Mixer      04/11/2019

Hibiscus in the house: superstitions and signs. Why you can’t keep a Chinese rose at home, or are all the signs true?

You should be careful when choosing such a plant for yourself - signs may not be favorable to you if you do not follow them. Not all of them are positive. You can find out more about what our ancestors thought about this flower from this article.

In the article:

Chinese rose - signs and warnings

A person’s desire to decorate his home with plants is quite understandable, as is his tendency to believe in signs that can preserve happiness and harmony in his home. Hibiscus - very beautiful plant, which looks original in the interior and can lift your mood appearance. But how safe is it to breed it in the house?

It is popularly believed that the Chinese rose blooms to indicate the illness or death of someone living in the apartment. But it is not so. This houseplant blooms seven months a year. Perhaps, this is why plants are brought into houses, so that they delight the residents with their beautiful inflorescences. And if you are wondering whether you can keep a Chinese rose at home, listen to another sign. It says that a plant blooming at the wrong time portends death.

If the buds appear at normal times, this does not have any negative meaning. This belief applies to all plants without exception.

Signs about a withering rose in the house cannot be called good either. If its leaves turn black or fall off, this means the appearance of a seriously ill person in the family. In this case, it makes sense for all household members to undergo examination, because diseases can be hidden. This is a warning sign; hibiscus itself does not attract death or illness.

This one is bright indoor flower is often accused of energy vampirism, and it is believed that it possesses such properties exclusively during the flowering period. But many are inclined to another point of view, according to which hibiscus absorbs aggression and negativity, filling the room with positive energy.

Chinese rose in the house and signs of love

Hibiscus is considered a symbol of passion. In India, it is woven into newlyweds’ wreaths, and is also placed in the bedroom so that the newlyweds’ passion for each other does not fade over the years. It is believed that the Chinese rose can.

But even despite this, this houseplant is considered a muzhegon. There is an opinion that all the novels of its owner will be short-term and will not end in anything serious. Superstitions about the Chinese rose say that no man will be able to enter the life of a girl who has this flower in her house for a long time. But if you don’t have a goal to start a family yet, bring it into your home without fear.

These same superstitions prohibit married women from growing hibiscus. It is believed that it will bring discord, quarrels and jealousy into the relationship of a married couple, which will sooner or later end in a breakup. Eastern sources, on the contrary, recommend having this plant in order to revive relationships and restore former passion. Signs about the Chinese rose are ambiguous, and only you can decide which of them to believe. Bad omens about it are widespread exclusively in the Eastern part of Europe, and other countries attribute only positive properties to this plant.

Is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home?

Some growers consider hibiscus an excellent source positive energy movement, ideal for those who are willing and active. It will help you get rid of laziness and gain willpower. This meaning makes the Chinese rose an indispensable companion for those who quit smoking, dieters and those who want to change their lives for the better.

It is recommended for people suffering from low blood pressure and a weak heart. The strong fiery character of this flower will help to cope with such problems. Many call him a source of inspiration and the desire to act right away. This makes hibiscus suitable for representatives of creative professions, because not every house plant helps in calling the muse.

Chinese rose best suited for Leos. The energy of this sign goes well with the fiery and bright power that this attractive flower carries.

Known to minimize the harm they can cause. But if you have developed a wary attitude towards a certain flower because of signs, it is better to do without it.

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“You have a Chinese rose in your house - haven’t you heard any signs? This is a real muzhegon plant!” - Grandma Vera, who had come to stay with her beloved granddaughter, ran into Tatka from the doorway. The girl jumped up: “I heard everything, I even studied it thoroughly - the main thing is that the flower is placed correctly!”

Oh, this beauty is a Chinese rose

Superstitions about the beautifully slender hibiscus (scientific name Chinese rose) began to appear since the widespread spread of the extravagant plant. Homeland Hibiscus rosa-sinensis two territories are considered: the southern part of China, and the northern part of Indochina.

And in Malaysia, the miracle shrub is the national flower - the Malaysians call it “bungaraya”. Tourists can find images of decorative roses on the country’s coins and in the symbolism of state ceremonial events.

The appearance of the plant is attractive unusual beauty- this is like a tree with numerous green leaves, smooth and glossy, shiny. Hibiscus grows up to 3 meters in height. During the flowering period, which, by the way, lasts for seven months, it becomes covered beautiful buds about 16 mm in diameter.

The heat-loving nature of the Chinese rose should be taken into account. In winter, the temperature in the greenhouse is allowed to be no lower than 12 0 C. In summer, the room where the exotic pet has settled should not be overheated above 25 0 C.

To numerous questions: is hibiscus harmful, what does its flowering say, is it possible to keep it at home, signs give ambiguous answers. Most of them are associated precisely with disruptions in the normal growth of the plant and the influence temperature regime- you will understand this now!

Before taking terrible omens on faith, rule out the possibility of improper care of hibiscus: humidity, temperature, soil, timely watering, sun exposure - all factors must be taken into account when growing an Asian miracle.

If you are sure that you are doing everything correctly in caring for it, but it loses leaves, turns yellow and rots - perhaps the grateful rose is warning the owner about a silent illness developing in someone close to him (or himself). Or hints that you should be careful to avoid an accident.

Check your health with specialists. If there was a detrimental effect, you probably noticed whole line signs pointing to it - try to analyze the events taking place from the moment the flower began to die.

And remember: if you believe in bad omens and are afraid of them, then you automatically become a target. Be optimistic and count the Chinese rose beautiful flower, giving joy to those who look at it, then tune in to the positive and you will enjoy having an extravagant flower next to you.

And if you can’t relieve the anxiety associated with the information received, choose something else unpretentious plant- geranium or

With disbelief, and then with curiosity, after listening detailed story Tatyana about the wonderful properties of the scarlet flowers of the plant, the granny grumbled a little more for appearances, and then smiled and hugged her granddaughter, saying affectionately.

The Chinese rose, or hibiscus, has received not the most pleasant nickname among the people. This plant is called the flower of death, and superstitious people attribute various mystical properties to it. But it does not always bring trouble to the house - some signs about the Chinese rose have a positive interpretation and portend a favorable turn of fate.

Why is the Chinese rose considered the flower of death?

The Chinese rose is popularly considered a symbol of death. According to popular belief, if a plant begins to bloom, it means that someone in the house will die. But this interpretation applies only to those cases when the hibiscus blooms unexpectedly - earlier than usual. There are other signs.

When the Chinese rose flowers fade

Many people believe that if the flowering of a plant is associated with troubles, then its wilting becomes good sign. But that's not true. If you notice that the Chinese rose has begun to shed its leaves, then this is also not good - this behavior of the flower becomes a signal for development serious illness from someone living in the house.

It is worth noting that often the disease proceeds quietly, without pronounced symptoms. And if you notice that the hibiscus suddenly began to wither, the sign advises you to pay attention to your well-being; It would be worthwhile to undergo additional examination.

In addition, superstitious people say that when a hibiscus loses its leaves, it does not receive enough nutrition. And in order not to weaken, it begins to draw energy from the residents of the apartment. During this period, owners may feel weak, tired, and unwilling to do anything.

This belief has another interpretation - if a Chinese rose suddenly began to lose leaves, this indicates that it absorbed all the negativity present in the house, and in this way warded off trouble from its owners.

What happens if the hibiscus blooms on time?

Signs associate the blooming of Chinese roses in the house not only with death. But even when it produces flowers in a timely manner, future events can be both good and bad.

  • For unmarried representatives of the fair sex, this is a positive sign. According to popular belief, the girl will soon meet her soulmate.
  • If the plant blooms in the house married woman, then this portends disagreements in the family and quarrels. Feelings between spouses will begin to fade, which may lead to separation.
  • Other beliefs say that the blooming of the Chinese rose brings happiness to the home. If the spouses have lived together long enough, then old feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. Possible addition to the family. The fading flame of love will flare up again.

Is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home?

As you can see, the signs about this plant are quite contradictory, which makes it quite difficult to determine whether you can keep a Chinese rose at home. Let's consider a few more interpretations that will help clarify the situation.

  1. The Chinese rose is called not only the flower of death. His other nickname is muzhegon. So he was dubbed for his ability to bring on the crown of celibacy. Signs say that this plant drives men out of the house in which it grows.
  2. Hibiscus can bring resentment and misunderstanding into the family life of spouses, regardless of whether it blooms or not.
  3. This plant can have a negative impact on the personal life of young girls. They say that with his appearance in the house, the young lady will not be able to build strong relationships. Dating is quite possible, but it won’t lead to anything serious.
  4. Other signs indicate the positive influence of this flower on personal life. Thus, a girl who carefully cares for this controversial flower will gain good health and become very attractive to the opposite sex. In this case, she is guaranteed the attention of men.
  5. If you still haven’t decided whether you can keep a Chinese rose in your apartment, then you should pay attention to one more belief. It says that this flower has the ability to charge the atmosphere with positivity and bring the energy of movement. This is due to the fact that this plant was born under the sign of Leo (element of Fire) and is endowed with a strong masculine principle. Therefore, hibiscus loves bright light, from where it draws energy, and shares it with everyone around it.
  6. The Chinese rose becomes a source of creativity. If you look after her properly, she will absorb the energy of laziness and transform it into useful action. Therefore, according to popular belief, it is advisable to cultivate it for sluggish, passive people who want to change their lives. Hibiscus will actively feed them with energy and provoke them to new achievements.

There are a lot of negative signs about the Chinese rose, as its nicknames eloquently indicate. However, many plant owners live quite happily and enjoy the beauty every day no matter what.

The main thing is not to pay attention to negative interpretations, because it is thoughts that create our reality. Remember this, and let nothing stop you from enjoying life to the fullest.

Chinese rose or hibiscus -home plant, belonging to the malvaceae family. It grows naturally in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.In favorable conditions the bush grows up to 3 m in height. For home grown More compact varieties of hibiscus have been bred. For a Chinese rose to bloom in your home, it needs proper care.

How to care for Chinese rose?

Caring for hibiscus is not difficult, the main thing is to know a few basic points. The Chinese rose loves light, but it is better to cover it from direct and bright rays. If you have not done this, and your rose has withered a little in the sun, you can prepare a sweet solution (0.5 tsp of sugar per 1 cup of water) to treat it. Wipe the rose leaves with this solution every day until improvement occurs and the burns go away.

With proper care, hibiscus can grow well even on northern windows. Optimal temperature for growing Chinese roses: in summer - 22 degrees, in winter - 15 degrees. If you put the plant on the balcony in the summer, then in the fall you need to bring it indoors (after all, temperatures below 10 degrees are detrimental to hibiscus).

Chinese rose grows best with frequent watering. Water it twice a week and make sure the soil is never dry. This deep watering is especially important during hot months. In addition, in the summer you need to periodically spray the hibiscus. Due to insufficient air humidity in the room, the leaves of the Chinese rose begin to turn yellow, so maintain comfortable air humidity. Water the flower with settled water.

From late spring to early autumn, hibiscus should be fed regularly, adding organic and mineral fertilizers into the soil. Closer to autumn, you need to reduce the nitrogen content in the fertilizing. Instead of store-bought fertilizers, you can use a sugar solution that can be used to treat leaf burns. The amount of nutrients should be sufficient during any period of flower growth. Feed hibiscus once every 1 - 2 weeks during flowering and at least once a month during other periods.

Hibiscus can be propagated in 2 ways: sowing seeds and cuttings. But propagation by cuttings is the most common option. Most good timing The months for cutting Chinese roses are February, March and August, but if desired, it can be carried out in any other month.

For propagation by cuttings, the apical shoots are cut with 2 or 3 internodes. It is advisable to immerse the sections in a growth-stimulating preparation. Then small greenhouses are created, covering the shoots with polyethylene or a jar. The temperature in the greenhouse should be about 22 - 25 degrees.

It takes about a month for the cuttings to take root, after which they are transplanted into small pots that are placed in a sunny place. The new plant will need watering in the future. warm water and pinching small shoots, this is necessary to form a beautiful shape of a new Chinese rose bush. In spring, young Chinese roses can be transplanted into large containers with nutritious soil.

Is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home?

Many novice flower growers wonder: is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home? The answer is clear - yes. According to Feng Shui practice, hibiscus is a plant of the fire element. It is recommended to grow it for people who are too reserved and rational. This plant organizes a harmonious space and helps to find a common language.

There are quite a lot of myths regarding the Chinese rose. Many people call this flower bloody, associating it with negative energy and unpleasant emotions. This is because hibiscus grows well in the corridors of hospitals and clinics. In fact, Chinese roses do well there because the spacious corridors allow a lot of light and a comfortable temperature.

Some people believe that the Chinese rose begins to bloom beautifully in anticipation of someone's death. But this is just fiction. Suspicious people subconsciously consider the flower dangerous.

As for pleasant signs, it is believed that the Chinese rose can attract love. It symbolizes passion and passionate relationships, and can return lost feelings to partners in a long-term relationship.

Chinese rose: photo

Chinese rose is an unpretentious plant that, when simple care It will definitely please you with beautiful flowering. Hibiscus is durable, it can live for more than a dozen years. The flower will be an excellent decoration for your home, and will also help to attract love and positive emotions to your family!

The Chinese rose is a beautiful indoor plant that will delight you with its unusual scarlet buds for a long time. This type of flower has not become widespread among our compatriots due to controversial opinions about the impact on human destiny. In our review we will talk about hibiscus and all the superstitions and signs associated with it.

The blooming of the Chinese rose portends trouble

Mysterious bloom

Chinese rose is a deciduous herbaceous plant, native to the tropical forests of Asia and Latin America. The hibiscus familiar to our gardener was specially adapted for indoor conditions, with minimal humidity and heating.

At home bright flower is a symbol of the fire element, therefore it is worshiped and used in religious rituals. In the countries of Eastern Europe, the attitude towards the unusual inhabitant is ambiguous, associating both good omens and terrible superstitions with it.

If a Chinese rose blooms in the house, then this portends trouble:

  • disease;
  • failure;
  • death.

But don’t panic in advance, because nature dictates that plants should bloom. Why is this pet denied its natural expression? The fact is that beautiful bushes often kept in spacious hallways of medical institutions. They receive a huge amount of light necessary for normal development, which is why they delight with abundant color.

A bright hibiscus flower is a symbol of the fire element.

Hibiscus lovers note: when proper care The plant buds appear within a year, but no misfortunes occur in the family. The natural period of active development is from April to October. It's only worth considering when pet begins to bloom at the wrong time.

Love relationship

The bright large flowers of the Chinese rose make the plant a symbol of love and prosperity. There are signs according to which an extraordinary pet will help girls in relationships with the opposite sex. The young lady becomes more attractive in the eyes of men, so there will be many suitors. However, such connections will not be long-term and permanent.

Hibiscus fans are sure of the opposite: a bright favorite is responsible for passion and passionate relationships. If there is cooling in the family between the spouses, then growing fire flower will revive old feelings lost during the years of marriage.

According to the Eastern science of Feng Shui, the plant around itself concentrates and charges the atmosphere with the energy of movement. Absorbing laziness and uncertainty, the flower gives creative and organizational abilities to the house. A sluggish, complex owner receives nourishment from hibiscus.

According to Feng Shui, the plant absorbs laziness and uncertainty

Desperate opponents claim that the fiery petals of the Chinese rose are real magnet love. It can be used in love potions or when casting spells. Therefore, such a witchcraft plant cannot be kept in the house.

“Sensitive people call hibiscus a source of fear and melancholy, but their feelings are associated with the strengthened opinion that the Chinese rose is dangerous.”

Superstitious people perceive any changes in the development of a pet as a negative sign, so they wonder whether it is possible to keep such a guest in the house. Not least on this list are painful symptoms:

  • wilting and dropping leaves;
  • sudden shedding of flowers and unopened buds.

Just yesterday the Chinese rose pleased the eye abundant flowering, and today the plant withers and withers before our eyes. Such symbols are perceived as a warning of future danger to health or life. If you believe in omens, then undergo a medical examination. However, the reason is not hidden so deeply - it may be improper care behind the flower or possible pests.

Hibiscus - the most unpretentious home decoration

Fans of the plant are sure that problems in the family and the wilting of the flower are associated with untimely watering. After all, in case of troubles, you can forget about everything, including indoor plants. A hibiscus that is deprived of attention will shed its leaves and buds, and the owner will attribute these metamorphoses to the victim of misfortune.

Proper cultivation

Whether to believe in superstitions or not depends on the desire of the person. However, with rational care, the grateful plant will delight you with thick, green foliage and bright flowering. Botanists believe that hibiscus is the most unpretentious home decoration and it takes a lot of effort to kill it.

A tropical resident prefers the sunny sides of the window. If you want the plant to grow well and not get sick, then find a brightly lit place in your home. You cannot keep your pet in the dark corners of the apartment: active shedding of foliage and flowers will begin, so it is better to illuminate the exotic guest with phytolamps.

In its homeland, the Chinese rose lives in humid forests. Adapted hybrids are less demanding, however, daily spraying from a spray bottle will create comfortable conditions for the fiery beauty.

With proper care, flowering begins in April and ends at the end of September. Throughout this period, the plant needs regular feeding. By special means for these types of pets, fertilize every two weeks. Pests are the scourge of everyone exotic plants, so keep an eye on the condition of the hibiscus.

To believe in omens or not is a person’s choice. However, science has proven that many superstitions work only because an individual believes in them. Therefore, for any troubles, you can blame both the beautiful Chinese rose and the sparrow flying past, forgetting about your responsibility.