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Chlamydia symptoms in pregnant women. Chlamydia during pregnancy: what to expect from him to the expectant mother. Disease prevention during pregnancy

It is important for future mothers to know whether chlamydia is terrible during pregnancy, how to identify and cure it.

Sexually transmitted diseases, not only are they considered shameful, they are manifested by unpleasant symptoms, and are often treated quite difficult. One of these is chlamydia. It affects the genitals, urethra, rectum, eyes of men and women. In pregnant women, the infection poses a threat to the fetus, negatively affects the course of pregnancy and labor.

Causes of chlamydia in pregnancy

  • The causative agents of urogenital chlamydia are bacteria from the Chlamydia family. Most often it is a species of Chlamydia trachomatis (Chlamydia Trachomatis), which is found only in humans.
  • The disease is highly contagious, it belongs to the venereal and affects the genitourinary system of both sexes.
  • There is a special strain of infection that affects the human respiratory organs. Fortunately, respiratory chlamydia is extremely rare.
Chlamydia trachomatis

IMPORTANT: Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, 8 out of 100 inhabitants of the Earth are infected with Chlamydia trachomatis.

Common companions of chlamydia are:

  • trichomoniasis
  • bacterial vaginosis
  • ureaplasma

Chlamydia trachomatis is transmitted in the following ways:

IMPORTANT: Chlamydia trachomatis is not persistent in the external environment; outside the human body, they die extremely quickly. Therefore, contact-household infection with chlamydia occurs in rare cases. If infections are found in one partner, the second should also be examined for its presence.

For infection to occur, Chlamydia trachomatis must enter the body in sufficient quantities. Not a large number of The human immune system can suppress infections.

Chlamydia trachomatis in women during pregnancy. Signs and symptoms of chlamydia in pregnancy

The incubation period of the disease is 1-3 weeks.

IMPORTANT: If a pregnant woman has chlamydia, this does not mean that she has contracted it in the recent past. Often the disease proceeds latently, its symptoms do not appear. A person lives and does not know that he is a carrier of Chlamydia trachomatis until he passes tests and receives a positive result.

Pain in the lower abdomen is a symptom of chronic chlamydia.

Symptoms of chlamydia depend on the form of the course of the disease, which can be:

  • acute
  • chronic

An expectant mother may suspect an infection in an acute form if she finds the following symptoms:

  1. Vaginal discharge. They are usually profuse, mucous or purulent, with bad smell. A pregnant woman should be alerted by yellowish discharge
  2. Itching in the perineum. Vagina (inside or at the entrance), urethra, vulva, rectum can itch
  3. Pain when urinating. This symptom is present in many diseases of the urinary system, so it is not enough to make a diagnosis of "urogenital chlamydia"

Chronic chlamydia manifests itself:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen. It occurs when the infection spreads to the bladder or uterus. This happens in every fourth carrier of Chlamydia trachomatis
  2. Uterine bleeding
  3. Rise in temperature

The effect of chlamydia on pregnancy: consequences

Chlamydia poses a danger to both the pregnant woman herself and the fetus.

IMPORTANT: The development of infection in a non-pregnant woman negatively affects the very possibility of conception. If inflammation in the uterus spreads to the fallopian tubes, adhesions may form in them. The risk of infertility or the development of an ectopic pregnancy will increase significantly

For the expectant mother, infection with Chlamydia trachomatis is fraught with:

  • spontaneous abortion in early dates
  • infection of the fetal bladder, the threat of its rupture or premature birth at later

IMPORTANT: Chlamydia is one of the reasons for the birth of premature babies

The infection is extremely Negative influence for fruit:

  • intrauterine infection occurs in 40-70% of cases, due to which a child can be born with pneumonia, malformations nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, other organs and systems
  • chlamydia have a negative effect on the placenta, as a result of which the child will receive less oxygen and nutrients, therefore, is born small and retarded in development
  • during childbirth, it is also possible for a newborn to become infected, which can cause vision problems (conjunctivitis) and lungs (pneumonia)

How to get tested for chlamydia during pregnancy? Is it dangerous to have chlamydia antibodies during pregnancy? Chlamydia in the blood during pregnancy

Fortunately, today the expectant mother is undergoing detailed examinations, including sexual infections that are dangerous for her and for the child. Several times during pregnancy, she takes a smear from the vagina, and immediately after registration with the LCD - a detailed analysis for infectious diseases

IMPORTANT: In the analyzes of the TORCH complex, chlamydia is encrypted under the letter "O" - others. If the detection of chlamydia in a particular laboratory is not included in this complex, the pregnant woman will be offered to take a separate analysis.

Bacteriological analysis of the vaginal discharge reveals Chlamydia trachomatis itself.
A blood test shows the presence or absence of class G antibodies to this bacterium.
If anti-chlamydia IgG is detected in the blood, this means that the pregnant woman either had chlamydia in the past or is sick with it now.

IMPORTANT: Anti-chlamydia IgG is produced by the body 2-3 weeks after infection with the bacterium, rises to its highest limit at the peak of the disease, gradually decreases as you recover, but may persist for months, years or even a lifetime

VIDEO: TORCH - chlamydia

Chlamydia and ureaplasma during pregnancy

  • Often during pregnancy, a woman is found to have both Chlamydia trachomatis and Ureaplasma at the same time.
  • Ureaplasma, a specific bacterium - the causative agent of the disease ureaplasmosis, can exist in a woman's body for many years, without making itself felt

But with the onset of pregnancy, the immune system of the expectant mother weakens, the bacterium can become more active, which will result in the appearance of:

  • specific vaginal discharge
  • itching and pain in the genital area


IMPORTANT: Due to the fact that ureaplasmosis in the vast majority of cases is asymptomatic and does not harm the human body, scientists are beginning to say that Ureaplasma is not an absolutely pathogenic, but a conditionally pathogenic microorganism

If these two infections are detected in a pregnant woman, they are treated in parallel.

Chlamydia during pregnancy: treatment

  • Chlamydia detected during pregnancy is relatively easy to treat. If a woman gets rid of the disease before childbirth, the risk of infection of the child will be significantly reduced.
  • As a rule, antibiotics for Chlamydia trachomatis are prescribed after 19-20 weeks of pregnancy, when a fully formed placenta can protect the child from them.

  • Depending on the form of the course of the disease, its severity, the course of antibiotic therapy in a pregnant woman will be 2-3 weeks.
  • At the same time as the woman, her partner should also be treated so that re-infection does not occur.
  • Simultaneously with taking antibiotics, a pregnant woman will need to sanitize the genital tract in order to cure pulpitis, endocervicitis, and other inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs provoked by chlamydia

IMPORTANT: Thrush can be a companion of chlamydia. Then it is necessary to treat both bacterial and fungal genital infections.

The prognosis of timely detected and adequately treated chlamydia is favorable, the pregnancy proceeds normally, and the child is born healthy.

VIDEO: Live healthy! Chlamydia

Examination during pregnancy reveals various infections and often those that are sexually transmitted (STIs). A pregnant woman is already very vulnerable during this period, and such a contagious disease adds problems to her and the unborn baby. Chlamydia, or chlamydial infection, is one such disease that is sexually transmitted and makes life difficult for the expectant mother.

What is chlamydia

Chlamydial infection, chlamydia is a contagious disease from the STD group. It causes inflammation of the genitourinary system, eyes, joints, respiratory tract, large intestine, and can also affect several organs at the same time: the urethra, the conjunctiva of the eyes, the synovial membranes of the joints. A feature of chlamydia is a long period of development of the disease and mild manifestations.

This is a fairly common disease. And if among the infectious diseases of the genital organs, about 80% of cases account for STIs, then in 60% it is a chlamydial infection.

Found everywhere around the world among humans different ages. It is registered more often than gonorrhea.

Contributing to this is the fact that sexual behavior has changed in recent decades:

  • began to have sex earlier;
  • change sexual partners more often;
  • use widely birth control pills(oral contraceptives), which reduce the risk of pregnancy;
  • people began to travel a lot and communicate more.

And this is complemented by the fact that the disease itself develops slowly (20–30 days) and is often asymptomatic.

Who causes chlamydial infection

Chlamydia trachomatis, a microorganism from the genus Chlamydia, affects the urinary tract. This spherical, immobile pathogen lives inside the cells of the human body, which is important when choosing a treatment. Outside the body, it ceases to be contagious after 1–1.5 days.

Chlamydia die:

  • at room temperature;
  • from ultraviolet radiation;
  • boiling;
  • actions of disinfectants.

At the same time, it was found that in a humid environment they remain infectious for up to two days at a temperature of 19-20 degrees, this is important when the infection is not spread sexually.

From whom and how it is possible to get chlamydia

You can only get chlamydia from someone who has the infection in their body. At the same time, he (the person) is contagious despite the fact that symptoms of the disease appear or not (asymptomatic course).

Basically, infection occurs through sexual contact, while women are more susceptible.

In pregnant women, chlamydia passes from mother to fetus either in the prenatal period or during childbirth.

Rarely, but chlamydia spreads through personal belongings, household items, with contact, i.e., the so-called contact-household route. For example, you can become infected in a public sauna or bath if you do not observe personal hygiene and use other people's things (washcloths, towels), since chlamydia live in an active state in a humid environment for up to two days. Even through hands that are contaminated with secretions with chlamydia, the infection can penetrate into the eyes, genitals.
The main way chlamydia enters the human body is sexually.

How the disease manifests itself

Since there are no specific symptoms that characterize chlamydia of the genitourinary organs, including in pregnant women, there are no characteristic complaints, and the diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory parameters indicating the presence of chlamydia.

If pathogens are found in pregnant women in the cervix, more precisely, in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, then this is chlamydial cervicitis - inflammation in the vaginal segment of the cervix. It usually appears no earlier than 1-3 weeks after infection.

In the acute course of chlamydial cervicitis, the manifestations are insignificant in the form of:

  • scanty mucopurulent discharge;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

In chronic cases, the course is completely asymptomatic.
The mucosa of the cervical canal is a favorite localization site for chlamydia

If the cervix and urethra are simultaneously affected, then acute urethral syndrome develops.

It manifests itself in infected pregnant women:

  • frequent painful urination;
  • frequent calls;
  • urination in small portions;
  • feeling of not emptying the bladder.

Additionally, they have:

  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • a slight increase in body temperature, chills;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • pulling pain in the urethra (urethra);
  • general malaise, fatigue;
  • in the general analysis of urine, leukocytes are found in a large number and there are no bacteria.

When moving chlamydia up the genitals, the uterus, appendages, and ovaries are affected.

Chlamydial endometritis - inflammation in the inner mucous layer of the uterus (endometrium), more common after childbirth or abortion.

Inflammation in the lining of the uterus

In the acute course of endometritis, it is characteristic:

  • an increase in body temperature to 38–39 degrees;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • mucopurulent discharge from the cervical canal.

In chronic course - the symptoms are not expressed, blurred.

Infectious complications and the impact of chlamydia on conception

In the early stages up to 12–16 weeks of pregnancy, the most common complications are:

  • threatened miscarriage;
  • non-developing pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • premature birth.

At a later date after the 16th week, the main complications are associated with chlamydia infection of the placenta, amniotic membranes. Chlamydial infection does not cause true malformations directly in the fetus, for example, as with syphilis. But it is the cause of infection of the unborn child in the womb. And after birth, such children almost always develop into chlamydial conjunctivitis, nasopharyngitis, pneumonia and other complications.

Chlamydia bodies are found in all tissues of the placenta and, in particular, the lumen of the vessels of the chorion (the germinal part of the placenta), which contributes to the transmission of infection from mother to fetus through the blood.

In the placenta of pregnant women, chlamydia contributes to the development of disorders that cause placental insufficiency, i.e., due to circulatory disorders, the functions of the placenta suffer: nutrient transfer, respiratory, excretory, hormonal, protective. And as a result, damage in the system mother - placenta - fetus.
Placental insufficiency contributes to developmental delay and oxygen starvation in the fetus

When the amniotic membranes become infected, the following develops:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • placentitis - inflammation of the placenta;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • hypotrophy and hypoxia of the fetus.

Most often, the child becomes infected (40–70%) during childbirth, when it passes through an infected birth canal. In these babies, the conjunctiva of the eyes, the nasopharyngeal mucosa are mainly affected and develop, nasopharyngitis and pneumonia. Less commonly, chlamydia causes gastroenteritis, inflammation of the rectum (proctitis), inflammation of the labia minora (vulvitis) in girls, and inflammation of the urethra (urethritis) in boys.

Women who have had chlamydia are more likely to develop an ectopic pregnancy. Basically, this is a tubal pregnancy, i.e., the fertilized egg is embedded not in the uterine mucosa, but in the fallopian tube, which leads to the death of the fetus in the future.
Severe complication of chlamydia

It is known that chlamydial infection contributes to the formation of scars and blockage of the fallopian tubes, and this in some cases leads to infertility.

How to suspect a chlamydial infection

Since there are no characteristic manifestations of the infection and often it is asymptomatic, and the pathogen is detected only by laboratory methods, the following are subject to mandatory examination for chlamydia:

  • women with mucopurulent discharge from the cervical canal, symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (adnexitis), infertility;
  • if there was sexual contact with a patient or carrier of chlamydial infection;
  • if you are being tested for other STIs;
  • newborns from mothers who had chlamydia during pregnancy.

At the same time, the risk group for the development of chlamydial infection includes:

  • women who are engaged in prostitution;
  • sexually active adolescents and women under 25;
  • those who have previously had an STI;
  • who has been in contact with someone who has chlamydial infection or who has symptoms of urethritis or cervicitis.

Examination at the doctor's office

When examining a pregnant woman in the mirrors, an obstetrician-gynecologist often detects signs of cervicitis. Sometimes the manifestations of infection are mild or absent. With unexpressed inflammation, which is accompanied by painful sensations when urinating, discomfort or soreness in the lower abdomen and in the perineum, a pregnant woman is recommended to be examined for chlamydia.

Urinalysis also helps to suggest the presence of chlamydia. As a rule, in the urine of such women a large number of leukocytes and no bacteria. Therefore, purulent discharge in the urine (pyuria) and the absence of bacteria in the analysis often indicate the presence of a chlamydial infection.

How to detect chlamydia

For research in pregnant women, scrapings are taken from the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract (urethra, cervical canal of the cervix), when chlamydia is located in other organs, scrapings are taken from the rectum, conjunctiva, oropharynx.

The quality of the material taken depends on the condition of the pregnant woman.

The most informative scraping will be if the conditions for taking smears are met:

  • they are taken if there are signs of disease;
  • the pregnant woman was treated with local antiseptics ( vaginal suppositories) the last 2–3 days;
  • did not take a shower during the day;
  • have not used systemic antibiotics in the last 3–4 weeks.

If the rules and conditions for taking the material were not observed, then the results of the study may be distorted.

To determine chlamydia use:

  • Methods in which the pathogen (chlamydia trachomatis) and its antigens are directly detected:
    • PIF reaction using labeled monoclonal antibodies;
    • cultivation of the pathogen in cell culture;
    • molecular biological methods:
      • DNA hybridization;
      • real-time PCR;
      • NASBA in real time and others.
  • Methods in which the reaction of the human immune system is evaluated, i.e. specific antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) are detected:
    • serological.

Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) method with monoclonal antibodies

Not the most difficult and acceptable method for almost any laboratory. With the help of PIF, chlamydia antigens are directly detected. The basis of the method is that monoclonal sera with antibodies labeled with fluorescins (luminous substances) are added to the biological material - scraping from the mucous membranes of the urinary organs. These smears are examined in ultraviolet rays under a fluorescent microscope. With such microscopy of chlamydia, luminous inclusions of green or yellow-green color are visible on a brown-orange background of the cytoplasm of cells.

Its sensitivity and specificity are not the highest. It depends on the quality of the luminescent sera with antibodies and the skills of the laboratory staff. PIF results are sometimes false positive. For the study of scrapings that are obtained from the nasopharynx and rectum, this method is not suitable.
Chlamydia detected with PIF - green inclusions

cultural method

For the diagnosis of chlamydia, one of the more accurate methods is cultural. The basis of this study is the sowing of the taken material on nutrient media. This is a more specific method than the PIF. And one of the few methods by which to determine the disposal of chlamydia. It allows the detection of viable microorganisms, despite the fact that other methods often give distorted results. But due to the low sensitivity, its labor intensity, the duration of the process of growing chlamydia, as well as the stringent requirements for the conditions for obtaining, transporting and storing scrapings, as well as the professionalism of the staff, it is difficult to use it in daily practice. Therefore, this method is carried out only in single laboratories.
Chlamydia are placed on nutrient media

Molecular biological methods

For the recognition of chlamydia, it is recommended to use molecular biological methods, one of which is PCR diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction). PCR is based on the amplification of nucleic acids, i.e., an increase in the number of certain DNA fragments. It is a study with high sensitivity up to 98% and specificity up to 100%. When it is carried out, not only scrapings from the mucous membranes are used, but also other materials, for example, urine, ejaculate. For diagnosis, it is not important to maintain the viability of chlamydia, but strict adherence to the conditions for the delivery of the taken material is required, since this significantly affects the results of the analysis.

PCR diagnostics is currently considered as the main method for detecting chlamydia.
PCR - a way to increase the number of certain DNA fragments

And also these methods include real-time PCR and a new, improved method - NASBA (Nucleic Acid Sequence-based Amplification), i.e. an increase in the number of copies of nucleic acids (RNA) in real time, which makes it possible to detect live chlamydia and replace laborious cultural method.

Now it is the molecular biological methods for detecting and diagnosing chlamydia that should be preferred in practical healthcare.

With the serological method, the pathogen is not directly detected, but the body's immune response to chlamydial infection is examined, that is, immunoglobulins (IgM, IgA, IgG) that have been developed in the human body to chlamydial antigens are determined. This is important for diagnosing chlamydial inflammation in the fallopian tubes, appendages, pelvic peritoneum and determining its acute or chronic course. Serological methods include microimmunofluorescence (MIF), enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) studies. But to confirm the diagnosis of chlamydia of the genitourinary organs, the diagnostic capabilities of these methods are limited. With their help, it is impossible to control the cure for the infection.

According to modern protocols for the management of infectious patients, serological methods (determination of antibodies in blood serum) are not used to diagnose chlamydia of the genitourinary system.

However, the determination of immunoglobulin M is used to confirm chlamydial pneumonia in children from birth to the first three months of life. An increase in the titer of immunoglobulin G by 4 times, when paired blood sera are examined, speaks in favor of the presence of chlamydia in pregnant women with inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. An increase in the concentration of IgG to chlamydia is the basis for examining women for the presence of venereal lymphogranuloma. This technique allows you to determine the stage of the disease, evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment, prove the chlamydial origin of the disease, which develops outside the genital organs.
Not an informative method for pregnant women

How is chlamydial infection treated?

Chlamydial infection is important not only to identify, but also to cure.

Purpose of treatment:

  • complete destruction of the pathogen (chlamydia trachomatis);
  • disappearance of symptoms of the disease;
  • prevention of complications.

Since chlamydia is a pathogen, and chlamydial infection is classified as an STI, which is widespread and plays a huge role in the development of complications in the mother and unborn child, the use of antibacterial agents for its treatment is mandatory.

Antibiotics are prescribed regardless of whether symptoms of the disease appear in infected women or it flows asymptomatically. In the first trimester, they are used only for strict indications, because of the possible negative effects on the fetus. The main treatment begins after 12–16 weeks.

The choice of drugs for treatment in pregnant women is significantly limited, since many of the antibiotics that act on chlamydia (tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones) cause severe side effects in the unborn child.

Among the permitted drugs, preference is given to macrolides (erythromycin, azithromycin, josamycin), which are able to penetrate deep into the cell. And also proved the effectiveness of taking amoxicillin from the group of penicillins, which, although not able to penetrate the cell, but at the same time has a detrimental effect on chlamydia. More often it is prescribed for allergies or intolerance to macrolides.

Drugs of choice (Russian standards):

  • azithromycin - 1.0 g once;
  • erythromycin - 500 mg 4 times a day for a course of 7-10 days;
  • josamycin - 750 mg 2 times a day for 7-10 days;
  • amoxicillin - 500 mg 3 times a day for 7 days.

Or prescribe one of the following means (European recommendations):

  • erythromycin by mouth for 7–10 days;
  • amoxicillin by mouth for 7-10 days;
  • josamycin orally for 10 days.

With a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment with drugs of choice, use:

  • azithromycin inside 1.0 g once;
  • spiramycin inside 10 days.

Since josamycin and amoxicillin have less side effects than erythromycin, their use is more preferable and effective. It is important to know that erytheocin (erythromycin estolate) is contraindicated during pregnancy. Previously, azithromycin, josamycin, spiramycin were prescribed to pregnant women only in extreme cases, but to date, the safety of these antibiotics for expectant mothers has been proven.

In newborns and infants, chlamydia is treated with erythromycin at an age dosage of at least 14 days.

Therapy for chlamydial infection is carried out on an outpatient basis. A pregnant woman is hospitalized in case of complications in specialized hospitals of the dermatovenerological, obstetric-gynecological, rheumatological profile.

Evaluate the results of treatment one month after the completion of the course of antibiotics. The combination of culture and PCR studies, as well as the real-time NASBA method, most accurately confirm the presence of chlamydia. These methods are offered to assess the vital activity of chlamydia and, accordingly, the cure for the disease.

Prevention of chlamydial infection in pregnant women

Prevention of chlamydial infection is not particularly different from prevention of other STIs.

It is important to follow a few rules to avoid infection:

  1. refrain from promiscuous sexual relations;
  2. use condoms;
  3. immediately after unprotected sexual contact, use disinfectants (chlorhexidine bigluconate, miramistin, mucosanin);
  4. in case of suspected infection with chlamydia, mandatory examination and treatment of all sexual partners;
  5. personal hygiene;
  6. do not use other people's things that come into contact with the body (washcloths, towels, underwear, etc.);
  7. Be sure to be treated with antibiotics so that complications from chlamydia do not develop.

What should a pregnant woman be warned about?

Every woman should be informed by her obstetrician-gynecologist that:

  • if chlamydia of the genitourinary organs is detected, then there is a high chance of infecting a sexual partner;
  • it is important to identify and treat all sexual partners of the infected person in order to prevent the spread of infection;
  • with inadequate treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy, complications of the disease develop;
  • when an infection is confirmed in a pregnant woman, a puerperal woman or a woman in labor who has not received treatment, it is imperative to conduct an examination of the newborn (take a smear from the conjunctiva of the eyes);
  • Discharge in early pregnancy can cause concern for the expectant mother. However, they do not always carry a health hazard, so they should not cause fear. New…

Pregnancy is a very important and long-awaited moment for every woman. They carry under the heart new life and, of course, the condition of the baby is the first thing they care about. Therefore, today we will consider a very important topic: chlamydia and pregnancy.

Today we know a lot of infectious and viral diseases. They also include one of the most common infections - chlamydial infection. This is one of the most insidious and dangerous diseases, but it is most dangerous during childbearing.

Next, we will consider what kind of danger chlamydia carries during pregnancy, discuss the most important and exciting moment for all women: is it possible to get pregnant with chlamydia and talk about the principles of treating chlamydia in pregnant women.

Let's start with what chlamydia is. Chlamydia is a microorganism that can be transmitted from an infected person with a fairly close relationship with him. The infection can be very long time be in the patient's body and gradually move into the stage of chronicity. In turn, chronic chlamydia during pregnancy causes various complications and consequences.

During pregnancy, chlamydia can be very dangerous not only for the pregnant woman, but, of course, for the fetus. After all, intrauterine infection can provoke sad consequences.

Infection with chlamydia and its causes

Consider how chlamydia can be transmitted during pregnancy?

As with other infections transmitted from an infected person, chlamydia is also transmitted by close intercourse with a sick person. Bacteria enter the human body and first of all sit on the mucous membrane.

The incubation period of infection can last approximately 21 days. Microorganisms have the ability to fall into a dormant mode (in the L-form), and are transmitted from cell to cell during reproduction. Thus, the disease can live in the body for years, which makes a person a carrier.

We examined the causes of the disease, now consider the ways of transmission of chlamydia in pregnant women.

Chlamydia during pregnancy is transmitted in several ways:

be careful

Among women: pain and inflammation of the ovaries. Fibroma, myoma, fibrocystic mastopathy, inflammation of the adrenal glands, bladder and kidneys develop. As well as heart disease and cancer.

  1. With any type of sexual contact - the most basic, most often the only way of transmission.
  2. Contact - the least common way (for example, during a gynecological operation, if security measures are not observed).
  3. Vertical (from mother to baby through the placenta or during childbirth) transmission route.
  4. Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene (using shared linen or towels).
  5. The presence of other genital infections (ureaplasma, gonorrhea, etc.)

Being a carrier, women have no idea what kind of danger they pose to both themselves and their partner. And chlamydia in pregnant women is also dangerous for the unborn baby.

Most of all, young girls and boys who lead an active intimate life, do not observe general hygiene, and often change sexual partners are exposed to infection.

Signs of chlamydia during pregnancy

The disease is most often asymptomatic or with vague symptoms. Therefore, any signs matter.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women can be different. But there are certain symptoms to which a woman needs to be extremely attentive.

If any of the following symptoms occur, you should consult a specialist.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Itching, burning in the perineum (inside or outside).
  2. The appearance of pathological discharge (copious purulent, mucous or yellowish with an unpleasant odor).
  3. Pain and burning when urinating.
  4. Temperature rise and fever.
  5. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. Inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and appendages (colpitis, cervicitis, oophoritis, endometritis).
  7. Inflammation of the urethra (urethritis).
  8. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina (vaginitis).

These signs of chlamydia may resemble symptoms that occur with other, less dangerous diseases. Therefore, first of all, you should consult a doctor.

Effects of chlamydia on pregnancy

Any woman understands that this disease affects the course of pregnancy. In connection with this, a pregnant woman has a very exciting question: what is the danger of chlamydia in women during pregnancy?

Here we can say: the effect of infection on pregnancy is unambiguously unfavorable. Chlamydia in a woman can cause various complications and irreparable consequences. After all, the disease affects not only the pregnancy itself, but also the fetus.

Consequences on the mother's side:

  1. Inflammatory lesion of the pelvic organs (inflammation of the uterus and uterine appendages).
  2. premature birth.
  3. Multiple organ involvement: inflammation of the urethra, damage to the organs of vision and disease of the joints.
  4. miscarriages.
  5. Frozen pregnancy at a short time.

From the side of the fetus:

  1. Delayed fetal development.
  2. Intrauterine infection of the fetus.
  3. Fetal hypoxia.
  4. Intrauterine fetal death.
  5. congenital chlamydia.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before starting therapy, any specialist will recommend going through a certain list of studies. Timely diagnosis can charitably affect the course of treatment and recovery. In the best case, tests should be taken before pregnancy planning.

Study plan:

  1. PCR is the most efficient and most sensitive method. For research, a vaginal scraping is taken.
  2. ELISA - detection of antibodies to chlamydia based on enzymatic reactions. Detects chlamydia in the blood during pregnancy
  3. Determination of the presence of specific antibodies, for which the patient needs to donate blood for Ig G and M, which indicate the stage of the disease. The reliability of the result is 60%.
  4. Bacterial culture for chlamydia is one of the most important diagnostic methods. It detects infection by 90%, and in addition, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of grown colonies to antibiotics.
  5. General analysis of the vaginal smear for microflora, but this method is the least effective.

Only after all diagnostic studies have been carried out, the doctor will prescribe a treatment regimen.

From whom:

For the last few years I have felt very bad. Constant fatigue, insomnia, some kind of apathy, laziness, frequent headaches. I also had problems with digestion, bad breath in the morning.

And here is my story

All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some wrong direction. began to lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right, but it did not affect my well-being. The doctors couldn't say much either. It seems like everything is normal, but I feel that my body is not healthy.

A couple of weeks later, I came across an article on the Internet. literally changed my life. I did everything as it is written there and after a few days, I felt significant improvements in my body. I began to get enough sleep much faster, the energy that I had in my youth appeared. The head no longer hurts, there was clarity in the mind, the brain began to work much better. Digestion has improved, despite the fact that I now eat haphazardly. I passed the tests and made sure that no one else lives in me!

Chlamydia rarely occurs alone, more often it is detected along with other infections, such as ureaplasma. In this case, the disease has more complex symptoms. But this infection is considered a disease of newborns, but as we found out, children are infected mainly from the mother. And therefore it must be originally with the mother.

In women, it appears as various diseases genitourinary organs, although ureaplasma separately does not have any pronounced symptoms, as it is a conditionally pathogenic flora. All symptoms are manifested against the background of infection.

Chlamydia treatment

The treatment regimen is prescribed solely by your doctor. Only after the examination, the results of the tests, the doctor can draw up a treatment regimen for you. He goes into detail:

  • the impact of the disease on your body;
  • what signs to look out for;
  • how to treat chlamydia;
  • and, of course, how to treat.

Treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy is a long and important process. The scheme is assigned individually for each with great care.

Self-medication always leads to more dangerous consequences.

IMPORTANT! You can treat chlamydia during pregnancy after the 20th week of pregnancy. Only if necessary, the doctor can start therapy earlier.

As a rule, complex therapy is prescribed according to the following scheme:

  1. Treatment with antibacterial drugs.
  • macrolides - azithromycin (sumamed, zomax), erythromycin (eracin), clarithromycin (clacid, fromilid), josamycin (vilprafen);
  • tetracyclines - doxycycline (unidox-solutab, vibracin);
  • fluoroquinolones - ciprofloxacin (tsifran, cyprinol, cyprobid), ofloxacin (zanocin, ofloxin).
  1. Local Therapy:
  • ointments with antibacterial action - tetracycline ointment, erythromycin ointment;
  • candles with therapeutic effect: dalacin (you can cream and suppositories), betadine, neo-penotran;
  • suppositories with antiseptic action: hexicon, longidase;
  • suppositories for the normalization of the vaginal flora: vagilak, lactoginal, lactagel.
  1. Antimycotic drugs: flukstat, diflucan.
  2. Means for general hygiene: epigen spray and epigen gel, vagilak gel.
  3. Preparations for the normalization and restoration of intestinal flora:
  • duphalac;
  • linex;
  • bifiform;
  • hilak - forte.

Curability Control

Treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy is carried out for approximately 3 weeks. And only after complete therapy, it is possible to pass control tests to identify infection microorganisms. Tests are given approximately 3 weeks after the end of treatment. In the results of scrapings, chlamydia should not be detected, and there should be low titers in the blood (there may be only signs of an infection that has already been transferred).

Prevention refers to the actions that must be taken in order to avoid infection. These actions include:

  1. Condom protection during sexual intercourse.
  2. Compliance with personal hygiene (do not use a common towel, linen).
  3. Avoid constantly changing partners.
  4. Annual preventive examination and testing for various infectious diseases (tests should be taken by everyone who is sexually active), because not only women are carriers.

If a woman takes care of her health in advance, visits specialists, undergoes examinations, and tests at least once a year, she will be able to avoid infection and such consequences.

IMPORTANT! This prevention should be followed not only by the woman, but also by her partner. The decision to have healthy children should be mutual!


Summarize! The most important thing you should know:

  1. Investigate and submit necessary tests needed BEFORE planning a pregnancy.
  2. In any case, as well as during pregnancy, treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Only a doctor can draw up a treatment regimen and select the right medicines.
  3. Prevention should be carried out by both partners.
  4. In case of infection or any suspicious symptoms, you should immediately go to see a doctor.

Timely detection and adequate treatment can lead to complete recovery, without episodes of complications.

As a carrier of the disease, you endanger not only yourself, but also your partner and unborn baby. If everything is done correctly and in a timely manner, then there will be no problems with pregnancy and bearing.

Able to have a rather serious effect on the fetus during pregnancy. In medical practice, this is very common due to the tendency of the disease to be asymptomatic. The patient is planning a pregnancy, not suspecting that she has a chronic chlamydial infection. If the disease is not diagnosed early during pregnancy, the consequences for the fetus can be very serious.

Chlamydia during pregnancy can affect the fetus in the following ways:
1. developmental delay;
2. premature birth;
3. spontaneous abortion;
4. intrauterine infection of the fetus.

developmental delay.

During pregnancy, the normal development of the fetus depends on many different factors. One of the most important is the full functioning of the placenta. This is a special organ that is formed during pregnancy and is responsible for the metabolism between the fetus and the mother's body. If chlamydiae rise into the uterine cavity and affect the endometrium ( inner lining of the uterus), which can lead to disturbances in the work of the placenta. The most dangerous conditions in this case will be the accumulation of toxic substances in a growing organism and hypoxia ( gas exchange disorder). If at acute development these complications will not be provided with qualified medical care, the fetus may simply die. However, even with all the necessary assistance, developmental delays can be observed. This will lead to the fact that the child will be born on time, but some systems of his body will not yet be fully formed. With proper care, such children can successfully catch up with their peers in development already during the first year of life.

premature birth.

Premature birth with chlamydia is observed somewhat less frequently than fetal growth retardation. Usually this complication is associated with premature discharge of water, which, in turn, is also provoked by the rise of chlamydial infection in the uterine cavity.

Spontaneous abortion.

Spontaneous abortion with chlamydia occurs in cases where the chlamydial infection managed to affect the endometrium even before conception. Then the pathological effect of microorganisms on the fetus begins from the very first days of its intrauterine life. The result is often the death of the fetus and its spontaneous removal from the body.

In addition, the development of infection in the uterine cavity can lead to changes in the endometrium. At conception, the egg is sometimes attached outside the body of the uterus. Then they talk about the development of an ectopic pregnancy. The problem is that the fallopian tubes, in which the fetus begins to develop, are poorly adapted for this. At a certain stage of pregnancy, organ wall rupture and fetal death may occur. The first poses a serious threat to the health and life of the mother, and the second means the loss of a child.

Intrauterine infection of the fetus.

To date, there is reliable information about the possibility of intrauterine infection with chlamydia. This usually happens in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Chlamydia from the uterine mucosa penetrate the embryonic sac and enter the amniotic fluid. Through it, the unprotected mucous membranes of the child are primarily affected. However, the infection may not be limited to them. With intrauterine infection, chlamydia after childbirth can take on a wide variety of clinical forms.

The most common manifestations of the disease in children with congenital chlamydia are:

  • chlamydial conjunctivitis ( damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes);
  • urogenital chlamydia;
  • chlamydial pneumonia;
  • chlamydial proctitis ( damage to the rectal mucosa);
  • chlamydial perihepatitis;
  • generalized forms of the disease.
The best way to deal with these complications is prevention. Routine gynecological examinations before the planned conception in most cases make it possible to suspect chlamydia. Then, even before the onset of pregnancy, it will be possible to conduct a course of treatment and prevent any complications associated with the impact of the disease on the fetus.

All women during the period of bearing a baby are extremely careful about all possible diseases, since any of them can cause a lot of discomfort and anxiety. Some women during pregnancy meet with a disease such as chlamydia. This infection poses a great danger to a woman who is waiting for the birth of a baby.

Chlamydia can be in the human body for a very long period of time and infect it, while not showing any symptoms. If this disease is not detected in a timely manner, then the consequences can be very deplorable, the fetus may die while still in the womb.

What is chlamydia and what are the ways of infection with it?

There is a large list of diseases that are sexually transmitted. Chlamydia is the most common of these diseases. The causative agents of the infection are chlamydia. They are endowed with features of both bacteria and viruses. The similarity of chlamydia with viruses is that they can only exist in the host's body, and outside it they die.

Chlamydia are not able to produce energy, they take energy from the cells of the person in which they exist. These microorganisms are slightly larger than bacteria, but smaller than viruses.

most suitable and comfortable conditions for chlamydia in the genitals, for this reason, the infection most often affects the organs of the genitourinary system. In some cases, microorganisms can be localized in the lower part of the small intestine, more precisely in its epithelial tissues, but this happens quite rarely. During pregnancy in women, chlamydia, in addition to the organs of the reproductive system and urinary tract, also affects the amniotic membranes.

The source of this infection is a person who has chlamydia. You need to know that chlamydia may not manifest itself for a long period of time. A person who is a carrier of the infection may not even know that they are sick.

Chlamydia is transmitted most often through unprotected intercourse. During pregnancy, chlamydia can be transmitted to a woman through everyday life. But this happens extremely rarely, about five times out of a hundred.

There is also a vertical route of transmission, that is, when the infection is transmitted to the fetus from an infected mother. From a pregnant woman who has chlamydia, chlamydia is transmitted to the fetus through the amniotic fluid. Chlamydia in some cases settle on the mucous membranes of the baby.

Women who have met with such a disease are wondering if they can get pregnant with chlamydia. Naturally, chlamydia is not a barrier to pregnancy and all women who have chlamydia can become pregnant without any problems. But it is worth thinking about the future health of the baby, so you still should not get pregnant until the woman gets rid of this disease. If the pregnancy was not planned, then there is still no need to fall into despair and panic.

In modern medicine, there are a lot of methods by which you can cure chlamydia, while not harming the baby.

Chlamydia. The mechanism of infection during pregnancy

Chlamydia enters the body of a healthy person after close contact with the mucous membranes of an infected person. Once in the body, chlamydia actively begin to affect epithelial cells and cells of the immune system. Chlamydia can stay there for a very long time, close to three to six years.

After some time (two - three days), the human immune system begins to respond to such an introduction - leukocytes begin to be produced. As a result of this process, an inflammatory process begins in the body. It can be expressed in different ways. In some, the inflammatory reaction is very pronounced, and in some it is practically not noticeable.

The risk of chlamydia during pregnancy

If chlamydia is not detected in time and adequate treatment is not started, then serious complications can occur. The most basic of them:

  • Chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. They can penetrate into the uterus, into the fallopian tubes, into the uterine appendages, while provoking an inflammatory process (,).
  • Refter's disease may occur, which occurs with symptoms such as,.
  • On the mucous membrane of the urethra, cicatricial changes occur, because of this, the urethra narrows.

Women who are expecting a baby and find out they have chlamydia worry a lot about how chlamydia can affect childbearing. How is this disease reflected in pregnancy?

If the infection was transmitted to a woman in the early stages of pregnancy, the consequences can be very deplorable. A woman may have a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or stop the development of the fetus inside the mother. This is due to the fact that the disease provokes placental insufficiency, due to which oxygen reaches the child in insufficient quantities.

With a lack of oxygen occurs (suffocation). Hypoxia can be expressed in different ways. If the lack of oxygen is moderate, then the organs and systems of the baby will be affected. In this case, in a baby who was born, at best, light muscle tone can be detected. In a severe case, complex lesions of the nervous system can be observed. If hypoxia is sufficiently pronounced, then this leads to the death of the fetus in utero.

Also, with chlamydia, nutrients can be poorly supplied to the child. A woman who is sick with chlamydia during pregnancy can have babies with very low weight, s, s.

The baby can be infected with chlamydia in the later stages of pregnancy. The infection mainly affects the kidneys, pancreas and liver. The health of the crumbs depends on how strongly the microorganisms affected certain organs. The sooner adequate treatment is prescribed, the less harm will be done to the baby.

In children, the congenital form of chlamydia can manifest itself:

  • Ophthalmochlamydia (conjunctivitis with inclusions);
  • Chlamydial pneumonia;
  • Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome. This syndrome manifests itself as perihepatitis, which is accompanied by ascites, acute form).

What are the symptoms of chlamydia during pregnancy?

Chlamydia often occurs without severe symptoms. More than half of the women who have chlamydia do not even know about it. If this disease makes itself felt, then the symptoms are so weak that a woman may not pay attention to them.

In women who are sick with chlamydia, but do not know about it, mucous or mucopurulent discharge may occur from the vagina, they differ from the usual discharge in that they have an unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint.

A woman may feel a burning sensation, a tooth and mild pain in the area of ​​​​the external and internal genital organs.

When a woman is not pregnant, her pain may increase before menstruation. Also during this period, women may have a rise in body temperature, they may feel general weakness, fatigue.

You should know that all of these symptoms may occur not only in the case of chlamydia. All infections of the genitourinary system have similar manifestations. There is no such sign by which a woman could accurately determine that she is sick with chlamydia.


IN modern society women are surprised how their mothers and grandmothers gave birth to children. Wasn't there such a disease as chlamydia in those days? Of course it was. Quite often there were cases of spontaneous abortion, stop the development of the child, congenital diseases of the baby. Just in those days, doctors could not diagnose this serious disease.

But times go by and medicine improves. Today, fortunately, it is very easy to detect infections in the blood that provoke this disease. Chlamydia can be detected using serological and immunological studies. In a woman, secretions are taken from the cervix, urethra, and vagina. These strokes are completely painless.

In some cases, you need to find out if the fetus is infected. In this case, a sample of amniotic fluid is taken. This procedure is alarming for expectant mothers. But she's not really scary. When the sampling is carried out, all the manipulations of medical workers are carried out under the control of ultrasound, while observing the condition of the baby.

Naturally, any intrusion into a child's space poses a risk, but it's still small. With the help of amniotic fluid sampling, you can timely detect the danger and do everything possible to protect the unborn baby from negative consequences.

How to treat chlamydia during pregnancy?

Chlamydia begins to be treated with the fact that the patient is assigned additional diagnostics. In many cases this infectious disease accompanied by other infections. A woman is prescribed an examination for the herpes virus, syphilis, HIV, cytomegalovirus, gonococcus, mycoplasma (including ureaplasma). Only after all these examinations have been carried out, the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

To cure chlamydia, doctors prescribe such medications, which worsen the general condition of a woman, if she has any diseases internal organs. For this reason, it is very important, before prescribing treatment, to identify all diseases of a non-communicable nature, for example, chronic diseases liver, heart, kidneys.

The entire period of treatment for a woman is best under the supervision of a doctor. Very often there are cases when women, after the disappearance of the manifestations of chlamydia, stop taking medication. But you don't have to do that. Microbes that survive in this case become resistant to the drug that the patient took. After that, it becomes much more difficult to heal.

But how do you treat it? insidious disease during pregnancy? This question is of interest to many expectant mothers. After all, women in position are not allowed to use all the drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of chlamydia. Antibiotics, which belong to the group of tetracyclines, are strictly forbidden to be taken by women in position, because they can cause various side effects.

The safest are antibiotics that belong to the group of macrolides. But women should not self-medicate because it is dangerous. Only a professional doctor will be able to choose the right medications that will not affect the health of the baby and will not worsen the condition of his mother.

Chlamydia can be treated with a single dose of an antibiotic that is susceptible to chlamydia. Complex treatment can also be prescribed, which is longer in time, which involves the use of enzymes, immunomodulators and antibiotics.

In the treatment of chlamydia, enzymes are very important. They help diseased cells restore membrane permeability. Enzymes also reduce the body's tendency to allergic reactions to those drugs that are used to treat chlamydia. In addition, enzymes have a decongestant and analgesic effect. In combination with enzymes, antibiotics begin to act much more actively.

Much less often, immunomodulatory drugs can be prescribed for the treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy. They are prescribed if a woman has disorders of the immune system, they can be detected by doing laboratory tests. After an immunological examination, the doctor may prescribe medications that help increase immunity.

After the prescribed course of treatment, the pregnant woman is prescribed enzymes that stimulate the recovery processes of the body and vitamins.

Control of cure for chlamydia in pregnant women

After the course of treatment, it is necessary to check whether chlamydia has been cured or not. This can be done in several ways. One method is not enough, since the result of one must confirm the result of the second.

From the moment the woman took the last pill, two weeks should pass. After that, sowing is carried out. But in some cases, this method may show an unreliable result, so you do not need to fully trust this method.

In order to make sure that chlamydia is no longer in the body, you need to conduct a control analysis. For this purpose, the PCR method is used (polymerase chain reaction or PIF (direct immunofluorescence). These methods are carried out about a month after the last pill has been taken. But there are cases when this method shows false results - when chlamydia in the body no longer shows their presence. This is due to the fact that an infection is detected, but using this method it is impossible to determine whether it is alive or already dead.

pregnancy after chlamydia

A woman's body can be severely affected after suffering a disease such as chlamydia. The infection negatively affects the functioning of internal organs. Many women are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant after chlamydia. Of course, it is possible, but not in all cases. Sometimes an infection can cause infertility, an ectopic pregnancy, when the fetus begins to grow not in the uterus, as usual, but in the fallopian tube.

If a woman has had chronic chlamydia, then the chances of getting pregnant are reduced. Chlamydia leads to inflammation of the inner and outer membranes of the uterus, provoking endometriosis. With such a disease, the fetus cannot normally attach to the walls of the uterus. As a result, pregnancy may not occur.

If a woman has successfully cured chlamydia and no complications have occurred, then there should be no problems with conception.

Prevention of chlamydia in pregnant women

Chlamydia, like any other disease, is easier to prevent. What to do with his treatment. Prevention of chlamydia is exactly the same as the prevention of other diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.

The best way to avoid chlamydia infection is to change your sexual behavior. Sexual contacts with casual partners should be excluded. If a woman is not sure if her partner is healthy, then a condom should be used during intercourse. It is best to have one sexual partner, in whose health there is no doubt. In this case, the risk of infection with chlamydia and other infections is reduced to a minimum.

During pregnancy, for prevention and other diseases, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor and be tested for the presence of chlamydia in the body. Tests should be taken two to three times a year if there is doubt about the health of your partner or if you have several sexual partners. Remember that if you detect this disease in a timely manner and begin to conduct proper treatment, then there will be no negative consequences.

A woman and a man who plan to conceive a child must be tested for the presence of chlamydia before this. In case of detection of microorganisms that cause this disease, it is necessary to be treated before conception. Thus, future parents protect their baby from exposure to chlamydia.

Chlamydia is quite common in pregnant women. According to the data, chlamydia can be found in almost every tenth pregnant woman. Chlamydia can occur in women who are in good health and live in good social conditions.

If a woman has previously had inflammatory processes of the appendages, they have a high risk of contracting chlamydia during pregnancy. Therefore, future mothers, given the danger this disease, must be very careful.