paint anything. Just look at the instructions when purchasing: if you need to paint a hose, buy paint for rubber, flexible pipe– for plastic. Well, then everything is very simple. We twist the hose, securing each turn with plastic clamps. We bring the ends of the clamps out - they will play the role of cactus needles. If the clamps are long, then trim the ends with scissors. Such exotic garden crafts - cacti from a hose - turn out to be very durable. The structure can be moved from place to place without fear that it will “corrode.” Well, such a cactus, in turn, is not afraid of rain, sun, wind - a wonderful characteristic of a garden craft.

The sizes of cacti can be any - depending on the diameter of the hose or pipe and how many turns you “wind”. Can create different types cacti: round, long, cacti with branches, cacti with “babies”.

It’s easy to make flowering cacti by attaching flowers to garden crafts. They can be assembled at least from colored cocktail tubes. Or make it from plastic bottles. The main thing is that they are bright: cacti bloom brightly. Ideas for a garden in development - without boundaries. If you make at least one cactus (and it simply cannot fail), you will certainly want to make more and more. It is possible that you will “grow” a whole cactus garden on your site - very impressive.

Good afternoon dear friends, today we will meet you and see the amazing works of a talented artist Brian Jewett, these are cacti from a hose. Unfortunately the author did not detailed master class of his work, he told us how to do it and what we need for this... Thanks to this idea, wonderful and beautiful cacti can now grow in our garden and decorate our site. To make cacti we need very little time, clamps and a hose. You can purchase clamps at any hardware store, I think that you will not have problems with this. We also need a hose, preferably Green colour. If not, you can paint it the color you want. You can also make such cacti from a soft corrugated tube. There is no need to run out and buy materials, look at your dacha or barn, I think you will definitely find old unnecessary hoses that can be used to create cacti. After all, to create a cactus, it doesn’t matter whether the hose is torn or not, the main thing is that there is one))). These crafts are very strong and durable. In addition, they are not afraid of rain, wind and sun. It is also very convenient that they can be rearranged to any place, they will not crumble or fall apart. Looking at these works it is impossible to fall in love with them. The idea of ​​creating cacti with your own hands from a hose is very interesting and once you start creating them, you will not be able to tear yourself away from this work. Let's start making them.

To make a cactus you will need:
* Plastic clamps.
* Hose.

Method for preparing cactus:
Despite the fact that we need few materials to make a cactus, it turns out very beautiful and original. We take the hose and begin to twist it in a circle, it is better if you have some kind of device, a base, to make it more convenient to do this. If not, carefully twist the hose in a circle and periodically secure the clamps on it. Having secured the clamp, we straighten the tails outward; if it seems to you that the tails are large, then you can safely cut them later to the length you need. Ours will imitate the needles on cacti. You can make any sizes of cacti at your discretion. It all depends on how much hose you have, and the diameter of the hose also plays a role. The thinner the hose, the smaller the cactus will be. If you have different pieces of hose left, you can try to assemble a cactus from them, just paint them all the same color.

You can also make flowers or baby cacti on cacti. To do this, we cut off small pieces of the hose and attach the flower to them, and then attach it to the finished cactus. We make children in the same way as large cacti, only in a small size. Flowers can be made from plastic bottles or pieces from a hose, or you can attach artificial flowers. The main thing is that our flowers are bright and beautiful.

To make cacti, it is not necessary to use new hoses or green hoses; old unnecessary ones will do, and if the hose is a different color, it can be painted.
Cacti from a hose will be a wonderful decoration for the garden; they are not afraid of any weather, neither rain nor wind, etc.
I hope you liked the idea of ​​​​creating cacti from a hose, thank you to the author for the interesting material.

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